No Way Out 2009

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Raw EC Match: Cena will lose the title to y2j then win it back on raw the next night.
SD EC Match:HHH to win. Edge will get pinned by hhh but Matt will probably do something to Jeff when hes eliminated from the chamber.

Shawn Micheals vs. JBL: Shawn Micheals to win then he takes out undertaker by turning heel. Yeah there will be more to it i just cant think of what.

Orton vs. Shane McMahon: Orton will pull it off here. Shane will do some spots and look really good, hell, Orton will probably need Legacy to help him, but Orton will win.

Jack Swagger vs. Finlay: Jack Swagger via Christians accidental hit on finlay. And all 3 to brawl after the match up.

Im hoping they add cm punk, mvp, umaga and Benjamin somehow on the show wther its a match interference or promos.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2008
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Easton, Maryland
Raw's EC: Cena retains. Hoping it wont be a squash and the mid carders put on a good match.

SD's EC: Edge retains. I want to see him win without outside interference.

JBL vs HBK: HBK wins

Swagger vs Finlay: Swagger needs to win. Can't say I remember somebody going undefeated and then wins a title, and starts to lose.

Orton vs Shane: Orton wins. Expecting some type of McMahon interference.

I was hoping they'd add Benjamin vs MVP for the title. These two need some time in there matches and a ppv match would be perfect. If it were to happen Shelton should retain that one.

Originally posted by Legendkillerpunk
Shawn Micheals to win then he takes out undertaker by turning heel.

Originally posted by Hardcastle
HBK wins his pride back and then attack Taker

Can one of you two or both explain to me why HBK would randomly attack Taker? I'd really like to know.


Like i said i dunno why but at Nwo tonight i think the feud will start to take place. How or why im not sure i cant predict what their going to do.

★Chuck Zombie★

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Feb 8, 2007
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St. Bernard/Cincinnati, Ohio
Like i said i dunno why but at Nwo tonight i think the feud will start to take place. How or why im not sure i cant predict what their going to do.

You can't predict what they're going to do, yet you made a prediction? What led you to that prediction? That would answer the question. Even if the answer is just randomly drawing names out of hat to make your match predictions, it still an answer.

Evil Austin

...and someone correct me if I'm mistaken, but didn't they announce Regal's rematch against Punk for the card on Raw a few weeks back too?

Yeah I got that feeling as well; unless I was getting mixed up with their raw encounters. I was positive they announced one for the PPV. :piccolo:


Active Member
Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
Easton, Maryland
Like i said i dunno why but at Nwo tonight i think the feud will start to take place. How or why im not sure i cant predict what their going to do.

Chuck Zombie beat me to it. You predict that it's going to happen but not why you think it will? It's just a simple question. I know you want HBK vs Taker at mania, so you say HBK turns heel and attacks Taker, but why do you think HBK would do that.

That's like me saying during the MitB match, I think The Rock is going back and be a surprise entrant in the match and win it. And then add his self to the World title match and win it. And then when somebody asks me why, I say I don't know, I can't predict the future, I just think it's going to happen.


I think we will think cause has won the match jbl has gone. I think that hbk wins and turns heel anyways. Jbl has got into his head so much hbk snaps and takes out taker later on in the show. Having jbl gone now hbk can do what he has always wanted beat takers wrestlemania streak. Thats what i think will happen, jbl and hbk may tag up leading up to wm25 and not become an alliance but just tag up and hbk will thank jbl for his advice/ finances. Its to obvious hbk going back to a face.

The Rated R CMStar

I think that hbk wins and turns heel anyways. Jbl has got into his head so much hbk snaps and takes out taker later on in the show

Not only that doesnt make sense, but it is based on the fact that on pure rumors, you are craving for HBK vs Taker to happen. Tell me, why would HBK attack Taker and not, uhmm, Y2J?

Having jbl gone now hbk can do what he has always wanted beat takers wrestlemania streak.

So even though he could have done it since Wrestlemania X, now, he randomly decides he always wanted to end the streak.

Thats what i think will happen, jbl and hbk may tag up leading up to wm25 and not become an alliance but just tag up and hbk will thank jbl for his advice/ finances.


HBK will thank JBL?

The man who treat him as a slave, slap him, humiliate him, invited HBK's wife to the show so that he could see his husband get destroyed by him...will get thanked by HBK?

Its to obvious hbk going back to a face.

You're creating a swerve for the sake of it. Nor it makes sense nor it suits the storyline.


Well come on then mr i always give opinions that no one questions. Your starting to piss me off analyzing my posts. I told you what i think will happen whether it makes sense or not. Does most of what wwe do make sense? No so stop worrying about what i think will happen and start to post your thoughts and not analyze ever one else posts. And i know your age has nothing to do with it but im being questioned by a 16 yr old. Im 26 i have wrestling knowledge than you do so whether my posts don't make sense to you don't mean they wont happen.


Damn it!

Will the WWE title stop switching hands so often? Its like the Attitude Era on steroids!

Hometown Kid

Smackdown booking is so excellent. I look forward to what they come up with next. >_>

The Rated R CMStar

Well come on then mr i always give opinions that no one questions. Your starting to piss me off analyzing my posts. I told you what i think will happen whether it makes sense or not. Does most of what wwe do make sense? No so stop worrying about what i think will happen and start to post your thoughts and not analyze ever one else posts. And i know your age has nothing to do with it but im being questioned by a 16 yr old. Im 26 i have wrestling knowledge than you do so whether my posts don't make sense to you don't mean they wont happen.

Hey, since WWE does things that don't make sense and that allows you to book scenarios that make don't sense, then you might as well say The Rock will face Gregory Helms at Mania, It doesn't make sense, so it's a possibility.

Your talking non sense. You are predicting an scenario but you have no idea why it will happen and are admititng it wouldn't make sense just for the sake of posting your opinion.

I am not saying HBK won't turn heel, but the part in which he randomly attacks Taker and he goes as far as THANKING JBL, are the ones that don't fit.