When should WWE gives us this feud?

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JC Punk

Jan 29, 2008
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I am talking about Edge vs Triple H. This two have never got at it in a longterm singles feud with each other, and in the little we have seen them battle(Cena vs HHH vs Cena or Rated RKO vs DX), I loved the interaction between the two.

Well know, they are on the same brand, and this raises the question on when should this feud happen. Edge vs Triple H is a money match, the question is, can WWE hold it to WM25, or will they hold it, or will they give it us as soon as Summerslam? If you read the spoilers, they already got some...interaction, so you never know with WWE.

IMO, WWE needs to make this their WM25 main event. They can hold this feud, they still have Edge vs Taker and I think they could very well get 2 matches more out of that feud. Edge vs Kennedy seems possible at this point and Edge vs Hardy just for the sake of a Ladder Match between the two.

All great ideas except Taker is gone and off WWE for good i believe ( hopefully not ).


Active Member
Aug 13, 2007
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1st Taker will be back he got some nagging injuries to deal with and he will be back and on RAW when he does come back. Probably the Vince angle will turn out to be Taker maybe. Personally id love him on smack down in feuds with HHH i know its been done before but they work together and put on awesome matches.

But on topic i really hope they wait till mania25 for HHH VS Edge have a slow tension building feud for the rest of the year till it comes to ahead at mania. Id also like it to be heel vs heel but doubt that will happen as Trips will be the big face on smackdown now tista gone.

Romo Is God

May 17, 2008
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Oh yeah, because we all know that Batista will be around in 5 years. Romo, you are crazy.

This proves that you sir, are a fucking idiot.

I said the TWO biggest stars in the PAST 5 years you fuckin' Cena fanboy.

WS makes total sense, HBK vs Taker with a career on the line is plain stupid,

One of them is going to retire, you could make big money off of that match.

Which is what wrestling is about.

C'mon, it won't add to any storyline of feud, and besides, ending Flair's career is one thing, he's retired very well past his prime and in was just more of a sentimental thing.

LMAO. Who said Taker was the one going to retire? It could be HBK. We won't know until months from now. This match will happen, so open your mind, and shut your mouth with the stupidity you spit out of it.

Like I said about storyline or feud wise. WHO GIVES A FUCKING SHIT?!?! Honestly? Who cares? It's two legends going toe to toe in their homestate at the biggest stage in WrestleMania history. Enough said.

I guran fucking tee you that HBK/Taker in both or just one's final match will outdraw anything WWE could put on the table.

Taker and HBK are still on "their prime", and whoever beats them takes a bigger award than beating Flair.

Their Prime was years ago dude. Seriously, give me your hometown doc and I'll schedule you an MRI ASAP.

Cena ending the career of HBK? Maybe not, I think that will be Randy Orton. But the streak at WM, that has Cena's name written all over it

The streak will likely never end, and Orton/HBK has been done to death.

some dude said:
Everyone else has said this, but WWE will spoil these fueds (except Cena/Batista) before WrestleMania, hopefully they save all of them until WM 25. Personally, I see Kennedy win the World Title at Mania 25...but that's just me.

I did, but not so much anymore. He's still a front runner to win the Rumble. That's for sure.

But if Trips wants to still do that feud like he did last year, he'll get it.

The Rated R CMStar

This proves that you sir, are a fucking idiot.

I said the TWO biggest stars in the PAST 5 years you fuckin' Cena fanboy.

Oh really? I am pretty sure you posted something different...

Cena/Batista is today's Rock/Austin to this atrocious fanbase of today. It'll happen at the biggest Wrestlemania in 5 years. Another obvious one.

You basically said that Cena vs Batista will happen at Wrestlemania 30. Yeah, not even going to point out the stupidity in that.

Taker and HBK are still on their prime. Not on the top of their game, but still on their prime. They are still top notch competitors, in main events constantly. Thats the difference with Flair, Flair was a sympathetic act.

LMAO. Who said Taker was the one going to retire?

Yeah, who said that, I dont see that on my post...

C'mon, it won't add to any storyline of feud, and besides, ending Flair's career is one thing, he's retired very well past his prime and in was just more of a sentimental thing.

Like I said about storyline or feud wise. WHO GIVES A FUCKING SHIT?!?! Honestly? Who cares? It's two legends going toe to toe in their homestate at the biggest stage in WrestleMania history. Enough said.

I guran fucking tee you that HBK/Taker in both or just one's final match will outdraw anything WWE could put on the table.

Uhmm, dude, this is the WWE. All matches HAS to have a background, a storyline, a feud behind, so it does matters. HBK vs Taker will happen, nobody is denying that, the fact is that you want to make it a career on the line match. If you place it in a Last match for both men, then I would give you the edge, but not for just one of them.

The streak will likely never end, and Orton/HBK has been done to death.

With the streak never ending, who knows, but in the interest of fairness, if someone do ends it, it will be Cena, not HBK. As for my comment about HBK vs Orton, of course it has been done to death, thats why Orton has to end the career of HBK. They are nemesis, counter parts, sort of like the same thing with Orton vs HHH. Is not a feud I want to see again, but when HBK retires, Orton needs to be the last opponent he goes against.

