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Your TOP 15 Likes and Dislikes Wrestlers from WWE


top 15 likes
Triple H
Daniel Bryan
CM Punk
John Morrison
Rey Mysterio
Randy Orton
Alberto Del Rio
Dolph Ziggler
Jack Swagger
Evan Bourne
Tyson Kidd
Drew Mcintyre or Sheamus

top 15 Dislike
Great Khali
Vladimir Kozlov
Mark Henry
Santino Marella
Chris Masters
David Otunga
Skip Sheffield
Heath Slater
Michael Tarver
Tyler Reks
The Miz
John Cena

what is yours?



Del Rio
Brodus Clay
Josh Matthews



don't dislike many others tbh.


Active Member
YAY :) :

Randy Orton
Rey Mysterio
CM Punk
Cody Rhodes
Daniel Bryan
Wade Barret
Tyson Kid
John Morrison
Alberto Del Rio
Jack Swagger
Beth Phoenix
The Miz
William Regal

Nay :( :

Great Khali
Kelly Kelly
Heath Slater
David Otunga
Daren Young (Miles Dyson's doppleganger)
Tyler Reks

(Actually quite tough to name 15 that I literaly dislike.... There are some guys like Ryder, Dibiase etc. that are just "meh"but otherwise, I think the roster is pretty damn good tbh. I can't dis guys like Cena, Kingston and such cos, even though I'm not a big fan, I fully appreciate their contribution to the product.)


Active Member




New Member
Okay, just put in my TNA likes and dislikes, not sure If I can do 15 of each but here goes...


1. The Miz
2. Alberto Del Rio
3. Sheamus
4. Cody Rhodes
5. Daniel Bryan
6. Dolph Diggler
7. Drew McIntire
8. HHH
9. CM Punk
10. John Morrison
11. Jack Swagger
12. Michael Cole
13. Laycool
14. Alicia Fox
15. Melina

H.M. Randy Orton and Evan Bourne are growing on me, want to see Orton get more exciting in the ring and Bourne get more exciting out of the ring.

hmm, apparently I like the heels more nowadays


1. Great Khali
2. David Otunga
3. The Usos
4. Edge (in the pg era)
5. Rey Mysterio (now that he's older)
6. R-Truth
7. Chris Masters
8. JTG
9. Zach Ryder
10. Yoshi Tatsu
11. Kane
12. Hornswaggle
13. Ezekiel Jackson
14. Kelly Kelly
15. Marise

H.M. The rest of the NEXUS needs to show me something in 2011 to make my list one way or the other, but Otunga has to go.

Luke Flywalker

Well-Known Member

The Miz - What's not to like about the guy? He's playing his booking perfectly.
Randy Orton - >_> Name says it all... Orton fan through and through, but he's being built even more-so now than ever before imo.
Wade Barrett - This guy is a possible future of the company kinda guy, and his work ethic is supposedly through the roof, ready for more in-ring action.
John Morrison - Morrison's got all the ability to make his name in the main event (willing to take huge spots for the crowd reaction, good promo worker)
Dolph Ziggler - I've liked Dolph since his debut really... he benefits greatly from Vicky, but his in-ring ability is pretty awesome tbh. I want to see him apron-kick more often though.
Drew McIntyre - Ruthless in-ring style... if matched up correctly with an ally, he could skyrocket imo (Wade & McIntyre anyone!?).
CM Punk - Punk's advancement into the psychological world of promos and hopefully in the ring makes him all the more likeable. Top 3 heel on the stick.
Kofi Kingston - I like his in-ring wok... much like Morrison, just without the promos. I'd put him in the title picture (not give it to him) to test him out though.
Jack Swagger - I'm ready to see Swagger with the gold again, and with a couple huge feuds (Rey, Taker, Edge) to solidify his in-ring dominance a bit.
Cody Rhodes - Has anyone outside of Miz developed more in the past 6 months? Cody was the odd-man out for me during the Legacy days, and this Dashing persona has him a real favorite.
Sheamus - I think we're pretty much stuck with the guy waiting for Triple H, and that's why we're not overly excited about him recently, it's more-so waiting to see what Hunter does when he returns.
David Otunga - Call me crazy but I like where he's gone over the past two months challenging Wade a bit, becoming more vocal... just wish the E would make him slightly more impressive in-ring.
Alberto Del Rio - It's about time we get an arrogant asshole with a decent submission and with some clout to his persona.
Rey Mysterio - He's been wanting a break for so long it's unbelievable the E hasn't given him one (except allowing him to skip house shows now). His work ethic is incredible still (but I'd love to see him in a heelish role for once).
Edge - I still find it odd whee Edge has ended up, he doesn't strike me as interesting in PG-era... but I still like his ringwork.

