UWF - Past Smackdown Shows & Cards

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Re: UWF Saturday Night Smackdown 12/14/13 Preview!

Looking forward to my bout with Chase.

Think it's the first time I'm facing him in my E-Fed career, could be wrong but I don't think I've ever faced him.


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Sep 16, 2013
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Lots of Mr. Dresdon this week between the Austin and Guerreo promos and the Kennedy match. Nothing wrong with that - if dude's willing to put in that effort, all power to him. Morgan still hella undeniable, and I think Ak's Hardy is gonna be the next big thing round hur. Pretty sure a dq win over tag champs merits a title shot. I will totally settle for a hardcore title though. Way to go to all you writers and promo-ers for your holiday/exam season effort. You're all just the sprinkles on this chocolate cake we call life. I like being in matches natlav writes. He is, I would say, the 'totally cute one' on the UWF SD staff team.
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Jun 26, 2010
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That's the kick up the arse James Storm needs I reckon. I'm back.

The competition looks fierce on SD! and the rumours of a UWF downturn seem greatly exaggerated. Short but sweet main event that seemed to serve it's purpose. I mean, the main event is strong up in here. I'm with Fauche in that if there's anyone going to come up on the rails and make the next big splash in the main event it will be Ak's Hardy.

I look forward to having more to say when I have a bigger role in the show from this week going forward. Props to Dres for the work put into this one too.


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Sep 14, 2010
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Sorry so late... its been... man to even say it was crazy is putting it mildly. But I'm here... and that was a crazy show. Lots and lots of ole Stone Cold there :p But hey the show was still pretty good. Blue Brand... we doin this thing. We WILL BE the number 1 brand in UWF... out of the two :p

But yeah... really... brilliant work by our writers :D


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Another good edition of Smackdown. I would have liked to see my match end with like Sami and Lee attacking us with weapons for the DQ while we run away which would tie into Sami's hardcore match. I wish I could have redone my promo but I just completely forgot about it and it came off weird to me since Shawn didn't get his part of the promo to me for me to add in my part and it just came off as two separate pieces jumbled together not that that's the writers fault. It looked like some damage control was being done this episode with regards to the whole Austin/Cody/Raven/Angle/Foley/Sharkboy thing. Looks like something didn't pan out.

I think the main event had a no show so good work despite the turnout. I feel like Morgan will become the unified champion as he's been on a big role as of late. I don't know why but that picture of Edge to end the show just made me think of Edge doing an almost Gollum like promo about the UWF title i.e his precious haha.

The Hoov

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The capacity crowd at UWF Smackdown is abustle with excitment over the evening's programme. Children wearing the recently purchased merch of their favourite superstar scream frantically in delighted enthusiasm while their parents second guess the hobbies and interests they should be encouraging. All distractions instantly fade, however, when the titantron flashes to a shot of backstage, where we see Brodie Lee aka the Man-Truck aka Optimus Prime aka Lumberjacked. He seems to be arguing with the camera person.

Brodie: Gimme that thing.

Camera Person: Sir, no, superstars are not allowed to -

Brodie: Just gimme the damn camera or I'm gonna take it.


Camera Person: Sir, Mr. Lee... wait... no... you can't... just... well... apparently you can...

Brodie: That's right son. Now you just run along home, try not to trip on anythin' and hurt yerself.

Brodie Lee has now stolen the camera from its operator. After inspecting it for a moment, he turns it around and walks around backstage, filming clumsily all the while, util he finds his partner in the T.I.O.C., Sami Callihan.

Callihan: Well well welly well well, its about time.

Brodie: Shut it. Somebody's gonna come lookin' for this, so ya best say whatever ya got to say straight quick here.

Callihan: You know how to use that thing?

Seems like it, don't it?

Callihan: Fair enough. Alrighty, then...

Callihan puts a small effort into fixing his mess of hair for the camera before beginning.

Callihan: Smackdown? How are we all finding ourselves tonight? In case uh, in case we haven't met yet, I'm Sami Callihan, and our director for this evening is none other than Mr. Brodie Lee - we are the Tire Iron Original Crew, T.I.O.C., UWF's newest and best and brightest batch of, uh... superstars. Or wrestlers. Or whatever.

Brodie: You're doin' great. Don't stop now.

Callihan: Learn to manners and stop fuckin' interupting Brodie, we got business to address here. State of the Union here. The big fat rundown. A little reminder that last week, last week Sami Callihan and Brdoie Lee, T.I.O.C., had their debut match on UWF Smackdown! Last week, they faced the tag team champions and beat them - maybe by dq, but a victory by the, uh, the rulebook none the less. Seems me that merits us title shot, I figure in a no disqualification match so we don't have to worry about no hang ups like that again, but hey, wishes aren't fuckin fishes and we don't call the shots around here. Not yet, anyway. So we head backstage after the match and find out no, we don't get another go for those tag belts - not even a non-title rematch. But don't worry, Sami Callihan, they says to me, cause we love what you're doing out there so much, we're gonna make you a number one contendor for the UWF Hardcore Championship. I says great. They says but we're gonna throw two other guys that same bone. I says even better - the more the merrier in a damn hardcore match, far as I'm concerned. Don't do much for Brodie, but hey, he's easy.

Brodie: For now.

Callihan: For now, yeah. Right now, the here and now, no time like the present... it's a gift right? Right. So Smackodwn, the go-home show before UWF Starcade, that aforementioned Hardcore title match one of the many on that show. Tune in kids, its gonna be magic. A real horror show in there. But this week, well this week we got ourselves quite the show too. Let's uh, let's run down the card, shall we?

Callihan produces a small, crumpled piece of paper from his pocket, unfolds it and takes a quick read.

Callihan: First off ya got Chris Masters against The uh, Shark Boy. Now Masters is one of the guys I'm facin' for that strap, and I'm a big fan of the fish, so here's hopin' he leaves a few pieces of the master for ol' Sami to smack around come Starcade. Next we got Second City Saints against some real patriots, Matt Hardy facin' that goofball royals guy too. Somewhere in there we got the big Hardcore title match, see whose wearing the belt I'm gonna be takin' home with me into the new year. That shits a real thriller too. Kennedy - guy looks like a Blink 182 music video from 2001, whereas Styles looks like the kinda guy who might be into chicks born in 2001. Oooohhh, love havin' one of these guys representing our beloved HxC in the UWF. Let's see what I can make happen tho, keep it short and sweet, eh? After all that, we got a main event, big tag match and uh... well I'll be damned, no match for Sami Callihan. No match for Brodie Lee. Weren't even invited to Velocity. Hell, Booker's on both shows and we can't even make one? What fuckin' gives?

Now maybe, just maybe, management thought they'd give Sami a week off. Maybe they thought that this kid from the indies needed some prep time to get ready for his first ever big pay-per-view. Ya know, train up a bit, watch some tapes, get ready for all the buzz. Or maybe, maybe its cause Sami Callihan got pinned first week on Smackdown then only won the week next cause of a dq in a match everybody forgot about already. Maybe when Sami cut a promo when he showed up, nobody gave a damn cause who ever heard of him? They all surprised that for whatever reason, I'm not some computer hacker with a i-pad or i-phone, or some super goth, and Brodie ain't no cult member, they just don't know what think or why to care. Why should they anyway? New guys come and go, no need to get invested till they make somethin special of themselves. What's T.I.O.C. anyway?

Callihan pauses, shakes his head and stares direcetly into the camera with eyes as dark as a stormy midnight storm at midnight.


Callihan: T.I.O.C. means that you finally get to meet the real Sami Callihan once he finally gets a damn hardcore match. T.I.O.C. means that whatever you thought you knew, or had assumed, could be done by a man to another man in or around a damn wrestling ring is nothing compared to the bloodbath you're gonna get at Starcade. T.I.O.C. mean tables, ladders and chairs are just the ground floor of a skyscraper of violence - that I'm going Raven-style and bringing a shopping cart straight from the Hardware and sporting goods store to the ring cause getting creative is how I express myself. T.I.O.C. means that CZW, ECW, HOH, ROH, PWG and whatever else just weren't good enough acronyms to sum up the absolute chaos and carnage and Thoroughbred American Violence we're all about - that we are literally redifining "hardcore wrestling".

So say goodbye to your fake champions - bleach-blonde assholes with douchebag tatoos and fake ass tough guys in leather aren't suitable champions anymore. Body builders and beach bums won't cut it as contendors either. I'm coming for blood before I'm going for any belt. I may win it at Starcade, I may not, but rest assured I'm gonna be the only guy that wants anything to do with that title when our little match is done. Cause be damn sure, I'm there to guarantee each of those guys bleeds, and breaks, and hangs, and drags, and loses their will to ever be in amatch where they can't hide behind some pussy rules ever again. When I see the fight slip out of their eyes like the blood from their gashes, when I see it all turn to horror in the crowd's eyes, then we can all rest knowing that HARDCORE is alive and well for the first time in a long time. Mick Foley falling over a cage, Tommy Dreamer going through a dozen tables, Saby wearing a barbed wire tuxedo - we're bringing it back and taking it further than anyone thought it could go. T.I.O.C. means we are here to keep that damn promise, with a smile and a staplegun, we'll keep it or die tryin'.

So no big deal I ain't booked this week. A little calm before the storm. Enjoy it if you can, but keep your eyes peeled - might be hard to recognize the blue brand when it rolls through your city again, cause we're gonna be painting it all red.

Out of nowhere, Callihan grabs the camera from Lee and uses the lens to start bashing his forehead. Over and over again, to the horror of the audience, until blood starts pouring from his forehead and covinerg the lens. He smiles, drops the camera, and walks way with Brodie Lee in tow.



With the infamous sound of the shattering glass ringing out, the Smackdown audience is sent into an excited uproar as they are brought to their feet cheering and waving their signs about. Before long, the man himself appears from the backstage and makes a beeline for the ring, the cheers intensifying as he does.


As Austin enters the ring, he heads to the turnbuckle farthest from him and ascends it, gesturing to the crowd with the Stone Cold Salute, repeating this on the other three.


As Austin steps down from the fourth and final turnbuckle, he motions to the ringside officials for a microphone and is granted one as he walks over to the ropes where the official is handing it up to him. Austin grabs the microphone and walks toward the center of the ring at the same time that his music is fading out. As the cheers intensify again and become more audible, the Smackdown GM raises the microphone to his mouth, ready to address them.


Stone Cold: So lemme get this straight, Mick Foley took up valuable television time on Stone Cold's show boasting how my ass was his and he'd have his revenge because of this great team he'd brought about with Raven and Cody Rhodes but as soon as Stone Cold tells the world that Foley and Raven'd be receivin' their walking papers, later that night Cody Rhodes puts the knife in both of their backs and twists. I gotta admit, I was laughin' pretty hard when I saw all of that goin' down. What didn't make me laugh however was Cody Rhodes decidin' ta' find a new ally in Kurt Angle and the two of 'im putting a beating on Shark Boy who was jus' tryna' get 'im a piece outta Mick Foley's ass while he had the chance. Now for those of you who don't follow the You Dubya Eff website, Shark Boy came inta' Stone Cold's office this week and demanded a match at Starrcade against Cody Rhodes and Kurt Angle, a match that I was only willin' ta' grant if he could find a tag team partner ta' charge inta' battle with 'im. So, my question to my Smackdown roster is who's it gonna be? Who's gonna team with Shark Boy ta' open up a can a' whoop bass or clam juice or whatever he opens on Cody Rhodes and Kurt Angle? Ya got all night to decide, so...


The crowd in attendance isn't sure what's going on and neither is Stone Cold as a theme that none of them have ever heard before begins to play over the PA system. After a moment, it's clear that it's a version of Austin's theme as none other than Stone Cold E.T. steps through the curtain and makes his way towards the ring.

Jerry "The King" Lawler: It's Stone Cold E.T.!

Joey Styles: Didn't we get enough of him last week?

Taz: Haha, I love it!

Stone Cold E.T. enters the ring and goes to the farthest turnbuckle, ascending it and throwing up the Stone Cold Salute, his fingers glowing as he does. Stone Cold E.T. steps down and repeats this with the other three turnbuckles before asking for a microphone from the ringside officials before he's granted one as his music cuts off and he looks at the real Stone Cold.


Stone Cold E.T. Now Stone Cold E.T.'s knows exactly what yer thinkin', Stone Cold, what the hell is this alien freak doing in my building after I told 'im in no uncertain terms last week that he was never ta' set foot inside it? Well it's quite simple. (What?) I said it's quite simple. (What?) It's not difficult. (What?) It's easy. (What?) Stone Cold E.T. is out here because of what you were just talkin' about. Shark Boy needs a tag team partner for Starrcade, and the way Stone Cold E.T. sees it, the perfect tag team partner for Shark Boy...well, the perfect tag team partner for Shark Boy'd be Stone Cold himself but since Stone Cold doesn't wrestle anymore, the next best thing is the only extra terrestrial that walks, talks, and acts like both of 'em, Stone...Cold...E....T. Matter fact, if you wanna see Stone Cold E.T. and Shark Boy team up at Starrcade, gimme a...

Stone Cold places his hand over E.T.'s microphone and pushes it downward, raising his own microphone back to his mouth with his free hand.

Stone Cold: Stop it. Just stop, aiight? I told you last week that there's no way in hell I was lettin' you wrestle, and that still stands this week, I ain't lettin' you wrestle. I know you think that it's a perfect fit since the event's called Starrcade and yer from space or some shit, and because you an' Shark Boy are both borrowin' Stone Cold's schtick ta' get over, but it's not gonna happen for ya, kid. The spot's open ta' anyone else, but not...



The crowd is equally as confused this go around as they scratch their heads. In the ring, Stone Cold is looking none too happy as he looks at the stage to see why his theme music is playing. As he looks, he soon covers his eyes with his pointer and thumb and shakes his head in disbelief as Charlie Haas comes out from the back dressed exactly like him.

Jerry "The King" Lawler: Now it's Stone Cold Steve Haastin! I love it!

Joey Styles: Well someone that certainly isn't loving it is our General Manager.

Taz: Ah, he needs ta' lighten up.

Joey Styles: What if someone came out here impersonating you, Taz?

Taz: Been there done that, they call 'im Samoa Joe.

As Haastin arrives to the ring, he walks to the farthest turnbuckle and ascends it, throwing up closed fists to the capacity crowd as they cheer him wildly.


Haastin steps down and repeats this with the other three before asking for a microphone from the ringside official and being granted one as his music fades out to silence.


Stone Cold Steve Haastin: Accordin' ta' ol' Stone Cold's watch, I'd say it's time ta' open up a can a' whoopass. But not here tonight, at Starrcade. Ya see, Shark Boy needs a partner, and the way ol' Stone Cold sees it...

Austin removes his hand from E.T.'s microphone and places it on Haastin's, pushing it downward as he raises his microphone to his mouth with his free hand.

Stone Cold: The way you see it is the same way this bug eyed piece a' trash sees it, the perfect tag team partner for Shark Boy is Stone Cold but since Stone Cold don't wrestle anymore, you figure the next best thing is a guy that walks, talks, and acts like both of 'em. Well just like I just got done tellin' him, sweetheart, it'll be a cold day in Hell, a Stone Cold day in fact, 'fore I let you team up with Shark Boy ta' take on anyone, especially a team like Kurt Angle and Cody Rhodes. Are there anymore Stone Cold stealin' jack-offs in the back that wanna state their case?

Suddenly the titantron screen lights up and there stands yet another superstar dressed to the nines as Stone Cold as Austin now looks sorry that he asked.


Stone Cold Santino: Behold, it is I, the toughest descendant of a female-a' dog of all de times! If you are knowing what is good for yous, you will be putting Stone Cold Santino Marella in de Starrcade match so that he and Shark Boy may, how you say, open de ass whip! And dat's de bottom lines, because...

Santino too finds himself being cut off by Austin.

Stone Cold: Stop, stop, stop, all of these imitations and impressions are makin' me sick to my damn stomach! Now I can't do nothin' about him, but I can sure as hell do somethin' about you two migraines.

Stone Cold turns and kicks Haastin in the gut, turning and dropping him with a Stone Cold Stunner as the crowd goes wild. Stone Cold E.T. tries to run but Austin grabs him by his jacket and pulls him back towards him, E.T. turning to face Stone Cold and eating a Lou Thesz Press for his troubles as Austin hammers away on him furiously. Stone Cold climbs off of him after a moment as E.T. makes the mistake of getting up, as he shoves Austin, who responds by kicking him and dropping him with a Stone Cold Stunner as well!

Jerry "The King" Lawler: This is heinous.

Joey Styles: This is great!

Taz: What happened? I was bidding on some old ECW merchandise on my iPad.

The camera pans to the titantron screen where Santino tries to walk offscreen but finds himself face-to-face with Jake Roberts. He turns to go the other direction but finds himself face-to-face with Diamond Dallas Page. Santino turns and runs, trying to get past Roberts, but Jake shoves him into Page who leaps up and hits Santino with a Diamond Cutter as the camera pans back to a smiling and laughing Austin.

Stone Cold: Well it's not quite a Stunner but it'll do. For any serious candidates, you know where my office is. Until then, ya'll enjoy the show!

The crowd cheers as Austin exits the ring and heads to the back as the camera pans over to the commentary table.


Joey Styles: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, and welcome officially to Saturday Night Smackdown! Once again, our General Manager sure knows how to get the crowd pumped up, and it's a good thing they're so excited, because we've got a great show lined up!

Taz: It's the go-home ta' Stahcade, baby, and I can't wait to see what we've got on tap unfold!

Jerry "The King" Lawler: In singles action, the newly focused Matt Hardy will take on the number one contender to the Television Championship, King Booker.

Joey Styles: Number one contender to the Television Championship?

Taz: Pay attention to the Velocity advertisements, Joe.

Jerry "The King" Lawler: Yeah, Joey, Velocity's just as important as Smackdown and Raw.

Joey Styles: Okay, whatever, my bad. Also on hand we'll have what promises to be a great tag team showdown when the Second City Saints and the team of Kurt Angle and Cody Rhodes meet up.

Taz: In a match for the Ha'dcore Championship, Mr. Kennedy defends his belt against the "Phenomenal" AJ Styles.

Jerry "The King" Lawler: And in our main event, we've got another explosive tag team match on our hands as G.E.N.E. takes on Los Guerreros.

Joey Styles: But right now it's the "Masterpiece" Chris Masters taking on the toughest chum of a fish in the UWF, Shark Boy!

As the commentators finish their dialogue, the camera pans from the commentary table to the ring where Lilian Garcia is standing by as the ring bell sounds.



Lilian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first...

The Smackdown crowd is greeted with Layla walking out on stage while showing no attention towards the negative reaction that she is receiving.


Ladies and Gentlemen! Please stand up as I introduce the FORMER Ironman Champion, the Masterpiece, and my FUTURE Husband.......Chriiis Masters!!!!!!


The crowd sends out a chorus of boos as Chris Masters walks out on stage and grabs Layla's hand to walk down to the ring.




The glass shatters and 'I Come From The Water' by The Toadies hits the PA system and the crowd begin to roar in approval. Before long Shark Boy marches out onto the stage full of energy, he wastes no time in stomping down the entrance ramp towards the ring where his opponent for this week on Smackdown is situated alongside his fiancee. Shark Boy gets into the ring and walks straight past Masters to the corner where he mounts the ropes and throws his fists in the air to the adulation of the crowd. Shark Boy then steps down and heads to the opposite corner and repeats the same taunt before stepping down.




The referee rings the bell and this one is underway. Masters and Shark Boy circle the ring before locking horns in the middle. Obviously, Masters gets the upper hand and literally shoves Shark Boy clear across the ring. As Shark Boy rolls to his knees, Masters flexes at him as Layla applauds at ringside. Shark Boy gets up and goes to lock up again but outsmarts Masters and instead starts blasting him with Steve Austin-esque right hands, catching "The Masterpiece" off-guard.

Styles: Shark Boy channeling our General Manager!

Tazz: What else is new?

Shark Boy forces Masters into the ropes and sends him away. On the rebound, Shark Boy catches him with a Lou Thesz Press. Shark Boy then starts throwing right hands, wearing the big man down. Shark Boy then gets off but starts stomping away at Masters. The referee separates the two as the crowd is cheering Shark Boy.

The King: Look at Shark Boy go!

Shark Boy goes to pick Masters up but Masters begins hitting him in the midsection. He then hits a scoop slam onto UWF's toughest C.O.F. Masters then drops an elbow and casually pins him.




