UWF - Anarchy Roster

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Aug 5, 2012
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San Francisco
Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/11/13 Edition!

Shit what do I even say??

Those promos were great. Loved it, felt like they filled the show nicely. Fucking Russo and his flag on a pole match for the title is awful and I love it. Its perfect. I mean I wish it was a ladder match but its russo! So it works. MDDD had a great segment, really enjoyed it as well.

Congratulations to the KOTR and Tag tournament winners tonight. Really happy to go on to the finals and Im very interested to see how far I can go. Im real excited about this opportunity! I really do like the matches at BFG and I am hoping we see at least a new Extreme Champion. I love Umaga and stuff, but I feel we need something new. I dunno, just my two cents.

Shit well, cant wait to see the preview and great job green crew! Loved it as usual!

Chris Dresdon

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Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/18/13 Preview!


Now that the Establishment has arrived on the scene and Russo has designed his Bound For Glory card to benefit them specifically, Wednesday Night Anarchy is certainly at the mercy of the madman and his stable. With eleven days to go until the pay-per-view, Vince looks to soften up those either directly opposing him or those he feels may oppose him.

, &
, &

In a match that would normally close a show, Vince Russo has decided to shake things up by opening the show with a star-studded six man tag team match. Representing the Establishment will be the number one contender to the Extreme Championship, the number one contender to the Ironman Championship, and the number one contender to the International Championship respectively as Homicide, Big Show, and Chris Masters team up for the first time to take on the Ironman Champion Dolph Ziggler, the International Champion Fandango, and the Extreme Champion Umaga. When the champions meet their Bound For Glory challengers, will it be a victory for those that carry the gold, or those that are siding with the boss?


This week it's a double debut as Carlito, a representative of the Establishment, and Jinder Mahal, a representative of the Three Man Band, square off. When the "Caribbean Bad Apple" and 3MB's "fun one" step into the ring together, will rock and roll stand tall, or the art of cool?


A few weeks ago, The Kliq defeated the team of Sting and the Ultimate Warrior known as the Facepaint Brigade. Last week, Matt Morgan and Alex Riley picked up an impressive victory themselves when they defeated the team of Damien Sandow and Mike Knox. Now the two teams are on a collision course as The Kliq make their first appearance on Anarchy and Paul Heyman's clients make their third consecutive one. When the "Cerebral Assassin" and "Big Sexy" tie it up with the "Blueprint" and the "Blue Chipper", will The Kliq pull out another big victory or are Heyman's Clients too destined for success?


And in our main event, the King of the Ring tournament all comes down to this as three men enter but only one man will be victorious. Representing the Establishment is the "Crown Prince of Anarchy" Tyson Kidd as he looks to take that final step to securing the top prize and making Russo prouder. But standing in his way is the undefeated "Charismatic Enigma" Jeff Hardy and the holder of the Anarchy Money in the Bank briefcase Seth Rollins. When these three high-flyers collide in an elimination match, who will be the Anarchy representative that looks to call himself king?




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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/18/13 Preview!

Holy six man tags batman! Stacked stacked & stacked. You know Anarchy has the goods. Can't wait for the read & I get a off week. BUT Goldberg won't be silenced. NO SIR!


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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/18/13 Preview!

SBS and WWS huh? Already have my trash talk worked out.

Six man tag should be good if each guy can get at least one trash talk in.

That King of The Ring main event should be good. I'm a huge fan of Shane's Hardy so he's my prediction to win, but Andrew has been on a hot streak as of late and I've learned not to underestimate CliqueClacks. May the best man win


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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/18/13 Preview!

Oh man. I'm used to TT'ing as Hawkins. I'm used to TT'ing as Slater. But this week I gotta give Jinder his time to shine. All he's done up to this point is steal catchphrases. Don't Hinder Jinder though.

The Main event is up in the air. Three really great TT'ers and three even better characters. If I gotta chose though, I'm going with who I think is the dark horse, the underdog, CliqueClacks. His Tyson Kidd is suburb. Could be his break out moment this week.


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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/18/13 Preview!

I honestly don't know who to go with on the Main Event, it's going to be such a tight race in these finals. Going to be a great read though from all three.


Aug 5, 2012
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San Francisco
Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/18/13 Preview!

Man what a stacked preview. I swear, anarchy tops itself in different ways every week. Great stuff Dres.

