Rate RAW! 11/04/2019

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Hello and welcome to the only show where its appearntly okay to make jokes about a man who nearly died for real...


Hello and welcome back to the rate raw and raw recap! as always rate in the poll above share your thoughts below, as i recap and review raw! enjoy!

We start the show tonight with triple h arriving at the arena, if smackdown was any indication, this should be a good show, NXT makes everything better lol.

Here Comes The Pain.

Brock lesnar kicks off raw heyman at his side, after quitting smackdown last friday hes no doubt here to get revenge on Rey.

Heyman said ladies and gentleman my name is Paul Heyman, a for thee conquerer of cain velaskez, the ultimate champion in world wrestling entertainemtn, rbock lesnar.

Incas eyou dont know my client brock lesnar, had enough of smackdown on fox, my client has come to raw to hunt down rey mysterio. Now, few weeks ago right after the draft, raw traded alexa bliss and nikko cross for 2 future draft picks.

He say sbrock is different, brock has leverage, brock is special, brock is entitled to do whatever the hell he wants to do. Oh i know what your thinking, does that make brock me? yes, yes it does heyman says.

Heyman says brock is better then all the bitches in the back who thinks they are tough guyyss, the point is someone knows where rey is..so where is rey mysterio? woudl you like brock to come over that rail and slap every women and man in this audience? the crowd cheerd.

Heyman says there is nobody that is man enough in this collisium in long island or in long island to slap brock lesnar back. Heyman says somebody tonight is gonna rat him out, and brock is gonna commit a felony on rey mesterio, or brock lesnar will turn the arena upside down and inside out like an F5 has touched down in new york.

Tonight is the funeral for reys career at the hands of brock lesnar.

Heyman is always great on the mic, good way to start the show.

Oh we arent done yet...Brocks backstage, grabbed a guy chocking him DEMANDING to know where rey is, brocks yelling like the beast he is as we go to commercial.

Charlotte Flair and Natalya VS The Kabuki Warriors

ofcourse before the match started we were reminded about the first ever womens match is Saudi Arabia...im tempted to make a counter based on how many times they remind us...we will see..

Natalya and Zane start us off, they lock up natalya rolls through and slams kairi zane down for a 1 count, zane gets up tags asuka in. more lock up action asuka puts in a ankle lock natalya gets to the ropes both standing in the ring, Charlotte gets a sly tag in natalya wasnt expecting it.

charlotte goes to suplex asuka but she cant asuka blocks, zane comes in to hit a incoming natalya but she catches zane and natalya and charlotte suplexs asuka and zane as we go to commercial.

We come back and asuka and natalya are in the ring, i missed a tiny bit but Asuka kicked natalya on the outside and it was thunderous, impactful and loud.

Ya know, im tempted to embrace my writer in me and go more in deph, but i would probably get way behind in the process..asuka has a rest hold atm if your wondering why im talking about other stuff, this is the workd over natalya until charlotte makes the hot tag part of the match, so you can guess how it goes, natalya gets a tiny bit of offense but is mostly stopped.

Speaking of which natalya gets a rollup and uses the momentum off of it to tag charlotte, she lasy waste to asuka and kairi, does a nice fall away slam then a kip up as she takes control.

Charlotte hit natural selection on kairi but asuka got kairis foot on the ropes so charlottes nowwa and kairi, lays them side by side goes to the top rope, does a moonsault on both of them, asuka barelky broke up the pin on kairi.

Asuka hits charlotte while the ref is distratced as we go to commercial.

We come back and charlotte is like, very obviously within reach of natalya...like VERY easily yet SOMEHOW manages not to tag and kairi stops her.

Finally natalya gets the hot tag lays waste to asuka and kairi, gets asuka center of the ring goes for shapshooter but asuka rolls her up transitions to a arm bar, natalya rolls through lifts asuka powerbomb position turns it into sharpshooter, then kairi zane hits a codebreaker on natalya, charlotte hits a spear on kairi, asuka tries to lock in asuka lock but natalya locks in the sharpshooter and asuka..taps out...Asuka tapped out...welp alright then.