Masters is shocked by this and picks Shark Boy back to a standing position. He throws him into the ropes and goes for a back body drop. Shark Boy has this scouted and floats over, trapping Masters in a sunset flip pin.




Styles: A close 2 count!

Masters rolls out and back to his feet. Shark Boy does the same.As he gets to his feet, Masters levels him with a devastating clothesline. Masters picks Shark Boy up and throws him into the corner. He starts hitting him with right hands all over his body. He then grabs him by the neck and tosses him clear across the ring again. Masters then grabs Shark Boy and hits him with a big suplex.

Tazz: What a suplex!

Masters then pins him again.




The King: Shark Boy kicked out!

Masters is starting to get upset. He stands up and signals for the Masterlock. He picks Shark Boy up and tries to lock in the hold. He locks in one arm but, as he's locking in the other, Shark Boy hits Masters in the gut with an elbow. Shark Boy escapes and rebounds off the ropes. He then hits Masters with a headscissors takedown. As Masters gets back up, Shark Boy hits him with a hip toss. Masters gets back up and Shark Boy grabs him by the head and starts bashing it into the turnbuckle.

Styles: Look at Shark Boy go!

Tazz: Masters is gettin' beat up by this scrawny pipsqueak!

The King: He's the Shellraiser, Tazz!

Shark Boy then scales the turnbuckle and hits Masters with a tornado DDT. Shark Boy then covers Masters.




Masters kicks out. Shark Boy gets to his feet and waits for Masters to get to his. As he does, Shark Boy kicks him in the midsection and goes for the Chummer. Before he can, Masters shoves Shark Boy into the ropes. Masters then hits him with a clothesline. Masters then goes to pick Shark Boy up but he gets locked in an inside cradle pin.




Styles: Shark Boy almost stole the victory there!

Masters escapes and gets to his feet. Shark Boy again surprises Masters with a few Austin-esque right hands. Masters then blocks the last right hand and starts hitting Shark Boy with a few right hands of his own.

Tazz: Masters makin' a statement, here!

He goes to whip Shark Boy into the ropes again but Shark Boy counters and instead kicks Masters in the midsection again and this time connects with the Chummer!

The King: CHUMMER!

Shark Boy then covers Masters.






Masters rolls out of the ring into Layla's welcoming arms as the referee raises Shark Boy's arm in victory.

Styles: This is a big victory going into Starrcade for the "Bass Whipper".

Tazz: Dat's true but, Joe, who's gonna be his partnah?

The King: Whoever it is better speak up quick because he's facing Kurt Angle and Cody Rhodes. He needs all the help he can get!

We are then taken to commercial as Shark Boy is celebrating with the fans.



Don't forget to check out UWF Monday Night RAW!


Cody Rhodes:

I assume all of you watching believe that this is the part of the evening where I…â€Entertain†you. Where I appear on the titantron, I speak about what I’m going to do, and then we cut to the next segment. But you know something I’ve noticed…people aren’t talking, I can show up on Velocity and no one will even dare make mention that I appeared there. I can start off Friday night Smackdown and it’s as if I was talking to air, It seems to me that I don’t have everyone’s attention…Blame it on the Holiday season, schoolwork, or just overall lack of attention span but it seems when people finish watching Smackdown they just think to themselves “That was a good show†and are not thinking about Cody Rhodes. I bring this up because the last time I was ignored…I kind of lashed out and put Vincent Kennedy McMahon to the ground.

Cody puts his hand to his head, scratching at the back of his head looking unwell

I can take a lot of things, I can be hit in the face with a hammer, jumps for the top of ladders, and I leap off the Elimination Chamber pod and tweak my knee, I can take it all but what I can’t tolerate…what I can’t shrug off…is being ignored. I will NOT be ignored, and I’m going to make sure of that from now on. Tonight I’m going to beat CM Punk and Colt Cabana, because I am better than them both, at Starrcade I am going to face whoever the hell they decided to put in front of me after all, and I’m going to hurt them for all the world to see and make sure a joke and a mystery partner end up like the war machine and joke I was set to face at last years Starrcade. And after Starrcade I’m going to start making sure that after EVERY…SINGLE…Smackdown…when the UWF logo shines for the last time, when we fade to the next show on the program, all anyone is talking about is Cody Rhodes. That is a message…one I hope Austin, MVP, Edge, Morgan, anyone with the last name McMahon…and anyone holding any sort of championship or hold any weight to the people watching hear because this is their last warning. After this You will NEVER be safe, I don’t care if we have history or not I will hurt whoever I need to make sure I’m not ignored. Congratulations UWF…you just became blips on Cody Rhodes Radar...You think I’m a little unstable, Well people are going to find out how crazy I can really get, because it’s time people remembered just who the hell I am.


As the night continues, we head backstage to the locker room of the team known as G.E.N.E. Standing alone is the manager of the team, Paul Heyman. He's obviously engaged in a heated conversation and the audio doesn't cut in until about halfway through.


Paul Heyman: No! You listen to me! We deserve better than this My clients have defeated every team that have been put in front of them and you're telling me that they get passed over for a Tag Team Championship Match in favor of the "Second City Saints?" Are you out of your mind? First, Beer Money was handed a Championship Match. How'd that work out for you? Then the nobodies known as "3 Minute Warning" was given an opportunity and left as soon as they lost. And now, yet another team that has accomplished nothing is chosen over the best tag team in this company. Do you know what's best for business? G.E.N.E. is best for business. I demand that my clients be given the opportunity that they deserve!

There's a few moments of silence as the person on the other end speaks. Heyman exhales as the other person finishes.

Heyman: Fine.

Heyman hangs up the phone angrily. As he does, Matt Morgan and Alex Riley walk into the frame.

Matt Morgan: Paul, I know you've got good news for us.

Heyman: Well, I just got off the phone with Stanford headquarters.

Alex Riley: So you talked to McMahon?

Heyman: Not....exactly.

Morgan: What do you mean "not exactly?"

Heyman: Well....Mister McMahon was in a conference when I called, so I could only speak to his secretary. But you better believe I left a scalding message for him and demanded that he call me back.

Riley: He better. And when he does, you make sure that he goes over Austin's head and adds us to the Tag Team Championship Match at Starrcade. Nobody on this roster deserves it more than us. And we'll be damned if any more undeserving teams get what we want. So make it happen Paul!

Heyman: I will! He'll call back!

Morgan: I hope he does Paul. It's what we've worked so hard for. Ever since Summerslam, we've only wanted three things. Money, an opportunity, and the Ultimate Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championships. I've gotten the opportunity and with that I've made all three of us a hell of a lot of money. Now, it's time to achieve that last goal. And it's on you to make sure it happens.

Morgan pats Heyman hard on the back as he and Riley leave the scene. Heyman stands there a little worried but mutters one last thing to himself.

Heyman: He'll call back! I'm sure he will.


We come back to SmackDown as CM Punk and Colt Cabana, the Second City Saints are waiting in the ring.

Whoa Oh


The crowd boos the all too familiar theme, even if it hasn’t been heard in a while. Out through the curtain Cody comes out backwards with the hood on his head, hopping on one foot until he gets to the middle of the stage and stops. He turns around and crouches down low tugging at the hood before he stands up straight and flips it off his face revealing a wide laughing smile, as he laughs the mini-tron beside him changes he turns and looks at it and it’s the old digital “mirror†from his dashing days. He looks into it and straightens out his eyebrow checking his face, but after that moment his face suddenly changes as he shivers and puts his hand over his face as if the mirror hurt him. He turns back towards the arena with that look of disgust, walking down the ramp when his face shifts again to a smile, his emotions changing at the drop of a hat. Then, Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle walks out and joins Cody in walking down the ramp. They then enter the ring and face off against their opponents.




The bell sounds as Colt Cabana and Cody Rhodes circle around the ring, Colt quickly grabs the wrist of Cody Rhodes and places him in a wrist-lock but Cody quickly rolls on the mat before springing back up to his feet as Colt puts more pressure onto the wrist-lock but Cody runs to the ropes as he springboards but Colt Cabana is quick enough to drop to the mat allowing a huge arm-drag to take place as Cody rolls on the mat towards where Kurt Angle is. Kurt tags himself in by touching the back of Rhodes. Kurt Angle then gets into the ring as he looks for a quick punch but Colt Cabana ducks as he goes behind Kurt Angle trying to deliver a suplex however Kurt Angle stays put and grabs the wrists of Colt Cabana and escapes the hold, Kurt Angle then goes behind Colt Cabana before delivering a huge suplex as Colt flips a bit too much and faceplants himself.

Styles: What a suplex!

Tazz: You do know I still do the best suplex in the business.

Colt's faceplanted himself here!

Kurt Angle then quickly tags Cody Rhodes back into the ring as Cody Rhodes then begins stomping Colt's back. Cody then gets Colt to his feet before delivering an Irish-whip, CM Punk blind tags as Colt Cabana comes back as Cody connects with a dropkick. Cody Rhodes then grabs Colt Cabana and prepares for the Cross Rhodes but CM Punk performs an Air Punk and clotheslines Cody Rhodes. CM Punk then grabs Cody Rhodes as he sends him to the corner turnbuckle, CM Punk then charges at Cody Rhodes looking for a knee strike however Cody Rhodes moves out of the way on time as CM Punk's right leg gets caught on the turnbuckle as he is upside down by the corner turnbuckle. CM Punk is desperately trying to get up but finds himself unable to, Cody Rhodes smiles as he wraps his arm around the neck of CM Punk as CM Punk is able to get his left leg on the corner turnbuckle, Cody Rhodes looks for an assisted Cross Rhodes from the top rope however Colt Cabana gets to his feet and grabs the leg of Cody Rhodes in a wheelbarrow suplex position as Cody Rhodes still has the hold of CM Punk. Colt performs the wheelbarrow suplex as Cody goes over Colt Cabana and as does CM Punk who eats a huge facebuster.


Tazz: Lord! Never thought I'd see something like this!

Styles: OH MY GOD!

Colt Cabana then grabs Cody Rhodes and places him in a reverse Boston Crab position however Kurt Angle runs into the ring and quickly kicks Colt Cabana in the back of the head before grabbing Colt Cabana to his feet and connecting with an Angle Slam. The referee tells Kurt to go back to his corner, all three other men are down as Kurt drags Cody towards the corner turnbuckle as Kurt Angle is able to tag himself in. Angle then goes towards Colt Cabana once again as he lifts Colt up for another Angle Slam but CM Punk gets to his feet and kicks Angle in the abdomen section as Colt is able to backslide as he goes to the ropes to rest as CM Punk irish-whips Kurt into Colt Cabana but Colt drags the ropes down as Kurt goes flying outside the ring. CM Punk then charges straight towards Kurt Angle and connects with a suicide dive. Colt Cabana stumbles to the middle of the ring as CM Punk rolls Kurt Angle back into the ring as Colt then winds his arms as he then connects with a Bionic Elbow before lifting Colt Cabana in a fireman's carry position. Colt Cabana then begins to spin around as fast as he can.

Styles: Taking Kurt for a plane trip with an Airplane Spin!

King: I'm getting dizzy here.

Tazz: Wait... What's this?!

Ladies and gentlemen.





Ethan Carter III comes out with both Dixie Carter and Maxine in each arm and his World Tag Team Championship around his waist. Ethan Carter III just stands by the stage as Colt Cabana looks on.

What are they doing here?!

Colt Cabana yells out to Ethan. The referee turns around as CM Punk gets into the ring, the referee tells CM Punk that he isn't tagged in and needs to get out of the ring. Whilst the referee holds CM Punk back, Kurt Angle then delivers a low-blow on Colt Cabana as he crawls back towards Cody Rhodes. The referee turns back to the ring action and sees the tag made, Cody gets into the ring as Rhodes goes for the Cross Rhodes but Colt Cabana escapes and pushes Cody Rhodes to the ropes as Cody Rhodes stops before the ropes as Rhodes turns back as Colt Cabana connects with a scoop slam. The referee sees Ethan Carter III and turns his attention telling Ethan Carter III to get off the apron as Fandango jumps over the barricades and grabs the feet of CM Punk tossing him off the apron. Rhodes gets back to his feet as Colt Cabana then knocks Ethan Carter III off the apron. Rhodes grabs Colt Cabana and connects with the Cross Rhodes as Rhodes goes for the pinfall.




Winner by pinfall, Cody Rhodes & Kurt Angle!

King: Damn Ethan Carter III!

Tazz: They caused the distraction and the Saints were too busy focusing on their tag opponents at Starrcade rather than this match.

Styles: Cody Rhodes and Kurt Angle were able to get the win, however come Starrcade the tag division could take a turn!



Don't forget to check out Chillin' With Chase! And if you haven't been on yet, get on it!

The camera pans to a backstage area where the crowd finds Carlito sitting backstage


The Crowd boos as Carlito begins to talk

Carlito:Another week goes by in the UWF, another week closer to Starcade and another week that you pathetic excuses of fans don't get the opportunity, no, no, the privilege of seeing Carlito work his craft in the ring. Now Carlito would normally be annoyed not to be on the Smackdown card but you see Stone Cold has answered Carlito's request and given Carlito the opportunity to take home the Hardcore Championship. Albeit it is not a one on one match but a fatal 4 way with the Carlitos former partner Chris Masters, The stain of UWF Sami Callahan and whoever wins tonight on Smackdown between Mr Kennedy and AJ Styles.

Crowd continually boo as Carlito keeps talking

Carlito:Starcade will be the beginning of a new age of professional wrestling, for years the hardcore division has been where companies attempt to hide the superstars who lack the talent inside the squared circle by putting a chair in their hands or a table in the ring and made them beat the living daylight out of each other, and the most sickening thing is you fans all cheer for these talent less clowns. Carlito will bring a new class to this division, not only does Carlito possess the pure toughness and resilience that is required to be a champion but Carlito introduce pure technical ability and raw skill, this mixed in with a few weapons here and there makes a dangerous combination, one which no spot monkey or talent less hack can defeat

The Crowd starts to chant "you suck" at Carlito but he couldn't care less backstage

Carlito: So Chris Masters, Sami Callahan, Mr Kennedy or AJ Styles be prepared because Carlito is not here to just make up numbers, Carlito is here to return this industry back to the glory days and return the Colon name back to where it belongs, in the Hall of Champions,

Now Thats Cool

Lilian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the UWF Hardcore Championship!

Ready to

The theme music of AJ Styles begins playing over the PA system and the crowd comes unglued. AJ walks out with his hood up and walks to the middle of the stage. AJ removes his head spreading his arms out. AJ goes as he puts his football gloves together as the fans cheer like crazy seeing this. AJ Styles goes as he interacts with the fans. AJ goes as he begins to slap hands with the fans as Styles goes and he enters the ring.


"Turn Up The Trouble" by Airbourne begins to play over the PA system as the capacity crowd erupts into boos. It isn't long before they're joined by the man the theme belongs to, the Hardcore Champion Mr. Kennedy, as the lights in the arena dim and Mr. Kennedy stands there in his own spotlight, a mist surrounding him like an aura as he motions for his microphone and is granted it, bringing it to his mouth as "Turn Up The Trouble" fades out to silence.


Mr. Kennedy: Ladies and gentlemen, please rise to your feet and show your respect and admiration for the greatest wrestler and champion that this industry has ever seen. The longest Smackdown reigning Champion. From GREEN...BAY...WISCONSIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNN! MMMMMMMMMISSSSSSTERRRRRRRRRRRRR.....KENNEDEH!

Kennedy looks around at the crowd for a moment, drawing the microphone away from his mouth. and storms toward the ring. He enters and hands away his title as the referee calls for the bell.




As soon as the referee rings the bell, Kennedy bails out of the ring and immediately flips the apron up and starts looking for weapons. He then pulls out a crutch and slides back into the ring. He then looks across from AJ Styles, who exits the ring and flips up the opposite apron. AJ pulls out a ladder and throws it into the ring. He slides back in and grabs the ladder and the two men glare at each other from across the ring.

Styles: I believe AJ wins this round.

Tazz: Hey, Joey! Is AJ related to you?

The King: You know, I've always wondered that myself.

Styles: We've got a match to call!

Kennedy swings the crutch at the ladder but it bounces off and falls to the mat. AJ then blasts Kennedy in the face with the ladder and knocks him down to the mat. AJ then tosses the ladder on top of Kennedy. AJ then hits a springboard moonsault and hits the ladder on top of Kennedy. AJ then falls back holding his ribs.

Tazz: Dat hurt AJ more than it did Mr. Kennedy!

Kennedy throws the ladder off of himself and rolls to the outside. He flips the apron up while still visibly hurt. He pulls out a toolbox. He opens it up and grabs a staple gun. He rolls back into the ring just as AJ is getting back to his feet. Kennedy kicks AJ in his injured ribs and plants him to the mat with a DDT. Kennedy then grabs the staple gun and mounts AJ. He places the staple gun in the middle of AJ's forehead and begins stapling him all over his face. AJ then breaks free and is writhing in pain.

The King: Kennedy proving here tonight why he is Hardcore Champion.

As Kennedy lifts Styles back up, we see that AJ is donning the proverbial crimson mask. Kennedy laughs as he places AJ on his shoulders and goes for the Green Bay Plunge onto the ladder. Before he can, AJ squirms off and, as Kennedy turns around, AJ hits him with a Pele Kick!


Kennedy then falls on top of the ladder and AJ has an idea. He climbs up top as the crowd goes insane. AJ then comes off the top rope with a Spiral Tap. However, Kennedy moves and AJ goes crashing onto the ladder with a crash.

Tazz: Holy Shit!

The King: AAHHHHH! *King Scream*

Kennedy is quick to pick up the pieces as he covers AJ.




Styles: OH MY GOD!

Kennedy is in disbelief as Styles gets the shoulder up. Kennedy, out of frustration, begins hammering away at Styles' face with right hands, trying to further open his laceration. Kennedy then grabs the crutch from earlier and begins hitting AJ repeatedly with it all over. AJ is in a lot of pain as he tries to escape. The crutch breaks and Kennedy tosses it aside. Kennedy then pins AJ once more.




Tazz: What more is it gonna take, Joe?

Kennedy is livid at this point and exits the ring once more in search of weapons. He tells the timekeeper to scram as he grabs the ring bell. He slides back into the ring as AJ tries to make it back to his feet, using the ropes to pull himself up. Kennedy stalks AJ and, as Styles gets completely to his feet, Kennedy charges towards him. Styles, however, sees this coming and instead drops Kennedy to the outside with a back body drop. As Kennedy is getting up, AJ bounces off the ropes and sails over the top rope and hits Kennedy with an almost textbook senton.

The King: AJ's making a comeback!

AJ grabs Kennedy and whips him into the steel steps. Kennedy's knees hit and he goes flipping over. Kennedy gets to his feet and AJ runs and jumps off the steel steps and hits a flying clothesline onto Kennedy, knocking him back down. Styles then covers Kennedy.




AJ lifts Kennedy back to his feet and throws him into the barricade. AJ starts stomping away at Kennedy, wearing him down. He then flips up the apron and pulls out a steel chair. He throws it into the ring and he goes to grabs Kennedy. As he does, Kennedy hits him with a low blow. Kennedy grabs AJ as he doubles over and throws him shoulder-first into the steel steps. Kennedy flips up the apron and pulls out a singapore cane.

Styles: Tazz, you and I know a hell of a lot about singapore canes.

Tazz: No doubt about it, Joey! They hurt, plain an' simple!

Kennedy then stalks AJ as he crawls back to his feet and begins pounding on AJ with the cane. With each strike, AJ winces in pain as the crowd showers Kennedy in boos. Kennedy is ruthless as he continues to pummel Styles with the cane. The cane eventually splinters and Kennedy tosses it away. Kennedy grabs AJ's limp body and tosses him into the ring. Kennedy then scales the top rope.

The King: Where's Kennedy going?!

Kennedy then comes off the top rope with a Ken-Ton Bomb but AJ moves and Kennedy crashes into the mat. AJ grabs the steel chair and, as Kennedy gets back to his feet, AJ cracks him right in the skull. Kennedy goes down with a thud.

Styles: Good Lord!

Tazz: Dat could put anybody out!

The King: What a chairshot!

AJ then puts Kennedy's calf in the steel chair and sits down. He then locks Kennedy in the deadly Calfkiller with Kennedy's leg in a steel chair. Kennedy is screaming in pain as AJ locks it in.

Styles: The Calfkiller!

Tazz: Damn, dat looks brutal!

The King: He's gonna break his leg in half!

Kennedy is locked in the Calfkiller for what seems like an eternity. AJ has it sinched in and will not let go. Kennedy really has no other choice but to tap out.



