WS Christmas Mafia 2022

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Abolish Israel
Jan 7, 2020
Reaction score
Yeah I hate the likes role. People can just take their likes off later. Lame!

Ace Marvel

KPOP Innocent Child
Jun 10, 2022
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Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler

I have 6
Dont flavor claim
Dont role claim (fail)
Post a bunch of game related stuff (ongoing)
Guess the night kill correctly
Be part of a mafia wagon (done)
Don’t be part of any town wagon that yeets

i need 4

If you cared to read my post, you would know I already explained my condition to win with town, I already have my pelt, I technically dont have to vote again. And that is playing to my win condition.

but instead you are trying so hard to belittle me since the start of the game with your defensive nonsense. You are just pissed that I suss you tbh.

No fucking clue, but I used my role on him cos he’s a dead slot and I could’ve caught him out

Just wanted to get it out there that I’ve got a decent enough reason to think he’s probably town

So I will not get the guess the yeet correctly today but out of 6 I already completed 3 (Post a lot, yeet mafia, don't flavor claim)
Role claim I botched and I still need to never vote a town yeet and guess the yeet correctly.

Not voting again guarantees that I join town and win.
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Reactions: Poyser


Blood Moon
May 18, 2021
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Favorite Wrestler

Play time's over. I shalt now unleash 6.9% of my full power, even though you mortal scrubs do not deserve to witness it...

I'm finally ready to get my head into the game and go full throttle. let's foken gooo!!!

Power Level: 6.9%
Scums To Find: 4-6
Threat Level: Nuclear

> FIRST - Time To Play With The Big Boys And Address The Elephant In The Room

I think Poyser is scum. And I am going to break down thoroughly here why I believe so. These are main issues I have with Poyser's play this game:

1. Poyser admits to spending more time focusing on the duel rather than the lynch or other topics because he wants to change the result of it. This from my PoV is not okay since I know I am town and more contributive than Juice and have a stronger role. Poyser admits to not being very confident on me flipping scum yet sees the need to spend most of his day on that topic. On the other hand when Smark's wagon started getting traction, Poyser started looking at John's direction instead even though he said he can discuss Smark and John. Poyser then ducks the thread for some time when the Smark wagon was growing and only comes back later to vote Smark when the thread was more favorable with a Smark lynch and there was not much escape route left for him. At that point, Poyser had yet to properly "scum" read and push Smark, but rather he found a reason to town read John / retract his scum read of John as an excuse to join the Smark wagon indirectly when he realized John wasn't getting any attention. The only good thing for Poyser here is he did it unprompted directly, but he was forced naturally to join the Smark wagon or he will look bad after the flip, and he needed a reason to do so and slide in. Poyser did not want to find a reason by scum reading Smark and worsening Smark's thread position, so rather found one by town reading John. This at least leaves some wiggle room for Smark to pull himself out and force admittedly said he does not bus his Godfather day 1. Poyser then disappeared from the thread while Smark claimed and left us to discuss the claim first only to come later on to comment on Smark's wagon right before he was getting hammered and only repeated the same points others said about the claim. At that point Smark's lynch was inevitable so Poyser got as much credit as he could obtain before it's expiration date.

I usually would throw it around a little bit but I obviously want to change the current duel result and thus I need to focus on it

we can discuss smark or john mcclane instead if you want
vote John mclane

nothing he says really tracks to me lol
@Poyser any reason why ur not voting smark rn and going for an easier wagon in john?
Just more confident in it. I consider every wagon an easy wagon :rippedcal

I might switch to smark tbf but I want John to get some attention
Ok so the massive overreaction to the duel that I thought was John wasn’t, in fact he didn’t really react all that much instantly. The other stuff I said was true though, he said he was about to vote juice to win but he didn’t and voted Ekko to win, then he seemed to exclusively post reasons that juice might be scum but then unvoted later and that doesn’t really make sense even in the post he actually unvoted

that said, his line of questioning with regards to ace and his read of Ekko actually seems pretty genuine to me, especially the part where he’s asking why ace felt so desperate to team up with Ekko when he tagged him asking to team up, and then continued to defend him thereforth lol

so I guess I actually retract my scum read of him

I’ll vote smark

This an excellent form of distancing. Instead of tying yourself to the Smark wagon directly, you tie it to the town read of John as a lifeline you can now go back to. If John had got more traction im willing to bet you would continue that route instead but Smark did not play optimally for this to happen and you did not want to stick your neck too deep in defending Smark so you dropped the John push without pushing Smark.

2. Poyser has been more eager to question and dissolve town reads over multiple instances in the game over forming and question/discussing scum reads. This is a tactic scum do to keep the PoE as large as possible. There were about 9 players with posts below 10 and Poyser sees the need to discredit / put doubts among the few town reads formed between the active players instead. It seems Poyser is playing with a more inactive team and he is worried that the active town base is finding itself or will soon collapse on his inactive team. Poyser also in multiple instances brings possibilities of indies/second factions to support his shades of the active player base for no reason when more than half the players are null reads rn. Poyser does not want the PoE to shrink on his team.

Why? Because you're not aligned with smark?
There could be more than one scum faction, or there could be multiple indies, indy teams etc. Just because Ive cleared you from being aligned with smark doesnt mean I give your slot a completely free ride and ignore anything sus you say lol, that would be terrible play.

Am I going to vote you? Not any time soon, but Im obviously still going to interact with you and push you on things I think are bad
what town core lol? you're certainly nowhere near it
why is that evidence at all of there not being any indies?
Im not sure on him but I dont see any reason to read him town really. Why do you read him town? And no, extending him good faith isn't the same as reading him town, so I want you to explain the read.
lmao how did you find each other as town? because he tagged you and asked you to team up?

3. Poyser has twisted or misrepresented more than one post of mine or other posters and taken couple of posts out of context to continue shading us and enlarging the PoE. Poyser reads me as scum but is unable to case me in, instead angles my posts to make them look scummy. Poyser is not happy with the current state of the game despite us getting a scum lynch day 1. Why? because he is scum. Poyser was also arguing over his town read of Juice when I merely wanted us to get to the same page in regards to why the duel went the way it did because those who voted me to win simply town read me regardless of their read on Juice. Poyser also accuses me of things that are not true like saying I have not been questioning those who town read me when I spent most of my day 1 pushing 2 of them (Smark, Barry) that I think are the scummiest. Poyser is clearly not reading the thread properly, or purposely pretending not to do so and jumping immediately at anything that makes the players look scummy, even when it clearly isn't.

