Rate the Member 51 >Kassidy<

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  • Should Be De-Modded

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  • Should Do More in His Position

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Doing his Duties

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Should Be Promoted

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • IWF Hall of Fame Material

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


JDawg, I understand your reasoning behind your vote, but you really need to lay off of the Ebonics my friend and learn to be you...Which would probably be some spoiled suburbian kid with absoultely NO black people in his family whatsoever but he says that he does to gain popularity? Is that your M.O? Frankly I don't give a flying shit as to what your complete reasoning is, but let me ask you, did it change your life in any way whatsoever?! JDawg, you are whiter than rice so don't even get me started on you.

Yup you figured me out Dx...Wow...thats the dumbest shit i've ever heard...


My UNCLE and cooking are Easter meal in are meesy garage...



...and My Cuz and I...

So yea...Before you wanta accuse someone of makin' up have African American family...to be "Gain Popularity"...Check your info...

Mike Chaos

Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
Breathe, breathe in the air.
Don't be afraid to care.
Leave, don't leave me.
Look around and choose your own ground.

Long you live and high you fly
And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry
And all you touch and all you see
Is all your life will ever be.

Run, rabbit run.
Dig that hole, forget the sun,
And when at last the work is done
Don't sit down it's time to dig another one.

For long you live and high you fly
But only if you ride the tide
And balanced on the biggest wave
You race towards an early grave.

Wrestling Station


I dont think that you were here when Kassidy was really active and doing good stuff to the forum.

Despite calling him a racist, i will only judge him according to his work here.
He is not that active recently, so i think 7/10 would be a decent score for him due to his inactivity these days.
Jun 18, 2007
Reaction score
Jdawg, i really dont give a shit anymore, was he talking to you? No, was he talking about your family...No. So fucking drop it.
And by the way wrestling station, the reason for kass's inactivity recently is because he has been on a 2 week vacation. He should be back on within a few days.


Feb 12, 2007
Reaction score
The little place in the back of your mind that you
I honestly can not believe some of you guys...and Lethal, I am really disappointed in you and I'll get to you in just a moment.
Oh and don't think I forgot about you...Lethal Weapon, Kassidy, is in fact my fiance and whether you believe it or not, he is one of the sweetest guys in the world. I am ashamed at you for digging up such old dirt that's been settled. You need to just get off of his shit and deal with your own. You two left it at done and you should be mature enough to move on. Now you know that I'm not gonna bag on you for something you didn't do, but that rating that you gave him was completely unfair and is nothing more than a load of bullshit.
So with ALL of that being said, you guys that are still pissed about what kassidy said, you all just show that you are as immature as the next 11 year old. Kassidy defended me, guys, tell me... if you and your girlfriend were out somewhere and some guy just came up and started calling her a hobag bitch or some shit like that. Tell me you would not defend her. If you wouldn't then that just shows you what kind of man you really are. None whatsoever.

All in all, I vote 10/10 for keeping the gaming section up to date as much as he can. For quality posts and for good moderation. I give him a 10/10 for helping to rebuild this site when it had crashed in February. I give him a 10/10 for doing such great graphics work. I ALSO give him a 10/10 for being there for me when no one else would stand up.

Kassidy is a great member and a wonderful moderator for the E-fed, he has never been late to write a match or show and I know the long nights and days that he has put into doing so.

If that isn't enough reason for you guys then I don't know what is. Kassidy is a great person people, believe it or not. Like anyone, you get on his bad side, chances are you're fucked.

Kassidy hasn't written one damn match yet and I see him flying around on the forums telling me he's on vacation. Your predictable, I knew you wouldn't have the guts to come out and flame me but don't I always disappoint people, hearing from Kassidy that's all that I do on this forums is disappoint people. You see I want you to stay out of this bad blood between me and Kassidy. I never really judged him in the first place, I said in the post that he could be a great person outside of the forum. From experience I know I am a great person outside the forums and people enjoy talking to me.

