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Nov 29, 2007
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Hey, I run this with a few others, and they dont like forums, so I will be posting the shows they write. We are all very experienced writers, and we know what were doing. I write TNA, and my 2 friends write WWE and WCW. My friend just recently left, and I got a replacment, so last weeks Raw was missed. Im going to post the last few shows, so you know whats going on.

For years man have fought to lay claim in being the best
(Superstars fighting in the ring is shown)
And Tonight, is no different
(Jericho, Cena, Shawn, and Orton are seen fighting in the ring)
Because Tonight, Men Will Fight
(Jr.: Oh My God what a matc..)
Men Will Fall
(King: I think He’s Broken in Half)
But Only One
(Tenay: You Have to be Kidding Me!)
Will Be King

TNA, WWE, WCW Presents The King Of The Ring​


Fireworks go off in the arena as the entrance stage is shown, camera goes to WWE Announce Team

Jr.: Welcome Everyone to the King of the Ring, thank you all for joining us tonight we have a great show planned.
King: you got that right Jr.
Jr.: joining us now WCWs Legendary announcers Jesse Ventura and Gorrilla Monsoon
Monsoon: thank you Jr., Ventura what a night we have Kane going up against The Rock one more time.
Ventura: I can hardly wait Monsoon, over to our TNA Announce Team Don West and Mike Tenay
Tenay: thanks gentlemen, man West I am so excited, the feel the electricity in the air tonight is going to be historic
West: and Historic is right Mike, tonight we see matches of all sort but up first we have The Big Show and Kurt Angle in a Quarter Finals Match

*promo begins*
McMahon: this man is Unbeatable!

Big Show is shown hitting move after move on different people

McMahon: look at him, he is Unstoppable

More and more moves are shown

McMahon: I feel sorry for anyone who even has to face this man

Big Show is shown all of a sudden facing off with Kurt Angle

Kurt: you think your tough? I won a Gold Medal with a broken freaking neck
Show: Kurt you talk about you winning a gold medal with a broken neck, blah blah blah. You see Kurt I wont break your neck no I’ll break you, I’ll break you dreams
Kurt: You think I’am afraid of you?
Show: I’ll break your hopes
Kurt: I am Kurt Angle
Show: Kurt I dont care if I scare you
Kurt: and I am going to win the King of the Ring oh Its True
Show: because I am going to win the King of the Ring wether you like it or not.

Kurt and Show are seen facing off in the ring as the feed goes back to the arena

Wellllllll It’s The Big Show!

Jr.: here we go, The Largest Athlete in the world, The Big Show. This man is just huge, there isn’t words to describe how big he is
King: T.V does Big Show no favors, if you think he is big when you see him on T.V you have to see him live.
Jr.: he is simply huge

Big Show gets in the ring and raises his hand in the air, he walks around the ring and keeps points to the audience to shut up, Kurt Angles music begins as he walks out and puts his hands in the air and his fireworks go off.

Kurt turns to Karen and tells her to go to the back and he walks to the ring and gets on the apron while staring up at Show, he goes in and stares up at Show in the middle of the ring.


Big Show Vs Kurt Angle W/ Karen Angle​


King Of The Ring Semi Final​

The bell rings and Big Show hits Kurt with a right hand sending him back into the ropes, Kurt runs at him but Big Show just shoves him in into the ropes and Kurt hits them awkwardly and lands on the ground. Kurt looks up at the roof and then quickly rolls out of the ring, he stars up in the ring while holding his head, he slowly goes to the ring apron and lifts his leg up slowly to get in. Kurt puts his leg down and walks to the other side of the ring while looking at Show, he walks to the apron again but this time Show walks over and reaches down for him but misses and Kurt grabs Shows head and drops down hanging Big Show up. Show gets groggy and Kurt quickly gets in the ring and gets behind Big Show and hugs him and makes a motion of a German but cant lift Show up, Big Show grabs Kurt’s hands and pulls them off and then bends over hitting Kurt with his backside sending Kurt down to the floor. Show walks over and lifts Kurt up by the head and hits him with a headbutt and Kurt falls to the ground, Big Show lifts him up again and shoves him into the corner and hits him with a loud chop to the chest as the crowd woos. Show gets Kurt back in the corner and hits him with another chop sending Kurt to fall to the ground, Show walks to Kurts head and places his boot on the back of his head and grabs the ropes as he pushes down. The referee is telling Show to get off and when he does he scares the referee to the outside, Show grabs Kurt by the head and hits him with another headbut. Show yells at the crowd to shut up while they boo, Kurt gets up and turns to Show and hits him with right hands getting Show into the corner. Kurt hits him with rapid kicks to the gut, Kurt turns around and lifts his arms in the air and lets out a “WOO!” Kurt the turns back to Show but gets hit with a big-boot knocking Kurt down on the floor. Big Show looks at Kurt on the ground and puts his straps down and lifts his hand in the air for the Showstopper.

Jr.: oh no here we go Big Show is about to end the match right here
King: its over Jr., Show has been dominating this whole match

Kurt gets up slowly and turns around as Big Show grabs him by the throat he does a thumbs up and lifts Kurt in the air but Kurt jumps to one side and lands on his feet, Show turns around and goes for a right hand but Kurt ducks it and Kurt hits a German on Big Show and stays on the ground.

Jr.: oh my god oh my god Kurt Angle hit a German Suplex on the 500 lb Big Show
King: I cant believe it!

Kurt Angle is pushing himself up and is crawling slowly to the Big Show, he puts an arm over him 1..2..shoulder up. Kurt Angle cant believe it, he looks up at the referee in disbelief he stands up and puts his straps down and stomps on the floor as Big Show is getting up. Kurt goes for the Angle Slam but Big Show grabs Kurts head and throws him into the corner, Big Show holds his head and walks to the other side corner, he charges Kurt Angle and hits him back first. Big Show stays back first on Kurt as he grins he walk one step forward and Kurt Angle hugs Big Show from behind, Show goes for an elbow but misses and is now facing Kurt Angle. Kurt quickly ducks another right hand and grabs Show and hits him with another German suplex, he quickly goes for the cover 1..2.. shoulder up.

King: Big Show wont stay down
Jr.: what is it going to take to keep this monster down?

Kurt gets up and screams at the crowd, he grabs Shows leg and locks in the Angle Lock on Show, Kurt twist Shows ankle as he screams “Tap!” Big Show bends his knee bringing Kurt in and then throws it out shoving Kurt Angle out of the Angle Lock. Kurt is sitting in corner staring at Show on the floor trying to get up

King: what?! How did he do that?
Jr.: The Big Show just overpowered Kurt Angle with one leg
King: I’ve never seen that

Kurt pulls himself up by the ropes as Show is on one knee, Kurt runs up and to him but Show grabs him by the throat. Show picks him up and slams him to do ground while going down to his knees, Show is on all fours with is head down as Kurt is laying on the ground.

