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E-Fed Staff Member
Sep 13, 2022
Reaction score
Live from Camille Chamoun Sports City Stadium in Beirut, Lebanon.
Saturday 2nd December, 2023.



The pyro shoots out from the stage as we join Fallout with a panning shot of the crowd in Beruit, Lebanon. We see some signs in the crowd that include “I’ll ride take a 8 Second Ride with Tommy Bedlam,” “I’m also a weaselperson,” “My Other Truck is a Cum Truck,” and “Alyster’s Gonna Kill Jeremy,” are some of the signs we spot in the audience.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: ”Welcome everyone to another exciting episode of Fallout! This is our final show before Winter Wasteland and there’s still a lot to be determined for the show! Tonight we have a big triple threat tag match in the main event that certainly will have future tag division ramifications… whoever the tag champions may be coming out of Winter Wasteland… and so much more. But first… let’s go to the ring with Jon Russnow!

We cut down to the ring where Jon Russnow, with microphone in hand, is standing by. In front of him is a table, and two clipboards. You know the drill! It’s a slow day creatively and we’re doing a contract signing!

Jon Russnow: “Welcome back wrestling fans to another episode of Fallout! It’s great to be here in Beruit!”

The crowd, which was already going wild, is now going mental. The camera pans around the audience and settles on a man grabbing and shaking his mate excitedly.

Fan: “That’s where we live!”

Russnow clears his throat, waiting for the cheap pop to die down.

Jon Russnow: “Winter Wasteland is rapid approaching… and we have a huge main event scheduled for the FWA World Championship! But first we just have to make this official so allow me to bring down our two competitors…

The boos are loud and overwhelming as “Your New Best Friend” Jeremy Best makes his way out from the back, waving to the fans with a big smile on his face. He blows some kisses to the less than adoring fans as he makes his way down to the ring, climbing up the steps and stepping through the ropes. He walks over to Russnow and shakes his hand.

Jeremy Best: "Hiya Mr. Russnow! Thanks so much for having me!"

Jon Russnow: "Oh, Jeremy. Don't be so coy. It's my pleasure to have you here. Your Buddy Bowl was a resounding success!"

Jeremy Best: "I mean... I don't know if I'd go that far. It didn't quite go the way I wanted."

Jon Russnow: "Oh, my boy, don't be modest. It was a huge success! The ratings were amazing! I knew this was a great idea and it's why you're standing with me now about to sign this contract! Because at Winter Wasteland, you're getting a World Title shot against Alyster Black."

Jeremy Best: "Well, in that case - thank you, sir! Thank you for this opportunity! At Back in Business, I didn't think this would be possible. I thought it was the end of the road for ol' Jeremy. I thought people had given up on friendship. But this is my chance, Mr. Russnow. This is my chance to truly make the FWA the Friendship Wrestling Alliance. Because right now, Alyster Black... he is not the kind of champion this company needs.”

“In a time where friendship is more important than ever... a man who has ruined every friendship he has ever been a part of... is not our champion. When his best friend Krash was missing, what did he do? He moved on. He didn't care. He wasn't out there looking for his friend. And then he made a new friend in Chris Peacock. They became tag champions. But Alyster cared more about that FWA title than that friendship. And that's how we know he doesn't deserve that belt. He doesn't deserve to be the face of this company. Right now... now more than ever... what this company needs... is a friend."

Jon Russnow: "Well in any event, I think everyone is really excited about this match and I think it's time we make it official."

Jeremy Best: "Gladly! You know... so many people are afraid of Alyster Black. But I don't get it, y'know. I mean... I mean after all... I've beaten him... at Back in Town... and then... I beat him at King of the Deathmatch at his own game..."

Jon Russnow: "Well, you did have..."

Jeremy Best: "Yep, I've had a lot of success against Alyster Black. You're absolutely right! And it will continue at Winter Wasteland when I become FWA World Champion! Where do I sign?"

Russnow slides the clipboard over to Jeremy who happily signs it.

Jeremy Best: “That wasn’t so bad! Great! Well, it’s been fun Mr. Russnow but I have a match to prepare for and I think..”

Jon Russnow: “Oh, wait, not so fast, Jeremy! That’s only one signature!”

Jeremy Best: “Oh? Yeah, I know. But you can just get his later, right? I’m just gonna…”

Jon Russnow: “That’s not how these things work! We have to get one more signature. You want to make this official right? Come on down… ALYSTER BLACK!”

The roof nearly pops off the arena with the sounds of Sonne hitting the speakers. And it only gets louder as the FWA Champion Alyster Black walks out from the back, holding the FWA title in his hand as he makes his way down to the ring with a purpose. He looks ready to fight as he climbs into the ring and tosses the belt down.

Jeremy quickly ducks behind Russnow.

Jeremy Best: “He still can’t touch me, right?!”

Jon Russnow: “That’s right. Let’s keep this civil, Alyster. I don’t want to have to vacate your belt before this match can even happen.”

Hearing that he is safe, Jeremy straightens back up and gives Russnow’s dress shirt a nice pat down, as if he was trying to straighten out his wardrobe all along.

Jon Russnow: “Now… as we were, Alyster, all we need is your signature.

Russnow lifts up the clipboard, handing it to Alyster. Black grabs the clipboard and the pen.

Alyster Black: “All I want for Christmas… is to finish what Krash started at Back in Business. Everything you’ve done for the past year… my little buddy may never be the same because of the shit you put him through. So it’s the least I can do to finally end this once and for all. At Winter Wasteland… I’m not just walking out of Istanbul with my belt… but I’m walkin’ out with your fuckin’ head. So until then… go ahead, hide behind your stupid little restraining orders and your fatass partner all you want, Jeremy. Because with this signature… Winter Wasteland… you’re a fuckin’ dead man. ”

Alyster puts pen to paper and signs the contract and then forcefully shoves it into Russnow’s chest.

Jon Russnow: “There you have it ladies and gentlemen… the FWA World Title match at…

Russnow is interrupted as Bryan Bastard slides into the ring from behind, and nails Alyster Black with the FWA North American Title! Blindsided, Black drops to the mat as Baxter puts the boots to the FWA World Champion while Jeremy watches on, cheering his partner on. Russnow decides to head for higher ground.

Jean-Luc Watkins: ”That bastard! Jeremy and Alyster aren’t allowed to touch each other before Winter Wasteland - but apparently that doesn’t apply to his partner, Big Bryan Bastard! This isn’t the first time Baxter has done Jeremy’s dirty work against Alyster Black either! And Jeremy sure seems happy to let his partner try to soften up his opponent for Winter Wasteland!”

Jeremy continues serving as cheerleader, encouraging Bryan to pull him up and give him the Bastard Driver through the table set up for the contract signing. Baxter nods as he grabs Black’s mask, and begins to pull him up…

But suddenly the loud boos turn to cheers as…


Jean-Luc Watkins: ”The Deathswitch! They have their own issues with the Buddy System - especially Crowe with Baxter!”

Jeremy quickly alerts Bryan to the arrival of Deathswitch, and BBB decides to release his hold on Black and the Buddy System duo quickly exit the ring just as Crowe and Bedlam are sliding in!

Jean-Luc Watkins: ”The Buddy System want nothing to do with the Deathswitch - but that won’t be the case later tonight because these two teams are part of our triple threat main event! So they can run now - but there will be no avoiding them later!”

As Jeremy and Bryan retreat up the aisle, Tommy offers up an arm and helps Alyster Black up to his feet. Black walks to the ropes, and gives a double middle finger to both Jeremy and Bryan as they disappear behind the curtains, much to the delight of the crowd.


Natalie Rosenberg: “Ladies and gentlemen, this is a Winter Plunderland Death Match! Introducing first, from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, she is one-third of the FWA Trios Champions, Bellatrix Bordeaux!

The crowd seems to be firmly behind Trixie Bordeaux who appears at the top of the ramp looking a bit more…intense than usual, perhaps even a bit anxious.

Jean Luc Watkins: “One would doubtlessly wonder where Trixie’s friends are, especially when - in this particular match - outside interference is perfectly legal. She’s part of The Coven, the Trios Champions. But Bellatrix Bordeaux said that she wanted to do this on her own tonight.”

Natalie Rosenberg: “And her opponent, from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Jeffry Mason!”

Jean Luc Watkins: “Jeffry Mason looks as unhappy as usual. Coming off an impressive run in the Buddy Bowl with Tommy Bedlam, Mason looks like he’s ready to rip someone apart tonight.”

Jeffry Mason appears at the top of the ramp dawning a white t-shirt that reads “Die Hard is NOT a Christmas Movie” as he looks toward the ring at Trixie Bordeaux, points at his shirt, and gives her an evil grin. The crowd in Lebanon lets him know exactly how little they like him.

Before Mason can get into the ring, Trixie charges toward the ropes and goes feet-first between the bottom and second ropes, driving him to the ground as the bell sounds.


FIRST MATCH || 1/20.
Jeffry Mason vs. Trixie Bordeaux.
Winter Plunderland Deathmatch.
Match writer: Tommy.


With Mason already down on the floor, Trixie begins to put the “plunder” in Winter Plunderland. She immediately goes to ringside, flips the ring-skirt up and begins pulling out handfuls of weapons. A garbage can full of items, a table, some chairs, and other objects slide across the floor before Trixie finally smiles. She slowly raises up with a snow shovel in her hands.

Bordeaux raises the snow shovel over her head, but before she can tee off on Mason’s head, he kicks her in the stomach, The snow shovel falls to the ground, barely missing Jeffry’s head. Jeffry Mason, the Death Match veteran, goes over to the trash can and begins his own plunder. He comes up with a strand of Christmas lights in his hands, that he quickly places around Bordeaux’s neck, choking her.

As Bordeaux falls to the ground, Mason grabs the end of the strand of lights and drags her around. He pulls her up from the ground before whipping her back first into the ring post. The lights still around her neck, Bordeaux snaps back first into the cold steel. He picks her lifeless body up, throw her over his shoulder and charges in, driving her face first into the same post, immediately busting Bordeaux open.

Jean Luc Watkins: “We knew this one would be violent, and I really don’t like Trixie’s chances here, but I didn’t even expect her to already be busted open.”


Somehow Trixie Bordeaux is back to her feet, but she’s bleeding badly. She picks up a steel chair that has found its way into the ring, and just as Mason charges in for a clothesline from behind, she spins around and smacks him in the face with the chair. Jeffry Mason falls to the ground in a heap!

Bordeaux slides back out of the ring and goes to another part of the apron, looking for more weapons. She raises up, smiling through the crimson mask that stains her face.

Jean Luc Watkins: “What does Bordeaux have? Oh my God! Is that..is that…a SNOW BLOWER?”

Bordeaux does in fact have a handheld snow blower as she climbs back into the ring. With Jeffry Mason in the corner, trying to pull himself up, clearing the cobwebs from that brutal chair shot, Bordeaux charges in and she smacks him in the face with the snow bowler! She catches him flush across the nose, leading to blood gushing out of Jeffry’s face.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Oh my God! His nose has to be broken!”

Trixie isn’t done. She stomps across the ring and picks up a kendo stick that is wrapped in red and white, resembling a giant candy cane. She lets out a blood-curdling scream and begins to wail away at Jeffry Mason. She’s beating him senseless with the stick which slowly begins to splinter.



The ring mat is soaked in blood. There are shards of wood from the kendo stick. It looks like an absolute warzone in the ring.

Having the same thought, both Bordeaux and Mason have climbed back into the ring with a garbage can filled with fluorescent light tubes. Trixie looks a bit hesitant as Mason gives her a blood-soaked grin that causes the stadium to shutter.

Both competitors, in an effort to be first, pull a light tube out of their respective cans, smashing them over the head of the other. The white, frosted glass flying through the air looks like snow. Trixie stumbles a bit, but manages to grab another tube as Mason does the same. Once again, they bash each other over the head with a light tube. Mason doesn’t seem phased, but Bordeaux does. Somehow, she manages to find the strength to pull out a third light tube, but before she can swing, Mason manages to smash two tubes over her head, hitting her with one on each side. Trixie falls, and appears to be out cold.

Mason goes for the pin.


NO! NO! Bellatrix Bordeaux manages to get a shoulder up at the last possible second.

Jeffry Mason dumps the remaining light tubes out of his can on top of Trixie, who still isn’t really moving. He climbs to the second turnbuckle and jumps off, elbow dropping into the tubes, shattering them all over Trixie’s body.

Jean Luc Watkins: “Oh my God. That may have just ended Trixie’s career, if not worse.”

Mason goes for another pin.


NO! Trixie kicks out again! This one isn’t over, yet.


Mason has seemingly given up on trying to pin Trixie, which doesn’t bother him that much. He seems perfectly content to inflict as much pain on her as possible. He reaches under the ring and grabs a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “That’s not a Christmas decoration, folks. There’s nothing winter-themed about that, but I doubt Mason gives a damn. He’s going to end this little bimbo.”