Styles lets go of the hold as the referee hands him his newly-won championship. AJ holds it high into the air as the crowd goes crazy.

Styles: AJ Styles did it! He's the Hardcore Champion!

Tazz: He moves on ta' Starrcade to defend it in dat Fatal 4-Way!

The King: Kennedy had no choice but to tap and his loss is AJ Styles' gain!

Kennedy is holding onto his leg in the corner, still out of it, as AJ celebrates with the fans, the blood continuing to flow. We are then taken to commercial.



Don't forget to check out Velocity!


Kurt Angle is minding his own business when somebody with a microphone co.

Kurt Angle: Now what the hell do you want?

Interview: We just want to ask you some questions regarding the attack last week.

Angle: Attack? You're talking to me like I intentionally attacked Shark Boy last week because I'm some kind of bully. Well let me tell you Mr. Interviewer that Shark Boy had what was coming to him. He tried to tread his way into the UWF, acting like he's the toughest S.O.B in the UWF. Well guess what, there's only one person who can be the toughest S.O.B. on Smackdown and on RAW, and that is the only Olympic Gold Medalist in the UWF; Kurt Angle. Oh it's true. So why don't you grab your microphone and your camera and get out of my face before I break your ankle in three different places. Now get!

Interview: Hold on Kurt, I just want to ask you on your thoughts for Starrcade in your tag team match against Shark Boy and the mystery partner.

Angle: Mystery partner? It's kind of misleading to be calling Cody Rhodes a mystery partner. Sure he may be messed up in the head and it's hard to see where he's coming from half the time, but don't see any reason to be calling him a 'mystery partner'.... oh I apoligize you mean Shark Boy's mystery partner. Well Mr. Interviewer, let's just say that that one size fits all for my Angle Lock, and that it doesn't matter who I face off against at Starrcade because a) I'm the best damn wrestler this world has ever seen and I can take down anybody and b) Shark Boy means absolutely nothing to the wrestling world. His partner could be somebody huge like The Big Show and it still would be considered a two on one handicap match because Shark Boy isn't even a challenge. I don't care what Cody Rhodes thinks about me, I'm here to prove something ever since my scandal with my last World title win and I'm going to be main topic that everyone's going to talk about after Starrcade ends. Oh it's true, it's damn true!

Kurt Angle leaves the interviewer as Smackdown heads to somewhere else.

Lilian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

I Can Slap a Tornadoooo...


The theme of none other than Matt Hardy bellows from the speakers, echoing throughout the arena, as the UWF Universe jump up and cheer for his arrival. Little time passes before the man of the moment comes charging out from the back, throwing an arm up in triumphant and displaying his trademark "V1" hand signal. Hardy jogs from one side of the stage to the other, repeating the same motion, before he begins to stroll down the ramp, high-fiving fans along the way. Hardy has his eyes focused on the ring that he draws ever nearer to, quickly rounding the corner and jogging up the steel steps to enter it. Hardy walks over to the ropes facing the main camera, stands on the middle rope and throws up his arm once again, following the same pattern as before.




King Booker and Queen Sharmell make their way out of the back, through the curtain and onto the stage, where they aren’t greeted to a chorus of boos. King Booker proceeds to pose with his pinky finger triumphantly raised in the air as Sharmell regally waves to the crowd. King Booker and Queen Sharmell walk down the entrance ramp with King Booker ensuring none of the filthy vermin touch his glorious robe. They make their way up the steps and onto the apron where they pause and stare at the crew until one of them comes into the ring and sits on the rope so the King and Queen can gracefully enter the ring. King Booker stands in the middle of the ring as Sharmell exits.




The referee sounds for the bell and this match is underway. Matt and Booker both circle the ring a few times before meeting up in the middle. Booker gets the upper hand and forces Matt into the corner. As the referee separates the two, Booker hits Hardy with a slap across the face. The crowd boos as Matt gets fired up. He pushes past the referee and levels a gloating Booker with a clothesline. He screams for Booker to get up but Booker rolls out of the ring into the open arms of his "Queen" Sharmell.

Styles: King Booker not wanting any part of an angry Matt Hardy!

Tazz: Matt Hardy's got dis newfound fire and passion in 'em!

The King: Yeah, my old broadcast colleague and gimmick infringer is none too happy with he who is "Stronger Than Death".

Sharmell is tending to her "King" as the referee is starting his 10-count. Hardy shoves the referee out of the way and hits a body splash from the ring to the outside, hitting Booker and knocking Sharmell over. Matt then begins hammering away on Booker. Hardy then grabs Booker and tosses him back into the ring. Hardy then scales the top rope and hits Booker with a double axe handle as he gets to his feet.

Styles: Matt Hardy has been unleashed here on SmackDown!

Matt then covers Booker.




Hardy wastes no time and traps Booker in a headlock. Booker, however, powers himself up to a standing position. Booker then starts hitting Matt with a few shots to the midsection to loosen up Hardy's hold. It works as Booker is able to escape. He then whips Matt into the ropes and hits him with a big jumping heel kick.

Tazz: Look at King Bookah go!

Booker lifts Hardy back up and sends him into the corner once more. Booker then starts hitting Hardy repeatedly with shoulder thrusts to the midsection, trying to wear the daredevil down. Booker then starts mixing right hands in with his shoulder thrusts and eventually wears Matt down to the point where he collapses in the corner. Booker then begins stomping away at Matt viciously.

The King: Booker has always displayed an unforgiving harsh style, even when he's ripping me off!

Styles: If he does a piledriver or a fist drop, I'll laugh!

The referee separates the two again, giving Matt some time to get himself collected. Booker takes a bow before going back on the attack. He drags Matt by the leg towards the center and pins him.




Hardy gets the shoulder up. Booker lifts Matt back up to a vertical base and whips him into the ropes. Matt ducks a clothesline attempt and, as Booker turns around, Matt hits him with a crossbody. Hardy hooks the leg.




Tazz: Almost a 3 count!

The King: You don't see a crossbody from Matt Hardy very often.

Booker kicks out and Matt gets right back to his feet. As Booker goes for a right hand, Hardy turns it into a swinging neckbreaker. Matt then starts going up top. He signals for the leg drop but before he can connect, Sharmell hops onto the apron and starts distracting the referee. Matt climbs down and grabs Sharmell by the hair.

Styles: Uh oh! This doesn't look good for the Queen!

Tazz: He's gonna rip her weave right out!

The King: AAHHHHH! *King Scream*

As he does, Booker sneaks up behind Hardy and rolls him up, grabbing a hand full of tights.






Styles: Matt Hardy got screwed here!

Tazz: King Bookah with a huge win before Starrcade!

The King: Matt should be used to women screwing him over!

Booker rolls out of the ring and he and Sharmell make their way up the ramp as Hardy looks on furious. We are then taken to commercial.



Smackdown is Stone Cold approved. And that's the bottom line!

G.E.N.E. (UWF International Champion Matt Morgan and Alex Riley) vs. Los Guerreros (Mr. Money in the Bank Eddie Guerrero and Chavo Guerrero)

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The crowd is pumped for the main event of Smackdown as Los Guerreros and G.E.N.E are about to go at it. The two lesser known members of their respective teams, Alex Riley and Chavo Guerrero, are starting off the match. Eddie Guerrerro is cheering on for his nephew while Paul Heyman is yelling at Alex Riley, telling him to destroy Chavo Guerrero. Alex Riley poses for the crowd, then points to Paul Heyman with a smile but Chavo Guerrero comes from behind and dropkicks the back of Riley, forcing him out of the ring! The fans laugh as Heyman brushes off Riley and tells him to get back inside the ring. Riley makes it to the apron but quickly bails as Chavo threatens to run up to Riley. The crowd is chanting 'pussy' to Riley and Riley yells at them to shut up. The referee forces Chavo back and Riley goes back inside the ring. Riley runs up to Chavo but Chavo hits an arm drag, then does another one. Riley gets back up but Chavo dropkicks Riley to the ground, Riley then retreats to ringside again. The crowd boos at Riley's cowardence but here comes Chavo who jumps over the ropes and connects with a crossbody vault!

Styles: Chavo means business here ladies and gentleman! He doesn't have time to be messing around with the likes of Alex Rikey!

Tazz: I agree Joey, this match is going to be full of classic Los Guerrero's material. This is going to be sweet!

Chavo gets back up and looks at the crowd who his cheering for him and throws Riley back inside the ring. Chavo enters the ring as well and moves Riley to his corner and tags in his uncle Eddie into the match. Eddie stands on the center of the apron and hits a springboard senton to Riley! Eddie is up and stomps onto Riley as Riley tries to retreat to his corner but Eddie stops him from doing that. Eddie drags Riley to the center of the ring and stomps onto the back of Riley, Riley goes to his feet but Eddie hits some quick punches to the head, bringing him to the turnbuckles. Eddie whips Riley to the opposite corner, then goes for a charge but Riley boots Eddie in the face with both feet. Eddie backs up a few paces and Riley goes for a charge of his own but Eddie ends up countering the charge with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker! The crowd pops as Riley is crying out in pain now but Eddie hits a stomp to the face, then a knee drop to the skull to keep him down. Eddie then smiles to the camera and lifts him up and goes for a suplex but RIley knees Eddie in the stomach and goes for a quick small package pin!

King: Yes!



No! Eddie manages to break free just in time! Eddie rolls away to his corner and tries to recuperate but Riley is already at his corner and tags in Matt Morgan into the match! The crowd goes 'ooh' as Morgan causally enters the ring and gives Eddie a cold stare. Eddie has the smallest hint of fear in his eyes but simply just runs to Morgan and goes for a clothesline but Morgan no-sells it and Eddie steps back. Morgan rotates his shoulder and runs up to Eddie and clotheslines him down instead! Eddie hits the mat hard from that clothesline, but gets up quickly anyways but for Morgan to shoulder block him to the ground. Eddie is back up but Morgan continues the hard-hitting assault by kneeing Guerrero in the stomach then clubbing him on the back. Eddie tries to move away from Morgan but Morgan is too big to pushed away easily, and Morgan has to show his dominance for Starrcade to come. Eddie makes it to the ropes but Morgan corners Eddie at the turnbuckles and hits some back elbows to the face, Eddie's neck snapping back after each blow. Morgan then places Eddie onto the top turnbuckle, then looks away as he tosses him over his head and onto the canvas below, gathering so much height from that move!

King: Wow look at that Joey! Eddie is really feeling the heat right now! Aha!

Styles: Yes Lawler he did! But Eddie Guerrero doesn't give up so easily mind you!

Guerrero is back up to his feet but Morgan continues hammering away at the back of Eddie, not giving him any space to breathe. Eddie tries to retreat to the corner, Morgan goes for a punch but Eddie moves out of the way and Morgan ends up punching the turnbuckle. Morgan shakes his hand which Eddie shoves Morgan to the corner and hits some punches to the face, then tries to whip him to the opposite corner but Morgan won't budge, and instead throws Eddie onto the corner. Eddie is confused for a moment but Morgan hits a hard chop to the chest and Eddie ends up going onto his knees. Morgan smiles to himself in satisfaction while backing away but Chavo hits a springboard dropkick to the back of Morgan. Morgan looks pissed off and chases Chavo out of the ring, not really feeling the effects of the dropkick but Eddie seizes the golden opportunity and hits a chop block to the back of the knee, Morgan going onto one knee. Eddie then hits a snapmere to Morgan and gets in a reverse chinlock, but Morgan shoves Eddie away! Morgan is back to his feet but Chavo pulls onto the shoulder of Morgan, Morgan shoves Chavo to the floor but Eddie comes up from behind and jumps onto Morgan's shoulders and applies a victory roll onto Morgan!

Tazz: He's got it! He's got it![/B]



And Matt Morgan kicks out! Eddie looks a bit disappointed that Morgan kicked out but he continues with the strikes onto Morgan anyways. He's been in the ring for a little bit so he brings Morgan to the Guerrero's corner and tags in Chavo into the match! Chavo jumps into the ring and punches Morgan in the gut a couple of times, then hits a dropkick that sends him to the ropes. Chavo then runs up to Morgan but Morgan tosses him over the ropes but Chavo lands on the apron. Morgan then backs up and Chavo leaps off the ropes and hits a springboard headscissors takedown onto Morgan, which sends him flying across the ring! Morgan is on his knees while Chavo kicks Morgan in the chest twice, then to the upper back area. Morgan goes down and Chavo bounces off the ropes nearby, then goes for a crossbody but Morgan catches him and lifts up Chavo high in the air but Chavo counters with a hurricarana onto Morgan! Morgan goes to the ropes and Chavo hits a forearm smash to Morgan, even getting a stiff kick to the stomach but Morgan shoves Chavo to the ground, then runs up to Chavo and executes the Carbon Footprint but Chavo ducks that and tries to go for a rollup but is unable to bring Morgan down. Morgan then simply grabs Chavo by the throat and nails him with the Chokeslam!

King: What a Chokeslam from the International Champion! I don't think Chavo would have much left in him after that!

Chavo is down from the Chokeslam but Matt Morgan isn't done with Chavo yet. Morgan decides though that it's Alex Riley's turn so he drags Chavo by the foot and tags in Alex Riley into the match! Riley enters the ring and begins the assault by stomping onto the face of Chavo. Riley is getting pumped up and stomps onto the back of Chavo now, trying to outsmart him. Chavo is trying to fight back against Riley but Riley applies a choke to Chavo, Chavo now struggling to get out of it. Riley is forced off of Chavo under the ref's orders but continues on with the choke anways. The referee forces Riley away from Chavo again and gives him a lecture that he'll DQ him if he does that again. Riley tells the referee to piss off and stomps onto Chavo some more, then gets him to his feet and nails a neckbreaker! Chavo is holding onto his neck but Riley brings Chavo to his corner again and kicks him in the stomach, then tags in Matt Morgan! Morgan goes inside the ring and lifts up Chavo onto his hip then drops him with a sidewalk slam, Riley then comes running and hits a jumping elbow drop to Chavo! Chavo is down and Morgan hits a big legdrop to Chavo then goes for the cover...



And Chavo kicks out! Morgan doesn't seem impressed with Chavo as he hits some mounted punches to Chavo while Heyman is ordering Morgan to take him out for good. Morgan lifts up Chavo and sets him up for the Hellevator but Chavo counters that with a nice DDT! Morgan rolls to his back and Chavo moves away from Morgan and tags Eddie into the match! Eddie hops into the ring and punches down Alex Riley, then throws him out of the ring. Eddie sees Morgan getting up so he punches him in the face, then tries to go for a suplex but he's unable to lift Morgan up so Morgan punches Eddie in the ribs. Morgan then grabs Eddie by the throat and goes for a Chokeslam but Eddie manages to slip out and hit an inverted DDT to Matt Morgan! Eddie is feeling a little froggy now as he climbs the ropes and makes it to the top, then looks down at Morgan as Morgan is still lying from the inverted DDT, Eddie Guerrero is about to go for the Frog Splash but Edge comes into the ring and starts to attack Matt Morgan, giving G.E.N.E. The DQ win!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The winner of the match via Disqualification: Matt Morgan and Alex Riley; G.E.N.E

The crowd is pissed as Edge continues the beatdown Morgan, trying to keep him down with his kicks while yelling at him, telling Morgan that he's going to be the undisputed champion at Starrcade. Morgan manages to push away Edge and stomps onto him hard. The fans are in disbelief now as Chavo tries to attack Morgan but Riley ends up throwing Chavo over the ropes. Riley and Heyman both have smiles as Morgan lifts up Edge and hits the Hellevator onto the former UWF Champion! Edge is down and Morgan poses for the crowd with the International Title Belt until...



Tazz: Oh my!

Styles: Here comes the UWF Champion MVP! This is going to get intense ladies and gentleman!

MVP comes walking down the ring while holding up his UWF Championship belt over his head. MVP makes it to the ring and Riley tries to attack MVP but MVP simply throws him over the ropes. Morgan snorts out his displeasure and tries to go after MVP but Heyman is holding him back, telling him to save it for Starracde when it really matters. MVP has a big smirk on his face as he looks down at Edge, then holds the UWF Championship high in the air. Morgan then glares at MVP and raises the International Championship high in the air. You could cut the tension in the air with a knife with these two UWF Superstars locking eyes for the final time before Starrcade. Just before we head to the final commercial break, the fans see Eddie Guerrero standing on the apron holding up his briefcase, reminding everyone that he has the power to become champion at anytime.



UWF Starrcade, coming December 22nd only on RPV!(Rep per view, because the writers deserve it)

We open back from the final commercial break with Rob Van Dam and Evan Bourne, the High Flyers, standing in the ring. Rob has a microphone in hand and begins speaking.


Rob Van Dam: Hey dudes, long time no see. Bourne-ster and I were watching the show earlier and we noticed all of these Stone Cold dopplegangers trying to be Shark Boy's partner at Starrcade against Cody Rhodes and Kurt Angle. Well, Steve, look no further for a partner because R.....V.....D is primed and ready and with a cheerleader like Bourne, there's no way we'd lose!

Bourne laughs along with Van Dam but realizes what he said and he gets mad. Just at that moment, Cody Rhodes and Kurt Angle hop the barricade and enter the ring.

Styles: Look!

Rhodes blindsides RVD and Angle takes Bourne out. Rhodes starts stomping away at RVD viciously as Angle does the same with Bourne in the corner. Rhodes picks RVD up and hits him with Cross Rhodes. Angle pulls Bourne out of the corner and hits him with the Angle Slam. Angle and Rhodes look proud of themselves until......



SmackDown General Manager Stone Cold Steve Austin and Shark Boy both emerge from the back. Angle and Rhodes stand tall in the ring, daring both men to come into the ring.

Tazz: It's dat Texas Rattlesnake!

The King: He's got business to take care of before we go off the air!

Austin has a microphone in hand as he addresses both Angle and Rhodes.


Stone Cold: Alright, enough is enough. I'm sick an' tired of both of ya' comin' out here, tryin' ta' run ole' Stone Cold's show. Ya' think beatin' up a bunch a' skeezy stoners is gonna intimidate me or Shark Boy? EH-EH! The fact of tha' matter is, you two have a date with Shark Boy here at Starrcade. The problem is, the only sumbitches to step up are a bunch a' Stone Cold wannabes.....no offense, Sharky. It's lookin' more and more likely that we're gonna have us a handicap match on our hands. If any sumbitch back 'ere has the cajones to step up and be Shark Boy's partner, speak now or forever be labled a jackass!

As Austin asks if anyone will step up and be Shark Boy's partner at Starrcade, the lights dim. Then......



The audience goes crazy as Cody Rhodes is stunned. Kurt looks on visibly angered as "The Bizzare One" Goldust, Cody Rhodes' older brother, emerges from the back clad in his usual attire, blonde wig and flashy robe. He then glares right into the eyes of Cody in the ring.


Goldust then asks for Austin's microphone and Steve, confused and flabbergasted, hands his microphone over to Goldust. The older Rhodes brother then breaks the crazy commotion started by the fans as he speaks.

Goldust: "Just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in." The Godfather Part III. 1990. And indeed, I have been pulled back into this......crazy world of professional wrestling and.....again I'm standing across from my baby brother. You know, Cody, you've done many number of things here in the UWF. Being UWF Champion. How did it feel, baby brother? The minutes turned into hours......the hours into days.......days into months......before too long, dear Cody, your ego inflated to the size of Dad's 10-gallon hat. You're crazy........you're dashing.......No no......No, what you are, Cody, is a foolish man who's grown complacent. Make no mistake about it, baby brother. I'm here to help you. It's time to face the music. "The hills are alive with the sound of music" and so is UWF SmackDown because, while you claim to suffer from......your mental illness, I thrive in mine. Cody, you want to play mind games with lovely, lovely Steven here but, baby brother, remember who the golden king of mind games truly is. Everything you know, I know but not everything I know, you know. Which brings me to why I'm here......

Goldust looks over at Shark Boy and starts feeling on him. Shark Boy quickly pulls away as Goldust snarls his lip and looks back over towards the ring.

