WWF In Your House 6 “Rage In A Cage”

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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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WWF In Your House 6 “Rage In A Cage”
Louisville, Kentucky
February 16th, 1996​

During the free for all we get a good 5 minute video hype of the Bret, Taker, Diesel feud.

Backstage: Dok Hendrix interviews Bret Hart; Bret says at one time he had a lot of respect for Diesel but not anymore. He then talks about him playing possum and how he outsmarted him to win the WWF title and since then he’s had a problem knowing he wasn’t as good as him. Bret calls him a disgrace and says he doesn’t blame Taker for acting this, Bret says he’s never lost a cage match and tonight Diesel has no escape and he refuses to lose.

Free-For-All: Jake “The Sanke” Roberts vs. Tatanka (w/Ted Dibiase)
Jake looks and is terribly out of shape, no way should this guy be in the ring and he looks like he’s ready for his career and life to be over. Poor guy, Jake has now resorted to wrestling in a baggy t-shirt to cover up his fatness. Jake is the face here as I think he’s doing the "preaching babyface" gimmick and Tatanka has sold out for da money, this match sucked both guys are pretty much on autopilot and are just going through the motions. The story of the early portion of the match was Jake just wants to hit the DDT and would go for it countless times, but Tatanka would quickly escape for a breather. After a few minutes Jake would try and get his hands on Dibiase but that would leave an opening for Tatanka to jump him from behind and begin to work on the mid-section of Jake. Jake makes a terrible looking comeback as he’s already tired as fuck, but out of nowhere he hits the DDT and takes around 20 seconds to make the cover for the win. Post-match: Jake pulls out an albino snake and places it on top of Tatanka before walking to the back. 1/2*

Backstage: Dok Hendrix interviews Shawn Michaels, he says tonight is the night that when he was 12 always dreamed for the road to WM. He says Owen couldn’t get the job done the first time and won’t get it done tonight. Shawn then talks about the Clique.

We get footage of Vader getting suspended a month ago, but he’s back now :mark: Todd Pettengill brings out Vader with has Jim Cornette with him. Tod asks Jim about begins successful about getting Vader back, Jim goes right in by saying he owns this place and now he’s gonna rule the WWF cause he and Vader are gonna take the WWF title and rule. Jim says he’s been in talks and Vader will be at the PPV. Jim says he’s trying to get Vader a match, but if WWF don’t have the guts to give Vader a match they’ll ruin the show ‘CAUSE IT’S VADER TIME!

Crybaby Match: Razor Ramon vs. The 1-2-3 Kid (w/Ted Dibiase)
So the loser of this match gets put in a diaper. Both guys have switched roles since their infamous Raw match that made Kid a star, both men trade slaps early one with Razor being the extremely hot face but he makes the mistake of allowing Kid to use his kicks and quickness to get the better of him. Razor comes back with chops of his own and begins throw Kid around like he’s a kid, he signals for the Razor’s Edge but he quickly escape as Dibiase puts baby powder in Kids hand and as the ref is distracted Kid throws the powder in his eyes. This leads to a real fun Kid heat segment as he uses his legs and high flying offense to get a series of near falls, Kid would lock in a sleeper they did some fun stuff where it looked like Razor was able to breakout but as soon as he would Kid would jump back on him locking it back in. Razor would manage to get out of it by crushing him on the top rope as Lawler tries to say that should be a DQ for the “low blow” but Vince would says he tried to throw him out of the ring :lmao Razor’s comeback was sweet, but just like the match has been going as soon as it looked like Razor was about to do a thing Kid would break it up. Suddenly, Kid makes the mistake of going to one high move to many and Razor catches him and hits him with a fall away slam off the middle rope. He signals for the end but Dibiase gets on the apron to distract the ref, suddenly Kid has the power again but Razor kicks it back into his face and hits the Razor’s Edge but on the count of 2 Razor picks him up OH SHIT! He’s not done; he connects with a 2nd Razor’s Edge for the win. Post-Match: Razor puts Kid in the diaper and pours baby powder on him; Dibiase tries to get involved so Razor throws powder in his face. This was great opener and I should really watch more of these two together. ***


Just another day at the office for the kliq

Duke Droese vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley (w/Elizabeth Tilden)
Duke’s gimmick is a fuckin’ garbage man. REALLY! A FUCKIN’ GARBAGE MAN! Well I guess times are hard. So this feud started because Hunter hit him in the head with a trashcan and proceeded to cut his hair. They start brawling right off the bat that the dirty garbage man wins ‘cause he’s from the street. Hunter’s bumping during this was great; Duke then begins to take off some of his clothes as he whips Hunter with a belt before stuttering around the ring. Duke gets a bit too cocky as he goes for the 10 corner punches but Hunter hotshots him on to the top turnbuckle. Hunter immediately goes for the pedigree but Duke backdrops him out of it, Duke then attempts to get more aggressive but it backfires when Hunter drops him to the floor and sends him into the sleet steps. Hunter begins to work over Duke but doesn’t pick out a specific body part this goes on for several minutes until out of desperation Duke connects with a double A spinebuster. He begins a comeback, and it was plain and boring he hits a tilt-a-whirl powerslam and heads to the floor to pick up a trashcan and lid he throws the both in the ring as the ref throws the can out, this allows Hunter to hit him in the head with the lid for the win. Only good when Hunter was in control or bumping to make this guys shitty offense looks good, I did get a good laugh at the replay that showed the ref turned around way too early and not only saw Hunter hit him with the lid but also saw him picking it up to throw it away. **1/2

We get video highlights of two weeks ago when Shawn/Diesel took on Bulldog/Yoko, Yoko lost the match and Jim began to shit talking him which led to a Yoko face turn.

