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Aug 5, 2012
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San Francisco

That was a pretty gnarly show! God damn haha

Took a bit for me to comment, been busy. I got a solid chance to read through it and it was a good start for the new Raw. Hogan/Miz was a let down because no-show. Surprised he didnt get squashed, but that was nice of you to not crush him like that lol. Fatal four way was quick and to the point. Sheamus winning is fine with me, I could see him taking the belt at the next ppv. The global title match I just dont know what is going to happen with the belt so I dont really know what to say about it. The thread was great. I was torn on who one. Hope Kane stays high up in the card.

I like that Killz is Jericho, I think him facing against Ambrose is fine. Im not seeing the big deal.. Anyway

That main event tho. that maaaain event. Damn guys, thats was nuts. Heart was racing a bit there haha. Very good read, crazy shit went down. Totally thought I had it though man! So close! Major props to Shawn for picking up the win, hard fought victory, congrats! That ending though... that ending haha. Batista is gonna have some shit to say about that, no question. Both feet touch the floor and they just choose HBK without seeing a replay? Somebody is going get hurt now ;) We'll see where this goes. Hoping to get my hands on HBK for sure. I wanted that world title and you're just keeping it warm for the time being.

Roll on Red crew!


Aug 5, 2012
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San Francisco
Re: UWF RAW 11/25/13 Preview!

Solid preview set up for the show. I know already once it hits Saturday/Sunday I probably wont be able to TT. So I dunno how many times we'll be able to go round and round for the triple threat.

Stoked to be in the tournament though. Was hoping to just get a go ahead and have a HBK/Batista feud starting since we technically tieeeed in the battle royal lol. But I'll fight as hard as I can to get up to him

The other Triple Threat is stacked. Gonna be a great read for the match and TTs. Hogan and Jericho should be great, and so should bubba/bloom. The main event is sketchy. This has D-bry comin in all over it. Callin it now. Might be seeing a new Euro champ.


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Re: UWF RAW 11/25/13 Preview!

Not on RAW but the matches booked are just amazing!

I think what has potential to steal the spotlight is Hogan/Y2J


Apr 29, 2011
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The Throne
Re: UWF RAW 11/25/13 Preview!

Solid preview set up for the show. I know already once it hits Saturday/Sunday I probably wont be able to TT. So I dunno how many times we'll be able to go round and round for the triple threat.

Stoked to be in the tournament though. Was hoping to just get a go ahead and have a HBK/Batista feud starting since we technically tieeeed in the battle royal lol. But I'll fight as hard as I can to get up to him

The other Triple Threat is stacked. Gonna be a great read for the match and TTs. Hogan and Jericho should be great, and so should bubba/bloom. The main event is sketchy. This has D-bry comin in all over it. Callin it now. Might be seeing a new Euro champ.


Looks like a great show we will be having, red crew. The World Heavyweight Championship tournament looks like it'll be killer, definitely going to have to keep a close eye on those two. Good luck to everyone on the card, and RRS? Best of luck to you bro, let's have some fun!


Apr 29, 2011
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The Throne

That was a A+ show, red crew. Seriously, everything about it was fantastic in my opinion. It was a promo heavy show and they all were an enjoyable read and did their thing. It's cool to see a lot of you guys enjoyed my promo too, thank you. I'm already a fan of Killz' Jericho after reading that debut promo, and I know he vs. Bumout will be a great thread. Congratulations to Dresdon for becoming Global Champion, I'm a huge fan of Coldhands' Kane so I'm looking forward to a rematch between the two. The Y.E.S. reunion segment was a surprise, but it turned out to be a fun read as well. And now it's time for that insane main event. First of all, kudos to all the writers, and kudos to SBS for writing one hell'uva match bro. A lot of shocks and a lot of moments happening I can see in real life, such as Sandow tricking Wyatt and him saying let's deal with this like adults, lol. It sucked seeing Cena getting eliminated by Bryan, but getting payback afterwards made it all so much better. Maybe we'll get a Cena/Bryan feud? Hopefully. Onto the ending, it's either Batista or HBK and it ends up being HBK! One iidea popped up in mind was the officials not being able to decide and they decide on HBK/Batista becoming Co-World Heavyweight Champions. Then they fight off at the pay-per-view to determine the real champion. Just a random idea, lol. But hopefully we do get a Batista/HBK feud. Can't wait for next week's show.


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Sep 14, 2010
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Re: UWF RAW 11/25/13 Preview!

Heh I've been craving a shot at the world title on Raw and this is the way to get there. Tough road... Bats and my fave character in UWF in Bray Wyatt. But you got an angry Umaga ready to bust some tracheas.

But Raw brand... we doin it hard man.

And yeah I prob won't be able to do much this weekend either... ya know... Birthday weekend. :p


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Feb 25, 2012
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Re: UWF RAW 11/25/13 Preview!

The main event is sketchy. This has D-bry comin in all over it. Callin it now. Might be seeing a new Euro champ.

I agree with this 100% I think a half decent showing from RRS wins him the title and advances the Cena/Bryan feud.

A lot of interesting match ups. Surprised to see a World title tournament. Shane/Sam/Slim could be thread of the week if they can get 2 a piece in. If not, I'm looking at Hogan/Jericho. It'll be interesting to see how things progress as we heads towards Starrcade. RAW is always compelling...

You never know who's going to show up.

Rated R Superstar

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Mar 19, 2012
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Ottawa Canada
Re: UWF RAW 11/25/13 Preview!

I agree with this 100% I think a half decent showing from RRS wins him the title and advances the Cena/Bryan feud.

A lot of interesting match ups. Surprised to see a World title tournament. Shane/Sam/Slim could be thread of the week if they can get 2 a piece in. If not, I'm looking at Hogan/Jericho. It'll be interesting to see how things progress as we heads towards Starrcade. RAW is always compelling...

You never know who's going to show up.

You best believe I'm coming in hard for that one!


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Jun 3, 2010
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Just realised I'm a dick and haven't commented on the show yet!

First off, congrats to Tapout for winning our match. Honestly anyone who doesn't think it could've gone to any of us is fucked because we all put forward some great stuff, but he showed why he kept Sheamus over Hawkins as he plays him well. Sheamus is a character I can only recall Sam playing well, so credit goes to Tap here.

Next, congrats to Shawn for picking up a massive win! The fact all 8 trashtalkers got 2 each in (I think?) is pretty awesome. I haven't read the thread but just the collection of names is enough to suggest it was a touch choice and Shawn was the beneficiary. I truly hope he was the best in that thread and didn't win it purely from "He impressed so we'll give it to him" as I've always thought that's a shit way to decide a winner as it screws the better trashtalker and I'm over it. But anyway, well done again Shawn!

As for the rest of the show, it was of a high standard. I didn't read all the promos but what I did read was great. I just had to read the Jericho one seeing how I was the first to inform Killz that I'd cracked the code in his sig. No idea how many people did let alone told him they had, but fuck you all, I won something at least :dancing:

Looking forward to what Raw has in store for the future. Hopefully the standard of trashtalking continues as there's always a boom period of 2-3 weeks when there are big changes to a fed, then suddenly alot of people can't trashtalk for various reasons.
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Feb 13, 2012
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I'm a little late but man that was a great show. I thought the opening match could have been a bit longer but nice to see Tapout get some more gold. If he can stay active and play Sheamus for a good while, I can see him having a ton of more success since he's more of a serious guy. I liked that Slim/Cliqueclacks feud is going to continue. I can see a mixed tag match at the PPV or maybe even just Natalya/Trish. I don't mind the no contest since this is actually a feud. It looks like I'll be taking on Jericho at Starcade. I was wondering who the hell played Jericho and the good news is it's Killz. Fighting a face at a PPV is going to let my Ambrose come off more as a heel which I haven't really played since my first 2 months as Ambrose so that'll be refreshing.

We all knew Hogan would win after the no show but nice of Schmidty to allow it to be more competitive. I prefer squashes for no shows but seeing as It's a first time offense, I'm okay with it. So Sting finally becomes a world champion. Or not because Steve Borden is champion. Interesting development from Dresdon. I'm looking forward to seeing how this plays out.

The main event was probably the best battle royal I've seen. I liked how the beginning played out where you would switch what was going on between individual fights. I can see how that would be hard to keep up and you kind of stopped it a little later but I enjoyed that bit of realism. I liked the YES reunion and then Sandow just turned on Wyatt. Then of course Bryan and Ambrose teamed up again to eliminate Sandow. Cena/Bryan was good on Smackdown and it should be great again. I don't know if the last couple of guys TTs coming in late hurt their chances but I had picked Blizzard to win this although everyone did a fantastic job. I knew I wouldn't win but I still enjoyed being a part of that sweet main event.

There were a bunch of promos leading up to the main event and the whole show flowed together really nicely. As long as everyone continues to contribute, we'll be good for a long while.


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Jun 11, 2010
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UWF Presents Monday Night Raw 11-25-13 Edition

And now UWF Presents UWF Monday Night Raw!


Fans begin to cheer like crazy as pyro explodes through out the arena. We see many signs in the building such as "Daniels with the upset", and "Tyson Kidd making Canadians proud" as we pan with all the lights we take it to JR, and Roddy Piper who are at ringside.


Jim Ross: Hello ladies and gentlemen welcome to Monday night RAW!

Roddy Piper:What a great edition last week, what do we have on tap for this week Jimbo?

Jim Ross: Well we have a lot this week Piper we have the Brash European John Cena defending his belt against Christopher Daniels.

Roddy Piper: Another easy win for Cena!

Jim Ross: Two great triple threat matches, and the winner of those matches moving forward to the finals to become the number one contender of the UWF World Heavyweight Championship. Do you like anyone in those matches Roddy?

Roddy Piper: His Daddy told me to watch out for him, and I believe him. Ted Dibiase Jr., and not only that my man who was robbed last week of the world title Batista.

Jim Ross:Alright this and much more on Monday night Raw.

HBK realizes what it is going to take to become World Champion and Shawn is willing to do whatever it takes. He bounces off the ropes building as much momentum as he can and with everything he can muster he leaps into Batista, the impact sending both men sailing over the top rope. The crowd is on their feet as both bodies hit the ground at about the same time. Some people believe Shawn Michaels has won, others believe it is Batista. The officials begin talking amongst themselves.

JR: Shawn Michaels taking a brazen chance and it just might have paid off. I think he’s just won the World Title for a second time Hot Rod.

Piper: No way JR! Batista was the most dominant in the last moments he clearly won the match, Shawn practically eliminated himself and all for nothing!

The officials have appeared to come to a decision and head official Earl Hebnar heads over and grabs the World Championship from its place at ringside and begins to take it over to the winner. He heads over to Batista and Michaels who are both sitting up against the wall trying to figure out who won. Hebnar hands the belt to the New World Heavyweight Champion and points to him. Justin Roberts nods his head and announces the winner.

Justin Roberts: The winner of the match and the NEWWWW UWF World Heavyweight Champion: The Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels!!!

The crowd explode into cheers unable to believe that HBK has done the impossible. He has won the battle royal for the vacant UWF World Championship. Batista can’t believe it as HBK clutches the World Title. Batista is furious as he grabs the nearest official and tosses him down. Batista is incensed as he heads over to the announcer’s table and begins tearing it apart. HBK walks up the apron holding up the World Title in disbelief realizing for the second time he is the World Champion of Monday Night Raw. We take a look at Batista who is now tossing the monitors off of the table and smashing them to pieces. We leave this edition of Raw with HBK holding the World Title high as Batista is furious as we fade to black.

We go to the ring where ring announcer, Justin Roberts is standing by

Justin Roberts: Please welcome, the NEWWWW World Heavyweight Champion, the Heart Break Kid, Shawn Michaels!!


The crowd erupts as HBK comes out from the back and comes out with excitement as he's swinging his arms with the World Title in his left hand. HBK poses for the fans as his pyro goes off

HBK then proceeds to make his way to ringside while slapping hands with the fans. HBK walks up the steps and takes his time on the apron as he shows off the World Title. HBK then heads inside the ring and twists around with the World Title swinging in his right hand. HBK heads to the corner and climbs to the middle turnbuckle and holds the World Title in the air as the crowd cheers him on and some bow down to him. HBK drops down with a big smile on his face and is handed a microphone

HBK: Look oh look oh look at what ole' HBK has found!!!!