The 6 man tag will be good, but I dunno how many posts are gonna get up in total. I just hope its even by the end! But I think a great Thread to watch potentially will be The Red and Tapout as Carlito vs Jinder. I think they can have a lot of fun and a lot of back and forth so it'll be interesting to read. As well as I wanna see how Carlito will stack up since he's facing bateman at the ppv.

Cwalker vs WWS and SBS though? shit, thats a good match. Im having trouble picking a winner so I hope everybody brings their A game!

Really, REALLY gonna go as best as I can with Hardy in that triple threat. I wanna win pretty bad but Andrew and Clique will bring their best as they have for the last while. So huge test ahead of me and I would love to represent Anarchy at the finals. Go green crew!


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Anarchy September 18th: Morgan/Riley versus The Kliq

The Anarchy fans are ready for even more action and they're certainly going to get it. But for the third week in a row, they're not going to like who it's coming from.


The evil genuis' music begins to play and to the dismay of everyone in attendance, Paul Heyman makes his presence known on Anarchy for the third week in a row. Heyman is all smiles after the week that his clients have had. Heyman struts down the ramp in his best Vince McMahon impersonation as the heat rains down on him.


It doesn't take the portly businessman long to reach the ring and ascend the steel steps before entering the squared circle. Heyman walks to the far side and asks for a microphone and is soon handed one. Heyman walks back to the center of the ring and begins to speak.


Paul Heyman: Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman. I am the advocate and business manager for your next Ultimate Wrestling Federation World Tag Team Champions and your next King of The Ring and Uncrowned World Heavyweight Champion Matt Morgan and his partner Alex Riley. And I am here on Anarchy yet again to continue to try and smarten all of you fans up. For weeks, I have been telling each and every one of you that my clients were going to change the landscape of this business. For weeks, I have been saying that the only thing that my clients needed to succeed was a chance. And Ultimate Wrestling Federation management has listened. They have given my clients that chance and just look at what my clients have done. Last week on Anarchy, my clients make their debut against the Extreme Champion Umaga and the legendary Rock. What was the result of that match? My clients did something that none of your heroes could do; they beat The Rock and subsequently ended his career.

There are still a few Rock fans in the crowd so that last statement draws a mixed reaction. Never the less, Heyman continues almost unabated

Heyman: Then lets, forward to this past week on Tuesday Night Raw. My client "The Blueprint" Matt Morgan saw singles competition for the first time in a King of The Ring qualifying match up and what did he do? He picked that satanic freak known as Vampiro apart before finally putting him down and moving one step closer to the King of The Ring crown. And finally, this past week on Anarchy, my clients defeated ANOTHER one of Ultimate Wrestling Federation's premier "Tag Teams" in dominant fashion. If it hasn't been made clear to you yet, allow me to lay it out for you perfectly. My clients cannot be stopped. My clients cannot be defeated. My clients will run through the entire roster of every brand of Ultimate Wrestling Federation until they get what they want. And what is it that they want?

Heyman points directly to the microphone before speaking again.

Heyman: They want this. A former client of mine once said and I quote "In normal hands this is just a microphone. But in my hands, this is power." That's what my clients want. Power. They want the power that comes from being Champions. They want the power that comes from being in every main event of every Television broadcast and Pay-Per-View. And they are not going to rest until that power belongs to them and them alone. So that means they will continue to run through individual after individual. And I'm not going to lie to you; I'm going to enjoy watching them run through their opponents this week. But I've done enough speaking for the moment. I think it's high time that my clients speak for themselves. So Ladies and Gentlemen, without any further ado; allow me to introduce all of you to the future Ultimate Wrestling Federation World Tag Team Champions and your next King of The Ring and uncrowned World Heavyweight Champion; "The Blueprint" Matt Morgan and "The Blue Chipper" Alex Riley.

Heyman points to the stage as everyone waits for the arrival of his two clients.

Say It To My Face!!


Downstait's "Say It To My Face" plays and Alex Riley and Matt Morgan soon emerge from the back. The duo have their usual condescending smiles all over their faces. The two begin walking down the ramp side by side; moving as one well oiled machine.


Riley and Morgan reach the end of the ramp and both men leap from the floor to the ring apron. Morgan steps over the top rope while Riley enters through the ropes. Heyman is ready for clients with two microphones and distribute both accordingly. The manager gives his clients the floor and it's decided that "The Blue Chipper" will be the first to speak.