Backstage: Dok Hendrix interviews Yokozuna speaks for the first time, Yoko says Jim has for 3 years stood in the background for 3 years but now it’s hit time to shine and get all the money and gold. Owen better not try a thing ‘cause he hid behind him and Davey is just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Yokozuna vs. The British Bulldog (w/Jim Cornette)
At this point Yoko was 640/650 pounds, JESUS! This match was short and to the point. Yoko beats on him for a bit but misses a elbow drop leading to Davey breaking him down, and when he did he would try his best to make sure Yoko wouldn’t get back to his feet. At one point Yoko would squash Davey in the corner before taking his head off with a clothesline. Yoko would go for the Banzai Drop, but Cornette pulls Bulldog to the floor. Davey would duck an incoming charge by Yoko and Yoko would hit the ring-post, back in the ring and I like that Davey would have to resort to high flying and his quickness ‘cause his power wasn’t enough for the 640lb. OH SHIT! Davey just died when Yoko killed him with a Samoan drop followed by the belly-to-belly. He signals for the Banzai Drop so Cornette jumps in the ring and hits Yoko in the back with the tennis racket for the DQ. Post-Match: Cornette hits him several more times to no effect, until BIG VAN VADER! Makes the save, Yoko tries to fight out by the numbers are too much. Vader and Bulldog handcuff Yoko to the top rope and take turns beating him up. Eventually officials and agents would stop the assault as vest as they could. *1/2 - *3/4


Backstage: Todd Pettengill interviews Shawn Michaels; he asks if this is his biggest match and Shawn agrees saying this is his biggest match cause if he doesn’t win this match he doesn’t get a WWF title match at Mania.

Shawn Michaels vs. Owen Hart (w/Jim Cornette)
The winner of this match goes on to face the winner of Bret/Diesel in the main event of WM for the WWF Championship. Shawn dancing on top of the IYH house like a fag before whinging on a rope to get down was awfully corny as Vince tries to put it over like it’s the greatest thing since Hulk slammed Andre. He runs down to ring and throws Owen out with his music plays that whole song lasted like 5 minutes and I swear it loped like 3 times. AWESOME! Shit happens like 10 seconds in when Shawn baseballs slides out of the ring and hugs and gives all the fans high fives before coming back into the ring, they lock up again with Owen doing the same but when he heads to the floor no fan wanted to touch him :lmao Shawn dives to the floor on top of Owen before sending him back in. Owen and Shawn loudly calls spots as Shawn has him in a side headlock for a good few minutes, this was mostly toying with Shawn and getting away with. He even used his “athleticism” to keep Owen off his game but Suddenly, Owen would hit a beautiful back breaker along with a belly-to-belly and he begins to work the back. At one point Owen has Shawn in a camel clutch as Lawler says Owen invented that move and wrestler have been taking credit of everything he does for themselves :lmao Shawn had some real good mini-comebacks, but Owen’s cut-offs are beautiful and were only made better by Shawn’s bumping and selling of them. They fight on the apron with Shawn getting the better of Owen on a suplex to the floor but Owen lands on his feet, Shawn tries another high risk move but Owen catches him and powerslams him to the floor. Back in, and Owen now begins to target the injured, or once injured head of Shawn. He takes Shawn’s head off with a sweet clothesline but instead of covering taunts the crowd before locking in the Sharpshooter, he has it locked in for a good while by Shawn makes it to the ropes but doesn’t break until 4.99999. OH SHIT! Owen connects with the knockout enzuigiri that sent Shawn to the floor and he looks DEAD! The ref begins the count but that cocky Owen doesn’t want to win that way, he rolls Shawn back in and covers for two. Shawn avoids a corner charge and comes back with the usual high pace comeback, that got the crowd hype. Jim Cornette tries to intervene and gets knocked out. Owen ducks Sweet Chin Music but misses the enzuigiri, which allows Shawn with the superkick for the win. Excellent match, I loved every second of it apart from when Owen wanted to win by pin instead of countout. I always had the impression Owen’s gimmick was the win anyway possible guy. ***3/4


As the cage is put up, Todd Pettengill brings Interim President Roddy Piper to the stage. He officially announces that Shawn Michaels will challenge for the WWF Championship at WrestleMania XII. He says he's going to keep Vader around because Vader thinks he's a big tough guy, so he's giving him to Yokozuna at WrestleMania 12. Suddenly, Jim Cornette comes out but Roddy cuts him off and makes fun of him. Jim is also pissed he begins to question what happen to the old No Fear Roddy, Jim then says the world fears Vader that’s why they suspended him but thanks to his layers he’s back and at WrestleMania Yoko is gonna get destroyed and it’s all their fault. Roddy say he’s stupid for getting rid of Yoko for Vader and if Vader loses he better watch his back encase Yoko gets his hands on him.

