I didn’t turn you into an enemy. You’re the one who said you didn’t want to be friends. That wasn’t me. You made this personal because you clearly still harbor issues with Barry and Jeff and for some reason I’m still the scape goat for people.
I don’t hold grudges, ma’am. I’m literally giving you keys to the castle. You once did this when I’d don’t make you a different moderator. Here’s your chance.
airing private conversations. nice.
just because i don't want to be friends with you at this exact point, means we have to be enemies straight away. neutral ground can exist.
My issues with Jeff aren't personal - i just made the point that he has a track record in mafia games that seems to be tabled and the end of every game. If I had such a grudge and was so vindicative - wouldn't I have been spiteful and not let him play in the game?
Barry can think what he wants. He doesn't think im sincere and vica versa. It is what it is.
I don't want the keys. I just wanted to offer some stability. Speaking up apparently was the wrong thing to do