Right as this match ends brock and heyman come out to the anouncers table and heyman starts asking where rey is, and threatens to unleash the beast on him. Heyman says when the beast is unleashed on you, nobody will be able to resesitate you when you die on the air again. Then dio madden, one of the commentators steps up to brock to defend jerry but gets thrown through a table, then rey comes out with a bat and wrecks brock crowd pops huge, rey lays out lesnar with brocks own title belt as we go to commercial.

We come back and see that during the break brock could barely even walk.

Rey says you came after what i love most, so i will come after what you love most, the wwe championship. And he challenges brock to a match at survivor series.

Cedric Alexander VS Buddy Murphy.

So i missed the opening of this match, it looks like some nice wrestling and back and forth, right now they are brawling outside the ring no way cedric just got buddy back in it. Murphy kicked cedric in the face slammed him into the ring post, gets a nearfall.

Cedrics got a rest hold locked in, cedric fights out but murphy slams him down, cedric focuses on the left arm of cedric, hes got a submission locked in.cedric fights out and the two go back and forth for a bit.

I missed a bit more, stream issues, unfortunately i didnt see most of this match, seemed decent to me, was good from what i saw, murphy hit murphys law for the pin.

Next up, we got seth rollins out to chat about crown jewel. This should be good

Seth Rollins Comes Out To Chat.

So seth makes his entrance, he doesnt look too happy, seeing as he lost the universal title to The Fiend at Crown jewel, which by the way, i enjoyed that match.

So seth is booed before he even speaks, he says so whats next for seth rollins? gusy it sbeen a rough week, to be honest its been a rough couple of months, and look, im not stupid i hear you guys, you guys are thrilled i los tot the fiend at crown jewel. But to be honest, i dont give a damn, becuase that doesnt concern me, what does concern me si the fiend took the universal title to smackdown, what concernc sme is brock si on raw and on top with the WWE title, what concerns me is all the work ive done to get rid of lesnar and give guys like aj and even corbin oppertunitys, all fo thatw as for nothing.

He says i know my thing is redesign rebuild reclaim but.........but i dont know if ive got the energy for it this time, and so whats next for seth rollins? for the first time in a long time i dont know....and then triple hs music hits.

I got a good feeling right about now, if this leads to seth rollisn returning to NXT, count..me...in. THis is also fitting for storyline reasons, given their history.

They shake hands, triple h says, you dont know whats next? the crowd chants nxt. triple h says funny how history repeats itself, seth whnever you dont know whats next, our paths cross, been that way for a long time, a wis emen recently said if you wanna see whats next, retrace your steps.

Triple h said the first time you didnt know what was next you became the first nxt champion, the second time the shield was born, the third time you became wwe champion, its that way over and over again...Seth says but those thing syou did, were theyf or my benefit? or yours?

Hunter says does it matter? every time you left a champion, seth says fair point, triple h says he knwos whats next,m you saw friday right? NXT ran wild on smackdown, seth comments about how he did that whiel they were overseas, triple h says sure, but another way to look at it is adam cole beat daniel bryan in the maine vent of smackdown, triple h says nxt si on fire, the world wants to know whats NXt gonna do next? he says but im here for a different reason, i wanna know what seth rollins does next, because what seth does next, determines what i do next...he says survivor series is raw vs smackdown and for the first time ever vs NXT, and we got somethin to prove, so maybe you dont know whats next, maybe you dont have the energy ro pasion or heart, or whatever it take , but I do, i know how to get you there i know how to make you great...you know how tyhis works seth better then anybody, becuas eyou are either with me in this moment......crowd starts cheering and here comes the unidsputed era. Crowd chants NXT...hunter continues saying seth you are either with me......or your against me.