Here is a clear example before the thread got locked. Another one is him twisting my reasoning of scum reading Juice prior to her lynch from "she looked at the vote count and started making up nonsense reasons to survive suddenly when she was initially okay with it and claimed not to simp for votes" to a scummy shortened out of context version of the sentence: "I think juice is scummy for wanting to survive".
look at the posts ur engaging in barry. what the fk is this? struggling for live content this much?
my slight town lean on u from being confrontation is only gna carry u so much barry. i eagerly suggest u start properly game solving. the topics u immerse urself in have mostly been non game related / refreeing. im reaching my patience regarding ur slot
Ekko shading barry for trying to calm things down is so transparent btw :bosque hes struggling hard
this is another post of urs twisting my words - strike 3

i dont care if barry is trying to calm things down if he had other game solving posts. the fact that this covers a big portion of his post count is a red flag and says so much about his inability to produce content. ofcourse u wud notice that if u were playing genuinely. u r a complete lost cause this game poyser. ur posts r more gated towards instigating players rather than solving them
What did I twist?
you twisted the point of my post from

"barry the ratio of your refereeing/calming things down posts to game solving posts is bad"


"barry i am shading u for refereeing/calming things down"

these r entirely different

I'll take this response as a concession. You aren't walking this one back. It's clear as day you have nothing to say to that so you play it off as it's nothing. It's game over, Poyser.

4. Poyser's posts in multiple instances have been giving me the vibes of a player antagonizing and trolling the other posters rather than attempting to solve them. Poyser is not a bad player, he is just pretending to be one. I've tried to bear his shade multiple times and passively give him a chance to push a meaningful target before I make my mind but he continued over his nonsense. Poyser is an active player and I'm fully aware lynching him is always gonna be risky in the event he flips town, but it's a road I'm willing to take today, before he amasses more and more influence over the game and make it impossible to lynch without info. I underestimated him a bit in the last time he was scum but now I know how towny he can appear in the micro play I am going to be more focused on the macro play and the big picture, and it's telling me that Poyser is not playing with a towny mindset this game.

Btw not caught up but ekko probably scum with smark yes? yes
Completely baseless post, even self discredited by saying he is not caught up but still felt the need to drop the shade post anyway and then not follow up on reasons for why he believes there is a team equity there. He either accuses players of being with Smark for no established reason, or if that doesn't fit he accuses them of being scum from another faction / indie for literally even worst non established reasons as we still do not know of the existence of said other faction/indies. Clearly unhappy with the state of the game and does not want town to find itself.

Lmao you just used the fact you thought juice was indy as a defence and now you're saying you werent indy hunting. cmon m8
Obviously abi is considering that juice and Smark are not a team, but he does not town read juice from her own posts so he assumed she is indie, namely a jester. the fact that you are arguing with him for the sake of it even though you think he is not aligned with smark is in itself indie hunting.

5. I looked back at the reasons for Poyser to drop his scum read of John and I don't really see them. how he goes from more confident on John to meh just let me vote Smark is still bizarre to me. I don't even think John is town. Probably my biggest indie read rn with the amount of fence sitting and sideline commentary but that's another topic. As scum, I would read the indie candidates as town in thread in order to survive longer in big games because indies are often times the biggest threat to me in these games. I reckon Poyser picked up on this and hit 2 birds with 1 stone. Poyser is not even susing John anymore, and John is obviously happy with that transition despite not really town reading Poyser. He still has Poyser as null.

6. There has been almost no interactions or fire back from Smark towards Poyser. There is no incriminating interactions between the 2 of them. At a certain point it was too late and any interaction will look like a bus attempt. I think there was a visible degree of miscoordination in the activity spikes between the 2 players and they have both never interacted directly in a live setting for more than few posts. Smark has called Poyser "subdued" in his read of him but never elaborated further when asked about it. You can tell Smark just made up those reads on the spot and they are fake asfk.

I’ve never been that strong of a day 1 player, but I like Ekko, Barry, Chris (I don’t think we scum you’d change your mind on the duel as much).

Not as keen on Juice, Ace, Poyser (not a strong feeling, but he seems a bit subdued thus far).

TP has also not provided much of anything. He wowed my request for his day 0 reads and didn’t come back.

I also think CP is being sketch. Not only for trying to wind Juice up without solving the game state, but a CP this uninvolved usually leads me to a scum CP.
I think there is one scum in his "I like" reads - leaning Barry
and one in his "Not as keen on" - leaning Poyser

the rest are going to be players he avoided to give reads on, and/or one of CP/T-Pein.

QED: Poyser is scum.

Vote Lynch Poyser


> SECOND - Read List And Expectations

- Town Side -

@Ekkologix - LOCKED town leader

@Chris - I think you have been genuine this game in trying to figure out things from multiple angles. You do not jump in scum reading players, and is approaching things sensibly and asking good questions to all sides. I think you are being pocketed by Poyser this game and potentially even Barry and may need to reassess your stance on them. Otherwise, solid town. Likely N1 kill target. I hope you get protected.

@Ace Marvel @Sister Abigail - I town read Abi more than Ace here but I believe Ace's claim and willing to work with him for now even if he turns out indie. I don't think either of you is mafia with how you approached Smark's wagon. We'll carry town to victory boys!

@Dr_Professor83 - I really like for you to be town this game and I hope you can contribute more. I know you are currently busy in another game so I will extend you some good faith. Please give us some more attention here lol.

@Candy Jade - I am going to give you a weak gut town read because 1. I have too many scum reads rn and 2. your entrance this game was not as hideous and complete nonsense as the last one. Please try to be more active in live discussion and give us your thoughts. I can move this read to the other side any time.

@Wangman Page - I am not going to pretend that I know how to read you, but I simply do not like inactive slots, specially when it's been a trend for you as scum to just remain inactive. All I can ask is when can we expect more meaningful contribution from you? You had nearly 0 impact on yesterday's lynch as far as I remember, but post lynch I recall you bringing up Mando for not voting Smark which I liked. You get a weak town read for that bc I currently scum read Mando as well. If Mando ever flips town at some point I trust you are aware that you will be in big trouble for that specific set up attempt, Wang.

@Tweet - Eh there isn't really much for me to read here from your slot. I think you may not be aligned with Smark but that's about it. Could you be indie? yeah for sure. I also liked your posts around Poyser so willing to at least say you are uninformed/unalligned. Just need more activity from you to put you as more townish rather than an indie trying to hide. Your play is so far very similar to your indie play last time.

@T-Pein™ - tea can you like play more proactively? I don't have a reason to town or scum read you. I like your willingness to follow the wagons so gut says town because you seem to have no scum agenda there, but there is also no town agenda either. did you roll indie or what? I can tell you want to get on my good side. Are you afraid I kill you?

- Scum Side -

@Shawn - no reason to read either way. should be mod-killed or subbed out. dead slot.

@PHEN0M - I think the way you handled Poyser asking you to vote juice to win kind of tells me you are maybe not aligned with him, but individually speaking I do not like the decision you took to vote for me to lose without establishing why you scum read me. Looks opportunistic asfk to lynch a more active, more contributive player with a stronger role, specially the timing of it. Also you had no contribution or impact with the lynch. No reason to town read your slot off of. Fee free to argue otherwise of course. I'd love to see more of you in the thread as I think you are a pretty capable player.

@CraigPelton - Initially I thought the way you kept infuriating juice on purpose does not align with my theory that scum outside of Smark (because he was too deep in town reading me to back out) wanted me to lose the duel. The problem with this is you will always vote for me to win there regardless of your alignment because you do not like Juice as a player. Aside from that there isn't much content from you in the thread to help me discern your alignment. You have fairly been invested in the Juice topic and the rest of your posts are reading back posts from the past and nor really saying something new (other than the sus of chris, which you took back easily). You can easily be a scum using heindsight and avoiding live interactions, doddsy style. No strong reason for me to read town. You fit as scum with anyone.