"The Blue Chipper" Alex Riley: Last week, I told you all that there are several different types of men in this world. There are men who dream but never do. There are men who dream and fail. And then there are men like Alex Riley and Matt Morgan. Men who dream to change the landscape of this world and they do it. We told you we were going to beat The Rock and Umaga and we did. We told you that we were going to defeat Sandow and Knox and we did. And I stand here telling you that we are going to win the World Tag Team Championships. We haven't lied to any of you yet and we don't plan on starting now.

The fans waste little time beginning a "You Suck" chant directed towards the three men in the ring.

Riley: And that bothers you doesn't it? It bothers all of you when we do exactly what we say we're going to do. It bothers you because it proves how right we have been this entire time. We haven't won this matches because management wants us to win these matches. We haven't won these matches because we played politics. We won all these matches because in this ring; nobody can touch us. And there's only a small majority out there who are finally beginning to realize that. And the only reason you're now just beginning to see the truth is because in the past we weren't afforded the opportunities to do exactly what it is we're doing now. We were held back by guys who didn't want to lose their precious spot. We were held back by guys just like our opponents this week.

Riley: Triple H, Kevin Nash, collectively known as The Kliq. They are everything that Matt Morgan and myself are against. They have made careers out of holding others back. And why? Because it was good for the business? No, because it was good for their pockets. For years, Hunter Hearst Hemsley and "Big Daddy Cool" came out, wrestled the same fifteen minute match, cut the same twenty promo before going to the back and telling the boss "You know, I don't think the kid's got it." All to hold onto that fleeting spotlight that you and every other wrestler over forty is afraid of losing. The two of you have spent the past fifteen years cutting guys off at the knees; sabotaging their career before it can even begin. But you're not going to do it here. You're not going to do it tonight. No amount of politics can spare you from what's going to happen this week on Anarchy. We are going to do what every other person that you two have kept on the ground has wanted to do. We are going to destroy you.

Alex Riley lowers his microphone as the fans continue to boo him. Matt Morgan then steps forward and begins to speak.


"The Blueprint" Matt Morgan: This is the opportunity that we have been waiting our entire professional careers for. This is the moment we show every agent, every booker, every single guy who walked in the back and played the political game and said that Alex and I would never amount to anything in this business; this is the moment we prove them all wrong. And what makes it so sweet is that we get to annihilate the two people who are most responsible for this business being as stagnant as it is. Once upon a time, the Kliq was dominant both in front and behind the camera. Now, one of them is Chief Operating Officer; which essentially means he oversees the day to day operations of this company. That's nothing new to Triple H. He's been overseeing the day to day operations of the wrestling business long before he had an Executive title. Hunter knows exactly what it takes to be a star in this business. And although he knows what it takes, he picks the guys who are the exact opposite. He picks the guys who will never challenge his spot at the top. The problem with that is Hunter, you haven't been at the top in a very long time. As a matter of fact, you're better of sitting behind a desk in some boardroom in your cheap three piece suit, punching a clock and going home to your kids than you are getting in this ring with Alex Riley and myself. Because despite what you may think, there's a new game in town. And we are it.

Morgan: But we know you Hunter. And we know Kevin too. You're going to come out to this ring and tell us that we're wrong. You're going to come to this ring and completely ignore the fact that you two have the worst reputations in this business before getting smart. Word of advice son, don't do it to yourself. You're already guaranteed an ass whooping and a loss this week. Don't make us do exactly what you two have done and cut you off at the knees. And considering the physical shape of your knees gentlemen, that's the last thing that either one of you wants to happen.

Heyman, Riley and Morgan all share a chuckle but they are soon interrupted.​
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The Red

Jun 11, 2012
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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/18/13 Preview!

Awesome preview following an awesome show! Looking forward to making my return to TT'ing with Carlito, got a few things in mind but looking forward to bringing a new attitude to the character.

"The Establishment" booked very heavy, good warm up for when we walk away from BFG with all the titles :p

Looking forward to the Triple Threat, Andrew and CliqueClacks are flying with Rollins and Kidd, any of the 3 would be great representatives for Anarchy


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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/18/13 Preview!

Jesus what a stacked show.

That Main Event... I am already nervous! Having to face Shane and CC and CC has already beaten me and I've yet to face Shane's Hardy but I know it's sensational. It's going to be extremely tough!


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KOTR Finals: Seth Rollins vs. Tyson Kidd vs. Jeff Hardy

A familiar song plays, the crowd explodes into cheers as Seth Rollins comes out to the song he first used when he came into UWF, "Flesh It Out" begins playing as Seth Rollins comes out from behind the curtain'.