Steel Cage Match For The WWF Championship: Bret Hart vs. Diesel
Pretty cool sight that just standing in the ring Diesel and touch over the cage, IDK if pins are legal or of escape only, they never mentioned it. Like 30 seconds in Bret gives a few kicks at Diesel’s knee letting him know that the gameplan will be but Diesel uses the power and leverage to throw and beat Bret down. He counters Diesel trying to send him into the cage by throwing him into the cage as Bret begins to chop the big man down by his knees before attempting to climb out of the cage. Diesel brings him back in and sends him back first into the cage but slowly walks to the ring, but before he can walk over the ropes Bret crotches him and begins to work the groin, he then falls to the mat randomly and begins to crawl :lmao more stomps to the groin of Diesel before he turns his attention to the knee. As Lawler doesn’t understand why Bret would want to take the bigger guys knees out and wonders why they both just don’t run :lmao he’s so stupid, the match is climb out only, well you needs your legs to move so if those don’t work then how do you move? IDIOT! Crawl sure but it double the take, anyway while I was writing that Bret continued to work the leg stretching the leg from all different angles. But I like as soon as Bret would climb out Diesel would no sell hop to his feel like nothing happen to stop Bret but then go right back to limping. They the same kind of spot like 5 times in a row, with Bret trying to escape over the top by Diesel would throw him back in deliver a big move and do the same thing again. Good way to kill time, Bret works the knee again and at this point it feels like a filler still ‘cause Diesel I wouldn’t say no sells but Bret climbs the cage way too so Diesel has no choice but to quickly get up. Bret does the chest first turnbuckle bump that finally wakes up the crowd and who can blame them it look and sounded sick, rattling the cage. Diesel begins to slow down the match again, but just on cue Bret kicks at the knee giving him room to quickly attempt to escape but Diesel would catch him and drag him back in for another mini beating. JESUS! Bret is taking that chest turnbuckle on the regs tonight, IDK why Diesel wants to punish Bret more when he had the opportunity to leave the cage. Oh well, Diesel goes for snake eves’ by Bret reverses by sending him into the cage and attempts to apply the sharpshooter by Diesel fights out by poking him in the eyes. Bret now decides to punch away at the kidneys cause the leg offense wasn’t working; he hits a Russian leg sweep and hits the forearm drop before attempting to climb but once again. Nash stops him by low-blowing him and dropping him crotch first on the top rope. Diesel begins to crawl out of the door but suddenly the ring opens up and out comes the Undertaker, he drags Diesel in and that allows Bret to climb out of the cage to the floor for the win. This was just about their worst match ever, thanks largely to the escape rules. And now that I think about it Diesel should have won ‘cause when you get pulled to the floor through the ring that means your touching the floor unless they were standing on like a chair then maybe not IDK! Bret knee work was more filer and looked stupid by the end of the match, when Diesel quickly climbed out of the cage like he was a cruiserweight. **1/2


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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"unless they were standing on like a chair then maybe not IDK!"

Solid point.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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you know what i mean like when the tables are flat and so are the chairs sometimes under the ring.


Dreams are Endless
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:lmao I was more talking about the fact that you came up with a plausible reason why Diesel wouldn't touch first


WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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Think the Bret-Diesel feud had peaked at this point, but the match was okay anyway, and I enjoyed the finish.

Michaels-Hart was a great match.

Solid undercard the gimmick let the opener down IMO.

Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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Totally dug Michaels/Hart.

Wastin' a Razor/Kid match with that gimmick was just dumb as hell.


Nov 13, 2010
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Hated how Bret seemed to be such a b-plot for Taker/Diesel since he was producing great matches with both of them and theirs ended up being total shit, also playing second fiddle babyface to HBK pissed me off at the time too.


WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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Think that had something to do with Bret's houses when on top not producing the numbers Vince hoped for. He tried something else with HBK and that didn't work either, not this time around anyway.


Nov 13, 2010
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Think that had something to do with Bret's houses when on top not producing the numbers Vince hoped for. He tried something else with HBK and that didn't work either, not this time around anyway.
Nash almost killed the territory with his year long reign.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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the why did Vince keep going back to Bret to be champ?


WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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Think you are both missing the point that the mid-90's was a pretty dead period for wrestling and WWF generally. Yes, the Nash reign didn't help, but I don't think it can all be put down to that. Bret was very relieable during this spell, and had no issues putting people over which would have appealed to Vince.


Nov 13, 2010
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So you're saying he is the 90s Cena.