King: its all over now Jr., The Big Show hit that chokeslam
Jr.: I’m afraid your right King, this is the beggining of the end of Kurt Angles King of the Ring wishes

Show finally covers Kurt Angle 1...2...Kurt Angle gets his foot on the rope

Jr.: Kurt got his foot on the rope
King: no way that was three
Jr.: well if that wasnt three then that was 2 and seven eights

Show gets up by the ropes and looks at the referee with an angry look on his face, he backs the referee in the corner and argues with him about it being three. He turns around adn moves out of the way as Kurt charges him, Kurt stops right in front of the referee before he can hit him. Kurt hugs the referee and moves him and himself out of the corner as Big Show runs up and bounces off the turnbuckle, Big Show comes out and goes for Kurts throat but Angle ducks and Show grabs the referee by the throat. Kurt runs to the ropes and charges Show but he grabs him by the throat too, Show looks at the referee and shoves him out of his grip. Show looks at Kurt and does a thumbs up again but he sees the referee about to wave his hand to ring the bell, Show lets go of Angle and grabs the referee arm before he can signal the bell. Show is telling him not to do it when he turns to one side and see Kurt charging him, Show lets go of the ref and goes for a big-boot but Kurt ducks down and gets behind Show and hits a huge Angle Slam

Jr.: oh my god! An Angle Slam on the Big Show
King: I cant believe it

Kurt Angle crawls over and barely lifts Shows leg up for the cover as the referee counts with and angry look on his face and the crowd echoing him 1...2..3!
[big]Winner: Kurt Angle[/big]

Kurt Angle goes on a sitting position and raises his hands in the air as his music begins in the arena, Kurt gets up and lifts his hands in the air while he screams

Jr.: He Did It! He Beat The Big Show
King: I Cant believe my eyes, I thought The Big Show couldn’t be beat.
Ventura: what a match that was
Monsoon: you’ve got that right Jesse, Kurt Angle advances in the King of the Ring finals later on tonight. But first we are going to have the WCW Tag Team Title Match, it is Los Guerreros vs. the ECW Originals
*Viva La Raza*

Eddie and Chavo come out in a green and black lowrider, they hop over the car doors and come into the ring while slapping some of the fans hands. Eddie gets on the top rope and beats his chest as Chavo just gets on the corner and looks around.

The Sandmans song plays as the camera goes around the crowd, The Sandman is spotted in the side the camera faces usually and Dreamer is right behind him. Sandman opens a beer spraying some people and drinks it, he beats his head with it and spits it out. Sandman and Dreamer get down to the ring and hop over the barrier cade and look at the Guerreros in the ring

Ventura: what and entrance by both teams
Monsoon: yes but flashy entrances dont win you the match.


Los Guerrero's Vs The Extreme Championship Wrestling Originals​


WCW World Tag Team Title Match[/big]​

The bell rings and Eddie and Sandman start the match. They lock up in the middle. They push each other around the ring. As they pass the Guerrero corner. Chavo tags himself in. He jumps into the ring and goes behind Sandman. He locks him in a full nelson. That allows Eddie to land a few punches and kicks to Sandman before the referee tells him to leave. Chavo holds onto the full nelson. But let’s go of it when Sandman pulls him over towards his own corner. Sandman manages to tag in Dreamer without Chavo seeing it. Dreamer slips into the ring unnoticed by Chavo. With Sandman and Chavo taking each other blows. Dreamer goes up behind Chavo and hits a German Suplex. He goes for a bridge and Sandman stops Eddie entering the ring. Bt Chavo kicks out of the pin.

The referee gets in front of Sandman and pushes him over to his own corner. Chavo takes full advantage of the referee turning his back. He goes for a Low Blow. But Dreamer has the shot very well scooted and turns it around into an Arm bar. Chavo taps out but the referee cant see it. Chavo stops tapping as Eddie tags him in. The referee finally gets control and tells Eddie to leave stating he never saw a tag. Dreamer and Chavo get back to there feet. Dreamer grabs Chavo and tires to whip him into his own corner. But Chavo reverses it into his own Irish Whip. Dreamer is sent flying into the Guerrero corner. Chavo tags in Eddie. They both stomp the living daylights out of Dreamer before the referee tells Chavo to leave.

Eddie shows Dreamer some respect. But That is short lived when he kicks Dreamer right in the gut. As Dreamer falls to the ground Chavo jumps onto the ropes. The referee goes over there to settle him down. Eddie goes for the Lasso from El Paso. As he grabs one leg Dreamer uses his other leg to kick Eddie in the balls. Dreamer then does the right think and drags Eddie over to his corner. Dreamer yells for the referee. With the referee watching he tags in Sandman. Sandman goes right to work on Eddie. He tries to give him a taste of his own medicine. By locking in an Abdominal Stretch. Sandman disrespects Eddie even more by driving his elbow into the gut of Eddie.

Chavo wants to get in the match so bad, he jumps the ropes and goes after Sandman. When he reaches Sandman he kicks his knee from under him. But all that did was apply even more pain to the gut of Eddie. Sandman starts to run his elbow across the ribs of Eddie. Eddie looks like tapping out until Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas show up at ringside. The referee looks over at them and tells them to leave. This gives Chavo a chance to come into the ring and break the hold. He does so and hits a Suplex to Sandman. Eddie goes for the cover on Sandman. But the referee turns around and starts to count. Sandman kicks out. Eddie does a very good move and tags in Chavo. Chavo comes into the ring but Sandman has also tagged in Dreamer. Chavo and Dreamer go after each other. Chavo gets the upper hand with a well-placed right hand to the temple of Dreamer. He goes for the Three Omegos. On the third Suplex Dreamer blocks it and reverses it into Dreamer Driver. He runs over to his corner and hits the move. He tags in Sandman who climbs to the top rope and hits a rolling Senton Bomb. He goes for a cover and gets the three count.

[big]Winner- Still WCW World Tag Team Champions The Extreme Championship Wrestling Originals[/big]

Camera fades to the back showing Kurt Angle with Grisham
Grisham: well Kurt Angle you advanced to the finals of the King of the Ring match how do you feel?
Angle: how do I feel? I just beat a freaking giant and I am going to become the first and only two time winner of the King of the Ring Tournament, how do you think I feel?
Grisham: well...
Angle: dont answer that you idiot, tonight I make history I will be known as the only man to win the King of the Ring twice.

Brock steps into the shot and stares at Kurt

Brock: oh Kurt you are only half right, if you dont remember Kurt I won the King of the Ring my first try and tonight in my second try I will win it again tonight. And it will feel even better that I get to face you one more time, since you have beaten me once before in UCW and tonight I am going to tie it all up.

Brock leaves and Austin comes out behind him and looks at Kurt as the crowd cheers

Austin: well tonight I will face not one, but two former King of the Ring winners. But ole Stone Cold aint worried EH EH, because what you two youngens might be forgetting is that Stone Cold Steve Austin is a former winner in his own right. In fact thats where I started a catch-phrase you might remember umm lets see how did it go
Kurt: how about you go and have your match before I break your ankle right here?
Austin: What?
Kurt: I said
Austin: oh hold up there Kurt I heard what you said but I was just saying to my self why are you interupting me? I thought we were two good ole buddies Kurt, I mean remember back when we had those cowboy hats and we were playing a little gitar? That was before when you had some hair and some balls
Kurt: listen hear Austin, I am not afraid of you and I am not afraid of Brock Lesner. Tonight I am becoming The King of the Ring, oh its true ITS DAMN TRUE
Austin: well you know what Kurt you talk about your “I am an olympic hero” and “Kurt is going to win the King of the Ring” well look at me with those beady little eyes of yours because Austin 3:16 says he is going to walk out there open a can of whupass all over Brock Lesner and then go on to stomp a mudhole in your ass and walk it dry. And thats the bottom line, Cause Stone Cold Said So.

Stone Cold walks off as Kurt stares at his direction, the feed goes to the arena as Brock Lesners music begins.

Tenay: well here comes the pain
West: strong words from all three men, but now it is going to be Brock Lesner vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin and the winner will go on to face Kurt Angle in the King of the Ring Finals later on tonight.

