WCW On Pay Per View in the 90's - Every event Reviewed

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Nov 13, 2010
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Why is Keith still namedropping me? Stop obsessing it's weird.

sachin tendulkar

New Member
Aug 15, 2011
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nice thread I myself have been recapping all Nitros and Raw from the day Nitro started


WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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Why is Keith still namedropping me? Stop obsessing it's weird.

Because I have a sense of humour. Lighten up, it was not an attack on you.


WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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Beach Blast 1993

Date: July 18, 1993

Setting: Bilox, Mississippi

Attendance: 8,600

Commentary Team: Tony Sciavone and Jesse Ventura

Best Match: The Super Powers (Sting and Davey Boy Smith) VS. The Masters of the Powerbomb (Big Van Vader and Sid Vicious)

Worse Match: Johnny B. Badd VS. Maxx Payne

Event Rating: 5/10

Comments: Average is a good word to sum up this Pay Per View offering. Thats not to say that there was anything terrible on show (maybe with the exception of the terrible mini-movie promoting the headliner), it is just very little stood out as a must see, the presentation and promotion of the show was very half hearted. For the second year running WCW held a 30 Minute Iron Man match this time to decide the vacent U.S. Title between Rick Rude and Dustin Rhodes. Whereas Rude's match with Ricky Steamboat at the first Beach Blast was a classic full of drama, this was just passible and to make matters worse the match ended at one fall a piece and there was no over time meaning the U.S. Belt remained held up. Ric Flair's tenth World Title win over NWA Champion Barry Windham was a flat affair. The main event however was very excited and heated as babyfaces Sting and Davey Boy Smith defeated arch rivals Van Vader and Sid Vicious, although the finish involving manager Col. Robert Parker was a bit sloppy.

Fall Brawl 1993: War Games

Date: September 19, 1993

Setting: Houston, Texas

Attendance: 6,000

Best Match: Television Championship Ricky Steamboat VS. Lord Steven Regal

Worse Match: The War Games: Sting, Dustin Rhodes, The Shockmaster and Davey Boy Smith VS. Big Van Vader, Sid Vicious and Harlem Heat

Event Rating 2/10

Comments: This is when the decline of the once great War Games match started, with possibley the worse of the series. The likes of Vicious and Shockmaster entered useless, clumsy performances in a half hearted and rushed headliner. The finish came when the Shockmaster made Kole (Booker T) submit with a crap bearhug. The only matches of any real value on the card were newcomer Lord Steven Regal's upset victory which saw him take the TV Title from Ricky Steamboat and Cactus Jack's successful comeback win against Yoshi Kwan. The first time meeting between Ric Flair and Rick Rude over Flair's World Title should have been a classic, instead it was a akward, slow and undramatic bore, and like the Nasy Boy's Tag Title victory over the Horsemen (Arn Anderson and Paul Roma) it was much too long. The undercard was stuffed with lifeless filler bouts involving either green or clueless talent with poor gimmicks, the worse being Charlie Norris against Big Sky. And to top it off the crowd in Houston were dead for the mojority of the evening. In a rotten year for Wrestling on PPV this was the lowest of the low.

The New F'n Show

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2010
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Detroit, Michigan, USA
Nice to see this back

Beach Blast 1993

Best Match: The Super Powers (Sting and Davey Boy Smith) VS. The Masters of the Powerbomb (Big Van Vader and Sid Vicious)
Agree here, very good main event and Vader's Moonsault was move of the year. Nice build up helped even if the promos sucked.

Worse Match: Lord Steven Regal vs Erik Watts
Fine from a technical standpoint but not a good match. Watts really sucked.

Event Rating: Average Match 6/10 Overall show value 5/10

Comments: Slighty above average in ring work overall. I felt Rude-Rhodes while far from a classic was solid and the draw was OK by me, worked for the feud and didn't hurt either guy. Flair-Windham was decent but disappointed from expectations, really weird finish. Blonds vs Roma and Anderson was a heck of a match, the heel finish was ok but could have ended clean and been better. 2 Cold Scorpio was amazing and made his tag match watchable as well.

Fall Brawl 1993: War Games

Best Match: Television Championship Ricky Steamboat VS. Lord Steven Regal
Very good match and nice title change. Great choice for opener.