OOC: Pretend the belt is the briefcase

Seth Rollins approaches to the ring as he is given a microphone.


Seth Rollins:

I finally put a legend down, I finally enabled myself to be heard once again. I've fought for this for far too long, I've finally found my own freedom... No interruptions, nothing. Some say I've regained focus, I'm more determined than ever but I don't think I'm just quite there yet. I don't think I've reached to the peak of the mountain, there's still one more thing I need to do. Here I am in the finals of the King of the Ring tournament, for a chance to represent this very brand. Thing is, nobody has believed in me. Nobody believes I have what it takes to represent Anarchy, especially when I decided I'd walk away from Vince Russo. When I walked away, I felt it was the right move; so far... I've been able to prove him wrong but I need to complete my goal. I need to shut him up once and for good and the problem still lies here, the fact Vince hasn't seen me over the past few weeks and have waited for me. He knows exactly what's up. Whilst Tyson Kidd is probably hot-favorite to represent Anarchy, I'll be ensuring that doesn't happen at all. I cannot let it happen. For Tyson Kidd to represent Anarchy will only mean bad things, it will just boost Vince Russo's ego if it already isn't boosted... It allows him to become talk of the town once again; it is my duty to interrupt his little celebration, it is my duty to climb that mountain and reach the peak. To represent Anarchy for the better, to go on from there and truly become King. Why? This brand is the best UWF has to offer and many will disagree and that's fine with me. Over the past few weeks, people have said why don't you just cash-in, why don't you just take the cheap way out. I could... but I chose not to. I'm a man who's willing to survive every consequence flying at him, I'm a man willing to go one-up right when I need to. You see, I faced Tyson Kidd a few weeks ago and I wasn't successful in defeating him but at the point... I could have won, I was so close to winning... but it was Vince who allowed it to turn into shambles. But that's fine, so Vince... you've got that one-up. But now it's the time where everything truly matters, it's a chance to represent this brand! It's the opportunity to truly prove your worth here and believe me when I say this Tyson, you and Natalya and Vince... The trio, you can come out here and try explode a thousand words to why I am not deserving. You do all that, your words do not matter... Whilst your action has proven that you are a great competitor; don't get me wrong... I've watched you closely just like Jeff Hardy and everybody is deserving in this very match... but...

The fact is there can only be one winner, only one can walk away and represent Anarchy. I want that person to be me! Winning the briefcase was just a sneak-preview of what I'm capable of, but winning this tournament, to represent the brand. Is something completely different, it's something I've been motivated for, something I'm determined about. Last week when I defeated Hulk Hogan, all he cared about was his Hulkamaniacs... I shut every one of them down and while Jeff Hardy probably has more fans than me... It still doesn't bother me at all. They call me the underdog, they say I'm not worthy enough. I've proven my worth, but I've got to go one more level until everyone shuts up! Until everyone realizes what I am all about. Jeff is a man much like me, we're both death-defying, we'll take it to the limit, put our body on the line just to capture our dream. We both have a haunting past, we've both lurked in the shadows... we've had our demons and we've fought them. But as for Tyson, he has had things handed to him... He's been the puppet on strings all this time and those strings will be cut. What happens when all the strings are cut? You become weak, you become empty, you become unable to stand on your own two feet. You just become a victim. My intentions this week is quite clear, it's for me to go out there and capture that win; but I will go dangerous if I have to. This is why I love a good triple-threat because anything goes, there's no disqualifications... just three men willing to beat their opponents to a bloody pulp. The name Anarchy will scream itself this week; us three are going to war. It's just like when the King of England fought with the King of France in the King William War. The British raided the French; but this isn't about the British nor the French... This is about the three of us wanting to enter the new kingdom, a brand new era...

The crowd gets right into this as they start a "ROLLINS" chant.

To be hailed King means everything to me; whilst it might not be the look this company is after. I don't have the swords, I don't have what a King has... but when the I am crowned; it will be deemed as the very beginning. I've been here for quite some time, in fact since N-X-T began... I've gone from rookie to winning the Money in the Bank briefcase; I've been everywhere... It's been a damn enjoyable ride, but I don't need to ride no more. I don't need the fancy crap Vince wants to offer, I don't need it Tyson. As for Jeff, you've lost a house... you're looking for a castle, to endure that fantasy becomes reality for you. A complete change on your side is what you're wanting, but I am the destroyer of change. Change begins with me and ends with me; this is why when I step into the ring with you two... It's not going to be about winning this match, it's going to be about who wants to begin the new era; it's going to be who wants to represent the brand... I'm doing everything I can, I don't care if the crowd hates me for my actions this week... I strive for motivation, I strive to be at the top. Even with this briefcase; I want more. I'm hungry, I need more! This is Seth Rollins, not only representing Anarchy... but finally doing his job to shut Vince Russo up once and for all, this is my era!

