The Pyro goes off and BODIES by Drowning Pool blasts through the Mayfield Community Center.
The camera runs down the ramp showing a group of excited fans with a lot of signs!
(with cutout pics of Darren Pesinger and Jack Ripper)
(pic of Nicky Trix holding up the International title)
Martin Mays (off camera): Well, as you can see, quite a lot happened at our last iPPV, RIOT ACT!
Kareem Ali: You could say that again. In fact, I demand a recount!
Martin Mays: Oh, you’re just sore about the new ACW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS.
Kareem Ali: Whatever!
Suddenly, the lights go down.

Dave Summers v. Toyota Chelios
Martin Mays: Well, looks like we’re ready to get down to business!
Kareem Ali: Thank GOD!
Ashley Sparxxx: Wrestling fans, the opening bout is scheduled for one fall and will be a double debut singles match! Entering the arena first, from Los Angeles, California, welcome DAVE SUMMERS!
The lights lighten up a bit as the newcomer steps out onto the stage. He bypasses the posing on the stage and stomps straight down to the ring. Once up the stairs, he stops and looks over the audience. The crowd is giving him a mixed reaction. He enters the ring and mounts the nearest corner; posing triumphantly.
Kareem Ali: Man, that guy has a commanding presence about him. I like him.
Martin Mays: Well, I’m not sure about Summers, but I DO like the fact that he’s not a career wrestler or an indy rat. He seems to be an everyman kind of fighter!
Summers turns with a look of disgust in his eyes as Toyota Chelios steps out onto stage with a sparkler in each hand!
Kareem Ali: You have GOT to be kidding!
Ashley Sparxxx: And, his opponent, from…McDonalds, TOYOTA ‘I didn’t do it’ Chelios!!
Martin Mays: I’m afraid we’re not kidding, Kareem. This guy actually made the physical and performed the basics of wrestling. That’s about it, but McHenry’s taking a chance.
Kareem Ali: Maybe he’s a wrestling savant like that WWE blueberry, Eugene!
Martin Mays: We can only hope. And, Kareem?
Kareem Ali: Yeah, Martin?
Martin Mays: blueberry is a hurtful word.
Kareem Ali: Oh, dear lord!!
As Chelios drops the sparklers after burning his hands and nearly strangles himself with the ropes trying to get into the ring, the referee calls for the bell.
Martin Mays: This can only end badly.
While Summers shakes his head and laughs, Chelios surprise clotheslines him hard in the middle of the ring. He, then, climbs up the turnbuckle and comes off the top rope; sitting on Summer's chest!
Kareem Ali: I absolutely refuse to say that...EVER!
Toyota suddenly flexes for the crowd and acts like he’s taking his imaginary elbow pads off.
Kareem Ali: Is he going for the People’s Elbow?
Martin Mays: I can truly say, I don’t know….
As he comes off the ropes for the third time, he drops totally missing Summers. Dave picks him up and DDTs him hard! He, then, scoops Toyota up for a scoop slam. As Summers walks around the downed Chelios in an almost strut, Toyota pulls up on the ropes. Dave gives him a boot to the side of the face. This brings a boo from the crowd.
Kareem Ali: He’s not going to make any friends kicking a blueberry in the head. He oughta have head gear…
Martin Mays; He’s not a retar…he’s perfectly sane…I think…
Summers picks up Chelios for a Neckbreaker, but gets a shot to the gut instead! As he continues to hit Dave with punch after punch to the gut, the crowd counts with him to ten! He suddenly rolls his hands like some disco dance move and swings his hips.
Martin Mays: Isn’t that Road Dogg’s old move?
Kareem Ali: Mays, I think you’re reading too much into this guy. I think these are just random moves put together by a madman.
Suddenly, Chelios gets dizzy and Summers clotheslines him hard! Dave, then, puts his knee down on the neck of Toyota as he gags and sticks his tongue out like he’s choking.
Martin Mays: Oh, come on, Ref! Put a stop to that!!
Kareem Ali: I don’t know. Maybe this could be a good solution.
The referee counts to four and Summers lets up on Chelios. Dave grins at the crowd. Toyota grabs at his feet. Summers just simply stomps his fingers. He picks up Chelios and Irish Whips him off the ropes into the knockout punch. Toyota staggers around the ring looking like a cartoon character minus the little birdies. Summers wastes no time slapping the sleeper on. After checking Chelios’s arm a third time, the referee calls for the bell!!
Ashley Sparxxx: Your winner via submission; Dave Summers.
The newcomer stands to his feet and raises both hands. After shoving Toyota out of the ring, he poses on the turnbuckle!!

Avalanche v. Stevie Starr
ACW Adrenaline comes back from commercial to a darkened arena, where a low rumble can be heard as lights flash. Soon, a heavy riff begins to blare as the lights come back on and a figure appears at the top of the ramp!
Ashley Sparxxx: The following is a singles contest, and it is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, the challenger, weighing it at 247 pounds, AVALAAAAANCHEEEE!
Martin Mays: Avalanche set to make his debut here, against someone who hasn't been in the best graces of management...
Kareem Ali: Here's proof positive, Martin, that nepotism can go a long way! If this guy wasn't John McHenry's brother, do you think he'd be here tonight, and in the midcard to boot?
Martin Mays: I don't know, Ali... I mean, he's no newcomer...
Kareem Ali can be heard scoffing as Bruce McGraw takes to the ring, pumping up both the crowd and himself by thumping his chest. He climbs the turnbuckles and gets a decent reaction, and he has just regained the middle of the ring when his opponent's song starts!
Ashley Sparxxx: And his opponent, from Hollywood, California, weighing in at 237 pounds, the heartbreaker, the hitmaker, the girlfriend-taker...STEVIEEEEEE STAAAAARRRRR!
"Everybody Loves Me" by One Republic begins to play as Stevie bursts out into the arena, with a confident grin on his features. Going down the ramp, he pays attention exclusively to the girls - some of which hold signs with sayings like "STEVIE U R MY STARR" - and, as he enters the ring, he bends to kiss Ashley Sparxxx's hand. As he sees this, Avalanche, standing behind the presenter, turns and mugs to the crowd, grimacing and giving a thumbs-down. He gets the expected reaction, as some of the fans chuckle.
