Survivor Series Countdown: 1987-Present

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Survivor Series 2010


Live from Miami, Florida
Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry "The King" Lawler and Matt Striker
Ring Announcer: Tony Chimel (Smackdown) / Justin Roberts (RAW)

United States Championship Match: Ted DiBiase w/the hot piece of ass Maryse vs Daniel Bryan(c)

They go into a lockup and Bryan gets in an armlock to DiBiase, DiBiase applies an armlock to Bryan but Bryan applies another armlock after an arm drag. Daniel Bryan hits a dropkick to DiBiase and DiBiase goes onto the apron. DiBiase then suplex's Bryan out of the ring! DiBiase throws Bryan onto the apron then places him in the ring, but sticks his head out of the ring and bashes him in the face with a flying forearm smash! Bryan is placed in the ring but only gets two. DiBiase tries to attack Bryan but Bryan hits an uppercut to DiBiase, DiBiase trips down Bryan and applies a sleeper hold onto Bryan. Bryan elbows Dibiase down but DiBiase hits a backbreaker, then a dropkick but only gets a two count. DiBiase has another sleeper hold onto Bryan, Bryan elbows DiBiase again and Dibiase goes for another suplex but Bryan slips out and dropkicks DiBiase to the corner! Bryan hits some kicks to the legs of DiBiase then hits a clothesline onto DiBiase. Bryan bends down for a dropkick but DiBIase hits a kick to the face, then knocks down DiBiase to ringside then hits the suicide dive. Byan throws DiBiase back inside the ring then climbs the ropes and hit a missile dropkick to DiBiase but only gets two! Bryan hits some more kicks to DiBiase but DiBiase catches a leg and goes for a trip but Bryan applies the small package but gets two. Bryan goes for the LaBelle Lock but DiBiase escapes and hits a clothesline but only gets two! DiBiase goes for the Dream Street but Bryan counters to a pin but only gets two! Bryan then hits an arm drag, DiBiase is up and hits a sitout spinbuster to Bryan but only gets two. DiBiase hit some mounted punches to Bryan, then hits some shoulder thrusts and places him on the turnbuckles. DiBiase goes for a superplex but Bryan slips from behind and Bryan hits the Super Back Suplex from the top rope! Bryan then goes for the cover but DiBiase kicks out, however Bryan tries to go for the LaBella Lock but DiBIase hits the catapult to Bryan then goes for another rollup but only gets two. Bryan then hits the Labelle Lock onto DiBiase and DiBiase ends up tapping out!

Winner and STILL US Champion: Daniel Bryan! Nice opener! Crowd didn't really seemm into it at first but the match definitely picked up and Bryan had a good match here with DiBiase. ***

Post Match: The Miz and Alex Riley attacks Daniel Bryan on the stage. The Miz walks down to the ring with his MITB contract and cuts a promo. The lights fuck up again (happened once during the match) and Miz says that that the Miami Heat and the Nexus are both arrogant and medicore. He then compares The Rock to Lebron James and says that Lebron will never be champ and he should apologize to Cleveland for betraying him. He then says that he's tired of carrying the briefcase because he's the Miz and he's awesome. Are the blue lights fucking up suppose to be Sin Cara foreshadowing or is the entire WWE crew Blue?

A recap of RAW happened last week of Sheamus fucking shit it, then Morrison talking about how Sheamus called him a bully. Sheamus is then interviewed backstage and says that he needs to stand up for himself. Sheamus isn't going to put his head in the toilet or push him in the locker, he's going to break his body instead.

Sheamus vs John Morrison

Sheamus throws Morrison to the corner then slaps him in the face, Morrison then tries to fight back but Morrison is getting his ass kicked. Morrison dropkicks Sheamus to ringside and Morrison hits a corkscrew to ringside. Sheamus is up and beats down Morrison then throws him to the security barrier, then clotheslines him at ringside then throws him back inside the ring. John Morrison is clotheslined by Morrison again but Sheamus then applies a sleeper hold to Morrison. Morrison breaks out but Sheamus knees Morrison in the gut then hits an elbow to the face. Sheamus then stomps him down again and then hits some shots to the spine, then hits a modified backbreaker to Morrison. Sheamus then applies an armbar to Morrison but Morrison gets back up. Sheamus gets a knee to the gut then clubs him down to the ground, Sheamus then clubs the chest of Morrison some more and goes for the cover but only gets a two count. Sheamus takes a hit from Morrison but clubs him down for that hit, Morrison getting himself up but Sheamus throws Morrison onto the top rope. Sheamus climbs the ropes and climbs the back of Morrison then attempts the superplex but Morrison is fighting back and shoves Sheamus to the canvas! Morrison hits the flying crossbody but Sheamus rolls up and hits the front powerslam onto Morrison but still only gets two. Morrison struggles to get to his feet and misses the Brogue Kick, Morrison then hits an enziguri to the back of the head and both men are now down! Sheamus is up first but they exhange blows, Morrison slipping out of a move and hits some clotheslines then a kick to the face but still gets two. Morrison kicks Sheamus in the face but Morrison is shoved back. Sheamus then hits the Irish Curse onto Morrison but still only gets a two count. Sheamus then goes for the White Noise but Morrison counters to a catapult to the corner! Morrison hits the Russian leg sweep but gets a near fall! Morrison beats down Sheamus at the corner. Sheamus throws Morrison to the corner but then trips him to the ground. Sheamus drops Morrison to the ground then goes for the cover but still only gets two. Sheamus is pissed now and goes for the boston crab but Morrison manages to grab the ropes. Morrison gets the sunset flip pin but only gets a two count, Sheamus then hit the chop block onto Morrison. Sheamus traps the leg and slaps Morrison in the face but Morrison kicks Sheamus and goes for the Starship Pain but Sheamus stops him and goes for the White Noise but Morrison escapes. Morrison then dodges the Brogue Kick and hits a kick to Sheamus's face, then a running knee to the face and gets the three count.