Brock jumps on the ring and sets off his in-ring Pyro, Brock gets in the ring and hops from side to side staring at the entrance way.

The sound of glass shattering is heard and Stone Cold marches out to the ring, he gets in and goes to all four corners lifting his fist in the air.


Stone Cold Steve Austin .vs. Brock Lesnar [/big]​


King Of The Ring Semi-Final[/big]​

Brock Lesnar and Stone Cold circle the ring, and Lesnar runs at him. Stone Cold dodges it, and kicks Lesnar in the leg. Lesnar is then punched hard in the head by Stone Cold, and Stone Cold irish whips Lesnar agaist the ropes, but Lesnar stops himself, and he charges at Stone Cold, and headbuts him in the ribs. Stone Cold falls to the ground, holding his rib cage, and then Lesnar stomps on Stone Cold. Lesnar then goes up on the turnbuckle, and is going to hit his special move, but Stone Cold runs up to him, and flips him off the turnbuckle. Lesnar hits the mat hard, and Stone Cold yells at the fans, as the crowd is going wild. Stone Cold picks up Lesnar, and tries to hit the Stone Cold stunner on him, but he dodges it, and picks Stone Cold up for an F-5. Lesnar then hits the F-5 on Stone Cold, and he goes for a pin, 1...2...Stone Cold kicks out at 2. Lesnar is mad, and he grabs Stone Cold, and picks him up, and sets him face down on the turnbuckle. He then backs up, and he is doing to spear his way onto Brock Lesnar. Stone Cold then charges at him, but Lesnar gets off the turnbuckle, and Stone Cold hits his head on the steel post, almost shaddering his skull. Lesnar then picks up Stone Cold, while he isnt feeling good, and Lesnar throws Stone Cold out of the ring, and he hits the hard floor hard. The ref starts counting, 1....2....3.....4....5, and Stone Cold isnt even on his knee's yet. 6........7........8, and Stone Cold struggles to get up. Lesnar then holds up his hands, thinking that he has just advanced to the Finals, but he was wrong, cause at 9, Stone Cold hops into the ring, before he is counted out. Lesnar is mad, and he runs towards Stone Cold, and picks him up. Lesnar then irish whips Stone Cold agaist the ropes, but Stone Cold hits a clothsline on Lesnar. The crowd doesnt know who could win this match, and Stone Cold is ready to hit the Stone Cold Stunner on Lesnar. Lesnar gets up, and Stone Cold tries to hit the move, but he is countered, and Lesnar picks up Stone Cold and picks him up for an F-5. Lesnar then hits the F-5 on Stone Cold, and he goes for the pin, 1...2...3! Brock Lesnar takes the win, and he advanced to the finals!

[big]Winner: Brock Lesnar by pinfall at 13:54[/big]

Tenay: Brock Lesner wins it! Brock advances to the finals agaisnt Kurt Angle

Brock gets out of the ring with a grin on his face as he walks to the back

*Promo begins*
The Biggest Show of the year
McMahon: Welcome to WrestleMania!
The Pinnacle of Sports-Entertainment
Jr.: there is nothing like WrestleMania
Comes to where it all began
Madison Square Garden

the feed comes back to the arena

Lillian:The Following is a 10-Man Battle Royal and it is for the TNA Hardcore Champioship


Ten Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal for TNA Hardcore Title[/big]

Triple H and Goldberg look at the other opponents, as Miz runs at Kofi Kingston. Miz hits an clothsline on Kofi. Bret then runs at Miz, and clothslines him. Goldberg then runs up to Bret, and picks him up, and hits a bodyslam on him. Triple H then walks up to Kevin, but Kevin dodges it, and irish whips Triple H agaist the ropes, but as Triple H is running, Goldberg hits a spear on him. When Goldberg turns around, Stone Cold then stuns Goldberg! Stone Cold then sticks the middle finger at Goldberg, but then Stone Cold is ambushed by Christian. Christian starts stomping on Stone Cold, ad then Raven throws a strong punch to Christians nose. Christian falls to the ground, and Raven is pissed off at Triple H, so he runs up to Triple H, but then Triple H pedigree's Raven! Goldberg is seen running, and he spears Triple H! Hardy then hits the twist of fate onto Goldberg! Jeff Hardt then climbs the turnbuckle and is going to hit the Swanton Bomb onto Goldberg, but Hardy is pushed by Miz, off the turnbuckle, and Hardy holds on to the top rope for life. Kevin Thorn then runs at Hardy, but Jeff ducks, and tips Kevin Thorn over the ropes, but he doesnt fall. Hardy and Kevin Thorn are punching eachother outside the ropes, and then Raven runs, and kicks Kevin Thorn right in the jaw, and Kevin Thorn is eliminated.

Kevin Thorn is eliminated at 6:12

Hardy then hops over the ropes, and kicks Raven in the head. Christian then trips Bret Hart, and he irish whips Bret agaist the ropes. Raven then clothslines Bret over the top rope, but Bret doesnt fall. Bret then punches Raven, and Raven ducks. Bret then jumps over the top rope, and rolls over Raven, and hits a powerbomb on him. Miz then runs at Bret and Raven, and he dropkicks the 2. Christian smiles at them, but Triple H comes and spinebusters him. Christian then goes to throw Triple H out of the ring, but Triple H ducks, and Goldberg spears Christian out of the ring.

Christian is eliminated at 10:00

Triple H then tries to throw Goldberg out of the ring, but fails. Goldberg then throws Triple H over the ropes, and he hits the mat hard. Raven then comes running, but Miz then grabs hold of Raven, and tries to throw him out. Stone Cold then comes and clothsline's Raven and Miz, and he stunns Goldberg, and Triple H, at the same time, knocking both men out. Out of nowhere, Bret Hart comes running and he goes to eliminate Triple H, but Triple H throws Bret over the rope, and Kofi comes running to eliminate him, but Bret throws him over the ropes aswell. Hardy then comes and kicks both Bret and Kofi out of the ring, eliminating them!

Bret Hart and Kofi Kingston are eliminated at 14:44

Stone Cold,Jeff Hardy,Goldberg,The Miz,Raven and Triple H are left in the ring. Miz then looks like he wants to be the leader, and he tells Stone Cold to attack Raven. Stone Cold then sticks the middle finger at Miz, and Miz looks pissed. Goldberg then spears Stone Cold! Hardy then hits the twist of fate onto Miz, and Raven runs and hits a devastating DDT onto Triple H. Stone Cold then stunns Raven, and he gets a beer from a fan that passed it from the crowd, and he bashes the beer over Miz's head. Hardy has climbed the turnbuckle, and he is going to hit a Swanton Bomb onto Miz, but Triple H runs over to him, and pushes him off, eliminating Jeff Hardy from the Battle Royal!

Jeff Hardy is eliminated at 18:58

Miz is knocked out on the mat, and he is un-noticed by the other 4 men. Raven and Goldberg are standing in the ring, not knowing what to do. Triple H, and Stone Cold stare down at eachother, and Miz is looking at all the 4 men. All of a sudden, they all run at Miz, and tackle him, and you can see punches hitting Miz in the head. Out of nowhere, Miz overcomes the 4 men, and he back away them. Stone Cold smiles at Miz, and Stone Cold stuns Raven for no reason, and then Miz looks at Raven and Stone Cold, and he takes immediate action, and clothslines Raven and Stone Cold out of the ring at the same time.