Martin Mays: Avalanche voicing what is on everyone's mind...how can Stevie act so cool after he's disappeared for almost two months?! I know there's a few people back there wanting his head on a platter... I wouldn't be so confident, if I were him!
Kareem Ali: I personally like Stevie. The brotha's got class! He's got all the honeys in the building fallin' for him!
Martin Mays: Well I think he's a tool...!
Kareem Ali: Admit it, Mays, you're jealous of him!
As the two commentators discuss, the competitors have been staring a hole into one another. Now, as the bell rings, they begin to circle, waiting for an opening to strike.
Finally, they both lunge into a lock-up, which Stevie wins, ramming Avalanche's head into his knee. He follows it up with a German suplex, then gets up and goes to bring Avalanche to his feet. He locks in a side headlock, as Bruce McGraw tries to break out with elbows to the gut. Before one can land, however, Stevie has whipped his opponent across, then connected with a massive clothesline!
Kareem Ali: Stevie Starr puttin' in some offence early on, and the boy looks like he wants to win it!
After the clothesline, Stevie goes to set up a powerbomb, but Bruce McGraw inverts into into an overhead back drop, planting Stevie on the mat for the first time. He then quickly goes to the middle turnbuckle and executes a short diving elbow drop.
Martin Mays: Avalanche getting back into this one! Here's the cover!
Stevie kicks out at one!
Avalanche still has the upper hand, however, and he picks Stevie up and throws him to the ropes. Stevie comes back swinging a fist, but Avalanche sidesteps and performs a hip toss, planting the movie star again!
Crowd: OOOOOH!
Kareem Ali: Listen to these bozos, getting behind nepotism-boy!
Martin Mays: Well he *is* taking good care of himself....
As Stevie slowly gets up, Avalanche throws himself at the ropes; then, just as the movie star is straightening up, he hits him with a big lariat!
Crowd: OOOOOH!
Kareem Ali: Oh PLEASE! It was just a lariat!
Avalanche then picks Stevie up again, and sets up a powerbomb. His opponent begins to push his feet off the ground, trying to reverse it. Then, out of nowhere, he manages to leap off the floor, throwing his body forward so he lands horizontally on the mat, therefore throwing Avalanche off balance and making him tumble as well!
Kareem Ali: See? Stevie's got a trick or two up his sleeve!
Immediately after throwing his opponent down, the cocky heartthrob profits from the fact that Avalanche landed with his legs in the air and covers!
Stevie wastes no time, and immediately tries to apply an ankle lock. Avalanche, however, mule-kicks him away, then drop-toe holds him to the canvas!
Martin Mays: Avalanche thinking on his feet here, and he needs to capitalize!
John McHenry's younger brother takes off towards the ropes again, and it seems as though he is about to apply some sort of high-impact move. As he reaches the edge of the apron, however, he steps through the middle rope and to the floor.
Martin Mays: What is he...?
Seemingly resolute, Avalanche begins to rummage under the ring. Stevie Starr, who by this point has recovered, comes after him, and launches over the top rope into a suicide plancha....only to be met with a baseball bat to the skull!
Crowd: OOOOOH!
Unfortunately, Bruce made no attempt to hide it from the referee, and as a result, he calls for the bell!
Ashley Sparxxx: The winner of this match, by disqualification...STEVIE STARR!
As the ring announcer declares the winner, the cameras cut to a mid-shot of Bruce McGraw, who has dropped the baseball bat and has a genuinely confused expression on his features. Even though he can't be heard by viewers at home, it is clear that he is mouthing the word "Disqualification?" over and over, in puzzlement.
As for Stevie, he takes the time to flirt with Ashley some more, before heading back up the ramp. As he passes McGraw, he stops to feign sympathy, and say a few (presumably sardonic) words to his opponent. Naturally, McGraw does not react well to this. He punches Stevie, then picks up the bat and chases after him. Caught between a rock and a hard place, the usually cocky heel chooses to run, knowing his fists are no match for a baseball bat.
Martin Mays: Avalanche going after Stevie Starr here...and look at this, Ali!
The cameras have cut backstage, to show Avalanche chasing Stevie through the hallways, swinging the bat at him, and landing a considerable number of blows. The movie star defends himself as best he can, all the while screaming:
Stevie Starr: Not in the face! Not! In! The! FACE!
Avalanche, however, is relentless, and the battle rages on as technicians and caterers duck out of the way. And the two men only stop when they come across none other than the ACW's main authority figure, John McHenry. As he addresses both men, his tone is stone-cold:
John McHenry: What's going on here?
The two men begin to yell at the same time, pointing at each other, but the GM interrupts. still in the same commanding tone:
John McHenry: Starr, get out of my sight. Bruce, explain.
Bruce quickly explains what happened, concluding with:
Avalanche: I forgot it wasn't a hardcore match. My brain is wired for hardcore matches, John, you know that! And then that asshole provoked me, and I just lost it!
John nods, but both his gaze and his voice remain unfriendly:
John McHenry: I can't have this, Bruce. I don't care who provoked who. And I don't care if you're my brother. I can't have this.
Bruce seems poised to confront his brother, but thinks better of it and just shrugs. Seemingly satisfied, John commands:
John McHenry: Now get out of my sight. And consider yourself lucky. Anyone else would have been suspended or fined.
Bruce nods, suddenly looking quite meek, and shuffles off, as the GM sets off in the opposite direction. After a moment of capturing an empty frame, the camera fades to black, and segues into another interlude.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
In a break between matches at ACW Adrenaline, the flatscreen comes on to show a picture of the company's very own "Alpha Female", Jacqui M. As the obviously handheld camera focuses on her, the butch blonde is holding up what appears to be a copy of the programme for Adrenaline 12, and glaring a hole through the lens. After a moment, she speaks:
Jacqui M: You know, normally, I would come here and say something clever. You know, a little quip here, a little sarcasm there, a few put-downs...the usual stuff. But today...I can't.