Winner of this match: John Morrison! Complete beatdown for John Morrison, except that John Morrison won the match at the end. It was decent but it kind of dragged on after a little while. Didn't like the sudden ending of the match however. **1/2

Knucklehead featuring The Big Show is plugged.

Backstage John Cena is walking around and R-Truth comes up to Cena. R-Truth says that he has a solution that he's going to cause an accident in the ring between Randy and Wade Barrett. Cena says that it's a good idea but he wouldn't be able to look at himself in the mirror because people would think of him as a joke. Cena then says that he will call things down the middle, and that's the truth.

Intercontinental Championship Match: Kaval vs Dolph Ziggler(c)

Lockup happens and Dolph Ziggle throws Kaval to the corner but Kaval hits a chop to Ziggler, then hits a shoulder block for two. Kaval headbutts Ziggler then hits a punch to the back. Ziggler kicks Kaval in the leg then an elbow to the face followed by a snapback onto Kaval. Ziggler hits a fireman's carry takedown onto Kaval but misses a charge and Kaval into a rollup but only gets two. Ziggler yells at Kaval that he doesn't deseve this but Kaval hits a sprinboard elbow onto Ziggle! Kaval hits a chop to Ziggler then goes for the 10 punches but Ziggler shoves down Kaval. Ziggler gets in a sleeper hold and body scissors onto Kaval, Kaval is up but Ziggler hits a neckbreaker onto Kaval. Ziggler does the same submission from before but Kaval escapes and knocks down Ziggler with some shoulder blocks. Kaval hits a back kick to Ziggler then a kick to the back of the head. Kaval knocks down Ziggler and hits a moonsault onto Ziggler but only gets two. Kaval does another chop and Kaval hits a backflip kick to Ziggler's face but Kaval only gets a two count. Kaval is on the top rope but Ziggler gets him off balance, then hits the sleeper hold on the second rope but Kaval knocks Ziggler down. Kaval is on the top rope and goes for a flip but lands on his feet after a miss. Ziggler then hits the legdrop bulldog onto Kaval but only gets two for that. Ziggler is up with Kaval and applies the sleeper hold onto Kaval but Kaval throws him over the shoulders. Ziggler throws Kaval on the top rope but Kaval hits a crossbody from the ropes but only gets two. Kaval kicks the back leg of Ziggler then goes for a move but Ziggler headbutts the back of Kaval's head, then hammers away at the head of Kaval. Kaval goes for a rollup but Ziggler does the small package instead but only gets two. Kaval goes for a victory roll but Ziggler counters that to his own victory roll and gets the three count!

Winner and STILL Intercontinental Champion: Dolph Ziggler This was ok. Fell flat the end and the crowd didn't really respond to this at all. **

Official theme song by Hail the Villian is plugged.

Jack Swagger of Team Del Rio is being interviewed and Jack Swagger says that the team should be called Jack Swagger's all American Americans because he's the only former World Heavyweight Champion. He then says that they're not in America, but little Cuba instead. Cody Rhodes makes an apperance and says that Swagger tried to get into a club with bad shoes, Swagger then says that they're vintage. Alberto Del Rio comes in with Tyler Reks and Drew McIntyer and says that we're there to destroy Rey Mysterio and is little friend. He wants to see little kids cry. What a guy. Cody Rhodes then says he hates to admit, but he's good.

Team Mysterio (The Big Show, Chris Masters, Kofi Kingston, MVP and Rey Mysterio) vs Team Del Rio (Cody Rhodes, Jack Swagger, Drew McIntyer, Tyler Reks and Alberto Del Rio

Rey Mysterio and Alberto Del Rio are both start off the match by approaching each other but Del Rio backs up and goes towards Mysterio again, but then backs up and tags in Cody Rhodes instead. Rey and Rhodes get into a lockup. Rhodes kicks Rey in the gut then hits a shoulder block but Rey kicks Cody in the face. Rhodes hits the disaster Kick to Mysterio but only gets two. Del Rio is tagged in and kicks Mysterio in the gut hard. Del Rio then stomps onto Mysterio hard, Rey though hits a hurricarana onto Del Rio then hits a low dropkick. Mysterio hits a snapmere an tags in MVP. MVP is getting the hometown hero treatment from the fans as MVP hammers away at Del Rio. Del RIo goes for an enzirguri but MVP ducks it and knees Del Rio in the face, then tags in Kignston who hits some jumps onto Del Rio. Chris Masters kicks Del Rio but Tyler Reks is in the ring and stomps onto Masters, then Drew McIntyer is in next who punches and clotheslines Masters down. McIntyer gets Masters to the mat and McIntyer gets boot in the face and MVP is back in who hits an exploder suplex onto McIntyer. MVP hits the Ballin' Elbow then goes to suplex McIntyer but Del Rio trips MVP, McIntyer then gets the pin! MVP has been eliminated from the match![/B]

Chris Masters hammers away at McIntyer at the corner, then throws McIntyer but McIntyer kicks down Masters and tags in Del Rio. Masters his the jackhammer onto Del Rio but only gets two. Masters gets in the Master Lock but Del Rio hits the double kneed armbreaker, then gets in the rolling Armbar and Masters taps out! Chris Masters has been eliminated from the match!

Big Show is in next and Del Rio backs away from him and tags in Jack Swagger. Swagger goes for a waistlock but Big Show clotheslines Swagger to the ground, thenn chops him at the corner but Swagger takes down Big Show and Del Rio is tagged in. Del Rio slaps Big Show on the head and Big Show gets mad at Del Rio. Del Rio tags in Drew but Big Show punches out Del Rio and Big Show takes down McIntyler. McIntyer is up and goes for the Future Shock DDT but Big Show clotheslines McIntyer to the ground, tags in Kingston and slams him onto McIntyer but McIntyer gets two. Del Rio is carried out of the arena and apparently he's been eliminated?