HBK holds up the World Title as the crowd cheers on

HBK: Last week here on Raw, for the second time, the Heart Break Kid, Shawn Michaels became a two-time UWF World Champion. It took me over two years to get my first World Title run. Who would of thought that it would only take me three months to get my second reign here in the UWF. Now as happy as I should be about becoming the NEWWWWW World Heavyweight CHAMPION, there are some things that need to be discussed. Three months ago when I pinned, Dean Ambrose to win the World Title, it came with some controversy. I pinned a man who had been attacked by outside interference and went on to win the World Title. It wasn't a popular choice, but I did what I felt I had to do. Flash forward to last Monday night and once again, Shawn Michaels is faced with winning the World Title once again in controversial fashion. Now I've seen the footage and it clearly shows that it wasn't an easy call to make by, Earl Hebner. But to be a little bias here, the man got it right. He's a UWF referee for good reason. I'm not going to let that call ruin my shine as the NEWWW World Champion.

The crowd cheers loudly on as they start an "HBK" chant

HBK: However, there some in the back that aren't happy with the decision of putting the World Title on, Shawn Michaels. They don't think that I was in the running of being championship material. Now there is a lot of unbelievable talent in that dressing room back there. There was also a ton of amazing talent in that battle royal last week. But when you come out and question the decision making, it just creates chaos. That's why this federation went into the nutshell it went into over the last few weeks. It's because of those kinds of people that we had to drop two shows in UWF. I went out there last week and put on a show like any other to become the World Champion. I showed up when needed to. I fought just as hard if not harder than any other in that match. If I hadn't, I would not be the NEWWW World Heavyweight Champion. I'm not going to let those naysayers get to me. What you see on my shoulder, I earned. I'm not about to bow down to those in the back and hand over my title because they don't feel that I earned it. I'm going to go out there each and every single week and out show them all and why, because I can. Because I still can.

HBK pauses for a brief moment

HBK: I know I'm not in the best shape. I mean look at me. I'm a mere shell of the shell I use to be. But I say let's see what this old body has left in her. Going forward here on Raw as the champion, I ...........................



The crowd erupts as Ric Flair comes out from the back. The Raw crowd is on their feet and applauding the 16-time World Champion as he makes his way to ringside

HBK looks on from the ring with a smirk. Ric Flair meanwhile walks up the steps and heads inside the ring and lets out a big "WOOOOOO" for the crowd. Ric Flair and HBK then embrace one another with handshake and a hug

Ric Flair is then handed a microphone and gets on the mic

Ric Flair: I know, I know, sudden surprise from the Nature Boy!!!

The crowd lets out a "WOOOO"

Ric Flair: Shawn, I'm back for purpose. Now I know you just won the World Title last week, but you are the reason why I came back here tonight. Shawn, there was a time when you and I were both World Champions at the same time. You were riding high in the WWF as the WWF champion and I was riding high in WCW as the World Champion. Now what I am going to tell you is coming from my heart, Shawn. As one of my best friends that I have. There was a time when I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt I knew that I was the man. Then one day, as I was walking into an arena, a little kid looked up to me and said, hey Nature Boy, you're not the man anymore it's, Shawn Michaels. And I said with a chuckle, Shawn Michaels the Rocker? And the kid said no, Shawn Michaels the Show Stoppa!

The crowd cheers as Ric Flair tries to get the to quiet down

Ric Flair: And I've heard it over and over and over. It came down to a point where one day while on the road, I talked to Double AA, Arn Anderson and I said to him that this guy, Shawn Michaels got better and better. Double AA looked at me and said, Natch, he's a tough act to follow. It got so big with hearing it not only in the arena, but also in the airport and everywhere I went. It got so big that one day I had to go home and look at myself in the mirror and say Nature Boy, you've had the ride of a lifetime. But, I said, Nature Boy, you are no longer the man anymore, Shawn Michaels is. Yeah, I was on the pedal still and I dropped down and you went up. And only a handful of wrestlers could ever imagine they could get to. You were best wrestler alive. I'm telling you man, I watched it all unfold as it was going down. I knew you were better than me. I didn't need to face you to show it because I knew it. I knew it because I saw you in the ring. I didn't tell Double AA, I didn't tell Vince, I knew you were better because you showed it.

HBK looks on wondering what Ric Flair has to say next

Ric Flair: When you've been so good for so long and so much better and I mean SO MUCH BETTER there comes that dreadful time when you have to go and find that mirror and say, you don't have it anymore. It's the long look in the mirror that guys like and you don't like to do. But that day does come and as much as it hurts, you have to pass the torch on. Fortunately for you, that day has YET TO COME!

The crowd cheers as HBK's frown is turned into a smile

Ric Flair: You're not ready for that day yet. I don't need to tell you that because you have been showing that. Dammit you're the World Champion at nearly fifty years of age. You're in amazing shape and are still the best in the business. I have to say I am a bit jealous, but when I watch you, I get the joy of knowing I passed the torch to the right person. You are still the man, Shawn. I came back to tell you, that the Shawn Michaels I know wouldn't care about what those in the back have to say. You just go out there and be, Shawn Michaels. You go out there and be the man. I understand all the controversy with winning the World Title in that battle royal and how you did months back. But I watched it with Double AA and hell I even talked to Hunter about it. And we all watched with amaze at how you have it. How you still have it. Hunter will be the first to admit he knows you can go on and on. I look at you and see the performance you put on from your match with The Rock, which in my opinion was the greatest match you have ever had. All they way to the battle royal last week. You still have it, Shawn. And I'll tell you what, I will even pass this onto you. I want you to go out there and you tell them, to be the man, you have to beat the man. And you my friend, Shawn, you are the man. You are STILL the man! And I'm damn proud of you for it!

The crowd let's out a roar of excitement as HBK now goes back to the microphone

HBK: Ric, I'm not one to shy away when you have something to say. I appreciate the kind words. All my life I tried to be better than the rest. I wanted to be like you growing up and some may say, well you say, I surpassed you. Even with all the title you may have won, you and and everyone else still put me atop. So to the boys in the back, I'm here to stay and this World Title will be proudly represented by the Heart Break Kid, Shawn Michaels. And if you're not down with that, Ric and myself have to words for ya..........

The crowd lets out a huge "SUCK IT"

HBK and Ric Flair hug each other as HBK's music goes off. Ric then holds HBK's arm in the air as HBK holds the World Title up high

Bubba Ray is seen backstage coming from his match and is about to go to the lockeroom, but he sees the camera and walks up to it, not happy to see it.


Bubba Ray: What? Whaddya want? Look Im kinda busy right now so why don't ya piss off for a while while I get mah crap sorted, aight?

Bubba Ray walks the hall and shoves away the cameraman, yelling at him to get lost. Bubba Ray then approaches the lockeroom, then enters the door but stops in his tracks when Reverend D'Von is standing there.


Reverend D'Von: Hello my brother, how are you?

Bubba Ray: D'Von, what the hell do ye want?

D'Von smiles at Bubba Ray, chuckling a little bit.

D'Von: Listen to my my brother, you have the wrong idea about me. All I wish to do right now is congratute you on a fine match, you did well against Matt Bloom on your debut back to the UWF. You should be proud on what you have accomplished in this industry and God will reward you for all the hard work that you have put foreward for-

Bubba Ray holds out his hand, motioning Reverend D'Von to keep quiet.

Bubba Ray: Aight, allow meh to make this crystal clear right now. I don't know what kinda crap yer pullin' right now, but it ain't gonna work, hear me? We are brothers, we are former tag team champions, but we are NOT followers of Jesus. At least I'm not anyways. So why don't yeh take yer stoopid bible and the money that yeh collect from the suckers out in da ring and LEAVE. ME. ALONE. Before I dish out mah second beating for the night. Ey?

Reverend D'Von is laughing at Bubba Ray, then looks at him with humerous eyes.

D'Von: Oh my brother, you were always so pleasent do deal with. Even after going through all of these tough times in getting terminated from this company, only to get rehired it is no wonder why you are undergoing all of this stress. But don't you worry my brother, because I have asked the Lord to bless you with all of his love and compassion, and maybe he will heal you from the tyranny from all of your sins, and then one day you will see the good in the world; and all of the hard work that I am putting out in order for the less fortunate such as yourself to live a happy and productive life. I am only a one man army Bubba Ray, and with your help we can do double the prayers and double the healing for these sinners that plauge the UWF. Oh yes my brother I can see it right now, a world with no hate and no sins. A world where every single human being will follow the word of the Lord and make no judgement against His teachings! But that's only the start Bubba Ray, that's only the start on what can happen if you come with me my brother. Just think of the possibilities on what we can accomplish together while we are formed as one.

Bubba Ray takes a quick look at Reverend D'Von, then looks away to the wall, then back to D'Von and shoves him to the wall and holds him in place, not wanting to hear anything else he has to say. D'Von tries to fight back but Bubba punches D'Von in the head then knocks him to the ground. Ray then bends down and starts to yell at D'Von.


Bubba Ray: What did I say, ey? I told ya D'Von that I ain't playin' that kinda crap. If you wanna be tag team partners with me again, then drop this Jesus bullcrap and maybe we can be tag team champions again. But in the meantime why don't yeh make like a tree and piss off before I really hurt yeh. This is strike one pal, two more strikes and I'm gonna make sure that yeh never come back to RAW again as long as I'm here. You got that, huh? Now when I leave I better not hear a peep from yeh, or else shit is about to get real, quick. Do we understand each other?

D'Von is coughing up as Storm as Bubba Ray straightens up and leaves the room. D'Von is laughing now as he gets back up and has a smile on his face.

Reverend D'Von: You can run away from the truth all you want my brother, but one day it will catch up to you and force you into the corner. You can deny God from your life all you want, but he will enter your heart and free you from the past. Oh my brother, tesitfy!

D'Von is laughing like a maniac now as RAW goes somewhere else.

As there's a break in the action, Raw heads backstage where Matt Bloom is standing by.


Matthew Bloom: Last week was a victory for both of us, a proud moment that we relished in together, but in the end it was Steve who wrestled and therefore Steve who won the match, so from a personal standpoint, it was his moment and he who proved something. Tonight is my moment. Tonight I take the pent up anger I'm feeling from sixteen years of being overlooked, being made fun of, and being underestimated and underutilized and unleash it on my opponent which, unfortunately for him, happens to be Bubba Ray Dudley. Bubba, there's nothing to say to you outside of what's already been said, so just keep those things in mind and know that that's exactly what's going to happen to you. The beating will be prolonged, the pain will be excruciating, and you will leave this arena tonight, either by your own power or with assistance, a broken man in several senses of the word. I'm going to teach you a lesson in toughness, boy, and when I do, I hope the rest of the locker room is taking notes, because somewhere down the line, it's going to be their turn.

The crowd boos this as Matt continues to stare into the camera intensely as Raw heads elsewhere.


Welcome to the Masquerade by Thousand Foot Krutch blasts through the speakers and that can only mean one thing, out onto the stage steps Tyson Kidd with Natalya Neidhart at his side. The crowd is on their feet, cheering one of their favorite Raw superstars. Kidd and Natalya make their way down the ramp, Kidd is hi-fiving some of the fans reaching over the barrier as Natalya has her eyes fixed on the ring. The couple finally reaches the ring, Natalya goes up the steps and underneath the middle rope while Kidd is posing on the apron while the screaming fans cheer him on. Kidd springs up over the top rope into the ring and goes to the far corner to pose on the turnbuckle.


The fans are still on their feet until Kidd hops down and his music starts to fade out. Natalya has a microphone which she hands to Kidd, Tyson waits for the fans to settle down a little bit more before bringing the microphone up to his mouth.


Tyson Kidd
"This is it, it begins right now. Tonight is the night. Around five months ago I walked into the UWF, I walked in with Natalya as two virtual unknowns, we started at the very bottom. I had to do everything in my power to fight and claw my way to where I am now, it wasn't always pretty, I had to do some things that I might not be proud of but I'm about to hit pay dirt. Soon, it will all be worth it, as I'm sure everyone here tonight knows what I'm competing for here. I have to win a series of matches to win an opportunity, an opportunity for something I've had my eyes on for the longest time. I've had my eyes on that Championship that Shawn Michaels carries over his shoulder so proudly. This is the biggest opportunity of my career and this tonight, is the biggest match of my career. I have two men standing across from me that want exactly what I want, AJ Styles, he's been at the top of the mountain before, he's had that taste of Championship gold before, unlike me, he knows what it feels like to hold such a prestigious Championship, and then we have Ted Dibiase Jr, who's been out of the scene for awhile, but he too, has climbed to the top of the mountain, last year he found out what it was like, not once but twice, but as of late, this hasn't been Ted's year. See last time a lot of us saw Ted, I know the last time I saw him, my good friend Bobby Fish was kicking his head in. The fact that I'm in a match with two men that have been there before makes me even more focused, even more determined, because if I can defeat two former World Champions, than I know for a fact that I have what it takes to capture that gold from Shawn Michaels."

