Rate Wrestlemania Night Two!

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Rate Wrestlemania Night Two

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Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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Rate Wrestlemania Night Two and leave a comment to let us know what you thought of the show!

hey foxy can you like edit this or something and make this your thread in the morning


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You forgot the poll!

First time since 2014 that I missed a WrestleMania, and idk if I really care to go back and watch it outside of the Belair/Banks match and Cesaro/Rollins.
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Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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If you would have told me that the two nights of Wrestlemania that they would have combined for a 10/20 I thought it would be CLASSIC WWE. Like wow, one show's a 6 and one was a 4...

Nah. After seeing this TNA ass show this was a glorious 1/10. This was definitely a memorable trainwreck.

So we start out with the blowoff of one of the worst feuds I've ever seen with Randy Orton vs the MAGICALLY HEALED FIEND in a WRESTLING MATCH, with the Fiend coming out of a "box type structure", per Michael Cole and my first thought of the night was damn, how I miss football. How the commentators for NFL football are such a pile of ass that whenever I watched some random B-show last year when I didn't care about SNF that Michael Cole was "a lively play by play guy!" instead of a dude making fun of how he blew the call on the main event all night last night. Alexa randomly barfs up black goo for no reason because THIS FEUD and that distracts Wyatt and Orton pins him with an RKO and this was mercifully, hilariously over.

I'm not sure what was funnier about this finish though. The fact that they rebranded the Eater of Pins so strongly that they did that infamous Hell in a Cell match where Wyatt was built up to be insanely unbeatable just to job in hilariously anticlimactic fashion like this, and prove yet again that Vince could go full Carter Pewderschmitt and drink a whole smoothie of $100 bills would be a better use of money than Bray Wyatt right now, or that the freaking RKO in this feud is SO GLORIOUSLY OVERPOWERED. You lit the fiend on fire and he STILL CHARGES like a horror movie monster and can't stay down but you hit him with a Cutter and oh boy, now he can't move. And now here's the most WWE ass distraction finish where the dude who survived 6 superkicks and a toolbox and a big ass cartoon hammer and a ladder and fire and being drowned in a swamp just can't survive on RKO. LOL. I want to confine this whole Bray Wyatt universe to its own thing (preferably somewhere in hollywood off my TV) but this actually had consequences later on in the show, as well as setting an embarassingly hilarious tone for the show.

TAMINA HAD SOME OF THE BIGGEST HEAT OF THE NIGHT LOL, and while literally every person was screwing around on their phone during the womens' title match You've gotta love how the random ass Tamina love coinsides with the random ass Tamina highlight match where they built up the OH MY GOODNESS SOMEONE SLAMMED NIA JAX Luger and Yokozuna spot just for Tamina to drop her and botch it before Nattie to taps out to the Clutch. LOL. Check out Nattie's Youtube channel, it's amazing. NEXT

I joked in the thread that Logan Paul looks like a dude I'd shove out of the way leaving Hot Topic at the mall because it was 4:50 and Taco Bell is not keeping $1 drinks around all night and he needs to move his slow ass... as for the match, I kinda LOL that we can't get these two in a one on one match at Mania when they had a built in story with Owens injuring the hell out of the dude and he returns on the main roster but now we have this classic "we don't know what to do with these guys soooooooo back to this!" spot. Good for both of them. Match was fine of course, you've seen it, but based on his faces Logan Paul hasn't seen this or any wrestling match before the way dude was cringing at them suplexes. "Damn, these guys really hurt each other out there? I thought it was fake" Bro you're fake, and the way they canned the hell out of some cheers for the dude just for what felt like an audible being called when Owens went to stun this jackass in the end. This was kinda harmless but somehow Owens vs Sami was worse than everything on night 1 and we went from the best celeb appearance ever to this. If they paid Logan Paul $20 for this it was $40 too much