Seth takes a oment to think and then the OCs music hits, they make their way down to the ring The OC begins chaseing the unidsputed era, then dominik dijakoich come sin, then damien priest and they begin laying waste to the OC, now here comes the raw roster saying the OC, curt hawkisn zack ryder, r truth eric rowen and others.

Seth has no idea what to do, he then marches backstage as we cut to commercial.

Tripl H is backstage seth catches up, seth says you wanted to light a fire under my ass well mission accomplished..you want me back? if im comin back im comin back as the top star, i want adam cole for NXT championship TONIGHT...and triple H accepts

Andrade and Salina Vega VS Sin Cara and Carolina - Mixed Tag Team Match.

It should come as no surprise that i dont care about this match lol, but i will recap a little of it, basicly andrade starts off immediately attacking sin cara but he fights back, zalina grabs sin cara as he runs the ropes stopping him, with the ref distracted with vega carolina hits a move from the apron on andrade as we go to commercial.

I think ima have atleast 1 match which is my break time inbetween the super detailed recaps lol, im starting to need one.

Zalina Vega hits a basement hurricanranna for the pin, it was a okay match.

We got a recap of the rusev lashley lana cuck angle storyline...Yup, its still a thing, and likely will end up ruining rusevs IRL marriage with Lana....we got a recap of the last few weeks, rusev is out next.

Rusev Calls out Lashley

Rusev says tonights the night to end all this stupid drama, im not here to call my soon to be my ex wife lana name seven though i could, if you want lana you can have her, but your ass is mine.

Lashley comes out with crutches lana at his side, Lashley says ya know rusev as much as id love to come down there and beat you up, im not medically cleared tonight... the crowd boos. he says you see this past weekedn i suffered a very dibilittating injury, i torn my groen, not during crown jewel, but by doing things, performing thign syou never could. Lana says rusev isnt interested in hearing about our lives of love and sex, he wants a different kind fo fight, and we got someone who will kick your ass....and then Drew macintyres music hits, he comes down to the rting, they ar ein action next.

Rusev VS Drew Mcintyre

Rusev day chants as drew hits rusev with a headbut, beats rusev up in the corner, throws him into a corner rusev explodes out and clotheslines drew, and starts beating up drew in the corner, drews against the ropes they brawl to another corner and rusev has control for now. Rusev throws rusev on the ropes drew hit shim with a kick and beats him in the corner again, sticking his foot in rusevs throat in the corner, he picks ruev up, rusev hits him with a right hand and a kick and drew responds with a kick of his own and starts beating down rusev on the ground.

Drew picks him up throws him on the ropes, ruysev however reverses and catches drew, htis a fallaway slam drew rolls to the outside as we go to commercial.

We come back and drew hits a soli spinebuster to rusev for the nearfall. drew yells you arent a mjan, your a bitch, and rusev make shis comeback, rusev lays out drew and we got rusev day chants, rusev goes for the kick and we get even more corner beating....this has happened like 5 time sin this match...

both men take eachother out with a crossbody.these tow trade heavy blows in the ring, rusev hits a huge kick but drew falls to the outside, rusev goes outside after him picks him up smashe shim on the steel steps, once, twice, then lashley uses his crutches to beat up rusev, Rusev wins via DQ.

Lashley beats up rusev with his crutch and he gets rusev back in the ring, rusev gets control and is about to beat up lashley, then an RKO from randy later and hes getting double teamed by lashley and randy, then ricochets music hits and he makes the save.

Becky Lynch has a sit down interview next.

Becky Lynch has a chat.

Charly says what a journey it sbeen, now at survivor series you may just have your toughest test yet, it syou VS Bayley vs Shayna Baszler.. Becky says survivor series is her favorite time of year, she loves what happened at smackdown, because she knwos what a well timmed attack can do for your career, she says normally im the oen out for revenge but this year im the target, because i beat bayleys best friend onto the injured list, and i knocked shaynas besti ronda at wrestlemania.

