Barry Presents:
Crusader Kings II
A Mafia Game
1. Sultan Evie of the Evie Sultanate - Ambitous, GOAT Trait Vanilla Townie
2. Earl Christopher of York - Zealous, GOAT Trait Aligned 2x Vig
3. King Geoffrey of France
4. Chief Tweet of Saxony - Imbecile, WOAT Trait Aligned 3x Roleblocker
5. Bishop CraigPeltono of Orvieto
6. Doux Ace of Thrake - Master Schemer, GOAT Trait Aligned Odd-Night Cop
7. High Chief T'Challa of SvidjoD (Sweden) - Inbred, WOAT Trait Aligned 1x Strongman
8. King Odo of Denmark
9. Basilleus Lethal IV of the Byzantine Empire - Genius, GOAT Trait Aligned Vanilla Townie
10. Caliph Poyser of the Poyser Caliphate
11. Wali Banez of Jerusalem - Homosexual, GOAT Trait Aligned Vanilla Townie
12. Count Smark De Gaud of Paris - Diligent, GOAT Trait Aligned Vanilla Townie
13. Queen Sky of Brythoniaid (Wales) - The Plague, Disease Trait Aligned Serial Killer
14. Duke Mitch of Aquitaine - Insane, GOAT Trait Aligned Vanilla Townie
15. Khagan Alco of Bulgaria - Just, GOAT Trait Aligned Vanilla Townie
Deus Vult!
It is now Day 1! With 15 players, it requires 8 to lynch! Day 1 will last 48 hours or until a lynch has been made. The deadline for Day 1 is 2:14PM CST 8/18/20. PLAY ON!
It is now Day 1! With 15 players, it requires 8 to lynch! Day 1 will last 48 hours or until a lynch has been made. The deadline for Day 1 is 2:14PM CST 8/18/20. PLAY ON!
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