Kidd is starting to raise his voice and pace back and forth, he has an intense look in his eyes and he raises the microphone back up to his mouth.


Tyson Kidd
"For months now, I've kept my ears open, your voices have all been heard, I hear each and everyone of you every single week, you want to chant 'Best in the World' at me? Go ahead, see first I didn't believe it, but then I looked back at the trail of destruction that I've left, you name them, I've beat them. Former World Champions, Ironman Champions, some of the biggest legends this business has to offer, they've all went down just like the rest. Every single last one of them, at first I wasn't sure, but now I know for a fact that you guys were right. I am the best, and I'm better than every other guy in the back that likes to call themselves the best. I never cared too much if you guys liked me or not, it never really mattered, but you guys accepted me for who I am, and you all realized what you were watching every week. It took you guys a while to take notice of what a talent I am, but I just want to thank all you guys for it, and I want all of you there when that World Championship is put around my waist. There's not a better feeling in the World than having thousands of people on their feet, backing you every week, cheering you on, believing in you, believing that you'll come out on top. Trust me, I won't a single one of you people down."

The crowd is on their feet, cheering Kidd and themselves, as Kidd just praised now only this crowd, but each crowd that's supported him all the way here.


Tyson Kidd
"Everyone stay on your feet! If you came here to see AJ Styles and Ted Dibiase get their asses kicked make some noise, let me hear you! If you came here to see-"

Just then, Kidd has the microphone ripped out of his hand by Natalya Neidhart, the crowd makes an 'oooh' noise, almost in shock that Natalya would just snatch the microphone away from Tyson like that. Kidd has a confused look on his face as he glares at Natalya and asks her what she's doing. They have a small, private conversation in the ring before Kidd shrugs it off and goes to the corner, ready for both of his opponents. The crowd cheers as Natalya lifts the microphone up to her mouth.


Natalya Neidhart
"Last week everything was perfect. I finally got my hands on Trish Stratus. I had her right where I wanted her, until we had to be separated by not only our men, but by UWF security. Trish Stratus, believe it or not, represents Women's Wrestling, when people think of a Diva, they think of Trish Stratus, and that makes me sick! She's the reason for every single model that's ever thought they could be a diva, she's the reason those Barbie Dolls have that opportunity. I'm the last of a dying breed, I had to work my tail off just to get where I am today. It's a slap in the face that Trish Stratus is held in a higher regard than I am. Trish, just like all of these people, you know exactly what I want, I want you in this ring, one on one. No security, no Umaga at ringside, Tyson will even stay in the back. I want this more than anything, so finally I can prove that I am the greatest women's wrestler to ever step foot, not only in a UWF ring, by a wrestling ring period. Prove to not only myself but to everyone else that I'm better than you Trish, that I'm better than Lita, better than Moolah, that I'm the best that's ever done it. My last name represents success, and there's no way that I'm gonna let my family down. Trish, I know you're in the back somewhere, more than likely you're on your knees, but I'm sure you can hear me down there, let's settle this once in for all, you know where to find me."

Without hesitation a theme is heard.


As soon as Trish shows up on stage you see security scurrying around the ramp area sliding into the ring and make a line in the middle of the ring. Trish makes her way down the ramp and enters the ring but can’t get too close to Natalya because of the security in the ring so she takes her mic out to address her.

UWF Goddess Trish Stratus:

Dear… really? You think that you are the one controlling things? That you are the one that people come here to see? That you are the diva here that all want? But not only that but you… of all people you dare talk bad about me saying I’m the one to blame for the models coming in? Who in the hell are you? You are nothing. A nobody. When I reigned… we had REAL WRESTLERS. When you were doing your little bitch dance and farting thing that is when the models came around and why? Because you were nothing. You couldn’t get anybody to care. You couldn’t get the job done. But unlike those models that you talk about… I proved that I could take the bumps, take the hits, bleed, break a few bones and still keep at this. I was the reason that women’s wrestling was put back on the map. I was the reason that people started paying attention to the women again. I was the reason that you even have a job. You talk about your name has history… you are not a Hart… you dumbass. You are a Neidhart. Your uncle or daddy or whatever was only a tag team partner to Bret. Bret was the star. Your daddy was nothing more than some idiot that got caught trying to rob whatever it was he did. There goes your claim to fame. That and you farting.

And you see here? I don’t have Umaga here and why? Because I know I can take care of your sorry ass by myself. You have your little lap dog by a leash there. Wherever you go there he is not even five feet away. So I’m not sure whether you are the real bitch or he is. But you definitely wear the pants in your crew there. But as far as your little challenge to try to prove that you are something… normally I wouldn’t bother with someone like you. Someone so far beneath me that I know that I’ma have the stench of shit after having to deal with you… but to be honest… I’m so sick and tired of hearing you talk about nothing you know anything about. So since I don’t do free TV… you get on your knees, you suck off whoever is running Raw… or if its Stephanie… well I know you have no problem doing certain things with other women. So do whatever it is you need to do and come find me. I’m not hard to find. I’m the woman that everyone wants to see.

Trish lowers her mic staring a hole through Natalya.

Natalya tosses her microphone to the side and tells security to back off. The security exits the ring and Natalya is begging Trish to bring it. Without any hesitation Trish Stratus swings wildly hitting Natalya right in the face, dropping her to the mat. Trish gets on top of her and the two women start to rolls around. Natalya frees herself and gets back to her feet. With Trish just getting back to her feet, Natalya attempts to hit a discus lariat however Trish ducks it and hooks Nattie by the head. She points to the fans and springs up to the top rope looking for the Stratusfaction. Natalya pushes her off before she can execute move and Trish bounces right back to her feet. Trish runs at Nattie who sweeps her legs and Natalya is looking for the Sharpshooter. She can't seem to roll Trish over and Trish pushes her away with her feet. Security decides that enough is enough and gets back in the ring. They fight to separate the two divas and it takes five security guards each to hold both woman apart.They escort Trish out of the ring and up the ramp as Tyson has a few words with Natalya as all this is happening only moments before arguably the biggest match of his career.

As we come back from a commercial break we are met with none other than Bray Wyatt who is in an undisclosed location, a small log cabin can be seen until the camera zooms in on Bray and it is obscured from our vision.


Bray Wyatt: They say that God works in mysterious ways. They say that sometime he brings you closer to strength as he punishes you for being weak. Some say that God's wrath leads to salvation when all is said and done. Some people believe in THAT God. Me?... well I ain't gon' lie to y'all, I believe. I believe in a higher power, a greater meaning, an entity that the world strives to explain with it's various belief systems but one which remains a total mystery. A total mystery to everyone but... me. You see while everybody else is jabbering away, thinking that they know what lies for them at the end of times, I watch over them knowing full well what happens when it all comes to and end. When all these folks talk about praying to God, about praying for what they want, what they need!... I'm listening and I'm giving them what they deserve for Bray Wyatt is everything you deserve. Yes, you. You who is watching this right now, I could be everything to you, I could be your guiding light, I could be your saviour, I could be your God. All you really have to do is believe.

Wyatt stops his pacing and looks the camera straight on

But they say people these days... they say they lack belief. Do you lack belief. Do you sit alone at night and wonder what this whole trip of life means?, do you sit alone and wish you had guidance, wish you had someone to tuck you into bed at night and tell you that you are safe?... tell you that all the monsters in the world ain't gonna harm you?. Well if you do, I can assure you that I could be that figure of hope you wish to cling on to. I could be the daddy that was never there!, I could be the husband who left home as soon as he saw a better offer!, I could be the brother you never had!... I could be anything you want me to be if you believed in me. Now I know more than anybody does, I know that it takes a lot to convince some members of the public to believe in something that doesn't seem 'normal'. I've been called a 'freak', a 'monster', a 'demon'... I've been called 'crazy'. People say things like 'Don't you trust Bray Wyatt, he's nuts'. I'm not nuts. In fact I'd go as far to say that these people, these... deniers, these naysayers, I'd say they are the crazy ones.

Wyatt chuckles to himself before continuing on

But this isn't about them and you should never listen to them, they only cloud judgement and take away the freedom of believing in Bray Wyatt. I'll make my case for why you should believe clear tonight when I vanquish a monster and tame 'The Animal'. Bray Wyatt goes beyond the wrestlin' ring though, man, he goes beyond this plane of existence, he goes beyond anything you know are will know in the future. But tonight I will show you just what happens to those who don't believe. Those who choose to ignore the words I speak and speak ill of my actions. I will show you what awaits them at the end of it all. Put simply, they all burn. But not everyone has to burn my child, not everyone has to go away... no, sir... you could join me. You could hold my hand as we stand within the circle, as we stand inside the ring of fire and sing songs of Sister Abigail, sing songs of Bray Wyatt and watch on as the entire dirty, stinkin', corrupt world burns down in the flames of it's own people's ignorance and sin... tonight I show you a small example of what I can do for you, of what I can do for the world and if you ever want to come find me, if you ever want to join me, grasp my hand and call yourself a believer!... if you ever want to join the family?... well it's real simple, you just... follow the buzzards.

Wyatt spreads his arms and bows his head as the camera zooms out showing what appears to be a cabin on fire in the background, we then go back to ringside.


Batista's music hit as the tag team champion of the world comes out and he walks down the ramp. Batista looks happy as he makes his way down the ring. Batista goes as he enters the ring as the fans boo like crazy


Bray Wyatt's theme hits and the fans erupt in boos. Bray keeps making his way down the ring. The fans boo as he slowly walks down the ramp in his eary way. Wyatt goes as he enters the ring and all of a sudden


Fans begin to cheer as the Samoan Bulldozer Umaga comes out. Umaga goes as he wastes no time waddling down to the ring. Umaga enters the ring, and all three men looks at each other as the bell rings


Batista goes in the middle of the ring, and he starts to pose telling both men, to just: “Lay downâ€. Batista goes and he just points at the chest of Wyatt telling him to do it, and then does the same with Umaga. Umaga looks at him and he goes and he just hits a sharp uppertcut onto Batista. Batista turns around, and gets kicked in the gut, by Wyatt. Wyatt goes and he hits a vertical suplex onto Batista. Umaga looks at the estrange Wyatt, as they look down on Batista who is out, and they both pick up Batista and throw him out of the ring. Wyatt goes and he hits a sharp uppercut on Umaga, and he begins to pummel Umaga. Wyatt grabs the head of the Samoan Bulldozer and he bangs it on the turnbuckle. Umaga’s head bounces off it, as Umaga spins around in the ring. Bray then bounces off the ropes hitting a clothesline leveling Umaga, and taking him out.

JR: Bray Wyatt looking to bring himself back to the promise land.

Piper: He has the gift to do so, but the two men in the ring are not easy targets for Wyatt to take down.

Wyatt goes and he starts to strut around the ring, and Wyatt goes as he takes a quick little bow. The fans boo as Umaga is getting up. Wyatt goes and he begins to pummel Umaga with hard rights, and finally with a knee to the face. Wyatt goes as he bounces off the ropes, but runs into a huge stiff clothesline by Umaga. Wyatt gets up quick, as Umaga hits another. Wyatt is up and Umaga picks him up hitting a huge body slam on him which just send Wyatt down hard. Wyatt is trying to get of the ring, but Umaga grabs his leg, and viciously throws it down hard on the mat. Wyatt holds onto it, as Umaga drags Wyatt into the corner. Umaga goes and he puts his foot right into the face of Wyatt holding it there. The referee separates them as Umaga detaches it. Umaga turns around and the camera pans him just getting speared by Batista.

Piper: What a spear by man Batista

JR: Batista sure didn’t like the double team from earlier by these two men.

Batista gets up and he screams: “No one disrespects meâ€. Batista then charges and he kicks the face of Bray Wyatt on the turnbuckle. Batista then goes as he grabs Umaga and throws him into the turnbuckle. Batista charges at him, but Umaga moves out of the way, as Batista goes shoulder first. Batista turns around, and Umaga goes and he grabs his legs picking him up hitting a facebuster on the Animal. Umaga looks on at Batista, but all of a sudden gets rolled up.



No Umaga kicks out. Bray Wyatt was looking to steal a victory, but it didn’t pan out well. Wyatt goes and he escapes out of the ring, and the fans boo as he doesn’t want to suffer any damage from the Samoan Bulldozer. Umaga goes and he looks on at Wyatt on the outside, and he grabs the Animal Batista. Umaga puts him in the corner, as Umaga charges at him hitting a big splash. Umaga still stares at Wyatt on the outside making sure no funny business goes on. Umaga goes and he charges at Batista with his but first taking out Batista, Umaga goes and he drags Batista going for the cover.



