I'm not going to do it for you, there is a search function, this isn't WF.
He is interested in Odo's early claim and it's implication on Smark. Both have claimed a role that means them being targeted would not be in town's best interest.
He was trying to figure out ulterior motives to Grim's bizarre SK claim.
His posts RE: the miller that you didn't like were actually more useful that most others. I thought him asking whether everyone had posted pre-miller claim was a decent way of figuring out the legitimacy of the claim and gave him town points for that too.
For those wondering, Mr. Tweetums and Gambitto are my town reads. I do not wish to answer any questions you have regarding this, so please do not ask.
I thought you had me as one of your town reads?I've been 50/50 on Smark this entire game. Not sure I wanna be the one to completely hammer this though when we still have time.
For those wondering, Mr. Tweetums and Gambitto are my town reads. I do not wish to answer any questions you have regarding this, so please do not ask.
I've been 50/50 on Smark this entire game. Not sure I wanna be the one to completely hammer this though when we still have time.
Barry, are you gonna do anything other than just use the pogba emote this whole game?
I’m not sold on Smark being scum.
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I’m going with the crowd sorry Smark
Official vote: Smark
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Fuck I really don’t think you’re scum and my reads are usually on. (I’ve been bad to start my bad)
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While I'm still here @Raidokken what are your thoughts on this? In your opinion could he be in a QT with anyone?Haza me making one bad read since you know me has to prove I’m decent. I don’t think Smark is scum. I’ll ride with other townies for now but I don’t believe in it
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Unlike you, I've been scum hunting and not holding with my dick out. I'm also dead after this phase so I'm making the most of the time I have left.
Can we please lynch Brutus or PHEN0M instead of Smark? Their posts are fucking WRETCHED.