Stone Cold and Raven are eliminated at 23:12

Goldberg, Miz and Triple H stand in the ring, looking at eachother with concerns. Miz and Triple H both nod their heads, to pull a sneak attack onto Goldberg, but Goldberg can see every move from Miz and Triple H. Miz then runs at Goldberg, and Goldberg spears him, as he is running at him. Triple H then laufghs at Miz, and he yells just joking at Miz, and Miz gets mad. Goldberg then grabs Miz, and throws him over the top rope, but Triple H runs to Goldberg, and tries to eliminate Goldberg and Miz together. He struggles to get them both over the top rope, and Triple H is carried over the top rope. Triple H then grabs Goldberg and is going to pedigree him onto the hard floor outside of the ring. Triple H then realizes that he will eliminate himself by doing that, but he is too late, Miz comes running, and boots both men off the ropes, and onto the hard floor.

[big]Winner: The Miz by throw-out at 26:43 ( New TNA Hardcore Champion! )[/big]

The Miz holds the Hardcore title up high as the feed goes to backstage

Finlay: I dont know Regal do you really think the referee is going to check
Regal: why that bloody referee has bishmirched me more than once for accusing me of cheating
Finlay: so this plan will be a back up right?
Regal: why yes Finlay, I mean look at the two hooligans we are facing I think we can take them. But just in case this is our plan B

Jr.: well up next is the WWE Tag Team Championship Match between the team of Goldust and Booker T going up against the ruthless team of Finlay and Regal
King: William Regal and Finlay have been taking people out left and right, attacking Eugene and laying the Tag Team Champions out cold on Raw. I think we have ourselves new tag team champions
Jr.: yeah but remember King, they attacked them with weapons and they cant use them here if they want to become Tag Team Champions

Lillian: The following is a Tag Team match and it is for the WWE Tag Team Championships, introducing first the Champions

Feed goes back to the arena, Booker Ts music begins as he walks out with Goldust in a robe behind him, Booker gets in the ring with Goldust who gets on the second rope and takes his robe off reaviling his tag team title around his waist as Booker holds his belt in the air. Finlays music plays as he comes out with his shilliahli with William Regal behind him, they get in the ring and the referee tells regal to spread his arms. The referee searches him and finds Regals brass-kuckles in his boot, Regal is ttying to get away with it but from behind Goldust taps Finlay in the shoulder and when he turns around he hits him with an upper-cut


William Regal and Finlay Vs Booker T and Goldust[/big]​


WWE World Tag Team Title Match[/big]​

Jr.: Regal brought his brass-knuckles out here but good thing the referee cought him before he can use it
King: Regal wasn’t going to use it, he probably forgot he even had them out here.

Goldust hits Finlay with kicks to the ribs in the corner, Goldust grabs Finlay by the head and pulls him to the middle of the ring as he quickly goes to his knees and hits him with another upper-cut. Goldust picks Finlay up and Irish –whips him to the ropes, Goldust goes on his knees quick again but this time Finlay catches it and hits a low drop-kick and quickly goes for a cover 1..2..shoulder up. Finlay quickly sits Goldust up and puts him in a head-lock, Goldust tries getting up and hits Finlay in the ribs with an elbow. Goldust runs to the ropes but Finlay hits him with a clothesline when he comes back, Finlay tags in Regal and he comes in and stomps away at Goldust. Regal picks Goldust up and hits him with a forearm to the face sending Goldust to the ropes and when he comes back Regal hits a drop-toehold, he then goes quickly for his STF but Goldust kicks away from it and tags in Booker T. Booker gets in and hits Regal with a clothesline and then Finlay who ran in with one, Booker turns and hits Regal with a side-kick to the chest. Booker ducks a clothesline from Finlay and then hits him with a spinning-heel kick, Booker grabs Regal by the arm and twist it and hits him with a kick right to the face. Finlay is shown with his shilliaghli going over to Booker but out of nowhere Goldust clotheslines him down, Goldust gets Finlay up in the corner and sets his legs up for the shattered dreams. He turns his back to him and you see Regal walk over to Finlay and untie his boot and it seems like he pulls something out, Regal then goes to one side before Goldust notices.

Jr.: wait what was that?
King: what was what?
Jr.: Regal, he took something out of Finlays boot
King: your hilusinating Jr.

Goldust signals the crowd to get up and he runs to hit it but the referee gets in front of him and stops him on his tracks, behind him Regal unhooks Finlays legs. Finlay goes over to Goldust and hits him with a kick to the gut, he misses a clothesline and Goldust picks him up on his shoulder but Finlay falls behind him and turns Goldust around. Finlay picks him up on his shoulders and then hits the Celtic Cross, Finlay quickly gets up and goes for a clothesline on Booker, but Booker ducks and Finlay turns around with his back to the ropes and Booker hits a side-kick sending Finlay to the outside. Booker turns around and hits Regal in the gut and then he runs to the ropes for this scissors-kick, he does the scissors-kick but Regal moved out of the way and Booker landed on his feet. Booker turns around and Regal hits him with a left hand knocking Booker T out, Regal messes with his tights and goes for the cover. 1..2..3!
[big]Winners: Finlay and William Regal[/big]

King: oh oh what a left hand by Regal
Jr.: man oh man that shot knocked Booker T out cold
Lillian: here are your winners and NEW WWE Tag Team Champions, William Regal and Finlay.

Finlay and Regal get there titles and Regal hugs his as Finlay holds his in the air.

Replay shows of Regal hitting the left hand
Jr.: hey wait a minute here
King: what a shot
Jr.: hey he had the brass-knuckles
King: what?
Jr.: look, right there he used the brass-knuckles, that’s what he took out of Finlays boot.
King: I don’t see anything
Jr.: come on King, look right here
*Replay shows again with a different angle*
Jr.: right ther you can see the brass-knuckles when he puts them in his tights
King: it doesn’t matter Jr., Regal and Finlay are the new tag team champions
Jr.: this isn’t right King, Regal and Finlay should be disqualified

Regal and Finlay hold there titles up high as they leave up the ramp and the feed goes to backstage.

Jericho is messing with his boots as Randy Ortons steps in with his WWE Championship

Jericho: well Randy are you ready for tonight?
Orton: oh I am ready, tonight I get to take that thug Cena out and you get to take care of the current Number One Contender Shawn Michaels
Jericho: there is no way we can lose, I mean look at us (Jericho grabs TNA World Title and flips it on his shoulder) we have the WWE and TNA Championships, we cant lose I have beaten ole HBK back at the Royal Rumble and I know you can beat Cena so tonight we get to have some fun against them.
Orton: oh yeah tonight we get to show those two why we are the champions but first I need to take care of something with my partner so I’ll see you out there

Feed goes to Monsoon and Ventura


Santino Marella W/ Maria Vs Mr Kennedy[/big]​


[big]WCW United States Championship Match[/big]​

Both men walk around the ring trying to figure each other out. Santino makes the first make by shows his hand in the middle of the ring. Kennedy sees Santino’s raise. They both lock up on one side. But this time Kennedy shows his other hand off. Santino does not want to move and it but does so. That move has proven to be dangerous for Santino. Because Kennedy drives him back into the corner. The referee gets between the two. But that does not spot Kennedy landing a kick to the gut of Santino. As Santino falls to the floor the referee moves, because Kennedy pulls him out of the way. Kennedy starts to lay into Santino by driving his heel of his foot into the gut and chest of Santino. Maria can hear the cries that Santino gives off. The referee gets back to his feet and pushes Kennedy away from Santino.