Digging up old dirt that hasn't been settled. Me and Kass will never had settle this. We hate each other I don't have any respect for him and I am sure he has no respect for me so you can go shove it if you want to deal with it because I'll bring you into it. Lemme disappoint you again because I know you won't like this and this is all I do on the forums.

That's all I have to say you two-faced albino looking whore/slut. Hey Kassidy have fun with both your forum and real life bitch.

the dark knight

Damnit Famou$ stop giving people 1's! Do we have to start banning people from RTM?

yep, do it XBA. he gives out his lucky numbers as scores every once and a while. 1st it was 10/10 then 9.5/10 then 9/10 and now his fav score is 1/10.

I honestly can not believe some of you guys...and Lethal, I am really disappointed in you and I'll get to you in just a moment. You know what, this is what irritates me the most of all. The reason he flamed those guys was primarily because of the fact that he does not like them based on either what they've said to me or him or how they project themselves here on IWF. Let me ask the Negro population here if one negro were to say the same shit to another, would it not be taken any lighter? And to those of you that claim that they don't listen to what others say, or aren't racist.... take one good look in the fucking mirror and realize that you guys have strung this out farther than anything before in my life... Oh wait, you guys are probably the same people that got Don Imus fired and sued for saying that one chick had "nappy" hair. Wow, racism at it's best folks...Nappy Hair! You know what, take a good look at reality people, if someone you know doesn't like you then they usually tell you...let me ask you this...are your enemy's nice about it when they do approach you and tell you that they don't like you? Are they looking in the books for what's fair or not fair to say? No, if you have a black man versus a black man in an argument, chances are... 99.9% that the word Nig-ger/smurf will be used more than 10 times. If everyone is so fucking equal then what makes a Puerto Rican calling you a smurf any different from an African American? We're all people aren't we? We all have skin and bones...right?! Well, you four that voted against Kassidy are really what gets me. JDawg, I understand your reasoning behind your vote, but you really need to lay off of the Ebonics my friend and learn to be you...Which would probably be some spoiled suburbian kid with absoultely NO black people in his family whatsoever but he says that he does to gain popularity? Is that your M.O? Frankly I don't give a flying shit as to what your complete reasoning is, but let me ask you, did it change your life in any way whatsoever?! JDawg, you are whiter than rice so don't even get me started on you. Famou$ I'm sure that you've been called the forbidden N word before and quite frankly...you are one. It's Stereotypes people. And in my opinion I think that yes there is a difference between a black person and a smurf. The smurf would be someone that makes his/herself out to be what the stereotypical black person would be. Baggy Pants, rap music, gold teef, lack of grammar and english skills and those that are cocky as all give out and flaunt the fact that they be black as night and can spit a dis dat make you wanna cry home ta yo momma every day. Mat, that be you Brother! I'll be DAMNED if I hear one more fucking word about it all. Now anyone that wants to tell me that I'm wrong, be it black or white or fucking whatever the fuck you are, I LIKE KASSIDY will flame you based not by the color of your skin but by the way you present yourself and act on this site. Now, just to let you know, that unlike a few of you I dont take anything to heart...because this IS in fact a forum...
Oh and don't think I forgot about you...Lethal Weapon, Kassidy, is in fact my fiance and whether you believe it or not, he is one of the sweetest guys in the world. I am ashamed at you for digging up such old dirt that's been settled. You need to just get off of his shit and deal with your own. You two left it at done and you should be mature enough to move on. Now you know that I'm not gonna bag on you for something you didn't do, but that rating that you gave him was completely unfair and is nothing more than a load of bullshit.

So with ALL of that being said, you guys that are still pissed about what kassidy said, you all just show that you are as immature as the next 11 year old. Kassidy defended me, guys, tell me... if you and your girlfriend were out somewhere and some guy just came up and started calling her a hobag bitch or some shit like that. Tell me you would not defend her. If you wouldn't then that just shows you what kind of man you really are. None whatsoever.