@John McClane - I think you are indie this game with how much you are hiding in the sideline. As town you were alot more talkative and engaging me in fun or even out of game discussion. It seems you are a little nervous to get out of comfort zone this time around. Can't tell for sure if it's because you are busy or because you are scum, but I am leaning the latter. But hey, prove me wrong if you can ^^

@The Grimch - I am more comfortable placing you in scum side after reading your night phase posts and noticing how much of refereeing / calming down posts you have in comparison to your "game solving" posts. You were also hesitant to vote Smark despite saying you were okay with it and tried to look into an Ace direction for awhile for nonsense reasons. You awkwardly tried to salvage your position when me and chris called you out on this. Additionally you wanted to flip both me and Smark without establishing how you see us both as s/s from your PoV when you were initially saying you are hoping for atlaeast one to flip scum. You have also yet to establish the co-relation between Smark flipping scum and your read of Ace and me magically shifting off of it - now you read Ace town and read me scum somehow. Additionally you are also trying to appeal to Chris in multiple occasions and get him to your side despite having no articulated reasoning to offer in regards to your reads. Leaning scum. I won't underestimate your scum play just because you want us to.

@Mandalorian - I don't think your play this game has been the Mando play that I expect to see when you are town. You used to be much open and proactive. I also really detest how you parked your vote on me entire day and then when Smark flipped scum your engagement was much more gated towards Ace's claim and whatnot instead of solving the game from there on out and working with the flip. The only thing in your favor, but not rly, is you and Poyser seemed to agree quiet well in the early game, like one of you is pocketing the other or simply yall are staging this play in thread just to vote me there. No reason to town read otherwise. You also have almost no incriminating interactions with Smark. Lean scum. As always feel free to prove me wrong, but you are going to need alooot of convincing. I know it's the holiday season and people are busy, but you are not using your little activity to scum hunt.

@Poyser - You are scum, and should be next day's lynch assuming no persisting info delays that.


THIRD - The Hunt

Next day (Day 2) I want all players in the game to give us their top 3 town and top 3 scum reads, and also specifically tell me what their read of Poyser is and why they read him that way (Why you read him as town, or why you read him as scum). I will not accept null answers. He has 150+ posts. Use gut if you have to. If Poyser is scum he is the biggest threat to the game right now and I want the entire playerbase to give me their definitive opinion on him, in addition to your top 3 town and scum reads.


FOURTH - The SUS Chart

Please find below the undisputable SUS Chart of ultimate wisdom, provided by yours truly, the Ultimate Town Leader Life Form himself:



Abolish Israel
Jan 7, 2020
Reaction score
Fair, CP could even be indie which would track with him having more interest in making everyone mad than actually playing the game. Also with his weird random reads
What random reads? I can explain any read you want to ask me about


Pathological Liar
Dec 30, 2019
Reaction score
Fine, be a coward then

But if you really thought I was maf you’d get on the lynch train


Pathological Liar
Dec 30, 2019
Reaction score

Play time's over. I shalt now unleash 6.9% of my full power, even though you mortal scrubs do not deserve to witness it...

I'm finally ready to get my head into the game and go full throttle. let's foken gooo!!!

Power Level: 6.9%
Scums To Find: 4-6
Threat Level: Nuclear

> FIRST - Time To Play With The Big Boys And Address The Elephant In The Room

I think Poyser is scum. And I am going to break down thoroughly here why I believe so. These are main issues I have with Poyser's play this game:

1. Poyser admits to spending more time focusing on the duel rather than the lynch or other topics because he wants to change the result of it. This from my PoV is not okay since I know I am town and more contributive than Juice and have a stronger role. Poyser admits to not being very confident on me flipping scum yet sees the need to spend most of his day on that topic. On the other hand when Smark's wagon started getting traction, Poyser started looking at John's direction instead even though he said he can discuss Smark and John. Poyser then ducks the thread for some time when the Smark wagon was growing and only comes back later to vote Smark when the thread was more favorable with a Smark lynch and there was not much escape route left for him. At that point, Poyser had yet to properly "scum" read and push Smark, but rather he found a reason to town read John / retract his scum read of John as an excuse to join the Smark wagon indirectly when he realized John wasn't getting any attention. The only good thing for Poyser here is he did it unprompted directly, but he was forced naturally to join the Smark wagon or he will look bad after the flip, and he needed a reason to do so and slide in. Poyser did not want to find a reason by scum reading Smark and worsening Smark's thread position, so rather found one by town reading John. This at least leaves some wiggle room for Smark to pull himself out and force admittedly said he does not bus his Godfather day 1. Poyser then disappeared from the thread while Smark claimed and left us to discuss the claim first only to come later on to comment on Smark's wagon right before he was getting hammered and only repeated the same points others said about the claim. At that point Smark's lynch was inevitable so Poyser got as much credit as he could obtain before it's expiration date.

This an excellent form of distancing. Instead of tying yourself to the Smark wagon directly, you tie it to the town read of John as a lifeline you can now go back to. If John had got more traction im willing to bet you would continue that route instead but Smark did not play optimally for this to happen and you did not want to stick your neck too deep in defending Smark so you dropped the John push without pushing Smark.

2. Poyser has been more eager to question and dissolve town reads over multiple instances in the game over forming and question/discussing scum reads. This is a tactic scum do to keep the PoE as large as possible. There were about 9 players with posts below 10 and Poyser sees the need to discredit / put doubts among the few town reads formed between the active players instead. It seems Poyser is playing with a more inactive team and he is worried that the active town base is finding itself or will soon collapse on his inactive team. Poyser also in multiple instances brings possibilities of indies/second factions to support his shades of the active player base for no reason when more than half the players are null reads rn. Poyser does not want the PoE to shrink on his team.

3. Poyser has twisted or misrepresented more than one post of mine or other posters and taken couple of posts out of context to continue shading us and enlarging the PoE. Poyser reads me as scum but is unable to case me in, instead angles my posts to make them look scummy. Poyser is not happy with the current state of the game despite us getting a scum lynch day 1. Why? because he is scum. Poyser was also arguing over his town read of Juice when I merely wanted us to get to the same page in regards to why the duel went the way it did because those who voted me to win simply town read me regardless of their read on Juice. Poyser also accuses me of things that are not true like saying I have not been questioning those who town read me when I spent most of my day 1 pushing 2 of them (Smark, Barry) that I think are the scummiest. Poyser is clearly not reading the thread properly, or purposely pretending not to do so and jumping immediately at anything that makes the players look scummy, even when it clearly isn't.

Here is a clear example before the thread got locked. Another one is him twisting my reasoning of scum reading Juice prior to her lynch from "she looked at the vote count and started making up nonsense reasons to survive suddenly when she was initially okay with it and claimed not to simp for votes" to a scummy shortened out of context version of the sentence: "I think juice is scummy for wanting to survive".

I'll take this response as a concession. You aren't walking this one back. It's clear as day you have nothing to say to that so you play it off as it's nothing. It's game over, Poyser.