And then we hear a voice say she will take charlys chair.l.and its shayna baszler, the crowd cheers.

She says hello becky, ive been waiting a long time to meet you face to face..im shayna, i know all about you, everybody allways talsk about becky lynch and what a shineing example of a talent from NXT..you know im friends with ronda, and you beat her at wrestlemania...

Shayna says i wanna make somethign very clear becky lynch..im not ronda rousey, and at survivor series im not gonna take my eyes off of bayley..i wanted to come here champion to champion, and tell you that i am going to pin or im gonna tap you out, and the only thing you will have to think about between nwo and then, is which one of your limbs will belong to me...

Becky says, arent you lucky to eb face to face with the champ? i dont know you so i dont know if i should respect you ro slap your head off yet, but im glad we got this chance so you can feel the same doubt ronda felt, waring against me will change you like it did the rest of them, i wont be taking my eyes off of bayley, but i will be coming after you too aswell.

Beckys ays bring your best, because ima show you the realist baddest women on the planet..

Now here comes the club for 6 man tag action.

Street Profits and Humberto Carillo VS The O.C.

Aj says im not in the mood tonight long island, sos it down and shut up, here si the facts, gallows and anderson are the best tag team in the world, and there is there trophy to prove it,. here si another fact, i am the phenomanal AJ Styles. Your United States Champion. Fact, we dont give a damn about NXT, Fact, n ext tiem we see one fo those punks, we are gonna make sure they never set foot out fo orlando florida.

Then the street profit smusic hits, and here they come, they bring humberto with them.

Ford says i see the OC is feeling themselves tonight in strong island, we se you guys there with your little wwe world cup trophy! awwww! you guys are officially the best tag team in the woooorld... dawkins says even though we werent in that match, yall two lost to us 2 weeks to us. ford says you cant say that, dawkins says i cant say the street profits beat the OC two weeks ago? ford says yeah! you cant say that! and they go on a bit more, had tech issue sso i couldnt recap everything, basicly AJ told humberto to shut up or he woudl do ti for them,

We started this match during the commercial break, or i just missed it....anyway anderson has montez ford in a headlock, anderson tags gallows in after ford knocked aj down, gallows throws ford to the ropes...dang itim behind...lets reset.

Humberto made the hot tag and aj tagged in aswell, hit a solid moonsault for the nearfall. aj throws humberto to the ropes and he springboarded off of it kicked aj, then got to the top rope for a beautiful moonsault, anderson broke the pin,dawkisn got rid of anderson but gallows hit dawkins with a kick, then ford got rif DANG IT HIM BEHIND AGAIN...

Aj hit a powerbomb and used the ropes for leverage to get a dirty pin.

Next up, we got viking raider sin action...likely against jobbers...because reasons...

The Viking Raiders VS East...Hampton...Polo...Boys..

...shocker..........they win....

SO anyway...oh wait they got mics...

they say we stand here tonight as men...bold enough to admit that at crown jewel we suffered defeat, congradulations OC, you have been crowned the best tag team in the world, enjoy your trophy boys...victory often times is nothing more then survival, gallows and anderson..thank the gods because you may have won 1 battle, but nothing can stop the raid.

Okay then. main event time.

Seth Rollins VS Adam Cole - NXT Championship

THey lock up and seth is able to match coles agility, they wrestle to the ropes and and the ref breaks the hold, they lock up again they wrestle to the corner ref breaks the hold. we ot undisputed chants, seth lays in some big right hands tackles cole to the outside, seth dives to the outsid eonto adam cole, slams cole on the apron, rolls him back in the ring.

Seth goes for abuckle bomb cole reverses runs the ropes runs into a seth rollins kick, he goes for the stomp cole gets away and rollins chases him and thrtows him into the barricade a few times as we go to commercial.

we come back adam cole baybay has seth in a headlock, seth fights out kicks cole and adam cole responds. with his own kick, and then i had to refresh lol.