Rhodes is in the ring and gets embarrased by Kingston. Cody leaves the ring and tells Roberts to hold his jacket as he checks his face but then enters the ring and Kofi kicks Rhodes in the face, and Big Show is in te ring. Big Show slaps the back of Rhodes and then hits the Knockout Punch to Rhodes and gets the three count! Cody Rhodes has been eliminated from the match!

Tyler Reks spears Big Show to the ground but Big Show kicks out from the pin. Reks stomps onto Big Show then tags in Swagger who beats down Big Show, then tags in Reks again who stomps onto Big Show some more. Swagger is tagged once again who attacks the leg of Big Show. Big Show kicks Swagger in the gut while laying down. Big Show goes for a Chokeslam but Swagger rolls out of it and applies the Patriotic Lock onto Big Show, Big Show reaches for the ropes and tags in Mysterio who hits a senton onto Swagger! Rey then hits the springboard Crossbody onto Swagger but only gets two. Swagger goes for a powerslam, Mysterio escapes but Swagger boots him but only gets two. Swagger attack Kingston then stomps onto Mysterio some more. Kingston trips Swagger on the ropes and Mysterio goes for a 619 but Swagger catches him and applies the Patriotic Lock to Rey Mysterio! Mysterio flips Swagger onto the ropes and goes for the 619 but Reks make the blind tag and attacks Mysterio, Mysterio dodge all the attacks from Reks and Kingsotn is tagged into the match! Kingston his a crossbody then some clotheslines, Kingstone then hits a springboard crossbody but only gets two. Kingston hits another dropkick to Reks but misses a corner charge. Reks gets Kingston in the tree of woe position then goes for a dropkick but Kofi sits up then gets Reks into a rollup and gets the three count! Tyler Reks has been eliminated from the match!

Drew McIntyer comes into the ring but Kofi Kingston hits the Trouble in Paradise onto McIntyer, Swagger though makes the blind tag and goes for a suplex but Kingston gets the rollup but only gets two. Swagger throws away Kignston then goes for the Gutwretch Powerbomb but Kingston escapes it and goes for the Trouble in Paradise, however Swagger blocks it and Kingston is placed in the Patriot Lock! Kingston then taps out to Jack Swagger! Kofi Kingston has been eliminated from the match!

Big Show is in next and throws himself to Swagger at the corner. Big Show then brings Swagger down and tags in Mysterio who climbs onto Big Show shoulders and is about to jump onto Swagger but McIntyer knocks down Big Show. Mysterio falls to the mat and Swagger hits the Swagger Bomb onto Mysterio but only gets two. Mysterio is placed on the ropes and Swagger climbs the ropes but Mysterio knocks down Swagger, Mysterio hits a hurricaran from the ropes then connects with the 619! Mysterio leaps off Big Show's shoulders and gets the pin! Jack Swagger has been eliminated from the match!

McIntyer goes for the Future Shock but Mysterio counters to the 619, then Big Show hits the Choke Slam and gets the three count!

Winners and Survivors of the match: Rey Mysterio and Big Show! Another solid Survivor Series match. WWE seems to be putting in some kind of effort to these matches lately, well mostly because they're actually getting screen time but still. It's fun to see Big Show dominate in the match like that, but it was kinda weird seeing Del Rio leave so early. ***1/2

WWE 2010 TLC is plugged with the most interesting commercial ever by using stick figures. Simple yet effective.

Meanwhile Randy Orton is backstage and Josh Matthews gets an interview. Orton says that he's sick of talking about John Cena. He feels for him but he did it to himself, and that he's thinking about Wade Barrett. Orton then says that he would destroy Cena if he screws him over. Tonight is about Wade Barrett getting punted and it;s about retaining the WWE Championship match.

2 on 1 Handicap match for the Co-Divas Championship LayCool vs Natalya[/B]

Mitchelle and Natalya both starts off the match with a catfight in the ring, Mitchelle hammering away at Natalya but Natalya brings Mitchelle down and goes for a cover but only gets two. Layla is tagged in and punches Natalya in the face. Natalya gets kicked in the face and falls to ringside, Layla then throws Natalya on the floor and Layla throws Natalya is thrown back inside the ring. Natalya though double suplexs both girls after a counter but Mitchelle beats the crap out of Natalya at ringside, but misses charge and Mitchelle is thrown into the crowd. Layla goes for an ambush but Natalya throws Layla onto Mitchelle in the crowd, then brings Mitchelle to ringisde then back inside the ring, but Mitchelle rams Natalya to the security barrier then back inside the ring. Natalya throws Mitchelle onto Layla, then goes for the Sharpshooter onto Mitchelle and gets her to tap out!

Winner and NEW Divas Champion: Natalya! Meh. It was alright but there was too much of random shit going on at ringside. *.

Post Match: LayCool attacks Natalya in the ring but Beth Phoenix makes her return and saves Natalya in the ring. Phoenix hits the Glam Slam onto Layla and Phoenix hugs Natalya in the ring. Phoenix places Natalya on her shoulders as they celebrate her win.

A Paper Jamz commerical featuring The Miz is shown. A video package for The World Heavyweight Championship is shown.