Goldust: Like I said, baby brother, I'm here to help you. You lack true purpose. You've got all of these tools but you're using them in all.....the wrong......ways.......like teaming with Raven. Now you're with Kurt. Cody, you've got tools but I have the biggest tool and I'm going to use it.......on you, Kurt. My baby brother's mind has been gone a long time ago and it's because of people like you, Kurt. It makes me so mad I want to......grab you.....by those big, shiny, round.......gold medals that dangle from around your neck. I don't harbor hatred for you, Cody, despite trying to destroy any ties to the Rhodes legacy. Despite brutally assaulting our father. It's all a cry for help and have no fear, baby brother, because your sherpa up the mountain has arrived. I will rehabilitate you, Cody. I will make you see the errors of your ways. Like Mr. Grady in Stanley Kubrick's 1980 horror classic "The Shining", I swear, to the moon and the stars, both in the sky.........and on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.....I will "correct" you, baby brother, or I will die trying. But, make no mistake, Cody, if I'm going down, I'm going to bring you down with me, as well as you, Kurt. And while I have your attention, Kurt, I have no ties to you like I do to my poor, poor brother. While you've got your ankle locks and your german suplexes, I've got a special move, Kurt, that I'll be saving....especially for you. You see, I want you to lock up with me, throw me to the ground and have your way with me. That's exactly what I'm counting for so please, Kurt, give it to me. Give me what I want because I want to see the look on your face when I, *inhales* turn the tables *exhales* and you are lying on your back, impervious to my advances......

Kurt looks mortified and disgusted as Goldust addresses him in a rather unusual manner. Goldust then looks over at his partner and begins to play with the fin part of Shark Boy's mask.

Goldust: So, at Starrcade, my fishy friend needs and partner......and my baby brother needs purpose. So I will give of myself, out of the goodness of my golden heart, and I will be honored to stand by his side. Cody, Kurt, Starrcade quickly approaches and you know what they say, "Whatever doesn't kill you simply makes us......Stranger" and no one knows strange like yours truly and you'll find out exactly why at Starrcade and I guarantee you that you will NEVER forget the name...... *inhales* Gollllllllldusssssssst...... *exhales*

The scene fades on Austin and Shark Boy smiling as Cody and Kurt look on stunned.

G.E.N.E. promo-Cwalker
T.I.O.C. promo- Fauche
Cody Rhodes promo- Rawisrey
G.E.N.E. vs. Los Guerreros, Angle promo- natlav
Saints/Angle and Rhodes- Andrew
Hardy vs. Booker, Kennedy/Styles, Masters/Sharky, Goldust promo- The Hoov
Opening, piecing show together- Chris Dresden


Shark Boy & Goldust vs. Kurt Angle & Cody Rhodes


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- Great promo from Fauche for Sami/Brodie before the show begins.

- Fucking lost it :lmao @ all the Stone Cold wannabes!

- Shark Boy gets a victory, good win!

- Another good promo from Rhodes

- Love the promo from G.E.N.E. These promos are great tonight

- I wrote the match, enjoy.

- Nice promo from Carlito, get TT'ing for Starrcade

- Well done Chase, someone finally beat me for that Hardcore belt and I'm glad it was you. 124 day reign, not bad! But I will get it back soon enough. I was busy all week and couldn't get a 2nd up, but don't worry Kennedy ain't going anywhere.

- Great promo from Angle to make up for the Tag match seeing Rhodes was the only one who TT'd.

- Booker T is on fire here!

- Edge & MVP all in it, why didn't someone just make it a six man match :lmao

- :mark: GOLDUST!

Great show folks!

Rated R Superstar

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Mar 19, 2012
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Ottawa Canada
One hell of a show Blue Crew. Sharkboy is easily becoming my favourite superstar in UWF. Is Sam also playing Goldust?

Kennedy losing the belt after a lengthy reign sucks, but he'll be back fighting. All the promos were excellent.

The matches themselves were fun as hell to read, can't wait to see what the Blue Brew has in store for us at Starrcade.


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A lot of good promos especially Fauche's. That King Booker guy is on a hell of a roll and it's only a matter of time before he is a big time player.

A lot of dusty finishes, I guess in an attempt to build heat for the PPV. And a little too much Stone Cold for the 2nd week in a row. But that's nothing big.

Onto Starrcade


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Awesome show lads - had a feeling this week was gonna be my first lost but the King pulls it out of the bag :) Love how he is being portrayed as well so underhanded it great. Hopefully will have a TT for Starcade up today or tomorrow morning ;)

The Hoov

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Ultimate Wrestling Federation presents......


UWF Saturday Night SmackDown!


At Starrcade, the landscape of UWF SmackDown was forever changed as both the UWF Championship and the International Championship were both merged. In a vicious 3-Way Dance Last Man Standing match (first time in history as well), "The Blueprint" Matt Morgan defeated Montel Vontavious Porter and Edge to become the UWF Champion. Coming off a red-hot Starrcade, the UWF keeps rolling forward towards the Royal Rumble, the first stop on the road to WrestleMania.


Prince Devitt vs. Mr. Kennedy

At Starrcade, the former Hardcore Champion made a statement when he attacked the current champion mere moments after he successfully retained the title in a grueling four-way dance. Seeing how much the seething Green Bay native is itching for a fight, the Smackdown General Manager has decided to give him one in the form of the Saturday night sensation's newest signing, Prince Devitt. When the "Real Rock 'n Rolla" and the "Wisconsin Warrior" go head-to-head, will Devitt be taking a "Green Day Plunge" or will the cocky Kennedy get usurped by rock royalty?



"The Masterpiece" Chris Masters vs. Hardcore Champion "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles

Hardcore Champion AJ Styles successfully defended his newly-won championship in a brutal fatal 4-way match by making Chris Masters tap out to the Calfkiller. This week, the engaged "Masterpiece" is going to engage in a non-title match in order to exact a measure of revenge. Will he succeed or will the man who is "Simply Phenomenal" be too much to overcome?

#1 Contenders to the World Tag Team Championships


"The Second City Saints" CM Punk and Colt Cabana vs. "The T.I.O.C." Sami Callihan and Brodie Lee

The Saints came within inches of defeating current champions Fandango and Ethan Carter III but ultimately came up short. Callihan, as well, came up short in his match at Starrcade, not being able to secure the Hardcore Championship. However, SmackDown General Manager Stone Cold Steve Austin was very impressed with their performances and has given both teams an opportunity to go for gold. Can the Saints earn a rematch or will the T.I.O.C. get the victory?


World Tag Team Champion Fandango w/EC3 vs. "The Bizzare One" Goldust

The former Modern Day Double Dragons successfully defended their World Tag Team Championships at Starrcade against CM Punk and Colt Cabana in a hard-fought victory. Also no stranger to tag team contests, Goldust came up short when he teamed up with Shark Boy to face his brother Cody Rhodes and Kurt Angle. This week, the two strange individuals lock horns in the middle of a SmackDown ring. Will Fandango continue his dominating ways or will Goldust Shatter his Dreams?

Champion vs. Champion (Non-Title)


UWF United States Champion King Booker vs. UWF Champion "The Blueprint" Matt Morgan

Starrcade was quite the evening for both these men. On the last edition of Velocity, King Booker became Television Champion and a few days later at Starrcade, he became United States Champion, cheating Matt Hardy out of the title in the process. Also at the event, Matt Morgan proved his dominance by mowing down both MVP and Edge to become UWF Champion. this week, the two men who have been on fire the past few weeks collide in a clash of the titans. Will King Booker steal another victory or will Matt Morgan do what he does best and win?

Main Event

Winner challenges Matt Morgan at the Royal Rumble for the UWF Championship


Steve Borden w/ Matt Bloom vs. Montel Vontavious Porter

A few weeks ago, MVP achieved his dream of becoming UWF Champion. Unfortunately, it did not last as he could not answer the 10 count at Starrcade, losing his championship to Matt Morgan. Steve Borden did not fair much better as he lost his Global Championship in a casket match to Kane (before Eddie Guerrero cashed in his Money in the Bank contract). This week, on Borden's first night on the SmackDown brand, he is given a great opportunity in order to secure himself a UWF Championship match at the Royal Rumble. However, he must go through a very pissed off and determined MVP. Which man will go on to challenge "Mount Morgan"?


Matt Hardy - His thoughts on being cheated out of being United States Champion.

The Undertaker - Rumor has it he has something on his mind.

Chris Sabin and Samoa Joe - They made an appearance on Starrcade. Who's to say they won't do the same on SmackDown?

Kurt Angle and Cody Rhodes - What are their thoughts on their victory at Starrcade?

Shark Boy - You gotta know the UWF's Toughest C.O.F. has something to say.

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Schmidty lets go at it hard my man. You're Masters was one of my faves when I wrote for him so this feels awesome to go at it with you. The champion vs Champion match seems sick. Time for RavenEffect to show he is back. Fandango vs Goldust is a unique awesome match up as well. The main event should be a good one if MVP shows which I am hoping for.


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4-3 on day 1.

50-50 will happen.
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The Hoov

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The Smackdown logo appears on the screen and all of the fans in the arena can be heard collectively cheering at the top of their lungs as the logo gradually fades out until the screen is pitch black. After holding on pitch black for a moment, the camera pans to the arena where the opening bells of the Smackdown theme can be heard ringing throughout the arena.

"For Whom The Bell Tolls" by Metallica is that theme and as the camera pans around the arena at all the fans cheering and waving their signs about, several of them seated in various locations can be seen headbanging and in one area, there's a mosh pit going on. The camera finishes it's scanning of the arena as it pans over to the stage where the pyro goes off to add to the excitement already in the arena.


As the pyro concludes, the camera pans to the announce table where, as always, the voices of Saturday nights, Taz, Joey Styles, and Jerry "The King" Lawler, are seated together, ready to call the action.


Joey Styles: Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the first Smackdown of two thousand and fourteen!

Taz: It's two thousand and fourteen?

Joey Styles: Uhh, yeah, Taz. It is.

Taz: Man I thought we were only halfway through two thousand thuhteen. Heh, I gotta buy a calenda'.

Joey Styles: There should be one on your phone.

Taz: Wha?

Joey Styles: Anyhoo, good evening, ladies and gentlemen, I'm Joey Styles.

Taz: And I'm the "Human Broadcast Machine", Taz.

Jerry "The King" Lawler: And I'm Jerry "The King" Lawler. What a great night we have to kick off the new year, guys.

Taz: Seriously, someone shoulda' told me this.

Joey Styles: Right you are, King, six great matches to set it off. Like our tag team contest when the Tire Iron Original Crew, Brodie Lee and Sami Callihan, take on the Second City Saints, CM Punk and Colt Cabana, in a match to crown the next number one contenders to Fandango and EC3's World Tag Team Championships!

Jerry "The King" Lawler: Speaking of Fandango, it'll be the diehard of dance taking on the "Bizarre One" Goldust in what's sure to be an interesting exchange.

Taz: I mean come on, you guys couldn't text me or Twitta' me or somethin'?

Joey Styles: And in a non-title encounter, the Hardcore Champion the "Phenomenal" AJ Styles takes on one of the men he retained the title against at Starrcade, the "Masterpiece" Chris Masters.

Jerry "The King" Lawler: Also in a non-title contest, it's a collision of the undefeated talent, the cream of the crop throw down as the United States and Television Champion King Booker takes on the UWF Champion Matt Morgan to determine which of them truly is the man that can't be stopped on Saturday nights.

Taz: Maybe not something that direct, you coulda' went over to my table when the Smackdown crew was having lunch and scribbled it on my napkin when I left for the bathroom.

Joey Styles: And in our main event, it's another contendership match as Smackdown's newest acquisition, the former Global Champion Steve Borden, takes on the former UWF Champion MVP to determine who will challenge Matt Morgan at the Royal Rumble.

Jerry "The King" Lawler: But coming up right now, it's another new acquisition of Smackdown's in action as Prince Devitt of the Bullet Club takes on the former Hardcore Champion, Mr. Kennedy.

Taz: Just consider my feelin's goin' forwa'd, that's all I'm askin'.

As the commentators finish their conversation, the camera pans backstage where Mr. Kennedy is, facing away from the camera as he speaks.


Mr. Kennedy: Tonight... Tonight I take on Prince Devitt of the 'Bullet Club'. Tonight, we enter the new year with the spotlight being on Mr. Kennedy, not this newcomer... but ME! Y'see, knowledge's one thing around here... 2013 was a great year for me, since being on Smackdown I've only lost ONE TIME! That one loss kinda hurts, over the Christmas period, I still miss waking up seeing that Hardcore Championship placed by the bed-side... It's no longer there, but that only means one thing. I'm hungry, I'm hungry wanting more... I know I can go better than this, I know if I get that rematch shot I'll do better, I'll enable myself to be superior. My presence here tonight, it upsets the majority of you... Hell, The Bullet Club is upset. They want to get rid of me, but I cannot be removed, I simply just won't go anywhere! But tonight, the knowledge will be passed down... Prince Devitt will understand first-hand exactly just how dangerous I am, just how insane in the membrane I can be. The minor brain damage I suffered last year? Forget it... I'm still alive ain't I? But let's go back to when I took on Sheamus, I cheated to win, I used 911 to protect me. When I took on AJ Styles... I had no protection... Nothing to stop this brain damage. So I look the loss like a damn man, I TOOK THE DAMN LOSS! But even though my head is still banged, I'm not giving up.

Place the gun on my head Devitt, tonight... my knowledge, my danger... it all comes out because tonight I am proving to the Smackdown roster that I don't need to be a big guy with muscles to be the best there is. I'm going to prove that I can be up there with the best, even though I've had a long reign as Hardcore Champion... I've still felt like I've been overlooked, tonight I won't be overlooked after I defeat Prince Devitt. The Bullet Club, you want to attack? You want to try deliver the knowledge that you're real... well you're about to see how REAL MIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSTTTTTTTEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Kennedy then pauses as he lowers his voice and cracks a grin.

Kennedy is.

Things return to the ring where Lilian Garcia is standing by to do the introductions as the opening bell sounds.



Lilian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first...

"Real Rock 'n Rolla'" by New Japan Pro Wrestling begins to play as the crowd erupts into boos and the man himself, Prince Devitt, comes out from the back and stands there in the darkness for a moment before making his way to the ring.


Lilian Garcia: From Bray, Ireland. Weighing in at one hundred and eighty pounds. Being accompanied to the ring by "Machine Gun" Karl Anderson and Bad Luck Fale. He is the "Real Rock 'n Rolla'", Prince....DEVIIIIIIT!

Devitt enters the ring as the Bullet Club make their way up the ramp to return to the back, his glowing jacket on full display as he extends his arms in front of himself and makes gun signs with his hands as the crowd boos him further.


Lilian Garcia: And the opponent...


"Turn Up The Trouble" by Airbourne begins to play as the crowd erupts into cheers. It isn't long before Mr. Kennedy, visibly appearing to feed off of their energy, makes his way through the curtain, stopping in the middle of the ramp as he motions for his trademark microphone as it's lowered to him and he grabs it in his hand as his music fades out to silence.


Mr. Kennedy: Ladies and gentlemen, I weigh in this evening at two hundred and forty pounds. I hail from GREEN...BAY....WISCONSIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!

Kennedy pauses for a moment as he looks around at the cheering crowd, a smile on his face as he leans back and draws the microphone close to his face again.


The crowd in attendance is eating it up as he takes another pause, this time releasing the microphone as he walks down the ramp and slides into the ring. He climbs the turnbuckle and poses for the crowd, then steps down and holds up one finger to tell the approaching Prince Devitt to hold on a moment. Kennedy then leaps over the top rope, landing on the floor, as he jogs back up to the microphone, grabs it in his hands, and leans back as far as he can with it.


Kennedy releases the microphone again as he slides back into the ring and the ring bell sounds again to signify the beginning of the match.



Smackdown's first match of 2014 has officially commenced as the UWF Faithful is roaring in anticipation, ready for a new year of mayhem! Prince Devitt, making his debut in the UWF, is feeling the adrenaline rush inside of him as he is sechduled to be taking on the former UWF Hardcore Champion Mr. Kennedy. Kennedy surely has some issues still within him after losing the Hardcore title a couple of weeks back so Prince Devitt will have his work cut out for him in his debut match on Smackdown. Kennedy circles Devitt around the ring as they both stealthly approach each other before getting into a lockup to start things off! Kennedy has the clear weight advantage over Prince Devitt by 60 pounds so he easily overpowers the Irishman to the corner and holds him in place. Devitt struggles against Kennedy but the referee forces Kennedy off of him anyways, Devitt then grabs the opportunity and slaps Kennedy across the face, showing a sign of disrespect!

Taz: What an impression this new guy is making here tonight folks. He's been in the ring for 1 minute with this guy and already he's pissing off the crowd!

Jerry "The King" Lawler: I like it Taz, this guy knows how to play the game! And so far he's winning as well!

Kennedy backs up while holding onto his cheek, his face turning red. Devitt hops onto the ropes and poses for the crowd, then goes onto the canvas and runs after Kennedy but Kennedy does a drop toe hold to Devitt then holds him in place with a body scissors, then repositions himself into a headlock but Devitt climbs back to his feet and shoves Kennedy towards the ropes. Devitt sees Kennedy returning to him and goes for a roundhouse kick but Kennedy slides under Devitt and executes a swinging neckbreaker onto Devitt! Devitt is holding onto his neck but Kennedy gets back up and stomps the back of Devitt's head, calling him out for slapping him in the face. Devitt makes it to his knees and Kennedy comes running up to him, hitting a bycicle kick to the head! Devitt goes down and Kennedy poses for the crowd which gathers a nice response from the fans. Kennedy peers down at Devitt and clubs him on the back, then whips him to the ropes. Kennedy bends down for a back body drop but Prince Devitt kicks Kennedy in the head. Kennedy backs away, unaware that Devitt is charging up to Kennedy and connects with a spinning roundhouse kick to the back of the head!

Jerry "The King" Lawler: What a great shot! That'll show Kennedy that he can't act cocky in the ring anymore!

Joey Styles: Kennedy was a former Hardcore champion, King, I'm sure he knows how to handle himself in the ring.

Taz: He sure does Joey, but then again I think this Prince Devitt will knock off everyone's socks after this matchup is over!

Mr. Kennedy goes back onto his feet, feeling a bit dizzy after being kicked at the back of the head but Prince Devitt isn't stopping there as he rams his knee to the gut of Kennedy multiple times then brings him to the corner, and then whips him to the opposite corner. Devitt poses for the crowd then runs up to Kennedy but Kennedy dodges and Devitt hits the turnbuckles instead. Devitt then turns around and Kennedy runs up to Devitt, clotheslining him out of the ring! Prince Devitt tries to recuperate at ringside so 'Machine Gun' Karl Anderson steps onto the apron to distract Kennedy. Kennedy runs up to Machine Gun but Anderson bails from the apron. Kennedy points his finger to Machine Gun but Prince Devitt ambushes Kennedy from behind, taking him down to his knees! Kennedy tries to fight back against Devitt but Devitt places Kennedy onto the middle rope and proceeds to choke him out there. Devitt is getting the crowd riled up as he yells at them, telling them that 'We're fuckin' Real!'. The referee pulls Devitt back and lectures him, but Karl Anderson and Bad Luck Fale both choke out Kennedy using the ropes from ringside as the referee is distracted!

Joey Styles: Those damn members of the Bullet Club! They shouldn't be apart of the match like this!

Jerry "The King" Lawler: Oh come on, Joey, it's not Mr. Kennedy's fault that he has no friends! He's just an asshole, that's all!

Taz: He's the head asshole in charge, King, don't forget that!

Mr. Kennedy is still hanging on the middle rope as Prince Devitt has finished receieving a lecture from the referee. Devitt approaches Kennedy and lifts him to his feet but hits some rights to the face, bringing him to the corner nearby. Devitt hits some kicks to the midsection, then backs up to the opposite corner and charges at Kennedy, hitting a nice clothesline to the corner. Kennedy falls to a sitting position while Devitt places his foot to the cheekbone of Kennedy, then applies an intense amount of pressure onto Kennedy. Kennedy is struggling to fight back until the referee forces Devitt off of Kennedy. Devitt laughs out loud and brings Kennedy to his feet, poking him in the eye then quickly moves behind him and connects with a back suplex. Devitt then poses for the crowd as he climbs the ropes, leaping off the top turnbuckle and going for a double stomp but crashes face-first onto Kennedy's extended foot. Devitt groggily walks away from Kennedy as Kennedy goes back to his feet and dropkicks Devitt out of the ring. Machine Gun and Bad Luck Fale goes to check up on Devitt, bringing him back to his feet but all three men are jumped on by Kennedy who performs a crossbody vault to ringside!

Taz: Look at this! Mr. Kennedy finally got smart and realized that he had to take out all three members at once!

Joey Styles: Kennedy may be acting smart now Tazz but he has to keep it up if he wants to win this match!

