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The man with the rear that makes the girls cheer!
Apr 14, 2016
Reaction score
Name: SupernaturalJag
Gametag: MrDrProfJag
Character Name: Richie Sixx
Face/Heel: Face
Richie Sixx: Do you see me? I am the personification of Beauty. I am the prettiest thing to ever grace a professional wrestling ring. My jaw, so perfect not even God could form it better. My washboard abs, never duplicated. You cannot be Richie Sixx.
*Two stereotypical blondes with obvious plastic surgery enter the frame*
Richie Sixx: No one can match my sex appeal, I am the going to make Exodus sexier, this place has never been and will never be this sexy. I hope you people aren't looking for a nice family friendly PG show, because when I come across this screen this show becomes rated XXX.
*Richie leads the women out of the room as you hear both women laughing seductivly*
Name: Emo
Gamertag: EmoForLlVE
CAW: Destery "Des" Pierson
Allignment: Heel

Des Pierson: So, are we starting this thing anytime soon?
*The camera man continues to try readjusting the camera to focus on Des but it falls off the tripod*
Des Pierson: Seriously?
*Des' feet can be seen on screen as he takes the camera in his right hand, holding it out so it focuses on himself*
Des Pierson: Alright, so before we get started here, I would just like to point out that that guy should be fired.
*Murmuring can be heard in the background as Des turns his attention*
Des Pierson: Dude, get the hell outa here! Just take your ass and get lost!
*A door opening and quickly closing can be heard in the background as Des turns his attention back to the camera*
Des Pierson: Anyways, let's just get this out of the way. I'm not a bad-ass, I'm not a dumb-ass...I'm more of a jack-ass, or a smart-ass...whichever you prefer. And that tends to rub people the wrong way.
*He shrugs*
Des Pierson: And....well my name Des. That's really it...peace.
*Des drops the camera on the ground, the lens cracking. Through the cracks though, you can see Des make his way out of the room before it turns to static*
Name: TheFrostyBlur
Gamertag: zombiezkiller77
Character Name: Robert Blake
Face/Heel: Heel

*The camera pans to a man on his knees*

Robert Blake: Oh....holy one.....The Archangel is finally in Exodus! Today my mission begins....What is that mission? My mission is simple.....Save the people of Exodus! I walk in here today as a savior......When I leave I will be a Emperor among men!

*A group of people rise behind Robert moaning "Savior" as Ryan laughs*

Robert Blake: And of course if some of you don't want to share my glory....Then let's just say it won't be a happy year for you.

*Robert gives a evil grin to the camera as the segment ends*
Name: Ellis Sullivan
Gamer tag: Ellis1825
Character name: Ty Creed
Face/ Heel: Heel

Ty Creed: For years I've been watching wrestling and I to loved it.

*The camera pans to Ty sitting on a chair - in the middle of an empty room.*

Ty Creed: I loved it, not anymore though, everything has gone stale. Same guys winning, same guys losing. Well I'm here to start a new revolution of professional wrestling, I don't care who stands in my way; I will defeat them. Just remember the name, Ty Creed because when I conquer pro wrestling you'll be sorry that you weren't there to see the rise of the greatest wrestler of all time.

*The camera fades.*
Welcome to the league!
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Blizzard Boi

Al F'N Blizzard
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
England, United Kingdom
Favorite Wrestler
Name: DemonHunter1257
Gamertag: DemonHunter1257
Character Name: Blackjack
Face/Heel: Face

Opening Promo:

*A camera begins to fade from an advertisement and a man in a black mask is seen stood with his back to the camera and in front of what is made out to be a blood stained wall, he turns slowly as he begins to talk*

Blackjack: Anyone can defy death. I can because I am their saviour, their last resort, but the first they turn to! It is the peoples time to shine as bright as a star in the dark night sky.

*He lifts his hand up to reveal a crown in his hand, notably dotted with red and black diamonds*

Blackjack: This crown, is a one and only crown, it will save its user from injury, sadness and even death! But most of all, it'll save everyone, from their nightmares

*He begins to small a little*

Blackjack: I am a prince of darkness! And I am here to stay! Because anyone can defy death!

