Castlevania Mafia - Game Thread

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Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2012
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BC, Canada
hes got about as many posts as rugrat is more my point. im working on "whos given me no reason to be town" and he falls there too.
ya but it's just a tendency i see from rugrat more than me being able to read him off a couple of posts and im not exactly confident in banez/haza+both are actually active.


Social Progressive
Mar 7, 2019
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If formatting or typos appear, fuck Tweet for not allowing edits. I will try my best to format this all into one and will breakdown my thoughts on leans.


@Raidokken - first off, apologies - been a bit wound up today and came across a bit strong in some of my posts towards yourself.

Re: your receipts around the buddying of Poyser and my scum lean on you:

This interaction around Magic just felt super disingenuous to me and felt like you were asking really obvious questions to try and look town to Poyser who was just starting to question you and Jeff throwing a vote on you (this felt like the real start of your wagon, not Barry's 'joke vote' which I will return to in Barry's section).

Although I'll happily admit that this post did ease my suspicion a tad:

But then you undid that with this post, trying to apply the "better player logic" to try and ease off Poysers confusion at the points you were making.

You then broke down your point IMO with this:

If it wasn't a joke vote, then Magic surely would have given a reason, no?

And that's the icing on the cake really.

Then came the interaction with Poyser around myself. I mean, I personally disagree with my posting being different - I haven't felt any different nor intentionally acting different. Maybe real life WIFOM stuff has impacted, not really worth discussing it tbh.

These are Poysers posts to me/about me

(+ a discussion around what I act like as scum with Magic that I've now closed the tab and cba finding again) then boom this:

You're a strong player Haza and I agree with your statement throughout the game that you don't tend to buddy people in the vein of ass kissing and seeking approval to get a town read, but partnered with my initial suspicion around your play trying to diffuse Poysers questioning around you and the quick jumping in with scared scum (which a scum lean was never really mentioned by Poyser, he's in fact stated that he was doing it to kick me in activity).

Now, town Haza that I know, if you had picked up at the quickest sniff of someone acting differently that gives you the lean of that person being scum, it's the same deal that I've also picked up from Barry towards you. Why not raise this yourself earlier on in the thread?

@Grim Cornette - I hope the above answers your question to myself about Haza, pls let me know if you have further.

Apologies to yourself as well for coming a bit strong and maybe not playing in the best mindset which obviously caused some friction.

Here's my thoughts on Barry.

As I attempt to put eloquently as possible earlier, my initial sus around Barry is his push (or lack there of) on Haza.

Here's the initial 'joke vote' that once no-sold by Haza, suddenly became a legit vote based off of his interaction with Jeff

What threw me with Barry is that 11 minutes later after this post ^ about his reasoning and why he thinks Haza is not playing with his usual town meta - he suddenly switches to talking about Banez? No further push on Haza, just let a thread like that go and moved onto Banez and then the interaction with myself about his lack of conviction on Haza.

Town Barry doesn't let go of something like that, especially with a player in Haza's tier. There was no conviction, it just felt like paper pushing (if that's the right term?) or a token case that he never intended to follow up on, just to appear like he was actively looking for info.

Now, Barry's responses after are a bit venomous, but not the normal level of aggression I'd expect to receive from Barry if the recent games I've played are anything to go by.


Does town Barry, with the level of conviction we know from him really just give up when he's being challenged over his alignment?Pretty sure we've seen a few "just lynch me then" posts from Barry through the ages.

Up until this point, I was closer to null with Barry - he did make some good points.


Why is Barry trying to take credit for the wagon? The first vote was a joke, he has been challenged over a complete lack of push on Haza and this was his "forcing Haza to claim" post:

Funny that Haza didn't even acknowledge Barry's post as it was posted literally 3 minutes before his claim.


If one of these was to flip scum, I would happily be looking into the other one after it based off of this interaction and Barry's attempting to look good off of the Haza wagon when A) He's not even flipped B) he's done fuck all on it.

@Poyser I am currently re-reading on Chris & Ace but my initial thoughts on him give me a similar vibe to the interaction I had with him last game about Barry funnily enough!

I had made a mistake that game over Barry saying Jeff was confirmed town when he said confirmed love. After the interaction with Barry had finished, Chris piped up in similar fashion to how he's debating with you and turns out he had misread my entire point. That's how I'm interpreting his interaction with you so far over the scum reads.