World Heavyweight Championship Match: Kane(c) vs Edge

Edge comes out, but quickly heads backstage and appears on the stage with a wheelchair and places it at ringside. Edge goes into the ring and ducks a clothesline from Kane then hammers away at Kane. Edge exits the ring and trips Kane down then climbs the ropes and leaps to Kane but Kane grabs Edge by the throat, Edge though kicks Kane in the gut and then hits a spinning wheel kick. Edge is at ringside and moves the wheelchair around to mock Kane so Kane exits the ring but Edge ambushes Kane at ringside. They're both back in the ring and Edge ducks a big boot, Edge then hits a chop block then some stomps onto Kane. Edge goes to ringside and rams Kane's leg onto the steel post then enters the ring, delivering another beatdown to Kane by attacking the legs. Kane rams Edge's head with his leg then punches him in the gut but Edge fights back and goes for the DDT, but Edge gets thrown onto the ropes then booted to ringside! Kane punches Edge then hammers away at his neck area then enters the ring with Edge. Edge is thrown to the corner then falls on his face, Kane then stomps onto Edge. Kane is asking where is Paul Bearer (Edge hid him somewhere, which is the whole storyline of this feud fyi) and Kane is striking down Edge, then hits a low dropkick to Edge. Kane gets Edge into another vice grip but Edge breaks free and hits a crossbody from the top rope but only gets two. Kane knocks down Edge with a shoulder block and goes for a diving clothesline but Edge hits a dropkick onto Kane midair! Edge goes for some clotheslines but Kane won't go down, so Edge does a drop toe hold and Kane falls to the ropes, Edge then jumps onto Kane. Eddge then goes off the rope again but Kane hits Edge with an uppercut and Edge goes down. Kane goes for a sup;ex but Edge does the Edgeomatic but only gets two. Edge runs up to Kane but Kane hits the sidewalk slam but only gets two for that. Kane climbs the ropes again but Edge punches him off balance and climbs the ropes but Kane knocks him onto the ropes groin-first and hits a diving clothesline to Edge but gets a near fall. Kane then signals for the Chokeslam but Edge kicks Kane in the midsection then hits the Edgecution! Edge is prepping for the Spear but Kane hits a big boot to Edge, then hits the Chokeslam but gets another nearfall onto Edge! Kane is flipping out and signals for the Chokeslam but no goes for the Tombstone Piledriver, but Edge slips out and does the Spear onto Kane instead! Edge then gets the pin right there! Or does he? Well according to the referee Edge's shoulders were down as well so technically this match is a draw, therefore Kane is still World Heavyweight Champion. Well that's just nice, a slow Kane match ending in a screwy finish. Excellent. *3/4

Post Match: Kane kicks the shit out of Edge and goes for a Chokeslam onto the ground but Edge slams Kane onto the steel steps, then the steel post. Edge then places Kane onto the wheelchair and throws him onto the security barrier!

Wrestlemania 27 is plugged.

John Cena is backstage still and Wade Barrett comes into John's lockeroom. Wade says that this is building where Nexus chose to make their mark and where they beated Cena down for good. Wade says that he could've fired John a while ago but he didn't because he needs Cena to do the right thing. Cena then says that remember that night and he knows what excatly he's going to do.

WWE Tag Team Championship Match: Nexus(Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel)(c) vs Santino Marella & Vladimor Kozlov

Sanitino goes for a punch but Slater ducks it and stares down at the Italian but Santino throws down Slater and Gabriel is tagged in. Santino ducks some kicks from Gabriel and Santino does a hip toss then tags in Kozlov, who boots own Gabriel. Gabriel goes for a jumping strike but Kozlov simply shoves Gabriel down. Gabriel dodges a strike and hits a neckbreaker then tags in Slater. Slater stomps down Kozlov and tags in Slater again. Slater punches Kozlov then Gabriel is once again tagged in. Gabriel applies a sleeper hold onto Kozlov but Kozlov elbows Gabriel in the gut, Gabriel hits a boot to Kozlov's face then applies a front headlock. Kozlov tries to reach for his corner. Gabriel holds him back and Slater knocks Santino down as Nexus drags Kozlov back and Slater punches Kozlov and holds him back again. Santino is finally tagged in and Santino hits the hip toss then a splash to Slater but Gabriel saves the match. Santino signals for the Cobra but the Nexus distracts Santino and Slater hits the reverse bulldog move thingy and gets the three count!

Winners and STILL Tag Team Champions: Nexus! Meh. *1/2

Post Match: Nexus beats down Santino but the Annonyoums RAW GM rings and says that due to Nexus being banned from ringside in the main event, the GM advises that the Nexus leaves the ring immeditaely.

The video package for the WWE Championship Match.

WWE Championship Match, John Cena as the Special Guest Referee: Wade Barrett vs Randy Orton(c)

Wade Barrett and Randy Orton both go into a lockup and Orton brings Barrett to the corner. Orton backs up and they go into a staredown as the fans cheer 'RKO'. Orton gets Barrett into a headlock then hits a shoulder block after Barrett shoves him away, then another headlock happens and Orton hits a headlock takedown. Orton his up and hits another shoulder block onto Barrett. Barrett is back up and Orton gets in another headlock, but Barrett throws Orton to the corner and Barrett beats down Orton at the turnbuckles. Orton fight back and hits a knee to the gut then a clothesline. Orton boots Barrett in the head then hits some uppercuts to the chin. Orton beats down Barrett at the corner but Cena pulls Orton aside. Orton is distracted and Orton gets clotheslined from Barrett! Barrett hits some stomps then slams him onto the corner. Barrett hits some more stomps but Cena backs up Barrett and warns him, Randy then dropkicks Barrett and then hits some mounted punches to Barrett. Orton hits some stomps to Barrett, then hits a knee to the skull. Orton kicks Barrett in the chest then Barrett exits the ring, Orton follows Barrett but Barrett kicks Orton and throws him around at ringside. Barrett rams Orton onto the apron, then onto the steel steps. Barrett throws Orton inside the ring then hammers away at Randy Orton, Barrett then gets pumped up and goes for the cover but only gets two. I love it how the announcers talk about how this isn't about Cena but can't stop talking about him. Barrett gets Orton into a sleeper hold but Orton is back up and elbows Barrett, but Barrrett knees Orton in the gut then hits a clothesline but only gets a two count. Barrett gets the sleeper in again. Orton is on his feet and is moving around the ring and hits a back suplex onto Wade Barrett. Cena looks at both men as they both go to their feet. Matt Striker is saying that somebody wants Cena to be fired. :lmao. Orton and Barrett exchange blows and Barrett goes for a back body drop but Orton kicks Barrett in the face then hits some clotheslines. Barrett goes for a charge but Orton hits a powerslam then chucks Barrett to ringside. Barrett rams Orton onto the ringpost, but Orton is back inside the ring and hits the modified backbreaker onto Barrett! Barrett is up and boots Orton in the face then hits a clothesline onto Orton. Barrett hops onto the ropes and hits an elbow drop onto Barrett but only gets the two count! Cena tells Barrett that it's a two count so Barrett hits the Pumphandle Slam but Orton kicks out. Barrett is getting angry at Cena but Cena insists that Orton's shoulder was up. Barrett goes for the Wasteland but Orton slips out, Barrett though hits the Black Hole Slam (as Matt Striker called it :lmao) but Barrett still only gets two. Barrett says that Cena is pushing his buttons. Orton hits the rope hung DDT then signals for the RKO but Barrett slips to ringside. Orton attacks Barrett at ringside then throws him back in the ring but Barrett ambushes Orton and hits the Wasteland onto Orton, Cena goes for the count but Orton grabs the ropes. Cena points that out but Barrett isn't having that and shoves Cena. Cena shoves Barrett away and Orton hits the RKO and gets the three count!