Riddle got some rolling papers from RVD and Peacock probably tried to live edit that off the show. Sometimes botches make a match better, but for the most part both of these guys are the "I do NOT want to be in the match with these guys!" type of dudes but respectfully, not in the Nia Jax "my life is in danger" way but the "Man, you're gonna have trouble sleeping you're so beat up" way. Mad respect for all the wrestlers who face these guys. And these dudes were so damn stiff with one another and it felt like a moshpit and they kept coming for more, just to play off a botch pretty well and then stiff the LIGHTS out of that boy with that Brogue. I can't hate on these guys too much, but Riddle's character is so annoying that this became cathartic. Vince sucks

hahahahahahaha I love how the story came out that the NIGERIAN DRUM FIGHT was a stip that Big E didn't know what it was a few days ago lol, apparently they had no idea either! We get to the match and they announce what it is... and it's a NO DQ MATCH LOL. That's it. Then Michael Cole has to explain some exaggerated ass explanation and then it's a REGULAR KENDO STICK BATTLE. Can't lie I was getting into this and that Rock Bottom on the steps was awesome! As this hit its peak, E hits the Big ending and LOL THE MOST TNA ASS FINISH. SOME RANDOM ASS DUDE COMES IN FOR THE INTERFERENCE WIN FOR APOLLO LOL. They beat this dude like a drum forever and then he gets this push and heel turn and loses 4 times and then wins the title like this, lol Miz was a more credible champ than Apollo, and this show was such a disaster and I was loving it

then some random band that was in my Spotify recommendations 3 years ago called New Years Day come out and I remember checking out their album for something new and deleting it after 3 songs. I LOVE me some screamo music and she's a powerhouse but man are they not good at it lol. This came across worse than playing the theme, but at least the chick looked hot but this killed the crowd even more than all the damn breaks on this show. Guess they padded up in case of a rain delay, then Asuka and Rhea had a shockingly... lousy match. Not only did it feel like... a weird spot to be in, but the match itself was a lot of trash talking and stalling and I was ready for some high-impact action from these two and it never really came. The pace was too slow and it felt like both these girls are better off picking on barbie dolls than fighting each other. First moment of the show that wasn't even funny, just a sad 2 1/2 star affair

The girl who was on NXT being booked perfectly, telling Charlotte "I wouldnt' even give you a hug" to MASSIVE HEAT from the Full Sail faithful the same week Nikki told Brie "I wish you died in the womb!" to crickets. JOHN CENA ISN'T HERE was worth the price of admission alone. God bless Bayley. The Bellas aren't legends. Though I would have LOVED to see Brie hit some weak ass version of the running knee to Nia to pin her for the tag titles at this point, because LOL

Then... the main event... I don't really know how to feel about. Good match? Absolutely. It was WWE style, it was slow paced and dramatic in the best way. All three guys - most notably the recently turned psycho Edge knows how to play their characters perfectly, they set up big spots and paid them off, as they took the 3rd guy out of the match one at a time in a believable way. I LOVED the Jey Uso thing, mostly, because TLC really highlighted how it doesn't make sense to have a no-DQ match and NOT have interference. It's best to knock that pest out of the way than have him stand around. LOL @ them having a gimmicked chair just so Edge can break the leg and use it for a crossface. Lots of creativity points for that. But as it went on... I found myself looking at Bryan over there giving MULTIPLE kicks to Edge's neck and hating this dude for picking on his injury. I hated Roman for existing. Then Edge takes Bryan's head and puts a chair over it and blasts him with a chair shot to damn near literally kill him + pick on his concussions. Then Jey Uso ran in to break up the pin. As characters, after this sequence, I hated all three of these men so much and they're lucky it was almost the finish, then Roman picks the bones of Bryan's lifeless body after Uso hits Edge for the 1-2-3. Weird match.

As much as he has an out with the Uso interference and didn't becomes superpowered, Reigns comes across as the overpowered character from his all time terrible babyface run, just using all this help because it's easy and not because he needs to. Still, he's literally in there against 2 hall of famers with quality feel good stories if they pick up a W here. I still wonder where this is going. Are they going to just do all of this in the Mania main event to let Cesaro beat him at Summerslam or something? That would freaking RULE, but...

Back to the Fiend thing. The dude is such an overpowered final boss coming out of the first few matches that you're left wondering how on earth you could possibly stop him, then Goldberg happened lol, and now the dude's munching on L's to an RKO in less time than it took to get in your suit and in that stupid "box-type structure". Why do all that superhuman buildup if the babyface isn't going to treat it like an obstacle? It's like when the Demon Balor "couldn't feel pain" in NXT just to job to a Musclebuster off the top rope. That was cool, but after all that build?

What's the point of the super-Roman push.. and what's the point of me typing all these words for 4 people to read them lol
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Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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You forgot the poll!

First time since 2014 that I missed a WrestleMania, and idk if I really care to go back and watch it outside of the Belair/Banks match and Cesaro/Rollins.
It'll be fixed by the morning bruh, I haven't made one of these in so long I forgot how. Foxy to the rescue!