*The camera fades to black as the segment ends*


The man with the rear that makes the girls cheer!
Apr 14, 2016
Reaction score
Name: DemonHunter1257
Gamertag: DemonHunter1257
Character Name: Blackjack
Face/Heel: Face

Opening Promo:

*A camera begins to fade from an advertisement and a man in a black mask is seen stood with his back to the camera and in front of what is made out to be a blood stained wall, he turns slowly as he begins to talk*

Blackjack: Anyone can defy death. I can because I am their saviour, their last resort, but the first they turn to! It is the peoples time to shine as bright as a star in the dark night sky.

*He lifts his hand up to reveal a crown in his hand, notably dotted with red and black diamonds*

Blackjack: This crown, is a one and only crown, it will save its user from injury, sadness and even death! But most of all, it'll save everyone, from their nightmares

*He begins to small a little*

Blackjack: I am a prince of darkness! And I am here to stay! Because anyone can defy death!

*The camera fades to black as the segment ends*
Welcome to the league! (From now on i'm just going to like posts to say you're in. Saves typing.)
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Trash Boat

Apr 16, 2016
Reaction score
Name: SmudgyParasite
Gamertag: SmudgyParasite1
Character Name: Tyson Frost
Face/Heel: Heel

Opening Promo:

*Tyson is sitting in the middle of the ring, legs crossed with a spotlight shining down on him. He has a mic in his hand.*

Tyson: For those of you that don't know who I am, normally I would say that you're not worth my time, but since I'm in a good mood, I'll tell you about the greatest thing ever to grace a wrestling ring...me. I've been around the block a few times in the indies, despite being so young, and now I've arrived here, Exodus. I'm one of the world's greatest technical wrestlers and I'm more intelligent and charismatic that most guys on this roster. My name is Tyson Frost, you're probably going to remember it pretty easily, considering how I'm going to win a lot of gold here.

For those of you who do forget me, then you're simply a waste of time.

*Tyson Frost throws the mic away and the spotlight fades.*
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The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
Reaction score
Name: LukeTheGreatFTW
Gamertag: lukethegreat360
Character Name: Lukey
Face/Heel: Face

Opening Promo :

*A young man can be seen standing in the middle of a ring in an empty arena talking.*

Lukey : I always planned on being the best kid in the world. Ya know to grow up big and strong. Live life to the fullest but sometimes life beats ya to your knees. It can keep you there permanently if you let it. Trust me I know. I've always been told you can't do this or that or anything by nearly everybody. However I continued with life. I did what I wanted and needed to do. I learn't that your worries and fears can become your friends. At the end of the day you just gotta keep on smiling no matter how hard it can be. That's how I'm here today.

*Lukey leans on the ropes looking over the empty arena*

Lukey : If someone told you I'm just your average great, big man. They lied. I just wanna do everyone good around here. I'm just your small, average Super-Lad with a story to tell...... And as long as I'm doing this, I wanna write more chapters for this comic book lifestyle I'm living. This is My Story. My Ride. My Life. And I'm gonna keep on smilin all the way. The name's Lukey. And I'm just a Super-Lad.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2016
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Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Sports Team
Favorite Sports Team
Name: impactking09
Gamertag: iMPACT KING 09
Character Name: Chris Young
Face/Heel: Heel

Opening Promo:
*A man is shown to be Chris Young wearing a Bring Me The Horizon shirt and he takes a seat in front of the camera*

Chris: It's like I'm always getting blood on my hands and that's why I wrestle, It's why Me and Her Wrestle.
We're no heroes , and we're not made of stone. Right or wrong, we can hardly tell all we do is fight for the hell of it even If I have to money from family, But the blood runs cold and now I'm...in the Exodus.