Trixie is struggling to get back to her feet after another recent flurry of Jeffry Mason offense. She puts both arms over the top rope and pulls herself up just in time to see Jeffry Mason coming at her, the barbed wire bat over his head. He swings straight down with it…BUT TRIXIE falls to the mat! The baseball bat bounces off the top rope, and the bat bounces back, and straight into Jeffry Mason’s skull! It’s stuck there! The barbed wire has dug into Mason’s scalp! He lets go of the handle for a moment, but it doesn’t matter. The barbed wire won’t let go of his cranium!

Jean Luc Watkins: “That would have killed Bordeaux! I guess anything goes but, come on! Nobody wants a body on their conscience!”

Mason falls to the ground where he finally manages to pull the bat out of his head, but the blood loss is significant. Trixie somehow manages to pull herself back into the ring, and she goes for a pin.


NO! Mason gets a shoulder up at 2 and ¾.


Trixie gets a sadistic look on her face as she pulls a section of barbed wire away from the bat. She wraps it around her right hand and forearm. Mason is coming too, and he has his own red and white kendo stick in his hand, but Trixie doesn’t see it. She sneaks up behind him, but he spins around and smacks her in the ribs with the stick. Trixie falls to her knees, as Mason pulls the kendo stick back, going for another shot.

Somehow, maybe out of instinct, or maybe out of desperation, Trixie uses her barbed wire-wrapped hand, and punches Mason square in the dick! He drops the kendo stick as Trixie sadistically begins to grind the barbed wire into Mason’s genitals!

Trixie somehow drags Mason toward the turnbuckle and drapes him face-first into the corner. She grabs the same snow shovel that she tried to use at the onset of this match and smacks him across the back with it. Mason staggers backward a couple steps, and Trixie, with the barbed wire still wrapped around her arm charges in, wraps the barbed wire around his face, and delivers the Hocus Pocus!

Jean Luc Watkins: “She hit it! But she has to make the pin here. We have to be approaching the time limit!

Trixie slowly crawls over and drapes herself across Jeffry Mason.



Winner: Trixie Bordeaux via Pinfall at 19:41.

Trixie Bordeaux rolls over onto her back as the official checks on both participants.

Jean Luc Watkins: “She did it! Bellatrix Bordeaux stepped into the violent world of Jeffry Mason, and somehow, someway, she won. She just went toe to toe with the epitome of violence, and came out victorious.

Trixie slowly pulls herself up to her feet. She’s covered in blood, but as the official raises her hand, she offers her own sadistic smile as the Lebanon crowd comes unglued.


Blake Taylor is standing in the middle of the ring with a hooded figure lying at his feet, a dog collar and leash in his hand, and a menacing look on his face as he gazes towards the back. John Russnow is standing beside him, mic in hand.

Jon Russnow: “Blake Taylor, the things that you’ve done over the last few weeks are absolutely disgusting. In no way does FWA condone kidnapping. The next time you want a match with someone, you come to my office, and you ask. You may think that you’re in cont-”

Blake Taylor: “Maddie! Maddie! It is time to come out from the back and look into my eyes. You are haunting my dreams and ruining my nightmares, and if you want your little friend released from my captivity, you are going to have to show your face and accept my terms. Blood will be traded for blood, and I will have yours. Russnow here, he has the contract for our street fight in his hands. You get your ass down here and sign this thing, or you never see your little friend here again.”

There is a pull at the chains, and Blake abruptly tugs on it before kicking the hooded figure, then he continues speaking.

Blake Taylor: ”Once I have had my way with you, it will be you who is placed on the leash. It will be you who bows before my feet. It will be you who looks up from the mat at me and recognizes that I am better than you in every single way…”

The lights go off in the arena as 'Jungle' by Fred Again blasts around the arena. From the back emerges Madison Gray, who, rather than wearing her Karate Gi, is dressed in a smart black and red pantsuit. She looks far from pleased as she gazes down towards the ring."

Madison Gray: “If you were to do that you would lose all your leverage and then you wouldn’t have your moment under the spotlight. The big match you are so desperate to have against a teenager just barely an adult with only two wins to her name, although I suppose when that is two more wins than you are ever going to achieve I must seem like some sort of God to you. Is that what you want? Do you seek my attention or do you simply want my love?”

Madison slowly walks from the entrance ramp to halfway down the entrance ramp before stopping once again.

Madison Gray: ”I don’t know who I am meant to feel worse for, honestly. You or Laramie. I mean, in Laramie’s case, she was abducted against her will and has been forced to travel the globe as your hostage. On the other hand, there is you. The other person I was in a match with at the 18th Anniversary. I must admit that after I claimed my first-ever victory, I was proud to have won against Jack the Clipper. But, being brutally honest, until last week, I didn’t even really know who you were or realize we had ever shared the ring together.”

Madison offers a smile while Blake looked far from pleased as he approached the ropes and pulled at the leash, dragging the supposed Laramie after him.

Blake Taylor: “Watch your tongue, bitch! I will throw your friend over the ropes and break her neck.”

Madison raises her index finger and made a tutting gesture, as if to suggest this would be a bad idea.

Madison slowly walks from the entrance ramp halfway down before stopping once again.

Madison Gray:“This is your one chance and your only chance. Let Laramie go, or things will take place that will be out of my control.”

Blake slams his fist down against the ring ropes and looks furious.

Blake Taylor: “Now, listen here, bitch. It is me who is…”

Madison Gray: “No, you are going to listen to me because I am sick and tired of hearing your nonsense. Unlike you, I have friends in high places, and you have ten seconds to release Laramie; otherwise, this is all going to go very wrong for you. 10, 9, 8…”

Blake Taylor: “Get your ass in here and sign this contract!”

Madison Gray: “7, 6, 5, 4…”

Blake Taylor: “...what I want. I am the one holding the cards in this situation.”

Madison Gray: “3, 2, 1, and that is time. So now you have lost your leverage and also lost the power of sight. Madison looks at the camera and clicks her fingers.”

On the big screen at the top of the ramp, weaselperson appears…and chews a power cable in half!

With the lights off in the arena, sounds of confusion emanate from the crowd, and there is a rustling sound in the ring. As the lights are turned back on, Blake Taylor and Jon Russnow are the only two in the ring, while Madison and now an unmasked Laramie stand by her side. Laramie looks battered, bruised, and worse for wear.

Madison Gray: “Now, Blake, you have lost your leverage. But you know what? I’m giving you your match at Winter Wasteland. Mr. Russnow, if you would be so kind as to open your little notebook there, you’ll see that the contract is signed. You want a streetfight, Taylor? You’ve got one.”

Jon Russnow opens the black folder with the FWA logo emblazoned on it. He nods and holds it out to Blake Taylor, who is looking incensed and absolutely enraged by the entire situation as Madison disappears backstage with a camera shot zooming in on a graphic design sewn into her jacket of a weasel standing next to a lioness. Blake Taylor grabs an ink pen from Russnow, signs his name to it, and slams it back into Russnow’s chest.


There’s a pop in the stadium as XYZ appears on stage, trailed as ever by his ragtag band of followers. The Menage are busy handing out single roses of various colours to the fans in the front row as XYZ flamboyantly struts down the ramp ahead of them.

Natalie Rosenberg: "The following contest is a singles match-up scheduled for one fall…"


Natalie Rosenberg: "… with a twenty minute time limit. Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by the Menage… from Sitka, Alaska and weighing in at one hundred and eighty pounds… XYZ!!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "XYZ has had a tough time of it as of late. First, he was busy attempting to curry favour with both Vengador and Trevor Walker by handing out flowers to them, much like the ones being distributed to our audience by the Menage right now. Although Walker was rather typically angry at his floral gift, these overtures seemed to have a positive - or at least neutral - effect on Vengador. When the three teamed last week, though, Vengador looked frustrated at the manner of their loss to Tr1ck or Tr4sh - sorry, wrestling fans, that’s Tr-one-ck or Tr-four-sh, rather difficult to pronounce those ridiculous numerals - and left XYZ alone in the middle of the ring. X seems back in his usual upbeat form as he makes his way to the ring, as he prepares to take on the second most accomplished in-ring performer on the current FWA roster of announcers…"

X is in the middle of the ring, listening to a few last minute words of encouragement, as his music fades out. It is replaced by…

Anzu Kurosawa appears on stage, receiving a moderate showing of support from the fans in attendance. She is beaming from ear to ear and offers a double thumbs up before walking towards the ring.

Natalie Rosenberg: "And his opponent: she weighs in tonight at one hundred and five pounds, and hails from Hiroshima, Japan… Anzu… KUROSAWA!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "I spoke to Anzu earlier today and asked her why she accepted this booking here tonight on Fallout 036, to which she rather cryptically replied training. For what, she would not say, but one would have to imagine with the King of the Deathmatch on the horizon that this is what Anzu is tuning up for. Ring rust will doubtlessly be a factor, and she faces an XYZ who is probably out to prove a point at her expense."

When Anzu passes the Menage, she gratefully accepts a half-dozen roses and smells them happily. She is still smiling as she climbs up the steps and into the ring, where she carefully deposits her bouquet beneath the top turnbuckle pad. She seems happy with the arrangement before turning to face X. The two exchange a familiar wave before nodding at the official, signifying that they’re ready to go. He calls for the bell.


XYZ vs. Anzu Kurosawa.
Singles Match.
Match writer: SS.

<< 00:00. >>

The two circle the ring before coming at one another for a collar and elbow, but Anzu - smaller and wilier - slips beneath X’s grasp and goes behind, hitting the ropes and nailing the turning X with a running forearm! X goes down to one knee, Anzu immediately placing him in a front facelock, hooking an arm, and then nailing him with a…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "BRAAAAINBUSTAAAAAH! Anzu hits it in the opening minute of the match!! And now she heads towards the top rope, looking to finish XYZ off before this one’s even started!"

Kurosawa balances on top and leaps off with a picture-perfect frogsplash… only for X to roll out of the way!! Anzu crashes, burns, and then skids across the ring. X, more than a little sluggish, fights to his feet and hoists Kurosawa up in a front facelock of his own… he spikes her onto the top of her head with a DDT! Somehow, Anzu climbs straight to her feet, but is wiped out again by a running STO, followed by a leaping elbow drop!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "XYZ’s moveset might be unorthodox, but it’s explosive, lending itself to combinations like that one. It’s X’s turn to go to the top! He deftly negotiates to the turnbuckles… here comes the rope walk!"

X tightrope walks to the middle of the top rope, using it for some extra leverage before somersaulting in with a leg drop… which Anzu rolls out of the way! It’s X’s turn to crash and burn, with Anzu pouncing, going in for the kill. She gathers him for what might be a second brainbuster… but X reverses with a small package! Shoulders down!


Kickout from Anzu and, looking for some respite, she rolls beneath the bottom rope and onto the outside. X follows her out, chasing her around the corner of the ring…

… and coming face to face with the six foot five, two hundred and fifty pound frame of Vengador.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Vengador is here at ringside, and he’s holding a bouquet of flowers not dissimilar to the one he received from X a month or so ago. I know that these two have some sort of thing going on, but in the middle of a sanctioned match-up is not a good time for them to be exchanging gifts."

Vengador begins to lift his arm, as if offering the bouquet to X. X, backed by the onlooking Menage, begins to smile at the suggested implication… before getting slammed in the gut by a stiff kick from Vengador!

The official has no choice but to call for the bell!

Winner: XYZ via disqualification at 03:10.

The audience begin to boo, both at the official’s decision and at Vengador’s implied one. This intensifies when Vengador hoists X up and hits him with his Awful Waffle finisher!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "XYZ gets impaled by Justicia! On the outside! The referee with no choice but to throw this one out…"

No official calls from Rosenberg, with Vengador looming next to her position and staring down at XYZ. He still has his flowers in his hand. The Menage stand a few feet away, but are frozen in fear.


Anzu nails Vengador on the back with the chair, but the much larger man doesn’t even flinch. He turns around, and when Anzu tries to hit him in the dome he nails her with a big boot, sending the chair flying across the air.

Vengador turns back to X, standing over his fallen figure. He lays the flowers atop X’s chest, beholding the image for a moment with an inscrutable expression upon his face. Finally, he walks away, the camera fading to black as he walks up the ramp.



Backstage at Meltdown, the electric energy of the arena lingers in the air as Brooklyn Steiner, the resilient contender for the FWA Television Championship, strolls through the bustling corridors. Sporting a few bruises from his recent triumph against Gerald Grayson, Steiner exudes a mix of determination and satisfaction. His attire, casual in jeans and sneakers, is complemented by a vintage CWA pink Mr. Showtime t-shirt, a nod to wrestling history. In this hive of backstage activity, Steiner encounters one of the few allies he's found in the FWA, FWA interview Katie Baxter.

Katie Baxter: "Brooklyn! Congratulations on that win! You really brought the house down out there.”

Steiner grins, appreciating the genuine praise.

The two share a quick fist bump, the camaraderie evident.

Brooklyn Steiner: "Hey, Katie! You up for grabbing some post-show grub? My treat.”

Katie, with a hint of regret in her eyes, turns to face Steiner.

Katie Baxter: "I'd love to, Brooklyn, but I've got some more backstage interviews lined up. Raincheck?”

Despite the setback, Steiner maintains his smile, understanding the demands of the FWA life.

Brooklyn Steiner: "Absolutely. Raincheck it is.”