4. Poyser's posts in multiple instances have been giving me the vibes of a player antagonizing and trolling the other posters rather than attempting to solve them. Poyser is not a bad player, he is just pretending to be one. I've tried to bear his shade multiple times and passively give him a chance to push a meaningful target before I make my mind but he continued over his nonsense. Poyser is an active player and I'm fully aware lynching him is always gonna be risky in the event he flips town, but it's a road I'm willing to take today, before he amasses more and more influence over the game and make it impossible to lynch without info. I underestimated him a bit in the last time he was scum but now I know how towny he can appear in the micro play I am going to be more focused on the macro play and the big picture, and it's telling me that Poyser is not playing with a towny mindset this game.

Completely baseless post, even self discredited by saying he is not caught up but still felt the need to drop the shade post anyway and then not follow up on reasons for why he believes there is a team equity there. He either accuses players of being with Smark for no established reason, or if that doesn't fit he accuses them of being scum from another faction / indie for literally even worst non established reasons as we still do not know of the existence of said other faction/indies. Clearly unhappy with the state of the game and does not want town to find itself.

Obviously abi is considering that juice and Smark are not a team, but he does not town read juice from her own posts so he assumed she is indie, namely a jester. the fact that you are arguing with him for the sake of it even though you think he is not aligned with smark is in itself indie hunting.

5. I looked back at the reasons for Poyser to drop his scum read of John and I don't really see them. how he goes from more confident on John to meh just let me vote Smark is still bizarre to me. I don't even think John is town. Probably my biggest indie read rn with the amount of fence sitting and sideline commentary but that's another topic. As scum, I would read the indie candidates as town in thread in order to survive longer in big games because indies are often times the biggest threat to me in these games. I reckon Poyser picked up on this and hit 2 birds with 1 stone. Poyser is not even susing John anymore, and John is obviously happy with that transition despite not really town reading Poyser. He still has Poyser as null.

6. There has been almost no interactions or fire back from Smark towards Poyser. There is no incriminating interactions between the 2 of them. At a certain point it was too late and any interaction will look like a bus attempt. I think there was a visible degree of miscoordination in the activity spikes between the 2 players and they have both never interacted directly in a live setting for more than few posts. Smark has called Poyser "subdued" in his read of him but never elaborated further when asked about it. You can tell Smark just made up those reads on the spot and they are fake asfk.

I think there is one scum in his "I like" reads - leaning Barry
and one in his "Not as keen on" - leaning Poyser

the rest are going to be players he avoided to give reads on, and/or one of CP/T-Pein.

QED: Poyser is scum.

Vote Lynch Poyser


> SECOND - Read List And Expectations

- Town Side -

@Ekkologix - LOCKED town leader

@Chris - I think you have been genuine this game in trying to figure out things from multiple angles. You do not jump in scum reading players, and is approaching things sensibly and asking good questions to all sides. I think you are being pocketed by Poyser this game and potentially even Barry and may need to reassess your stance on them. Otherwise, solid town. Likely N1 kill target. I hope you get protected.

@Ace Marvel @Sister Abigail - I town read Abi more than Ace here but I believe Ace's claim and willing to work with him for now even if he turns out indie. I don't think either of you is mafia with how you approached Smark's wagon. We'll carry town to victory boys!

@Dr_Professor83 - I really like for you to be town this game and I hope you can contribute more. I know you are currently busy in another game so I will extend you some good faith. Please give us some more attention here lol.

@Candy Jade - I am going to give you a weak gut town read because 1. I have too many scum reads rn and 2. your entrance this game was not as hideous and complete nonsense as the last one. Please try to be more active in live discussion and give us your thoughts. I can move this read to the other side any time.

@Wangman Page - I am not going to pretend that I know how to read you, but I simply do not like inactive slots, specially when it's been a trend for you as scum to just remain inactive. All I can ask is when can we expect more meaningful contribution from you? You had nearly 0 impact on yesterday's lynch as far as I remember, but post lynch I recall you bringing up Mando for not voting Smark which I liked. You get a weak town read for that bc I currently scum read Mando as well. If Mando ever flips town at some point I trust you are aware that you will be in big trouble for that specific set up attempt, Wang.

@Tweet - Eh there isn't really much for me to read here from your slot. I think you may not be aligned with Smark but that's about it. Could you be indie? yeah for sure. I also liked your posts around Poyser so willing to at least say you are uninformed/unalligned. Just need more activity from you to put you as more townish rather than an indie trying to hide. Your play is so far very similar to your indie play last time.

@T-Pein™ - tea can you like play more proactively? I don't have a reason to town or scum read you. I like your willingness to follow the wagons so gut says town because you seem to have no scum agenda there, but there is also no town agenda either. did you roll indie or what? I can tell you want to get on my good side. Are you afraid I kill you?

- Scum Side -

@Shawn - no reason to read either way. should be mod-killed or subbed out. dead slot.

@PHEN0M - I think the way you handled Poyser asking you to vote juice to win kind of tells me you are maybe not aligned with him, but individually speaking I do not like the decision you took to vote for me to lose without establishing why you scum read me. Looks opportunistic asfk to lynch a more active, more contributive player with a stronger role, specially the timing of it. Also you had no contribution or impact with the lynch. No reason to town read your slot off of. Fee free to argue otherwise of course. I'd love to see more of you in the thread as I think you are a pretty capable player.

@CraigPelton - Initially I thought the way you kept infuriating juice on purpose does not align with my theory that scum outside of Smark (because he was too deep in town reading me to back out) wanted me to lose the duel. The problem with this is you will always vote for me to win there regardless of your alignment because you do not like Juice as a player. Aside from that there isn't much content from you in the thread to help me discern your alignment. You have fairly been invested in the Juice topic and the rest of your posts are reading back posts from the past and nor really saying something new (other than the sus of chris, which you took back easily). You can easily be a scum using heindsight and avoiding live interactions, doddsy style. No strong reason for me to read town. You fit as scum with anyone.

@John McClane - I think you are indie this game with how much you are hiding in the sideline. As town you were alot more talkative and engaging me in fun or even out of game discussion. It seems you are a little nervous to get out of comfort zone this time around. Can't tell for sure if it's because you are busy or because you are scum, but I am leaning the latter. But hey, prove me wrong if you can ^^

@The Grimch - I am more comfortable placing you in scum side after reading your night phase posts and noticing how much of refereeing / calming down posts you have in comparison to your "game solving" posts. You were also hesitant to vote Smark despite saying you were okay with it and tried to look into an Ace direction for awhile for nonsense reasons. You awkwardly tried to salvage your position when me and chris called you out on this. Additionally you wanted to flip both me and Smark without establishing how you see us both as s/s from your PoV when you were initially saying you are hoping for atlaeast one to flip scum. You have also yet to establish the co-relation between Smark flipping scum and your read of Ace and me magically shifting off of it - now you read Ace town and read me scum somehow. Additionally you are also trying to appeal to Chris in multiple occasions and get him to your side despite having no articulated reasoning to offer in regards to your reads. Leaning scum. I won't underestimate your scum play just because you want us to.