Fale, Anderson and Devitt are down as Kennedy shoots back to his feet after getting a small adreneline rush from that dive, and throws Devitt back inside the ring. Kennedy climbs onto the apron but points to the turnbuckles instead. Kennedy climbs the ropes and is ready to dive onto Devitt but Fale is back up and tries to distract Kennedy. Kennedy kicks Fale off the apron but Devitt charges up to Kennedy and knocks him down to ringside. Fale and Machine Gun are both holding onto Devitt as Devitt bounces off the ropes and runs after the trio at ringside, clearing the ropes and going for a somersault suicide senton to Kennedy but Kennedy moves out of the way and Devitt ends up taking out the Bullet Club instead! The crowd pops for Kennedy's quick thinking as he lifts up Devitt and throws him back inside the ring once again. Kennedy slides back inside the ring as oppposed to climbing the turnbuckles again. Kennedy runs up and stomps the back of Devitt, Devitt trying to escape Kennedy and retreats to the corner but Kennedy hammers away with some lefts and rights, then a knee to the gut. Kennedy then whips Devitt to the opposite corner and goes for a charge but Devitt boots Kennedy in the face. Devitt hops onto the middle turnbuckle and goes for a dive but Kennedy sees this and lands a dropkick to an airbourne Prince Devitt!

Joey Styles: What a magnicifent counter from Mr. Kennedy!

Taz: Mr. Kennedy is stepping up his game tonight Joey!

Prince Devitt is recuperating after taking that dropkick by Mr. Kennedy but Kennedy is still hot on the offense to Devitt. Kennedy lifts up Devitt and whips him to the ropes. Kennedy goes for a clothesline but Devitt ducks it, Devitt bounces off the ropes again but falls to a shoulder block from Kennedy. Devitt shoots to his feet as Kennedy runs up to him so Devitt jumps onto Kennedy's shoulders and goes for a hurricarana but Kennedy traps the legs of Devitt and powerbombs him to the turnbuckles. Devitt walks up to Kennedy while holding onto his back but Kennedy nails a back body drop onto Devitt. Devitt yells out loud while getting back up but Kennedy takes him back down with a body slam. Kennedy then bounces off the ropes and hits a jumping elbow drop to Devitt, then a second one for good measure. Kennedy is back up and poses for the crowd which gathers a nice response from the crowd, and picks up Devitt as he sets him up for the Mic Check but Devitt flips backwards to his feet and kicks the head of Kennedy. Kennedy backs up in a daze but Devitt runs up to him and hits a running knee to the gut, then goes behind Kennedy and drops him down with an inverted DDT! The fans boo at Devitt as he goes for the cover...



And Mr. Kennedy kicks out! Prince Devitt doesn't look too pleased that Kennedy kicked out so easily. He sees that the crowd is completely behind Kennedy and yells at them to shut up. Bullet Club is getting riled up at ringside while their leader picks up Kennedy and drops him down with a suplex! Kennedy groans out loud after that move while Devitt gets up and boots Kennedy in the face. Kennedy rolls towards the ropes and Devitt goes behind Kennedy, placing his head onto the middle rope and proceeds to choke him right there. Devitt backs up and gets lectured by the ref about the same thing he did earlier while Fale runs up and punches Kennedy in the face! Kennedy crawls away from the ropes but falls to the hands of Prince Devitt, who gets a single underhook in and attempts the Bloody Sunday but Kennedy lands back onto his feet and headbutts Devitt hard on the forehead. Devitt backs away from Kennedy in a daze but Kennedy runs up to Devitt and quickly executes a snap DDT to Devitt!

Joey Styles: Beautiful snap DDT from Kennedy!

Taz: Yeah Joey, he just saved himself from losing the match early on!

Kennedy rises back up and yells out loud as he grabs the leg of Devitt and tries to go for the Single Boston Leg Crab but Devitt manages to push Kennedy away with his free leg. Devitt gets up and dodges a clothesline from Kennedy, then lays down a couple of knife chops to Kennedy. Devitt then bounces off the ropes and goes for a charge but Kennedy advances to Devitt and drives his knee to the stomach of Devitt, causing him to flip onto his back! Devitt looks like that he wants to throw up after that vicous knee strike but Kennedy doesn't allow Devitt to get any second thoughts in after hitting some mounted punches to the head of Kennedy. Kennedy lifts up Devitt and says something to him then slaps him across the face, Devitt backing up while holding onto his cheek. Devitt turns around to face Kennedy but Kennedy is approaching him with a charge. Devitt goes to toss him over the ropes but Kennedy lands onto the apron instead, and then hits an elbow to the face of Devitt. Devitt backs up from Kennedy but Machine Gun comes in and punches the spine of Kennedy. Kennedy goes to one knee as Devitt reaches from Kenney from within the ring and suplexs him back inside the ring!

Jerry "The King" Lawler: Smart play by Devitt right there! Using all of his resources to make this match easier for him.

Joey Styles: What are you talking about King? This is a load of crap! Why hasn't the referee ejected Bullet Club from the match yet?

Mr. Kennedy cries out in pain as Prince Devitt has developed a sly smile on his face, wanting to inflict more punishment to the former Hardcore Champion. Kennedy tries to get to his feet and takes a swing at Devitt but Devitt catches the hand of Kennedy then turns it into a single underhook then repeately knees Kennedy in the gut. Kennedy falls to the mat after Devitt eventually lets go and Devitt starts to yell out loud to Kennedy, saying that 'it's fucking real!'. Kennedy has developed a pained expression on his face while trying to get to his feet but Devitt bounces off the ropes and hits a low dropkick to the face of Kennedy, knocking him to the ground. Devitt then climbs the ropes and poses for the crowd, gathering a negative response as Kennedy rises back up, however Devitt leaps off the top turnbuckle and hits a missile dropkick to the chest of Kennedy! Kennedy goes flying acrosss the ring while Devitt goes back to his feet and yells that this match is over. Devitt approaches Kennedy and takes him to the center of the ring, lifts him up to a backbreaker rack, then drops him into a double knee gutbuster which he calls the Prince's Throne! The crowd boos at Devitt as he goes down for the cover onto Kennedy...



And Mr. Kennedy kicks out! Prince Devitt looks a bit surprised but simply shakes his head, almost glad that he gets to hurt Kennedy some more. Kennedy tries to get to his feet but Devitt holds him back down and knees the spine of Kennedy multiple times, then applies a reverse chinlock to Kennedy. Kennedy struggles to remove himself from the grip of Devitt, but Devitt has positioned himself where Kennedy won't be able to get out so easily. Kennedy is waving his arms around, trying to reach for Devitt or the ropes but isn't able to grapple either or while Devitt steps up on the pressure to Kennedy. The crowd claps and cheers for Kennedy as Kennedy manages to get to his feet and elbows the gut of Devitt. Devitt lets go of the chinlock and Kennedy rushes towards the ropes, then runs up to Devitt but misses a clothesline. Kennedy then goes for another charge but Devitt spins around and hits a backflip kick to the face of Kennedy! The impact can be heard from that move as Kennedy crashes to the ground and the fans are once again booing at Devitt loudly.

Jerry "The King" Lawler: This is our very first Smackdown match for 2014 and already the fans are enjoying this matchup!

Joey Styles: I don't think the fans are enjoying this match right now King, especially with Prince Cheapass being in control right now!

Mr. Kennedy goes to a sitting position right now, trying to shake off the blow to the head from Prince Devitt. Back Luke Fale and Machine Gun Karl Anderson are cheering for their leader at ringside as Devitt runs up to Kennedy from behind and hits a stiff kick to the back of Kennedy. Kennedy sceams out loud while trying to comfort his back but Devitt lowers his arm and kicks the upper back region of Kennedy again. Kennedy goes onto his hands and knees but Devitt is still hot on the assault and knees the side of the head, Kennedy rolling away from Devitt and ends up retreating to ringside. Fale tries to approach Kennedy but the referee stops him dead in his tracks and tells him to back off, meanwhile Machine Gun lifts up Kennedy and chucks him HARD to the steel steps. Kennedy has a very pained look on his face as Karl Anderon throws Kennedy back inside the ring. Prince Devitt has that smirk on his face still and lifts Kennedy to his feet, then spins him around while going for a swinging neckbreaker but Kennedy counter spins Devitt and ends up hitting his own swinging neckbreaker instead! The crowd pops for the sudden change of offense as Kennedy gets up and knocks down an enraged Karl Anderson off the apron!

Joey Styles: Mr. Kennedy is back on track folks, and he's showing the members of Bullet Club that he's not to be messed with!

Jerry "The King" Lawler: Oh I agree, Joey, I think we're finally going to be seeing Kennedy kick some ass finally!

Prince Devitt is up after that neckbreaker but Mr. Kennedy ends up knocking him down with a shoulder block. Devitt comes back up but gets clotheslined to the mat from Kennedy, Kennedy is using all of this momentumm well. Kennedy lifts up Devitt to the ground and hits an elbow to the face, then executes a belly to back suplex onto Devitt. Devitt rises back to his feet once again, more slowly this time but Kennedy grapples Devitt and already has plans made for him; and that is the Mic Check! Kennedy sets up Devitt for the Mic Check but Devitt reaches for Kennedy's face and starts to eye gouge him! Kennedy releases Devitt from the Mic Check position as Devitt is still gouging the eye of Kennedy. The referee shoves Devitt and tells him off for gouging the eye, but the damage is already done as Devitt hits a roundhouse kick to the back of Kennedy. Kennedy yelps in agongy as Devitt bounces off the ropes and goes for a crossbody but Kennedy catches him in midair, then lowers Devittt's feet to the ground and goes for a snap DDT but Devitt quickly gets in another single underhook to Kennedy, then executes the Bloody Sunday onto Kennedy out of nowwhere!

Taz: Yes, what a brilliant move! I think Prince Devitt has this one won right here guys!

Mr. Kennedy appears to be in a daze after the Bloody Sunday while Prince Devitt hops to his knees and goes for the cover onto Kennedy...



And Mr. Kennedy places his foot on the rope, preventing the three count from happening! Prince Devitt gets up in a fit of fury and confronts the referee in a not-so-friendly fashion, telling him off about the rulinga. The referee insisits that it's only a two count and that this match is still on. Devitt shakes his head and looks back at Kennedy who's being a complete warrior right now and is still getting up to his feet. Machine Gun and Back Luck Fale are at the edge of the ring apron, ready to strike next. Kennedy makes it to both feet with the applause of the crowd behind him, Kennedy then motions for Devitt to bring it. Devitt snorts out loud and runs after Kennedy, both men are now exchanging heavy blows with each other. Kennedy gets the upper advantage and drives Devitt to the corner, hitting some fury swipes and back elbows to the face of Devitt. Kennedy then whips Devitt hard to the opposite corner, rushing at Devitt and hitting a hard corner clothesline. Kennedy then brings Devitt to the corner and attempts a suplex but Devitt slips behind Kennedy and shoves him to the ropes. Kennedy turns around and dodges a rounhouse kick, Kennedy grappling an unaware Devitt and executes the Mic Check onto Devit!!

Joey Styles: Kennedy hit the Mic Check! Can this be it!?

The crowd POPS as Prince Devitt is down from the Mic Check. Fale and Anderson knows that they can't do anything from ringside and have no choice but to watch Mr. Kennedy as he goes down for the cover...




NO! PRINCE DEVITT KICKS OUT! The crowd is in complete shock that Kennedy didn't win the match right there, as so is Kennedy. Mr. Kennedy is in a state of denial and asks the referee about the count but finds no use in arguing with him. Kennedy knows that to defeat Prince Devitt he has to hit the Green Bay Plunge in order to take him down for good. Kennedy lifts up Prince Devitt into a fireman's carry position and walks him to the turnbuckles, but Devitt knows what Kennedy is trying to do so he grabs a hold of the top rope to prevent Kennedy from climbing the turnbuckles. Kennedy tries to pry Devitt's hands off the ropes but is unable to, so he drops Devitt to the canvas and stomps onto the leg of Devitt. Devitt goes to one knee while Kennedy continues to strike down Kennedy, Kennedy then backs away from Devitt and charges at him, hitting a running knee strike to the face of Devitt. Devitt is in a groggy state now as Kennedy seizes this opportunity and lifts up Devitt into the fireman's carry position again. The crowd knows what's up as Kennedy steps onto the turnbuckles with Devitt on his shoulders, Kennedy then boldly stands up high on the ropes with Devitt on his shoulders, signalling for the Green Bay Plunge but Devitt slips out and throws Kennedy to the canvas, then dives off the ropes and hits his infamous diving double stomp onto Kennedy!

Taz: Wow! Prince Devitt just completely saved his own ass there folks!

Joey Styles: Kennedy could've won the match right there with the Green Bay Plunge, but Devitt found a way to counter it!

Mr. Kennedy is down from the top rope hurricarana while Prince Devitt uses ther ropes to get up to his feet. Devitt looks to be relieved that he escaped the deadly Green Bay Plunge and is still fighting on in this match. Back Luck Fale and Karl Anderson and hitting the apron, telling Devitt that this is his chance to win the match. Devitt nods to the Bullet Club and gets Kennedy to his feet and strikes the face of Kennedy. Kennedy tries to back away but Devitt brings Kennedy to the corner and hits some knife chops to the chest. Kennedy then goes to a sitting position as Devitt backs up a few steps, then runs to Kennedy and hits a front dropkick to the chest. Kennedy rolls under the ropes and stays there but Fale tries to pull Kennedy to ringside, however Kennedy pushes Fale away with his feet. Devitt is back and raises Kennedy onto the apron and tries to suplex him back inside the ring but Kennedy uses the ropes as leverage and brings Devitt to the apron with him. Kennedy headbutts Devitt in the head a couple of times, then a kick to the midsection to cayse Devitt to bend down. Kennedy the latches his arm around Devitt's head and executes a DDT to the ring apron, producing a sickening sound!

Taz: Oh shit! Kennedy just drove Prince Devitt's head onto that ring apron!

Joey Styles: Somebody better make sure that Kennedy didn't bust open Devitt's skull, Taz. I think Devitt's lifespan just went down a couple of years after that move!

Prince Devitt falls to the floor while Mr. Kennedy is trying to refocus himself, stepping onto the ground himself. Kennedy sees Karl Anderson coming after him but Kennedy takes him down with a back body drop. Fale, pissed off at Kennedy now, goes for a rampage towards Kennedy but Kennedy knees him in the gut then chucks him onto the steel steps! Kennedy is feeling the momentum coming back inside of him as he picks up Prince Devitt and shoves him back inside the ring. Kennedy is pumped up and the crowd can absolutely feel it coming from Kennedy. Kennedy whips Devitt to the ropes then goes for a clothesline, Devitt ducks it and goes for a crossbody but Kennedy catches him, lowers him down and hits the Mic Check onto Devitt! Kennedy wants to go for the pin right there but knows that he has to hit the Green Bay Plunge. Kennedy has Devitt onto his shoulders and walks towards the turnbuckles, then climbs onto the top rope like before. Kennedy looks to the crowd with wide eyes, firmly holding onto Devitt so he doesn't counter out of it like last time. The crowd is chanting for Kennedy as Kennedy leaps off the tunbuckles and executes the Green Bay Plunge onto Prince Devitt! The crowd is going NUTS that Kennedy nailed it, knowing that this match is over. Kennedy goes to his knees and crawls to Devitt to go for the cover but...


Mr. Kennedy is looking confused at the referee, not knowing why the bell has rung. Somebody goes to Lillian Garcia and whispers something to her ear as Lillian Garica announces something to the UWF Faithful.

Lilian Garcia: Ladies and gentlemen, the time limit has elapsed. As a result, this match has been ruled...

Before Lilian can throw the match out, she is interrupted by the Smackdown General Manager himself as he walks out onto the stage.


Stone Cold: Hold on there just a second, sweetheart. Ken Kennedy and Prince Devitt here are goin' way too hard at it ta' have their match tossed out like yesterday's garbage and Stone Cold was way too impressed by their war of words ta' let it go down that way, so here's what he's gonna do. Kennedy's the former Hardcore Champion so he knows a little somethin' about beating someone's carcass to a pulp for the "W", and Devitt's trained in that hard hitting Japanese style of wrestling. Mix those two elements together and the only appropriate thing ta' do is make this is a No Disqualification match with absolutely no time limit! And that's the bottom line, cuz Stone Cold said so!

The crowd pops upon hearing this as Kennedy is looking excited that this match is going to continue.

Jerry "The King" Lawler: Wait what? Stone Cold can't do this! Prince Devitt has been working hard and deserves a break!

Joey Styles: Well it's not going to happen, King, because this match is going to continue right now!



The UWF is still shouting for joy after Austin's announcement, the match between Mr. Kennedy and Prince Devitt is still happening. Mr. Kennedy has a huge grin on his face and yells out loud, ready to get it on with Devitt but Devitt is seen bailing from the ring. Devitt looks to be worried for having that No DQ stipulation being placed in this match against the former Hardcore Champion. Kennedy tries to exit the ring but Bad Luck Fale enters the ring and tries to attack Kennedy but Kennedy sees him coming and tosses him out to ringside. 'Machine Gun' Karl Anderson is next in line with a steel chair, but Kennedy does a drop toe hold and Anderson falls flat-faced on the chair! Anderson tries to check his nose but Kennedy has the chair and smashes on the back of Anderson's head, then nudges him out to ringside. Fale tries to make a second coming but Kennedy rams the edge of the chair to the gut of Fale, then bashes the skull of Fale! Kennedy raises the chair in victory while appears on the apron, then goes for a springboard clothesline but Kennedy chucks the chair and hits Devitt square on the face! The Bullet Club exits the ring as Kennedy shows off all the dents on the chair that he made so far!

Styles: Mr. Kennedy is going wild with that chair! It's not going to be long before blood starts being poured!

Tazz: Yeah no kidding Joey, this is going to be nuts!

Prince Devitt is back on his feet while Fale and Karl Anderson are still down, Mr. Kennedy swinging the chair arround and urging Devitt to get back inside the ring. Devitt walks around ringside and grabs another steel chair from the announcer's tables, then slowing enters the ring while gripping the chair. Kennedy and Devitt both circle each other in the ring then they swing the chairs at each other, entering a chair duel. Devitt takes a big swing but Kennedy ducks it, then goes for a chair shot himself but Devitt blocks it with his own chair. Kennedy then takes another swing but Devitt ducks it and rams the edge to the back of Kennedy's knee, then throws the chair down and goes for an inverted DDT but Kennedy elbows the gut and counters to an STO onto the chair! Devitt clearly has lost that duel as Kennedy now has both chairs in his hand, including the dented one. Kennedy throws the dented chair away and is ready to swing the chair at Devitt, Kennedy running after Devitt but Devitt spins around and hits the backflip kick to the face! Kennedy drops the chair while groggily backing away from Devitt, Devitt runs up to Kennedy and dropkicks him out of the ring. Devitt has a smile on his face as he bounces off the ropes and runs to where Kennedy is at ringside and leaps over the ropes with a somersault senton to Kennedy!

King: Prince Devitt is getting his head back in the game. Look at that move!

Styles: He may love what he does King, but I think these fans are rooting for Mr. Kennedy here tonight!

Both men are at ringside, but are unable to be counted out due to the orders of Smackdown GM Stone Cold Steve Austin. Prince Devitt is up first and tells the crowd to shut up, lifting Kennedy up and tossing him to the security barrier. Devitt tries to run up to Kennedy but Kennedy moves out of the way, but Devitt simply hops to the top of the barricade and follows up with a crossbody onto Kennedy. The crowd pops for that move but Devitt mocks the fans close-by, then grabs Kennedy's head and smashes it onto the steel post to weaken him down. Kennedy tries to walk away but Fale comes around and clotheslines Kennedy to the ground, yelling at him about smacking him with the steel chair. The referee tells Fale to back away from Kennedy while Devitt tosses Kennedy back inside the ring. Devitt looks under the ring and grabs a kendo stick and rolls inside the ring with it. Kennedy tries to shake off the dizziness from his head but Devitt runs up to Kennedy and whacks the back with a kendo stick, making a very painful sound. Kennedy screams out in pain while Devitt smacks Kennedy with the kendo stick some more. Devitt then gets Kennedy onto his knees and lands a stiff kick to the upper back region, then hits another kendo stick shot to the stomach this time. Kennedy goes onto his hands and knees while Devitt hops onto the second rope, jumping off of it and hitting a high kendo shot onto Kennedy's back!

King: Oh man, you can see Kennedy's back turning red from those kendo stick shots. I like it! Aha!

Tazz: Mr. Kennedy can tolerate a lot of pain King, it's going to take more then a kendo stick to bring him down!