Continuing his journey through the backstage labyrinth, a sudden and unusual occurrence captures Steiner's attention. From above, a business card flutters down, landing at his feet. Intrigued and slightly perplexed, he picks it up, scanning the mysterious message: "Nephew?" Confused, Steiner crumples the card, dismissing it as an oddity.

Unexpectedly, another business card descends from above, and Steiner, quick reflexes on display, catches it mid-air. This one reads, "Be One?" His smirk betrays a mix of amusement and intrigue, but with a shake of his head, Steiner dispels the notion. Determined, he crumples the card and tosses it aside.

Just as he walks away, a third and final business card flutters down, presenting a simple yet persistent question: "You Sure?" Unfazed, Steiner defiantly throws the card away, the determination etched on his face as he marches on.


As Brooklyn goes to leave, a strange kind of scrapping sound echoes through the corridor; Brooklyn looks up, a frown clean on his face as he looks towards a dark part of a nearby hallway and the mystery is solved.


There, leaning against the wall, looking as menacing as can be, is Jack The Clipper, with both scissor sisters, one of them holding quite a course-looking rock upon which Jack The Clipper is scrapping a pair of clippers with an expert hand.

Sharpening his tools all the while staring idly at Brooklyn Steiner


No word was exchanged, no comment whatsoever

But the threat has been made.


As the two of them stare each other down, a black cat suddenly runs past them! The hairs stand up on the back of their neck as a gust of wind blows through the hallway, extinguishing a candle that was nearby for a convenient reason.

After some mysterious smoke disperses, the Witch Queen herself Kleio De Santos can be seen emerging from within. Now all three of the FWA Television Championship competitors are in the hallway. No one is talking.

Both Steiner and Jack The Clipper stare at Kleio, or more specifically the Television Championship belt that is around her waist. Kleio notices them staring, and finally breaks the silence.

Kleio De Santos: "Uh, excuse me…my eyes are up here.”

Brooklyn Steiner: "I swear this place is just filled with characters….”

Brooklyn looks up at Kleio and smirks.

Brooklyn Steiner: "Just looking at the prize my dear, and the prize ain’t you. No evil barber and a witch is going to stand in my way from getting that right there…”

Steiner points at the TV title around the waist of the champion.

Brooklyn Steiner: "This humble guy vibes that I have been on might be running its course, I’m starting to learn how things work around here. Take what you want.“

One of the two number one contenders for the FWA TV title Steiner gives a small chuckle as he observes the situation at hand.

Brooklyn Steiner: "I don’t really see us being in the same room again til Winter Wasteland, and I really don’t want to be around this as you guys just give me Spirit Halloween Store vibes and I’m weirded out. So to your face….”

Steiner points at Jack.

Brooklyn Steiner: "And yours.”

He points at Kleio.

Brooklyn Steiner: "Don’t make the mistake that you probably are thinking that you won’t.”

Kleio chuckles. She let Steiner go on his little spiel, and he was looking awfully proud of himself for doing so.

But now it was her turn.

Kleio De Santos: "Are you done? Yes? Good. Now it’s my turn. Spirit Halloween is a funny little dig, but the only one pretending right now is you. Pretending as though you’re something different than us. I mean, you of all people should know exactly what that’s like. You were an actor, right? Or well, a failed actor. That never really worked out for you did it? So what made you think you’d be able to come to the FWA and succeed in this? Obviously you seem to think you’re above playing into a character. And maybe that’s your biggest mistake. The thing is…me? I’m not a character. The Coven, under my leadership, currently has four championship belts around our waists. This Christmas, you’re going to be wishing you were back doing shitty little Hallmark Christmas Movies. You’d play the role of big city douchebag who gets left at the end for the small town hero pretty well. “

Jack The Clipper chuckles at the joke. But it was a mistake, as now Kleio turns her attention to him.

Kleio De Santos: "And YOU. Quite frankly, I was hoping you made your way into this match. I saw well enough when I had to carry you in our tag team match a few shows ago, that you’re nowhere close to me. The only way I can foresee me losing my championship, is if YOU let Steiner get you in some sort of rollup. This match would be a lot better quite honestly if you would kindly excuse yourself from it. The fact is, you’re the third wheel in this one. I’m not sure if Vegas has released their odds yet, but I don’t think anyone would be shocked if they have you at the bottom. You’ve got no chance of winning this title, none at all. Brooklyn is a bit of an unknown, but you? We’ve seen enough. You’re not a Spirit Halloween costume…no. You know what you remind me of? One of those tacky characters who always get eliminated in the early weeks of Ground Zero. Eventually, you’re going to be put in the same Hall of Shame that Steve The Techno Vampire and Funky Fedora, god bless his soul, are sitting in right now. And that’s that…none of you are real threats to me, but both of you would be making a grave mistake to not take me seriously. I have this championship around my waist for a reason. El Vengador and Madison Gray couldn’t stop me, and neither of you will either.”

Kleio leaves it at that.

Silence fills the hallway.

Those watching at home are left wondering if either will dignify Kleio’s rants with a response… Brooklyn winks at Kleio as a man who prefers his in ring ability do a good chunk his talking goes to walk off before turning back.

Brooklyn Steiner: "See you guys this Christmas!”


The scene opens to a dimly lit room where a single light hangs low over a chair. In the chair, a cowboy hat pulled down low over his eyes, we see FWA X Champion, Tommy Bedlam, siting there with a glass of whiskey in his hand. The camera pans in close as Tommy slowly raises his face. Through the shadow cast by the hat, we can see that Tommy looks tired and haggard.

Tommy Bedlam: “Keres. The Empress of the TORN Universe. The Daughter of Demise. A few weeks back, Chris Crowe and I kicked your ass, and you, as usual, did your little spooky shit routine after the match, scratching that X into my chest. Ever since that moment, things have been…different.”

Tommy raises his glass and takes a long, slow drink, killing off the whiskey and slowly turning the glass in his hand.

Tommy Bedlam: “Look into my eyes, Keres. Do I look tired? I know I do. I look like hell. I don’t sleep that well anymore, but I think you already know that. I don’t know how things work at ‘The Residence’ or in your weird little universe that you’ve created for yourself, but where I’m from, when you have a problem with somebody, you fight them. One of you walks away, and the other one, if they’re able, eventually does the same.”

“For whatever reason, you’ve turned your attention to me. You’ve locked your eyes onto me and my family, and I guess my X Title. But Keres, I think there’s something that you’re forgetting.”

Tommy takes his cowboy hat off and runs his fingers through his hair.

Suddenly, the screen flashes and Keres appears. She gives a hint of a faint smile and slowly draws an X in the air. Tommy chuckles a bit.

Tommy Bedlam: “That. That’s the shit that I’m talking about. Your little voodoo shit doesn’t mean anything in this world. You can poke your little dolls with needles, conjure up whatever the hell you think you need to conjure up to take what’s mine and chant your incantations at the sky all damn night. None of that will save you when you step between those ropes with me.”

Tommy’s getting a bit louder and he squeezes the glass that once held his whiskey until it shatters in his hand, creating a steady stream of blood. He slowly raises his hand closer to the light, tilting his head as he watches the blood run from his palm, dripping onto his shirt. His chuckle turns into a bit more of a laugh, as Tommy slips further into madness.

Tommy Bedlam: “You want my attention? You got it, Keres. You and me. Winter Wasteland. That is…if you survive tonight.”


Natalie Rosenberg: “The next contest is set for one fall with a twenty-minute-time-limit!”

And now… all of the lights turn off momentarily as a demonic voice speaks out to all who are in attendance. While this intro plays, a bright red spotlight pops in the center of a smoke filled stage where it illuminates over a dark hooded figure. The song begins…

The lights return and Death Walker is already inside of the ring, much to the surprise of everyone but no one chooses to question how he got there so quickly…

Natalie Rosenberg: “Introducing first, from the depths of HELL! Weighing in at 243 lb…he is The Dark Traveler…he is…Death Walkerrrrrr!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Wrestling fans, we’ve seen in recent weeks Death Walker attacking the returning Gerald Grayson. His reasons remain unknown, but due to those attacks he’s awoken something inside of Gerald Grayson that will be unleashed upon Death Walker at Winter Wasteland when those two clash!”

Madison Grey emerges from the back and after a brief pose on stage she steadily makes her way down to the ring.

Natalie Rosenberg: “His opponent, from Gunwharf Quays, Portsmouth and weighing in at 125 lb…she is The Young Lioness…Madison Graaaaaay!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Madison Gray has had her fair share of issues as of late, but with Blake Taylor, who has chosen to make things personal with Madison Gray and it was made official earlier this evening that those two will collide at Winter Wasteland. Tonight, Gray must put that behind her and focus on the tall task that stands in front of her.”

Gray enters the ring and shows no intimidation as she stares across at her opponent. Referee Richard Davis does his last minute checks and then calls for the bell…


THIRD MATCH || 1/20.
Death Walker vs. Madison Gray.
Singles Match.
Match writer: Jimmy.


<< 00:00 >>

Gray is unsure of how to start this off with her much larger opponent but she opts for a traditional grapple. However, that doesn’t work in her favor as Death Walker shoves her back into a corner. Walker charges at Gray in the corner but Gray moves and Walker hits the corner. Gray begins to lay in Walker with various strikes, but those seem to have little effect on the big man. Walker catches her by the foot and spins her around and locks in a rear waistlock, but Gray manages to slip away and she slithers between legs where she places herself behind Walker and she wisely clips him in the back of the leg! She strikes once more and another time until Walker starts to stagger and drop to a knee.

Gray begins to pummel Walker with clubbing blows to the back. Gray strikes with a spinning heel kick but Walker hasn’t fully dropped to the mat just yet. Gray strikes again with front thrust but Walker snatches her by the leg and shoves her back. Gray approaches him but Walker takes her down by the legs and locks in a kneebar hold on Gray.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Madison Gray had found an opening but Death Walker has powered his way back into this match, and now he’s slowed down the pace with a kneebar submission. Wise move by Death Walker to target one of Madison Gray’s greatest weapons, that is her kicks.”

Death Walker begins to pound away at Gray’s leg while it’s locked in the hold as Gray is doing her best to fight out of it. Eventually, Gray manages to snag the bottom rope in time to break it up. Gray struggles to her and as she’s using the ropes as leverage she catches an incoming Death Walker with a sharp elbow! Gray goes for a roundhouse kick but again Walker catches her by the leg, and this time he counters with a dragon screw leg whip! Gray is sent to the mat but she’s quickly back on her feet but taken right back down with a running big boot! Walker isn’t through yet as he brings her back up this time and drops her on her head with a backdrop suplex! He then makes the cover…


<< 05:11 >>

The action continues with Death Walker in firm control with Gray in the corner and he’s pummeling her with repeated knee thrusts to the midsection. Walker drags her away from the corner and connects with a bridging northern lights suplex!


Walker has Gray in a front facelock and he starts to slap her around. He lays into her with repeated forearm strikes, but all this does is fire up the young woman as she comes back with a headbutt that knocks Death Walker back a few steps. Walker seems pleased by this turn of events but Gray is having none of his games and goes for a roundhouse, but she psyches him out and catches him with a leg sweep!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “That’s the first time Death Walker has been taken off his feet during this match! Madison Gray has found her second wind and has now turned the tides in her favor, wrestling fans!”

Walker is back on his feet however but Gray fires back with a discus elbow smash! She fires off more discus elbow smashes that have Walker reeling on the ropes. Gray hits a standing dropkick to Walker, who is still against the ropes, and Gray brings him in…snap suplex! Another snap suplex! She follows that up with a bridging half-nelson suplex!


<< 08:18 >>

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Madison Gray is still in this fight and now she has that Muta Lock applied on Death Walker, who is refusing to give up just yet!”

Madison Gray won’t back down and has the hold cinched on Death Walker but soon enough he starts to power out of it and he has one of Gray’s hands. He starts to bend back her fingers until Gray is forced to break the hold. Gray checks on her fingers before shaking that off and she’s on her feet at first. Gray waits as Death Walker rises and charges at him with a running dropkick that knocks him back into a corner. Gray charges at Walker in the corner but Walker moves out of the way and Gray hits the corner

Gray stumbles backward right into the waiting arms of Death Walker…Bedtime Story! Sleeper suplex on Gray and Walker makes the cover…


Walker brings her up and sends her toward the ropes, but Gray counters and sends Walker to the ropes. Gray goes for The Disappointed Master, but Death Walker ducks underneath and Gray spins around in time…Pitch Black! Discus clothesline to Gray and Walker makes the pin…


Winner: Death Walker via pinfall at 11:02.

Natalie Rosenberg: “Here is your winner, Death Walker!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Take nothing away from Madison Gray, who put up an admiral fight but Death Walker proved to be too powerful for her.”

Death Walker thinks about harming Madison Gray some more but thinks better of it and leaves the ring just how he arrived while Gray is tended to.


There is a sound of hearty laughter in a backstage area where a group of people are gathered. Namely backstage personnel along with Lou Cha, we see the group known as Tr1ck or Tr4sh celebrating… something. Halloween Knight is sorting through a mound of candy and throwing it around the room, Juan Tothrefor sips a beer and Trash Mammal is scurrying around the floor collecting anything that has been discarded by those enjoying the candy.