Winner and STILL WWE Champion: Randy Orton! This was an alright main event. It felt like a RAW main event to me with the finish, but then again this whole match foreshadowed that something funky was going to happen anyways. **3/4

Post Match: Cena looks disappointed now that he's fired (Matt Striker yelled "He's Free!" like a complete blueberry) and Nexus comes into the ring but Orton and Cena clears the ring from them. Barrett is carried backstage as Nexus retreats to the back. Cena then grabs the belt and hands it to Randy Orton and they share a hug in the ring. D'aww. Cena stands alone in the ring after Orton leaves. Cena exits the ring and hugs Michaels Cole, then some random fans and then heads into the crowd. Jesus this post match lasted around six minutes.


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Survivor Series 2011


Live from Madison Square Garden, New York City, New York
Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry "The King" Lawler and Booker T
Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts

John Laurinaitis comes out and introduces himself to the crowd. He states that this is 25th anniversary of the Survivor Series, but his 10th anniversary of working in the WWE. Congrats.

WWE United States Champion: John Morrison vs Dolph Ziggler(c)

Apparently Ziggler is also in the SSeries elimination match this night as well. Must really be lacking starpower if Ziggler is double booked for tonight. 8D. They start with a lockup and Ziggler throws down Morrison as Ziggler falls to ringside. Ziggler applies a hammerlock but Morrison takes down Ziggler. Ziggler is up and throws Morrison to the corner and hits some stomps. Morrison dodges an attack but turns around and Ziggler hits a dropkick! "We Want Ryder" and "Boring" chants are already happening. Ziggler hits a headlock takedown then holds him down, both men are on their feet and Ziggler hits a shoulder block. Ziggler goes for a dropkick but Morrison catches the legs and catapults Ziggler to the corner, throws him out of the ring and hits a corkscrew suicide dive! Ziggler is thrown in the ring and Vickie screeches at Morrison. Morrison enters the ring but Ziggler hits the neckbreaker onto Morrison but only gets two. Ziggler hits an elbow drop then another one but Ziggler only gets two! Ziggler places a sleeper onto Morrison then slams him to the ground again as the Ryder chants happen. Morrison rams Ziggler to the corner then hammers away but Ziggler shoves away Morrison and hits a nice belly to back suplex but only gets two! Ziggler goes for a Zig Zag but Morrison counters to some clotheslines then hits a corkscrew neckbreaker but only gets two! Ziggler goes for a rollup but only gets two, then goes for a back suplex but Morrison flips to his feet and hits a springboard kick but only gets two on Ziggler. Morrison goes for a neckbreaker but Ziggler goes for a move. Morrison goes for a tilt-a-whirl DDT but Ziggler counters to a sleeper but only gets two! Morrison then hits a tilt a whirl DDT but only gets two after Vickie places Ziggler's feet onto the ropes! Vickie gets kicked out and holy fuck is she ever annoying. Morrison brings Ziggler back up and goes for a suplex but Ziggler counters to a small package but only gets two. They counter each others pins and Ziggler! Ziggler hits a legdrop bulldog (Cole ALWAYS calls that the Zig Zag ffs!) but only gets two for that! Ziggler goes for another sleeper hold but Morrison throws him to the ground and hits a running knee to the face, then goes for the Starship Pain but falls to Ziggler's knees. Ziggler is up and hits the Zig Zag onto Morrison and gets the three count!

Winner and STILL US Champion: Dolph Ziggler! Fuck the crowd for the Ryder chants! This started out in a slow pace but damn did it ever get intense until the end. It's always nice to see Vickie get pissy and get kicked out of the arena. Wish Morrison was still around tbh. **1/2

Post Match: Vickie Guerrero comes back out for the celebration and Ziggler says that he's not showing up since he's backing up every night. He says that Ryder isn't here and that he backs up his showing off. Zack Ryder makes an appearance and Ryder beats up Ziggler. Ziggler leaves the ring and gets the crowd pumped up.

The Lumberjills come out for the next matchup. Nice, nice.

Lumberjill Match for the Divas Championship: Eve Torres vs Beth Phoenix(c) w/Natalya

Lockup happens and Phoenix shoves Eve but Eve punches Beth in the face. Beth slams Eve down but Even gets up and kicks down Beth and twerks in her face. Beth tries to exit the ring but the lumberjills throw her in the ring and Eve hits a neckbreaker. Beth throws Eve down and stomps on her face, then hits a cataput on the ropes but only gets a two count. Beth gets in a chinlock to Eve. Eve hits some elbows to the gut then hits a boot to the face. Even hits some clotheslines then a knee to the face, then another clothesline. Eve goes for a move but Beth goes for the Glam Slam, even though gets in a headscissors onto Beth. Eve is getting mad at Natalya, then hits a kick to the face. Eve goes for the Moonsault but knocks Eve on the ropes. Beth climbs the ropes but Eve hits some elbows, Beth thoug hits the Glam Slam from the ropes!
Winner and STILL Divas Champion: Beth Phoenix! Pfft next. 12*

WWE12 is hyped. Cool

CM Punk is backstage and David Otunga is backstage and confronts Punk about the assault on Michael Cole. Punk says that he's just getting what the dork deserves. Otunga then says that Punk should go apologize to Michael Cole, and Punk says that he may do that after we wins the WWE Championship.