Wyatt comes in and he breaks it up. Wyatt goes and he grabs the head of Umaga spinning it around hitting a neckbreaker. Wyatt goes and he picks up the down Batista and he hits another vertical suplex on him. Wyatt holds onto him as he bridges on his head. Wyatt you can see has his mouth open with his tongue wide open. Wyatt goes and he flips over his body still holding the head of Batista as he picks him up. Wyatt goes and he spins Batista around, but Batista pushes him off. Wyatt holds onto the ropes, as he turns to charge at Batista, and he hits a backdrop onto Wyatt. Wyatt bounces up and he is hanging by the ropes, Batista charges at him. Wyatt counters with a boot into the face. Batista turns around, and Umaga is up hitting a huge superkick onto Batista sending him down on the mat. Wyatt goes and he charges at Umaga hitting a flying knee at him causing Umaga to bounces off the ropes. Wyatt goes and he catches the rebounding Umaga hitting a belly to belly suplex. Wyatt looks at both men down as he laughs and smiles. Wyatt goes and he bounces off the ropes, and hits a splash right onto both men. Wyatt goes for the cover on Umaga.



No Umaga kicks out.

JR: These three men are looking to kill each other, it means that they will become the number one contender to the UWF World Heavyweight Championship.

Wyatt goes and he picks up Batista sending him to the turnbuckle. Wyatt goes and he charges at him a nice splash into the corner. Wyatt then pulls Batista towards him, and his an inverted belly to belly suplex. Wyatt looks on smiling as he heads toward the top rope. The fans boo as Wyatt is measuring up Batista when he is getting up. Batista is getting up, and Wyatt dives with a flying crossbody, but Batista catches him. Batista goes, and he puts Wyatt onto his shoulders, and Batista goes as he does the rollingslam onto Bray Wyatt. Wyatt is down as Batista gets up signaling he will be the next World Heavyweight Champion. Batista goes as he measures Wyatt up, and he sees that Umaga is stirring up instead. Umaga gets up, as Batista goes for the spinebuster, and Umaga holds his ground as he elbows the head of Batista. Umaga goes and he headbutts Batista. Umaga with his sneaky speed goes and he sweeps underneath him, and he hits a samoan drop onto Batista. Umaga gets up as he screams and the crowd gets hot.

JR: Umaga is looking to get in the zone.

Piper: This man right here when he gets into a zone watch out because he will take you out.

Umaga goes and he picks up Batista and he hits a huge samoan spike right onto him. All of a sudden Wyatt comes out of nowhere and he hits the saving Abigail onto him. Wyatt then picks up Umaga and throws him out of the ring. As Wyatt goes for the pin onto Batista.




Justin Roberts: Here is your winner, and advancing to the number one contender tournament. Bray Wyatt!


JR: Damn it Bray Wyatt stole one here.

Piper: That is what makes Wyatt so great Jimbo, he can win it no matter what the situation.

Wyatt goes as he looks up to the sky laughing like a maniac. Wyatt goes as he exits the ring, strut up the ramp, as he raises his hands up high, and the fans boo as Raw fades away

Todd Grisham: Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time, Raw’s newest superstar Test!

The crowd start cheering as Test walks up to Todd with a huge smile on his face

Todd Grisham: Test how does it feel to win your first match here in UWF on Velocity?

Test: Thank you Todd, not only did I win my first match here I beat that punk Carlito who talked quite a lot of smack about me and is very lucky he is on the other brand or he could of have a lot more losses against me! You see I think it’s time I get my shot I am 6’6 295 pounds of pure domination and heart and in the few coming weeks you shall see what I can really do, too many times I have been overlooked and counted as the guy that never reached his potential but this time it’s completely different I am in the best shape of my life and winning the first match here shows what I can and will do to whoever gets in my way to becoming a champion here on raw!

Fans again start cheering for Test

Test: Now for the real reason I am here tonight Todd, I have a big announcement to make once my match was finished on Wednesday a certain person called me and said I looked very impressive and wanted to become my new marketing manager for the foreseeable future and I just couldn’t say no! So without any further a due please welcome my new manager Stacy Keibler

Stacy walks in the camera shot as the crowd starts cheering even louder!

Stacy: That is correct I am the new marketing manager for my man Test! With my help I am going to raise the profile of this superstar to stardom and become a champion in this organisation! You see there have been many fan groups in the past which have escalated into their superstar becoming a major player in a company and this is exactly what we are going to do with this man right here, we shall call tests new found fan base the “Testiclesâ€

Stacy goes off camera and comes back and hands Todd a t-shirt with the words “I am a testicle!†written on it, Todd looks confused but is urged by Stacy to put the shirt on

Test: Stacy that has got to be the best idea I have ever heard, Todd you look fantastic!

Test turns to Todd gives him a wink and walks off with Stacey, The crowd starts laughing and chanting Testicles at Todd who just stands there speechless

JR: Now this next match up should be a very big contest. Two big men, Bubba Ray and Matt Bloom will go head to head to see who's the bigger man.

Roddy: Who are you pullin for in this one Jim?

JR: I honestly don't know to be honest. I haven't seen much of Matt Blooms in ring skills in a while and Bubba is so unpredictable. It could go anyway but no doubt will be a good ole fashion slobberknocker.

"I Crack Skulls For a Livin'! "


Announcer: And here is the first challenger. Standing at 6 foot 3 and weighing in at 326 pounds, from Hells Kitchen, Newyork, Bubba Ray Dudley!!!

The arena fills up with boos as Bubba Ray comes walking out on stage and down the ramp. He gives a few evil glares at the crowd before sliding in the ring and holding up his arms to show his dominance. He then looks dead at the entrance way and awaits his opponent, Matt Bloom.


Announcer: And his opponent, standing at 6 foot 7 and weighing in at 360 pounds, from Boston,Massachusetts, Maaaatt Bloom!!

The boos continue with no change in tone as Matt Bloom comes walking out to the ring with his head held up high sending a strong glare towards Bubba. He slides into the ring and begins to step towards Bubba before stopping to look around and taking in all the negativity being shown by the fans.

Roddy: These two men will make there debut match here on Monday Night Raw!

JR: This is gonna be great! Can't wait!

The ref gets in between the two men who are now face to face, he manages to get the two men to back up into their corners. As they both await the bell, the ref proceeds to signal for the match to begin and the bell rings. Ding Ding Ding!

Roddy: And here we go!

The two men begin to walk slowly towards each other. Matt with his arms side by side as if he doesn't need to put his dukes up and Bubba Ray mouthing off a few words, "Yer about tah see what I'm capable of!". As they get in each others face, Bubba immediately slaps Matt across the face to gain a few "Oooohs" from the crowd. Matt touches the side of his face where Bubba hit him and turns to Bubba and delivers a strong right punch to his face to send him back a few steps. Bubba blinks a few times before walking towards Matt, but Matt kicks him in the gut and irish whips him towards the ropes. As Bubba comes running back, Matt hits him with a clothesline that sends him to the mat. However, he wastes no time on his back and gets right back to his feet, but this time Matt bounces off the ropes to gather enough speed to hit a strong shoulder block to Bubba to send him landing on the mat again. Matt stops and looks at Bubba and hits him with a small elbow drop to keep him on the mat.

JR: Matt gaining control early on in this match up.

Roddy: I'm just surprised that he could knock Bubba down with that shoulder block! Bubba's a big man!

JR: Ya but so is Matt.

As Bubba gets to his knees about to get up, Matt places his giant hand on the nerve by Bubbas neck and puts his other hand on top of it to apply pressure. He keeps the nerve hold locked in as Bubba begins to show struggle on his face. He doesn't give up though, he actually begins to stand up before Matt lifts his hand up and forces it back down on the hold to apply even more pressure. This causes Bubba to sit back down on the mat and cringe in pain. Bubba then grabs the hands of Matt Bloom with both of his hands and attempts to break the grip. He shows an impressive amount of strength as he manages to break the hold and hold on to Matt's hands. He the stands up and pulls Matt closer to him and delivers an impressive belly to back suplex. Matt arches his back to show what kind of pain he endured from that move and then stands up to a kick to his gut. Without any hesitation, Bubba twists Matt's body around and hits a hangmans neckbreaker. Without standing up, he hooks the leg for the first pinfall of the matchup.


2..No! Kickout!

Roddy: Aww well he's gonna need to do more than that to keep Matt Bloom down.

Bubba grows an angered look on his face before standing up and looking down at his opponent. He then begins to stop on the back of Matt's head repeatedly. As Bubba stops, Matt slowly stands back to his feet, but Bully Ray kicks him in the stomach and hooks his arm around his massive head to lift him in the air and send him crashing back down to the mat with a suplex. He then starts to scream towards the crowd to signify his dominance. Bubba notices Matt slowly beginning to get up yet again, so he proceeds to climb to the second turnbuckle. As Matt stands up and turns around, Bubba jumps down at Matt Bloom and hits a punishing diving clothesline. Instead of pinning him, Bubba smiles and goes back towards the corner, he climbs back up to the second turnbuckle and dives off and lands a strong diving senton onto his opponent. This time he sits up and looks around the arena with an intimidating look on his face. He then hooks the leg of Matt Bloom.


2..No! Kickout!

Matt gets his shoulder up! But, Bubba doesn't look to happy at this point. He stands up and assists Matt to his feet, he then trys to lift Matt onto his shoulders but Matt manages to land behind him and deliver a sidewalk slam onto Bubba Ray.

Roddy: Matt trying to gain momentum.

JR: Ya but he has to be pretty damaged after that massive diving senton. That would crush a mans rib cage.

Matt gets to his feet and notices Bubba pulling himself up with the ropes. Matt comes running at him with full speed and hits a clothesline that sends both men out of the ring to the ringside area towards the commentating table. Matt manages to land on his feet and he then brings Bubba to his feet and irish whips into the steel steps. The back of Bully Ray connects with the steps to create a loud *Thud* sound. He cringes in pain but it's not over yet. Matt comes running at him and connects a boot to the skull. By now, the ref's count is at 8, so Matt rolls into the ring and rolls back out just to ensure to everybody that he wants a clean win. He then proceeds to lift Bubba's limp body up and into the ring. Bubba rolls into the perfect position for Matt to execute a diving move. So Matt Bloom takes advantage of this situation and climbs up to the second turnbuckle with his back turned to his opponent and jumps off, delivering a high impact corner springboard body splash to Bubba Ray Dudley. He then hooks the leg for the pinfall.



3..No! Kickout!

Bubba manages to get the shoulder up but Matt Bloom shakes off the disappointment. He brings bubba back to his feet and hooks his arms. He then lifts the man up into the air and holds him there for a good 5 seconds before slamming him back to the mat on his back with a delayed butterfly suplex. He wipes some sweat off his forehead before beginning an assault of stomps on the gut and chest of Bubba Ray Dudley. The man formerly known as A-Train then grabs Bully Ray by the arm and pulls him to his feet. Keeping a hold on his arm, he pulls hard and launches Bubba into the turnbuckle only to cause him to bounce off and turn around to a bicycle kick from Matt Bloom. Matt quick drops down and goes for the pin.



3..No! Kickout!

JR: And a kickout from Bubba Ray Dudley! How he got that shoulder up is beyond me.

Roddy: Did you see how high up Matt lifted his leg?

Matt stands up to take a quick breather as he circles around Bubba's body. He the grabs the legs of Bubba but Bubba manages to pull Matt down into a cradle pin.


2..No! Kickout!

Matt breaks up the pin but Bully Ray doesn't lose any momentum as the two men stand up, Matt gets hammered by an axe handle that sends him towards the ropes. As he bounces of the ropes, he comes back to a powerslam off the rebound. But, instead of going for the pin, Bubba realizes that he's gonna need to do more damage. So he brings Matt Bloom back to his feet and hits an instant DDT that sends Matt's head crashing into the mat. You can see how the impact of the move hurt because Matt's head bounces off the mat like a basketball. Bubba Ray stands up and brings Matt Bloom with him on his feet. He lifts the big man up off his feet and slams him back on the mat and runs towards the ropes and back with a strong elbow drop to complete a scoop slam/elbow drop combo.

JR: Ooh what a combo from Bubba Ray Dudley. He seems to be making a great comeback in this match up!