The female wrestler's lip quivers with rage as she makes an effort to pull herself together before continuing:
Jacqui M: Suspended, John? Really? After what I went through last week, you're gonna SUSPEND me? For 'fraternizing with the enemy'?! Get the FUCK outta here! If you wanted to give me some time off, that would be fine. It would have been welcome. But SUSPENDING me?! For some bullshit reason!? To quote a humongous tool I know, ARE YOU SERIOUS, BRO?!
Jacqui's tone raises exponentially, as she stops trying to control her emotions and, for once, just lets loose, in a mixture of confusion, rage, despair and indignation:
Jacqui M: I was A VICTIM, John! A VICTIM! That creep kidnapped me and tied me up! If I wasn't one hell of a tough lady, I would have been raped in there! Or worse! And yet...I see HIM on the card...but I don't see ME in it!
The blonde's tone drops in intensity at this point, reverting to a dangerous murmur:
Jacqui M: And as for your "enemy", John? If it wasn't for him, I might have been dead. Or out of contention for good. As far as I'm concerned, Zack Bronko is not the enemy. He's one of the good guys.
Here, she finally cracks a genuine, almost tender smile. her tone softening considerably:
Jacqui M: Zack...if you're listening...you're one cool dude, man. Seriously. Shame you're married, or I'd totally do you. And YES I just said that!
Here, the crowd explodes in a deafening reaction that nearly drowns out the blonde's next few words.
Kareem Ali: Well well! A little love triangle here maybe...?
The female wrestler's face, meanwhile, acquires a dangerous grin, her tone once again harsh:
Jacqui M: And as for you, John...take care of this 'Demon'. 'Cause if you don't, I'll do it myself.
And with this ominous statement, the "Alpha Female" reaches for a button off-screen and cuts the transmission off.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -

Multiplex v. The Demon
After the butch blonde has made her statement, ACW Adrenaline returns to the Arena, where an unfamiliar theme song has started to play:
Kareem Ali: Who...who's this? Another new guy?
Soon, however, the commentator's doubts are appeased, when Ashley Sparxxx announces:
Ashley Sparxxx: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from New York City, standing 6'7'' and weighing in at 416lbs, MULTIPLEX!!!
The hideously deformed Multiplex steps into the ring, heatedly debating with himself, as ever. After a moment of "conferencing" atop the ramp, he turns back behind the curtain and gestures for someone or something to approach. After a moment, he is joined on the platform by a petite brunette, with a certain "alternative" style to her:

Kareem Ali: Well, well...looks like there's truth to that sayin'..."there's someone out there for everyone!" And freakazoid there doesn't seem to have done too bad for himself!
Martin Mays: Well everyone deserves a friend, Ali...especially someone with a mental illness...
Kareem Ali: All I'm sayin' is, gimme a friend like *that* any day!
As the two announcers trade banter, Multiplex has taken to the ring, where he has conferenced with himself agaain before requesting a microphone. When he addresses the audience for the very first time, however, his voice is surprisingly lucid:
Multiplex: For those who've been sayin' we're virgins and don't have any friends...that's my girlfriend Christine over there. Say hi, Chris.
Multiplex gestures towards the girl, who smiles coyly and waves, shrugging, seemingly embarassed. Smirking at her with the undamaged side of his face, the massive man quickly continues:
Multiplex: So as far as certain people who have been insinuatin' we could never be with a woman...there's your proof. At least *one* of us has a girlfriend.
Martin Mays: 'One of us'? What is he talking about?
Kareem Ali: He's crazy, Mays! Didn't you get the memo?
Undisturbed or unaware of the announcers' discussion, Multiplex continues, turning his head to the left:
Multiplex: Now that that's settled...Andretti, did you want to say something?
He passes the microphone from one hand to the other, then speaks again, this time with an Italian-American accent straight out of New Jersey. Caught unaware, the crowd gasps, and even the announcers can't hide their surprise:
Kareem Ali: What the...?!
Multiplex: Yeah...ya got lucky this week, Banksy! We ain't facin' yous; we're s'posed ta be facin' some mook who thinks 'e's a Demon! But lemme tell yous somethin', paisano: ain't no wiseguy gonna talk shit about us guys 'n' get away with it! Am I right, fellas?
To everyone's astonishment, Multiplex performs a one-man version of a chorus of assent, after which he once again brings the mic to his lips:
Multiplex: So this week, your ass is safe from us. But I wouldn't get too comfortable. You never know when someone might come knockin' on your door... Capisce, paisano?
The disfigured man makes a pause for effect before concluding:
Multiplex: Now Demon, or whatever the hell you're called...get ya ass down here so's we can get this over with!
With that said, the DID patient - still in his Andretti persona - throws the microphone to the canvas and makes hand gestures as if signalling for someone to 'stand back'. Removing his jacket and shirt, he then turns to the ramp, expecting to see his opponent come out from there.
After a moment, however, the lights go down, bringing a gasp from the crowd. For a long few seconds, the arena is shrouded in pitch darkness; then, as the lights come up, an eerie head can be seen stalking Multiplex from the edge of the apron.
Martin Mays: Demon! It's the Demon! Multiplex, look out!
Before the 400-pounder has time to turn, however, the Demon has already pounced, hitting him on the back of the head with a double ax handle, and making Christine, the valet, bite her knuckles in apprehension. Because Multiplex is so big, however, the blow barely has any effect on him, and he comes back with a huge backhand, striking the Demon across the cheek.
Kareem Ali: OW! A 400-pound bitchslap for ol' Demon!
However, as strong as this blow is, it hardly seems to have any effect on Demon. The hellish creature quickly brushes it off to aim a kick at Plex's midsection. The strike connects, but when the monster tries to do it again, Multiplex is wiser: he grabs his opponent's foot and flips him face-first into the canvas!
Kareem Ali: Wait...is this the same Multiplex that hardly knew where he was in the ring?