Adam cole gets up so does seth coel in the corner seth charge shits cole, seth tries again cole throws seth to the apron and seth tries to springboard into the ring to do a move and adam coel cathes seth with a superkick for a nearfall. cole sin the corner middle rope seth gets up looking for panama sunrise seth catches him rolls through into the buckle bomb for a nearfall.

Cole rolls to the outside seth runs the ropes, he flys into cole on the outside gets back in the ring does it a second time rolls cole in the ring gets on the apron lands a springboard jumping knee, seth goes for falcon arrow but cole reverses into his neck breaker on the knee move thingy. not sure what tis called got a nearfall, cole rusn the ropes hits a knee for the nearfall.

Adam cole sets up for his finisher the last shot, rollins rolls him up for a nearfall then both superstars hit eachother with a clothesline, cole gets up first to the top rope set catches up to him both menb top rope superplex into the falcon arrow for the nearfall.

seth gets up he stares at triple h and does the burn it down, adam coles getting up and then the undisputed come in and grab seths leg and attacks seth, seth wins via DQ, now they are beating up seth here comes the main roster here comes the NXT roster and its chaos.

EVeryoens brawling and fighting and its crazy, team raw is trying to fight back but NXT are overwhelming them, they are still fighting, ricochet is in the ring and does a shooting star onto the crowd of people.

everyone is down but they get up and continue fighting, keith lee and he runs the ropes and dives out onto them and the fighting continues as the show goes off air.
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Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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They had the opportunity for the Fiend vs Lesnar in a champ vs champ match and went with Mysterio instead. It’s almost like they want to fuck up every good opportunity handed to them.
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Jeffry Mason

Your Local Sports Team Sucks
Jan 16, 2017
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They had the opportunity for the Fiend vs Lesnar in a champ vs champ match and went with Mysterio instead. It’s almost like they want to fuck up every good opportunity handed to them.
How exactly do they book Fiend vs Lesnar without killing the other's credibility? Granted Rey may not be the best option, but if this is how they want to introduce adult Dominik, then I don't see the harm
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Oct 13, 2017
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How exactly do they book Fiend vs Lesnar without killing the other's credibility? Granted Rey may not be the best option, but if this is how they want to introduce adult Dominik, then I don't see the harm
Rey has gotten really over as a babyface as of late so its certainly not a bad choice. As for how you do FIend vs Brock without ruining either superstars credibility? easy, you go the route we all thought it was, a triple threat. Brock lesnar VS The Fiend VS Adam Cole baybay. Adam cole is your guy to take the pin, that only leaves the question of who does it. That dynamic of 2 pwerhouses, 2 unstoppable forces clashing with adam cole in the cross fire is a compelling concept, shame they arent doing it.

Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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How exactly do they book Fiend vs Lesnar without killing the other's credibility? Granted Rey may not be the best option, but if this is how they want to introduce adult Dominik, then I don't see the harm

AJ vs Lesnar didn’t harm either guy in any way. In fact, neither did Daniel Bryan vs Lesnar.

In fact, Goldberg squashing Lesnar didn’t seem to harm his credibility since we’re discussing him having credibility three years later.

The fact is that both the Fiend and Lesnar are the two most OPed wrestlers in the company and a collision between the two would be really interesting.

It’s what I mentioned in the other thread. Rather than put on the interesting match, they’re playing it safe by putting Lesnar up against someone who has about zero chance of beating him. I’d much rather see Lesnar and the Fiend trying to hurt each other and what lengths they have to go to in order to beat the other.

And this is coming from someone who doesn’t really like either guy much. Stop giving a shit about credibility and put on the interesting match.
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Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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Rey has gotten really over as a babyface as of late so its certainly not a bad choice. As for how you do FIend vs Brock without ruining either superstars credibility? easy, you go the route we all thought it was, a triple threat. Brock lesnar VS The Fiend VS Adam Cole baybay. Adam cole is your guy to take the pin, that only leaves the question of who does it. That dynamic of 2 pwerhouses, 2 unstoppable forces clashing with adam cole in the cross fire is a compelling concept, shame they arent doing it.

