Kayfabe TerraNova Ep. 2, Contract Signing

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The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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*We return from commercial break to see a table in the ring with two mics on top of it and two chairs on opposite sides of it. Behind it is a bar stool with two crutches leaning against it, which is where Terra is sitting with the contract in her lap and a mic in her hand.
The music begins to die down, to which Terra goes to raise the mic to her mouth. Just as she is about to speak though, the crowd erupts with boos*

Terra: Really?
*The boos grow louder at this, to which Terra waits for them to die down a bit before attempting to speak*
Terra: Welco-
*The boos go off again, but a now annoyed Terra just responds by speaking louder into the mic*
Terra: Welcome to the second installment of the TerraNova Show here on Ignition!
*The crowd slowly calms down as they realize that Terra is just going to continue to talk over them*
Terra: Tonight is going to be a monumental occasion as this will be the first time ever that we will be having a contract signing here in Ignition, and it is also the first time that the Women of Spark will be ending the show!
*At this point there is an unheard of occurrence, as the crowd actually cheers*
Terra: So going by tradition, everyone let me introduce to you first the woman who will be challenging for the Spark World Championship at Winter Wonderland, Christina Morgan!
*Mixed reactions come from the crowd as Christina's music begins to play*


May 13, 2013
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*Christina’s new theme hits, she makes her way out slowly with a new look, attire and even hair colour. She gets a very mixed response from the crowd who are still confused over her actions. *

Tony Eckert:
Well guys, Christina said that she would be changing herself in post-match interview after last week’s show and that promise has come true.

Jake Lott:
I still can’t believe, that Christina a woman that other female wrestlers look up for inspiration, to say I can make to the big stage one day if I believe enough and work hard enough. She would use, that type of tactic last week to beat the Sparks World Champion. It’s so unlike her.

*Christina slowly make her up way the steps and gets into the ring. She briefly stares Terra, but then shakes her hand and smiles. Which in turn gets huge boos from the crowd. *

Bryce Frisco:
Just when I starting to like this new Christina Morgan, she shakes that witch’s hand sigh.

*Christina takes her seat on the right side facing towards the entrance ramp without saying a word. Waiting for the arrival of Vanessa York.*


The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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Terra: And now, let me introduce to you all, she is the first, the current and the only Spark World Champion...for now...everyone give a moderate applause for Vanessa York!
*Cheers erupt as Vanessa's music hits, both Christina and Terra staring up the entrance ramp, awaiting her arrival*



The Artiste
Apr 15, 2016
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*Vanessa walks out as the crowd continues to cheer. Clearly humbled by the applause she makes her way to the ring though hesitantly considering who is in the ring. She climbs the stairs and enters the squared circle*


The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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*Terra gestures for Vanessa to take her seat, to which Vanessa reluctantly obliges*
Terra: Okay, now that we have introductions out of the way, I have something that I'd like to talk to you both about before signing this contract.
Terra: Don't start. This is something that I'm going to guess that you have all been curious about.
Terra: I re-you know what, never mind. Now Christina, there have been a lot of rumors going around this past week about your tactics to defeat Vanessa last week. A lot of your supporters have been spreading rumors because of it, believing that you resorted to such underhanded tactics because you don't believe that you can beat Vanessa fair and square. I doubt there is any truth to this, but humor the idiots out there.
*The crowd begins to boo again*
Terra: What made you resort to such tactics last week?


May 13, 2013
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*Christina smirks at the question, but before she speaks puts her feet on the table*

Christina: In my life Terra, I have had person after person tell what to do, how I should act, how I should live my life and most importantly how I should be seen by others. I am sick of that, I through with being the nice, innocent and loveable girl from England. But all this was building inside me, ever since that first Spark World title match. Nothing else matters besides that championship, nothing at all. Everyone around is saying, she cheated to win, she used underhanded moves, she has changed. Well, you know what? I like this new Christina Morgan, I am tired of having to please others and their needs of what I should be.

*Crowd boo*

: As for my tactics, winners do ever they need to achieve success, losers don’t change that approach at all. That’s why they always the ones to perish first. I won, Vanessa you lose. There no need for debate these are the facts, you may not like how it happened. But it did, so deal with it.

*Crowd boo*


The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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Terra: And Vanessa, I'm hoping you've found your voice this week, because now it's your turn. You've been undefeated since Ignition first opened its doors.
*With a smile, she continues*
Terra: So how did it feel to not only have your streak come to end, but come to an end by a move that you've made your own in the Pop-Up Meteora?

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The Artiste
Apr 15, 2016
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*Vanessa raises the mic to her mouth*

Vanessa York: Honestly, I didn't care about my streak, I didn't really ever think about it that much. I just cared about coming out here and trying my best, and look at where doing that got me.

*Vanessa holds her title a bit tighter than usual*

Vanessa York: So, yeah I got beat with my own move but that's not what bothers me, what bothers me is how she beat me.

*Vanessa turns her attention to Christina*

Vanessa York: You are a wrestling star, you have been doing this wrestling thing a long time. Probably longer than I've been wrestling, and even with all that you still had to cheat to beat me. Yet every time I beat you it was fair and square. Strange times we live in.

*Vanessa looks back to Terra*

Vanessa York: That answer your question?