Santino looks over to Maria for another kiss of good luck. But before he can finish the kiss Kennedy has once again pushed the referee out of the way and runs his knee into the back on Santino’s Head. As the head flies forward into the steel of the turnbuckle his neck drops across the ropes. Kennedy looks over his shoulder to see if he can see the referee getting up. He can’t so he begins to choke Santino with his foot on the bottom rope. The camera gets right into the face of Santino and off to the right hand side of his forehead you can see a cut. It is not bleeding much yet, but as the match wears on that cut will be a real pain in the ass. The referee gets back to his feet and brakes up the choke. The referee holds back Kennedy so Santino can get to his feet. Kennedy tries to push the referee out of the way but he has his hands on tight.

Santino gets to his feet. He tries to see if he is bleeding by running his hand over his forehead. He drags his knuckle over his cut and opens it up a bit more. Blood starts to come out more easy and run down the face of Santino. The referee lets go of Kennedy. So he goes right for the forehead of Santino. But Santino ducks under the attempted forearm smash by Kennedy. As the body of Kennedy falls to the mat, Santino turns around and tries to get Kennedy in a guard. But Kennedy uses his strength to over power Santino and he connects with a headbutt to the open cut of Santino. The referee steps in to look at Santino as more blood rushes from the cut. But he keeps on fighting on. Kennedy walks up to him in a boxing stance and starts to punch the crap out of Santino’s forehead. The Referee looks for a closed hand but he can’t find any.

The referee stops Kennedy punching Santino, to have a close look at Santino. He thinks about calling off the match. But does not. Santino calls for Maria. He tells her to take her top off so he can whip his forehead. Much to the disliking of the fans she says NO. As Kennedy creeps up behind Santino, Maria tells Santino to turn around. He does not and Kennedy rolls him up. The referee starts to slap the mat. But just before the third slap can hit Santino kicks his shoulder of the mat. As Kennedy talks with the referee over a possible slow count, Santino ducks to the outside. He grabs his Unites States Title and starts to walk off. He is stopped be a in ring debuting superstar in CM Punk. He grabs Santino and throws him into the ring barricade. Punk brags the fallen United States Title and looks into it. As Santino gets to his feet he whacks Santino over the head with it. Kennedy goes to the outside so the referee has to restart the count.

Kennedy goes and grabs Santino, but before he does anything to him he stares down CM Punk. Kennedy then continues with the attack and rolls Santino back into the ring. Kennedy can’t keep his eye’s of CM Punk and the United States Gold, which has Santino’s blood all over it. Kennedy goes for a DDT. As he goes for the impact moment Santino reverses out of it and hits his finisher. An Inverted Swinging Neckbreaker. The damage that was done was great. As he goes for the cover CM Punk starts to run into the ring. He hits the referee over the back with the Unites States Title. He looks at Santino and drives the belt into the skull of Santino again. Santino now has gained a true crimson mask. All CM Punk does to Kennedy is give him a dead stare. As the referee gets back to his feet, CM Punk rolls out of the ring. He leaves the belt in the ring. Kennedy grabs Santino and hits the Mic Check to him. He goes for the cover and gets the three count.

[big]Winner – New WCW United States Champion Mr Kennedy[/big]


Raven Vs John Morrison​


TNA X-Divison Title Match[/big]​

Raven is in the ring with Morrison, and they circle the ring. Morrison then bolts at Raven, and he hits a kick to Raven's chest. Morrison then irish whips Raven agaist the ropes, but Raven dodges it, and flips Morrison over his shoulders, Morrison almost snapping his neck. Raven then hops out of the ring to grab a weapon. Raven is searching under the ring, and then the crowd cheers, and Raven pulls out a bat. Raven smiles, while he quitely slips back underneath the bottom rope, and is behind Morrison in the ring. Morrison turns around, and Raven swings the bat, and the bat connects with Morrison's ribs. Morrison falls to the ground in pain, and the crowd boo's. Raven laufghs at Morrison, and then he grabs the bat, and lifts it high, and swings the bat again at Morrison, and he hits him in the back, almost to his spine. Morrison feels paralyzed, and Raven goes for the pin, 1...2...Morrison lifts his shoulders, and the ref stops the count at 2. Raven cant belive that he kicked out of the pin, after the abuse from the bat. Raven then grabs the bat, but Morrison kicks Raven in the head, and grabs the bat from Raven. Morrison then grips the bat firmly, and swings the bat at Raven, and the bat snaps over Raven's head! Raven falls out of the ring, completely knocked out, and not moving. Morrison then grabs the top rope, and jumps high, and hits a springboard moonsault on Raven! The crowd is amazed, and the crowd chants " Holy S***". The ropes are bouncing on the ring, after Morrisons moonsault onto Raven. Morrison then gets up, and grabs Raven, and slams his head into the steel steps. Morrison then grabs the X-Division title, and holds it, to smash Raven's head to it. Morrison then runs at Raven with the title, and the title connects with Raven's head, and Raven is cut open. Raven is bleeding badly out of his head, and the medics are rushing in. Morrison wont let the medics take away Raven, and he grabs Raven, but Raven upper-cuts Morrison, and Morrison's jaw is cut open. Raven then gets pissed, and pushes the medics away, and Raven grabs Morrison, and throws his entire body into the steel steps. Raven then goes to the barricade, and grabs Morrison, and chokes Morrison on the steel barricade. Raven then throws Morrison over the barricade, and into the crowd. Morrison then runs beyond the crowd, and Raven runs back, and grabs a chair. Morrison then sneaks up behind Raven, and he kicks his back, and Raven gets pushed over the barricade, and he drops the chair. Morrison then grabs the chair, and swings it at Raven, and it hits Raven in the head. Raven is severly bleeding, and Morrison has a few cuts on his head. Morrison then hops over the barricade, and grabs the ring bell, sitting on the floor beside him. He takes all the wires, and throws them aside, and then grabs the ring bell, and walks over to Raven's bloody body. Raven then see's Morrison coming, and he rolls up Morrison or a pin, 1...Morrison kicks out at 1. Raven then grabs his ring bell, and swings it at Morrison, and it connects with Morrison's head. The ding is heard all around the arena, and the crowd is chanting " Holy S***". Morrison is bleeding like crazy, and Raven is bleeding badly also. Raven then goes under the ring slowly, and he grabs a table. The crowd cheers loudly, as Morrison looks knocked out cold. Raven then slides the table into the ring, and Raven crawls slowly into the ring. Morrison isnt getting up, and Raven sets the table in the middle of the ring, and he crawls under the bottom rope, and grabs Morrison. Raven then slides Morrison's body into the ring, and sets him on the table. Raven then goes on the turnbuckle, and the crowd leap off their seats, to see what is about to happen. Morrison then gets off the table, and he runs to the turnbuckle, and climbs it with Raven. Morrison throws a few punches at Raven, and Raven throws a few back. Morrison then grabs onto Raven, and lifts him high, and the camera's are flashing like crazy, and Morrison hits a high suplex on Raven threw the table!! Morrison and Raven are completely knocked out, and either one of them are moving. The crowd is chanting " Match of the Night ". Morrison then gains some momentum, and lifts his arm, and puts it over Raven, and Morrison goes for the pin, 1...2...3! John Morrison wins the brutal match, and retains the TNA X-Division Title!