Or realize that losing one match isn’t going to harm either guy’s credibility.


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Or realize that losing one match isn’t going to harm either guy’s credibility.
For brock? yeah he can lose but WWE doesnt want him to..

But The Fiend? its WAY too soon for him to lose, he needs to win, and keep winning, if he starts to lose it will spiral down to the dephs brays been down before, where hes all talk but never wins.

The Fiend would be hurt if brock beat him, but thankfully we dont have that to worry about.

Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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For brock? yeah he can lose but WWE doesnt want him to..

But The Fiend? its WAY too soon for him to lose, he needs to win, and keep winning, if he starts to lose it will spiral down to the dephs brays been down before, where hes all talk but never wins.

The Fiend would be hurt if brock beat him, but thankfully we dont have that to worry about.

We’ll just have to disagree then. Because I think is the stupidest decision they’ve made in a while and that’s saying a lot.
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Jeffry Mason

Your Local Sports Team Sucks
Jan 16, 2017
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AJ vs Lesnar didn’t harm either guy in any way. In fact, neither did Daniel Bryan vs Lesnar.

In fact, Goldberg squashing Lesnar didn’t seem to harm his credibility since we’re discussing him having credibility three years later.

The fact is that both the Fiend and Lesnar are the two most OPed wrestlers in the company and a collision between the two would be really interesting.

It’s what I mentioned in the other thread. Rather than put on the interesting match, they’re playing it safe by putting Lesnar up against someone who has about zero chance of beating him. I’d much rather see Lesnar and the Fiend trying to hurt each other and what lengths they have to go to in order to beat the other.

And this is coming from someone who doesn’t really like either guy much. Stop giving a shit about credibility and put on the interesting match.
I really don't know how interesting that match would be though. Brock would most likely dominate the match and Bray would keep getting up. It'd be the exact same match as HIAC except with F5s instead of Curb Stomps, and possibly a pin finish. Seth already beat the everloving fuck out of Fiend and it did virtually nothing. The Fiend right now needs an opponent who can have some kind of advantage over him other than just physicality, or otherwise just someone who he can pretty much dominate. The only thing Fiend vs Brock would give us at this point at least would be a couple of goofy scared Brock faces to add to the collection

Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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I really don't know how interesting that match would be though. Brock would most likely dominate the match and Bray would keep getting up. It'd be the exact same match as HIAC except with F5s instead of Curb Stomps, and possibly a pin finish. Seth already beat the everloving fuck out of Fiend and it did virtually nothing. The Fiend right now needs an opponent who can have some kind of advantage over him other than just physicality, or otherwise just someone who he can pretty much dominate. The only thing Fiend vs Brock would give us at this point at least would be a couple of goofy scared Brock faces to add to the collection

Not necessarily true. But I am not going to go back and forth on this all day. I still it’s a much better idea than Mysterio and I stand by that.

The Gipper

The Gipper
Jan 10, 2014
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AJ vs Lesnar didn’t harm either guy in any way. In fact, neither did Daniel Bryan vs Lesnar.
that's a different situation. The reason why Daniel and AJ didn't get hurt from that match is because they were the under dog in that situation and the fact that they even had offence against Lesnar was amazing. In Styles' situation, the only person to beat Brock was Goldberg but no main roster person could do it. So AJ coming so close to defeating him was pun intended, Phenomenal. You can't have that with the way The Fiend has been brought up.
For brock? yeah he can lose but WWE doesnt want him to..

But The Fiend? its WAY too soon for him to lose, he needs to win, and keep winning, if he starts to lose it will spiral down to the dephs brays been down before, where hes all talk but never wins.