Halloween Knight: "Say Juan, amigo, how many wins is that for us now, huh?"

Juan Tothrefor: "Well, if my count is correct… we’ve got two! We’re two and oh, amigos! Vamos!"

Halloween Knight: "Now, Christmas may not be my favourite time of the year - it is no Halloween, after all, but I’m going to enjoy this time off! Then next year, in 2024, Tr1ck or Tr4sh are going for those Trios Championships!"

A nice cheer goes up in the room and people take sips of their drinks. A bottle cap flies up into the air and Trash Mammal leaps upwards like a salmon from the crowd and catches it in mid air.

???: "Now wait just a moment…"

Tr1ck or Tr4sh are interrupted by the arrival of three masked luchadors, only semi-familiar to long-time FWA viewers as Jobber Jimbo, Jiggy Jon, and Jugem Jugem of the much lauded enforcement stable Triple J Security. There is little to no pop within the arena for the arrival of these three half-forgotten relics of the past. The silence in the room is broken by Trash Mammal, who pops his head up from the throng of people.

Trash Mammal: "Who da fook are these goiys?"

Jiggy Jon: "Check the annals of this company and our names will be oft spoken there. Half-forgotten by the likes of you, of course. I am Jiggy Jon, and these are my brothers in a non-traditional sense, my brothers-in-arms, Jobber Jimbo and Jugem Jugem. Triple J Security."

Jugem, noticeably larger than the other two, flexes his muscles, looming gormlessly.

Jugem Jugem: ”Jugem jugem.”

The complete nonsense causes Juan and Halloween Knight to shrug, unsure of how to react. From elsewhere in the crowd, Trash Mammal rears his head once more.

Trash Mammal: "What da fook do ya want?"

Jobber Jimbo: "We’re here to pick a fight."

Jiggy Jon: "With you, if that isn’t obvious."

Jobber Jimbo: "You think you’ve earned a night off in Istanbul? Our employer disagrees. And we have friends in high places around here. Always have. The match is already official: you three, whatever you are exactly, against us three, whatever we are exactly. Winter Wasteland. Your night off can wait."

Jugem Jugem lets out a growl.

Jugem Jugem: “Jugem.”

Triple J Security leave the shot, allowing Tr1ck or Tr4sh to gaze after them meaningfully as we fade to black.


It's a HUGE pop. As Gabby's music hits, the crowd rises to its feet as one… and she comes strutting out and marches left and right on the stage, soaking up the reaction with a small smile. She doesn't actually walk down the ramp, which is unusual, but she has a mic in her hand as she walks to and fro

Gabrielle: "I know I'm not meant to be here tonight, and I know I'm interrupting the show, but I thought I would come out here and conduct a social experiment.

She pauses briefly as a hum of curiosity goes through the crowd.

Gabrielle: "See, when I came back here, it was for a very simple reason: To save Lizzie Rose from herself, even if that meant beating the ever-loving snot out of her, so I asked her for a match, but she turned me down. Not because she doesn't want a match, no because Keres doesn't want her to"

Boos rain down, to which Gabby seems to nod in agreement.

Gabrielle: "And maybe that's my fault...Maybe I didn't realize the situation. I didn't know how far Lizzie had gone and how deep Keres had gotten in her head. Keres has her wrapped around her little finger, trying to use her as a toy soldier she can just wind up and play with at will...And that's HER mistake. Because no matter how deep she thinks she has gotten in Lizzie's head... I'm always going to be deeper. Keres got her playing in her little fantasy world, but the one thing she didn't count on? One more tie to reality. How much does Lizzie Rose hate me. No one can press her buttons more than me.”[/color]

A small smirk appears on her face as she speaks.

Gabrielle: "And that's the truth of the matter. Do you want to know what else is the truth? In 2020, on ground zero, there arrived a small red-headed girl from Brooklyn that absolutely no one believed in. No one thought she would be capable of anything, yet I took her under my wing and made sure she got an FWA contract. Why? Why did I do that? Was it because I saw something special in her? Did I feel like there was a diamond in the rough there? Did I think Lizzie Rose had all the potential in the world?"

"...Nah, I just needed someone to carry my bags."

A cruel laugh escaped Gabby's lips as she continued pacing across the stage.

Gabrielle: "Actually, no, that's a lie; that wasn't the only reason I kept her around...She was funny. She amused me, I guess you can say; I saw her as a ....Pet....a little puppy that just kept yapping at my heels."

Gabby paused and looked behind her, to the entrance as if expecting something to happen...but nothing did; she shrugged her shoulders and continued on-

Gabrielle: "I mean, if we're just being honest here? That's how we ALL saw Lizzie Rose; at least, that is how I always saw her, even when she changed into Elizabeth Rose. I sat back in my mansion, sitting on my couch, eatin' eating my popcorn, watchin' FWA on my big-ass TV....and I watched Elizabeth Rose's debut...and you know what I did? I laughed – LAUGHED – at her walking down this ramp and actin' like a big shot. Acting like no one really gives a shit about her? Acting like she doesn't owe everything she has to me. If anything, the fact that Lizzie-Elizabeth...whatever has achieved what she has, is down to me. And me only.”[/color]

Gabby spread open her arms as she spoke.

Gabrielle: "I'm the fairy godmother of the wrestling world. I can take any dumpy, no-talent loser, sprinkle a little fairy dust on her and turn her into a star...and that's all Elizabeth Rose is. she knows full well that without me. She SUCKS!"

Again, she repeats the motion of looking behind her to see nothing and continues on.

Gabrielle: "And now that I think about it, it makes perfect sense she refused to fight me; she knows she can't beat me. She knows no matter what she calls herself or what she does, she'll always be beneath me. She is a loser; she is trash. She is....patheti-"


She's blocked off from assaulting Gabby by security, who hold her back, all the while screaming bloody murder at Gabby, who calmly steps forward AND SMACKS ELIZABETH IN THE FACE WITH A FOREARM.

Elizabeth reels back at the shot, held up by security, as Gabby waves her hands, beckoning her to come on, but Elizabeth just continues to scream at her. Showing far more emotion than we have ever seen from her since she joined Eternal, Gabby evidently hears something she likes and pushes the mic up to her face so everyone can hear it.


Gabby pumps her fist, getting exactly what she wants as Elizabeth storms to the back, clearly enraged...

As the camera cuts to Keres in the back, watching the whole scene. A frown on her face.


Natalie Rosenberg: “Introducing first, hailing from Savannah, Georgia, Sawyer Xavier!”

The crowd comes to its feet as Sawyer Xavier appears at the top of the ramp. Xavier greets a couple of fans, but it’s clear that his mind is on the task at hand, Jack the Clipper.

Natalie Rosenberg: “And his opponent, hailing from White Chapel, London, accompanied to the ring by The Sister Sisters, Jack the Clipper!”

Jack the Clipper stands at the top of the ramp with one of The Scissor Sisters on each side. He glares down toward the ring and gives his opponent a wicked smirk. The crowd boos relentlessly as the FWA’s resident sadistic barber saunters toward the squared circle.

Jean Luc Watkins: “Sawyer Xavier looks like David waiting for Goliath in there. Clipper has him by what, 6 inches and 100 pounds? But wrestling fans, I’m not sure if you know this…David kicked Goliath’s ass.”


Sawyer Xavier vs. Jack the Clipper.
Singles Match.
Match writer: Tommy.


The bell sounds, and as Jack the Clipper begins to stomp toward his smaller opponent, Sawyer Xavier charges toward him and delivers a quick dropkick to the thigh, dropping Jack to one knee. Xavier, looking to use his speed bounces off the ropes, and delivers a Brain Squasher to the back of the head. He quickly goes for the pin!


NO! Jack the Clipper gets a shoulder up.

Jean Luc Watkins: “I like this. Sawyer is using his speed and chopping the bigger man down early.”

Unfazed by the kickout, Sawyer moves back and begins delivering a series of punches and kicks to Jack’s head and upper body. The crowd becomes electric as a man, who at least physically, is the underdog here, is bringing the punishment. Xavier quickly drops to the ground, and applies a sleeper hold to The Clipper, cutting off his airflow. The official checks to make sure that it’s not an illegal choke, and it’s not.

Much to the chagrin of the crowd, Clipper begins to work his way up to his feet. Slowly, methodically, Clipper gets up to one knee before pushing himself to a vertical base, but Sawyer Xavier is latched onto him like a tic. It’s all for naught, as Jack the Clipper charges backward, crushing Sawyer Xavier between himself and the turnbuckle. Xavier breaks the hold as he crumples to the mat.


Sawyer Xavier is continuing to focus on Jack the Clipper’s legs, trying to bring him down to size, but every time he builds any momentum, Clipper uses his strength and size advantage to level the playing field. Xavier bounces off the nearside ropes, but Jack catches him. He hits him with a Chapel Street waist lock into a sit out powerbomb.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “That’s it. The kid’s dead.”


NO! Somehow, Sawyer Xavier gets a shoulder up, and Jack the Clipper looks absolutely shocked, as do the Scissor Sisters.

The resident barber of the FWA drags his seemingly lifeless opponent toward the turnbuckle where he props him up. Jack walks across the ring, sizes up the fallen Sawyer Xavier, and charges in, crushing Xavier’s head into the second turnbuckle.

Jean Luc Watkins: “OK, maybe now he’s dead.”


Jack the Clipper grabs Sawyer Xavier by the arm, and whips him into the ropes, but he misses the clothesline, as Sawyer ducks under him. On the rebound, Jack goes for a big boot, but Sawyer baseball slides under it. Xavier jumps up and delivers a forearm to the side of Jack’s head, staggering him. Xavier quickly follows it up with another, and there’s a third. Jack the Clipper heads backwards and bounces off the ropes. Sawyer Xavier leaps into the air, but The Clipper catches him this time, smashing him into the mat face-first.

Jack the Clipper wipes a small drop of blood from the corner of his mouth and smirks at Sawyer Xavier, who is writhing on the ground. He picks Xavier up, almost effortlessly, and perches him on the top rope.

Jean Luc Watkins: “What is he doing? Just pin the opponent here, Clipper.”

Jack the Clipper grabs Sawyer Xavier by the head, and delivers a Clipper Cutter off the top rope. He rolls over and hooks the leg.


Winner: Jack the Clipper via Pinfall at 8:14

As the crowd rains down a chorus of boos, Jack the Clipper goes over to one of The Scissor Sisters and motions for something. Barbara, or maybe it’s Dyeanne, reaches into her pocket and pulls out a pair of scissors.

Jean Luc Watkins: “Oh, what’s he doing now? The damn match is over.”

Jack the Clipper walks over to Sawyer Xavier who is finally starting to stir. He delivers an elbow to the side of Xavier’s head and grabs him by the hair. With a sick smirk on his face, Jack the Clipper reaches down and cuts a lock of Sawyer’s hair. The crowd boos even louder as Jack drops the hair to the mat. He reaches down for another clip when…

“The Wildcard” Jason Randall comes charging toward the ring before Jack the Clipper can do any more damage. Jack slides under the bottom rope as he and The Scissor Sisters make their way back up the ramp, keeping an eye on Randall.

Jason Randall walks over toward Sawyer Xavier who is starting to get to his feet. Randall extends a hand toward Xavier, but Sawyer is up to his feet. The two men stare one another down for a moment before Randall turns to leave.


Jeremy Best: “Hiya Tommy! No hard feelings about earlier… just wanted to chat for a minute.”

Tommy Bedlam does not seem too enthusiastic to have the Buddy System duo of Jeremy Best and Bryan Baxter approaching him backstage.

Tommy Bedlam: “Really? I don’t have time for this.”

Jeremy Best: “Oh, don’t be so silly! There’s always time for friendship, Tommy. And I wanted to thank you for your participation in this year’s Buddy Bowl. While I don’t necessarily agree with… the style.. I guess you could say… of wrestling the X Title represents… well, I thought you and Jeffry made a great team!”

Tommy Bedlam: “Look, I got too much to worry about right now… I got some demon girl trying to…”

Jeremy Best: “Oh but that’s exactly why we are here! I feel like you could use a friend.”

Tommy Bedlam: “Oh no, I have friends. I have…”

Jeremy Best: “Chris Crowe? Are you so sure about that? Looks like he’s got friends of his own. Him and Randy Ramon looked like they were hitting it off pretty well.”

Tommy doesn’t immediately respond.

Bryan Baxter:: “I’ve tried to tell him, Jeremy. Chris Crowe… he’s bad news. He can’t be trusted. He’s a carny piece of shit and he’s gonna do whatever it takes to get those tag titles… and it doesn’t matter to him if it’s with you or with Randy Ramon. He’s not your friend, my man. He’ll turn on you the first second it benefits him.”

Jeremy Best: “I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I think Bryan has a point. Say what you want about my pal Bryan, but he’s been nothing but a loyal friend to me since joining FWA.”

