
I guess some flaws people may have are Orton/Cena again, and Batista vs HHH again, HBK vs Undertaker, again. BUT hey. There isn't many fresh matchups left. I don't think now is a good time for Punk, MVP, Kennedy, Jericho, to be headlining.
Agreed, WM isn't really the place to break in a new ME-er, but there was one b-i-g AND fresh match at the E's disposal, but they shot their load way too early on that one.
Why i went with Cena vs Orton. Again, its the top heel and face. Could be comparable to Austin/Rock. Orton wins the belt off of Punk, basically i wanted a fued with a bit of some history, so there could be a big blowoff match, rather than a "first time ever" match. Orton won last year, the history is there.
I think HHH vs Batista has enough history same iwth taker/HBK.
Cena/Orton works for me, but I'm not so sure about HHH/Tista... Kinda a closed book to me. (I'd have prob gone with HHH/Edge instead but wouldn't have had them face off @ GAB08 - Another complete waste.)
So yeah, in short I think WWE have pissed away 2/3s of their best WM ME options over the last month or so.
I hope Taker/HBK is a lock... Bearing in mind they haven't faced off for nearly 11 years, it may as well be considered fresh. Needless to say, the match would be phenominal!
Then looking at the undercard, i got rid of the MITB, it got stale. Time to bring back some importance to the mid card and tag belts.
Montana FTW!!!! LOL
Absolutely superb idea, particularly if it paves the way for the unification of the tag titles.