@Mandalorian - I don't think your play this game has been the Mando play that I expect to see when you are town. You used to be much open and proactive. I also really detest how you parked your vote on me entire day and then when Smark flipped scum your engagement was much more gated towards Ace's claim and whatnot instead of solving the game from there on out and working with the flip. The only thing in your favor, but not rly, is you and Poyser seemed to agree quiet well in the early game, like one of you is pocketing the other or simply yall are staging this play in thread just to vote me there. No reason to town read otherwise. You also have almost no incriminating interactions with Smark. Lean scum. As always feel free to prove me wrong, but you are going to need alooot of convincing. I know it's the holiday season and people are busy, but you are not using your little activity to scum hunt.

@Poyser - You are scum, and should be next day's lynch assuming no persisting info delays that.


THIRD - The Hunt

Next day (Day 2) I want all players in the game to give us their top 3 town and top 3 scum reads, and also specifically tell me what their read of Poyser is and why they read him that way (Why you read him as town, or why you read him as scum). I will not accept null answers. He has 150+ posts. Use gut if you have to. If Poyser is scum he is the biggest threat to the game right now and I want the entire playerbase to give me their definitive opinion on him, in addition to your top 3 town and scum reads.


FOURTH - The SUS Chart

Please find below the undisputable SUS Chart of ultimate wisdom, provided by yours truly, the Ultimate Town Leader Life Form himself:


Read the 1st sentence. Is wrong. Didn’t read the rest
  • Angry
Reactions: T-Pein™


Festive T-Pein™
Apr 11, 2021
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Sports Team

Play time's over. I shalt now unleash 6.9% of my full power, even though you mortal scrubs do not deserve to witness it...

I'm finally ready to get my head into the game and go full throttle. let's foken gooo!!!

Power Level: 6.9%
Scums To Find: 4-6
Threat Level: Nuclear

> FIRST - Time To Play With The Big Boys And Address The Elephant In The Room

I think Poyser is scum. And I am going to break down thoroughly here why I believe so. These are main issues I have with Poyser's play this game:

1. Poyser admits to spending more time focusing on the duel rather than the lynch or other topics because he wants to change the result of it. This from my PoV is not okay since I know I am town and more contributive than Juice and have a stronger role. Poyser admits to not being very confident on me flipping scum yet sees the need to spend most of his day on that topic. On the other hand when Smark's wagon started getting traction, Poyser started looking at John's direction instead even though he said he can discuss Smark and John. Poyser then ducks the thread for some time when the Smark wagon was growing and only comes back later to vote Smark when the thread was more favorable with a Smark lynch and there was not much escape route left for him. At that point, Poyser had yet to properly "scum" read and push Smark, but rather he found a reason to town read John / retract his scum read of John as an excuse to join the Smark wagon indirectly when he realized John wasn't getting any attention. The only good thing for Poyser here is he did it unprompted directly, but he was forced naturally to join the Smark wagon or he will look bad after the flip, and he needed a reason to do so and slide in. Poyser did not want to find a reason by scum reading Smark and worsening Smark's thread position, so rather found one by town reading John. This at least leaves some wiggle room for Smark to pull himself out and force admittedly said he does not bus his Godfather day 1. Poyser then disappeared from the thread while Smark claimed and left us to discuss the claim first only to come later on to comment on Smark's wagon right before he was getting hammered and only repeated the same points others said about the claim. At that point Smark's lynch was inevitable so Poyser got as much credit as he could obtain before it's expiration date.

This an excellent form of distancing. Instead of tying yourself to the Smark wagon directly, you tie it to the town read of John as a lifeline you can now go back to. If John had got more traction im willing to bet you would continue that route instead but Smark did not play optimally for this to happen and you did not want to stick your neck too deep in defending Smark so you dropped the John push without pushing Smark.

2. Poyser has been more eager to question and dissolve town reads over multiple instances in the game over forming and question/discussing scum reads. This is a tactic scum do to keep the PoE as large as possible. There were about 9 players with posts below 10 and Poyser sees the need to discredit / put doubts among the few town reads formed between the active players instead. It seems Poyser is playing with a more inactive team and he is worried that the active town base is finding itself or will soon collapse on his inactive team. Poyser also in multiple instances brings possibilities of indies/second factions to support his shades of the active player base for no reason when more than half the players are null reads rn. Poyser does not want the PoE to shrink on his team.

3. Poyser has twisted or misrepresented more than one post of mine or other posters and taken couple of posts out of context to continue shading us and enlarging the PoE. Poyser reads me as scum but is unable to case me in, instead angles my posts to make them look scummy. Poyser is not happy with the current state of the game despite us getting a scum lynch day 1. Why? because he is scum. Poyser was also arguing over his town read of Juice when I merely wanted us to get to the same page in regards to why the duel went the way it did because those who voted me to win simply town read me regardless of their read on Juice. Poyser also accuses me of things that are not true like saying I have not been questioning those who town read me when I spent most of my day 1 pushing 2 of them (Smark, Barry) that I think are the scummiest. Poyser is clearly not reading the thread properly, or purposely pretending not to do so and jumping immediately at anything that makes the players look scummy, even when it clearly isn't.

Here is a clear example before the thread got locked. Another one is him twisting my reasoning of scum reading Juice prior to her lynch from "she looked at the vote count and started making up nonsense reasons to survive suddenly when she was initially okay with it and claimed not to simp for votes" to a scummy shortened out of context version of the sentence: "I think juice is scummy for wanting to survive".

I'll take this response as a concession. You aren't walking this one back. It's clear as day you have nothing to say to that so you play it off as it's nothing. It's game over, Poyser.

4. Poyser's posts in multiple instances have been giving me the vibes of a player antagonizing and trolling the other posters rather than attempting to solve them. Poyser is not a bad player, he is just pretending to be one. I've tried to bear his shade multiple times and passively give him a chance to push a meaningful target before I make my mind but he continued over his nonsense. Poyser is an active player and I'm fully aware lynching him is always gonna be risky in the event he flips town, but it's a road I'm willing to take today, before he amasses more and more influence over the game and make it impossible to lynch without info. I underestimated him a bit in the last time he was scum but now I know how towny he can appear in the micro play I am going to be more focused on the macro play and the big picture, and it's telling me that Poyser is not playing with a towny mindset this game.

Completely baseless post, even self discredited by saying he is not caught up but still felt the need to drop the shade post anyway and then not follow up on reasons for why he believes there is a team equity there. He either accuses players of being with Smark for no established reason, or if that doesn't fit he accuses them of being scum from another faction / indie for literally even worst non established reasons as we still do not know of the existence of said other faction/indies. Clearly unhappy with the state of the game and does not want town to find itself.

Obviously abi is considering that juice and Smark are not a team, but he does not town read juice from her own posts so he assumed she is indie, namely a jester. the fact that you are arguing with him for the sake of it even though you think he is not aligned with smark is in itself indie hunting.