Seriously Romo, I just LOLed at your post. You changed what you said, you changed what I said, just to prove whatever point you had. Bottomline is, like you said, HBK vs Taker will happen. Outdrawing matches like HHH vs Edge or Batista vs Cena...who knows, but my fair guess is that considering how always HBK steals the spotlight, he will do the same thing with Taker that what he did with Vince, Kurt and Ric.

However, when you had it all wrong was with your Career on the Line spotlight. Matches need a background, need a feud behind, this isnt ROH, in which you just two guys and let them have a good match, in WWE, even if it is a lowsy one, all matches have a feud and a background, and almost everyone has an aftermath. HBK vs Taker with HBK ending the career and therefore the streak will leave nothing behind, nothing more than a good match, because, how much longer HBK will go? Just last year he was considering retirement, he's selling beatings and taking time outs more and more, sure, all in the benefit of storylines, but still, they are time outs.

On the other side, HBK vs Taker with Taker ending the career of HBK, what benefit will it leave? Taker is one big injury away from retirement, say what you want, but you know thats true.

Match will be great, leave it like that, just a match, but dont think that a career will be on the line, that would be stupid. Again, if you bill it as a Last Match for both of them, then I agree, but not for only one

Romo Is God

May 17, 2008
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Oh really? I am pretty sure you posted something different...

You basically said that Cena vs Batista will happen at Wrestlemania 30. Yeah, not even going to point out the stupidity in that.

Wow, just fucking wow. Are you really this ignorant? Do you really not think at all? Any? At all? None?


Do you not know math little kid? Wrestlemania 20 was 5 years ago, it was a huge event, 5 years later it's Wrestlemania 25 and even bigger event. Good God dude, use your brain but first, take your head out of your ass.

Taker and HBK are still on their prime. Not on the top of their game, but still on their prime.

They are both in their 40's I believe and on the back end of their career. That isn't a "prime". That was more like 5 years ago, but HBK is prone as fuck to injury so you don't really know.

They are still top notch competitors, in main events constantly. Thats the difference with Flair, Flair was a sympathetic act.

Which is why it would draw huge money to see those two go at it in one or boths final match. Fuck it, just build up the match as "enter name here's" last match, and it'll sell. Big.

Yeah, who said that, I dont see that on my post...

You were making it sound as if "HBK ended Flair's career last year, what good does it make for him to do the same with Taker". Those weren't your words, but it sounded as if you were implying Taker would be the one to hang up the boots.

Uhmm, dude, this is the WWE. All matches HAS to have a background, a storyline, a feud behind, so it does matters.

The whole point of the feud would be one's last match. That's the feud. One is retiring and this is it. I'm not the booker and I don't play little book this games like you clown, so I'm not going to sit here and write you a putrid storyline.

HBK vs Taker will happen, nobody is denying that, the fact is that you want to make it a career on the line match.

No I don't. I'm saying what WWE WILL LIKELY DO. I, myself want to see that match, be BOTH's last match.

Jesus H Christ.

If you place it in a Last match for both men, then I would give you the edge, but not for just one of them.

Agree, but both probably won't want to call it quits, one will though and if he does, WWE will book it that way. Guarantee it.

With the streak never ending, who knows, but in the interest of fairness, if someone do ends it, it will be Cena, not HBK.

Nobody will end it. Ever.

Taker wouldn't want it, and neither will the company.

As for my comment about HBK vs Orton, of course it has been done to death, thats why Orton has to end the career of HBK.

No. Orton is a piss poor draw as it is. No need to put him in a HUGE he was match at Mania. And don't bring up 24, he was protected by HHH and Cena, plus that match was secondary to Edge/Taker.

Plus, HBK/Orton is stale. Hence been done to death.

but when HBK retires, Orton needs to be the last opponent he goes against.

No he doesn't. It should be Undertaker.

Seriously Romo, I just LOLed at your post. You changed what you said, you changed what I said, just to prove whatever point you had.

Seriously CMS, stop PMSing.

Bottomline is, like you said, HBK vs Taker will happen. Outdrawing matches like HHH vs Edge or Batista vs Cena...who knows, but my fair guess is that considering how always HBK steals the spotlight, he will do the same thing with Taker that what he did with Vince, Kurt and Ric.

"Steals the spotlight".

LMAO, trying to get the best match out of his opponent and himself at the biggest stage in wrestling is stealing the spotlight?

However, when you had it all wrong was with your Career on the Line spotlight.

WWE will do that. Do I want it? No, not really but I also don't give a fuck because it's HBK and Taker and one will call it a career. And everybody else couldn't care less either. So Mr. "I book on internet forums because it makes me look cool". Go draw up your own little storyline. Because I'm not.

I'm speaking from the mind of WWE, and they WILL do a career on the line match if one doesn't want to retire just yet.

