"The World's Greatest" Nick Parker

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Active Member
Jan 23, 2010
Reaction score
Blackpool, England

Real Name: Nick Parker
Wrestling Name: Nick Parker
Nickname: "The World's Greatest", "Britain's Best"
Weight: 265lbs
Height: 6'6"
Age: 28
Hometown: Blackpool, England
Class (Face/Tweener/Heel): Heel
Gimmick: Former boxer and Olympic Bronze Medalist, he thinks he is God's gift and he models himself on Mohammed Ali calling himself The World's Greatest. Nick is a massive patriot of England and will always defend his country
Appearance (If you can, include a picture for each)-
-Ring Attire: Boxing shorts with a Union Jack logo and MMA style gloves with a Union Jack logo.
-Entrance Attire: Same as above with a boxers style gown with a Union Jack logo and a towel around his neck.
-Hair Color: Black
-Hair Style: Spiked up
-Hair Length: Short
-Tattoo: Union Jack tattoo on the back of his right shoulder.
Personality: Arrogant and egotistical.
Entrance Music: Begins with the English National Anthem (god save the queen) and is followed by Medal by Jim Johnston
Entrance Details: Nick walks out onto the stage, places his right hand on his heart and sings along to the National Anthem of England. As the National Anthem finsihes he raises both arms and jumps around on the spot. Nick walks down the ramp smirking, arrogantly at the nearby fans, he stops half way up the ramp and begins jogging on the spot, he then sprints up to the ring, leaps onto the apron and climbs into the ring. Nick climbs the turnbuckle and raises both arms, he begins shouting at the fans, he gets off the turnbuckle and begins jogging on the spot again.

Finishing Move 1: The Knockout! (right hook/uppercut)
Finishing Move 2: Out for the count! (jumping stunner)
Trademark Move: The English Explosion (seated spinebuster)
Submission Move: Ankle Lock
Highflying Move: n/a
Five - eight common moves:
Running powerslam
Power clothesline
Side walk slam
Big boot
Repeated stomach punches to a cornered opponent
Boston crab

Taunts: Raises both arms, does 2 left jabs and one right hook to think air.

Match Tactics (Clean/Dirty): Dirty
Match Style (Select three):
*Submission expert

Weapon of Choice: His fists
Specialty Match: Last man standing
Sample RP: Nick Parker stands in the ring in the middle of a darkened arena. A spotlight shines on Nick and the area around him, Nick is wearing his trademark Union Jack boxing shorts, gown with a towel wrapped around his neck. He holds his mic to his mouth and begins to speak.

Nick Parker: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, some of you may know me, some of you may not, for those of you that do not you will after the next 5 minutes.

Parker looks around and smirks arrogantly at the fans who are unsure what to think of him at this time.

Nick Parker: I am an Olympic Bronze Medalist! I have achieved more than any one of you slouches that sit in the audience right now could ever achieve. I stand before you all, as Britain's Best, I am the best my country has ever produced in the sport of boxing, if you don't believe me, just ask Sam Brown. What's that? You don't know who that is? There's a reason for that. Roll the tape my friends in the van.

A tape of Nick Parker knocking out Sam Brown shows on the titantron, it also shows medics tending to Sam Brown who is covered in blood.

Nick Parker: That's right, that was me nearly killing Sam Brown, a man who thought he was......well he thought he was me.

Nick snig gers.

Nick Parker: He must have had some dream where our roles were reversed and he was The World's Greatest! He must have woken up believing it was true but then I brought him back down to reality with that swift right hand. That swift right hand that won me an Olympic Bronze Medal; that swift right hand which has knocked out a grand total of 13 fighters; that swift right hand that is soon to be the fate of every single one of my IWF competitors.

The fans begin to boo loudly at Nick.

Nick Parker: Oh you can all boo, you can all boo as loud as you can but that isn't going to make a shread of difference when I begin to compete here in IWF. Your booing is not going to change a thing, it isn't going to stop me dominating every single one of my opponents. In fact nothing will stop my crusade in the Impact Wrestling Federation, I am going straight to the top.

The fans boo even louder.

Nick Parker: Oh shut up you Anerican swines!

The fans begin to chant "USA! USA! USA!"

Nick Parker: I SAID SHUT UP!

The arena goes silent but for one fan still chanting "USA! USA! USA!"

Nick Parker: You really are a stupid, worthless yank aren't you.

Nick Parker climbs out of the ring as the spotlight follows him. He climbs over the baracade which seperates the fans from the action, he walks up to the one fan that continued to chant.

Nick Parker: So you are the worthless scum who disobeyed my comands. Ladies and gentlemen I show you the typical American, a fat, stupid, worthless pile of shit!

The fans backs away from Nick but Nick walks towards him again and takes hold of his neck, meanwhile the fans begin booing Parker again.

Nick Parker: We can add gutless to that list of insults. Now you disobeyed me, so you must pay the price. Have you any last words.

Nick Parker holds the mic to the fan's mouth.

Fan: Go brush your teeth you English douchebag.

Nick takes the mic away from the fan and puts it back to his mouth.

Nick Parker: How dare you disrespect my country and nationality like that?! You will respect me!!!

Nick punches in the fan stomach forcing him to fall to the floor screaming in pain.

Nick Parker: That is a message to the whole IWF locker room. Respect me, or that is what you will get. Nick raises both his arms as the his music hits.
Dec 9, 2009
Reaction score
What I'm most concerned with is the fact that Sheamus is on a British pride banner.


Active Member
Jan 23, 2010
Reaction score
Blackpool, England
Pfffft, I have said this so many times (not here though ;)), Ireland is in the British Isles so I thought I'd put him on there, I know it isn't techically correct but I honestly don't care.