Martin Mays: I guess his 'friends' are not interfering tonight, Ali...
It seems the announcer has spoken too soon, however, as now Multi takes a break to confer with himself, presumably about strategy. From the edge of the apron, Christine eggs him on, but the split-personality patient barely seems to hear her; he continues to debate with himself, giving Demon plenty of time to recover.
Kareem Ali: Guess you spoke too soon, Mays!
Martin Mays: Oh no! Multiplex! Don't let him recover!
Too late. Demon is up and running at his foe. Multiplex, however, very calmly pushes him off as he puts the final touches to his strategy. The crowd chuckle as Demon almost loses his balance, then gasp as he recovers into a spear, nailing Multiplex to the turnbuckle!
Kareem Ali: That oughta get his attention!
And, in fact, it did. Multiplex grabbed the Demon's head and threw him to the mat face-first, putting a boot to the back of his skull for as long as the referee allows him to. He then picks the facepainted freak up and begins to apply chops, as the crowd ooh's and aah's.
Martin Mays: Multiplex bringing a brawling style to this match, hoping to wear down the Demon!
The strategy seems to be working, as Multi swings the hellspawn to the ropes, attempting to prolong his momentum. Coming back, however, the facepainted menace reacts quicker, leaping off his feet into a huge crossbody, and the first cover of the match!
Martin Mays: Did you see that? What athleticism from Demon!
Multiplex is not best pleased with that, and he shoves his opponent from atop him as he kicks out. Then, he gets up, looking Demon in the eye, as the fiendish creature does likewise. After a moment, they run at each other. Multiplex, thinking faster, Irish whips Demon into the ropes, then catches him on the rebound with a huge big boot!
Martin Mays: Oooh, huge impact there from Multiplex! Can he capitalise?
Apparently not, as he has once again reverted to discussing strategy with himself. At ringside, Christine seems about to lose it, as she yells at Multiplex to cover. After a moment, the big man finally does so, but no sooner has he dropped down than Demon is kicking him away, then nipping up nimbly!
Martin Mays: He took too long there...a fatal error against this Demon....
Seeing the Demon get up, Plex tries to react fast, but Demon is faster, going behind for a bearhug. And, despite his size, Multiplex seems at odds to break it!
Kareem Ali: Multiplex in trouble here!
Finally, with some encouragement from his attractive valet, the large New Yorker finally manages to break free, smashing an elbow into Demon's face to make him release the hold. He immediately runs at the ropes, but Demon catches him on the rebound with a big Hip Toss, then a leg drop, into a cover!
Martin Mays: Both men giving it their all here, in a battle of wills!
Kareem Ali: Yeah...instead of "The Biggest Loser", this is "The Biggest Loony"!
Martin Mays: Oh, shut up...
In the ring, the two performers have locked up, Demon winning with a headbutt and an eye rake. On to the ropes once again goes Multiplex, coming back straight onto the receiving end of a big boot! As he staggers around, Demon thinks fast and climbs the turnbuckle looking to fly! He lets loose with a shooting star press, but Multi has recovered by this point, and collects him in his powerful hands, quickly flinging him over his shoulders for a Samoan drop!
Kareem Ali: OUCH! Here's the cover!
Martin Mays: This Demon just will not go down!
As Multiplex gets up, however, a strange thing seems to have happened. His posture and actions are now somewhat different, as he prowls around the ring, a manic glint in his eye, sticking his tongue out at Demon malevolently.
Kareem Ali: What's with him...?
Martin Mays: I've heard of this...it's his Daemonic persona taking over...there's two demons in the ring now, Kareem!
Kareem Ali: Oh, good GRIEF...! What a freakshow!
Noticing this change in attitude from Multiplex - who is now beckoning him forward with a finger - the Demon lets his guard down for the first time. He speaks some inaudible words to Multiplex, who grins evilly and responds, also inaudibly, continuing to beckon Demon forward with a tantalising middle finger. His opponent, however, does not seem so sure, and elects to back away and out of the ring, his eyes never leaving Multi's, even as he presents his opponent with a like-minded grin. As Multiplex responds in kind, Demon begins to walk up the ramp, as the referee initiates a perfunctory count:
Referee: ONE...TWO...
He doesn't go too far, however, as Multiplex has stepped forward and grabbed him by the throat, lifting him off the floor. In this precarious position, it is all the official can do to signal for the bell, ending the long-disrupted match.
Ashley Sparxxx (hesitantly): Your winner, by...countout...Multi...plex...
The cute ring announcer quickly has to break off and run, as Multiplex seems to be coming for her. Before he can catch up to her, however, Christine has intervened and seems to be soothing him with a few choice words. Gradually, the giant calms down, although the manic grin remains on his face.
Martin Mays: Thank goodness for that!
Slowly, methodically, still speaking to the monstrous man, Christine begins to lead her companion up the ramp and to the backstage area, as the crowd watches in stunned silence and the camera fades to black.

Hardcore Match
Andrew Reynolds v. Heath Venomous
Ashley Sparxxx: “The following contest is a HARDCORE match scheduled for one fall!”
Martin Mays: “A hardcore match seems a bit random, don’t ya’ think?”
Kareem Ali: “Nah, maybe Johnny just wants to see some blood!”
The lights go out in the arena, sending the crowd into a mixed reaction of anticipation and fear with some booing here and there from those that feel the dimming of the lights is overdone and cheesy. As “Redeemer” by Marilyn Manson begins, smoke begins to cover the stage and ramp, illuminated by a dark red light and as the song picks up with the guitar and drums, fire shoots up from both sides of the ramp, lining both sides as Heath walks through the curtain wearing a long cape.
Ashley Sparxxx: “First, weighing in at 270 pounds, he is ‘The Last Vampire’ Heath Venomous!”