John Cena - Sorry, but, imo, he's really getting stale, and the super-Cena month of taking out Nexus really emptied the fuel you had in the tank in that storyline.
R-Truth - Not a fan of the guy at all... in the ring, promos, shit, even just seeing him. I understand he's widely respected in locker rooms, but I fucking hate him and all the idiots pandering to him.
The rest of Nexus minus Gabriel & Sheffield - IMO, they're either under-utilized, overutilized, or misused. I can't fathom how Darren got more in-ring time than any of 'em.
Tyson Kidd - He's almost R-Truth to me except I can tolerate him in the ring some. But damn stop doing the HBK/Diesel thing to death, for God's sake.
Ted DiBiase - He's where I thought Cody would end up, tbh... just cast away to the low-midcard and shoved with a Diva to get him SOME heat, and jobbing a lot!
Michael Cole - Either go full heel or gtfo, imo. I like when he's being heelish, and doing his shit with Miz, but stop sucking Cena's cock a week after he owns you with jokes.
1. Daniel Bryan
2. Sheamus
3. Rey Misterio
4. The Miz
5. Undertaker
6. John Cena
7. Edge
8. Punk
9. Cody Rhodes
10. Big Show
11. Evan Bourne
12. Vikki Guerrero
13. Wade Barrett
14. Husky Harris
15. Alberto Del Rio, he is nice, has a future, but people are over hyping him

1. Dolph Ziggler
2. Khali
3. nameless diva
4. another diva
5. yet another diva
6. yep, more divas
7. David Hart Smith
8. Josh Matthews
9. Jerry Lawler- dont get me wrong, he's still awesome in the ring, but Lawler as a face commentator is the anti thesis of what Lawler is all about
10. Ted DiBiasie, man he has fallen off further than Wyle E Coyote
11. Alex Riley
12. Zach Ryder- why hasn't he been cut yet?
13. 'smore divas
14. Mark Henry low midcarder for life, time to let if go
15. Randy Orton- don't hate him as much as the others, but jesus he is so much the same thing EVERY match. Cena can at least switch it up and has had good to great matches with a plethora of opponents. Randy's only good matches have come against Foley, Benoit and Cena. And no matter how they try he will never be the next Austin.
I'm not a cop in real life, but I pretend to be one on the internet, editing people's posts because I don't like their posting style-iwf mods



CM Punk
Bryan Danielson
William Regal
The Miz
Randy Orton
Triple H
Alberto Del Rio
Cody Rhodes
Jack Swagger
Wade Barrett


Curt Hawkins
Kofi Kingston
Darren Young

In no specific order. Bunch of others I don't hate but I'm not that much a fan of. Guys who character wise I dislike but contribute much to the company, guys who have potential but are restricted jobbers at the moment, and the divas. Melina and Natalya are easily the most talented out of all them. The rest are okay expect for Eve, fuck her. She has a man chin and she hasn't really done anything besides try to dance and act cool with R Truth for quite sometime. I find her very annoying.


Active Member

1. CM Punk
2. John Cena
3. Edge
4. Kane
5. Rey
6. Orton
7. Big Show
8. Kofi
9. Taker
10. John Morrison
11. The Nexus
12. HHH
13. Daniel Bryan
14. Ziggler
15. Wade Barrett


1. The Miz
2. Jack Twagger
3. Drew Mcentyre
4. Cody Rhodes
5. Tyson Kidd
6. Ted Dibiasie
7. Ezekiel Jackson
8. The misuse of tag teams
9. Alberto Del Rio
10. Trying to make me watch the DIVAS wrestle
11. Mark Henry
12. Tyler Reks
13. Sheamus
14. Alex Riley
15. David Hart Smith


Active Member
Like (currently active):

1. CM Punk
2. The Miz
3. Dashing Cody Rhodes
4. Alberto Del Rio
5. Edge

Prob a couple others, like Cole, A-RI, LAYCOOL, Kane, Sheamus, etc. but I'll keep it at 5. If Orton wasn't being shoved down our throats and winning every #1 contender match to be put in like every PPV title match in the past year then I might like him too.


1. Kofi Kingston
2. Rey Mysterio
3. John Cena
4. David Hart Smith (is he still active? If not, then Drew Mcintyre).
5. Most of Nexus/and most of the divas.

Would add Grisham in there but he finally got kicked to the curb. Guess WWE realized how fucking atrocious he is. Teddy Long as well, but he doesn't ever do shit anyways, other than to make sure Vickie doesn't abuse her power too much. He's still worthless, like King.