Worse Match: Charlie Norris vs Big Sky
Event Rating Average match 5/10 (fairly average across the board)
Overall show quality 3/10

Comments: While the finish was weak the Wargames match was pretty standard fair. Felt Scorpio and Bagwell vs Orndorff and Equalizer was above average, that 450 was always worth the price of admission. Thought the tag title match was fine and was a good title change. Jack-Kwan was too short but decent, Rude- Flair finish sucked but match was alright. Overall nothing above average made it a poor show.


WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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Wow a Equalizer fan! You really are full of suprises Scott LOL.

Halloween Havoc should up over the weekend.


WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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Now the last time I checked Begwell circa 93 was only good at impersoniating Jason Priestley of 90210 fame LOL.


WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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Halloween Havoc 1993

Date: October 24, 1993

Setting: New Orleans, Louisiana

Attendance: 6,000

Best Match: Television Title match, Lord Steven Regal VS. The British Bulldog

Worse Match: Ice Train, The Shockmaster and Charlie Norris VS. The Equalizer and Harlem Heat

Event Rating: 6.5/10

Comments: By the standads of WCW at the time HH93 was a pretty enjoyable PPV offering, with most of the matches either decent or good, some didn't live up to expections like the US Title match, but the main flaw on the night was the number of naff or confusing finishes booked. For example in the match between Ricky Steamboat and Paul Orndorff (which was let down by Wonderful who had become too stiff through the years of injuries and due to his advancing age also), the finish came after the Assassin (in Orndorff's corner) placed an object in his mask and headbutted the Dragon with it, forcing a cheap count out. The Sting against Sid Vicious match (which believe it or not was a big improvement from their match at Havoc 90) ended after manager Col. Robert Parker hooked onto Sid's boot instead of Sting's, thinking that Sting was being pinned not his guy, after Sid got up in his managers face, Sting grabbed the roll up for the pin. The Ric Flair/Rick Rude World Title bout was an improvement from the Fall Brawl borefest, but still fell short of what you would expect from these super workers. The highlights of the night were Steven Regal and Davey Boy Smith's thrilling techical affair, the finish of which was very exciting, as the pair battled to a 15 minute time limit draw (those days before he piled on the pounds Regal was an outstanding speiman and an awesome worker), and the long awaited ppv main event with WCW World Champion Vader battling Cactus Jack in a wild falls count anywhere Texas Death match. However despite the gripping action, the bout was still hampered by the over complicated nature of the rules (there was a 30 second rest period after a fall after which the wrestler would have a ten count to return to his feet, also as a result there were too many falls in a short space of time), and once again there was a dodgy finish as manager Harley Race zapped Jack with a taser.

The New F'n Show

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2010
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Detroit, Michigan, USA
Halloween Havoc 1993

Best Match: Television Title match, Lord Steven Regal VS. The British Bulldog. Actually going to agree here. Lot of good matches on this card but this was some really good in ring action, very effective time limit draw that made face look strong.

Worse Match: Ice Train, The Shockmaster and Charlie Norris VS. The Equalizer and Harlem Heat. Actually found this passable but certainly not good.

Event Rating: 7/10 in both

Comments: My overall PPV comment from my notes reads, "Quality matches from start to just before finish, lot of gimmick finishes hurt overall show, but still very solid overall. While manager interference hurt I liked the physicality of the Orndorff-Steamboat match it worked and still showed the skill of the men. Sting-Vicious could have been a lot better but was still above average. Flair-Rude was good but not a fan of the DQ finish. As for Vader-Jack it was pretty good. Agree that the rules were kinda lame with so many rest periods but Race making Jack lose made sense as after all their angle build they didn't want Vader winning clean. Felt Rhodes-Austin needed a mention because I didn't feel it was that bad, the finish was confusing as hell but the action was alright. Some good high spots in tag tile match as well but another crazy finish and nothing special.


WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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Forgot about Rhodes-Austin yeah I would say that was one of the matches of the night. By the way its a Sting VS. Sid match Scott, of course it could not have been any better, it just was never going to be any worse than the 90 mess of a match.


WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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Starrcade 1993

Date: December 27, 1993

Setting: Charlotte, North Carolina

Attendance: 8,000

Best Match: WCW Title Ric Flair VS. Big Van Vader

Worse Match: The Shockmaster VS. Awesome Kong

Event Rating: 7/10

Comments: The tenth Starrcade highlighted two major issues which were holding WCW back at this period, one they relied too much on Ric Flair and some other select talent and two there was a lack of strength in depth to back things up, the dodgy booking of Dusty Rhodes remained a problem also. Despite this the event passed pretty smoothly and under card provided enough entertainment to support the top notch headline act. The heel duo of Paul Ordorff and Paul Roma proved pretty effortive as defeated Too Cold Scorpio and Marcus Bagwell in a lively opener. Awesome Kong (not that one!) was squashed by The Shockmaster in a terrible match. The Television Title rematch from Fall Brawl between Champion Lord Steven Regal and Challenger Ricky Steamboat ended in a 15 minute time limit draw and was a superb effort. Cactus Jack and Maxx Payne beat Shanghi Pierce and Tax Slazenger in a dull affair. Stunning Steve Austin defeated Dustin Rhodes in two straight falls in their 2/3 falls match for the U.S. Title, this match felt tame and was let down by a silly finish, having wrestled for a number of minutes without a fall, Austin first won one by a cheap DQ and then quickly pinned Rhodes using the tights for the second one. Rick Rude's win over the Boss was just passable. The tag title match with The Nasty Boys defending against Sting and Road Warrior Hawk was actually decent, but it lasted way too long at 29.11 and ended in a cheap DQ when Manager Missy Hyatt got involved (this finish made no sense they may have well have ended in a time limit draw). And in the match everyone came to see Ric Flair returned home to put his career on the line against WCW Champion Vader in a super heated and hard hitting title clash, with a few sloppy moments late on, but none the less it was a compelling match which Flair won to become Champion once more. While the undercard was solid, this was a man match card if there ever was one.


May 15, 2012
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I used to watch WCW with my brother in the 90's. It was great because the pace was different than WWF. I am glad to remember some of these great memories and hope to relive them again as I seen some WCW DVDs coming back out again!
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WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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Superbrawl IV

Date: February 20, 1994

Setting: Albany, Georgia

Attendance: 7,600

Commentary Team: Tony Schiavone and Bobby Heenan

Best Match: Television Title Lord Steven Regal VS. Arn Anderson

Worse Match: Jungle Jim Steele VS. The Equalizer

Event Rating: 5/10

Comments: After two very good years WCW's fourth Superbrawl event proved its weakest by some distance. The main issue was that the weak undercard resembled an edtion of WCW Saturday Night and the lack of strength in depth in the roster at the time was exposed by the contrest between the lower card and top matches. It also lacked that special feeling of a top ppv. The card was supposed to open with a Johnny B. Badd VS. Michael P.S. Hayes match however when the ex-Freebird came out in a wheelchair claiming injury his former tag partner Jimmy Garvin was forced out of retirement to face Badd later in the show, the Freebirds and interviewer Gene Oakland were great in this segment. Harlem Heat beat Thunder and Lightning in a forgettable opener which still wasn't too bad given the limitations of the talent involved. Jungle Jim Steel (who I hope is in Scott's worse gimmicks Tournament) pinned the Equalizer with a naff Lou Thesz press in a useless match, both these guys were purely opening card marterial.
Terry Taylor defeated Diamond Dallas Page in a medicore match, at this point Page was still quite green. Badd went over Garvin in a passible comedy match with a moonsault off the top. Lord Steven Regal retained his Television Title against Arn Anderson with eight seconds left of the time limit in a very good wrestling match. Cactus Jack and Maxx Payne defeated Tag Champions The Nasty Boys by DQ in a reasonable effort. The team of Sting, Brian Pillman and Dustin Rhodes won a thrilling Thundercage match against heels Rick Rude, Steve Austin and Paul Orndorff and Ric Flair beat Vader in a heated Thundercage bout which could never match their Starrcade cracker. Bobby Heenan made his WCW Pay Per View debut along side Tony Schiavone, althrough the pair worked quite well together at first their distain for one another soon came to a head.

Should have the first Spring Stampede review up over the weekend.