He makes his way down the ramp, ominous in nature, a paleness in his face and a deadness in his eyes as he scans the crowd. Heath reaches the bottom of the ramp and stops, then suddenly looks to the left, his head snapping in that direction quickly. He leaps into the air, spreading open his cape as he seizes a female member of the audience, Heath landing in front of her and swinging his cape around as he goes downward towards the ground. A flash of light is seen in the crowd and a split second later in the ring as smoke fills both and Heath reappears in the center, rising to his feet and letting his cape fall to the mat. Blood is covering his lips and running from the corners of his mouth, the audience member nowhere in sight.
Martin Mays: “Venomous is lookin’ to bounce back tonight!”
Kareem Ali: “Looks like he just wants blood!”
Martin Mays: “That might not spell well for Reynolds…”
“Lion Skin” by Hands Like Houses bursts through the P.A. system, and Andrew Reynolds jogs out onto the stage, receiving a mild pop.
Ashley Sparxxx: “And the opponent from Milford, Connecticut, he is ‘New England Straight Edge’, Andre Reynolds!”
As Sparxxx finishes up, Reynolds reaches the bottom of the ramp and taunts for a pop. Venomous stares him down from inside the ring, wiping the blood from his mouth. Reynolds takes off for the ring, and the referee signals for the Bell.
Bell: “Ding… Ding… Ding”
Reynolds immediately goes for a running cross body, but the bigger Venomous catches him, killing the initial momentum. He drives Reynolds into the mat with a brutal spinning side slam. Andrew quickly bounces back to his feet, but Venomous sends him into the ropes with a double axe handle. He takes off for his opponent and delivers a running clothesline. Reynolds manages to snag the top rope and pulls himself back onto the apron, unbeknown to Heath. His opponent turns to face him, and Reynolds drives the vampire’s face into the top rope. As Heath stumbles back into the center of the ring, Reynolds springboards over the top rope and nails him with a missile dropkick. He quickly hooks the leg.
Martin Mays: “Reynolds lookin’ to snag an early win here.”
Kareem Ali: “Venomous powers out!”
Both man reach their feet and lock up in the center of the ring. The much smaller Reynolds is easily forced to his knees, and Venomous brutalizes him with a stiff knee to the face. He irish whips Reynolds into the opposite ropes and greets him with a hard big boot to the face on his return. He immediately scoops up his opponent and locks him into a piledriver position. Venomous rolls his opponent upwards and drops Reynolds in the center of the ring with a powerbomb.
Kareem Ali: “There goes Reynolds early momentum.”
Martin Mays: “Don’t be too optimistic now, Kareem.”
Heath slides under the bottom rope and lifts up the ring apron, causing a massive pop to break out in the ring. He grabs two chairs and slides them into the ring, following closely behind. Reynolds reaches his knees in the center of the ring as Heath scoops up one of the chairs. Andrew stumbles towards Venomous and immediately receives a cold steel chair to the temple. Reynolds collapses in the center of the ring as Venomous kicks the chair near Reynolds. A evil, almost animalistic growl sounds in the ring as a hungry Heath signals for Reynolds to reach his feet. Andrew uses the mat to slowly get to his feet and stumbles towards the vampire. Venomous opens his mouth and spits his trademark red mist towards Reynolds.
Martin Mays: “Venomous is goin’ for The Blood Drive!”
Andrew drops to the mat, avoiding the mist, and catches the vampire off guard with a leg sweep. Venomous falls backwards onto the steel chair but quickly reaches his feet. Reynolds delivers a series of quick kicks to the mid-section and feet, dazing him. As Venomous tries to get his bearings, Reynolds snatches up the other chair and delivers a stiff chair to the mid-section. The vampire hunches over in pain, and Reynolds delivers another hard chair shot to the back.
Martin Mays: “Two chair shots and this guy still isn’t down!”
Kareem Ali: “Duh, he’s a vampire…”
Heath rests on his knees in the center of the ring as the possessed Reynolds approaches him, still wielding the chair. He raises the weapon over his head and delivers a third chair shot, this one crashing onto Heath’s forehead. Venomous nearly collapses but manages to remain on his knees, as blood begins to pour from a fresh wound on his forehead. A frustrated Reynolds shakes his head in fury before continuing to brutalize the vampire with another brutal chair shot to the head!
Kareem Ali: “This brotha’ really is cut throat, ain’t he?”
Martin Mays: “Well, it looks like Venomous isn’t the only one who’s hungry for blood tonight.”
Venomous stirs, preparing to collapse, but manages to shake off the blow. A shocked Reynolds’ jaw falls ajar as Heath signals for another shot. Andrew turns his back to his opponent and begins to walk away, seemingly throwing in the towel.
Martin Mays: “What is he doin’?”
As Mays question circulates the arena, Reynolds quickly turns and tosses Venomous the chair. Heath, acting out of instinct, catches the chair, playing directly into Andrew’s hands, and Reynolds charges him. He delivers a running dropkick to the chair, driving the steel forcefully into Venomous’ skull. The vampire finally collapses, and the crowd gives the seemingly possessed Reynolds a massive pop. He runs his finger across his throat in a slitting motion, causing the pop to intensify.
Kareem Ali: “At least he’s earnin’ his nickname.”
Martin Mays: “Cutthroat may be too nice for a guy who just delivered five BRUTAL chair shots!”
Reynolds drops the chair into the center of the ring and pull the bleeding Venomous to his feet, locking him into a piledriver position. He quickly flips through the air, dragging his opponent with him and nails The Doppleganger, driving Venomous’ skull into the unforgiving steel chair!
Martin Mays: “Is Reynolds driving to kill him?”
Kareem Ali: “I don’t see no stake or holy water, Mays!”
Reynolds goes to hook the leg, playing with the crowd, but pulls back at the last second. Instead, he grabs the other chair and sprints to the corner. He scales to the top and holds the chair against his chest. He quickly leaps off the top, flips through the air, and crashes onto Venomous’ chest with a Shooting Star Press, driving the chair into his opponent. He hooks the leg.
Bell: “Ding… Ding… Ding”
Ashley Sparxxx: “The winner of this match, Andrew Reynolds!”
Winner in 7:15: Andrew Reynolds
Martin Mays: “Reynolds takes down The Last Vampire using his hardcore roots!”