Tommy Bedlam: “Alright but ya see…”

Jeremy Best: “Just think about, Tommy. I’m leading a Friendship Revolution here in FWA… and you’re a stand up guy. I think you’re the kinda person who wants to be a good man. For Randi. For… Walker… right? Just think about the kinda man you wanna be for that lil’ boy… and if Chris Crowe is really the kinda person you wanna be associated with. That’s all… me and Bryan are always here for you. Just keep that in mind.”

Jeremy gives Tommy a pat on the shoulder before walking off. Bryan follows, briefly staring down Tommy before brushing past him as well. Chris Crowe walks up behind Tommy, a bit of a confused look on his face.

Chris Crowe: “What was that all about?”

Tommy Bedlam: “Nothing. Let’s go out here and kick some ass.”


The ‘Army of the Night’ rises to their feet inside the Camille Chamoun Sports City Stadium as it is plunged into darkness save for the white strobe lights flickering around. After several seconds, Konchu Hao walks out from the back with his arms outstretched and Epsilon scurrying around his feet before the minion settles in front of the master. Behind them, Cyrus Truth appears and wears a stoic expression but he nods his head in Hao’s direction, and together, the Dark Roads Alliance head towards the ring.

Natalie Rosenberg: “The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a twenty-minute time limit! Introducing first, representing the Dark Roads Alliance and accompanied by Epsilon and Cyrus Truth… he is ‘The Mad Wizard’ KONCHU HAAAAAAOOOOOOOOO!!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “As of Meltdown XXXV two weeks ago, The Dark Roads Alliance are no longer your FWA World Tag Team Champions but they will have an opportunity to reclaim those titles at Winter Wasteland. With the state of the champions after Meltdown this past Thursday, Truth and Konchu must be feeling quite confident. Of course, there is the x factor of FTN also being involved, with Chris Peacock returning to in-ring action here tonight in Beirut for the first time since Lights Out.”

Konchu enters the ring once the group reach the bottom of the ramp whilst both Epsilon and Cyrus Truth walk around the ring towards the commentary position. A shot of the desk shows an empty chair next to Jean-Luc Watkins.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “It seems as well as getting to see Konchu Hao versus Chris Peacock in person, it seems I have the additional treat of being joined by ‘The Exile’ Cyrus Truth as well. Cyrus, a pleasure.”

Watkins rises to shake Truth’s hand, but Cyrus simply looks over at the commentator with a disapproving scowl. JLW is in stunned shock as Epsilon pushes himself up onto the empty seat and slides the headset on.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Uhm…”

Epsilon: “Veepoz garb fut og banz drep clou. Jubakara fen Varzos derg bek freezin.”

From inside the ring, Konchu applauds his ward and offers him some encouragement ahead of his commentary debut. Jean-Luc Watkins is shellshocked.


Jean-Luc Watkins: “I… don’t even know what to say. However, somehow, this is still an improvement on my previous partner.”

Speaking of the devil. The fans are unanimously disappointed and frustrated to see Allen Price being wheeled out onto the stage by a dischevelled Rick Vance, with Santino Dongarelli in tow as well. Cyrus Truth immediately heads towards the stage to clear the pest off, but once again he is put off by the wall of security guards that form in front of Price. A smirk forms on the former commentator’s face, but he then winces as this action hurts his neck, which is still in a brace.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Well, we were expecting Chris Peacock, but instead we have his manager, Allen Price. Price is of course still recovering from the Journey’s End he received courtesy of Cyrus Truth at Lights Out, as vengeance for Price’s role in his loss at Back in Business.

“Price was very outspoken on Meltdown XXXV and informed the Dark Roads Alliance that FTN would be involved in the tag team championship match at Winter Wasteland and from this overinflated sense of confidence, I can surmise that Cyrus did not drop him on his head hard enough.”

A microphone is placed into the hand of Allen Price by a stagehand, and he cranes his neck with some discomfort to get a better look of the Dark Roads Alliance.

Allen Price: “That’s right, Cyrus. You know the drill by now so save my guys here from having to kick your ass and then we can move on to the business at hand. Now, I know that the match tonight was supposed to be between Konchu Hao and the man who defeated Konchu all those years ago to become the X Champion, my best friend, Chris Peacock-”

There is a loud collective jeer from the fans at the mention of the former FWA World Champion. This is the first thing to bring something that almost resembles a smile to the face of Cyrus Truth, but Allen Price is irate.

Allen Price: “Oh yeah? OH YEAH? Yeah, well I think you’re all confusing me with someone who gives a SHIT what you think of me and my best friend! I guided Chris Peacock to being the most dominant FWA World Champion in recent history and every time I come out here I put my life at risk. Look what that bastard over there did to me! SHOW ME THE RESPECT THAT I’M OWED, DAMMIT!”

Unsurprisingly, Price’s aggressive stance does not yield the desired result and the negativity continues, so he just decides to talk over it.

Allen Price: “Yeah, well the joke is on all of you. Chris Peacock isn’t here tonight, he didn’t sign on for this match and therefore this match will not be going ahead. It is the attitude of people like all of you here tonight that is keeping Chris Peacock from coming back to the FWA. He returned at the Buddy Bowl to get his hands on that snake Randy Ramon but other than that? I don’t think he’ll be coming back any time soon, or at least I’m not sure.”

Price pauses and lowers the microphone and takes a heavy breath. It becomes abundantly clear that he, just like everyone else, is not sure when or where Chris Peacock is going to emerge from next.

Allen Price: “But rest assured, Dark Roads Alliance. Be warned. If there is any time that Chris Peacock is going to come back for something not involving exacting his revenge on Randy Ramon, it is going to be at Winter Wasteland so he and Alyster Black can reclaim the FWA World Tag Team Championships. So watch your backs.

Oh, before I go. Let me just make something clear. I don’t know what is going through Chris’s head right now, but one thing I know for sure is that tonight, this has nothing to do with you, Konchu. He’s not scared, he’s not afraid to face you. He just… just… doesn’t care enough. So don’t you two go around feeling like you’ve achieved something here tonight and getting even more delusions of grandeur. This isn’t over, gentlemen, but it is going to end on our terms.”

Price discards the microphone over his shoulder, where it strikes Rick Vance in the face. He immediately grabs his nose, meaning that Sonny has to push the wheelchair in order to escort him out.

Epsilon: “Jubakara heeb don freep blurm?”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Well, wrestling fans, a surprising turn of events where Chris Peacock has opted not to show for his match here tonight with Konchu Hao, meaning that ‘The Mad Wizard’ must surely be walking away from this one as a victor via forfeit, but well, whilst a Konchu Hao victory is surely what everyone was hoping for, the manner of it makes this one seem rather flat.

“Now, do I believe that Allen Price does not know Chris Peacock’s whereabouts or when we will see him again, or even if he will be at Winter Wasteland? Unequivocally. Do I believe that Chris Peacock is not scared of Konchu Hao or Cyrus Truth? That’s where I’m not particularly sure.”

Epsilon: “Hing glorn pree ferm. Quazzak flo perg tren braz sed fargz.”

In the ring, Konchu Hao can only watch on as Price, the Diamond Dogs and the extensive security detail depart from the stage and the crowd begins to boo. Hao stands with his hands on his hips and he looks in Cyrus Truth’s direction but ‘The Exile’ can only shrug as he knows that there is not much that can be done.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “I can’t say that I am particularly sure where this leaves us in all honesty, but I think Konchu Hao was certainly ready to compete tonight, whether Chris Peacock was the opponent or not.”

???: “Wait a minute, everybody. Wait a minute…”

The voice which echoes around the stadium belongs to one Jon Russnow, and the FWA Brand Co-ordinator walks out from the back holding a microphone.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Here comes Russnow to shed some light on the situation…”

Jon Russnow: “Alright, Konchu. I understand that you’re upset about this situation and frankly, so am I. You and Peacock mixing it up this close to Winter Wasteland would have been big for us, I don’t deny it. However, due to Peacock’s questionable reliability as of late, this is an eventuality which I was prepared for. I knew that there was a chance that I’d need to find you a replacement opponent in the event that you still wanted to compete if Chris Peacock didn’t show up for work again. I can see that you’re very much ready to compete tonight, Konchu, and I am grateful.

As it so happened, I was approached by someone earlier in the week and they asked whether there was any room for them on tonight’s card. I said no, but then told them to come along anyway, with a view of them facing you if your scheduled opponent wasn’t here. Now, I am very happy to see this gentleman back in the FWA, and I am sure that you all will be too. So, without further adieu, please let me welcome your opponent tonight… ‘THE PRODIGY’ MIKE PARR!!”

There is a minor hesitation from the fans before they react, but they all rise to their feet when MIKE PARR WALKS OUT FROM THE BACK! ‘The Prodigy’ nods his head at the positive reception and he shakes the hand of Jon Russnow, who motions for him to head down to the ring. Konchu Hao can be heard cackling due to the surprise of his opponent, and a shot of Cyrus Truth displays ‘The Exile’ of being taken aback as well, a rare occurrence.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “This… is unexpected! Mike Parr is BACK in the FWA and he’s looking great! We’ve not seen him since Back in Business when he was defeated by Big Bryan Bastard when challenging for the North American Championship. He didn’t look great in Mexico City when Baxter was done with him, but he seems as good as new here!”

Epsilon: “Jut berg graztan floo Jubakara. Bef ren murn!”

Parr points down at the floor as he talks out at the crowd on his way towards the ring, expressing that he’s back. He slaps the top step and then runs up them and enters the ring. Parr spins on the spot with his arms out and then gets onto the middle rope in one of the corners and takes in the cheers from the fans. Once he jumps down he is faced with ‘The Mad Wizard’, and nods his head before pointing out at Cyrus Truth, and ‘The Exile’ gives his old adversary an acknowledging tip of the head, also. The referee for this one is Larry Stevens, and he welcomes Parr back before ushering him back to a corner.


FIFTH MATCH || 1/20.
Konchu Hao vs. Mike Parr.
Singles Match.
Match writer: Man.


The bell rings and the crowd are still ecstatic to see that Mike Parr has made his return to the FWA, and ‘The Prodigy’ shows why he is considered one of the best to do it when he is able to immediately shift into gear by rushing Konchu at the start of the match. Parr gets a go behind which takes Hao by surprise and he runs him into the ropes, looking to draw Konchu back into a pin, but Hao smartly grabs onto the ropes. Parr rolls back on his own and Konchu turns around to follow up, but Parr leaps into the air and catches him with a knee straight to the jaw!

The explosive move does not take Hao down, but it does knock him back towards the ropes. Parr resettles and then lines Konchu up… and Clotheslines him over the top rope and down to the outside! With his opponent out of the ring, Parr takes a moment to soak in the cheers from the fans for his hot start to the match. ‘The Prodigy’ slaps his thigh a couple of times to get the fans clapping along at the same pace, and then runs the ropes… and takes Konchu out with a Tope Suicida! Parr rises to his feet and gets the crowd fired up some more.

Epsilon: “JUBAKARA! Glory fern bagh mehz den forp!!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Epsilon’s concern - or what I can only assume to be concern - is well-founded. Mike Parr has come out of the blocks exceedingly quickly and he’s looking like a million bucks. I think even you would have to concede that, Epsilon.”

Epsilon: “...”

A brief exchange of looks between the stone-faced Truth and Parr causes ‘The Prodigy’ to smirk momentarily, but Parr then wastes no further time in rolling Konchu into the ring. He hops up onto the apron and then gets back in, but as he gets through the ropes, Konchu grabs him and attempts John Dee’s Knees. However, Parr is able to catch a rising knee strike and trip over Konchu’s other foot, sending him onto his back. Parr flips over and gets into a Jackknife cover;


Konchu gets out of it easily and Parr rises to his feet. He attempts to step away, but Konchu gets a hold of his ankle which prevents him from doing so. Parr hops as Hao rises to his feet and then attempts an Enziguiri, but Konchu ducks the following leg. Parr finds himself in a wheelbarrow position but Konchu readjusts his grip and gets his waist… Wheelbarrow Suplex! Parr holds the back of his head upon landing and then backs into the corner, with Konchu quickly following up.


Jean-Luc Watkins: “Mike Parr may have gotten off to a hot start in this match but he is currently receiving a stark reminder of the levels of competition here in the FWA. Konchu Hao is a former tag team and X Champion… and he’s showing that pedigree here. Another strong body shot from the expert striker.”

Being trapped in the corner against Konchu Hao is not a desirable position for anyone, and Parr is finding out the hard way as Hao slams his knee into his midsection once again. The pace has been slowed down since Parr’s hot start, with Konchu wearing his opponent down with some fierce shots to the body and head. Larry Stevens has to come across and warn Konchu out of the corner, so ‘The Mad Wizard’ does pull Parr back towards the middle of the ring, only to charge him straight back into the corner.

Instead of peeling him away for a Spinebuster like Chris Peacock would, Konchu strikes Parr across the neck with a Mongolian Chop and then he stands on the second rope. He holds Parr in place by his hair and then starts driving his fist down onto Parr’s forehead, and the fans count along with each strike. The count reaches nine, and Konchu pauses to praise the fans. This allows Parr to push his legs out from underneath him, and Konchu’s face slams into the top turnbuckle on his way down.

Epsilon: “KEE! Jubakara? Mern behz dar!”