Winner: John Morrison by pinfall at 29:34


Batista Vs Edge​


WWE Intercontinental Title Match[/big]​

Batistas music begins as he runs out on stage, he doesn’t go to the sides of the stage he just looks at Edge in the ring. Batista runs down to the ring and comes in and tackles Edge down and begins to punch away at him, Batista gets pulled off by the referee as he turns to the crowd and yells. Batista turns to Edge who is getting up and hits him with a clothesline sending Edge to the outside, Edge gets on his feet and runs behind Big Show. The Big Show is telling Batista to come outside and Batista turns to the crowd as if asking if he should, Batista goes outside and Show misses a right hand. Batista hits Big Show with right hands but gets smacked from behind by Edge, the referee goes outside and tells Big Show to step back or Edge is disqualified. Who puts his hands in the air and steps back but behind the referees back Shane McMahon kicks Batista in the ribs and then runs back to the ring bellers chair.

Jr.: hey come on what is this?
King: umm Jr. this is the Intercontinental Championship Match
Jr.: it’s a damn Handicap Match is what it is

Edge grabs Batista by the head and slams him into the announcers table, Edge puts Batista face down on it and then grabs a steel chair and puts it under Batistas head. Edge grabs another chair himself and gets on the announcers table with it.

Jr.: hey come on not this
Chioda: No get down Edge
King: it doesn’t matter, if Edge gets disqualified he still gets the title
Jr.: come on not like this

Edge is on the WCW announce table as Batista is on the WWE Table, Edge holds the chair up in the air as the crowd boos and then he begins to walk across the TNA announce table. Out of nowhere Batista gets up on the table and runs to hit a huge spear on Edge sending them into the WCW announce table and to the floor with the announce table not breaking.

Jr.: oh my god! The table didn’t break, but I think Batista just broke Edge in half
King: oh no, Shane do something
*Replay of Spear*
Jr.: Dear god oh mighty what a spear.

Batista is trying to stand up by the announce table as Edge is behind it where the announcers sit holding his head, Shane gets the referee and tells him to go into the ring and count. The referee goes inside and begins his count 1….2…Batista gets up barely and gets in the ring 3….4…Batista stands up to try to get out but Shane gets on the apron to block his way out 5….6….Shane wont let Batista out, Batista runs to the opposing ropes and when he comes back he jumps in between the ropes spearing Shane all the way to the outside.

King: oh no Shane
Jr.: OH My God Batista just Speared Shane from the inside to the outside of the ring
King: how did he do that, he jumped in between the ropes perfectly
*Replay of spear is shown*
Jr.: dear god what Batista wont do for the Intercontinental Championship

Batista is groggy and gets on his knees as Shane is completely out, the referee doesn’t start to count again he goes to the outside and checks on Shane McMahon. Edge is getting held up by the Big Show, Show puts him in the ring apron to put him inside but out of nowhere Batista spears Show into the ring post

Jr.: woah woah woah Big Show is out
King: Batista is spearing anything in sight.

Batista gets up barely and shoves Edge back in the ring, Batista gets in and picks Edge up and hits him with a spine-buster. Batista goes to the ropes and shakes them up and down, he does a thumbs up and a thumbs down and then puts Edge in position for a Batista Bomb. He lifts him up in the air and hits a thunderous Batista Bomb and goes for the cover, the referee sees it and goes to the ring quickly 1..2..3!

Jr.: the match is over Batista is the new Intercontinental Champion

The referee signals for the bell but it doesn’t sound since Shane is knocked out, Batista asks the referee what is happening and the referee tries to explain but Batista turns his head to one side and sees Edge and gets out of the way as Edge spears the referee. Batista hits Edge with a huge clothesline, as Mr. McMahons music begins

Jr.: what is happening? The bell hasn’t rung but Batista won the match, and now Mr. McMahon is out here
King: I think he is out here to clear everything up

McMahon has his black wrestling attire on

McMahon: well Batista your probably wondering what is happening right now so let me explain, in the rules of UCW and all of wrestling for that matter there is a rule. And its not its not over till the fat lady sings, no, it’s the match is not officially over until the bell rings and the decision is made. And I did not hear a ring bell so this match is still going but you don’t seem to have a ring beller, well I think I can find one that might have to get ready for his match later on but I think he is willing to come out here to ring a bell I mean how hard is it to ring a bell, oh and about the matter of the referee I think I can find a referee too so let me go get them and you wait right here.

Jr.: what is happening here? Batista is the new champion he won the match
King: I didn’t hear a ring bell, so as far as I’m concerned this match is still going
Jr.: this isn’t fair, McMahon cant just do rules like this
King: he didn’t, he is following the rules, the bell didn’t ring so this match isn’t over. So once we get another ring beller

*Randy Ortons music begins*

King: oh ho ho man Mr. McMahon found a perfect replacement for a ring beller
Jr.: what? Randy Orton should be getting ready for his match
King: come on Jr., he just has to ring a bell.

Batista is looking up on the ramp with an angry look on his face, from behind Edge smacks him down and begins to stomp away at him on the corner. Randy Orton his carrying his WWE Title as he walks over to the ring bellers seat and grabs the hammer and sits

Jr.: Hey come on Edge took advantage of the distraction
King: Edge is just picking his spots
Jr.: well who the hell is the referee going to be?
King: calm down Jr., I am sure McMahon can get a WCW or TNA referee to get out here to officiate

Mr McMahons music hits again

King: well here he comes to tell us who the referee is going to be

Mr. McMahon walks out with a referee shirt on as Edge is looking up at the stage and gets a grin on his face

Jr.: oh come on this is just ridiculous, I have never seen the deck stacked so high against someone in my life
King: oh man Mr. McMahon is a genious, who else better to referee a match than the Chairman of WWE Mr. McMahon

Edge picks Batista up and begins to hit him with right hands in the corner as Vince gets in the ring, Edge stomps away at Batistas ribs and then he Irish-whips him to the other corner. But Batista bounces off the turnbuckle and charges Edge and hits him with a clothesline

Jr.: Batista wont quit
King: he doesnt have to, cause he is going to lose.

Edge gets up and Batista hits him with another clothesline, The Big Show gets in the ring and misses a clothesline on Batista. And Batista starts to hit him with right hands backing him up to the corner, he turns and hits Edge with another clothesline. Big Show grabs Batista by the throat, but Batista hits him with a low-blow and then pushes him to the ropes and when he comes back he hits him with a spinebuster

Jr.: oh my god he spine-bustered The Big Show!
King: how is he doing this?

Batista turns and spears Edge and goes for the cover, but McMahon doesnt count. Batista stands up and looks at McMahon with an angry face and wide open eyes, he grabs him by the shirt and sets him up for a Batista bomb but from behind Orton his him in the back with the bell. Batista cringes in pain and turns around slowly and Edge hits him with a spear.

Jr.: oh come on not like this

Edge goes for the cover and McMahon gets down to count 1.....2.......3! Orton grabs the hammer and puts the bell in front of Batista *DING DING DING*
[big]Winner: Edge[/big]

King: he did it!
Jr.: Damn it
King: man what a fight Edge put
Jr.: Edge? I think you mean Edge, Orton, Shane, The Big Show, and Vince McMahon

Monsoon: I cant believe it took all of McMahons Elite to defeat Batista
Ventura: me either, up next is the much anticipated rematch for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

The words “The Royal Rumble” appear on screen, The Rock is shown winning the WCW World Title and holding it up high on the turnbuckle.
The Rock: The Rock is your new WCW World Heavyweight Champion and The Rock. And The Rock showed that Big Red blueberry just why you dont mess with The Great One
Kane: Rock, I want a rematch and tonight I am going to get my shot.
Kane is shown beating Sam Quick and setting his pyro off.
The Rock: well The Rock thinks that Kane actually thinks he can go One-on-One with The Great One and take The Rocks WCW World Heavyweight Championship, Well The Rock says Just Bring it cause The Rock would love nothing more than to layeth the smacketh down on that Big Red Blue ass.
Kane: Rock, you cant stop me. I am going to take whats mine at The King of the Ring.