Matt Bloom slowly starts to get up from this but as soon as he stands straight up and walks towards Bubba, Bubba lifts him up over his shoulders and falls backwards with a Samoan Drop. He then bends his knees and awaits for Matt to get back up to his feet. After a few moments, Matt stands up and meets up with a high drop kick from Bubba Ray Dudley that sends up into the corner. Bubba wastes no time by running at his opponent and jumps into the air, putting all of his weight into a corner body splash. This sends Matt falling forward into a Buh Buh Cutter by Bubba Ray Dudley that causes a pop from the crowd. But, Matt manages to roll out of the ring in order to prevent a pinfall. Bubba looks quite disgusted at this though as he is heard screaming "Are you kidding me?". The ref manages to get to a 6 count before Bubba comes climbing out of the ring to where Matt is laying. As he brings Matt to his feet, Matt manages to shove him into the ring post causing his back to meet the metal. As Matt looks to be making a comeback, Bubba stops the momentum with a kick to the gut. He then slams Matt's head into the ring post before rolling him back into the ring. Bubba follows him as the ref reaches an 8 count.

Roddy: Bubba is looking quite impressive, but man is Matt giving him a good fight.

JR: You got that right Roddy. But, Bubba might of had him after that cutter if it wasn't for Matt being able to roll out of the ring. That gave him a quick breather.

Bubba puts his hands on his hips as he looks to be thinking of what to do next. He then gives off a devious smile towards the crowd. He looks to be confident with what he has in mind as he circles Matt Bloom who is slowly making it to his feet. Bloom gets to his feet but Bubba puts his head in between his legs and gives pauses to take in the reaction from the crowd as they know what's about to happen. They begin to chat "piledriver" over and over again when they see him grip the trunks of Matt Bloom. Before he can complete the move, Matt rises up and flips Bubba over his head and to the mat. Bubba arches his back immediately and has a look of both surprise and pain on his face. He gets back up to try and stop the momentum of Matt Bloom, but it's too late, he walks right into the hands of Matt Bloom behind wrapped around his neck. Matt then lifts him into the air and sends him crashing back to the mat with his signature chokebomb known as the Derailer.

JR: What a massive chokebomb!

Roddy: This is it! The Derailer!

Matt hooks both of Bubba's legs for the pin.



3...! Ding Ding Ding!

JR: He did it! Matt Bloom won his debut match against Bubba Ray Dudley!

Roddy: What a match this was too! I wouldn't be ashamed of nothing if I was Bubba.

The ref holds up Matt Blooms arm in victory as the announcer speaks.

Announcer: And here is your winner! Matt Bloom!!!!


We are taken backstage to where Sheamus is standing in a poorly lit room.



When you think of names that are one and the same with wrestling, only a few superstars come to mind. Maybe you think of Undertaker, Stone Cold, the Rock, John Cena..or maybe you think of the Immortal One...Hulk Hogan. A man that I will get the honor of facing for his Transatlantic Championship. I overcame the odds and defeated 3 men that stood in my way. I added them to my list, and left their bodies laying helpless on me road of destruction. It is not smoke and mirriors when I tell you that I am unbeatable it is it..simply the truth. No one man has been able to take down the Celtic Warrior. And Hulk, as much I respect ya, yer not going to be any different.


I came back here to UWF with one goal in me mind. Do ya know what that goal is? The goal was to become a champion, and sit on me throne as the true King of UWF. People have staked claim to that title and deep down in me heart of hearts, I knew that I could outlast, and out beat every single one of them. I got tired of sitting around and watching people claim to be unstoppable. To be dominate. I got tired of seeing people believe that they were warriors when I'm the only true Warrior this company has ever seen! So soon...so very soon, I will capture me first championship in this company and it will be the first of many. I don't care who I have to take it from. Everyone falls the same when they get kicked in the head.


Hogan...You are no exception. Yer blood is in the water and the Great White smells it. Unfortunately for you, you have become the next target. My next prey. I hope ya enjoyed yer reign as champion, fella, because its going to come to a bloody, brutal end. I didn't come here to make friends. I came here to dominate and take titles. Beware the Rise of a Warrior.

Roddy Piper: Are you ready for our next match Ross?

Jim Ross: You know I am Hot Rod. Let's get to it.

The camera cuts towards the ring as we prepare for our next match of the evening. We patiently wait and the crowd becomes anxious when.....


Ross: What?!


The crowd becomes unglued as "Just Close Your Eyes" by Story of The Year begins playing. The crowd bobs their hand in unison as "Captain Charisma" Christian walks out from backstage and stands proudly on the RAW set.


Ross: Well, I'll be an Oklahoma fool! Christian is here on RAW!

Piper: What the hell is he doing here Ross? He doesn't work here anymore!

Christian gestures that he's back as he begins walking down the ramp towards the ring. A few fans reach over the guardrail to grab hold of the "Instant Classic" as he reaches the bottom of the ramp. Christian leaps from the floor and onto the ring apron before entering the ring. He then proceeds to head to the far corner and climb the middle rope where he looks out at all his peeps.


Christian leaps down from the middle rope and heads to the far side of the ring. He asks for a microphone from the timekeeper and is handed one before beginning his promo.


Christian: Well, I bet I was the last person you were expecting to see!

The crowd is still buzzing as they hang onto every one of Christian's words. Captain Charisma can only smile before speaking again.

Christian: Now, as I'm sure you all know by now; my UWF Smackdown contract expired last Tuesday night at midnight. Which meant heading into Velocity, I was a free agent. But, the boys in the office in Stanford put an offer on the table for me to work that final match and I couldn't turn it down. Now once the match was over, I planned on taking some time off, resting these old bones and watching each and every UWF show from my couch in Toronto. That was until I received a call from Randy Orton.

With the mention of Randy Orton's name, the fans go crazy once more.

Christian: Now Randy and I have quite the history. Some of it good; some of it not so good, but Randy came to me and he told me that UWF needed Captain Charisma; that RAW needed Captain Charisma, but most importantly that MY PEEPS needed Captain Charisma!

The fans cheer Christian's last declaration. This seems to be a completely different Christian that was last seen on RAW.

Christian: Now Randy and I don't always see eye to eye but we both agreed that "The Instant Classic" coming back to RAW is....best for business.(Christian smirks as he steal Stephanie McMahon's trademark line) Of course, my peeps aren't the only reason I decided to come back. You see, I have some unfinished business on this show; there are guys in the back that I haven't beaten yet and Championships I haven't won. I'm back to beat all them, I'm back to climb my way to the top of UWF once again and I'm also back for the one thing that I've never gotten. I'm back for the one thing that I've worked so hard for. I'm back for One...More....Match!

The fans start chanting "One More Match" over and over again to the delight of Captain Charisma.

Christian: And it's only a matter of time before I get all of those things. And once I do, RAW and UWF as a whole will officially be....Instantly Classic. Because that's.....

The fans chant along with Christian's trademark line.

Christian: How I roll!

"Just Close Your Eyes" picks up again as Christian drops the mic and slaps his chest before exiting the ring and making his way up the ramp as RAW heads elsewhere.


Matt Striker: Ladies and Gentleman my guest at this time, Damien Sandow.

The crowd in the arena boos as Sandow steps into frame.

Damien Sandow: Correction Matthew, it is the intellectual savior to the masses: Damien Sandow.

Matt Striker: Be that as it may, Damien-

Damien Sandow: That is much too familiar Matthew, I know you are used to the obsolete environment of a classroom full of children who’d rather be on their cellular devices reading 140 characters than the book in front of them, but you are no longer a pedagogue and we both know I am your intellectual superior. So, “Mr. Sandow†please.

Matt Striker: Ahem…Mr. Sandow, Since you seem so eager on speaking… my first question was simply why did you call for this interview?

Damien Sandow: Seems a rather odd question, may I ask why you bring it up?

Matt Striker: Well you have no match scheduled, you had no interview time set aside in the official show listings, and you’ve had no real enemies made so far, it’s really a wonder why you’re even here tonight all things considered this would have been a very easy day off.


Damien Sandow: That is precisely why I am here, my mission has no “days offâ€. I seek the salvation of the masses and to do that I must be in constant view of the goings on here on this new brand. With that said I asked for this interview to keep me in the public eye, So that the audience know that my work is constant and vigorous.

Matt Striker: So, does that mean that you've set any goals here on Raw?

Damien Sandow: I have plenty of goals Matthew, and they shall fall into place soon. For I have already mapped out an immediate target to display my brand of enlightenment with, so that it is more apparent than ever why I am the man everyone watching should accept into their hearts as their savior.

Matt Striker: And who may that be?

Damien Sandow: In time Matthew, patience is a virtue. God knows I’ve been patient with all of you ignoramuses, so it does not seem like that much to ask for you to be patient with me. But it shall be known soon, another false idol shall fall by my hands and after it is done I shall stand at his place upon his pedestal and look down upon you all to say…You’re Welcome…This conclude our interview, good day.

Damien walks out of the interview area.

As Monday Night RAW returns from commercial, the crowd is booing intensely as Matthew Bloom and Steve Borden are standing in the ring, Steve with the Global Championship over his shoulder. As the boos rain down on the two men, Steve raises his microphone to address them.


"The Icon" Steve Borden: That's the exact reaction that I was expecting from you people, this is a moment in time that calls for celebration and instead you are behaving as though a crime has been committed before your very eyes. The congratulatory remarks and well wishes should be flowing forth like the champagne into Matthew and I's glasses, but instead it's disdain that flows forth from you because it's what flows through you. Bitterness is abound and anarchy is ruling as you practically scatter the streets in protest, crying out to anyone that will listen that a miscarriage of justice is afoot. But you know what? I wouldn't have it any other way.

Steve smiles as the fans let him have it even more with intense booing.

"The Icon" Steve Borden: The misery you vocalize is pleasant music for me to listen to, and as I find myself immersed in the tune of your collective discontent, I begin to create lyrics and though it's still a work in progress, I'd like to share with you what I've come up with so far. Four simple words but I think it gets the song off to a nice start, and those four words are this truth, I told you so.

Not only did I make it known that I would defeat Kane and win the Global Championship, more on that in a moment, I also made it known that it was something I would accomplish on my own and as myself. I came to this ring last Monday night as I stand before you now, as Steve Borden. I wrestled Kane with the Global Championship on the line as Steve Borden and I stand here as the new incumbent titleholder as Steve Borden. I did it without the face paint, without the baseball bat, and without the jacket. In no way, shape, or form was I Sting and I didn't have the backing of a single one of you, and I achieved greatness.

And that's a big part of why you're angry, because you didn't think it was possible for me to accomplish anything but failure without the name recognition and aesthetic flair that comes with that character, and you certainly didn't think it was possible without you cheering me and supporting me. Every last one of you are wincing from the realization right now, your faces stained with different pessimistically grounded expressions as though the popcorn the vendor sold you was stale or someone at the concession stand spit in your Coke.

Steve now points at one member of the audience and begins to scan over various members of the audience to indicate he's addressing them all.

"The Icon" Steve Borden: All of you standing shoulder to shoulder mired in misery, it's as though I'm being treated to a human art gallery and again, the view from here is delightful. What isn't delightful however is the continued presence of absent minded fools that call Matthew and myself by our former slave names, either to insult us with disrespect or in a worthless attempt to get us to return to those characters. Whichever it is, I shall stand for neither, so I'm demanding that all promotional material billing Sting as the Global Champion be changed to reflect the true possessor, Steve Borden.

The crowd boos more viciously as Steve flashes an even wider smile before continuing as he turns to the ring announcer standing at ringside.

"The Icon" Steve Borden: Also, Justin Roberts, if you ever announce either of us to or from the ring as anything but Steve Borden and Matthew Bloom, whether we are separate or together, then I will make sure that great harm comes your way. The same goes for Jim Ross and Roddy Piper just as it goes for any backstage interviewer that may approach us. Get our names correct.

Now, since I brought him up earlier, let's talk about Kane....



Steve Borden and Matthew Bloom are interrupted by the fires of hell igniting up the UWF Raw stage. As the main pyro dies down, jets of fire continue to surge up from the bowels of the stage and extinguish as they rise into the air. ‘Veil of fire’ plays over the speakers, and the familiar figures of Kane and his father Paul Bearer step out onto the entrance ramp. Kane surveys the two men in the ring from his position at the top of the ramp.


The "Big Red Monster" makes his way down to the ring, stepping over the top rope and igniting the four corners of the ring in hot fire.Kane takes off his Iron Mask to reveal the red underneath. After sizing up Steve and his henchman, Kane raises his microphone to speak.


Kane looks like he is about to speak but instead motions to the titantron where footage is played of their match last week. We see Kane hitting the chokeslam and Steve getting the shoulder up, before Kane is distracted by Matthew Bloom attacking and stuffing Paul Bearer into the casket. We see Steve taking advantage of the distraction and defeating Kane for the title win. The footage stops and Kane turns to Steve, looking as if he is about to explode into a fit of rage, but instead calmly addresses him and the audience.