Kareem Ali: “Hardcore? That was plain ghetto, Mays. He held nothin’ back!”
Using one hand, Reynolds raises the chair over his head and places his foot on his bleeding opponent. Adrenaline fades to a promo for next week’s episode.
Martin Mays: “A hardcore match seems a bit random, don’t ya’ think?”
Kareem Ali: “Nah, maybe Johnny just wants to see some blood!”
The lights go out in the arena, sending the crowd into a mixed reaction of anticipation and fear with some booing here and there from those that feel the dimming of the lights is overdone and cheesy. As “Redeemer” by Marilyn Manson begins, smoke begins to cover the stage and ramp, illuminated by a dark red light and as the song picks up with the guitar and drums, fire shoots up from both sides of the ramp, lining both sides as Heath walks through the curtain wearing a long cape.
Ashley Sparxxx: “First, weighing in at 270 pounds, he is ‘The Last Vampire’ Heath Venomous!”
He makes his way down the ramp, ominous in nature, a paleness in his face and a deadness in his eyes as he scans the crowd. Heath reaches the bottom of the ramp and stops, then suddenly looks to the left, his head snapping in that direction quickly. He leaps into the air, spreading open his cape as he seizes a female member of the audience, Heath landing in front of her and swinging his cape around as he goes downward towards the ground. A flash of light is seen in the crowd and a split second later in the ring as smoke fills both and Heath reappears in the center, rising to his feet and letting his cape fall to the mat. Blood is covering his lips and running from the corners of his mouth, the audience member nowhere in sight.
Martin Mays: “Venomous is lookin’ to bounce back tonight!”
Kareem Ali: “Looks like he just wants blood!”
Martin Mays: “That might not spell well for Reynolds…”
“Lion Skin” by Hands Like Houses bursts through the P.A. system, and Andrew Reynolds jogs out onto the stage, receiving a mild pop.
Ashley Sparxxx: “And the opponent from Milford, Connecticut, he is ‘New England Straight Edge’, Andre Reynolds!”
As Sparxxx finishes up, Reynolds reaches the bottom of the ramp and taunts for a pop. Venomous stares him down from inside the ring, wiping the blood from his mouth. Reynolds takes off for the ring, and the referee signals for the Bell.
Bell: “Ding… Ding… Ding”
Reynolds immediately goes for a running cross body, but the bigger Venomous catches him, killing the initial momentum. He drives Reynolds into the mat with a brutal spinning side slam. Andrew quickly bounces back to his feet, but Venomous sends him into the ropes with a double axe handle. He takes off for his opponent and delivers a running clothesline. Reynolds manages to snag the top rope and pulls himself back onto the apron, unbeknown to Heath. His opponent turns to face him, and Reynolds drives the vampire’s face into the top rope. As Heath stumbles back into the center of the ring, Reynolds springboards over the top rope and nails him with a missile dropkick. He quickly hooks the leg.
Martin Mays: “Reynolds lookin’ to snag an early win here.”
Kareem Ali: “Venomous powers out!”
Both man reach their feet and lock up in the center of the ring. The much smaller Reynolds is easily forced to his knees, and Venomous brutalizes him with a stiff knee to the face. He irish whips Reynolds into the opposite ropes and greets him with a hard big boot to the face on his return. He immediately scoops up his opponent and locks him into a piledriver position. Venomous rolls his opponent upwards and drops Reynolds in the center of the ring with a powerbomb.
Kareem Ali: “There goes Reynolds early momentum.”
Martin Mays: “Don’t be too optimistic now, Kareem.”
Heath slides under the bottom rope and lifts up the ring apron, causing a massive pop to break out in the ring. He grabs two chairs and slides them into the ring, following closely behind. Reynolds reaches his knees in the center of the ring as Heath scoops up one of the chairs. Andrew stumbles towards Venomous and immediately receives a cold steel chair to the temple. Reynolds collapses in the center of the ring as Venomous kicks the chair near Reynolds. A evil, almost animalistic growl sounds in the ring as a hungry Heath signals for Reynolds to reach his feet. Andrew uses the mat to slowly get to his feet and stumbles towards the vampire. Venomous opens his mouth and spits his trademark red mist towards Reynolds.
Martin Mays: “Venomous is goin’ for The Blood Drive!”
Andrew drops to the mat, avoiding the mist, and catches the vampire off guard with a leg sweep. Venomous falls backwards onto the steel chair but quickly reaches his feet. Reynolds delivers a series of quick kicks to the mid-section and feet, dazing him. As Venomous tries to get his bearings, Reynolds snatches up the other chair and delivers a stiff chair to the mid-section. The vampire hunches over in pain, and Reynolds delivers another hard chair shot to the back.
Martin Mays: “Two chair shots and this guy still isn’t down!”
Kareem Ali: “Duh, he’s a vampire…”
Heath rests on his knees in the center of the ring as the possessed Reynolds approaches him, still wielding the chair. He raises the weapon over his head and delivers a third chair shot, this one crashing onto Heath’s forehead. Venomous nearly collapses but manages to remain on his knees, as blood begins to pour from a fresh wound on his forehead. A frustrated Reynolds shakes his head in fury before continuing to brutalize the vampire with another brutal chair shot to the head!
Kareem Ali: “This brotha’ really is cut throat, ain’t he?”
Martin Mays: “Well, it looks like Venomous isn’t the only one who’s hungry for blood tonight.”
Venomous stirs, preparing to collapse, but manages to shake off the blow. A shocked Reynolds’ jaw falls ajar as Heath signals for another shot. Andrew turns his back to his opponent and begins to walk away, seemingly throwing in the towel.
Martin Mays: “What is he doin’?”
As Mays question circulates the arena, Reynolds quickly turns and tosses Venomous the chair. Heath, acting out of instinct, catches the chair, playing directly into Andrew’s hands, and Reynolds charges him. He delivers a running dropkick to the chair, driving the steel forcefully into Venomous’ skull. The vampire finally collapses, and the crowd gives the seemingly possessed Reynolds a massive pop. He runs his finger across his throat in a slitting motion, causing the pop to intensify.