Kane: I
Kane: Want
Rock: What The Rock
Kane: Your
Kane: TITLE, heh heh hahaHAHAHHAHAH!


The Rock Vs Kane​


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match[/big]​

Before anybody can move The Rock has out his hand out for a handshake. Kane does not go near it and tries to run around the back of Rock. But Rock wants to shake his so Kane finally gives in and shakes his hand. The two men shale and Kane tries to get the upper hand. But Rock blocks the arm drag attempt. So he lets so and the two men try and work each other out. Rock knows he cant over power Kane. So he ahs to out think him. His first move of attack is to take out the legs of Kane. Kane turns around as Rock starts to run. So Rock has to think fast and he does. He goes running into Kane. He tries to punch down the big man. But he cant even get him to wobble. Kane just pushes Rock off. Rock is lucky not to roll out of the ring. Kane uses his size and power by walking over the back of Rock.

Rock just yells out in pain. Kane does not stop and elbow s the back of Rock. Kane just repeats the move over and over. Until Rock works his way over to the ropes. The referee lets Rock get back to his feet. But a the referee moves away Kane runs at Rock and boots him in the head. Rock flies over the top rope down to the floor. Kane wastes little time and goes to the outside himself. Rock is on his knees trying to punch the stomach of Kane. But all Kane does to stop it is push him away with one hand. The Rock rolls up against the barricade. Kane stands over Rock and punches his head. The Rock tries to get out over reverse but can because of the size of Kane. Kane hears the referee is up to a 8 count. So he throws The Rock into the ring over the top rope. He just walks in over the top rope before the referee can hit the ten count.

Kane gets some good offence going when he side slams Rock into the mat. He then goes for a Boston Crab. The Rock tries to get out of the pain hold. He holds on as he inches his way towards the ropes. Kane does not even bother to pull Rock back into the middle of the ring. All he does is pill even harder back putting more and more pressure on the lower back of The Rock’s. But finally The Rock reaches the ropes. Kane does not let go at first also he pulls right back as far as he can go. The referees count gets up to 4 and then and only then does Kane let go. Kane does not go right in for the kill. Instead he waits for Rock to get back up. He sets himself up for a Chokeslam. As The Rock gets to his feet Kane gets closer to him. He drives his hand into the neck of Rock, but he counters it into a hammerlock.

Kane looks for a way out of the hold. But cant find one. But The Rock give him some time off from it when he wraps his head around the neck on Kane and throws the whole body back onto The Rocks knee. The wrist is the put of the body that gets the most damage down to it. As The Rock is running at the ropes, Kane is holding his wrist. The referee looks at it. But that does not stop Rock clotheslining him. He falls to the ground ready for the Peoples Elbow. As the elbow pad comes off the crowd goes wild. As he runs at the ropes Kane is not moving on the ground. He gets to the base of Kane and kicks him. Then he jumps up and move around in the air. Finally he hits the Elbow. He does not wait around for Kane to get up so he pulls him up. He sets him up for a Rock Bottom. He connects and goes for a cover. But Kane kicks out. No worries, says The Rock. He goes for another Rock Bottom. This time when he goes for a pin he gets the pinfall.

[big]Winner – Still The WCW World Heavyweight Champion The Rock[/big]

The Rock is celebrating with his Title in the air on the turnbuckle as the feed goes to Jr. and King

Jr.: well King it is time for the finals of the King of the Ring Tournament.
King: and what a match it is going to be, Kurt Angle and Brock Lesner both had a classic on Raw. and now we get to see them go at it one more time.

Brock Lesners music hits and he walks to the ring looking a little tired but still focused, he gets in the ring normally and just waits in the corner for Kurt Angle.

Kurts music hits as he walks out looking exausted but looking straight at Brock in the ring, he goes into the ring and doesnt take his eyes off Brock. the face off in the middle of the ring.


Kurt Angle Vs Brock Lesanr​


King Of The Ring Final[/big]​

The two men who have already gone through already tonight are tired. But Brock having only gone through Steve Austin rather than big show makes his strength more than Kurt does. So Lesnar tries to get on the attack first by hitting Kurt down. But Kurt being a very skilled athlete moves out of the way. So the two guys clash in the middle of the ring. Both are being hit with many punches from the other. The man that walks of better is Brock. His larger hands inflect more damage too Kurt. Brock goes for a Suplex on Kurt. As Kurt is flipped over Lesnar’s head, he flips around and hits a neck breaker. Kurt tries to go for a Ankle Lock. But is pushed away by the large feet of Lesnar.

Kurt tries to unleash hell on Lesnar by hitting a flying elbow. But Brock catches it and hits a strong arm drag to him. Brock then locks on a standing arm bar. But Kurt uses his foot to touch the bottom rope. Brock does not let the hold go and was in danger of getting DQ until he did finally let go. Lesnar tries to elbow drop Kurt but he misses as Kurt rolls away. The referee tells Kurt to stand up or face DQ. Kurt stands up. Another stand of between the two men are held. This time Kurt walks away with as the winner. He quickly gives Lesnar a T-bone Suplex. But when he goes for the Ankle Lock but he cant get it locked in. because Lesnar is pushing him away with his other leg.

Angle chooses to let go of the Ankle Lock attempt and goes for both legs. But when he does that Lesnar sits up gets him ready for a roll up. Kurt kicks out at the two count. Either man can’t mount any offence. Lesnar gets up and smashes in the head of Kurt with his forearm. He goes for another one but Angle blocks it and hits a massive head butt to him. Brock falls back onto his butt. Kurt runs at him and hits a drop kick. Kurt goes for the cover and only gets two. Brock gets up. Kurt and him block each others Punches until one punch of Brock’s can break though. Kurt stumbles back into the ring. Lesnar goes for an F-5 but it is countered into a Angle Slam. Kurt quickly locks on the Ankle Lock. Brock tries every damn thing he can do to get out. But cant. SO he taps out to King Kurt.

[big]Winner – The New King Of The Ring Champion (King) Kurt Angle[/big]

The Rock is celebrating with his Title in the air on the turnbuckle as the feed goes to Jr. and King

Jr.: well King it is time for the finals of the King of the Ring Tournament.
King: and what a match it is going to be, Kurt Angle and Brock Lesner both had a classic on Raw. and now we get to see them go at it one more time.

Brock Lesners music hits and he walks to the ring looking a little tired but still focused, he gets in the ring normally and just waits in the corner for Kurt Angle.

Kurts music hits as he walks out looking exausted but looking straight at Brock in the ring, he goes into the ring and doesnt take his eyes off Brock. the face off in the middle of the ring.


Kurt Angle Vs Brock Lesanr​


King Of The Ring Final[/big]​

The two men who have already gone through already tonight are tired. But Brock having only gone through Steve Austin rather than big show makes his strength more than Kurt does. So Lesnar tries to get on the attack first by hitting Kurt down. But Kurt being a very skilled athlete moves out of the way. So the two guys clash in the middle of the ring. Both are being hit with many punches from the other. The man that walks of better is Brock. His larger hands inflect more damage too Kurt. Brock goes for a Suplex on Kurt. As Kurt is flipped over Lesnar’s head, he flips around and hits a neck breaker. Kurt tries to go for a Ankle Lock. But is pushed away by the large feet of Lesnar.