*Chris stands up when a Woman enters the room*

Chris: Have you seen the devil?, Well I saw the Devil today, and he looked a lot like me. But, I heard from God today, and she sounded just like her.
We are the darken and are ready for war.
Le premier démon de temps est ici .
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Reactions: SupaHeeroh


Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
Name: W0LFBAN3666
Gamertag: W0LFBAN3666
Character Name: Jason Frost
Face/Heel: Heel

Opening Promo:

*The titantron lights up, showing a grimy, rundown bar. The camera pans around, showing how its a mostly empty bar except for a man, with a denim jacket on with the sleeves messily cut off, he turns around with a beer bottle in his hand*

Jason: So, you tracked the newest Exodus roster member down. Yes, I like to spend my time in these fine establishments. Pfft, the thing you, the watchers at home and in attendance and the entire roster need to remember most about me is that I take what I want, when I want. It doesn't matter how. I do what I have to. It's good money. And good coin in your pocket, means more good beer in your hand. Now piss off before I smash this bottle over your blasted head.

*The camera fades and a wooden background replaces it, a cgi bottle breaks and the glass shards fall and form the name Jason Frost*

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Reactions: SupaHeeroh

Legit Boss

The Lunatic Fringe
Apr 16, 2016
Reaction score
NAK Country.
Name: Legit Boss
Gamertag: Uncensoreddd
Character Name: Reaper
Face/Heel: Heel

Opening Promo:
*Reaper is standing at the side of Ben Song's throne while 'The Webmaster' stands on the other side*
Ben Song: You all know me and 'The Webmaster' but none of you know the backstory of Reaper so I shall tell you the story from start to finish... In the beginning he was known as Scott Murray, a narcissistic pretty boy whom Reaper does not remember being, and was beaten senseless by everyone he came up against. Young Scott had enough of these constant beatings and began to research on the Disciples and yours truly Ben Song. He eventually found out how to make his way into our domain and requested to talk with me. Scott then offered me his soul in return for the ability to win matches, little did he know that it would transform him into a sadistic demonic death machine the likes even I have never seen, so I took his soul and now he is the demonic man standing right here.
*Ben Song points at Reaper who steps forward to utter his first words
Reaper: I will destroy any competitor that steps in my way with the greatest of ease. For I have power the rest of Exodus could only dream of having, and when I squash them like the puny bugs they are everyone will know the kings of Exodus, Reaper, Ben Song and 'The Webmaster'.
*Reaper moves back to his original position while the Disciples, Ben Song and 'The Webmaster begin to laugh maniacally*
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The Artiste
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
Liverpool, United Kingdom
Name: MintMidget69 (You may know me by another name but I decided a change in flavour would be nice)
Gamertag: F4T SPuD FuZZ
Character Name: 'The Webmaster'
Face/Heel: Heel

Opening Promo:
*Camera pans to 'The Webmaster' standing next to Ben Song's throne with 'Reaper on the other side*
Ben Song: You have already seen him in combat disciples but that doesn't mean that he has no more tricks lined up for you and whomever he is put in the ring against. While we where in shift from the last company to exodus he kept kicking and punching away at his sparring partner so much that I had to get in the ring to spar with him myself. This man is of course 'The Webmaster' who has beaten legends and newcomers alike but sadly that doesn't matter here and now we must build for the future.
*'The Webmaster' walks forward to say some words of his own*
'The Webmaster': As Ben Song said you already know what I am capable of and you know that I can beat anyone so to broaden my horizons on who I could fight I decided that we the Disciples should come to exodus and leave destruction all around.
*'The Webmaster' steps back as the disciples begin to cheer*


Apr 17, 2016
Reaction score
Name: KingsPunch
Gamertag: KingsPunch
Character Name: Votan
Face/Heel: Face

Opening Promo:

The camera begins in a jungle in Asia ,showing a tiger stalking its prey, but then switches to a view of a wrestling ring in a dark room with a light shining down on the middle, a silhouette of a large man is seen in one of the corners

Votan: Fair warning to the wrestlers of Exodus...

The camera flashes back to the jungle, the Tiger is ready to pounce

Votan:This ring… is my jungle. I am the predator, and you are the prey.

