IDK, man. Adds STRATEGY to the game, which is one of the reasons I kind of hate the WF league. They talk about weekly locking rosters = strategy, but that's bullshit. The only way anyone will have any chance of beating JM would be by streaming hot players, but that's not possible, so why try?
Anyway, just realized I'm going to get raped this week, because Sal has LeBron/Chalmers/Gallo/Someone else going on Thursday, while I have nobody.
Sal ducking bullets: that would have been terrible.
I only apologize to appear somewhat humble because quite frankly the only two teams in this league that even stand a chance against mine are Mak's team and GA's team. Your team is beyond garbage, PYSCH. Anyone that has to pick up MWP constantly clearly has no idea what they're doing.
Like what was your plan in the beginning of the year?
1. Trade for Dwight and Kobe
2. ???
yeah, no. You're going to miss the playoffs again because you're not capable of making a proper team due to your hard on for Kobe/Dwight. So enjoy being shit for the year while I remain at the top of the standings.
but you're quite, no more saying sorry. There really isn't any need to considering how much better my team than everyone else's. They can all thank you for that too.
I'm on the verge of potentially making a trade that could make or break my season.
Considered dropping out of that league. JM just rapes it and will every year as he has two top 5 players as keepers. It was also setup his way by him, but whatever.
I still blame you for trading him Lebron in one of the worst trades I've seen, but I disgress.