Treachery stands among us Ladies and Gentleman, and it answers to the name Steve Borden. You masquerade as a Champion, but the reality is you are no better than a common thief who lurks on the street corner. The difference is that you have stolen something that belongs to me. You are a man who despite his most vigorous statements to the contrary, lived up to my prediction that the only way he could stand here and call himself Global Champion, would be if he depended on the help of that man standing right beside him.

Kane motions to the towering figure of Matthew Bloom


I told you all along that your success last week would hinge on that man and that man alone. A he didn’t fail to disappoint, did he? But I am not making excuses. I took my eye off the ball, for a second, but a costly second nonetheless. You can rest assured Steve, it will never happen again because I will never allow it to happen again. Your little distraction, getting your friend here to attack my defenceless father, may have worked once but it will not work a second time. You profess to be the new Global Champion, but you are a champion in name only. What is sitting over your shoulder has been attained by tainted means, a stain that will linger in the history of this Championship until it has been put right. And I will put it right. I will put it right by facing you once again and exposing the lie that you continue to propagate. The truth is Steve, you could not defeat me man to man last week on Monday Night Raw, and I will not allow your whipping boy to cost me another match. That Championship is my Championship, and it belongs with me, and I will have it Steve, rest assured, your sins shall find you out!

Your sins will find you out Steve, when they do is a matter for Randy Orton. I have made it clear, I demand a rematch to take back what is rightfully mine. And I don’t want a regular match, oh no. If your friend here helped you take that title away from me, then I must assume he is going to help you keep it. Therefore I propose we even up the odds a little bit Mr Borden. I say we make it a match where by the only way to win, is to send your opponent out of the arena in a wooden box. That casket last week was sideshow, but now I wish it to be the main attraction. I am challenging you to a rematch in a Casket Match!

The crowd pops at this challenge from the former Champion.

Kane:And speaking of caskets, I have another order of business with you. My father. I want him back. I don’t know where you are keeping him, but rest assured you will have hell to pay if Paul Bearer is not in good shape when he is returned to me. Steve, I demand answers and I demand them now. This is not your average father and son you are messing with, you are playing with fire here, and if you are not careful, that fire will devour you and your championship reign. I know my father, wherever he is not intimidated by your juvenile tricks. But if my father is not returned to me, if you do not tell me where he is, then it will only end worse for you when we step into this ring once again.

Kane lowers his microphone, giving time for Steve to respond.

"The Icon" Steve Borden: You were warned, Kane. You were told time and time again to focus on me one hundred and ten percent because if you took your eyes off of the road for even a second, the end result wouldn't be favorable for you. You couldn't get over your suspicion and your fear that Matt was going to get involved, and even though he played a factor in the conclusion of our match, he didn't actually get involved. You have no one to blame but yourself for paying attention to Matt and leaving yourself open for me to finish you off, Kane, and you know it, you'd just rather point fingers because it's easier for you. You can call it tainted means if you want to, but you would've done the same exact thing. If I were looking over at Paul, you would've locked your fingers around my throat and chokeslammed me like you were never going to see me again.

As for what happened to Paul Bearer, well, that's his fault for thinking he stood a chance against Matt over here. If you'll recall, you were the one that said Paul was going to keep him from getting involved and Paul himself reaffirmed that. Don't hate Matt for testing that theory. As for where he is and what we've done with him, why would I tell you that? I don't owe you anything, Kane. Not an explanation, not his safe return, not an apology of any kind, the only thing you're owed is this rematch and that's only because it's contractually dictated. Why would I give up one of the best cards I have in my hand, Kane? That would take all the fun out of the chase. If you want this title back and your daddy back, you'll have to take it back. I accept your challenge.

The crowd pops for this as many of them are anticipating Steve Borden getting annihilated and Kane getting the Global Championship back. The two men stare one another down as Raw heads elsewhere.

The scene opens on a bare spot of the backstage area. Then, Daniel Bryan walks into frame dressed in a very bizzare manner.


Daniel Bryan: "Yo" Cena. Hey "homeslice". I know you're getting ready to defend the European Title tonight and, no, I'm not gonna screw you like you screwed me last week in the battle royal. I'll let you and Christopher Daniels beat the hell out of each other because, to be honest, it'll be entertaining to watch. I just wanted to take this opportunity to address you and address something that's been on my mind and the minds of many others who saw what happened last week. I threw you out of the ring, over the top rope, just like I said I was going to, and what did you do? You couldn't handle the fact that, last week, I was just one step ahead of you. You can't accept the fact that I'm always one step ahead of you. I'm just better than the great John Cena and that tears you up inside, doesn't it? Well, I'm going to prove that not only am I the superior wrestler......but I'm also the superior rapper.......

Bryan snaps his fingers and a beat begins to play. He then starts what he calls "rapping".


Daniel Bryan: Your World Title dreams went up in smoke, 'Cause you did what you always do and that's choke!
By the look on your face I saw you lose all hope, When I tossed your 'roided ass over the top rope!

You screwed my chances of becoming champion, son, And now the "Doctor of Thuganomics" has to deal with a pissed off Dragon!

John, It's not that we can't see you, it's that we just don't want to, We hate you because you're terrible at everything you do!

You call yourself a superstar, you call yourself the best, But you've been shoved so far down our throats that you can see what we've had for breakfast!

John Cena, you're the most pathetic man I've ever seen, Your wrestling skills are equivalent to Mr. Bean's!

You think you're better than me? You're in for a shock, Because I can pin you 1,2,3 or make you tap to the YES Lock!

You talk a big game, John, but I'm calling your bluff, Your Time Is Up because we've Cena 'Nuff!

Bryan then takes off his chain and drops it, all the while glaring into the camera. He then storms off. The camera then pans over to the left and we see Ron Simmons standing nearby.


Ron Simmons: DAMN!

Simmons walks off screen and we fade into another segment.


The fans begin to cheer like crazy as they hear the "Phenomenal" AJ Styles comes and he walks down the ramp. AJ looks pretty intense walking down to the ring. The fans cheer as AJ does the Phenomenal Pose with the two football gloves, before sliding into the ring. AJ goes as he slides into the ring


A new song blasts through the arena's speakers and the crowd is confused at first. However when they see Tyson Kidd & Natalya step out onto the ramp, the building explodes in cheers. The walk down the isle, Natalya leads the way while Kidd is giving some of the fans who are reaching over the barrier hi-fives. Kidd looks pumped as he enters the ring, ans the fans await the last participant


At the commencement of the theme belonging to the wealthy Ted DiBiase Jr, the UWF Universe already fills the arena with a hostile reception. It doesn't take long for the man of the moment, Dibiase goes as he walks down the ramp all cocky, and paying attention to no fans, and sliding into the ring. The referee signals for the bell


Styles goes and he begins to attack Ted Dibiase Jr., but Tyson Kidd turns AJ around, and he whips him across the ring with an irish whip. AJ goes and he is able to hit a flying forearm onto Dibiase. AJ turns around looking at Kidd who kicks him in the shin. AJ comes back with a punch to the face of Kidd. AJ goes and he tries to go off the rope, but Dibiase on the outside pulls AJ’s leg. Dibiase goes and he and AJ begin to brawl, but all of a sudden Kidd goes through the ropes hitting a suicide dive onto the outside.

JR: What a move by the young Tyson Kidd.

Tyson Kidd gets up, and he high fives Taz who is at ringside. Taz goes and he claps his hands as Kidd throws Dibiase into the ring. Dibiase gets up, and he gets hit with a dropkick by Kidd. Kidd goes for the cover.



No Dibiase kicks out. Tyson goes as he picks up Kidd and he brings him into the corner. Kidd begins kicking him like crazy. Kidd then goes as he backs up and he hits a double knees to the face sending Dibiase down in the corner. Dibiase is down as Kidd poses in the ring. Kidd turns around only to be met by a flying forearm by AJ Styles. Styles goes as he begins kicking the leg of the down Kidd. AJ goes as he picks up the leg of Kidd and he slams it down. AJ turns around, and Dibiase levels him with a clothesline.

Jim Ross: These men are setting a high standard in this match.

Piper: Please JR all they are doing is spots.

Styles is down as Ted goes and he pick him up. Ted goes and he hits a nice scoop slam on to him. Ted bounces off the ropes and he stops real quick as he drops an elbow right onto AJ Styles. Ted goes and he grabs the head of AJ Styles, and puts him in a headlock. AJ though gets up quick. Styles pushed Dibiase as Dibiase is met with a hurricurrana from Kidd. AJ goes and he charges at Kidd, Kidd moves out of the way as AJ scales the turnbuckle. AJ goes for a moonsault, but Kidd jumps high and nails a dropkick right onto Styles. Kidd goes and he makes the cover.



No Styles kicked out. Kidd goes as he picks up Styles, and he begins hitting nice little sharp elbows onto Styles. Kidd, goes and he hits an armdrag onto Styles, but Styles gets up as Styles kicks him in the gut and he grabs the head. Styles goes for a vertical suplex, but Kidd reverses it, ending up behind Styles. Kidd goes as he pushes AJ into the ropes, and he rolls up AJ. Ref goes down for a pin, but Kidd ends up grabbing the leg of Styles. Kidd tries to put the leg in between Styles, and he is looking to his a sharpshooter. Kidd goes and he hits a sharpshooter onto AJ Styles, leaving a pop for the fans.

Jim Ross: The Sharpshooter, this has to hurt Roddy.

Piper: Jimbo this move is one of the most painful moves in wrestling.

Kidd has the Sharpshooter locked in, but all of a sudden here comes Ted Dibiase as he kicks the gut of Tyson Kidd. Kidd holds his gut as Dibiase grabs the head, and he hits the DDT onto the young man. Dibiase goes as he poses and smiles. Dibiase goes and he picks up AJ Styles. Dibiase goes and he hits the atomic drop on Styles causing Styles to be by the turnbuckle. Dibiase smiles, as Dibiase goes to the top turnbuckle. Dibiase begins punching the face of AJ Styles, the fans boo as Dibiase just poses after nailing some punches. All of a sudden Styles goes and he grabs the trunks of Ted Dibiase. AJ has Ted up and AJ Stlyes goes and hits a huge powerbomb onto him. Styles goes as he makes the cover onto Dibiase.



No Ted Dibiase kicks out. Styles goes as he begins attacking the leg of Ted Dibiase as well. The fans cheer for Styles name, as Styles goes and he grabs the leg of Dibiase, and Styles goes for the calf killer. The fans cheer as Styles has the hold locked in, and Dibiase is screaming in pain. AJ has the move locked in when all of a sudden Tyson Kidd goes on Ted and he locks in the crossface.

JR: Dibiase Jr. is in trouble

Piper: Two submissions, man that’s not fair.

Ted is screaming in pain from the holds as he is making he sure he doesen’t tap out. Ted is trying to drag himself to the ropes but the strength of both men are keeping him from doing so. AJ Styles lets go of the hold, as he goes to Kidd and he applies the calf killer on him. The fans give a mix reaction as Styles has the hold on super tight. Styles is cranking it. Kidd is forced to let go of the crossface. Styles is making sure that he dosen’t let go, but Ted Dibiase goes and he breaks up the hold. Ted still shaky gets up holding his leg. Styles gets up looking pissed. Dibiase goes as he charges at Styles, but Styles ducks underneath him. Styles goes and he hits the pele’ onto him, as the fans cheer. AJ Styles gets up as he screams.

JR: The Former World Heavyweight Champion, AJ Styles ladies and gentlemen.

Piper: If he were so great he would still be with the belt.

AJ Styles goes to the outside as he goes for the springboard 450, all of a sudden from out of nowhere Tyson Kidd hits a Code Blue in the middle of the air. Styles crashes hard on the mat. Kidd goes as he grabs Ted Dibiase and he puts him on his shoulder. Kidd goes and he grabs Ted Dibiase and put him on his shoulder and he hits the Canadian stampede on him landing on top of Styles. Ted rolls out of the ring as Kidd covers Styles.




Justin Roberts: Here is your winner, and moving on in the tournament Tyson Kidd!


JR: What a win for Tyson Kidd here tonight!

Tyson Kidd is joined by Natty in the ring as she runs into his arm hugging him as he spins her around. The fans cheer as Kidd smiles and he points at his chest signaling he wants gold. The fans cheer as Ted leaves the area, and Styles gets up. Styles looks at Kidd, but shakes his hand as Styles leaves the ring. Taz, jumps over the barricade as well as he celebrates with Tyson Kidd.