Parr is able to navigate his body in between Konchu and the corner as he steps up onto the top turnbuckle himself with Konchu’s head in his grasp… TORNADO DDT!! Konchu is absolutely spiked on the top of his head, and Parr shakes out a couple of cobwebs to go for the cover himself;


Jean-Luc Watkins: “A close call there for Konchu Hao, but I do get the feeling that both men are going to have to dig deeper and deeper as this match progresses if they want to emerge victorious. There’s a lot of pride on the line here.”

There is some lethargy in Parr as he gets to his knees and drags Konchu up from the mat and attempts to hook him up from behind, looking for his Rolling Cutter - but Konchu spins out of it - Rasputin’s Revenge - Parr ducks it! The two stand still with their fists clenched, as the crowd shows their appreciation for the efforts thus far.


Konchu rises in the corner after being sent into the turnbuckle very hard by Parr, but he does not have much of a chance to brace himself before Parr charges in and smushes his face with a Running Dropkick! Konchu’s legs crumble underneath him and Parr goes for another pin;


Jean-Luc Watkins: “Another moment there for Mike Parr, who is really showing not many signs of having been away from the FWA after his absence since Back in Business. Could be X Marks the Spot time?”

JLW’s prediction appears to be true as Mike Parr looks at the turnbuckle and begins to scale up the ropes with his back to the ring and his opponent. There is a sense of anticipation from the fans who wait for ‘The Prodigy’ to take flight once he is set. In the background at the commentary table, Epsilon can be seen panicking and hopping up and down in his seat.


The pained pleas of Epsilon appear to awaken something in ‘The Mad Wizard’ who picks his legs up from underneath him to rise from the mat and up to his feet. He reaches up and manages to club Parr on the lower back, almost making him lose his balance. Parr holds onto the ring post to maintain his positioning, but he soon has Konchu behind him on the turnbuckle. Konchu gets onto the second rope and attempts to get a hold on his opponent, but Parr is able to catch him with a couple of elbows.

These do not cause Konchu to fall and when it seems that he has gained the hold on Parr that he was looking for, he lets out an almighty “KEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!” and then lifts Parr up… AVALANCHE BACKDROP DRIVER!!!! The fans are uproarious for the huge impact, and it is clear that it took a lot out of Konchu Hao as well.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Talk about pulling out all of the stops! I don’t think anyone came out of that one feeling particularly well, but Konchu… gets an arm across Mike Parr’s chest!”


The fans let out a massive noise, excited that this match gets to continue here in Beirut. Konchu has his head in his hands for the failed kick out, and Cyrus Truth can be heard encouraging his partner.


An exhausted Konchu Hao and Mike Parr look at each other from across the ring. Parr brushes a bead of sweat from his forehead and they both charge forward… AND TAKE EACH OTHER DOWN WITH A CLOTHESLINE! After the big double bump, a loud klaxon is heard throughout the stadium.

Natalie Rosenberg: “Ladies and gentlemen, this is your Fallout Four-Minute Warning!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “This match has been fought tooth and nail and beat-for-beat by both of these competitors, but if we’re going to have a winner, it needs to be in the next four minutes, because it would be a horrendous shame for this one to end in a draw, isn’t that right, partner?”

Epsilon: “Glez ben nerf! Jubakara den Varzos bern min jumkan!”

Despite Epsilon’s apparent rejection of Watkins’s offer of partnership, the action continues in the ring with both Parr and Hao realising that they need to get a move on if they want to emerge victorious. Following the double take down, they rise to their knees and face each other. Konchu strikes first with a stiff throat thrust, and Parr fires back with a chop. They continue to exchange strikes as they rise to their feet, with the crowd firmly in support of both of them even though they are knocking seven shades of shit out of each other.

Once both back to a vertical base, Parr gets the better of the strikes to the surprise of some and reels off a few forearms in a row. However it soon becomes obvious why Konchu allowed Parr to get those strikes in because he reaches into his pocket… BUT PARR KICKS BABA VANGA’S ILLUMINATION AWAY!!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Great awareness from Mike Parr - he knew that the wizard likes to use that trick!”

Konchu gasps in astonishment, and this allows Parr to hook him up from behind… ROLLING CUTTER!!! The move has the crowd on their feet and Parr slumps to the mat himself, unable to follow up. The camera catches his eyes though, and they are not on his opponent, but the top rope instead. ‘The Prodigy’ reaches up towards the turnbuckle and once again pulls himself up. He is even slower than earlier on when he made the same journey.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Looks like Parr wants to put a bit of gloss on the finish, if you’ll pardon the pun…”

Epsilon: “Jubakara…. glem.”

Parr stands on the top rope and steadies himself. He grins when the fans chant his name and will him on… he takes flight…



It is an agonising landing for Parr, and he rises up, clutching his stomach in disbelief… AND KONCHU ROLLS HIM UP FROM BEHIND!!!


Winner: Konchu Hao via pin fall at 18:10.

A good cheer goes up as Parr pops up out of the pin just after Larry’s hand slapped the mat for a third time and he argues his case once the bell has rung. Konchu rises to his feet and cackles gleefully as he revels in his victory, and Cyrus Truth enters the ring, clapping his hands in support of his partner. Epsilon is shown jumping on the announce table in delight.

Natalie Rosenberg: “Here is your winner… KONCHU HAO!!”

Epsilon: “Jubakara! Jubakara! Jubakara! Jubakara!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “A well-earned victory for Konchu Hao here tonight on Fallout, and a necessary one for the Dark Roads Alliance to bounce back from losing the FWA World Tag Team Championships two weeks ago. With FTN seemingly splintered and the champions fighting each other, they are in perfect position to reclaim the gold at Winter Wasteland at the end of next month.

“That’s not to take away from the efforts of Mike Parr in his return match here either, Epsilon. ‘The Prodigy’ is back in the mix and with performances like that, I would not be surprised if it was too long before he finds himself rubbing shoulders with the other big names once again. Well, he’s looking at one of them right now.”

After giving up on fighting his case to the referee, Parr stands with his hands on his hips and he cuts a frustrated figure in the middle of the ring. Both Konchu Hao and Cyrus Truth seem willing to give Parr his props though, and Konchu applauds in his direction and encourages the fans to do the same thing as well, which they do. The classy act from the victor is not enough to lift Parr up from his disappointment, though. Cyrus Truth steps forward and offers a hand out to Parr as a sign of respect… but Parr slaps it away!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Despite the performance, this return did not go the way that Parr wanted or even expected and well, this seems like frustration to me. If there’s something that we know about Cyrus Truth though, he won’t let disrespect like that slide…”

Despite Parr’s action, Cyrus holds his hand out again, determined to get Parr to show himself and Konchu some respect and move on… but Parr turns around and exits the ring. The crowd seems to turn on him slightly as he does this, but he does not look back. Instead he tosses his elbow pads to the ground and starts unwrapping his wrist tape on his way out.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “A slightly bitter note to leave this match on but well, as far as Epsilon here is concerned, his friend won so he is happy. Thank you for joining me out here!”

Without a word back, Epsilon flings off his headset and it actually strikes Watkins in the face but this is of no concern to the diminutive minion of Konchu Hao. He joins his master and Cyrus in the ring and Konchu embraces him and the two begin to celebrate. Cyrus Truth watches Mike Parr leave and then shakes his head, before joining Epsilon in congratulating Konchu.


A scene of The Dark Roads Alliance celebrating inside the ring is shown on a monitor backstage and as the camera zooms out it can be shown that Allen Price is watching the live feed from the ring. He is flanked by the Diamond Dogs, and it is clear that he is unhappy to see his rivals enjoying a victory.

Allen Price: “Gah. I hate seeing those idiots enjoying themselves. They’re not a family… they’re… um… I don’t even know what to call those freaks but I hate them! I hate them! Stupid Cyrus Truth…”

Santino Dongarelli: “Come on Allen, you know the pain medication makes you emotional. Besides, if Chris was here, he would have got the job done. What happened out there isn’t important, man!”

Price grimaces as he gets a twitch in his neck and he almost falls back in his wheelchair. His frustration is compounded when Todd Salum arrives on the scene and thrusts a microphone in his face.

Todd Salum: “Allen Price. Well, I must say that you’ve seen finer days, boy. I suppose that’s what you get for sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong, isn’t it? Now, you’re better placed to know this better than anyone else. Are we going to be seeing Chris Peacock any time soon, or at Winter Wasteland? His appearance at the Buddy Bowl was certainly unexpected.”

Allen Price: “Look, Chris knows the match is happening but you saw tonight that he’s not exactly willing to tow the company line at the moment. This is a man in pain because this company has allowed a maniac like Randy Ramon to attack him whenever he has liked without consequence and cost him the FWA World Championship without even a hint of offering him a rematch.

“I may not know where Chris is, but if there is one thing I know it is that he’s not going to rest and he is not going to stop until Randy Ramon has been dealt with for good.”

Todd Salum: “Well, with Christopher not here there’s something I’d like to say about the events of two weeks ago at the Buddy Bowl. I completely understand why Chris Peacock is so aggrieved with Randy Ramon after what happened at Back in Business and Lights Out. Anyone would be desperate for revenge after what Ramon did… but I must condemn the utterly deplorable way in which Chris exacted his vengeance two weeks ago.

“Masquerading as his brother and using his brother’s issues and demons as a ruse and a weapon to get close to Ramon was truly despicable. I have gotten to know Chris Peacock very well over the last three years and he has been someone I have been grateful for thanks to the help he has given me in the past but what I saw two weeks ago and the depths he plunged too are too much for me to excuse.

“When it seemed like the whole world had turned against Chris Peacock, I still believed that underneath the exterior or crassness and vulgarity, the ego and the bravado that there was a fundamentally good man lurking inside. A good man that had simply lost his way. I am truly sorry to say that I was wrong. How could he-”


Salum is cut off mid-sentence by a sudden strike to the face, and the interviewer drops down to the floor. From inside the stadium the fans boo, expecting it to have been the work of one of the Diamond Dogs or maybe even Chris Peacock himself. But the camera lingers on the boot which struck Salum in the jaw and it pans upwards… to reveal Randy Ramon. There is a gasp from the fans when they see ‘Rockstar’ standing over the unconscious Salum.

The look of controlled fury in Ramon’s eyes coupled with the bandage around his head from where Peacock smashed a beer bottle into it has Price and the Dogs stunned in position. Ramon crouches down in front of Allen Price and clears his throat.

Randy Ramon: “I’ll speak slowly so even you can keep up. Understand this… the only reason that wasn’t your jaw is because I need you to use that mouth of yours to send a message to our mutual ‘friend’.

“You can tell Chris that I’ll give him that one. He got me good, but I won that Buddy Bowl, so he’s going to have to do much better next time. Tell him to show up at Winter Wasteland and win those titles back with that other asshole. That way, I can be the one to take them from him, just like he did to me…”

The sentence trails off as Ramon’s eyes wander upwards from Allen Price and past Vance and Dongarelli. He stands up straight and the FWA World Champion Alyster Black walks into view. He and Ramon go face-to-face, neither showing any sign of backing down.

Alyster Black: “Do we have a problem here?”

Randy Ramon: “Not yet, Alyster… soon, though.”

Ramon backs away whilst keeping his eyes focused on Black and Black then turns to Allen Price, who is luckily wearing a ghastly brown suit.

Alyster Black: “Is he here?”

Price shakes his head and Black sighs. He looks back in the direction of where Ramon left.

Alyster Black: “Make sure he’s in Istanbul. I need him.”


Fallout returns from an ad and there’s a lavish set in the middle of the ring with a bed in the center. Sitting on the bed are a male and female, two familiar faces if you’ve been paying attention, Monica and Antonio. Better known as the lovers to another familiar face that’s about to be introduced.

Monica: “Ladies, gentlemen, and every beautiful being in between, I hope you are ready for what’s about to happen!”

Antonio: “I don’t think they’re ready!”

Monica: “I don’t know if they can handle it!”

Antonio: “There’s only one way to find out…”

“It’s time to experience!”

They say together in unison and the familiar music begins to play, and the fans are on their feet in anticipation. Jackson Fenix and Nate Savage, part of the Undisputed Xperienx, make their way out, but no Xperienx Xtacee with them much to the confusion of Monica and Antonio. Bubbles the Clown is also with the duo as Jackson rides on his back as they make their way down to the ring.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Here comes The Undisputed Alliance but conspicuous by his absence is Xperienx Xtacee, the host of this talk show segment, and tag team partner of Savage and Fenix. I don’t know what’s going on wrestling fans, your guess is as good as mine.”

Fenix and Savage enter the ring and sit down on the bed as the music gradually fades out, Bubbles sits next to Jackson on the bed.

Monica: “Uh, boys, where’s Xtacee?”

Nate Savage: “I don’t know, Jack said he was right behind us.”

Jackson Fenix: “I swear that he was with us but the next thing I know he’s gone.”

Monica and Antonio appear worried about their beloved Xtacee. Jackson and Nate seem confused by what’s going on and his sudden disappearance.

Jackson Fenix: “Do we do the show without him?”

Nate Savage: “It’s his show Jack, I don’t think that would be right.”

Monica: “I knew this would be a bad idea!”

