Turn Punk heel...

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That's the best option. Lately, Punk has been getting a smattering of boos each time he goes to the ring, and although he gets alot of cheer as well, there's clearly some morons who feel the need to boo him. I've always said Punk has the makings of a good heel. I've rarely seen any of his ROH stuff, but I've always heard people saying what a good heel he was. I think nwo that he has the MITB, the best option would be to have him turn heel. Not to mention they could use another upper mid-card/main event heel in the WWE.
Would you turn him heel, and capitalize on some of the boos, or leave him face, and hope for the best?

Evil Austin

That's exactly what I was thinking and hoping for when he won the MITB, I didn't want him to win it for the second year in a row but... if he does get a title run in the next few months please give it a heel run. Maybe cash it in against Cena or Triple H turning Heel in the process.

It would add something new to his character besides "I don't drink, smoke or take drugs."


...The boos are just the 'Pro-Ganja Massive' making themselves heard! LOL

Seriously tho', aside from Mania I can't say I've noticed any boos.

Personlly, in terms of a heel turn I like the previous suggestion of Punk losing MITB only to beat the champ down after losing a face v face world title match.

I'd have punk say something like "After the way I won my first WHC, I've been tormented by the method of my win... And maybe I deserved to lose it in an equally cheap way.... I feel the need to prove to myself that I'm better than a mere easy win over a beaten man... This time I challenge a fresh [insert face world champ here] for the title".

Prob is, would Punk get enough universal heat (i.e from the majority of fans) from a beatdown on Cena or HHH to propel a truly successful heel turn? (Look what happened with MVPs face turn... The whole losing streak thing went nowhere really and left him in no-man's land... To be honest I can't fathom where the crowd-wide cheers suddenly sprang up from.)

Shame HBK isn't likely to have a world title in the near future.... He'd be perfect. Maybe something for Taker if he's due a run any time soon (Lose the first... Attack Taker to force a rematch... Heel for the win... Ultimately lose fued BLAH....)

Luke Flywalker

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You'd have to put the strap on someone else. I can't see him turning heel if he attacks Cena. Granted Cena's been getting pops again... enough people still don't like him that it wouldn't bother anyone if Punk destroyed him. You can't really pull the Punk vs. the Crowd shit yet (unless you teamed him with Jericho)...

Punk attacking Triple H straight up wouldn't fit at all. They'd not be able to pull that one off, imo. Truth be told, I can honestly see him cashing it in mid-match. RKO on Hunter, Punk capitalizes, steals the belt, and then is forced to feud with both Orton and Hunter in coming months. Now THAT would be entertaining...


Some people thought Batista was getting boo'd on Raw, that was nothing compared to the boo's at Punk. They were booing the hell out of Punk at Mania. If CM Punk and Cena collide they will have no choice but to turn Punk heel. He is a sneaky little bastard compared to Cena. David vs. Goliath, if they somehow want to pull off Punk beating Cena, god forbid, that's what they're going to have to do. In order for Punk to get that title he must be heel because nobody will take him seriously and everyone will think it's super Blue.


This may sound weird but did Cm punk get booed when eh came out on raw? I missed it i was getting a beer and a snack? I think a heel turn would be awesome for him. I'm sure Ive said this on another thread, so many similar threads are gong around i cant keep up. Roh heel cm punk wwe need, give him a mic and he will get heat alright :).

The Rated R CMStar

I don't think it will happen. If anything, WWE will start building him to take Batista's spot as the second babyface, seeing how Batista's retirement is looming.


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Feb 14, 2009
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What I'd do is have Punk defend the case against people like Jericho/Edge/Orton.

Then once he has beaton people of the main event stauts have him cash it in on a broken up babyface at the end of a PPV. Then the next night on Raw/Smackdown have him turn on the fans with a I'm better than you speech like this one.

[YT]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Y0rd_cyL4Qw&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Y0rd_cyL4Qw&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YT]


^^^^^That is the Cm punk i love and know^^^^^.
Wwe have this talented guy and don't use him properly and gave him a kung fu move set. Its bollocks, put him back to roh cm punk and they got themselves an awesome guy who can wrestle and cut awesome promos. But that's a threat to cena, Batista and hhh and we cant have that now can we?


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Feb 14, 2009
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^^^^^That is the Cm punk i love and know^^^^^.
Wwe have this talented guy and don't use him properly and gave him a kung fu move set. Its bollocks, put him back to roh cm punk and they got themselves an awesome guy who can wrestle and cut awesome promos. But that's a threat to cena, Batista and hhh and we cant have that now can we?

Oh no we can't.

For anyone who dosn't look at ROH then you should look up some of his work with Aries, Joe and Raven, just off the top of my head.

Heel Punk would be so much more interesting. Give him the Pepsi Plunge back.

Oh wait that's a better version of the Pedigree. Silly me for sugesting something like that.


And its more dangerous and Vince's don't like that. I can understand it though it is a dangerous move. I mean the anaconda vice he ain't used in ages. That sucked but at least it was different. Punk as a heel in wwe would be so much better for him and wwe. And he can get under the skin of the fans easily.


Ok dude sarcasm i think your using here. You know what i meant and i was not be specific. Muay Thai it is then im sorry lol. I followed punk all his career and yes maybe i should have said that but you got what i meant didn't you? lol


LegendKiller, are you joking me? That's the moveset he wanted. In fact, he probably wanted more of a "kung fu" move set than that. That's the style he had long before WWE.