Jan 5, 2018
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I dont like the Fiend vs Orton feud. It's not my cup of tea. But even I was disappointed with the match. It sucked balls.

I think alot of people were expecting alot more. This was The Fiends revenge on a man who burnt him alive. So was at the every least expected him to get that revenge. Is this fued continuing? I hope not.

Also Alexa screwed Bray I guess. They really can't have a team or faction last longer then 6 months can they. I would of had the hurt business last 3 years minimum.

Alexa Bliss is apparently now sister Abigail, which for me is such a pet peeve for me. Like this obsession that some wwe fans have with sister Abigail is ridiculous. Who cares lol? The sister Abigail character is very ambiguous and it should be left like that. But I'm not against alexa bliss being the vessel for the spirit of sister Abigail if that is the direction this is going. Just dont really care.

I'm not sure what was funnier about this finish though. The fact that they rebranded the Eater of Pins so strongly that they did that infamous Hell in a Cell match where Wyatt was built up to be insanely unbeatable just to job in hilariously anticlimactic fashion like this, and prove yet again that Vince could go full Carter Pewderschmitt and drink a whole smoothie of $100 bills would be a better use of money than Bray Wyatt right now, or that the freaking RKO in this feud is SO GLORIOUSLY OVERPOWERED. You lit the fiend on fire and he STILL CHARGES like a horror movie monster and can't stay down but you hit him with a Cutter and oh boy, now he can't move. And now here's the most WWE ass distraction finish where the dude who survived 6 superkicks and a toolbox and a big ass cartoon hammer and a ladder and fire and being drowned in a swamp just can't survive on RKO. LOL. I want to confine this whole Bray Wyatt universe to its own thing (preferably somewhere in hollywood off my TV) but this actually had consequences later on in the show, as well as setting an embarassingly hilarious tone for the show.
I dunno bud. If you are gonna take this as a legit storyline. Then you have no idea what influence Alexa bliss has over the Fiend. She had black goo coming out of her mouth. So it isnt unpluasable that Bliss just made the Fiend lose. It doesnt even matter at this point. The fued the character and the match is poor.

Logan Paul hasn't seen this or any wrestling match before the way dude was cringing at them suplexes. "Damn, these guys really hurt each other out there? I thought it was fake" Bro you're fake, and the way they canned the hell out of some cheers for the dude just for what felt like an audible being called when Owens went to stun this jackass in the end. This was kinda harmless but somehow Owens vs Sami was worse than everything on night 1 and we went from the best celeb appearance ever to this. If they paid Logan Paul $20 for this it was $40 too much
Nah they told Logan Paul to react to the moves and he did. The fact that we dont react to those moves the way he did is the real problem. Like that duplex on the ring canvas. That warranted a reaction from Paul.

Kevin and Sami had a good match obviously and there was some call backs to their history, which was nice. But yh this just wasnt a big deal that it could of been. How can you with Logan paul on ringside and this cowardly Sami zayn character? I would of have Owens dominate early on cuz Zayn is a pussy and they as the match goes on Zayn reverts back to the old underdog from the underground character and you have an organic baby face turn as Zayn fights back as he fights his former best friend. Have Owen's respectfully win and then have Zayn push Paul to Owen's for a stunner. That would of been much better. Instead we just got a very good match between the two but could of been so much more.

Riddle got some rolling papers from RVD and Peacock probably tried to live edit that off the show. Sometimes botches make a match better, but for the most part both of these guys are the "I do NOT want to be in the match with these guys!" type of dudes but respectfully, not in the Nia Jax "my life is in danger" way but the "Man, you're gonna have trouble sleeping you're so beat up" way. Mad respect for all the wrestlers who face these guys. And these dudes were so damn stiff with one another and it felt like a moshpit and they kept coming for more, just to play off a botch pretty well and then stiff the LIGHTS out of that boy with that Brogue. I can't hate on these guys too much, but Riddle's character is so annoying that this became cathartic. Vince sucks
Say what you wanna say about Riddles character. All the goofyness evaporates when he wrestles. What a match. Great chemistry between two hard hitting mothafukkas. Hopefully this lost and that brogue kick knock some sense into Riddle to be a bit more serious. It appears so cuz that stern look on his face after the match was intentional. For me who cares if he is goofball outside the ring but a badass in it. Loads of people are like that in combat sports.