Antonio: “Monica…”

Nate Savage: “Monica is right, we probably shouldn’t be doing this without Xtacee.”

Monica: “Oh Nate, you’re as smart as you are handsome…”

Monica saunters toward Nate and gently strokes his beard.

Jackson Fenix: “Maybe we give him a few minutes. It’s possible that he had to use the bathroom before we came out.”

Monica still appears worried but Antonio looks at her reassuringly.

Antonio: “That sounds like a good idea, Jackson.”

The group sits there in silence for what seems like forever until Jackson breaks the silence.

Jackson Fenix: “You guys want to hear a joke?”

Monica: “Sure love, what is it?”

Before Jackson can say his joke the familiar music plays once more and after a few seconds Xperienx Xtacee stumbles out on stage.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Better late than never I suppose, but Xperienx Xtacee is looking worse for wear I’m afraid.”

Xtacee looks to be in a bit of a daze as he slowly walks to the ring, tripping on himself along the way until he’s joined by Jackson Fenix, who offers to walk with him to the ring. Xtacee takes Jackson up on his offer and the two of them make their way to the ring.

Once inside the ring, Xtacee is greeted with happy horn honking from Bubbles the Clown and hugs from Monica and Antonio while the music fades out again.

Monica: “Oh Xtacee baby, are you sure you want to do this?”

Xtacee looks at Monica and slowly nods. She helps him to the bed and he’s seated beside Nate Savage.

Monica: “Jackson, before we introduce our guests, how about we hear that joke now that Xtacee is here, I’m sure he’d love to hear it wouldn’t you baby?”

Xtacee has a microphone and he’s about to speak when he’s cut off by another familiar theme song…

Blair Ravenwood strolls onto the stage with a cocky grin etched on her face, all the while Celestia walks out behind her sister, as she helps Trixie - who looks as though she’d just got done fighting a hungry Tiger - as the FWA Trios Champions make their way down the aisle towards the ring.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “I’m beginning to think Monica may be right, wrestling fans. Xtacee appears to be in no condition to be out here right now, and Trixie should be receiving medical attention after that war she had with Jeffry Mason earlier this evening!”

Despite the state of her ravaged body, Trixie sports a euphoric smile as she is helped to the ring, struggling to walk due to the damage done to her back by Jeffry. She looks to be dressed for the occasion, wearing a Scooby Doo pajama shirt and shorts, and clutches her own pillow, looking ready for a sleepover. The trio enters the ring and Trixie is helped onto the bed next to Jackson, which causes Xtacee to almost fall off the bed, nervously. Blair and Celestia opt to stand instead of sitting with their partner as the music fades out.

Jackson Fenix: “Nice pajamas.”

Trixie Bordeaux: “Thanks!”

Trixie responds excitedly as she hugs her pillow, with the blood from the wounds on her bandaged hand staining the pillow red.

Nate Savage: “Maybe this was a bad idea.”

Regaining his composure, the tipsy Xtacee stares nervously back and forth between the pair of menacing witch sisters, and the battered and bloodied witch in training sitting happily on the bed, as Monica speaks but before she can start speaking she’s cut off by Jackson.

Jackson Fenix: “What do you mean this was a bad idea?”

Everyone gives Jackson a look of bewilderment, well everyone except Trixie and Xtacee, the former being completely oblivious to everything happening around her and Xtacee probably not knowing where he is at the moment.

Nate Savage: “Jax…read the room buddy.”

Jackson looks around at everyone and then back at Nate.

Jackson Fenix: “The room reads fine but it’s not as good as Britney’s book, no offense to anyone here.”

Nate nearly puts his hand through his face from facepalming so hard.

Nate Savage: “Jax, look around buddy. Trixie looks like she got in a fight with a lawnmower and she should probably be receiving medical attention instead of being here…”

Trixie Bordeaux: “What’s a lawnmower?”

Nate is even more bewildered by that question than Jackson’s obliviousness, but he pushes forward with what he was saying.

Nate Savage: “Then I don’t know what’s happening with Xtacee but clearly he’s not one hundred percent right now…”

Monica puts a reassuring hand on Nate’s shoulder to calm him down. Monica motions for Nate to take a seat before she finally begins to speak.

Monica: “Ok, everyone, let’s just try to remember why we’re here. This is ‘Pillow Talk’, where everything is supposed to be sweet, smooth, and fun. So let’s have some fun!”

Trixie Bordeaux: “Yeah! Let’s get this sleepover started!”

Trixie exclaims off mic, seemingly liking the cut of Monica’s jib. Trixie’s stablemates don’t look the slightest bit excited as they witness the least professional talk show in the history of talk shows.

Monica: “Okay, so, um…”

Monica thinks about asking Blair or Celestia a question, but the sisters’ sinister demeanour gives her second thoughts, and so she turns her attention to the only happy person in the ring.

Monica: “Trixie…um, how-…how are you feeling…ya know, with the whole Deathmatch ordeal you went through earlier. You um…you good?”

Monica stares at Trixie concerned, as a rogue thumbtack falls from Trixie’s bicep and onto the bed. Aiming the mic in Trixie’s direction so that she can respond, the dotty young woman freezes slightly as she looks out into the sea of FWA fans in attendance. Does she talk to Monica? Does she talk to the fans? She seems unsure, since this would be the first time that she had ever spoken in front of a live audience before, and a sudden wave of nerves floods her entire being.

Nate Savage: “I think she got hit a few too many times in the head. She’s malfunctioning.”

Monica: “Uh, we’ll come back to you after, Trixie…”

Monica removes the microphone from Trixie’s face and looks at her friends for help, as she is too intimidated to approach Blair or Celestia.

Monica: “Uh, do-…do you have any questions, Nate?”

As Monica looks for help, Blair Ravenwood swoops in and yoinks the microphone from Monica’s grasp.

Blair Ravenwood: “Oh, for Lilith’s sake, you’re all a bunch of amateurs! It’s genuinely destroying my soul listening to you nimrods stumble through this piss poor excuse for a talk show like Bambi on ice. Is this even a real talk show? Or just some fat brained idea by the powers that be to get us all in the same ring, so that they can film the enormous brawl that ALWAYS happens in this sort of thing, for the oh so important video package for our match at Winter Wasteland?”

Nate Savage: “Hey! Who the hell do you think you are snatching the microphone from Monica like that?!”

Nate’s reaction surprises Monica and she looks incredibly giddy as she moves closer to Nate and puts a hand on his shoulder.

Monica: “Aw, you’re sticking up for me!”

Nate Savage: “Please, don’t get used to it…”

Monica playfully pouts at Nate and puts her hands on her hips.

Nate Savage: “I just don’t want to hear anything these two wicked witch bitches have to say! Oh, and Trixie’s getting her stupid blood on these amazing sheets!”

Trixie Bordeaux: “Hey, I think my blood is smart!”

Celestia Ravenwood: “Ha, the only thing stupid I see on those sheets is you, Nate.”

Nate Savage starts to rush at the Ravenwood’s but is momentarily stopped by his partner Jackson Fenix.

Jackson Fenix: “Hey, woah, everybody, let’s just calm down. We don’t have to do the silly thing all wrestlers do in this situation!”

Antonio and Monica slip out of the ring as Jackson tries to hold Nate back from attacking their opponents. Trixie, still sitting on the bed, accidentally drops her pillow as Jackson is walking backwards while attempting to keep his partner back, causing Jackson to slip and fall onto the mat and roll out of the ring.

Trixie Bordeaux: “Oopsie!”

Nate picks up the pillow and throws it at Trixie, knocking her off the bed. He then swings for the head of Celestia who ducks and gets behind him, grabbing his arms to prevent him from moving. With Nate Savage now being completely vulnerable, Blair Ravenwood reaches behind her back and pulls out a black cloth with a large red dot in the center. She puts it up to her face and balls it up in her fist before thrusting her hand out and unleashing a big red flash of fire, some mist, and sparks!


At the face of Xperienx Xtacee as he pushes Nate Savage and Celestia Ravenwood right out of the ring! Blair quickly leaves the ring as Trixie and Celestia join her by the rampway. Monica, Antonio, Nate Savage and Jackson Fenix all rush back into the ring in order to attend to a knocked out Xperienx Xtacee, whose face is absolutely covered by a red substance.


A brand new theme begins to play but when Tommy Bedlam and Chris Crowe emerge from the back, the fans immediately get to their feet, cheering for the Deathswitch duo.

Natalie Rosenberg: “The following contest is your main event of the evening and is a triple threat tag team match scheduled for one fall with a thirty minute time limit! Introducing first, weighing in at a combined weight of four hundred eighty four pounds… “The Showman” Chris Crowe and The FWA X Champion Tommy Bedlam… DEATHSWITCH INITIATIVE!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Tommy Bedlam and Chris Crowe have been on roll in the tag team division since Crowe’s return but a monkey wrench was thrown last Fallout when both competed in the Buddy Bowl… but with different partners. Both Tommy Bedlam and Jeffry Mason as well as Chris Crowe and Randy Ramon made it to the final four of the Buddy Bowl, but it was Chris Crowe and Randy Ramon who won and will be getting a tag title shot. I’m not sure how well it’s sitting with Tommy Bedlam knowing his partner is getting a tag title shot without him. But tonight they’re back at it together and so far it looks like there’s no issues between the pair, though earlier tonight we did see their opponents possibly trying to drive a wedge.”

Tommy and Chris high five one another on the top of the ramp before making their way down the aisle - Tommy high fiving fans on one side while Crowe focused on the opposite side. They climb into the ring.

As each of the three opening vocal sounds play, a spotlight turns on at center stage to alternate between illuminating, and then covering in darkness, three figures. Once the main portion of the song plays at 9 seconds, the lights in the arena are dark save for a single golden light illuminating to the stage where we see Keres now. She is holding the arm of her partner, Princess Nova… who is laying on her back on the stage being dragged by Keres as she appears to be completely void of life.

Natalie Rosenberg: “And their opponents, weighing in at a combined weight of two hundred thirty two pounds, “The Daughter of Demise” Keres and “The TORN Angel” Princess Nova…. ETERNAL!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: ”Do not adjust your television sets ladies and gentlemen… that is The Daughter of Demise dragging her opponent down to the ring for the match. Ever since Princess Nova signed up for the Buddy Bowl without Keres’ approval, Nova has been a lifeless puppet, only acting when instructed by Keres. Keres has her eyes on Tommy Bedlam tonight, who has become the most recent target of her TORN shenanigans, with them set to clash at Winter Wasteland.”

The straight faced Keres drags Princess Nova down to the ring as Tommy and Crowe are unsure of what to make it if in the ring. Once at ringside, Keres lets go of Nova’s arm as it drops to the ground. She stands at ringside, not entering the ring.

Boos fill the arena as Jeremy Best walks out first from the back, a huge smile on his face, waving happily to the fans despite the boos while Big Bryan Bastard walks out behind him, stopping to put his hands on his hips, showing off the FWA North American Title wrapped around his waist.

Natalie Rosenberg: “And their opponents, weighing in at a combined weight of four hundred ninety two pounds… “Your New Best Friend” Jeremy Best and the FWA North American Champion Big Bryan Bastard… THE BUDDY SYSTEM!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: ”There is no love loss from these fans for the Buddy System. Jeremy looks happy to be tagging again with Bryan and is definitely looking to bounce back from the Buddy Bowl not going as he had hoped. While he has the World Title shot at Winter Wasteland, he is always looking to get the tag titles alongside his buddy Bryan. And I already mentioned how we have a taste of Winter Wasteland in this one with Keres and Tommy but we also have the North American title match represented here as Chris Crowe and Bryan Baxter both are very eager to get their hands on one another.”

While Jeremy happily walks down to the ring, Bryan has his eyes decidedly on Chris Crowe in the ring as the duo makes their way down. They climb into the ring as the boos continue to rain in.


SIXTH MATCH || 1/30.
Deathswitch (Tommy Bedlam and Chris Crowe) vs. The Buddy System (Jeremy Best and Big Bryan Bastard) vs. Eternal (Keres and Princess Nova).
Tag Team Triple Threat Match.
Match writer: Dubb.

The bell rings! While Keres stands at ringside next to the lifeless Princess Nova laying on the ground, Bryan Baxter steps out onto the apron as does Chris Crowe, making Tommy Bedlam and Jeremy Best the legal men to start the match. Bedlam and Best circle the ring, Best looking a little nervous staring down the X Champion. Bedlam moves in for a collar and elbow tie up, but Jeremy ducks through the lock up attempt and rolls to his corner and decides to tag in Bryan Bastard.

Jean-Luc Watkins:: “I guess Jeremy Best wants nothing to do with the X Champion after all!”

Bedlam shakes his head as Triple B steps through the ropes, looking eager to get his hands on the cowboy.

Jean-Luc Watkins:: “I don’t think Big Bryan Bastard minds the chance to get his hands on Bedlam… I think he still wants another shot at Tommy after Bedlam got the better of him at Meltdown XXXIV.”