The Rock meanwhile is backstage and says that he was watching his grandfather taking on Superstar Billy Grahm for the WWE championship when he was 5. When he was 12 he was backstage with Andre The Giant and watching his father defend the WWE Title. The Rock then says at 1996 he made is debut with the awful outfit and hideous haircut! Rock says that that moment started his career, then mentions all of his career highlights and catchphrases. Then The Rock has come back to New York City! Boots 2 Asses people! Rock mentions Cena and a bunch of 'Cena Sucks' chant happens. Rock then says that he's coming with 17,000 strong and is going in Cena's lady parts. 'Lady Parts' is now chanted. The Rock then sings with the crowd. Rock then ends with Boots 2 Asses all night followed by his trademark 'What the Rock is Cookin' catchphrase. Gotta love this guy!

Team Barrett (Wade Barrett, Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, Hunico and Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes) vs Team Orton (Sheamus, Sin Cara, WWE Tag Team Champion Kofi Kingston, Mason Ryan and Randy Orton)

Ziggler and Kofi kIngston starts off the match with a lockup and Ziggler gets in a headlock, then takes down Ziggler with a shoulderblock. Kingston misses some kicks and a back suplex and Ziggler hits a dropkick then beats down Kingston, Kingston was going for the SOS but Ziggler breaks out, Kingston gets the tag to Randy Orton who hits the RKO and gets the three count! Dolph Ziggler has been eliminated from the match!

Barrett and Co. have prep talk at ringside but Randy Orton breaks it up and now a brawl happens in the ring. Sin Cara and Kingston both hit suicide dives onto the men at ringside! Sin Cara looks to be badly hurt now and the medical staff go to check up on Cara. More "We Want Ryder" chants happen, fuck off! Team Orton has a group meeting in the ring and Sin Cara is eliminated from the match!

After some stalling, Randy Orton and Cody Rhodes are in the ring. Orton kicks Rhodes in the gut and some kicks to the midsection and Mason Ryan is tagged in who shoulder blocks Rhodes to the ground and ram Rhodes to the corner, hits some shoulder thrusts then goes for a big boot but Rhodes bails to ringisde. Barrett tells Rhodes to get inside the ring but Rhodes tags in Hunico and Ryan tosses Hunico in the ring. Ryan puts Hunico down and Kingston is tagged in. Kingston kick Hunico in the face and throws Kingston on the ropes, then trips him down and beats down Kingston then tags in Barrett! Barrett stomps on Kingston and applies a sleeper hold on Kingston. Kingston escapes and runs to Barrett but they clothesline each other to the ground! Ryan and Hunico are both tagged in as Ryan hits some rib breakers to Hunico then a fallaway slam! Ryan lifts up Hunico and hit the Military Press drop and Cody makes the blind tag and hits the Disaster Kick and then the CrossRhodes onto Ryan and gets the three count! Mason Ryan has been eliminated from the match!

Sheamus is in next and they get into a lockup, Rhodes is backed to the corner and Rhodes punches Sheamus in the face, but Sheamus knocks down Rhodes and clubs him down at the corner. Rhodes tries to run but Sheamus clotheslines him to the ground. Sheamus hits a turnbuckle to the corner, then pulls Rhodes back on the ropes and clubs him 10 times on the chest. Sheamus then hits the suplex onto Rhodes, Rhodes is up and eyes Sheamus in the face then dumps him to ringside. Barrett is at ringside after a tag and clotheslines Sheamus then throws him in the ring. Barrett stomps onto Sheamus at ringside then tags in Hunico again who hits a diving legdrop onto Sheamus! Hunico clubs Sheamus but Sheamus fights back , Sheamus then hits a back body drop onto Hunico. Barrett is tagged back in but so is Kingston and he hits some mad clotheslines then hits the Boom Legdrop onto Barrett! Kingston gets the crowd riled up but Team Barrett distracts Kingston, Barrett goes for a move but Kingston counters to a rollup but only gets two! Barrett is pissed and boots Kingston over the ropes, then drags him back inside the ring and hits the Wasteland and gets the three count! Kofi Kingston has been eliminated from the match!

Randy Orton shoots to the ring and punches Barrett down a couple of times, then goes for the rope hung DDT but Orton get dumped to ringside, Hunico then hits the suicide dive onto Orton! Hunico enters the ring and tags in Swagger who knees Orton in the face, then a punch to the head. Swagger stomps onto Orton and Rhodes is in next who hits a snapmere then punches Orton on the side of the head. Rhode gets in a chinlock to Orton but Orton headbutts Rhodes in the face but Rhodes hits the front suplex but only gets two. Rhodes applies another chinlock but Orton is back up and kicks Orton, then goes for a bulldog but Orton tosses Rhodes in the air! Sheamus is tagged and and so is Swagger, Swagger getting taken out from Sheamus's clotheslines. Sheamus clubs Swagger down at the corner then hits a clotheslines. Sheamus climbs the ropes and hits the shoulder block from the top rope, then dumps Hunico to ringisde. Sheamus hits the Irish Curse to Swagger then goes for the Celtic Cross but clotheslines an oncoming Swwagger to the ground! Sheamus hits some knees to Swagger and won't stop so he gets disqualified from the match! Sheamus has been eliminated from the match!

Sheamus is still in the ring and hits the Brogue Kick to Swagger then leaves the ring. Orton enters the ring and pins Swagger right there! Jack Swagger has been eliminated from the match!