then some random band that was in my Spotify recommendations 3 years ago called New Years Day come out and I remember checking out their album for something new and deleting it after 3 songs. I LOVE me some screamo music and she's a powerhouse but man are they not good at it lol. This came across worse than playing the theme, but at least the chick looked hot but this killed the crowd even more than all the damn breaks on this show. Guess they padded up in case of a rain delay, then Asuka and Rhea had a shockingly... lousy match. Not only did it feel like... a weird spot to be in, but the match itself was a lot of trash talking and stalling and I was ready for some high-impact action from these two and it never really came. The pace was too slow and it felt like both these girls are better off picking on barbie dolls than fighting each other. First moment of the show that wasn't even funny, just a sad 2 1/2 star affair
How overrated is Ripley that she isnt capable of stealing the show with Asuka? I dont blame her though. This match had no story or spice to add any much needed dynamic. Ripley has no real character and she has been booked to just be the girl who shows up and gets title matches at Mania despite not earning it. Nothing about her is interesting. She needed to win the match though otherwise you might as well just give up on her. Would of prefered Asuka going over Charlotte.

As much as he has an out with the Uso interference and didn't becomes superpowered, Reigns comes across as the overpowered character from his all time terrible babyface run, just using all this help because it's easy and not because he needs to. Still, he's literally in there against 2 hall of famers with quality feel good stories if they pick up a W here. I still wonder where this is going. Are they going to just do all of this in the Mania main event to let Cesaro beat him at Summerslam or something? That would freaking RULE, but...
It better go somewhere like Cesaro or a Big E defeating him at Summerslam. They are actually in danger of notching something they did such a good job at creating. Edge or Bryan should of won imo. Then later in the year Roman wins the title back so you can tell the story again. Roman holding the title to next years Mania without dropping it could be a huge mistake.

Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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Not by morning but I am getting it now!

Plus I hope everyone knows that my bitching about the show was mostly for fun. If I don't have something to complain about, it's not fun :)
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Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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I am giving the show a 5. There were just a lot of irritating booking choices made.

I can't really complain about Roman winning too much. It was unexpected and now who knows what is next for the Universal Title?


Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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Not by morning but I am getting it now!

Plus I hope everyone knows that my bitching about the show was mostly for fun. If I don't have something to complain about, it's not fun :emoji_slight_smile:
yep. hating on this show was fun!


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It's obvious night 1 was better.

The only match that truly interested me in night 2 was Edge vs Bryan vs Roman.

Don't get me wrong Riddle and Sheamus had an awesome contest but. WWE Should have built that rivalry more.

So I gave it a 5

Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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It's obvious night 1 was better.

The only match that truly interested me in night 2 was Edge vs Bryan vs Roman.

Don't get me wrong Riddle and Sheamus had an awesome contest but. WWE Should have built that rivalry more.

So I gave it a 5

I have already seen Riddle naked. I was fascinated for a day or two and now and over him.

I also gave it a five
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Jan 17, 2021
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NB, Canada
Riddle/Sheamus was the best match on either night... Rollins/Cesaro 2nd... triple threat 3rd

AJ/New Day was okay.

Everything else wasn't worthy of RAW, let alone a PPV, let alone WrestleMania. Especially that Orton Fiend garbage, those 2 owe an apology to the fans


Jan 5, 2018
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Riddle/Sheamus was the best match on either night... Rollins/Cesaro 2nd... triple threat 3rd

AJ/New Day was okay.

Everything else wasn't worthy of RAW, let alone a PPV, let alone WrestleMania. Especially that Orton Fiend garbage, those 2 owe an apology to the fans
Owens and Zayn had a very good match. As well as Bianca and Sasha. Drew vs Bbby was fantastic.

Vampire Quinn

The Guardian
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I saw the first part but not the second part yet.... though I will Say, I'm NOT a huge fan of the eerie Alexa Bliss Character....


Jan 17, 2021
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NB, Canada
Owens and Zayn had a very good match. As well as Bianca and Sasha. Drew vs Bbby was fantastic.

...aaanyways, I actually forgot to mention this match(KO/Zayn)

It was less than Cesaro/Rollins, Sheamus/Riddle, New Day/ AJ&Omas & the 3way but WAY better than everything besides those matches...

KO vs Zayn never really have a "bad" match this one included but I've seen them put on way more amazing matches then this. The TakeOver matches especially... which shouldn't be the case as this was WM!

Their WM match they've been working towards their entire careers should've trumped everything else but it was the opposite, this was probably their most standard match together. A lackluster match as far as WM standards go.

Should have been more in this match.