5. I looked back at the reasons for Poyser to drop his scum read of John and I don't really see them. how he goes from more confident on John to meh just let me vote Smark is still bizarre to me. I don't even think John is town. Probably my biggest indie read rn with the amount of fence sitting and sideline commentary but that's another topic. As scum, I would read the indie candidates as town in thread in order to survive longer in big games because indies are often times the biggest threat to me in these games. I reckon Poyser picked up on this and hit 2 birds with 1 stone. Poyser is not even susing John anymore, and John is obviously happy with that transition despite not really town reading Poyser. He still has Poyser as null.

6. There has been almost no interactions or fire back from Smark towards Poyser. There is no incriminating interactions between the 2 of them. At a certain point it was too late and any interaction will look like a bus attempt. I think there was a visible degree of miscoordination in the activity spikes between the 2 players and they have both never interacted directly in a live setting for more than few posts. Smark has called Poyser "subdued" in his read of him but never elaborated further when asked about it. You can tell Smark just made up those reads on the spot and they are fake asfk.

I think there is one scum in his "I like" reads - leaning Barry
and one in his "Not as keen on" - leaning Poyser

the rest are going to be players he avoided to give reads on, and/or one of CP/T-Pein.

QED: Poyser is scum.

Vote Lynch Poyser


> SECOND - Read List And Expectations

- Town Side -

@Ekkologix - LOCKED town leader

@Chris - I think you have been genuine this game in trying to figure out things from multiple angles. You do not jump in scum reading players, and is approaching things sensibly and asking good questions to all sides. I think you are being pocketed by Poyser this game and potentially even Barry and may need to reassess your stance on them. Otherwise, solid town. Likely N1 kill target. I hope you get protected.

@Ace Marvel @Sister Abigail - I town read Abi more than Ace here but I believe Ace's claim and willing to work with him for now even if he turns out indie. I don't think either of you is mafia with how you approached Smark's wagon. We'll carry town to victory boys!

@Dr_Professor83 - I really like for you to be town this game and I hope you can contribute more. I know you are currently busy in another game so I will extend you some good faith. Please give us some more attention here lol.

@Candy Jade - I am going to give you a weak gut town read because 1. I have too many scum reads rn and 2. your entrance this game was not as hideous and complete nonsense as the last one. Please try to be more active in live discussion and give us your thoughts. I can move this read to the other side any time.

@Wangman Page - I am not going to pretend that I know how to read you, but I simply do not like inactive slots, specially when it's been a trend for you as scum to just remain inactive. All I can ask is when can we expect more meaningful contribution from you? You had nearly 0 impact on yesterday's lynch as far as I remember, but post lynch I recall you bringing up Mando for not voting Smark which I liked. You get a weak town read for that bc I currently scum read Mando as well. If Mando ever flips town at some point I trust you are aware that you will be in big trouble for that specific set up attempt, Wang.

@Tweet - Eh there isn't really much for me to read here from your slot. I think you may not be aligned with Smark but that's about it. Could you be indie? yeah for sure. I also liked your posts around Poyser so willing to at least say you are uninformed/unalligned. Just need more activity from you to put you as more townish rather than an indie trying to hide. Your play is so far very similar to your indie play last time.

@T-Pein™ - tea can you like play more proactively? I don't have a reason to town or scum read you. I like your willingness to follow the wagons so gut says town because you seem to have no scum agenda there, but there is also no town agenda either. did you roll indie or what? I can tell you want to get on my good side. Are you afraid I kill you?

- Scum Side -

@Shawn - no reason to read either way. should be mod-killed or subbed out. dead slot.

@PHEN0M - I think the way you handled Poyser asking you to vote juice to win kind of tells me you are maybe not aligned with him, but individually speaking I do not like the decision you took to vote for me to lose without establishing why you scum read me. Looks opportunistic asfk to lynch a more active, more contributive player with a stronger role, specially the timing of it. Also you had no contribution or impact with the lynch. No reason to town read your slot off of. Fee free to argue otherwise of course. I'd love to see more of you in the thread as I think you are a pretty capable player.

@CraigPelton - Initially I thought the way you kept infuriating juice on purpose does not align with my theory that scum outside of Smark (because he was too deep in town reading me to back out) wanted me to lose the duel. The problem with this is you will always vote for me to win there regardless of your alignment because you do not like Juice as a player. Aside from that there isn't much content from you in the thread to help me discern your alignment. You have fairly been invested in the Juice topic and the rest of your posts are reading back posts from the past and nor really saying something new (other than the sus of chris, which you took back easily). You can easily be a scum using heindsight and avoiding live interactions, doddsy style. No strong reason for me to read town. You fit as scum with anyone.

@John McClane - I think you are indie this game with how much you are hiding in the sideline. As town you were alot more talkative and engaging me in fun or even out of game discussion. It seems you are a little nervous to get out of comfort zone this time around. Can't tell for sure if it's because you are busy or because you are scum, but I am leaning the latter. But hey, prove me wrong if you can ^^

@The Grimch - I am more comfortable placing you in scum side after reading your night phase posts and noticing how much of refereeing / calming down posts you have in comparison to your "game solving" posts. You were also hesitant to vote Smark despite saying you were okay with it and tried to look into an Ace direction for awhile for nonsense reasons. You awkwardly tried to salvage your position when me and chris called you out on this. Additionally you wanted to flip both me and Smark without establishing how you see us both as s/s from your PoV when you were initially saying you are hoping for atlaeast one to flip scum. You have also yet to establish the co-relation between Smark flipping scum and your read of Ace and me magically shifting off of it - now you read Ace town and read me scum somehow. Additionally you are also trying to appeal to Chris in multiple occasions and get him to your side despite having no articulated reasoning to offer in regards to your reads. Leaning scum. I won't underestimate your scum play just because you want us to.

@Mandalorian - I don't think your play this game has been the Mando play that I expect to see when you are town. You used to be much open and proactive. I also really detest how you parked your vote on me entire day and then when Smark flipped scum your engagement was much more gated towards Ace's claim and whatnot instead of solving the game from there on out and working with the flip. The only thing in your favor, but not rly, is you and Poyser seemed to agree quiet well in the early game, like one of you is pocketing the other or simply yall are staging this play in thread just to vote me there. No reason to town read otherwise. You also have almost no incriminating interactions with Smark. Lean scum. As always feel free to prove me wrong, but you are going to need alooot of convincing. I know it's the holiday season and people are busy, but you are not using your little activity to scum hunt.

@Poyser - You are scum, and should be next day's lynch assuming no persisting info delays that.


THIRD - The Hunt

Next day (Day 2) I want all players in the game to give us their top 3 town and top 3 scum reads, and also specifically tell me what their read of Poyser is and why they read him that way (Why you read him as town, or why you read him as scum). I will not accept null answers. He has 150+ posts. Use gut if you have to. If Poyser is scum he is the biggest threat to the game right now and I want the entire playerbase to give me their definitive opinion on him, in addition to your top 3 town and scum reads.


FOURTH - The SUS Chart

Please find below the undisputable SUS Chart of ultimate wisdom, provided by yours truly, the Ultimate Town Leader Life Form himself:




Pathological Liar
Dec 30, 2019
Reaction score
Poyser then ducks the thread for some time when the Smark wagon was growing and only comes back later to vote Smark when the thread was more favorable with a Smark lynch and there was not much escape route left for him.