The tiger pounces, but just before it lands on its prey, the camera flashes back to a close up of an eye with the stripes of a tiger on the face around it, the camera eventually fades out..
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Apr 16, 2016
Reaction score
Name: Vioxx
Character Name: Kevin Taylor
Face/Heel: Heel

Opening Promo:

** A man waering red and blue with his back turned to the camera begins to speak**

Kevin Taylor: My name, is Kevin Taylor, welcome to my old room, i see everyone here is a little rushed so i will just cut to the chase.

**Kevin turns around with a big grin on his face while staring at the Camera.**

Kevin Taylor: I'm here to do two things, Kill people and win the gold. So ignore the writing on the wall, because it will just lead you straight to me.

**Kevin slaps away the camera as the screen fades black.**
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Reactions: SupaHeeroh
Apr 20, 2016
Reaction score
Dublin, Ireland
Name: SmoothCriminal
Gamertag: Lord Freeman15
Character Name: Trodaí
Face/Heel: Face

Opening promo :

* The camera turns to Trodaí sitting in a chair wearing his casual clothes (Jeans, A limited edition Trodaí T-shirt, sunglasses and his usual dirty looking jeans, he turns to the camera and takes off his sunglasses *

Trodaí : For those of you who don't know me, my name is Trodaí and I am a absolute badass, I am here now because my other home is now being taken away from me, but that won't stop me, I pack up my bags and move into my new home and that's what this place is, my new home, I am here to annihilate any challenger who gets in my way, I am here to show people what all the fuss is about me and why they call me the Irish sensation, I am here to bring my title count up and finally, I am here to kick ass chew bubble gum and you know the rest

* Trodaí stands up and takes a bow and then walks out of the view of the camera while it is fading to black *

OOC: Might not be the best promo but I can assure you I am better at these, it's just been that long since I've been actually able to use a computer.
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The man with the rear that makes the girls cheer!
Apr 14, 2016
Reaction score
Name: WUKoffical
Gamertag: BIGMICK1999
Character Name: The Darkness
Face/Heel: Facd

Opening Promo:

No one likes me but i will beat the whole league

I was a pro at icw and i will be a pro at wwe league

No one stands in my way
Try again. Look at the example promo and a few other peoples and have another attempt. There is no such thing as "icw" here and this isnt a "wwe league".

Edit/Reply to the following: The promo still isn't exactly good in any way and you didn't follow the layout, but i'm going to accept you hoping that you do actually get better.
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May 12, 2016
Reaction score
Name: BuckBumbl3
Gamertag: BuckBumbl3
Character Name: Mondragon
Face/Heel: Face

Opening Promo:
The scene begins on a rooftop on a very stormy night, what can be seen through it is a figure sitting on the rooftop. The figure gets up and walks toward what seems to be the edge of the rooftop, the figure is seemingly looking around until his eyes are fixed upward. Lightning colors the sky, what is etched into the sky from the lightning is the word "Mondragon" the camera eventually fades.
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Jun 3, 2016
Reaction score
Name: JackTheBeast
Gamertag: JackCouls7
Character Name: Jack "Legendary" Coulson.
Face/Heel: Heel.

Opening Promo:

*The scene starts with a clear view of a mansion, the camera turns around to show a wrestling ring with a man standing in it. The man has slicked back blond hair and a short beard he stands up and begins to talk.*

Jack: Well.... I'm here in Exodus. This is my personal ring where I practise every single day... *3 men climb into the ring, all wearing cheap wrestling gear.* These are the unlucky victims that I practise on... and I'll show you what I can do!

*One of the men runs at Jack, Jack elbows him in the face and hits him with a Famouser. A second man runs at Jack, but Jack dodges the clothesline and hits him with a Superman Punch to the face. The final man runs at Jack, Jack picks him up on his shoulders and nails him with a Firemans Carry Slam. All 3 men lie on the floor beaten down.*

Jack: I guess I'll see you soon... Exodus.

*Jack steps out of the ring and gets in his personal limo and is driven off.*

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