It's 3 on 1 still as Cody Rhodes keeps on hitting some stomps and strikes to a cornered Randy Orton. Rhodes mocks Orton's pose but Orton clotheslines Rhodes to the ground and brings down Team Barrett. Orton hits the powerslam then excecutes the Rope Hung DDT onto Rhodes! Rhodes makes the blind tag to Hunico after Barrett distracts Orton, Hunico goes for a springboard attack but Orton counters it to the RKO and gets the three count! Hunico has been eliminated from the match!

Barrett enters the ring and goes for an attack to Barrett but Barrett gets it with the backbreaker! Rhodes tries to inferfere but gets hit with the RKO instead, and now Barrett hits the Wasteland onto Orton and gets the three count and the win for his team!

Winners and Survivors of the match: Wade Barrett and Cody Rhodes! This was a decent survivor series bout. The intensity of the match died down when Sin Cara got injured and everyone stalled quite a bit. Go figure that Orton got all the falls here and was the only one who looked good for his team. **1/2

Alberto Del Rio is hitting up the Bellas about shopping with them but John Laurinaitis comes out and wants to come and ask if he's taking this seriously. Del Rio says that this is first of many title defenses and he has all of Mexico on his side. He's leaving with the WWE Championship tonight.

The ring is being reinforced as they play a video package on what happened at Vengeance when the ring broke. Cool.

World Heavyweight Championship Match: Big Show vs Mark Henry(c)

They go into a lockup to start the match and Big Show shoves Henry back. Henry looks surprised and they go into another lockup, Henry shoves aside Big Show this time. A third lockup happens and Henry ends up falling to ringside. Henry enters the ring again and Big Show hits the wrestling takedown onto Henry, then holds him on the ropes but Big Show is forced back. Henry goes for a charge but Big Show hits an arm drag from the Big Show and Henry falls back to ringside. Henry enters the ring again. Big Show kicks Henry then hits some strikes but Big Show is backed up again. Big Show lands down some punches but Mark Henry hits a shot to the ankle and Big Show is down. Big Show then slams Big Show's Ankle onto The Big Show, then proceeds to tweak the leg of Big Show. Big Show kicks Henry in the chest then gets up but Mark Henry clotheslines Big Show to the ground! Henry walks up to Henry and Big Show hits the DDT to Henry but only gets two. Big Show hits some headbutts to Henry then hits some clotheslines and a shoulder block. Big Show signals for the Chokeslam but Henry kick Big Show in the gut and hits the World's Strongest Slam but only gets two! Big Show gets hit with the running splash but he still kicks out a two! Henry then hits an elbow but Big Show still kick out at two! Henry boots Big Show in the face and Big Show falls to ringside, and Henry goes after Big Show. Henry slams Big Show onto the steel post, then tackles Big Show through the barricade! Henry is in the ring and goes for the countout but Big Show enters the ring just in time. Henry stomps onto Big Show and Big Show is on the apron. Henry is setting up Big Show for the superplex but Big Show knocks Henry away from Big Show, Big Show then hits the Superkick to Henry! Big Show then climbs the ropes and hits an elbow drop (after a long ass time stalling) but only gets two! Big Show then goes for the Super Punch but Henry dodges it and kicks Big SHow in the groin causing for the disqualification. Oh fuck off!

Winner via DQ: Big Show I tried to enjoy it but WWE is taking the piss at this point. Fucking boring shit here. 1/4*

Mark Henry places the steel chair onto Big Show's leg then goes for the splash but Big Show moves out of the way and hits the Weapon of Mass Destruction onto Mark Henry. Big SHow has the chair in hand now and places it on Henry's leg and hits the legdrop onto the chair! Henry is then placed on a stretcher and is sent to the back. Wow...

WWE 12 is hyped again.

Wade Barrett is backstage and is asked what's next for him. He wants to be England's first ever World Heavyweight Championship. Awesome R-Truth appears and asks if this is really about the Barrett Barrage. Miz then says that the problem is that the focus is everywhere but where is should be, with Awesome Truth. R-Truth then says that he told some pigeons at New York that he's winning the match, and that the pigeons say nothing because they're pigeons. All they do is crap, and crap is nothing but crap. :lmao.

Another shoutout goes to the National Guard. Then the official theme song by Flo Rida is plugged. A video package for the WWE Championship is then played.

WWE Championship Match: CM Punk vs Alberto Del Rio(c)

