Rate the wrestler Day 29 - Yokozuna
Eddie scores an impressive 88 and takes 5th place right behind Benoit. Next up...
Yokuzuna has held the following titles:
WWE Tag Team Titles x2
WWE World Heavyweight Title x2
I always liked Yoko. He was a big guy who was also agile, and good in the ring.
He never talked though as far as I can remember.
Anyway, Yoko gets a 6.
Eddie scores an impressive 88 and takes 5th place right behind Benoit. Next up...

Yokuzuna has held the following titles:
WWE Tag Team Titles x2
WWE World Heavyweight Title x2
I always liked Yoko. He was a big guy who was also agile, and good in the ring.
He never talked though as far as I can remember.
Anyway, Yoko gets a 6.