So your basic theory is, with my first post of the game, I vote my scum mate in Haza, make it plain it was a joke vote immediately afterwards with the :rippedcal emoji, then proceed to invent reasons to keep my vote on him, which then afterwards, people, namely Magic and Jeff, agree with and hop on, all for the intent of looking good off his flip, despite, once again, Haza never having been in any danger beforehand, all based off a very flimsy reason and a complete misread of my town play?

I just want you to put all of this together and place Occham's Razor and ask yourself if this is more plausible than just, "Barry thinks Haza is scum and is just more passive this game".

Which I admittedly am being. Because I'd very much like to guard my opinion and body some folks in this game.


Social Progressive
Mar 7, 2019
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Anyways, I feel Poyser/Chris is likely Town/Town. I'll have to go through that exchange again, but I didn't see anything particularly off about Poyser during the interim.


Abolish Israel
Jan 7, 2020
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So you vote someone for no reason and then just try and find a reason to justify that vote?

Also, what's up with Haza sniffing around Poysers legs on pretty much every opinion so far this game?

Also Haza, this is a bit of a jump from "picking and choosing" to suggestions at all that I'm scum. The way this post is worded as well is as if you already know that I'm town and you're breadcrumbing this scared shenanigans. How would you know that to be definite if you were town as well?

Can you tell me where that was wrong?

Did you have a reason for the vote before you voted him and then keep your vote on him for that reason?

Or did you vote him for no reason and then find a reason to keep the vote on him?
Cos I don't think it's town behaviour to just throw a vote on someone willy nilly and then find some very loose reason to maintain that vote if I'm honest with you Bazza
Can you explain why 8 posts in the first 7 pages gives you the impression of "scaredscum!" other than "Poyser said it too"?

Last game where I was the 2nd most active player, I had only achieved 13 posts in the first 5 pages (not too dissimilar to the 8 here).
Very similar the game before that too.

I'm curious to what is different to those games that makes you think at all I am being timid?

It can't be the memes, the memes are always based from funny quotes/moments within the game. Hard to come up with a rock solid meme off of nothing early game.

So please! Explain to me why I am suddenly timid when I am playing consistent to how I have been since my return?
I mean, if you aren't buddying Poyser and you've formed enough of an opinion to call me 'scaredscum' - you'd be able to explain that right?
I think you both look meh on the leans so far tbh. You're lacking the normal Barry conviction behind your reasonings.

Your reasoning on Haza looks flimsy but he's got this whole buddying thing going on with Poyser and making extraordinary reaches about scared scum out of nowhere because Poyser hinted at it

Your conviction in making that point I've found lacklustre in comparison to your early D1 pushes I've seen before.:draper2

You've made the suggestion that Haza is not acting like town Haza early on. Why haven't you pushed it any further other than a reply to Jeff? Instead you made a post about Banez and have been addressing me instead.
To condense it Barry.

If you think Haza isn't town because of these points:

Why haven't you pushed it all since, but instead distanced yourself from it?
dang this was like a flurry of super aggressive posts not long after poyser's point about E-V being picky about posting and the patronizing discussion about what scum EV is capable of

does E-V usually just focus on sussing the fuck out of everyone lmao


Abolish Israel
Jan 7, 2020
Reaction score
Before you guys get lynchhappy and get rid of me.

Let me ask all of you one question. I hope everyone answer on it separately.

When was last time Magic was this active on Day 1 while having drawn town?
In here, you probably were pretty active as town but i can't remember which game. Coz all i can remember is you being hella active when you drew indy-duo with Xenus.
not sure I see scum banez sussing magic like this out of the gate tbh, made the same point about him last game with his early poyser suspicion iirc
So you're refusing to discuss why you made accusations of Haza not being town and why you have not attempted to query it any further.

I'll leave it there, I've got what I needed

what did you get? what was the point of that flurry of aggression? was it to make poyser town read you because if so mission accomplished
I have seen you mention body someone a couple of times and trying to get a feel for your angle I also feel good about EV and Jeff for the moment as well. I see you are still abrasive as always but seem slightly more invested in this game than the last one which sometimes is a good thing.

I think magic is town as well based upon play.

I am still trying to get a read on haza as I feel he is slightly different from the past couple of games I have played with him.

Still reading and rereading to get a feel for everyone this game.

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I think you have softed your role and some have just not noticed it.

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does scum Wang Chung openly point out a potential role soft like this early on for no reason??