All of a sudden Rollins is interrupted...

Mar 6, 2013
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United Kingdom
Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/18/13 Preview!

Just had a quick glance!

So hell, Cwalker.... Fantastic with that bald headed Paul Heyman, man! Kevin Nash is going to have some fun there, hopefully SBS can post something as well with his busy schedule.

Good luck Cwalker.


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Dec 19, 2012
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Re: KOTR Finals: Seth Rollins vs. Tyson Kidd vs. Jeff Hardy


Boo's can instantly heard throughout the arena as Vicarious by Tool plays through the speakers, that can mean only one man. Tyson Kidd steps out onto the stage with a microphone in hand. With Natalya following behind him, he stops right before the ramp and stands at the stage to address Rollins.


Tyson Kidd
"Seth, enough with the excuses. When is it time to just look in the mirror and realize that you don't have what it takes to perform at a top level? Stop blaming your losses on other people, Vince Russo didn't beat you at Summerslam, Nattie didn't beat you at Summerslam, the greatest athlete this company has ever seen beat you at Summerslam. Not too much has changed, because I'm still going to beat you not only this time, but any time you're put in front of me. Now whether that's in a King of the Ring finals match or when I become Champion and you feel a bit froggy with that briefcase. I'm looking at the bigger picture here, I already know that I'm the best man in this match, I'm looking to the future, I'm ready to hold gold, I've been ready. Rollins, Hardy, neither of you two are ready to hold gold, you two are no where near my level. The only reason we're the main event this week is because I happen to be in this match. Don't let these people fool you, none of these people have ever believed in me, it's the same thing ever single week, I come out here, they boo me, chant profanities at myself and Natalya, and yet, I still walk away from that ring victorious every single week. You, Hardy, and all these people are sleeping on Tyson Kidd in this match, and it doesn't even piss me off, it makes me laugh, that every single one of you under-estimates my ability. With or without the Establishment, I'm still walking out with my hand raised. I'm the one that is going to represent Anarchy, not you and certainly not Jeff Hardy. Ever since I arrived in this company, people knew I was good, but not good enough, and I sit back now and I wonder what those people think now. What can they say? Seth, you were one of those people, you thought you had that win at Summerslam in the bag. I may have shocked you and some of these fans, but it was no surprise to Natalya or myself that I could beat such a poor competitor like you. You're not the only one I have this week though, I also have a man that's undefeated, the Charismatic Enigma...Jeff Hardy. Jeff, what do you want me to say? See, I'm not going to go down that road of talking about your drug history and how you've been a consistent disappointment to all of your fans...no that would be too easy, and I'm not going to talk about your mother like last time, no. Jeff, you're not physically able to beat me. You don't have good enough cardiovascular health to be able to have a real match with me. Your body can't handle being in the ring with me Jeff, if I were you, I'd just stay in the back. Stay away from me because I will seriously hurt you and leave you a shell of the man you once were."

The crowd erupts in Hardy chants as the Creatures of the Night are ready to see their hero, but Tyson doesn't look too amused as he begins to make his way down the ramp, headed towards the ring.

Tyson Kidd
"I hear it all the time Seth, 'Tyson has had every single opportunity handed to him' and so on... Look Seth, I haven't had one win handed to me since I've been here, and I've been able to hand you your ass on a few occasions. You're looking at a future International Champion, no whether Fandango or Homicide walk out of Bound for Glory Champion, it doesn't matter because their time is numbered. I'm winning the King of the Ring, then going for the Champions' head. I get my shot at Survivor Series, that's the day, the day that I become immortal, I can see it now; when I have my hand raised in victory, the referee is strapping that Championship around my waist and then...I see you Seth. I can see you with that stupid grin on your face, running down the aisle with your briefcase. Seth, a word of advice, for the future, stay out of my way. I know you don't want a problem with me, it's going to be bad for your health."

Kidd makes his way up the ring steps, he holds the ropes down so Natalya to enter the ring while yelling at Rollins. Natalya enters the ring and is handed the microphone.