Jericho is seen walking backstage when a voice booms from off camera and the cameraman stops Y2J in his tracks.

Interviewer: Chris, can I have a few moments?

Jericho: Where’s Todd? Or Josh Mathews? Good energy.
Er, I’m new here.

Junior, we’re going to have a lot of fun. Ask your questions to the ayatollah of rock and rolla, the wrestling god, the best in the world, Y2J baby!

Er…have you cut your hair?

Yes. That’s it? That’s what the rookie journalist, interviewy, suit and tie guys are coming up with now? Yes I cut my hair because people kept telling me I look too old. Plus it’s easier to maintain, the UWF don’t pay for make-up and stylists anymore. Next.

Are you looking forward to your match tonight?

Honestly? I’m nervous just like I’m nervous before every match. I haven’t been in the ring for a long time. I feel a little rusty but I’m not here to make excuses, I’ve just got those butterflies. Not because I don’t think I can get the job done because I can and I will but in this business you never say never. You never know what’s going to happen on RAW on any given night; I don’t know if I’m going to get the current Hulk Hogan, the past-it Hulk Hogan, mania 18 Hogan, nWo Hogan, slamming Andre Hogan…all I know is that Y2J and the Hulkster are going to tear the roof off this place.

One more thing, any words for Dean Ambrose tonight?

Words for Dean? Watch and learn, kid.

Jericho smirks and heads towards ringside.

JR: Well folks up next is a match being hyped as one of the ages. For up next folks we have the return to in-ring action of Y2J Chris Jericho. And folks his opponent is going to be one of the toughest challenges Y2J has ever had to overcome. As tonight he's facing off against the Transatlantic Champion, the man known as Hulk Hogan.

Piper:Two wrestling Icons in one ring, even though their styles are complete opposite. Hogan moves like a snail and Jericho goes around that ring like he has crabs in his tights pinching his ass.

JR: What is really interesting is going to be what happens at Starrcade Hot Rod as Hogan will defend his championship against Sheamus while Jericho will...



Piper: Speak of the devil and he shall appear JR. The man who will be facing Chris Jericho at Starrcade. The former 4 time World Heavyweight Champion is making his way down to the ring to scout first hand just what he has in store for him come Starrcade.

Ambrose takes a seat at the timekeepers table as Justin Roberts prepares to introduce the participants.

Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first...



Justin Roberts: First from Winnipeg Ontario Canada, he is the Y2J Chris Jericho!

JR: The former United States Champion himself is making his way down to the ring here and Hot Rod, he's been in the title picture before and failed. Orton has said if he can impress him enough, particularly by beating Dean Ambrose, he will be considered for a World Title match.

Piper: Yeah all these people think Ambrose/Jericho is a number one contender match. Its not!



Justin Roberts: And his opponent: He is the UWF Transatlantic Champion, the Immortal Hulk Hogan!

Hullk Hogan throws his T-Shirt into the stands and unstraps the belt around his waist as he prepares for the big time match up on Raw.


Ding Ding Ding!

The bell rings and Hogan and Jericho tie up in an elbow to collar tie up and Hogan immediately throws Jericho into a headlock. Hogan looks massive compared to Y2J and it becomes even more impressive as Hogan looks like he isn’t even trying to hold Jericho in it. Jericho however uses Hogan’s lack of trying to power out of the headlock, but Hogan just smirks before throwing Jericho right back into a headlock. Jericho sends his opponent off the ropes but it might as well have been all for not as Hogan comes driving into him with a massive shoulder block. Jericho gets to his feet as Hogan claps getting the crowd involved in the match up. Jericho charges Hogan and Hogan just uses Jericho’s momentum against him and sends Jericho to the mat with a hip toss. Jericho gets up again and Hogan plants him with a body slam.

Man that ring rust must be effecting Jericho pretty badly as the Transatlantic Champion is bringing it to him hard and heavy here in the early going.

Don’t count Y2J out just yet Hot Rod, as anything can happen when you have him in the ring.

Ambrose watches on with quiet intensity as Jericho gets up and nails Hogan in the chest with a knife edge chop. Hogan is staggered by the attack allowing Jericho to grab Hogan from behind and plant him to the mat with a back body drop. Hogan’s bandana comes off and Jericho picks it up and tosses it out of the ring. Jericho begins stomping away on Hogan hoping to keep the bigger man off his feet. Jericho bounces off of the ropes and goes for a big elbow drop, but Hogan manages to move out of the way. Jericho has made a big mistake as Hogan stands up and drives his fist into Jericho’s skull. Again and again Hogan nails him, until Jericho is stuck in the corner. Hogan drives a knife edge chop into Jericho. Hogan begins just wailing on Jericho until the official is forced to step in and separate the two competitors.

And now the official interjecting himself into this match up, not allowing Hogan to just beat down on Jericho in the corner. And you have to wonder with Dean Ambrose here watching intently, what exactly is Sheamus thinking, with his title match coming up in just a few short weeks.

The camera’s head backstage where we see the number one contender Sheamus is watching the Champion take it to Y2J and seems unimpressed. In the ring Hogan grabs Y2J and whips him out of the corner. Jericho hits the corner and Hogan follows, but as Hogan is drawing near Jericho reaches up and gets an elbow into Hogan’s face stopping his momentum fast. Y2J climbs to the top turnbuckle looking to fly but Hogan recovers quicker than Jericho thought and nails Jericho in the face with a right hand. Jericho is stunned on the top rope and Hogan grabs him and throws him off the turnbuckle and to the mat below. The crowd gives applause at Hogan’s effort. But Jericho manages to get up again in the corner and for the second time Hogan begins unloading on Jericho. Hogan gets on top of ropes and begins pounding his opponent as the crowd cheers. 1… 2… 3… 4… 5… 6… 7… but before Hogan can hit 8 Jericho takes out Hogan’s legs and Hogan comes down face first on the turnbuckle giving Jericho his biggest opening of the match up. Hogan gets to all fours and Jericho begins unloading right hands to Hogan’s face, trying to keep the big man off his feet. Jericho stomps on Hogan’s chest before bringing him to his feet and planting him with a big right hand. Jericho slaps Hogan on the back of the head out of frustration.

And Jericho just slapping Hogan in the back of the head more out of frustration than anything. You have to give it to him though he has been for much of this match up worn down by the experienced Transatlantic Champion.

Jericho brings Hogan up to his feet and sends him face first into the turnbuckle. Hogan takes refuge in the corner and Jericho now unloads a big knife edge chop, followed by another, and then another. Jericho is feeling it as he sends Hogan whipping into the corner and charges Hogan, but Hogan moves out of the way and Jericho crashes. Jericho is in deep trouble as he turns out on his feet and Hogan grabs him and sends him whipping off of the ropes. Hogan goes for the big boot that will lead to putting Jericho away, but Jericho ducks it. Hogan spins around and Jericho connects with a flying forearm. Hogan goes down to the mat and Jericho gets to his feet looking at Hogan. Hogan gets up as Jericho bounces off the ropes and brings Hogan right back down to the mat with a bulldog. Building on his momentum, Jericho springboards off of the ropes and connects with the Lionsault! The crowd applaud as Jericho goes for the cover.



Hogan gets the shoulder up!

Wow the first cover of this match up and who knew it would be from Jericho after the barrage he took here in the first part of this match up.

Jericho looks at the official and shouts for him to count faster. The official doesn’t listen as Jericho realizing his words are falling on deaf ears heads to the turnbuckle and begins climbing it. Hogan meanwhile gets to his feet as Jericho plants himself on the top rope and as Hogan turns towards Jericho, Y2J leaps off the top rope and nails Hogan with a missile dropkick. Hogan goes flailing to the mat hard as Y2J on his hands and knees crawls quickly on top of Hogan.



Hogan reaches deep and literally throws Y2J off of him. Y2J can’t believe it, but the crowd can as Hogan sits up and begins shaking madly causing the crowd to go into a fury.

Oh no! Not this! Back in my time I absolutely hated when this bastard would do this.

Jericho looks to be in real danger here as the Hulkster is hulking up!

Hogan sits up and Jericho panics as many have done before him and he nails Hogan in his big bald head, but Hogan just shrugs it off. Jericho nails him again to the same effect. Jericho backs up not knowing what to do as Hogan begins getting to his feet. Hogan is shaking, pumping up the crowd with him. Jericho attempts one more punch but Hogan no sells it before pointing at Jericho and the crowd going YOU! Jericho attempts one more punch but Hogan blocks it and comes back with one of his own. The impact is like a bullet hitting Jericho, staggering him, and Hogan drives another big right hand into Jericho. Jericho is dazed on the ropes and Hogan sends him off of them, Jericho comes back and is defenseless as Hogan nails Jericho with the Big Boot! Jericho is out on the ground and Hogan points to Jericho before all of the Hulkamaniacs in the arena. He uses his ear to hear who is the loudest and after several moments chooses the southern end of the ring. He bounces off the ropes and heads towards Jericho leaping up into the air and the leg drop MISSES! Jericho has moved out of the way. Hogan grabs his leg in serious pain as Jericho begins to get to his feet.

Oh my god! I don’t believe it, Chris Jericho has just moved out of the leg drop. I don’t recall anyone who has ever done that Hot Rod.

That hasn’t been done in a very long time JR!

Jericho is like a shark smelling blood and grabs Hogan by his legs and suddenly rolls him over onto his stomach and locks in the Walls of Jericho and the crowd goes nuts. Hogan has a history of back problems and Jericho intends to exploit it as he has the Transatlantic Champion trapped in his finishing move. Hogan looks bad as Jericho adds pressure to one of the most popular superstars in wrestling history. Hogan begins crawling and crawling and battling as hard as he can to get to the ropes and does, to a mixed reaction from the crowd.

Hulk Hogan showing why he is one of the greatest WWE Champions of all time willing himself to the ropes there in Y2J’s devastating finishing move.

Damn that Hulk Hogan, he’s the original John Cena dammit!

Hogan has his hand on the ropes, but Y2J doesn’t care, he wants to win and he wants to do it by making Hulk Hogan tap out. Jericho takes Hogan and literally drags him back into the center of the ring with the Liontamer still locked in. The crowd explodes into a mixed reaction as Jericho has Hogan right back where he wants him. Hogan looks gassed as he tries once again to get to the ropes, throwing his hands on his head. The crowd begins chanting, Hogan! Hogan! Hogan! Dean Ambrose watches closely as Jericho is looking right at him, shouting for Hogan to tap. Hogan realizes he is running out of options very quickly here.

Hogan can’t have much left in the tank, the Transatlantic Champion has to do something now or Jericho may make the biggest icon in wrestling today tap out here.

Hogan realizing he isn’t going to be able to pull himself back to the ropes decides he will use his one advantage over Jericho his strength. Hogan digs deep and manages to somehow fight back onto his back before bringing Jericho into a small package. The crowd explode as the official makes the count.



3.. NO!

Jericho gets the shoulder up!

Dammit! I thought Hogan had him there this match is absolutely awesome! Well worth the hype these two egotistical pricks gave it!

Jericho gets to his feet upset as hell that Hogan almost got one over him in the debut match-up between the two. Hogan is a little slower to get up and Jericho charges Hogan and grabs him looking for the codebreaker, but Hogan grabs hold of the rope and falls hard onto his back with nothing to show for it. Jericho gets up holding his back against the ropes and Hogan grabs him and tosses him into the corner. Hogan catches his breath and fixes his tights before charging at Jericho, but Jericho moves out of the way and Hogan collides with the corner. Hogan turns around and Jericho is on top of him, nailing him with a running dropkick in the corner of the ring. But Hogan doesn’t go down. Jericho can’t believe it and decides he’s going to teach Hogan a lesson. Jericho climbs on top of Hogan and smiles before driving his fist into Hogan’s face. The crowd chant with each hit. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. On nine Jericho pauses and throws out his arms, “Best in the world baby!†But it costs him as Hogan grabs him and shocks the entire world and lifts Jericho in a seated position on his shoulders. The crowd can’t believe it when Hogan throws Jericho down to the mat with a powerbomb!

Holy shit! A powerbomb!? You…. I’m speechless!

I don’t think anyone saw that move coming from Hogan, even Dean Ambrose can’t believe what he just saw.

Ambrose is indeed impressed as Hogan gets to his feet with the crowd on his side and bounces into the ropes, and adding insult to injury comes down on the fallen Jericho with a massive leg drop. Hogan immediately goes for the cover.





Here is your winner: The Transatlantic Champion, Hulk Hogan!