Mr. Kennedy is trying to comfort his back by resting his hand onto his, while Devitt raises the kendo stick up and yells at the crowd. The crowd isn't pleased with Prince Devitt one bit but Devitt doesn't care. Karl Anderson and Bad Luck Fale are both at ringside, cheering on their leader as Devitt goes behind Kennedy and starts to choke him out with the kendo stick! Kennedy struggles to break free from Devitt but Kennedy is placed in a submissive position. Devitt continues to choke out Kennedy while displaying some very angered facial expressions. Devitt wants to beat Kennedy in is own game and is willing to do anything and everything to acheive that goal. Kennedy is struggling less with the oxygen being cut off from his brain. Devitt eventually releases Kennedy from the kendo stick choke and throws it out of the ring. Devitt brings Kennedy to his feet but backs up then charges towards him, hitting a corkscrew roundhouse kick to the back of Kennedy's head which makes him drop to the canvas. Devitt is clearly showing off to the crowd right now which they boo at while he picks up Kennedy and places him on the turnbuckles in the tree of woe position. Devitt then raises his arms up and he climbs the ropes, then looks down at the hanging Kennedy and leaps off the top turnbuckle, hitting a diving double stomp to the exposed chin of Kennedy!

Tazz: Oh man, what a shot from Prince Devitt! Yo, somebody better check up on Mr. Kennedy to see if his lower jaw is still intact.

King: Mr. Kennedy is a loudmouth Tazz, so for his sake he better still have it. Aha!

Mr. Kennedy is still hanging in the tree of woe position, almost unconcious as Prince Devitt walks around the ring while yelling out "I'm damn real" to the fans. The crowd starts chanting for Kennedy as Devitt runs up to Kennedy and hits a low dropkick to the head. Kennedy falls of the ropes finally and lands on his neck while Devitt proceeds to stomp the back of the head. Mr. Kennedy is clearly in trouble now and the fans know it, to which they start chanting for Kennedy again. Prince Devitt doesn't like what he's hearing so he tells them to shut up, saying that this is his match and nothing can stop him. Kennedy tries to reach for the ropes to help himself up but Devitt runs up and kicks the arm of Kennedy, then backs him away from the ropes and takes him down with a belly to back suplex.Kennedy rolls away from Devitt as Devitt tells Fale and Kal Anderson to get him another chair, then turns around and stomps the arm of Kennedy. Prince Devitt is trying to finish off this match by weaking the arm and appliny the Fujiwara armbar, which he calls Devitt's End. Prince Devitt has a smirk on his face while Anderson tosses a chair inside the ring, Devitt has the chair and folds it onto Kennedy's arm. Prince Devitt is smiling as he climbs up the ropes, preparing for another double stomp off the top rope which causes the crowd to boo at Devitt loudly. Devitt yells at them again and leaps off the ropes but Kennedy rolls out of the way just in time!

Tazz: Geez I think Mr. Kennedy just dodged a bullet there, no pun intended.

Styles: It's true, Tazz. Mr. Kennedy could've had his arm snapped right there... hey wait!

Karl Anderson and Back Luck Fale both enter the ring after Devitt's miss while the fans are firing massive amounts of heat at the Bullet Club for yet another 3 on 1 situation. Mr. Kennedy still has his arm wrapped in that chair and is unable to get it off as Karl Anderson holds down Kennedy with his feet. Bad Luck Fale grabs the dented up steel chair and approaches Mr. Kennedy and starts hitting the chair that's folded on Kennedy's arm, trying to snap the bone after every brutal shot! Mr. Kennedy yelps out in pain after every hit as the fans plead for the Bullet Club to stop with the assault, even the referee tries to stop it but they threaten the referee that they would hurt him badly as well. Fale stops with the chair shots and Karl Anderson pulls off Kennedy's arm, the arm looking clearly bruised as Devitt is back up and looks pleased with the work from the Bullet Club. Kennedy is grunting from the potential broken arm, not wanting to waste an opportunity, Devitt starts to strike the battered arm of Kennedy with some kicks while Fale and Anderson finally leave the ring. Devitt has a sadistic smile on his face as he brings Kennedy to his feet and hits a vicious roundhouse kick to the damaged arm of Kennedy! Kennedy tries to move away from Devitt but Devitt wretches the bad arm of Kennedy and tries to go for the Devitt's End but Kennedy ends up countering to a DDT in a desparate move! Kennedy quickly goes down and attempts to cover Prince Devitt...


And Prince Devitt kicks out! Mr. Kennedy knew that wouldn't have finished him off but would give him a moments rest before Devitt gets back up. Kennedy uses his good arm to get himself back to his feet while Fale mocks entering the ring again. Kennedy doesn't know how much longer he can last in this kind of situation, so he figures that it's time to end this match right now. Kennedy struggles to bring Devitt to his feet and hits some knees to the gut, then a high knee to the face to send Devitt back a few paces. Devitt tries to refocus himself as Kennedy runs up to Devitt and spins him around for a neckbreaker but Devitt elbows the back of Kennedy's head, then goes for a dropkick but misses and falls to the ground. Kennedy quickly lifts Devitt up and sees that Fale is on the apron so Kennedy tosses Devitt onto Fale to knock him to ringside. Kennedy notices that Karl Anderson is checking up on Fale so Kennedy walks over to the ropes and lands on the both of them with a cross body vault from the ring! The crowd pops as Kennedy is looking to solve the Bullet Club problem once and for all as he peers under the ring and pulls out two sets of handcuffs!

King: What's Mr. Kennedy doing with those? Put them down he can't use those in a match!

Styles: Mr. Kennedy has been getting screwed by the Bullet Club this entire match King. It's payback time!

Kennedy uses his good arm to drag Karl Anderson near the ropes and handcuff's him to the bottom rope, then does the same thing to Bad Luck Fale! The fans cheer for Kennedy to finally solve this problem but Kennedy is too slow as Prince Devitt is back up and hits a suicide dive onto Mr. Kennedy! Devitt is back up and is furious with his stable being mistreated like this. Devitt grabs Kennedy and tosses him back inside the ring, but looks under the ring and pulls out a table from under the ring. The crowd is in wonder on what Devitt plans on doing with that. Devitt slides the table under the ring and sets it up at the corner but Kennedy comes running after Devitt and strikes him on the back. Devitt goes down and Kennedy slams the table on top of Devitt, then shoves it away from Devitt. Kennedy then drags Devitt away from the reaching hands of the Bullet Club and sets Devitt onto his shoulders, finally ending this madness with the Green Bay Plunge. Kennedy hops onto the top rope with Devitt in the fireman's carry position, ready to jump but the bad arm of Kennedy is kicking in again and ultimately Prince Devitt manages to escape the Green Bay Plunge by hopping on the ropes and executing the Blood Sunday from the top rope! The fans are quite shocked at the sudden turn of events as Prince Devitt goes down for the cover with a smile on his face!

King! Yes he's got it!




NO! MR. KENNEDY KICKS OUT!! The crowd EXPLODES in cheers as Prince Devitt shoots to his feet and throws a fit in the ring. The referee tries to avoid eye contact of Devitt but Devitt shoves the ref to the corner, not knowing how to react right now due to being completely angry. Devitt tries to kick the handcuffs off of Fale but fails to do so, then looks at Kennedy with a beet red face and screams at him that his time has come. Devitt drags Kennedy by the bad arm away from the ropes and applies the Devitt's End Armbar onto Mr. Kennedy! The severly damaged arm of Kennedy is locked into the armbar and Mr. Kennedy is already producing terrorizing screams. He tries to reach for the ropes but Devitt has Kennedy positioned where Kennedy is pratically immobolized on the spot. Kennedy kicks the mat in frustration as high levels of pain shoots through his arm, Kennedy not wanting to quit in this epic bout but might have to. Devitt can sense victory coming within him so he gets cocky and yells out to the crowd, but his neck is extended too much so Kennedy is able to push Devitt away using his legs, thus breaking Devitt's End!

Tazz: That was a beutiful escape from Mr. Kennedy!

Styles: He sure has some fight left in him Tazz, that's for sure!

Mr. Kennedy seems to be relieved in escaping Devitt's End, but the damage that is done to his arm may be overbearring for Mr. Kennedy to withstand. Kennedy gets to his feet but a pissed off Devitt comes running and hits a dropkick to Kennedy, taking him down on the canvas. Fale and Karl Anderson are still locked up in handcuffs, giving up on trying to escape from them. Devitt runs up and stomps onto the bad arm of Kennedy, trying to inflict more agony onto Kennedy before trying Devitt's End again but Kennedy seems to be overtaking the suffering somewhat. Kennedy is getting smarter and is covering the bad arm, Devitt trying to pull the arm out but Kennedy instead drives his fist to Devitt's gut in a counter-measure. Devitt walks away while Kennedy is up and attacks Devitt with a bulldog! Devitt gets back up but Kennedy bounces off the ropes and brings down Devitt with a chop block to the back of the knee. Devitt struggles to get to his feet but Kennedy does a kick to the mid-section and connects with a brainbuster onto Prince Devitt! Devitt is down but Mr. Kennedy knows that he won't get the win there, and his arm is too weak for the Green Bay Plunge so instead he exits the ring and pulls out a ladder from under the ring!

Styles: Oh man what's Mr. Kennedy thinking!?

King: He's planning on doing something stupid Joey, just watch!

Mr. Kennedy slides the ladder into the ring and rolls back inside, then walks up to stomp down Devitt to make sure he doesn't move. Mr. Kennedy the grabs the table that's still laying down and places it in the center of the ring, then he places Prince Devitt onto the table. Mr. Kennedy then struggles while dragging and setting up the ladder at the corner, then starts to climb it but Fale is able to use is size and grab the leg of Kennedy. Kennedy turns around and kicks the hand of Fale to get him to back off, then manages to climb near the top of the ladder, signalling for the Kenton Bomb but Devitt stands on the table and leaps onto the ladder to stop Mr. Kennedy! The crowd is shocked that Prince Devitt just did that as he positions Mr. Kennedy into a superplex position. The crowd is worried that Kennedy is going to be suplexed off the ladder through a table but Mr. Kennedy's gets an adrenaline rush and manages to lift Prince Devitt onto his shoulders. Mr. Kennedy the steps on the top of the ladder as the crowd knows what's going to happen. Kennedy then yells at the top of his lungs as he leaps off the ladder and nails the Green Bay Plunge onto the table below!!!

Styles: OH MY GOD!!!

Tazz: Holy shit!!

The crowd is going INSANE as Mr. Kennedy and Prince Devitt are both down from that intense Green Bay Plunge off the ladder. Table pieces are surrounding both men, the whole image looking like a car wreck just happened. Mr. Kennedy is barely moving while Prince Devitt is completely knocked out. Kennedy takes a moment to remember where he is, and crawls towards Devitt to cover the shoulders and try to end this opening bout of 2014...

King: It can't be over!!




NO! MR. KENNEDY WAS HIT FROM A BOOT! Karl Anderson is seen on the apron while handcuffed, a boot is missing from his left foot. Mr. Kennedy is dazed from being hit with Anderson's boot and Fale is yelling at Kennedy. Kennedy shakes off the daze he's in and grabs a hold of the boot and hits Anderson in the face with it. Anderson falls off the apron and is hanging by the handcuffs attached to the bottom rope. Kennedy turns around and picks up the nearly unconcious Devitt, Devitt though snaps out of it and hits a low blow to the groin of Kennedy! Kennedy hops around the ring as Devitt grabs a piece of the broken table and rams the jagged end of it to Kennedy's eyes! Kennedy falls on his face as blood is gushing out of it one eye, appearing to have been stabbed from the wooden table. Kennedy is clearly blind from the amount of blood being swarmed around his eyes as he doesn't notice that Prince Devitt is behind him and takes down Kennedy with the Reverse Bloody Sunday! Kennedy is down and in a confused state as Prince Devitt goes for the cover...



Your winner of the match: Prince Devitt!

The crowd is not interested in seeing Prince Devitt get his hand raised in victory and instead they chant 'bullshit' at the Bullet Club. Karl Anderson and Bad Luck Fale are both released from the handcuffs and join Prince Devitt in the ring. Kennedy gets dumped out to ringside as Devitt is raised onto the shoulders off Karl Anderson and Bad Luck Fale and they celebrate their win while the fans still sit in their seats, frustrated that Kennedy got screwed out of a victory. Bullet Club is left standing in the ring as Smackdown heads somewhere else.




As the fans in the venue where this episode of SmackDown takes place mind their own business and wait for something to happen, to their surprise, the theme they have least expected to hear played.

The notorious drumbeat followed by the orgasmic riffs played and the more intelligent fans who actually know something about the wrestling world outside the mainstream federations did know that one of the biggest badasses in the wrestling business today, Kevin Steen, is about to make his way to the ring. However, nothing happened for quite some time, but he eventually came from the back with an absolutely careless expression on his face, almost as if he didn't really care about what he wanted to say to the UWF fans.


Remaining expressionless, Steen walked to the ring as he was handed a microphone by the ringside crew. He entered the ring and looked at the crowd who let a loud reaction that was more heat than cheers, since he didn't play to them at all.


He waited for his music to slowly fade to silence as he raised his microphone and started talking.


Kevin Steen:

I'm Kevin Steen and I'm not gonna go through all the introduction shit you're probably used to, because you either know a thing or two about wrestling and know who I am or you're less smarter than the other fans and are about to find out who I am. So I just swung by to actually tell you that I'm UWF's newest roster addition and whether you like it or not, and I actually don't give the tiniest crap if you do, because I'm here just because I want to, you're gonna have to watch me every single week. Now here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna tell you a story, and parents who came here with children, I dunno, you should probably cover their ears or something, because I won't tell you a fairytale and it's going to contain profane language.

The fans remain quiet as Steen takes a deep breath and proceeds.

So, as you might or might not know, the wrestling business as a whole is a whorehouse, because you come into it and you're guaranteed that somebody will certainly fuck you over. And the thing is, all the companies I wrestled for apparently thought that I was their bitch and so they proceeded fucking me whenever they wanted to, despite all my attempts to tell them that I'm not a hoe, that I have a penis and that if they continue attempting coitus with me, their family members will receive one of their body parts by mail in a nice packaged box.

The fans laugh and boo.

Now, little did they know that I was not kidding, 'cept for the part that I didn't actually decapitate their body parts, but what I did is that I have raised hell wherever I went. The whole whorehouse thing went on, because life is actually sometimes really funny, because they actually became prostitutes of mine, the biggest one was Ring of Honor, because they've realized that nobody should attempt to fuck over Kevin Steen. You see, this ring, this ring is actually my home. I grew up watching wrestling, when I hit puberty, my dad found me a wrestling school, and that's how my story started. Now I know nobody invited me, but one day, I've decided to make myself at home in the ring.

So when somebody pisses me off, I go to the ring, beat the soul out of somebody, I yell a curse or two at them, because believe it or not, I curse at home too and that's why my relatives avoid talking to me, and I suddenly feel better. And I do that every night that I wrestle. Little girls have their diaries into where they put their mental diarrhea about really unimportant stuff and feel better afterwards, wrestling is my diary, except for the fact that I hurt people and honestly, I really like it, I do.

Steen smiles and continues as fans start booing.


And I actually find it funny that whatever the hell I say, you guys are going to boo me, because that's simply how this business works. It's like.. one big machine that pisses me off so much you couldn't imagine. And now I went to a mainstream federation like UWF is because I know that it's just the place where this very machine works the smoothest and it's the place where I'm gonna enjoy kicking the living shit out of the machine and watch it break down to metal shards and screws and have a laugh at the broken LCD screen on the ground. The best thing on it is that I'm actually free to do and say anything I want, because the "powers that be" know who Kevin Steen is, and they know that it's not smart to fuck with Kevin Steen, and the funniest thing is that they know that when my t-shirts and stuff hits their e-shops and stands in the venues where the shows will be held, it's gonna sell like bread and it'll bring them cash, so it would be against their profit to fire me or something.

Steen laughs at this fact and continues.

Now back to the dismantling of the machine. I'm gonna be this generous, just because this is my first night here. And this will be the only opportunity to avoid being my enemy, so I suggest that the whole roster listens to me right now.

The arena is silent in anticipation to what Steen has on his mind.


The thing is, it's not that I don't have the balls to do it all by myself, because you know I do, it's that it's more fun when you've got somebody doing it with you. I'm offering you to come and take part of the biggest modern-day revolution in wrestling, I'm offering you to be close to the man that will dismantle the machine to the smallest pieces and most importantly, I'm offering you to take a piece of my metaphorical cake of success after I dismantle it. Now I don't care whether you're John Cena, The Shockmaster, CM Punk or Hornswoggle, you can join me if you want, and I don't really care about who you are as long as you will do whatever I tell you, no excuses. I know that it might piss you off that you'll have to listen to my orders, but hey, who asked me what pissed me off during my career? So as long as you'll listen to me, you'll be a part of my army, you'll become untouchable and you won't be my enemy, because, and this is important, automatically, whoever doesn't join me now, tonight, like literally right now, will automatically be considered a part of the machine and my enemy at the same time. So.. I'm waiting.

Steen turns to the titantron and leaves as the camera follows him until he does, then returns to the ring.


Lilian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first...

The camera pans to the titantron screen where the entrance video of the "Masterpiece" Chris Masters is playing as he music triumphantly begins to play over the PA system.


"Masterpiece" by Jim Johnston is that theme as the crowd gives off a mixed reaction regarding the impending arrival of the man the theme belongs to. As the glorious theme rolls on, the camera cuts away to the man himself, knelt down on the stage with a cape draped over him as he holds a pose to resemble Auguste Rodin's "The Thinker" sculpture as he allows the UWF crowd to bask in his wonder for a moment before beginning to rise to his feet.


As Masters rises to his feet, he throws the cape off of himself suddenly and breaks out into a flexing pose as pyro explodes from the stage behind him, the crowd responding to the sight with another mixed reaction.


As the pyro dies down, Masters is joined by his wife-to-be Layla as she emerges from the backstage to join his side as the two make their way down the ramp to the ring.

Lilian Garcia: From Los Angeles, California. Weighing in at two hundred and sixty-five pounds. He is "The Masterpiece", Chris...Masterrrssss!

Layla remains ringside as Masters enters the ring and busts out another pose as the crowd showers him with another mixed reaction.

Lilian Garcia: And the opponent...

The arena darkens up as the camera pans to the stage as "Evil Ways" by Blue Saraceno begins to play.


AJ walks out onto the stage with the Hardcore Championship around his waist as the lights darken and a purple mist overtakes the stage, almost like the aura of the "Phenomenal One" on display, as he looks around at the crowd who are on their feet with passionate screams and cheers for him.


As "Evil Ways" continues to play, suddenly familiar drum sounds are heard as the fans are treated to the sound of,

Ready to

AJ's removes his hood and makes his way towards the ring to cheers from the crowd as "Evil Ways" segues into and is replaced by "I Am, I Am" by Dale Oliver.

Lilian Garcia: From Gainesville, Georgia. Weighing in at two hundred and fifteen pounds. He is the Hardcore Champion, the "Phenomenal" A...J....Styles!

AJ enters the ring and gets to his feet, putting his arms above his head and his football gloves together as the fans continue to shower him with cheers of adoration.


Styles drops his arms and gets ready for the match ahead as the ring bell sounds again.


Masters reminds Styles about what he did to his leg and promises to break him in half tonight. Styles and Masters circle one another in the ring, Masters leaning with his weaker leg due to the damage done to his good one. Both men lock up, Masters quickly overpowers him and sends him to the mat. AJ is quick back up to his feet and ties up with Masters again. Masters again quickly pushes Styles to the ground. Styles dusts himself off and gets up again, Masters is looking to lock up again but AJ has other ideas turning to the leg he tortured at Starrcade, he smashes it with a powerful Leg Kick. Masters drops to his side and immediately rolls out of the ring in pain, intelligently as it puts space between himself and his opponent. As Masters recooperates Styles wastes no time in hitting the ropes and diving clean over the top ropes, however he ends up in the hands of Masters in a Powerbomb position and Masters quickly swivels and tosses AJ head first into the ringside barricade!

Styles: OH MY GOD!

King: He could've given AJ Styles a concussion after that one!

