wow a town arsonistEnd of Night 1...
Atlanta will no longer burn to the ground as the Confederates have intercepted General Sherman. He was summarily lit aflame until death. Rest in Peace, George T. Sherman.
@Switchblade bit the farm.
Major General William Tecumseh Sherman - Union Aligned Arsonist
You are William Sherman, the Union Aligned Arsonist. Once at night, you have the ability to douse a fellow player in gasoline. You can choose to douse another player in gasoline or ignite all doused players the next night. You may only douse three players for the whole game. Of course, you must watch your enemies burn and see to it that all their ability to conduct war diminished to ashes. War is hell, after all.
You win when all threats to the Union are eliminated! Glory, Hallelujah!
It is now DAY 2! With 22 players left, it requires 12 players to lynch! Day lasts 24 hours or until a lynch has been made. Let's a go!
This is why we don’t reveal our night actions during night.Told ya this was going to happen. LOL
Spicy.In fact I’m not even going to give Tweet a chance to offer an explanation, unless someone can explain how I saw a supposed VT visiting someone else?
right after I go and say I think he's townvote Tweet
You’re sure about that VT claim?