Kareem Ali: “At least he’s earnin’ his nickname.”
Martin Mays: “Cutthroat may be too nice for a guy who just delivered five BRUTAL chair shots!”
Reynolds drops the chair into the center of the ring and pull the bleeding Venomous to his feet, locking him into a piledriver position. He quickly flips through the air, dragging his opponent with him and nails The Doppleganger, driving Venomous’ skull into the unforgiving steel chair!
Martin Mays: “Is Reynolds driving to kill him?”
Kareem Ali: “I don’t see no stake or holy water, Mays!”
Reynolds goes to hook the leg, playing with the crowd, but pulls back at the last second. Instead, he grabs the other chair and sprints to the corner. He scales to the top and holds the chair against his chest. He quickly leaps off the top, flips through the air, and crashes onto Venomous’ chest with a Shooting Star Press, driving the chair into his opponent. He hooks the leg.
Bell: “Ding… Ding… Ding”
Ashley Sparxxx: “The winner of this match, Andrew Reynolds!”
Winner in 7:15: Andrew Reynolds
Martin Mays: “Reynolds takes down The Last Vampire using his hardcore roots!”
Kareem Ali: “Hardcore? That was plain ghetto, Mays. He held nothin’ back!”
Using one hand, Reynolds raises the chair over his head and places his foot on his bleeding opponent. Adrenaline fades to a promo for next week’s episode.

Aaron Asterisk v. Brandon Banks

Billy Bradley v. El Loko v. Jack Ripper v. Robbie Starr
The crowd is still abuzz from the last match as we see Martin Mays and Kareem Ali sitting, as always, at ringside.
Martin Mays: Well, wrestling fans, I hate to inform those of you just tuning in to our internet feed, but one of the four in our Fatal Four Way match has been taken out by the trainers. Word is he will need, at least’ a couple of weeks to recover.
Kareem Ali: Of course, we are talking about one half of the Hispanic Horrors, El Loko. Now, It would make more sense for one of these three to have taken him out. But it wasn’t. It was the Bogans, who the Lunatics have attacked a couple of times in the last three weeks.
Martin Mays: Yes, it seems there’s a bit of revenge in the air tonight. But, knowing those lunatics, it’s only the beginning.
The voice of Morgan Freeman gets a faction of the crowd going as they realize who’s coming in.
Martin Mays: Well, they are back! And they’re for real! They held tag team titles at the PWA and they seem intent on going after their old rivals, Rippercussions!
We see Robbie Starr and Ray Price step out onto the stage as if they own it. They are pumped to be back in the hunt and are showing a lot of energy.
Kareem Ali: Well, unfortunately for them, this isn’t about the team. Robbie Starr has to show what he’s made of. I mean, Price shouldn’t even be out here!
Martin Mays: Our new General Manager, John McHenry, has decided to allow it. There are no titles at stake tonight. Just a way to see what these gentlemen are made of.
Starrdom Nation take the ring and taunt the crowd as the boos start.
The crowd gives a mixed reaction as Billy and Leroy Bradley walks out onto the stage, drinking a couple of buds and hooting at the uncertain crowd. As they start down the ramp, Starrdom Nation regroup in their corner.
Martin Mays: Well, the court is still out on these two. They’ve had quite a showing, but been losing a little steam as of late. If they want to be included in the tag team championship match at the next Pay Per View, they had better start showing management something tonight.
The Bradley Boys hit the ring and salutes the crowd with their beers.
Karen Mulder - I am what I am - YouTube
Suddenly, the crowd erupts. Jack and Darren run out to a decent pop as the boys from Starrdom are seen ranting at them. We see them holding those tag team titles high.
Kareem Ali: I can’t believe these two are slowly becoming a crowd favorite!
Martin Mays: I noticed that you didn’t mention the ACW Tag Team Titles…
Kareem Ali: I got nothing to say…
Martin Mays: Well, whatever you think about them, they are the new champions and those titles were well earned.
Kareem Ali: All I got to say is they better be glad those damned Bogans took out El Loko. Wouldn’t surprise me to learn that they paid those Australian Assholes to do the deed!
Martin Mays: Oh, come on!
Jack hits the ring as Robbie gives him a boot. Suddenly, as the bell rings, Billy Bradley spears the English superstar into the corner hard! Billy shoves that shoulder hard into Starr a few more times and, then, turns into a leaping superkick ala Jack Ripper!! Bradley drops hard and Jack goes for the pin!
Robbie Starr breaks it up!
He picks Ripper up quick and flings him against the ropes. On the comeback, Starr flips Jack into a northern lights suplex!
Kareem Ali: WHOAH!!! Nice solid wrestling move there! Robbie has Jack beat in size here tonight and so does Billy.
Martin Mays: David and Goliath situation wouldn’t you say, Kareem?
Kareem Ali: Oh, don’t start trying to make that flake a big hero here.
Martin Mays: Oh, I don’t have to do anything but point out the obvious. He will do the hero making all by himself.
Robbie is seen wrenching Rippers arm in an armbar as he sees Billy Bradley getting up and looking for a tag!
Martin Mays: I think Billy hit the turnbuckle with his head! He’s forgotten that he’s on his own!!
Starr hits Jack hard in the head and grapples with the bigger Billy Bradley! He puts him in the Full Nelson and follows up with a solid FULL NELSON SLAM!!
Kareem Ali: BOOM!! Man, that was strong!!
Unfortunately, while he looked for a pin, Ripper was up and caught Starr in the side of the head with a leaping knee!!
Martin Mays: Starr had better watch out for those very accurate strikes of Jack Ripper is he’s gonna win this one!!
As Starr checks his head on one knee, Jack runs and catapults off the second rope into an amazing Shooting Star Press!! Suddenly, Robbie looks up as if anticipating it and catches Jack and spins him into a back breaker!! He goes for the pin!
TH…Bradley barely breaks that one!
Billy grabs Starr in an awkward ankle lock. Robbie simple pushes the brawler off and grabs him on the rebound off the ropes! Rolls him up!
