
I found it hilarious. Well, I didn't, but it didn't harm me in anyway either. Grow up C4, it's just a bit of fun.
It's not like we told him he could use it and then changed our mind. No one noticed it. He (and you as well for that matter) knows it's against the rules, and no one noticed until it was pointed out. It happens.
I've said plenty of times that the word does not bother me. It's nothing personal. It's just the simple fact that it's against the rules. Plus, the racial slurs infractions are pretty balanced between us. Also if I wanted to be really uptight about it I could have gave him an infraction, but i only deleted it. I was nice about it compared to the other options.
My simple input.
If this is not some sort of prank or joke on the admins part than I think it was a bitch move that Monk was removed from staff over a dumb fucking joke. I mean Monk has done a lot for the forum so why get rid of him for something so god damn dumb.