"People pointed to the clip in the PPV match where Baszler got Cargill in a choke and Cargill tapped out (which wasn’t the finish), which seemed completely out of context because Cargill was being pushed like a female monster, as something that may have been a receipt but that’s not the case at all. That was a planned spot. The reality is if someone put on a choke during a title match in WWE that made a star tap that wasn’t planned, that person would be fired. That was just part of the scripted match. It was an angle that was to lead in a direction that ended up being dropped for whatever reason (even though week-to-week booking changes are far less now than under Vince McMahon, programs being changed and dropped does happen all the time). As the story goes, there had been problems in the ring, some to do with botched spots, in the Baszler & Stark vs. Cargill & Belair matches. I was told that none would be a problem, that botched spots happen with everyone and they understood Cargill because of her look and AEW fame was going to be pushed heavily and was inexperienced at back-and-forth matches. The heat was the claim by other women that when there were problems in the ring, she’d blame the other person and was disrespectful."