Masters still feeling the pain in his leg gets back to his feet and lifts AJ's limp body into his arms before running AJ back first straight into the Steel Ring Post. Masters is on a warpath as he picks AJ up again and this time hoists him up onto his shoulder before dropping him chest first into the Spanish Announce Table. Masters quickly then rolls back into the ring as the referee is counting. The referee is at a count of five as Masters tells him to count, AJ slowly gets onto his hands and knees and crawls towards the ring, Masters tells the referee to count and so the referee continues until the count of nine when AJ rolls back into the ring. A disgruntled Masters grabs Styles and forces him into the corner where he smashes him with some Shoulder Thrusts before dragging him out of the corner by the arm to the centre of the ring where he pulls him in for a Short Arm Clothesline. Masters then drops a big Elbow Drop down onto AJ for a pin attempt



AJ kicks out.

Styles: I can't believe AJ Styles is still in this, Masters has been relentless with his powerful arsenal of moves.

Tazz: Say what you like about AJ Styles, but I'll tell ya one thing, he's tough to put away for the count as we've seen throughout his career.

Masters gets up and drags AJ by his hair to his feet but AJ shows signs of life and battles back with some hard kicks to the injured leg of Masters eventually causing Masters to relinquish his grip on Styles, Masters drops to one knee momentarily and AJ takes advantage with a big Roundhouse Kick to the kneeled opponent. Masters falls onto his back on the mat and AJ covers.



Masters rolls the shoulder out, unswayed AJ goes on the assault grabbing Masters leg and kicking the hamstring area several times before flattening the leg out and dropping a Leg Drop down onto it. AJ then quickly goes to work tying up the legs and rolling over onto his belly to lock in an excriutiating Inverted Indian Deathlock. Masters winces as his weakened leg is targeted proficiently by the Hardcore Champion AJ Styles. Masters however is far too close to the ropes for the move to be a potential submission and it's only a matter of time before Masters clutches at the bottom rope and AJ is forced to break the hold. AJ lets it go and attempts to go back on the assault but Masters pulls him by the tights and forces him through the ropes to the outside ring apron as to gain some distance.

King: Look at that intelligence shown by Chris Masters, proving once again that 'The Masterpiece' isn't just some dumb muscle bound powerhouse.

Styles: Yeah he's certainly much wiser than one would give him credit for but look at the toll AJ's attacks have put on Master's maneuverability.

Masters is really struggling to his feet with the assistance of the ring ropes, but on his blindside AJ is back on his feet clutching the top ring rope, as Masters stumbles around his is met with AJ Styles flying through the air with his signature Springboard Forearm Smash. This move knocks Masters back down to the mat, however he is much quicker to his feet this time round but again is only met with AJ springboarding off the top rope with a backflip, landing onto his opponent before dropping him with his signature Stylin' DDT!. AJ covers Masters.



Masters rolls the shoulder out. AJ now sees Masters prone on the mat and heads to the top rope to the delight of the crowd. As he gets to the top rope however Layla appears on the ring apron and distracts him as Masters struggles back up onto a vertical base. This distraction serves it's purpose as Masters gets up onto the middle rope and attacks AJ with several shots to the head. It's then that Masters wraps his arm around the head of AJ Styles but AJ fights him off with shots to the head including headbutts which send Masters crashing back down to the mat in front of Styles who is looking for the finish now!.

Styles: AJ's feeling froggy and this could spell the end for Masters

Tazz: This could be a huge risk now for AJ now that he has Masters in a vulnreable position!

AJ sets himself before leaping from the top rope with an attempted Frog Splash however Masters gets his knees up and takes the winds right out of AJ Styles' sails. AJ rolls onto the mat as Masters quickly gets back to his feet and grabs AJ under the arms and locks in his signature Masterlock submission!. The crowd immediately begin to boo as Masters pulls AJ up from the mat and begins to ragdoll him. AJ is feeling the strain as the wincing expression on his face shows to the audience. Masters really torques it throwing AJ around off of his feet at one point, AJ is fading and it could spell the end of the match. The referee moves in and checks AJ's consciousness. He checks AJ's arm once as Masters screams at him to do it again, he does indeed check again and once more AJ appeared to be out of it.

Styles: This could be it for AJ Styles the hand has dropped twice and if it drops three times it's all over but NO!

AJ at the third time of asking answers the referees calls and makes a fist of determination. With the crowd on his side AJ fights back he walks Masters back into a corner but Masters keeps the hold locked in walking AJ back to the centre of the ring where he raises AJ off of his feet again with the hold however Masters has tired and whilst in the air Styles manages to slip out of the hold, drop down into a Drop Toe Hold and then applies the Calf Killer dead centre of the ring!. Masters yells in a great deal of pain as AJ torques his patented submission hold. Masters' weakened leg can't possibly last much longer and this proves to be the case despite Masters refusal to give up at first, crawling towards the ropes only to be dragged back and the hold reapplied, it's then that Masters gives in and once more taps out to AJ Styles' Calf Killer giving the Hardcore Champion the victory!.

Winner via Submission (Calf Killer) - AJ Styles!




The capacity crowd at UWF Smackdown goes from jimmering and jammering to dead silent in an instant as the titantron switches form the brand logo to a shot of backstage. Sami Callihan is showN pacing back and forth somewhere in the building. Brodie Lee stands nearby in the background with his lumberjack arms crossed and his lumberjack face looking cross.

Callihan: What's uh, what do you call it when it you have really high hopes, like big plans or expectations, when you think something is finally gonna go somewhere and then it all just turns to shit outta nowhere... like when you get this... this excitement that something's gonna give and there's gonna be a break finally... finally... and then no, nothing, you were wrong, stupid kid, so wrong to even think for one... damn... second that it would all just be anything other than a huge waste of your emotion, of your care, of your time... Thinking that maybe another human being, or human beings, would be able to accomplish more in this life than letting you down? What that's called?

Brodie Lee: Disappointment.

Callihan: Dissapointment. Yeah, Brodie, that's exactly it. Now that's a word.... nah, that's a feeling that Sami Callihan has been used to for a long, loooooooooong time now. Hell, long ago as I can remember there was always somebody saying to me that they expected more from me, or they were hurt they were sad that I had done something they wanted or that I had done something they didn't want. Whether it was the Principle sitting me down in that office saying he was sick of me fighting other kids or my mom screaming at me that I was a waste of her welfare check every month, or some fucking boss therapist telling me I wasn't living up to my potential. So much disappointment.

But Sami Callihan grew up - I became a man. Those voices of, uh, authority, they all seemed to fade away. I had to fend for myself, ya know? Moved out, and I saw the world. Saw it for what it was. And I started to feel disappointed. First, first it was at a distance, just seeing how messed up everything is - starving kids in some other country, crooked politicians across this country, greedy pricks stealing from the sick and needy. Then its was little stuff every day, like some small time promoter ripping me off again and again, or bills stacking up even when I'm working my ass off to stay on top of that junk.

So when I get the call from the UWF, best believe I thought I was coming to greener pastures. T.I.O.C. making it big time, finally getting things sorted out, making a real career out of this insanity. No more running around to community centres and gyms all over the nation, no sir. We had a home now, some place to come every week no matter what. Sure enough though, sure enough that disappointment followed me here too. Followed me into my home.


I don't mind losing a match. It doesn't bother me too much that I got my ass kicked all around a parking lot in Vancouver or that I lost that Hardcore title match at Starrcade, cause that was a hell of a match and I was proud to be a part of it, even when I was pulling staples out of my chest two days later instead of celebrating the damn holiday. Oh, by the way, that AJ Styles, he earned that belt. I got nothing but respect for the blood he'll spill for his gold.

But just when I get that - that perfect match, that feeling like I'm part of something great here, I take a look around my home and I see its broken. I see the cracks creeping all around like a splitting windshield, always looking like its all about to shatter. Professional wrestlers no-showing title matches, legends phoning in the rare matches they do show up for, and then throwing away the numerous chances they get to redeem themselves. I see titles treated like shit by ungrateful losers. I see this company treated like trash by the same men who demand respect from it, who are "so proud" to be a part of it. That hardcore match was amazing, and me and Brodie are fucking thrilled to be going after those tag belts now. I can't wait to take 'em and then beat them Dudleys and take theirs too. But that hope, that fucking sense of "home" I finally got, as much as I love it, there's this little dark spot, like a little sickness or pain I feel. I got this like, I dunno, ache, knowing that its being disrespected so obnoxiously, so callously, and that nobody's doing a damn thing about it. I'm just ready... to... to break some shit, ya know?

Sami starts kicking various things over backstage, cause, ya know, there's always a bunch of random junk back there. Brodie Lee doesn't move at all. Like, ever.

Callihan: So I'm formerly dedicating tonight all-to-certain beatdown of these goofballs, The Second City Saints, to any and every other loser who takes this all for granted. Who spits on the hard work of the guys who built these company and who bleed to keep it running. Tonight's a warning, a brutal one. It brings the T.I.O.C. one step closer to that gold and with every body we break along the way, I'll be glad to see one less tool crowding up OUR locker room.


When AJ Styles has to take an ambulance out of the arena but still has his belt, I feel proud to be here. When Prince Devitt and Mr. Kennedy, yeah even that jabronie Kennedy go back and forth and back and forth until you're begging to see them rip each other to shreds, I feel proud to be here. When Eddie Guerrero pours out his soul and shows ya just how much he'll give to be at the top, I feel proud to be here. When Tyson Kidd gets screwed over time and time again but never quits going for that gold, I feel proud to here. But when you get called out for a fight and you can't even show up to look the other man in the eye, well all I feel is that disappointment again.

I'm done with every half-assed has been who can't put in the effort to make something of themselves. You're either in or in the way kids. T.I.O.C. means we bring results, not excuses to the table. We don't ask for much back, but we take whatever we can get. Tonight, that's gonna be blood. Come the Rumble, it'll be those tag team titles.

Callihan gives the camera one finall sneer of disgust before leading the way off-screen.


In the Saints corner of the ring, Punk steps through the ropes and stands on the apron, signifying that Cabana will be starting things off for their team. On the opposite side of the ring diagonal from them, Lee steps through the ropes and stands on the apron, signifying that Callihan will be starting things off for their team. As the two competitors make their way towards each other, Cabana goes for a collar-elbow tie-up but Sami's having none of it as he flattens Colt with a bicycle kick that nearly takes his head off as he hits the mat with violent impact. Colt holds the back of his head in pain with both hands as he rolls over onto his side as Sami begins delivering stomps to his side. Colt begins to crawl desperately towards Punk as Sami continues the abuse, now focused on the kidney area because of Colt no longer being stationary.

Cabana is inches away from tagging in Punk when Sami grabs him by the ankles and drags him to the center of the ring. Sami grabs him and pulls him to his feet as Colt throws a right punch but Sami ducks it and lifts him onto his shoulders, hitting him with the Switchblade Special! Punk goes to intervene but Lee pulls him off of the apron, causing him to hit his face as he falls to the ground. In the ring, Callihan hooks the leg.







Lilian Garcia: Here are your winners, T.I.O.C.!

The referee goes to raise Sami's arm in victory but as he does, Sami throws his arm backward and catches the referee in the mouth with the point of his elbow as the referee goes down. Sami stands up and angrily runs his hands through his hair, disgusted that he and Lee were given no fight for the number one contendership to the tag belts. Callihan spits on Cabana and yells at him, "You're nothing but a disappointment! Both of you!" As Sami berates Cabana, the crowd comes alive with boos suddenly, and as Sami looks up to see what the commotion is, he sees Fandango and EC3 making their way to the ring. Sami motions for them to bring it on as Lee joins him in the ring, a rather large screwdriver and a tire iron in his possession as he hands the screwdriver to Sami.

As things are about to pick up, Punk goes after EC3 and Fandango on the outside of the ring and Cabana goes after Callihan and Lee on the inside. Lee clubs him in the head with the tire iron as he runs after them but as this is going on, the champs have already taken down Punk as they circle the ring while Sami and Brodie are beating down Cabana with their weapons. The fans boo as the champs flip up the ring apron and grab weapons of their own before entering the ring. As they do, Fandango takes his weapon of choice, a disco ball, and smashes it over the back of Sami's head, shards of glass scattering everywhere as Sami falls to the mat next to Cabana. This gets Lee's attention but it's too late because as he turns around, he is struck by EC3's weapon of choice, a portrait of himself as Carter hits Lee in the gut with the top of the frame before swatting him with it like a baseball bat as Brodie is sent staggering, trips over Cabana, and lands on top of Sami.

EC3 sets the portrait in the corner, making sure the picture itself isn't damaged, then he and Fandango grab the weapons dropped by the T.I.O.C., with Carter taking the screwdriver and Fandango taking the tire iron. He pulls Lee off of Sami and to his feet, putting the tire iron in Lee's pocket before holding his arms behind his back with one arm, pulling Brodie's hair back and out of his face to expose it with the hand of the free arm as Carter lunges forward with the screwdriver as though he were hurling a dart, busting Brodie open immediately as he delivers a knee to the groin and as Brodie hunches over in pain, Carter jams the screwdriver into his head to gasps from the crowd as he DDT's Lee onto the shattered glass. Fandango removes the tire iron from Lee's pocket as Sami is pushing himself up with his arms. Fandango clubs Sami between the shoulder blades but he begins to push himself up again right after the impact took him down.

Fandango strikes him again but the same happens with Sami going to get back up once again. This time as he goes to get up, Carter brings his leg swinging forward and kicks him hard in the nose and mouth, Sami busted open as he too finds himself on the receiving end of a DDT onto the shattered glass. While this was going on, Fandango ascended the nearest turnbuckle as he then leaps off and connects with a double leg drop. Fandango gets up and the crowd boos viciously as he and EC3 pose proudly over what they've done. Fandango spits on Callihan, saying audibly, "You're the disappointment" as Smackdown returns to commercial.



Best. Return. Ever.
The scene opens on an unknown area. The crowd is confused but not for long as the "Bizzare One" Goldust soon comes into frame, snarling at the camera. He then breaks the silence and through the wild cheers as he starts speaking.


Goldust: "A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." Tonight, Fandango will learn a valuable lesson in humility when he goes one on one with..... *inhales* yours trulys..... *exhales* and he finds out that beauty will never triumph over bizzare......but right now, I'd like to address someone very near.....and dear.....to my golden heart and that's my poor, sweet baby brother. Cody, at Starrcade, you were almost there. You almost went to that point of no return. And yet, here I stand, Sore.....yes.....but I stand here nonetheless. What exactly did you accomplish at Starrcade because right now, I'm willing to bet that you're feeling pretty satisfied with yourself. I'll tell you what you accomplished. You accomplished......nothing. You learned......nothing. You did......nothing. You see, Cody, I came back here to the UWF, to SmackDown, to save you.......but from what? I'm here to save you......from yourself. You see, you started the year so strong and yet......you went nowhere. It's because you're weak, just like I have been weak for so many years. You see, baby brother.......we can help each other. At Starrcade, with that cord wrapped around my neck, I was overwhelmed......with joy.....because I thought, "Finally! He gets it!" but instead, you let me go...........You let me go, Cody! Where was the craziness? Where was that grotesque side of you? You made the wrong choice by letting me go, Cody, by not finishing the job.........

Goldust looks down at his hands before looking back up into the camera.

Goldust: Baby brother, it pains me to say this, but you're not meant for this world. Not like I am. I thrive in madness while you, you are too afraid to dive head first into it. Before I truly pull the plug on your wrestling career, Cody, I have another test for you. The Royal Rumble fastly approaches and instead of sharing the spotlight with 28 others, I say we steal the show together. I want to see if you've got what it takes to do what is necessary. Baby brother, I want you to meet me at the Royal Rumble and I want you to fight me, tooth.....and nail......Mano e mano. I can see it now. Both of our names, up in lights, just like Clark Gable and Vivian Leigh, just like Laurel & Hardy, Cody Rhodes vs. *inhales* Gollllllllldussssssst....... *exhales* in a no-holds-barred Street Fight. What do you say, baby brother? Will you accept? Will you do me....and yourself.....a favor or will you fold? I leave the decision up to you. I expect a prompt reply.......Or I'll come get one from you......

Goldust snarls into the camera once more before the camera fades into the next segment.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The bell rings and Fandango is scanning his opponent to see what his first move will be, but his eyes suddently turn from concentration to confusion as he gazes upon the Bizzare One known as Goldust. Goldust just stands there and gives a blank look to Fandango, not really paying attention to the vibes that Fandango is giving out. Fandango and Goldust both circle each other around the ring and they go into a lockup to start off the match. Goldust seems to have the leverage here and moves Fandango around the ring, Fandango though slips behind Goldust and applies a hammerlock to his opponent. Goldust though moves behind Fandango and applies a hammerlock onto Fandango, Fandango looking slightly confused as Goldust rams Fandango to the corner then backs away, then does his creepy inhale taunt. Fandango jumps as he looks at Ethan Carter III who seems to have a disgusted look on his face. Carter jumps onto the apron and calls Goldust a sick freak, Goldust though does his bite taunt which causes Carter to trip himself off the apron in a panic, looking at Goldust like he's some kind of monster. Fandango runs up and goes for a clothesline but Goldust ducks it, kicks Fandango in the gut and goes for a high knee but Fandango ducks it and trips Goldust to the ground. Fandango bounces off the ropes and goes towards Goldust but Goldust bends down and delivers a back body drop onto Fandango!

Tazz: Nice counter from Goldust!

Styles: Goldust is already playing the mind games with Fandango and Ethan Carter III!

Fandango is back up and tries to approach Goldust but Goldust scares away Fandango to the corner again. Goldust gives off a serious look as Fandango looks to be creeped out now, and looks to Ethan Carter who can only shake his head. Fandango turns back to Goldust and goes for a charge but Goldust hits an arm drag and Fandango crashes onto the match. Goldust applies an armlock to Fandango but Fandango returns to his feet and elbows Goldust in the gut, then takes down Goldust with a shoulder block. Fandnago runs up to Goldust again but Goldust jumps to the ground, goes back up and hits Fandango with a back elbow. Fandango backs up to the ropes and Goldust rushes towards his opponent but Goldust is thrown over the ropes and onto the apron. Fandango goes to take down Goldust but Goldust thrusts his shoulder to Fandango, then enters the ring and takes down Fandango with a clothesline. Fandango is back up and misses his own clothesline, Fandango then his taken down with an inverted DDT by Goldust! Goldust is up and poses for the crowd, doing a little twirl which mocks Fandango. Fandango is back to his feet in a fit of fury but Goldust takes down Fandango with a gutbuster!

Styles: Goldust is not only playing the mind games, he's dominanting in this match as well!

Fandango is rolling around the ring, comforting his gut aftering getting hit from Fandango. Fandango is on his feet again as Goldust runs up to Fandango and clothelines him out of the ring. Goldust gives another creepy look to the ground then exits the ring. Ethan Carter tries to go after Goldust but Goldust looks up to Carter and gives him a seductive look, Carter backing up in freight but Fandango grabs Goldust by his body suit and slams him onto the steel steps!Ethan Carter confronts Fandango, mentioning on how creepy Goldust really is but Fandango tells Carter not to worry about it. Goldust goes onto his hands and knees but Fandango has a hold of Goldust and slams him onto the barricade! Goldust looks to be out of it and Fandango throws Goldust back in the ring. Fandango hops onto the apron and waits for Goldust to get up, then hops onto the ropes and hits a springboard clothesline onto Goldust! Fandango is on his feet and steps over Goldust and does a little dance over him while the crowd boos at him, Ethan Carter III clapping from ringside.

King: I love it! Fandango showing off to the crowd is always entertaining!

Tazz: Fandango is finally overcoming the mind games King. This could be a whole new match now!

Fandango steps away from Goldust as Goldust is almost on his feet but Fandango his a soccer kick to the ribs of Goldust, keeping him down. Fandango hits another kick to the back of Goldust as Goldust rolls towards the ropes. Fandango approaches Goldust and places his head on top of the middle rope and proceeds to choke out Goldust using his bodyweight on the ropes! Goldust struggles to get Fandango off of him until the referee forces Fandango off. Goldust is gasping for air while Fandango is getting a lecture from the referee. Fandango nods to the referee, aknowledging that he understands the rules but goes ahead and chokes out Goldust some more anyways. The referee forces Fandango away and is yelling at him now but Fandango shrugs the referee off, saying that the rules doesn't apply to him because he's Fandango. Fandango pulls Goldust away from the ropes and kicks him in the gut a couple of times, then grabs the side of him and moves his hips around and hits the Russian Leg sweep onto Goldust!

Tazz: Goldust is getting cocky now folks, this may cost him if he's not careful.

King: Fandango is probably the best Superstar on the Smackdown roster Tazz, he has every right to act cocky!