This is not true at all lol

Wang Chung

Cowboy Shit
Jan 5, 2012
Reaction score
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Sports Team
Favorite Sports Team

Play time's over. I shalt now unleash 6.9% of my full power, even though you mortal scrubs do not deserve to witness it...

I'm finally ready to get my head into the game and go full throttle. let's foken gooo!!!

Power Level: 6.9%
Scums To Find: 4-6
Threat Level: Nuclear

> FIRST - Time To Play With The Big Boys And Address The Elephant In The Room

I think Poyser is scum. And I am going to break down thoroughly here why I believe so. These are main issues I have with Poyser's play this game:

1. Poyser admits to spending more time focusing on the duel rather than the lynch or other topics because he wants to change the result of it. This from my PoV is not okay since I know I am town and more contributive than Juice and have a stronger role. Poyser admits to not being very confident on me flipping scum yet sees the need to spend most of his day on that topic. On the other hand when Smark's wagon started getting traction, Poyser started looking at John's direction instead even though he said he can discuss Smark and John. Poyser then ducks the thread for some time when the Smark wagon was growing and only comes back later to vote Smark when the thread was more favorable with a Smark lynch and there was not much escape route left for him. At that point, Poyser had yet to properly "scum" read and push Smark, but rather he found a reason to town read John / retract his scum read of John as an excuse to join the Smark wagon indirectly when he realized John wasn't getting any attention. The only good thing for Poyser here is he did it unprompted directly, but he was forced naturally to join the Smark wagon or he will look bad after the flip, and he needed a reason to do so and slide in. Poyser did not want to find a reason by scum reading Smark and worsening Smark's thread position, so rather found one by town reading John. This at least leaves some wiggle room for Smark to pull himself out and force admittedly said he does not bus his Godfather day 1. Poyser then disappeared from the thread while Smark claimed and left us to discuss the claim first only to come later on to comment on Smark's wagon right before he was getting hammered and only repeated the same points others said about the claim. At that point Smark's lynch was inevitable so Poyser got as much credit as he could obtain before it's expiration date.

This an excellent form of distancing. Instead of tying yourself to the Smark wagon directly, you tie it to the town read of John as a lifeline you can now go back to. If John had got more traction im willing to bet you would continue that route instead but Smark did not play optimally for this to happen and you did not want to stick your neck too deep in defending Smark so you dropped the John push without pushing Smark.

2. Poyser has been more eager to question and dissolve town reads over multiple instances in the game over forming and question/discussing scum reads. This is a tactic scum do to keep the PoE as large as possible. There were about 9 players with posts below 10 and Poyser sees the need to discredit / put doubts among the few town reads formed between the active players instead. It seems Poyser is playing with a more inactive team and he is worried that the active town base is finding itself or will soon collapse on his inactive team. Poyser also in multiple instances brings possibilities of indies/second factions to support his shades of the active player base for no reason when more than half the players are null reads rn. Poyser does not want the PoE to shrink on his team.

3. Poyser has twisted or misrepresented more than one post of mine or other posters and taken couple of posts out of context to continue shading us and enlarging the PoE. Poyser reads me as scum but is unable to case me in, instead angles my posts to make them look scummy. Poyser is not happy with the current state of the game despite us getting a scum lynch day 1. Why? because he is scum. Poyser was also arguing over his town read of Juice when I merely wanted us to get to the same page in regards to why the duel went the way it did because those who voted me to win simply town read me regardless of their read on Juice. Poyser also accuses me of things that are not true like saying I have not been questioning those who town read me when I spent most of my day 1 pushing 2 of them (Smark, Barry) that I think are the scummiest. Poyser is clearly not reading the thread properly, or purposely pretending not to do so and jumping immediately at anything that makes the players look scummy, even when it clearly isn't.

Here is a clear example before the thread got locked. Another one is him twisting my reasoning of scum reading Juice prior to her lynch from "she looked at the vote count and started making up nonsense reasons to survive suddenly when she was initially okay with it and claimed not to simp for votes" to a scummy shortened out of context version of the sentence: "I think juice is scummy for wanting to survive".

I'll take this response as a concession. You aren't walking this one back. It's clear as day you have nothing to say to that so you play it off as it's nothing. It's game over, Poyser.

4. Poyser's posts in multiple instances have been giving me the vibes of a player antagonizing and trolling the other posters rather than attempting to solve them. Poyser is not a bad player, he is just pretending to be one. I've tried to bear his shade multiple times and passively give him a chance to push a meaningful target before I make my mind but he continued over his nonsense. Poyser is an active player and I'm fully aware lynching him is always gonna be risky in the event he flips town, but it's a road I'm willing to take today, before he amasses more and more influence over the game and make it impossible to lynch without info. I underestimated him a bit in the last time he was scum but now I know how towny he can appear in the micro play I am going to be more focused on the macro play and the big picture, and it's telling me that Poyser is not playing with a towny mindset this game.

Completely baseless post, even self discredited by saying he is not caught up but still felt the need to drop the shade post anyway and then not follow up on reasons for why he believes there is a team equity there. He either accuses players of being with Smark for no established reason, or if that doesn't fit he accuses them of being scum from another faction / indie for literally even worst non established reasons as we still do not know of the existence of said other faction/indies. Clearly unhappy with the state of the game and does not want town to find itself.

Obviously abi is considering that juice and Smark are not a team, but he does not town read juice from her own posts so he assumed she is indie, namely a jester. the fact that you are arguing with him for the sake of it even though you think he is not aligned with smark is in itself indie hunting.

5. I looked back at the reasons for Poyser to drop his scum read of John and I don't really see them. how he goes from more confident on John to meh just let me vote Smark is still bizarre to me. I don't even think John is town. Probably my biggest indie read rn with the amount of fence sitting and sideline commentary but that's another topic. As scum, I would read the indie candidates as town in thread in order to survive longer in big games because indies are often times the biggest threat to me in these games. I reckon Poyser picked up on this and hit 2 birds with 1 stone. Poyser is not even susing John anymore, and John is obviously happy with that transition despite not really town reading Poyser. He still has Poyser as null.

6. There has been almost no interactions or fire back from Smark towards Poyser. There is no incriminating interactions between the 2 of them. At a certain point it was too late and any interaction will look like a bus attempt. I think there was a visible degree of miscoordination in the activity spikes between the 2 players and they have both never interacted directly in a live setting for more than few posts. Smark has called Poyser "subdued" in his read of him but never elaborated further when asked about it. You can tell Smark just made up those reads on the spot and they are fake asfk.

I think there is one scum in his "I like" reads - leaning Barry
and one in his "Not as keen on" - leaning Poyser

the rest are going to be players he avoided to give reads on, and/or one of CP/T-Pein.

QED: Poyser is scum.

Vote Lynch Poyser


> SECOND - Read List And Expectations

- Town Side -

@Ekkologix - LOCKED town leader

@Chris - I think you have been genuine this game in trying to figure out things from multiple angles. You do not jump in scum reading players, and is approaching things sensibly and asking good questions to all sides. I think you are being pocketed by Poyser this game and potentially even Barry and may need to reassess your stance on them. Otherwise, solid town. Likely N1 kill target. I hope you get protected.