Kurt tries to unleash hell on Lesnar by hitting a flying elbow. But Brock catches it and hits a strong arm drag to him. Brock then locks on a standing arm bar. But Kurt uses his foot to touch the bottom rope. Brock does not let the hold go and was in danger of getting DQ until he did finally let go. Lesnar tries to elbow drop Kurt but he misses as Kurt rolls away. The referee tells Kurt to stand up or face DQ. Kurt stands up. Another stand of between the two men are held. This time Kurt walks away with as the winner. He quickly gives Lesnar a T-bone Suplex. But when he goes for the Ankle Lock but he cant get it locked in. because Lesnar is pushing him away with his other leg.

Angle chooses to let go of the Ankle Lock attempt and goes for both legs. But when he does that Lesnar sits up gets him ready for a roll up. Kurt kicks out at the two count. Either man can’t mount any offence. Lesnar gets up and smashes in the head of Kurt with his forearm. He goes for another one but Angle blocks it and hits a massive head butt to him. Brock falls back onto his butt. Kurt runs at him and hits a drop kick. Kurt goes for the cover and only gets two. Brock gets up. Kurt and him block each others Punches until one punch of Brock’s can break though. Kurt stumbles back into the ring. Lesnar goes for an F-5 but it is countered into a Angle Slam. Kurt quickly locks on the Ankle Lock. Brock tries every damn thing he can do to get out. But cant. SO he taps out to King Kurt.

Winner – The New King Of The Ring Champion (King) Kurt Angle

Two Champions
(Randy Orton is shown holding the WWE Title and fades to Chris Jericho raising his TNA World Title)
Two Egos

Orton: it is my Destiny to become the best WWE Champion in history
Jericho: I am The King of the World, and I am your TNA World Champion

Can these two be stopped?

Michaels: Y2J, I am going to kick your teeth down your throat
Cena: Orton, I want some and sure as hell am going to get some.

At The King of the Ring, these four men collide.

John Cena “Nothing will stop me from becoming the W W E Champion”
Shawn Michaels “may god have mercy on whoever stands in my way of getting the TNA World Championship
Vs. Randy Orton “There is no one that can stop me from my destiny!”
And Chris Jericho “This title will never leave this gorgeous waist, never EVVVVVVVVVER”

Randy and Jericho are shown holding there titles in the air as Cena and Shawn are shown in the picture underneath.


Chris Jericho & Randy Orton Vs Shawn Michaels & John Cena[/big]​

Jericho and Orton are whipsering to eachother, and Cena and Shawn already have their plan. Jericho starts out in the ring with Shawn. Shawn and Jericho run at eachother, Jericho turns away, and dodges Shawn's clothsline, and Jericho hits a clothsline on Shawn. Jericho picks up Shawn, and throws him into the opposite turnbuckle, that Cena is in. Jericho starts kicking Shawn in the ribs on the turnbuckle, but Shawn then throws a hard punch to Jericho. Shawn then gets momentum, and he irish whips Jericho agaist the ropes, and elbows him to the mat. Shawn then picks up Jericho and bodyslams him. The crowd is going wild, and Shawn goes on the turnbuckle, but Orton comes and pushes Shawn off the turnbuckle, and Shawn hits the mat hard. Cena warns Orton off, and Jericho headbutts Shawn. Jericho picks up Shawn, and walks over to Orton, he then tags in Orton, and Jericho and Orton hit a double DDT to Shawn. Orton starts kicking Shawn, and Orton knees Shawn in the head. Orton picks up Shawn, but Shawn then irish whips Orton to the turnbuckle, and Shawn tags in Cena. Cena the runs at Orton, and clothslines him on the turnbuckle, and Cena bounces off the ropes, and dropkicks Jericho off the ropes, and Cena hits a bodyslam to Orton. Cena then gives his taunt to Orton, and then runs and bounces agaist the ropes, and as he comes back, he hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle. The crowd is going wild, and Cena is ready to hit the F-U on Orton, but Jericho comes in, and kicks Cena in the leg, making Cena fall, and Orton collapses on him. Orton then smiles at Cena, and he grabs his head, and slams it into the mat. Orton then grabs Cena, and lifts him up. He then tries to hit a bodyslam, but Cena dodges it, and flips over his back, and hits a backbreaker DDT. Cena then runs to tag in Shawn, and the tag is made. Shawn then clothslines Orton, but Orton has taged in Jericho, before he could clothsline him. Jericho then grabs Shawn, and hits the Codebreaker on Shawn! The crowd boo's, and Jericho goes for a pin, 1...2...Shawn breaks it at 2, needing no help from Cena. Shawn tries to get up, but Jericho gets a headlock on Shawn, and Shawn is trying to break it. Shawn is reaching for the ropes, and he cant get the rope nearest to him. Jericho apply's more pressure on the headlock, and Shawn is ready to tap. Cena comes running towards the submission, and Cena kicks Jericho. Jericho falls to the mat, and Cena is stopped by the ref, trying to get Cena out of the ring, and back onto the ropes. Cena gets back on the ropes, but Shawn then quickly gets back up, and Superkicks Jericho! The crowd is going nuts, and Shawn falls on Jericho for the pin, 1...2...Orton comes and kicks the pin. Orton then runs and attacks Cena from the ropes, and is throwing hard punches to Cena. Cena then grabs Orton, and throws him over the top rope, and Orton almost snapping his neck on the hard ground. Cena then jumps off the ring, and hits a elbow drop to Orton. Shawn then goes on the turnbuckle, and is getting ready to hit his famous elbow drop to Jericho, and he jumps, and hits the elbow drop on Jericho. Shawn then gets ready to hit some sweet chin music, 1.....2......3......4.....5..6...7 Jericho dodges the sweet chin music, and Jericho kicks Shawn in the back of the knee, and he falls. Jericho then grabs his legs, and is going to apply the Walls Of Jericho! He hits the submission move, and Shawn is screaming in pain. Cena then gets in the ring, and sticks out his hand, so he could tag in Cena. Orton then lowblows Cena, and the ref doesnt see it, since hes paying attention to Shawn and Jericho. Cena falls to the ground, and Orton then stalks him for an RKO. Shawn then grabs the ropes, and the ref starts counting, 1...2....3....4, and Jericho lets go. Orton then attempts then RKO, but its dodges, and Cena lifts him for the F-U! Cena then hits the F-U on Orton, and Cena sticks out his hand, for Shawn to hit the tag. Shawn then out of nowhere, gets a ginormous amount of energy, and superkicks Jericho! Shawn then falls, and tags in John Cena! Cena then runs at Jericho, and apply's the STFU! Jericho is not near the ropes, and Orton is knocked out. Jericho cant take the pressure anymore, but Orton starts to get up. Shawn tries to stop him, but he RKO's the injured Shawn Michaels. Orton then gets in the ring, and stalks Cena. Jericho grabs the ropes, and Cena lets go of Jericho. Randy Orton then RKO's John Cena! Orton then sticks his hand out for a tag, and Jericho tags in Orton. Orton then falls on Cena for the pin, 1...2...3! Randy Orton and Chris Jericho take the win!

[big]Winner: Chris Jericho and Randy Orton via pinfall at 30:00[/big]

KroniK 4-2-0

Jan 31, 2008
Reaction score
Not bad.....needs improvement IMO, you posted Brock & Angle twice, I think, lol. More color too, dog.