The crowd is on their feet having appreciated the effort from both men. Ambrose however doesn’t even acknowledge the match as he stands up and begins walking towards the back. He has appeared to have seen everything he came out here to see. This leaves Hogan in the ring holding his Transatlantic Championship high in the air. Hogan sees Jericho getting to his feet and helps the fan favorite to his feet. Jericho pushes Hogan off not wanting help up, defeat has him feeling bitter sweet. Hogan throws up his arms and shakes his head.

What an incredible match, but I don’t blame Jericho for being disappointed in the slightest at the loss here tonight.

Hulk Hogan is arguably the greatest of all time, and he showed it tonight at the cost of Chris Jericho.

Hogan is telling Jericho how awesome it was to tear the house down with him tonight before throwing out his hand for Jericho to shake. Jericho shakes his head upset with himself for the loss. But he shakes Hogan’s hand to the delight of the crowd. Jericho nods his head in respect before leaving the ring to allow Hogan to celebrate.

And what a show of respect from Jericho leaving the ring allowing Hogan to have his moment. I don’t think this is over between these two great in ring competitors that is for sure.

Hogan is celebrating with the crowd when suddenly a figure hops over the barricade and slides into the ring. The crowd can’t believe it when they see Sheamus. Sheamus smiles as he hops into the ring and waits for Hogan to turn around. Hogan does and Sheamus comes rushing out of the corner and drives a massive Brogue Kick right into the Skull of his opponent at Starrcade. The crowd can’t believe what they are seeing.

I love it, I simply love it! Sheamus sending a big message to his opponent at Starrcade, he just put Hulk Hogan on notice by taking Hogan’s big bald head off.

Sheamus may have just made himself enemy number one against Hulk Hogan here tonight, but you have to think this makes Sheamus a massive threat to Hogan’s Transatlantic Championship.

Sheamus holds the Transatlantic championship high in the air even though it isn’t his as Raw heads elsewhere.



Loving what I am seeing on Saturdays. Go check it out if you haven't already!



The fans cheer heavily as Christopher Daniels walks out with what appears to be a grin. He walks down to the ring as gingerly as possible, allowing the fans to loathe him even more. He seems to be soaking it in, as he enters the ring


Almost immediately, Cena slowly makes his way out on the stage, with the European Championship raised high in the air. The fans know the deal now, as Cena is rocking his all black gear, and they now explode in boos. Cena winks at the camera as he makes his way down the entrance ramp. Cena passes the entrance ramp and slides into the ring, continuing to raise his European Championship. The fans boo Cena, as he ignores it


John and Daniels lock up as Daniels goes and he hits a swift arm drag, in which Cena is on the ground on looking at the game Christopher Daniels and he just shrugs off of. Cena and Daniels look at each other as both men circle around the ring. They lock up and Cena goes with a headlock. Cena is acting cocky with that head lock, locked in. Cena gets pushed off, and he bounces off the ropes as Daniels catches him with a dropkick to the face. The fans cheer like crazy as Cena rolls out of the ring. Cena is pissed off at what just happened as Daniels is doing a bring it sign towards him.

JR: John Cena is facing a challenge right here against a game Christopher Daniels!

Piper: Shut up JR this is no test for my man!

Cena goes and he enters the ring again, and they lock up again. Cena though this time grabs the arm of Daniels, and he spins him around the arm of Daniels and takes him out with a clothesline. Cena goes and he drops down locking in a headlock causing the fans to boo like crazy. Cena smiles as he uses his size to lay onto Daniels. Daniels goes as he is trying to get up, and Daniels goes as he grabs the waist of Cena. Cena lets go of the hold, and he breaks the hold of Daniels and he turns around facing Daniels hitting a suplex onto him. Cena smiles and he Cena goes for the cover.


Daniels kicks out, and he counters with a triangle choke onto John Cena. The fans are cheering like crazy seeing this as Cena is stuck in the triangle choke. The fans cheer as Daniels has the triangle choke locked in. Cena though showed his strength has he pushed the leg off of Daniels. Cena though just ends up getting his arm trapped into an armbar as the fans cheer even more.

Piper: Cena get out!

JR: Roddy it takes more than just strength to get out of a submission move.

Cena is stuck in the armbar as Daniels has it locked in really tight. The fans cheer as Cena is stuck in the hold. Cena goes as he begins to build his base up. Cena goes and he uses his free arm to grab the hand of Daniels. Cena goes and he lifts Daniels up in the air, and he slams him hard on the mat. The fans boo as Cena breaks up the hold. Cena holds onto the arm, as he adjusts his armband, and Cena goes and he awaits for Daniels to get up, Daniels gets up and Cena grabs his head, and leg going for a fisherman suplex, but Daniels manages to land on his feet. Cena turns around, and he gets kicked right in the head. Cena goes down on the ground, as Daniels goes and he stands there, doing the “you can’t see me tauntâ€, and he hits a standing moonsault. Fans cheer like crazy as Daniels goes and he hooks the leg.



Cena kicks out at two.

JR: Damn it I thought Daniels had it.

Piper: What I tell you Jim… Cena always kick out at !!!

JR: Damn it Piper we get it

Daniels goes and he picks up Cena, as he hits a knifedge chop to the chest. The fans cheer like crazy seeing this as Cena stumbles, Daniels goes as he bounces once off a foot as he bounces off the ropes. The fans cheer as Daniels hits a kick right in the face. The fans cheer seeing this as Cena is down again. Daniels goes and he picks up Cena, and he puts him on his shoulders. Daniels goes for the DVD, but Cena hits him with some elbows on the head causing Daniels to let go of the hold. Daniels drops Cena, as Cena goes and he bounces off the ropes, and goes for the shoulder shove, but Daniels hits a drop toe hold onto Cena who falls on the mat. Daniels goes and he grabs the leg of Cena, and Cena rolls on his back kicking Daniels off. Cena sits up as Daniels goes and he kicks him right in the chest. Cena takes is as Daniels goes for another kick to the chest, but this time he catches it. Cena goes up with the hold in his hand, as Daniels is hopping on one foot, Cena goes for a punch, but gets caught with an enziguri taking him out. Daniels goes for the pin.



No kick out by Cena. Daniels goes as he looks down at Cena feeling comfortable the Cena is down. Daniels goes and he picks up Cena and puts him in a pedigree position. Daniels screams: “Faith†as fans cheer. Daniels has the angel wings ready, and Daniels goes up as he looks to hit it, but Cena trips him up and he locks in the STFU which causes the fans to start booing like crazy as Cena has the move locked in.

Piper: YES!!!! Cena has it baby its over goodbye Daniels!

Cena as the STFU locked in, and the fans are booing, a “Daniels†chant is going crazy in the building hoping for Daniels to tap out. The fans keep going crazy, as Daniels is dragging himself to the ropes. Daniels keeps on crawling, and the fans are excited seeing this. Cena realizes as he lets go of the hold, and he drags Daniels to the middle of the ring, but Daniels goes, when he is on the ground as he hits a hurricurana onto John Cena. Cena has his shoulders on the mat as he has the cover.




No Cena kicked out. Daniels gets up quickly as he goes and he awaits for Cena to get up. Daniels goes and he tries to hit the head of John Cena, but Cena ducks. Cena goes and he hits a shoulder shove onto John Cena, fans begin to boo as he bounces off the ropes again hitting another shoulder shove. Daniels goes for a kick, but Cena ducks under and hits the spinout power bomb. The fans boo as Cena lifts up a middle finger, and he does his “you can’t see me†pose with that onto Daniels, but Daniels kicks him in the head. The fans cheer as Daniels gets up and he kicks him in the gut. Daniels hooks the arms looking like he will hit the angel wings, but Cena goes as he gets Daniels onto his shoulders and hits the F-U. Cena goes for the cover.

JR: Damn it


Piper: YES!



No Daniels kicked out.

Piper: What the F@ck!

JR: Watch your mouth Piper!

Cena is in shock he can’t believe it. He is looking down at Daniels. Cena goes and he picks up Daniels, but all of a sudden Daniels kicks him in the gut, Daniels has the Angel wins locked in. The fans cheer like crazy, but as Daniels is going to hit it Cena, slides under and hits a lowblow onto Daniels. Daniels goes down holding it, as the referee signals the bell.

Justin Roberts: Ladies and gentlemen the winner of this match by Disqualification. Christopher Daniels, but still European Champion John Cena!

The crowd is in an absolute uproar at what has just transpired. Cena is on his knees and he looks up with a huge smirk on his face. He knows he stole the gold away from Daniels here tonight and he is that much closer to becoming the longest reigning champion of all time.

JR: God Dammit! Son of a bitch! Christopher Daniels has just been screwed here tonight by John Cena, a man I thought once upon a time had some integrity, but I guess he's just a piece of shit!

Piper:Now who needs to watch their mouth JR. I mean can you blame John Cena. Cena is a true champion dammit. He'll do whatever it takes to retain the Gold and he just proved it there.

Cena sees Daniels starting to stir and doesn't want to be around any longer than he has to be. He slides out of the ring and begins screaming for the the official to bring him his European Title. This infuriates the crowd even more as Cena is waiting impatiently screaming at the official to move his ass. Those jeers suddenly turn into cheers however as from the back comes out running the Dragon Daniel Bryan who comes and nails Cena from behind. The impact stuns Cena and allows Bryan to grab him and toss him back into the ring with a pissed off Daniels in it. Daniels is about to take Cena's head off!

JR:Yes give it to him Daniels, make yourself famous brother!

Daniels grabs Cena and with all the pent up anger and rage he has inside hits Cena with the Angel's Wings. The crowd explode into cheers but Daniels isn't done! He heads up to the top rope, the crowd getting behind Daniels every step of the way and on top of the turnbuckle leaps up and crushes down on John Cena with the Best Moonsault Ever! Daniels gets up and screams with rage that he isn't the European Champion at this particular moment.

JR: Dammit to all hell, Daniels should be European Champion right now this is a damn shame.

Bryan slides into the ring with the European Championship in his hands and heads up to Daniels. Daniels is ready for a fight but is surprised when he sees Daniel hand the Championship to Daniels. Daniels takes the belt and looks at it as Bryan immediately begins chanting, "YES! YES! YES!" The crowd explode into a YES chant at Bryan's urging showing their support that Daniels should be the European Champion. Daniels takes the belt and climbs the turnbuckle showing it off to the crowd. Bryan takes the opposite and Raw goes off the air with both baby faces celebrating regardless of the loss of the match. The scene fades to black.


End of Show!


Promos: TTers
Hogan/Jericho: SBS
Albert/Bully: Schmidy
Everything else: Chase

Confirmed for Starrcade:

UWF Global Championship Casket Match

Sting V. Kane

Jericho v. Dean Ambrose

Transatlantic Championship

Hulk Hogan v. Sheamus


Aug 18, 2013
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Re: UWF Presents Monday Night Raw 11-25-13 Edition

I'll do a full reply once I'm done torrenting some things, but like most people I just wanted to get a quick read in on my match.

Jesus christ. That was the best TT session I had since joining UWF. I knew Jericho had me beat in length but I think sticking to classic Hogan and making some classic "dad jokes" about Jericho really got the best of him. That powerbomb? I really hope that becomes a new signature for me. I never thought of it but I think I got a little half chub going when I read that. Definitely look forward to doing more work with Killz in the future. Thank you to SBS for delivering such a hyped match. Love it and love everyone.

Full reply coming later. <3


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Re: UWF Presents Monday Night Raw 11-25-13 Edition

A lot going on throughout this show. Promos probably had a 3:1 advantage over the matches which led to odd spacing but that's something minor. It's nice to see everyone turn in promos but I can see why in ring ones can be a pain; myself included.

Decent storyline advancement for Kane/Sting and Sheamus/Hogan as they head towards Championship matches at the PPV.

And kudos for making the right choice in having Cena retain but having Daniels look like a legitimate threat from this point. Should be good motivation for RRS.

Overall good show; onto next week


Jun 26, 2010
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England, UK
Re: UWF Presents Monday Night Raw 11-25-13 Edition

Yeah noticed the promo heavy show again which is all good it's just a lot of build and scrolling to get to a match is all. Not sure if there's a better way to space things really haha.

Congrats to everyone this week because the matches were hotly contested. I'm still engaged with Kane v Sting so that's good and the post-match build for Hogan v Sheamus was sweet, enjoyed the Jericho interaction and all to a point.

I came off looking like a slight bitch seen as though I went slightly over on length, still lost, then acted like an overgrown child after the loss haha guess I'll have to prove I can beat someone before Ambrose takes the match? Or prove I can beat him before I get a the PPV shot? Not sure where it's going to go but the TT session was really great with iBunka and losing to a ridiculous Hogan powerbomb isn't the worst way to go down!
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