Abolish Israel
Jan 7, 2020
Reaction score
I remember. I used to go after him, you or CP on day 1 when i was town.
is this a slip

because you have literally been going after me early on in games as town and did so last game so I have no idea what you are talking about unless you're saying you aren't town now lmao


Abolish Israel
Jan 7, 2020
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I don't like how Banez keeps trying to imply Haza is humping magics leg, while himself mentioning magic every post he can while talking about haza. he even lately mentions not being able to lynch magic day 1 and trying to get his attention. sounds like some cowardly behavior to ol jeff here.
like this. town lean on jeff
no buys and yet you dropped the matter completely and I don't think have mentioned me since lol
Hazas breadcrumbing coming to fruition with a text book OMGUS

It’s a bold strategy Cotton, let’s see how it plays out
where did all your aggression and activity go mate. maybe that poyser town lean IS what you wanted after all ;)
You entrance was underwhelming and lacked the same freedom it had in my game where you were much more comfortable jumping in and posting whatever. This was noticeable when Poyser voted for you and you came in with a couple more votes but the biggest thing that kicked you into action was THIS post:

your activity changed dramatically after this post. At first I liked the idea and the post as Poyser made it but reading back it kinda feels like it could easily be an s/s interaction given that Poysers reasons for voting for you still existed and were what made me sus you in the first place, yet he switched to me anyway without giving ANY reason at all.

Look at your activity and freedom in the first 10 pages of my game and compare it to this game, tell me you don't see a difference.

I actually think Poyser looks worse than you do off this now reading back but now he has unvoted me which makes me question whether he just wanted my mislynch or what

I'd be happy to see either of you flip
oh wow haza came out and said it too. nice we're on the same wavelength


Social Progressive
Mar 7, 2019
Reaction score
like this. town lean on jeff
no buys and yet you dropped the matter completely and I don't think have mentioned me since lol
where did all your aggression and activity go mate. maybe that poyser town lean IS what you wanted after all ;)
oh wow haza came out and said it too. nice we're on the same wavelength

Nope, I haven't lmfao. Does that make me scum? :lol


Abolish Israel
Jan 7, 2020
Reaction score
he was saying you were on the same wave length earlier and only started sussing you once you sussed him. then once he put you on the defensive he put you on the backburner and went for ace the disappeared instead of the guy who is active and in front of him

the boy's no good imo
this was a good post we should lynch poyser
I also find it funny that Haza was buddying Poyser early game now Haza has 360'd and is pushing him without voting.
I find Poysers quick contribution to the Haza wagon before the quick re-direct to Ace a bit odd also.
mate if he 360'd he'd be buddying poyser again

E-V sussing poyser after getting the town read from him does seem a bit odd if he's scum
I wouldn't at all be surprised if scum team include

1. Haza
2. Barry
3. Poyser (jury is still out here for me, I need to do a full ISO when I am home)

I've addressed my reasoning for Haza.

Barry's weird interaction with how Haza is not playing to his town meta yet refuses to push him at all and quickly went at Banez instead.

Poyser is just a conspiracy theory at this point.
lol aight I think EV is just town
Would you say Poyser & Haza might be aligned?
That settles it then.

vote Poyser
I still don't know what this settled. I asked Banez and he just replied with "Yes" ???

Big Man

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2019
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You entrance was underwhelming and lacked the same freedom it had in my game where you were much more comfortable jumping in and posting whatever. This was noticeable when Poyser voted for you and you came in with a couple more votes but the biggest thing that kicked you into action was THIS post:

your activity changed dramatically after this post. At first I liked the idea and the post as Poyser made it but reading back it kinda feels like it could easily be an s/s interaction given that Poysers reasons for voting for you still existed and were what made me sus you in the first place, yet he switched to me anyway without giving ANY reason at all.

Look at your activity and freedom in the first 10 pages of my game and compare it to this game, tell me you don't see a difference.

I actually think Poyser looks worse than you do off this now reading back but now he has unvoted me which makes me question whether he just wanted my mislynch or what

I'd be happy to see either of you flip
agreed he looks pretty bad. let's lynch him :pals:


Abolish Israel
Jan 7, 2020
Reaction score
1. Alco
2. E-V
3. Lawls
4. Ace Dalton
6. Jeff Valley Driver
7. Christian Cage - VT
8. Grim Cornette
9. Raidokken - gravedigger

10. Lethal Banks
12. Rugrat
13. Poyser
14. Wangus Chung
15. Banez - hider
16. Big Man
17. Showtime

wow a lot of people need to start playing still


Dec 9, 2019
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LDN Town
Haven’t really had time to sink my teeth into the game. I don’t really buy this narrative that I only troll as town though. In my last scum game (Nintendo) I spent the entire first day trolling. I don’t really think we should follow Magic’s idea on my meta too seriously, he doesn’t have the best record against me when I’m scum either
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