TW….Ripper with a roundhouse kick to break the count!!
Jack continues to hit Starr with those kicks and even gets a couple of shots on Bradley who finally gets to his feet. Leroy is on the ropes trying to distract his partner’s opponents. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work. Jack hits him with a standing double drop kick that sends him hard into his partner; sending them both over the top rope and crashing hard to the floor!! As Jack seems proud of himself, Robbie slides up behind and rolls the unsuspecting Ripper up!
THR…Jack Kicks out!!
Martin Mays: Incredible!! This guy makes up for his size with a pure fighting spirit. I mean, he DID come from wrestling royalty; the Canadian Ripper Family!
Kareem Ali: Never heard of them…
Martin Mays: Oh, come on!! Jaxxon Ripper? You’re an ignorant slob when it comes to wrestling history, ALI!
We see the Bradleys still on the floor out of the mix. Although Jack kicked out, he is being stalked by an angry Englishman. Starr picks the smaller Ripper up and powerslams him hard! Instead of covering him, he smiles and picks him up.
Martin Mays: Uh, oh! He has Ripper in a powerslam position again, but, this time, he’s backing up for a little running room!
Kareem Ali: This is it folks. Starr drops Ripper with his finisher, he’s won this match!!
Robbie Starr starts off in a RUNNING POWERSLAM, but Jack flips his legs around Starr’s head and uses his weight and Robbie’s own momentum to reverse it into a hurricuranna!! Starr hits the corner hard and flops into the center of the ring! Ripper runs past him and up the turnbuckle; launching off the top into a moonsault which he lands perfectly!! He immediately goes for the pin!
The crowd gives a huge pop as Darren Pesinger joins his Championship partner in the ring with their belts.
Ashley Sparxxx: Your winner; Jack Ripper!!
Darren holds a beleaguered Jack up as an angry Robbie Starr exits the ring holding the back of his head. As they start to leave, Billy gets up, apparently thinking the match is still going. He takes a swing at Robbie who dodges it. Unfortunately, Billy doesn’t see Starr’s partner, Ray, coming on strong with the big boot!! After dropping Billy, Leroy comes running to his brother’s defense. Ray surprises him too flipping him into a backbreaker! Holding Leroy there, Robbie Starr runs up the steel steps and drops with an elbow drop; laying out the Bradley. The match ends with Rippercussion and Starrdom Nation starring each other down!
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The cameras cut back stage as we see John McHenry in his suit and tie being followed by the towering Zack Bronko.
Zack Bronko:It's bullshit and YOU know it! She had nothing to do with that idiot or the disappearance of Blaze!
John McHenry stops and spins around:Number one, ZACK, it's none of your damned business what I do in this company. Hell, you're just lucky to have a damned job after all the PWA crap you pulled! Number two, it's not about accusing her of anything. I suspended her for her own good! And number three? You have a big match with Alexander or who ever the hell. So, if I were you, I'd get my ass down to the ring and worry about my own career...got it?
Zack Bronko steams:Yeah...got it...
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As the boss walks off triumphant, Bronko wrings his hands like he wants to choke something or someone.

Drew Alexander v. Zack Bronko
Ashley Sparxxx: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Long Beach, California, standing 6'9'' and weighing in at 299 pounds, he is the 'Badass'...ZACH BRONKO!!
Martin Mays: Zach Bronko coming out here, and it looks like he means business!
Kareem Ali: The 'Badass' personally requested this matchup with Drew Alexander, and despite their differences, John McHenry has surprisingly accepted!
Martin Mays: His name is Chase DeSanto now, Ali, not Drew Alexander...
Kareem Ali: Whatever! You knew who I meant!
As the announcers debate, "Badass" by Saliva continues to play, as the eponymous ACW wrestler comes out without much of a fuss. Without ever breaking his poker face, the former PWAer and Revolutionnaire walks steadily down the ramp, up the steps and over the top rope, immediately moving to one corner as he relaxedly lies back, eyes on the ramp, and waits for his opponent...
...and waits....
...and waits....
...and waits some more.
Martin Mays: What's going on? Where's Chase DeSanto?
Kareem Ali: I don't know, but he ain't here!
After nearly a minute has passed with no sign of Drew Alexander/Chase DeSanto, Bronko finally pushes himself off his corner and regains the centre of the ring. Requesting a microphone from Ashley Sparxxx, he quickly brings it to his lips to spit out a few displeased words:
Zack Bronko: A pussy by any other name...is still a pussy. You can change your name all you want, DeSanto, but you, and everybody else in this company, will never be anythin' but a bitch!
Then, turning towards the ramp:
Zack Bronko: John...next week...I want some REAL competition. You know who I want. Book it. I'm done with this.
And with these words, the seven-footer throws his microphone on the ground, and steps back over the top rope, out of the ring and up the ramp, as the fans all around him react in confusion.
Kareem Ali: The 'Badass' making quite a strong statement here, as his opponent failed to show here tonight! But don't worry, ACW fans! We'll be back with more action, after the break!

ACW International Championship
Nicky Trix (c) v. Eric Snow
Quick Results
Dave Summers v. Toyota Chelios
Avalanche v. Stevie Starr
Multiplex v. The Demon
Hardcore Match: Andrew Reynolds v. Heath Venomous
Aaron Asterisk v. Brandon Banks
Billy Bradley v. El Loko v. Jack Ripper v. Robbie Starr
Drew Alexander v. Zack Bronko
ACW International Championship: Nicky Trix (c) v. Eric Snow
Dave Summers v. Toyota Chelios:
Avalanche v. Stevie Starr: Pete
Multiplex v. The Demon: Pete
Andrew Reynolds v. Heath Venomous: The_King
Aaron Asterisk v. Brandon Banks:
Billy Bradley v. El Loko v. Jack Ripper v. Robbie Starr: BDC
Drew Alexander v. Zack Bronko: Pete
Nicky Trix (c) v. Eric Snow: The_King
Post what matches you want! We need more minitrons haha, and what's Demon's pic base?
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