Goldust is in a daze from the Russian leg sweep, Fandango though brings up Goldust to his feet and sets him up for the Swinging Reverse STO but Goldust manages to lift up Fandango and ram him to the turnbuckles and hits some shoulder thrusts. Goldust backs up while Fandango is resting on the ropes, and hits a running clothesline onto Fandango at the corner. Fandango crashes to the mat and appears to be confused at where he's at, Goldust though brings Fandango away from the ropes and executes the Final Cut onto Fandango! The crowd is popping for Goldust as Goldust gives a strange look to the crowd, but gets hit in the head by Ethan Carter while the referee is distracted! Goldust goes onto his knees while Carter bails from the ring, Fandango then walks up and grabs Goldust by the head and takes him down with a Swinging Reverse DDT! Goldust is down now and Fandango goes for the cover...




Ding! Ding! Ding!

Winner of the match: Fandango!


A bunch of boos can be heard as Fandango poses for the crowd but bails from the ring after a fan throws a piece of paper at Fandango. Fandango looks appalled that garbage was thrown at him so him and Ethan Carter leave the arena without glancing back. Goldust makes it to his feet as the crowd applauds for Goldust's efforts but Cody Rhodes makes an apperance and brings down Goldust with a VICIOUS clothesline!

Styles: Wait what the hell is Cody Rhodes doing?!

Cody Rhodes goes on his knees and starts beating down Goldust with a hail of punches. Goldust is trying to fight back but after finishing a match he doesn't have much in him to defend himself against his younger brother. Cody Rhodes goes to his feet then stomps onto Goldust some more then yells at the crowd to shut up. The fans are booing at Cody Rhodes heavily as Rhodes brings up Goldust then takes him down with the CrossRhodes! Cody Rhodes goes onto his feet again and mouths the words "I accept your challege" to Goldust, indicating Goldust's challege for the Royal Rumble. Cody Rhodes leaves the ring while the fans are booing at Rhodes still, Rhode having a huge grin on his face as Smackdown cuts to somewhere else.



Chris Sabin appears on the screen as the crowd let out a mixed reaction.


Sabin: Finally after a long time Chris Sabin makes his return to the blue brand of Smackdown. I started my first match was here in this place Smackdown but after the reset they say I lost my touch and I failed to regain the TV title and lost a tag match. But me and my friend Samoa Joe have a new vision now. To be the best you've got to have the mind of a champion. I used to aim low, and what did I get I achieved low TV Title and tagging with Shelton Benjamin! But now it's aiming for the high and when you aim high you damn achieve high!

JB then goes to Samoa Joe which lets leads to another mixed reaction.


Joe: That's right you heard what Chris said to aim high you ACHIEVE HIGH! I've never won so far in the two matches I fought. One in which I was screwed and the second well that was when I wasn't 100%. But know it ain't about them days it's about the future the new year of 2014 will be dominated by Samoa Joe and Chris Sabin. MARK MY WORDS!

JB leaves as Sabin & Joe let out an evil smirk.





The bell sounds and this one is underway. Booker and Morgan circle the ring a few times before locking horns in the center. Morgan easily outpowers Booker and just tosses him clear across the ring. Morgan then roars and flexes. Booker is flabbergasted by such behavior.

Styles: What strength!

Tazz: Not for nothin', but I think Matt Morgan is pound-for-pound the best UWF Champ we've had in a long time!

The King: Even better than our General Manager?

Tazz: Now ya' puttin' words in my mouth!

Booker gets to his feet and goes to lock up again with the “Blueprint” but instead of locking up, Booker gets a thumb to Morgan's eye and then immediately rolls out of the ring to the waiting arms of Sharmell. The crowd instantly begins booing.

Styles: Booker deciding to takea breather on the outside.

Tazz: Dat's a good strategy to use. It wears down your opponent mentally while not wearing yourself down!

The King: Just seems cowardly to me.

Heyman walks around the ring to where Booker and Sharmell are and begin screaming at Booker to re-enter the ring. Booker then grabs Paul by the tie and begins threatening him. As he does, Morgan reaches from inside thering and grabs hold of Booker's dreadlocks and yanks him onto the apron. Morgan then just hurls Booker back into the ring. Booker looks stunned as Morgan lets out another yell. Booker backs himself into the corner but Morgan starts stomping away at him. Morgan then drags Booker towards the center of the ring before grabbing him by the collar and dragging him up to his feet. He then lifts Booker up in a chokehold and Booker's feet leave the ground. He's struggling to get free but, before he can, Morgan just slams him down to the mat with a vengeance. Morgan then pins Booker.




Morgan lifts Booker's head and begins hammering away at him. He then slaps Booker in a headlock trying to wear the US Champion down. Booker somehow manages to get to his feet and desperately he flinds punches to Morgan's midsection. Morgan gets annoyed by this and simply tosses Booker viciously to the mat. He then takes his boot and scrapes Booker's face. Booker then writhes in pain, holding his face. Morgan laughs and begins slapping at Booker yelling “IS THAT ALL YOU GOT, YOUR MAJESTY?!” Booker makes it to the ropes and uses them to pull himself up. Morgan goes for a Carbon Footprint but, as he does, Booker yanks down on the top rope and Morgan ends up hung up on the rope, essentially racking himself. Booker then kicks Morgan's inside leg out from under him and Morgan crashes down to the mat.

Styles: Booker finally getting a leg up in this contest.

Tazz: I saw what you did there, Joe!

The King:.....That was the point, Tazz!

Booker then starts stomping away at the UWF Champion all over trying to wear him down. Booker then places Morgan's left leg on the bottom rope. He then jumps up and lands back down onto it. Booker then drags Morgan to the center of the ring and attempts to slap on a figure four leg lock. As he tries, Morgan kicks Booker away. Booker falls on his ass and Morgan gets to a vertical base.

Styles: It looks like the tides have turned.

Tazz: Morgan is back in the driver's seat.

The King: Shocking. I don't think anyone can climb “Mount Morgan”.

Morgan gets back to his feet and goes after Booker. Booker is trying to crawl away but Morgan grabs him again by the dreadlocks and up to his feet. He then throws Booker onto his right shoulder but before he can, Booker squirms out and ends up behind Morgan. He turns Morgan around and kicks him in the midsection. Booker calls for it and bounces off the ropes, looking for a Scissors Kick.

Styles: Can he hit it?

Tazz: .....wait huh? I wasn't paying attention.....

The King: What else is new?

As Booker attempts, Morgan moves and Booker hits nothing but air. As he turns around, Morgan flatens him with a clothesline. Morgan then lets out a roar, which puts an evil smile on Heyman's face. As Booker gets back up, Morgan hits him with the Carbon Footprint!


Tazz: What a nasty lookin' move!

The King: Goodnight Booker T!

Morgan then covers Booker.






Heyman enters the ring and raises Morgan's arm high while presenting him with the UWF Championship belt.

Styles: That smug grin on our old boss-man's face, Tazz, is enough to make your stomach turn!

Tazz: Hey, I don't work for tha' guy no more but he still intimidates me!

The King: Well, an enemy of Paul Heyman's is an enemy of our UWF Champion, the unstoppable Matt Morgan!

We fade into commercial on Morgan celebrating his big victory.




Lilian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is your maiiiiin event. Introducing first...


The Smackdown crowd isn't sure what to think as "One Finger and a Fist" by Drowning Pool, a theme they've never heard in this capacity before, begins to play. They're on the edge of their seats, eager to find out who the theme belongs to, when suddenly out comes Steve Borden and Matt Bloom and they instantly know what to think and how to react as they boo the duo passionately, showering them with disdain as Steve cups his hands around his mouth and lets out a passionate, "Woo!" to psyche himself up before continuing down the ramp.


Lilian Garcia: From Venice Beach, California. Weighing in at two hundred and fifty pounds. Being accompanied to the ring by Matt Bloom, he is the "Icon", Steve...Borden!

Steve and Matt enter the ring and it is seen that Matt is holding a microphone as he hands it off to Steve who gladly takes it as "One Finger and a Fist" fades out to silence, making the booing from the crowd more audible as Steve stands there soaking in their disdain for a moment before speaking.


"The Icon" Steve Borden: Now before all of you hopeless dreamers jump to conclusions, I'm going to quell any false hope that you have brewing within you right here and now. First and foremost, my being introduced to the ring this evening as the "Icon". That perked all of your ears up, I could see them perk, and every single hair stood up on your neck in excitement, your stomachs filled with the butterfly sensation, because to you it means that losing my Global Championship was an epiphany, an epiphany that I do in fact need the fans to be successful, that I do in fact need to smear the face paint on, don the jacket, and carry the bat around. Quite the contrary, ladies and gentlemen, I command to be addressed as the "Icon" Steve Borden to further spite all of you. One loss, regardless of if it was for a championship or not, isn't a large enough wrench to deter our plans, I still succeed and get exactly where I want to go without the help of any of you, and I never want you to forget that, so each time I enter this arena you will hear me introduced that way, because it isn't the Sting character that made me iconic, it's me!

And from that point, I move on to the next one, the fact that Matt and I came out here to an entrance theme when we haven't had one since turning over this new leaf. Much like being referred to as the "Icon" isn't foreshadowing of anything, neither is that. Matt and I still refuse to buy into the fanfare that all so many of the men on the payroll have bought into and starve for each and every night. All we need is an arena, a ring, and a match. No pyrotechnics, no gimmicks, no costumes, just us. So the entrance theme isn't us compromising that. I'm not happy that we had to secure ourselves one, but the idiots that work in the production truck are just like you fans, they desperately want to see the return of the Sting character and will do anything in their power to see it, and that includes playing me to the ring with the tune of, "Slay Me" at Starrcade. So this is an act of defiance, saliva slung directly into the face of everyone that opposes our crusade and what we stand for and who we are as individuals.

That's another reason that tonight's main event is going to be such a thrill for me, because my opponent is a man that lives for the very things I despise. He flaunts the gluttonous way that he indulges in all of the vices of fortune and fame, his lifestyle is giving into the temptations of greed and buying himself everything his money can provide him. Of course we're all in this to indulge, myself included, my issue doesn't lie with the acquisition of the material things themselves, my issue lies with the means he's going about those acquisitions. Just like Glen Jacobs hides behind a mask, Mark hides behind a backwards baseball cap and a hard exterior, Devon hides behind a gown, and Alexander hides behind the guise of being a "Fallen Angel", Hassan Assad hides behind the character of Montel Vontavious Porter. The "highest paid talent in the history of the Ultimate Wrestling Federation". The "Ballin' Superstar" and the "Franchise Playa", the "Black Godzilla", "Mr. 305", and, in his own words, half man, half amazing.

He's mindlessly committed to the act, and has dove so deep into it that he has ceased to exist, and every second of his life is a performance. Well this is one lottery that you aren't going to win, Mr. Assad, you're going to lose tonight and get sent back through that curtain with your "iced out" tail tucked firmly between your legs not amazing, not a man, just empty handed.

Steve lowers his microphone as Matt exits the ring and remains ringside as Lilian gets ready to introduce Steve's opponent.


The camera focuses on the stage where a big inflatable tunnel which can now be seen, presumably being inflated while the lights were flashing on and off. The crowd rise to their feet awaiting one certain special superstar as smoke starts to escape the tunnel. The crowd aren't waiting long as the figure of MVP bursts through the flaps. He stops dead, looking around the crowd who give him a big cheer. He stops dead in his tracks, looking around, not happy at all by the looks of it as he reaches down and slaps the floor, setting off fireworks.


MVP starts to slowly makes his way down to the ring, seeing all the fans leaning over the barriers for high fives and obliges, walking past and slapping the hands much to the delight of those said fans. After giving a few fans the high fives he holds up his '305' bling bling up to the camera, yelling 'Mr 305' towards the camera. He comes towards the bottom of the ramp, stopping for a second, taking out some gum he was chewing and throws it into the crowd before he takes a little run up and slides into the ring. He doesn't waste anytime getting to his feet, running towards the ropes, bouncing off and doing his signature dance and Ballin taunt at the end.


He holds the pose for a while, smiling cockily as he lowers his arms, pointing at his chest with the fans still giving him a good reaction.





The bell sounds and this match gets underway. Borden and Porter circle each other around the ring. They go to lock up but Borden backs away to stretch. MVP is visibly annoyed as the referee creates separation between the two. MVP shoves the ref out of the way and Borden gets a thumb to MVP's eye. Porter stumbles back, which allows Borden a chance to capitalize. As Montel turns back around, he is hit with a big clothesline. Borden then slaps a chinlock onto the former UWF Champion as Bloom cheers on his partner.

Styles: Not the most dignified approach but effective nonetheless!

Tazz: Dignified schmignified!

The King: You have no idea what dignified means!

MVP is starting to fight his way up to his feet but Borden continues to hang onto the hold. As MVP tries to escape, Borden tosses him by the head down to the mat once more. Borden then stomps away at MVP as the referee tries to create separation once more. Borden lifts MVP back up and sets up for the Steve Borden Death Drop.

Styles: This could be over right here!

Before he can connect, however, MVP squirms out and instead hits Borden with a swinging neckbreaker. MVP gets back to his feet and grabs Borden's left leg and drops an elbow onto it. MVP gets up and repeats this, trying to wear the "Icon" down. He then traps Borden's leg underneath himself and takes his other leg and locks it in and applies pressure. Borden is writhing in pain, desperately trying to alleviate the pain. Eventually, he resorts to just throwing wild punches at MVP to weaken his grasp. It is successful as MVP lets go of the hold. Borden gets to his feet, as does MVP. Borden whips MVP into the corner and hits MVP with a Borden Splash.

Tazz: Borden's comin' right back!

MVP stumbles out of the corner and Borden whips him into the opposite corner. Borden then charges and goes for another Borden Splash. As he does, MVP moves and Borden hits sternum-first on the turnbuckle. MVP then rolls Borden up.




The King: MVP almost stole it right there!

Borden rolls out and MVP gets back up to meet him. MVP whips Borden into the ropes. Borden ducks a clothesline attempt and, as MVP turns around, Borden rebounds off the ropes and hits him with a big boot. Borden then stomps on MVP again, unleashing a fury we have yet to see from Borden. He then drops down and grabs MVP's head and starts hammering away on him with right hands. Borden then starts just throwing MVP's head down to the mat in a fury.

Styles: Steve Borden has lost it here!

Tazz: I don't even know what he's doin'!

The King: Well, maybe if you spent less time on Twitter and more time watching the match, Tazz, you'd know!

The referee prys Borden off of him and calms him down in the corner. Borden then shoves the referee out of the way and goes back on the attack. As he bends down to pick him back up, MVP traps Borden in an inside cradle pin.




Styles: What a close call!

Tazz: Borden's gotta watch out for MVP's sneaky tactics.

The King: He's an "Icon". He'll be just fine.

Borden escapes and gets back to his feet. MVP throws a punch but Borden ducks. Borden then hits MVP with a back body suplex. Borden then gets to his feet and attempts to lock Porter in the Steve Borden Death Lock. He latches one leg but, before he can, MVP shoves him off with his free leg. Montel gets back to his feet and Borden goes for a big punch. MVP ducks the attempt and gets Borden up onto his shoulders. MVP then hits the "Icon" with a fireman's carry facebuster. Borden then is in prime position and MVP signals for the end. He rebounds off the ropes, does his usual dance, and then does his BALLIN' taunt as the crowd chants "BALLIN'!" along with him.

Styles: Ballin'!

MVP then drops the Ballin' Elbow onto Borden and goes for the pin. As he does, Bloom hops onto the apron and distracts the referee.

Tazz: Bloom must be askin' the ref a question.

The King: Unfortunate timing for MVP!

MVP notices this and acts quickly. He goes over the referee's shoulder and hits Bloom with the Player's Boot!

Styles: OH MY GOD!

Bloom flies off the apron and hits the barricade on the outside. As MVP looks proud of himself, Borden sneaks up from behind and connects with the Steve Borden Death Drop!

Tazz: Outta nowhere!

Borden then quickly pins Montel.




The King: AAHHHH! *King Scream*

Borden is in disbelief. He gets to his feet and starts arguing with the referee. Borden then picks MVP back up and attempts to whip him into the ropes. As he does, MVP counters and sends Borden into the ropes. As he comes back, MVP hits him with a snap overhead belly-to-belly suplex. MVP then collapses back to the mat in exhaustion. Bloom is back to his feet and very upset. He tries to enter the ring but the referee stops him and throws him out of the match.

Styles: Bye-Bye Bloom!

Tazz: Dat's not fair!

The King: Tazz, you seriously have a mental issue.

As Bloom is leaving, Borden is getting to his feet on one side of the ring and MVP is doing the same on the other. They meet in the middle of the ring and begin exchanging right hands, the crowd "YAY"ing for MVP and "BOO"ing for Borden. Borden gets the upper hand and shoves MVP into the corner. As Borden charges, MVP gets his knees up and blasts Borden in the face. Borden stumbles back and falls to one knee. MVP then, as quickly as he can, nails Borden with a Drive-By Kick! Montel then covers Borden.






Styles: MVP did it!

Tazz: Gotta give the man credit. He earned it!

The King: Borden still looks like he's been knocked cuckoo!

Borden rolls out of the ring as the referee holds MVP's arm high in victory as the crowd cheers. As MVP continues celebrating, out of nowhere UWF Champion Matt Morgan appears and lays him out with a brutal Carbon Footprint!

Styles: Damnit!

Tazz: Steve Borden was just the beginning. Now, he's got "Mount Morgan" to climb!

The King: He's gonna need all the luck in the world to do that!

The show ends with Morgan standing over MVP's body holding the UWF Championship and the retired International Championship high into the air as Heyman stands off to the side, laughing maniacally.


Kennedy promo-
Steen promo- Respective TT'er
Joe/Sabin promo- Bully Ray
T.I.O.C. promo- Fauche
Fandango/Goldust, Kennedy/Devitt- natlav
Morgan/Booker, Borden/MVP, Goldust promo, Putting the show up- The Hoov
Masters/Styles- Sam
Piecing show together, Borden promo, Stone Cold stuff, Saints/T.I.O.C.- Chris Dresdon


UWF Championship
Matt Morgan(c) vs. MVP

Street Fight
Cody Rhodes vs. Goldust
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Geelong, Australia
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Alright time to mark out as Smackdown begins fellas! The anticipated match between CliqueClacks and me... :mark:

- :mark: MY MATCH opens up Smackdown. Fuck yeah!

- Already early into the match I'm getting distracted, take them guys backstage ref!

- Now fucking Fale, what is this? C'mon ref! Do ya job!

- :mark: Now they're all down! STAY DOWN!

- Jesus fuck this match is awesome already! Yeah, I ain't going to give up just yet Devitt boy!

- That Fale wanker again, go away!

- Outsmarted ya! Yeah, I'm typing this from a markish fan style for once :p

- Bullet Club beating the hell outta me right now, this ain't nice!

- Someone needs to hologram this shit because here I am behind a computer marking the hell out!


- Devitt kicking out of the Mic Check, BAH GAWD!


- DAT DDT ONTO THE RING APRON! :mark: This is going to be the best match in 2014... HOLOGRAM THIS SHIT!

- Time limit? GTFO! I had that! There goes my material for next week!

- So now SCSA comes out and makes this a NO DQ, we're already fucked after that 30 minute brutality. Time for more war!

- Beating the living hell outta Fale & Anderson, YES!

- Devitt outta nowhere now.

- Devitt's trying to kill my damn face here!





- Kennedy not going for the pinfall but the ladder instead, shit's going down!



- Holy fuck, Devitt wins with a Reverse Bloody Sunday.

- I lost but I do not give a fuck at all. That there was match of the fucking year! Well done Clique on getting the win with all ya damn Bullet Club trying to kill me. We killed it this week and I'm glad we did, that match... I will never forget.


- AJ Styles still proving victorious with a strong win over Chris Masters.

- Great promo from Fauche, I really like his Sami Callihan.

- Easy squash, love the addition with Fandango saying he's the disappointment.

- Great promo from Goldust!

- Fandango getting that victory, still proving to be the man!

- Cody v. Goldust :mark: This will be a great TT session between both!

- Really short promo from Sabin & Joe, haven't seen much but it has potential.

- Morgan ends Booker's streak. What a match, CWalker is going to prove hard to stop.

- Great promo from Dres!

- Albo gets victorious and we'll see Morgan/MVP! Another stellar match that's been made!

- Great closure.

What a way to begin Smackdown for 2014, I legit marked so hard for my match and may have over-done myself. But damn @Natlav I fucking love you for writing the best match I've witnessed ever.​
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