@Ace Marvel @Sister Abigail - I town read Abi more than Ace here but I believe Ace's claim and willing to work with him for now even if he turns out indie. I don't think either of you is mafia with how you approached Smark's wagon. We'll carry town to victory boys!

@Dr_Professor83 - I really like for you to be town this game and I hope you can contribute more. I know you are currently busy in another game so I will extend you some good faith. Please give us some more attention here lol.

@Candy Jade - I am going to give you a weak gut town read because 1. I have too many scum reads rn and 2. your entrance this game was not as hideous and complete nonsense as the last one. Please try to be more active in live discussion and give us your thoughts. I can move this read to the other side any time.

@Wangman Page - I am not going to pretend that I know how to read you, but I simply do not like inactive slots, specially when it's been a trend for you as scum to just remain inactive. All I can ask is when can we expect more meaningful contribution from you? You had nearly 0 impact on yesterday's lynch as far as I remember, but post lynch I recall you bringing up Mando for not voting Smark which I liked. You get a weak town read for that bc I currently scum read Mando as well. If Mando ever flips town at some point I trust you are aware that you will be in big trouble for that specific set up attempt, Wang.

@Tweet - Eh there isn't really much for me to read here from your slot. I think you may not be aligned with Smark but that's about it. Could you be indie? yeah for sure. I also liked your posts around Poyser so willing to at least say you are uninformed/unalligned. Just need more activity from you to put you as more townish rather than an indie trying to hide. Your play is so far very similar to your indie play last time.

">@T-Pein - tea can you like play more proactively? I don't have a reason to town or scum read you. I like your willingness to follow the wagons so gut says town because you seem to have no scum agenda there, but there is also no town agenda either. did you roll indie or what? I can tell you want to get on my good side. Are you afraid I kill you?

- Scum Side -

@Shawn - no reason to read either way. should be mod-killed or subbed out. dead slot.

@PHEN0M - I think the way you handled Poyser asking you to vote juice to win kind of tells me you are maybe not aligned with him, but individually speaking I do not like the decision you took to vote for me to lose without establishing why you scum read me. Looks opportunistic asfk to lynch a more active, more contributive player with a stronger role, specially the timing of it. Also you had no contribution or impact with the lynch. No reason to town read your slot off of. Fee free to argue otherwise of course. I'd love to see more of you in the thread as I think you are a pretty capable player.

@CraigPelton - Initially I thought the way you kept infuriating juice on purpose does not align with my theory that scum outside of Smark (because he was too deep in town reading me to back out) wanted me to lose the duel. The problem with this is you will always vote for me to win there regardless of your alignment because you do not like Juice as a player. Aside from that there isn't much content from you in the thread to help me discern your alignment. You have fairly been invested in the Juice topic and the rest of your posts are reading back posts from the past and nor really saying something new (other than the sus of chris, which you took back easily). You can easily be a scum using heindsight and avoiding live interactions, doddsy style. No strong reason for me to read town. You fit as scum with anyone.

@John McClane - I think you are indie this game with how much you are hiding in the sideline. As town you were alot more talkative and engaging me in fun or even out of game discussion. It seems you are a little nervous to get out of comfort zone this time around. Can't tell for sure if it's because you are busy or because you are scum, but I am leaning the latter. But hey, prove me wrong if you can ^^

@The Grimch - I am more comfortable placing you in scum side after reading your night phase posts and noticing how much of refereeing / calming down posts you have in comparison to your "game solving" posts. You were also hesitant to vote Smark despite saying you were okay with it and tried to look into an Ace direction for awhile for nonsense reasons. You awkwardly tried to salvage your position when me and chris called you out on this. Additionally you wanted to flip both me and Smark without establishing how you see us both as s/s from your PoV when you were initially saying you are hoping for atlaeast one to flip scum. You have also yet to establish the co-relation between Smark flipping scum and your read of Ace and me magically shifting off of it - now you read Ace town and read me scum somehow. Additionally you are also trying to appeal to Chris in multiple occasions and get him to your side despite having no articulated reasoning to offer in regards to your reads. Leaning scum. I won't underestimate your scum play just because you want us to.

@Mandalorian - I don't think your play this game has been the Mando play that I expect to see when you are town. You used to be much open and proactive. I also really detest how you parked your vote on me entire day and then when Smark flipped scum your engagement was much more gated towards Ace's claim and whatnot instead of solving the game from there on out and working with the flip. The only thing in your favor, but not rly, is you and Poyser seemed to agree quiet well in the early game, like one of you is pocketing the other or simply yall are staging this play in thread just to vote me there. No reason to town read otherwise. You also have almost no incriminating interactions with Smark. Lean scum. As always feel free to prove me wrong, but you are going to need alooot of convincing. I know it's the holiday season and people are busy, but you are not using your little activity to scum hunt.

@Poyser - You are scum, and should be next day's lynch assuming no persisting info delays that.


THIRD - The Hunt

Next day (Day 2) I want all players in the game to give us their top 3 town and top 3 scum reads, and also specifically tell me what their read of Poyser is and why they read him that way (Why you read him as town, or why you read him as scum). I will not accept null answers. He has 150+ posts. Use gut if you have to. If Poyser is scum he is the biggest threat to the game right now and I want the entire playerbase to give me their definitive opinion on him, in addition to your top 3 town and scum reads.


FOURTH - The SUS Chart

Please find below the undisputable SUS Chart of ultimate wisdom, provided by yours truly, the Ultimate Town Leader Life Form himself:

Mando is scum I checked him and he has flipped scum already.

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Pathological Liar
Dec 30, 2019
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I was literally 3rd on smark, seven hours (according to tpein) after the 2nd vote. There was no momentum there at all. There was no ducking the thread. I changed my read of John of my own accord fairly soon after I made it and joined on smark, giving that wagon momentum

Your first point is demonstrably false so I’m not even gonna bother reading the rest, for real this time


Pathological Liar
Dec 30, 2019
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Also, if I’m scum then here is the play I did:

- Carried on sussing Ekko even after the smark flip
- carried on pressing sister Abigail even after the thread assumed he was cleared. Spent a lot of effort continuing to engage with him


- killed sister abigail despite wasting effort trying to pressure him. Or decided to pressure him despite already knowing I was gonna kill him. Knowing the death makes me look bad lmao
- 180d my read of Ekko, based on the night kill, which I committed…..

Makes sense


Blood Moon
May 18, 2021
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Sister Abigail was Killed, he was:


It is now Day 2, with 15 alive it takes 8 to lynch
nooo not abi. foken cowards. i will avenge u m8 dw

expected chris to die ngl

and no second kill hmm
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Festive T-Pein™
Apr 11, 2021
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I was literally 3rd on smark, seven hours (according to tpein) after the 2nd vote. There was no momentum there at all. There was no ducking the thread. I changed my read of John of my own accord fairly soon after I made it and joined on smark, giving that wagon momentum

Your first point is demonstrably false so I’m not even gonna bother reading the rest, for real this time

According to the iso he just posted of you..
He literally twisted your arm to voting smark. Kek