Matches need a background, need a feud behind, this isnt ROH, in which you just two guys and let them have a good match, in WWE, even if it is a lowsy one, all matches have a feud and a background, and almost everyone has an aftermath.

:disgust: <-----This is Taker. Not Bryan Danielson.

:phone_1: <----- This is HBK. Not some other smarky favorite

Both have plenty of background with each other, and their careers in wrestling's biggest company.

HBK vs Taker with HBK ending the career and therefore the streak will leave nothing behind, nothing more than a good match, because, how much longer HBK will go?

Again, who said Taker would be the one to lace up the boots? In all likelihood, for this match to happen, it would have to be HBK or both calling it quits, because that streak isn't ending. So get that out of your little pea brain head, kid.

On the other side, HBK vs Taker with Taker ending the career of HBK, what benefit will it leave?

WWE making a SHITLOAD of money and one guy going out with one hell of a match and career, in his homestate.

Also, I'd love to hear how retiring Ric Flair benefitted HBK.

Taker is one big injury away from retirement, say what you want, but you know thats true.


Match will be great, leave it like that, just a match, but dont think that a career will be on the line, that would be stupid. Again, if you bill it as a Last Match for both of them, then I agree, but not for only one

Tell that to WWE, because I want what you want and that's for both to hang up the boots when it's over. But that isn't likely because one of them (Taker) isn't going to want to retire yet, and if that's the case. Like I said above. WWE WILL book it as a career on the line match. Why? Because it's going to draw huge.

The Rated R CMStar

Wow, just fucking wow. Are you really this ignorant? Do you really not think at all? Any? At all? None?


Do you not know math little kid? Wrestlemania 20 was 5 years ago, it was a huge event, 5 years later it's Wrestlemania 25 and even bigger event. Good God dude, use your brain but first, take your head out of your ass.

You said the next big Wrestlemania in 5 years. You didnt mention at any point Wrestlemania XX to complete your analogy. But let's look back.

Cena/Batista is today's Rock/Austin to this atrocious fanbase of today. It'll happen at the biggest Wrestlemania in 5 years. Another obvious one.

Yeah, I dont see a mention of Wrestlemania XX anywhere in there. And seeing how the next Big Wrestlemania from now, after 25 is 30, you are talking about Wrestlemania 30.

Steals the spotlight".

LMAO, trying to get the best match out of his opponent and himself at the biggest stage in wrestling is stealing the spotlight?

Yeah, in a good way. I meant HBK stole the spotlight by putting a hell of a match. Even better than the main events.

Also, I'd love to hear how retiring Ric Flair benefitted HBK

Uhmm, a whole new direction to his character? How about the fact that he is now the man. Or even better, how about that beating Flair has given HBK something to do, something to feud over until this moment.

Now I would like to know what makes you think that WWE would book HBK vs Undertaker with one career on the line. I see the match happening, and prob last match for both, but you see so convinced that WWE will do the One man retires scenario that I want to know why, what makes you think that way?

And oh, dont use the "it will draw money", because it's Wrestlemania, Batista vs Khali as a main event would draw money.

Also, why do you think that Taker will go longer than HBK? And before you say you havent said that, you are booking an HBK vs Taker match with careers on the line, and saying that the streak will not end, therefore HBK leaves and Taker stays in the company. What makes you think that way?

As for you to think that the streak will not end, meh, thats your opinion. If you think it will never end, ok, think that, it could very well happen, it could very well end.

And Orton vs HBK has been done to death, but it's not stale. When HBK goes, storyline wise, Orton should be the one taking him out. And see that I say storyline wise.

Romo Is God

May 17, 2008
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You said the next big Wrestlemania in 5 years. You didnt mention at any point Wrestlemania XX to complete your analogy. But let's look back.

Yeah, I dont see a mention of Wrestlemania XX anywhere in there. And seeing how the next Big Wrestlemania from now, after 25 is 30, you are talking about Wrestlemania 30. .

If you had enough sense to actually think about what I was saying with the Rock/Austin analogy. You would have understood.

I'm talking about Mania 25. I just told you that. Twice.

The rest of your post doesn't matter.


Jun 27, 2008
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I say have Triple H vs Edge come to a climax at either Survivor Series or Royal Rumble. This could lead to a Jeff Hardy vs Edge Main Event at WM25 (Hardy as Rumble Winner) and Undertaker vs Triple H.


Well this is destined to happen tbh!

Edge and HHH both have world titles and are both on the "b" show, so one of these guys will lose the world title to their RAW opponent (hopefully Edge coz world title is made for RAW). The that will leave HHH and Edge both on SD to fight for the WWE title which I feel could be good. Then again their is still Mr Kennedy who wants his revenge on Edge after getting is brief case last year, he could enter the fued too. Anyway it just has to happen :yes:
Apr 9, 2008
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EDGE vs. HHH would be a great feud for WWE to capatalise on. for a title vs. title match would be great. it seems WWE are heading that way on their smackdown broadcasts.


May 19, 2008
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Summervile, SC
I can see the HHH/Edge feud happening even right after NOC or around Royal Rumble then leading to Mania.