Natalya Neidhart
"Seth...you sound pathetic. Coming out here in front of thousands of people, whining about another mans success. You turn around and wonder why Tyson, myself, and the Establishment doesn't respect men like you. It's put up or shut up time Seth and I suggest that you keep your mouth shut. You're just digging yourself into a bigger hole, you know what Tyson is capable of. Now I'm sure you don't want to be seriously hurt, do you? So...if I were you, I would shut your mouth and stay out of our way. That's not only a warning to you Seth, Jeff, I'm sure we'll see your face here pretty soon, that goes to you too, if I were you, I'd turn around and head straight back to your locker room. Quit trying to be a hero Jeff, it's gotten old. Don't try to stop the inevitable, everyone stand up and give it up for your next King of the Ring, Tyson....Kidd!



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Anarchy 9/18/13 Jinder Mahal vs. Carlito

"We're a 3 Man Band!!!!"

The theme of the 3MB plays out for the UWF audience to a pretty positive response. They're are a few fanboys in the crowd who are holding up 3MB signs, and numerous Heath Slater Memes. The trio of Rockstars walks out from the back, pumped like always, and led by The One Man Band himself, Heath Slater.


Both Jinder and Hawkins take either side while Heath plays the Air Guitar. Heath jumps to his feet and the three make their way to the ring. All three slide in and do some more posing before retrieving mics from ring side.


Heath Slater
Heeeeelllloooooo ANARCHIST! It is the one, the only, 3MB and we are in the house BAYBEE!!! Yeah! It’s time for some rocking, and some a-rolling and some excitement that only the likes of the Three Man Band can provide. This brand is called Anarchy which means we have some crazy people up in here and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Anarchy is the home of the Three Man Band because no other brand in the UWF rocks as hard as the Green Brand! You of course know who I am, the myth, the man, the legend, the Rock star with the with a sports car, Heath SLAAAAATTTTTEEERRRRR! And then here to my left, and here to my right are my band mates, my best buds, the rockin’, heart stoppin’ Curt a-Hawkins and the man of the hour, the man with all the power, Jinder Mahal! Now I know this week isn’t about me so I’m going to hand it over to the person it is about, Jinder Mahal!

Slater hands the mic to Jinder Mahal


Jinder Mahal
Carlito...Carlito. You like to go around and call yourself “Cool.†You like to run around and proclaim to the world what you find as “cool.†Let Jinder Mahal tell you what he doesn’t think is cool. What Jinder Mahal doesn’t think is cool is someone who sells out to become part of a machine. Jinder Mahal doesn’t think sucking up to an authority figure to get to where you are is cool. No, thats not cool, Carlito. Not cool at all. You think you can go around saying and doing whatever you want because you got muscle behind you. You can big, scary men to come to the rescue and save the day, right? You can say whatever you want because Chris Masters, and Big Show are going to fight all your battles for you. And if that wasn’t enough, then you have old Vince Russo in the wings that will make sure everything goes as planned according to his establishment.

A negative reaction has overcome the crowd with mentions of the Establishment.

Jinder Mahal
But where will your friends be this week, Carlito? Where will they be? Nowhere to be seen. Because this week you’re going to be in the ring with me. Where will Big Show and Masters be? Where will Homicide be? Laid out in the trainers room because Umaga, Dolph Ziggler, and our International Champion Fandango are going to beat their asses in the opening match of Anarchy. Doing the math yet, Carlito? That means when you step into the ring later on that night with me, you’re going to be by yourself. I’m not though. No, I’m not going to be alone. See, I’m going to have Heath, and Curt here to back me up. Who do you have left to back you up? Russo? Curt could take him with one arm. I think it’s safe to say that this week, even though you have this Establishment behind you, it won’t help you one bit when you go one on one with the Great One, Jinder Mahal!

Cheap pop from the crowd for the use of another stolen catchphrase.

Jinder Mahal
You thought joining this Establishment would ensure your rise to the top on Anarchy but no. See, you joined the wrong stable. It’s not the Corporation that runs UWF. It’s not the Establishment that runs the UWF. The true dominating stable in the UWF only needs Three people in it. So you can take your Establishment and shove it, because 3MB rules Anarchy! This is our stage and you’re nothing more than an opening act. You spit in the face of people who don’t want to be cool? I spit in the face of people who sell out!

Hawkins and Heath clap their hands to cheer on their fellow brother as they wait for "The Cool One"
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