The Fiend would be hurt if brock beat him, but thankfully we dont have that to worry about.
On the other hand, literally replace Brock with Rollins in this post and you get the same reasoning why he couldn't lose at Hell In A Cell.


Jan 5, 2018
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You dont want the fiend to lose. You don't want brock to lose. So don't book the match. Fair play wwe. I don't want to see a screwy finish, where both guys look shit

Personally I think a three way brand war is extremely messy. They should just have a normal survivor series with an nxt invasion element. Team nxt vs team raw and smackdown. I hope that's what they do. 5 on 5 men and wimens match. Rollins vs Cole, Strong vs Styles, Baszler vs Lynch, viking warriors vs who are the nxt tag champs lol?

Then you can have the world titles be rey vs brock and the fiend vs someone...

That card looks sick in my head.

But now we just have a messy raw vs smackdown vs nxt. Instead of just focusing on an nxt invasion storyline. That's what's juicy. Not brand warfare.
Or realize that losing one match isn’t going to harm either guy’s credibility.
I think the fiend losing to brock would be extremely damaging. Brock can lose sure. He will be fine.

As a fan you want to see a big time match where you don't know who is going to win. The fiend vs brock is a big time match.

Rey has done a great job the last few months. I'm sure he will be super over against brock. Guaranteed to be a fun match. But we know the winner so it ain't as attractive. I still think it's afun fued a d will be down to see it. I knew aj Balor and Bryan were gonna lose to brock bit I still highly enjoyed all three matches.


The Lunatic Fringe
Mar 4, 2014
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First off, I thought this was a pretty fun show for the most part and gave it a 6/10...

In regards to this little debate you guys have going about the possibility of a Lesnar vs. Fiend match, I'm kind of with Jacob on this one. While I understand the point of both these superstars being "protected" and WWE not wanting either one to lose, I still feel this was a pretty big opportunity gone to waste because clearly WWE could have found a way around this match with both coming out strong. As a matter of fact, I completely agree with Redboy above that a loss would not hurt Brock a bit and to take it a step further, it would also do wonders for the Fiend, not to mention the promos between Bray and Heymann. Anyway, it is what it is...

My only other guess is if WWE are perhaps looking to set up some other big match at Survivor Series for the Fiend and although this may not necessarily be a popular idea, I personally wouldn't mind if that were to be the Fiend versus the Undertaker with the obvious catch that the Fiend goes over. Some could argue it wouldn't be a good match (which is true) but I'm all for the spectacle of it, plus it would no doubt be a huge rub for Bray...
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Just Kevin

All I can be is just Me!
Jan 25, 2014
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North Carolina, United States

I would have liked to see more interference/involvement by NXT in the other matches throughout the show. They looked kinda weak on this show... running when the OC came out just to ambush them and then not allowing Adam Cole to get a clean win. This was a loss for NXT as far as I'm concerned. We'll see what happens Wednesday night.. I'm sure Seth Rollins will be on NXT as they've now set it up for that.

Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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that's a different situation. The reason why Daniel and AJ didn't get hurt from that match is because they were the under dog in that situation and the fact that they even had offence against Lesnar was amazing. In Styles' situation, the only person to beat Brock was Goldberg but no main roster person could do it. So AJ coming so close to defeating him was pun intended, Phenomenal. You can't have that with the way The Fiend has been brought up.

Oh, ye of little faith. The best thing TNA ever did was make Samoa Joe tap out to Kurt Angle in Kurt's very first TNA match. It didn't hurt Joe and the rematch was fucking amazing. You are trying to call me out on a fake fallacy.

One of WWE's greatest successes was Wrestlemania 3. At that point in time, Andre had more street cred than Brock Lesnar could ever imagine. THAT is one of the things that made the match great.

You have the legit fighter Brock Lesnar vs the kayfabe dynamo Bray Wyatt. I am sorry, my friend, but if you do not see the currency in that match, then you baffle me.