The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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Terra: Quite a bit of attitude you've developed. Guess I must have struck a nerve, just like last time when struck all the nerves on the left side of that pretty little face of yours, huh champ?
*Terra takes the contract from her lap*
Terra: Enough about the past though. Let's talk about the future! As if we weren't making enough history this week, at Winter Wonderland, you two will be competing for the Spark World Championship in the first ever Spark Steel Cage Match!
*Terra raises the contract in the air, in order to raise attention towards the steel cage which has been hanging above the ring all night*
Terra: All you guys have to do to set the stage is sign the contract.
*Terra then hands the contract to referee David Lattin, who'd been standing back behind her the whole time. He then places the contract on the table between the two women before stepping back into position*
Terra: Let's take in the moment though. Before signing the contract, how about you both let each other know just how ecstatic you both are to be sharing this momentous occasion?
*Terra smiles at the two competitors*

@Fireshock @Hybrid (to whomever would like to go first)


May 13, 2013
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*Christina looks at the contract, before pulling it towards to her side of the table*

Christina: Ecstatic, is a very poor choice of word Terra. There is one word I would describe the way I feel towards the person on the other side of this table as of right now. Hatred.

*Christina stands up and looks Vanessa directly in the eyes. *

Vanessa, before our first title match I had respect for you and I genuinely liked you. Now, I look back at those feelings of old with distaste and disgust. You stole what I had work my entire life to achieve. Tell me Vanessa, when you walked up that ramp with the title over your shoulder, did you even look back at me for a moment? Did you even take in account, what I feeling on the outside of that ring, while you celebrating with pyro and confetti? No, you didn’t. I have not stopped thinking about that moment, for the last three weeks that image has been playing nonstop, like a never-ending movie.

Do you have any idea, what I have gone through emotionally, physically and mentally since that day do you Vanessa?!!!

*Christina slams her fists on the table*

Christina: I desire you, every moment you have that championship you make me sick. You don’t deserve to hold that, let alone be the very first women to hold it. I am the only one in this entire division, that deserves to be wearing it around my waist. I put this company’s Sparks division on the map, not one women in this division is as great in this ring, on this mic or anything in involving this business as I am.

*Christina points at Vanessa*

Christina: Not you, not Wendi, not Alyssa, not even Lilith.

Christina: However, at Winter Wonderland your reigns dies and it dies at my hands. Inside that cage, I am going unleash all my hatred, that has been building in the last three weeks and take every single part of it out on you. No matter how I win, my hand will be raised as the new Spark World Champion.

*Crowd boo*

Everyone will look me as the rightfully champion and everyone will look at Vanessa York as the failed Interviewer who tried to make in this ring. But, who’s one month of happiness came to a huge disappointing end.

*Christina pauses*

Much like how much of a disappointment, she must be to her parents.

*Christina laughs as she signs the contract and throws it across the table at Vanessa. The crowd react with mixture of boos and ooohhhs*

Mentions: @Emo


The Artiste
Apr 15, 2016
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*Vanessa looks at Christina, looks at Terra, looks at the fans. . . . . then looks at the contract. Vanessa goes to pick up the pen on the table but is hesitant to sign. She's nervous, Vanessa has never felt this kind of tension in her life. It's a different feeling now since there is something to lose; She looks up again at Christina. A competitor whom she once respected and how she has changed, what the belt that's on Vanessa's shoulders has caused her to become. Vanessa knows that this is an uphill battle; she knows how good Christina is compared to her and how likely it is that she won't be leaving Winter Wonderland Spark Champion. Yet. . . Vanessa feels a sense of pride when wearing this belt. This isn't the same Vanessa that first debuted in Ignintion. This is Vanessa York the Spark Word champion and she is going to defend the title with all of her might. Vanessa grabs her microphone and says*

Vanessa York: You know what you're right Christina, you are great in this ring. You are great on the mic but there's one thing that you were never great at and that's the fans; You never had the fans cheer for you like they do me. You never had them believe in you like they believe in me and it eats away at you. No matter what you did, they would never get behind you. Let me let you in on a secret, you wanna know why they believe in me, Christina? Why the give me every ounce of energy they have? It's because I believe in them and you wanna know why I believe in them, Christina? It's because I used to be them. I worked the dead-end jobs with lame pay just so I can fund a dream. Yes I was an interviewer and a damn good one at that but guess what, I'm now a wrestler and a damn good one considering I'm the Champion.

*The crowd begins to chant Vanessa*

Vanessa York: But I didn't win this title for me, and that's the main difference between you and I, Christina. I won it for them.

*Vanessa points to the crowd which cause them to cheer*

Vanessa York: I won it for that little girl in the front row who screams and chants my name and inspires me to be the best me I can be.

*Vanessa signs the contract and slides it to the middle of the table.*

Vanessa York: And I would do the exact same for them. That's something you will never understand.
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Reactions: Fireshock and Emo


The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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*David steps forward, taking the contract off the table and then leaving the ring to take the contract back to Jet*
Terra: There you have it! At Winter Wonderland, we will see Vanessa York defend her championship against Christina Morgan in the first ever Spark Steel Cage match!
*Terra looks back and forth between the two women as they stare each other down*
Terra: And I for one can't wait to see this history making rubber match live and in person, as I will be sitting at the commentary table watching the whole thing.
*Terra smiles at the two women*
Terra: Good luck you two!

*As the music hits, both Christina and Vanessa get to their feet. Christina is yelling Vanessa that she is taking her title, while Vanessa just shakes her head in disappointment at what the woman in front of her has become before making her leave from the ring*

Honorable Mention: @Jet Starr
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