Tommy motions for the big man to bring it on, as Baxter moves in and the two lock up, but Baxter quickly brings his knee up to Tommy’s midsection to break up the lock up and instead brings a big open hand chop across Bedlam’s bare chest. Tommy winces but comes back with a big forearm blow to Baxter’s chest. Baxter responds with a forearm of his own. Back and forth Tommy and Bryan go, trading elbows before the X Champion gets fired up and unleashes a plethora of forearms rapid fire, backing Bryan up into the ropes much to the delight of the fans.

With Bryan against the ropes, Tommy takes the big man by the arm and sends him across the ring with an Irish Whip… but Bryan reverses it. Tommy comes back off the ropes and Bryan goes for a clothesline, but Bedlam ducks! Bedlam bounces off the opposite ropes, coming back toward Bastard, who now ducks down for a back body drop, but Tommy telegraphes it with a boot to the face and then a swinging neckbreaker to take the North American champion to the mat!

Tommy plays to the crowd as Bryan rolls up to a knee. From the apron, Chris Crowe extends his arm, wanting the chance to get his hands on his Winter Wasteland opponent. Bedlam asks the crowd if they want The Showman to get tagged in, which they vehemently agree. Bedlam walks to the corner and tags in Crowe.

Jean-Luc Watkins:: “Here we go! A preview of the North American Championship match!”

Bryan Bastard is back up and watches Crowe entering the ring. The two rivals go nose to nose, exchanging some heated words before Baxter strikes Crowe with a right hand..

That is BLOCKED by The Showman! Crowe fires back with a series of right hands of his own, rocking Baxter backward! Crowe now sends Baxter into the ropes…

Where Jeremy Best gets the blind tag!

Off the ropes, Crowe takes the big Bastard down with a hiptoss, but Jeremy Best comes into the ring with a springboard crossbody… but is CAUGHT by The Showman! Crowe walks with Best in his arms, setting him up for a fallaway slam…

But Bryan Bastard is back up and clobbers Crowe from behind! Jeremy lands back on his feet, leaping up and hitting a step up enziguri to Crowe that sends the Showman stumbling into a Reverse STO from Baxter!

Not happy with his partner being double teamed, Tommy Bedlam enters the ring, blazing past referee Larry Stevens and spinning Baxter around and rocking him with a rolling elbow. Best comes at Bedlam with a spinning heel kick, taking the cowboy down. But as soon as Jeremy is up, Crowe is back up as well and Crowe blasts Jeremy with a running bulldog!

As the Showman is getting up, Bryan Bastard attacks him with a running shoulder block, sending Crowe into the ropes where Bryan hits him with a clothesline that takes Crowe over the top rope to the floor! Bastard watches Crowe crash to the ringside, but then is taken over the top rope himself as Tommy Bedlam charges in with a clothesline of his own!

Bedlam stands tall in the ring alone, and lets out a big ole southerner yeehaw, playing to the crowd… but he doesn’t notice that suddenly, almost out of nowhere…

Keres is standing behind him.

Jean-Luc Watkins:: “That creepy Keres has been watching all the action unfold in the ring until now… almost like she was waiting for her moment to get to Tommy!”

Bedlam suddenly feels like he’s been watched, and cautiously turns around to find Keres… who strikes quickly with a heart punch! Bedlam stumbles back as Keres unleashes a series of vicious kicks to Tommy before running and hitting a hurricanrana over the top rope! Both Keres and Tommy spill out to ringside as well!

At ringside, Keres, Crowe, and Bedlam are all getting back to their feet…

As Bryan Bastard has found the lifeless vessel of Princess Nova… and has picked her up! He carries Nova’s body around ringside and TOSSES HER AT Bedlam and Crowe! The Deathswitch duo catch her… just as Jeremy Best comes off the top rope with a MOONSAULT PLANCHA ONTO Crowe, Bedlam, Nova, and Keres!

Jean-Luc Watkins:: “Bryan Bastard just used Princess Nova as a weapon! Guess she’s getting some action in this match after all.”

<< 08:11. >>

The action is now back in the ring as things have settled back down. Tommy Bedlam is the legal man but is in trouble in the Buddy System corner as Bryan and Jeremy take turns working him over. Jeremy pulls Bedlam out of the corner and takes him down to the mat with a snapmare, leaving the X Champion in a seated position. Jeremy backs up and then begins to unload his Friendly Fire series of stiff kicks to Tommy’s chest. One after the other continues to wear down Bedlam before Jeremy runs to the ropes looking to finish off the combo, coming back with a running dropkick to the kneeling Bedlam.

But when Jeremy hit the ropes, Keres blindtagged herself in!

Jeremy tries to go for the pin, but Larry Stevens explains to him that he’s not the legal man. Frustrated, Jeremy leaves the ring as Keres now begins to stalk the fallen Tommy.

Jean-Luc Watkins:: “The Daughter of Demise has had very little interest in getting involved in this match… except when it comes to Tommy Bedlam.”

Keres slowly circles Tommy as he struggles to try and recover, before she drops and elbow down onto the back of his shoulder just as he was trying to get up to his knees, taking him back down. She rolls back up and drops another elbow across the shoulder. And another before locking in an armbar submission to Bedlam.

Larry Stevens checks in on Tommy, but he shakes him off and begins trying to battle his way back up to his feet, but Keres drives her shoulder into Tommy’s shoulder, and hiptosses him back down to the mat into another armbar submission.

Tommy struggles against the hold, but is able to roll over and up to his knees as Keres keeps trying to keep the move locked in, but Tommy shows off his strength as he lifts her up off the mat… but before he can slam her, Keres releases the hold and then drives a series of elbows into Bedlam’s head, causing him to drop her. Keres lands on her feet and rocks Bedlam with a Brazilian Kick before grabbing a handful of Tommy’s hair and taking him to the mat with a Hair-Pull neckbreaker.

Keres made the cover




Bedlam begins to pull himself up, but Keres comes charging in with a Superwoman Elbow smash!

She makes another pin!



Thre… Kickout!

Keres sits up from the pinfall, not showing any signs of frustration as she kneels beside Bedlam… instead she grabs Bedlam’s face and viciously begins to pull at Bedlam’s nose before taking two fingers and sticking them into Tommy’s eyes, pulling back violently! Referee Larry Stevens gives Keres a four count and then forces her off.

Tommy begins to pull himself up to his knees… Keres looks to finish him off with the Oscurità… but Tommy rolls out of the way! He pulls himself up but Keres quickly strikes with a spinkick to the midsection and then sends Tommy into the ropes, but Tommy comes back off the ropes…


Jean-Luc Watkins:: “Big counter there from Bedlam and now we’ll see if he can get the tag!”

Bedlam sits up to his knees after taking Keres down and begins to make his crawl to the corner…

And GETS THE TAG to Chris Crowe!

The fresh Showman comes in as Keres is getting up to her feet… and she stumbles backwards and falls to the Buddy System corner, tagging in Jeremy Best!

Best seems surprised to have gotten the tag, but steps into the ring as Keres exits, climbing back down to the floor and joining the lifeless Nova at ringside. Jeremy eyes Crowe and then charges in… right into a big right hand from Crowe!

<< 14:43. >>

After picking up a nearfall on Best with a brainbuster, The Showman pulls him back up to his feet. He lifts Jeremy up onto his shoulders into a fireman’s carry, going for a Death Valley Driver, but Jeremy escapes down Crowe’s back!





Both get back up to their feet and Jeremy lifts Crowe up onto his shoulders now in a fireman’s carry… looking for the BFF…

Crowe struggles, trying to fight as Jeremy stumbles toward the corner… Crowe on Jeremy’s shoulder reaches out and Tommy tags in, unbeknownst to Jeremy! Tommy enters from behind, grabbing Crowe and pulling him down off Jeremy’s shoulders!

A surprised Jeremy turns around into a double discus lariat from both Tommy and Crowe! Crowe and Bedlam pull Jeremy to his feet, Crowe takes Jeremy by the arm and Irish Whips him into Bedlam right into a SPINEBUSTER!

Tommy makes the cover!





Crowe immediately goes after Baxter, the two exchanging blows as their brawl spills out of the ring to outside the ring, leaving Best and Bedlam alone in the ring.

Best is in trouble as he staggers to his feet to the waiting Bedlam who lifts him up…

Jean-Luc Watkins:: “Tommy Bedlam has Jeremy Best right where he wants him now! Looks like Best is going to be going for an Eight Second Ride!”

SUPERWOMAN PUNCH out of nowhere from Keres!

Tommy drops to a knee as Jeremy drops to the canvas. Keres grabs Jeremy and pulls him to her corner, stepping out and tagging herself back in.

Keres stalks back to Tommy as he begins to get to his feet… Horrible Sanity headbutt drops him to his knees and..

Keres locks in the Clutch of Woe!

Meanwhile, outside the ring, Chris Crowe sends Bryan Baxter crashing into the ringsteps. He sees his partner in trouble, so he slides into the ring! Crowe clobbers Keres from behind with a running forearm to break up the submission.

Crowe spins Keres around and begins to rock her with a series of jabs and then spins around..


Keres DUCKS!


The Showman’s eyes grow wide as he accidentally strikes his partner, and Keres takes advantage with another Superwoman Punch, this time hitting Crowe and taking him down to the mat.

Keres makes the pin on Bedlam!



Three… NO! Jeremy Best makes the save!

Jean-Luc Watkins:: “The miscommunication from Deathswitch almost cost them there, but it’s Jeremy Best keeping this match going!”

Jeremy delivers a series of forearms to Keres back before she can get back up off of Tommy, then rakes her eyes before lifting her up onto his shoulders..


But Crowe is back up as Jeremy drops her, and Crowe gives Jeremy a boot to the midsection…


Jeremy rolls out onto the apron while Tommy Bedlam is now up to his feet, and he grabs his partner by the arm and pulls him toward him. Bedlam doesn’t seem too pleased about Crowe’s errant lariat, but Crowe yells at Bedlam to focus on the match and cover the girl. Bedlam shakes off the frustration and drops down for the pin.





Bryan Bastard breaks it up at the last minute!

Chris Crowe goes after BBB, but Bryan battles back and rocks Crowe with a rolling right hand as Tommy gets up to his feet… Tommy charges at Baxter…


Baxter side steps it and now Tommy accidentally hits Crowe with the spear!

Tommy sits up, his hands ontop his head but he doesn’t have much time to react as Baxter attacks him from behind. Baxter wails on Tommy, backing him into the ropes where Jeremy has pulled himself up using the ring ropes. Jeremy reaches over and tags Tommy on the back to make himself the legal man! Baxter then lifts Tommy up..

BUCKLE BOMB to Tommy as Jeremy runs the apron and hits a running enziguri!

Tommy falls over in the corner as BBB and Jeremy turn their attention to the recovering Keres. Jeremy climbs to the top turnbuckle as Bryan lifts Keres up into his arms… Jeremy comes off the top rope..


Jeremy makes the cover!




Winner: The Buddy System via pinfall at 20:07.

Natalie Rosenberg: “Here are your winners… The Buddy System!”

Jeremy hops back up to his feet and immediately gives Bryan Bastard a big hug. Bryan can’t help but smile before he takes Jeremy’s hand and lifts his arm up in victory.

Jean-Luc Watkins:: “A big win here tonight ahead of Winter Wasteland for both Jeremy Best and Bryan Bastard!”

Larry Stevens brings the North American Championship into the ring, but before he can hand it off to Jeremy…

Chris Crowe comes into the ring and intercepts Larry, pulling the North American title away from Stevens!

Bryan Baxter stares Crowe down as Crowe looks at the title… and then hands it over to Baxter.

Chris Crowe: “For now…”

Crowe says as a bit of a warning to Baxter. Baxter snatches the belt away from Crowe, who turns to leave…


Baxter begins to put the boots to Crowe while Tommy Bedlam is struggling to get back to his feet at ringside…

The crowd explodes as Alyster Black rushes down from the back!

Jean-Luc Watkins:: “Here comes the champ! But he still can’t put his hands on Jeremy!”

Black slides into the ring… and Jeremy quickly darts to ringside, while Baxter grabs his North American Title..

He takes a swing at Black!

Black ducks!


Jean-Luc Watkins:: “How about that! Alyster Black with some redemption on Bryan Bastard there! But the man he really wants… Jeremy Best is heading for the hills!”

Jeremy jumps over the guard rails, running up the aisle - not wanting anything to do with Alyster Black even with the restraining order.

Alyster Black climbs the turnbuckles, watching Jeremy scurry off. Black lifts up the FWA Championship.

Jean-Luc Watkins:: “At Winter Wasteland… there will be nothing keeping Alyster Black from getting his hands on Jeremy Best! At Winter Wasteland… we may actually see the end of Jeremy Best this time! Or will Jeremy find a way to do the unthinkable and beat Alyster Black for the third time? We’ll see you on December 31st!”

Fallout comes to a close with Alyster Black perched upon the top rope, the crowd ecstatic for the champ.

Last edited:


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Jimmy King

It’s Britney, bitch
Dec 12, 2010
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Whopper of a show! Great builds in each story as we head into Winter Wasteland!
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Jazz Wolf

Friendship Wolf
Oct 20, 2022
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Triple J Security is a lock for return of the year.

Seriously though it's amazing to see Parr back. Dude's amazing.

Jugem Jugem
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