All in all, I vote 10/10 for keeping the gaming section up to date as much as he can. For quality posts and for good moderation. I give him a 10/10 for helping to rebuild this site when it had crashed in February. I give him a 10/10 for doing such great graphics work. I ALSO give him a 10/10 for being there for me when no one else would stand up.

Kassidy is a great member and a wonderful moderator for the E-fed, he has never been late to write a match or show and I know the long nights and days that he has put into doing so.

If that isn't enough reason for you guys then I don't know what is. Kassidy is a great person people, believe it or not. Like anyone, you get on his bad side, chances are you're fucked.


Oh and Kassidy when you read this, I love you more than anything else in this world and I want you to know that.

i will read the column later

Breathe, breathe in the air.
Don't be afraid to care.
Leave, don't leave me.
Look around and choose your own ground.

Long you live and high you fly
And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry
And all you touch and all you see
Is all your life will ever be.

Run, rabbit run.
Dig that hole, forget the sun,
And when at last the work is done
Don't sit down it's time to dig another one.

For long you live and high you fly
But only if you ride the tide
And balanced on the biggest wave
You race towards an early grave.

you gotta love mike :)

as for kass, i never had any problem with him, we're cool when we talk. he's a fellow gamer and tech lover and also a good GFXer. he was an active member b4, dunno where did he go. but the racist thing, i dont really care that much, even if he did use the racist words bla blah blah, i dont think he meant it. he was just pissed off, people say shit when they're pissed off without the awareness of the meaning and i understand that. Sooooo, i give him 8/10.

just stay more active and try to avoid the shit that people might start :)
Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
if you and your girlfriend were out somewhere and some guy just came up and started calling her a hobag bitch or some shit like that. Tell me you would not defend her. If you wouldn't then that just shows you what kind of man you really are. None whatsoever.

Ill take offence to that. I personally would not verbally/physically defend my girlfriend if someone came upto her and started calling her a "hobag" for no reason. Id laugh at him, and I dare say she would too, and Id just ignore him. Makes me none whatsoever of a man apparently. I like the saying idea that it takes a real man to walk away from a fight.

Anyway, the reason I flicked through your post...

Kassidy is a great member and a wonderful moderator for the E-fed, he has never been late to write a match or show and I know the long nights and days that he has put into doing so.

Every efed mod has had one late match during their time as a writer, some more than others. I know that Kass puts in some effort, as does everyone else - but to say he's never had a late match is a load of shit, sorry. He has, I have, LW has ... every mod has!

Kassidy hasn't written one damn match yet

Could just be me LW, but I think she is referring the the previous time/s (cant remember) he was e-fed mod, before you were even considered.

That's all I have to say you two-faced albino looking whore/slut. Hey Kassidy have fun with both your forum and real life bitch.

How can you guys not find this funny? I do, and Im all agro and sick, lol.


4.5/10, he makes a big hoopla about leaving, then quietly coming back. other than that he's ok


Breathe, breathe in the air.
Don't be afraid to care.
Leave, don't leave me.
Look around and choose your own ground.

Long you live and high you fly
And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry
And all you touch and all you see
Is all your life will ever be.

Run, rabbit run.
Dig that hole, forget the sun,
And when at last the work is done
Don't sit down it's time to dig another one.

For long you live and high you fly
But only if you ride the tide
And balanced on the biggest wave
You race towards an early grave.

Quoted because Breathe and the whole DSoTM album is badass....

Anyways, I'll give Kass an 8/10... I'm not a fan of his rants, but other than his obsession wiith Orton, I have no problem with him... And he made my banner.


Jdawg, i really dont give a shit anymore, was he talking to you? No, was he talking about your family...No. So fucking drop it.
And by the way wrestling station, the reason for kass's inactivity recently is because he has been on a 2 week vacation. He should be back on within a few days.

No you called me out sayin' i made up the fact that i have African American family to gain cred...So the only thing i have left to see is Fuck You and Kassidy...There its dropped...


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
Reaction score
Ottawa, ON
You know the other day Kassidy told me that the KKK was teh greatest thing to ever happen to America.