Loved it how Justin Roberts had to introduce both Alberto Del Rio's personal ring announcer and Punk's (Howard Finkle) as well. Punk and Del Rio go into a lockup and Punk brings Del Rio to the corner. Punk gets Del Rio into an headlock then shoulder blocks him to the ground and applies a headlock to Punk, then shoulder blocks Punk to the ground. Punk hits an armdrag to Del Rio then applies an armlock to Del Rio. Punk hits a snapmere to Del Rio then applies a hammerlock to Punk. Punk hits another armlock to Del Rio then tries to go for the Andaconda Vice but Del Rio retreats to ringside. Del Rio and Punk goes into a lockup and Del Rio throws Punk to the corner, then hammers away with punches and stomps to Punk but misses a charge and Punk ends up beating down Del Rio at the corner. Punk hits a hip toss onto Del Rio then goes for a dropkick but Del Rio retreats to ringside instead, but Punk hits the suicide dive onto Del Rio! Punk hops to the top rope and hits a crossbody onto Del Rio but only gets two. Del Rio attacks up and Ricardo gets in a shot as well. CM Punk goes after Ricardo at ringside but Del Rio ambushes Punk at ringside then slams the arm of Punk on the steel steps. Del Rio throws Punk in the ring and climbs the ropes and hits a clothesline from the top rope but only gets two Del Rio applies an armlock to Punk but Punk punches Del Rio in the face then hits an armdrag, Punk thenn goes for the GTS but Del Rio slips out and hits the armbreaker to Punk. Del Rio hits some stomps to Punk's arms but only gets a two count for that. Punk goes for a charge but Del Rio hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker but only gets two. Del Rio climbs the ropes again and hits another diving clothesline to Punk. Del Rio goes for a charge but ends up falling to ringside and Ricardo goes to check up on Del Rio. Del Rio climbs on the apron and slings Punk back on the ropes, then enters the ring but Punk hits a nice clothesline onto Del Rio! Punk and Del Rio exhange some blows and Punk hits a spinning wheel kick but only gets a two count. Punk hits a running knee to the corner then hits the running bulldog but only gets two. Punk then hits a springboard clothesline but still only gets two on Del Rio. Punk then signals for the GTS but Del Rio hits a double knee backbreaker but only gets two! Del Rio looks depressed over the call. Del Rio stomps onto Punk some more then lifts him up but Punk gets in a rollup but only gets two! Punk misses a charge to the corner and Del Rio hits a enziguri kick to the head but only gets two for that. Del Rio hits a double knee armbreaker to Punk and Del Rio goes for the cover but still gets two. Del Rio places Punk on the turnbuckle and goes for the superplex but Punk fights back and shoves Del Rio to the ground. Punk stands up and goes for a dive but Del Rio trips down Punk, then kicks him hard in the arm. Del Rio goes for a running turnbuckle thrust but Punk moves out of the way and Punk hits the Elbow Drop onto Del Rio but only gets two! Punk gets a Randy Savage chant and Punk goes for the GTS but Del Rio gets in the Cross Armbreaker after two attempts! Punk is locked in and the fans chant CM Punk and Punk grabs the ropes with his leg. Punk's arm is hurt and Del Rip goes for a charge but Punk goes for the GTS, but Del Rio escapes and goes for a rollup but only get two! Punk gets a kick to the head and applies the Andaconda Vice and Del Rio taps out!

Winner and NEW WWE Championship: CM Punk! Howard Finkle announced CM Punk as the new WWE Champion! :mark: This was an alright matchup. It was kind of slow and boring but Punk was so over and kind of made the match. The ending was kind of sudden though with the Andaconda Vice. ***

Stone Cold Steve Austin DVD is plugged. A video package then plays for the main event. Not sure if to mark out or not...

Awesome Truth vs John Cena & The Rock

Everyone must be so nervous of this match that even the bell ringer fucked up. :lmao The Miz and The Rock both start off the match and The Rock gets in a headlock to The Miz, The Miz though fights out but The Rock hits a shoulder block then an armdrag and I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD THEY DID THIS EXACT SEQUENCE FOR EVERY MATCHUP TONIGHT! The Rock takes down both Truth and The Rock gets in a rollup to Miz but only gets two. The Rock looks at Cena while Miz and Truth are at ringside and The Miz enters the ring again. R-Truth enters the ring next and they go into a a lockup. Rock gets in a headlock to Truth then they counter each others moves but The Rock hits a big right to Truth. Cena knocks down Miz and The Rock hits a nice northern lights suplex but the referee is distracted with Cena. The Rock gets mad at Cena and the Miz is tagged in. The Rock is ready for The Miz but The Miz says that he's ready for Cena. The Rock points to Cena and tags him in the match. Cena enters the ring and he has to listen to 'Fruity Pebbles' chants. Cena hits hits a monkey flip to Miz then hits a dropkick and R-Truth is tagged in. R-Truth shoves Cena but misses a punch and Cena hits the shoulder blocks then the protoplex, then goes for the 5 Knuckle Shuffle but looks at The Rock instead. The Rock watches as Cena gets a clothesline from R-Truth and beats down Cena. The Miz hits some cheap shots then gets tagged into Miz. The Miz brings down Cena and hits a running boot to Cena's face then R-Truth is tagged in. Awesome Truth hits a double shoulder block and R-Truth shoves Cena onto the steel post then Cean gets thrown down the ring. R-Truth beats down Cena at ringside and Cena is thrown back inside the ring, The Rock not even moving away from his corner. R-Truth applies a headscissors to Cena. Cena has been dumped to ringside now and R-Truth throws Cena back inside the ring. The Miz is in once again and hit the DDT onto Cena but only gets two! The Miz is hopping around the ring, then hits a running knee to the face. Truth punches down Cena and then is tagged in, Awesome Truth hitting a double suplex onto Cena. R-Truth gets in a front headlock to Cena, Cena trying to tag in to Rock but R-Truth doesn't let him and drags Cena back to the corner. The Miz hammers away at Cena then tags himself in and punches Cena down. Cena fights back and goes for a charge but Miz hits a clothesline to Cena. R-Truth is tagged in and hits a fancy legdrop to Cena but Cena kicks out after a pinfall attempt. R-Truth climbs the ropes and hits the diving crossbody onto Cena but Cena rolls back and goes for the AA but R-Truth slips out and hits the Lie Detector onto Cena but only gets a two count! Miz is tagged in once again and boots Cena in the face, then does it again as he stares down at The Rock. Miz goes for another stomp but Cena counters to the STF but R-Truth breaks it. Truth is tagged in but Cena hits the Attitude Adjustment onto Truth! The Miz is tagged in and attacks The Rock while R-Truth beats down Rock at ringside. Truth enters the ring and they hit a double flapjack onto Cena. Truth gets in another front headlock to Cena then beats him down, then goes for another fancy legdrop but Cena moves out of the way! The hot tag happens and The Rock is i the ring and hits the snap DDT onto The Miz, then hammers away at R-Truth and hits the Rock Bottom to R-Truth! The Miz is placed in the Sharpshooter, Miz reaches for the ropes but R-truth breaks up the move, Cena tackles R-Truth to ringside. The Miz beats down The Rock but The Rock hits the Spinebuster onto The Miz! The Rock then sets up for The People's Elbow and manages to get it! The Rock then goes for the cover and gets the three count!

Winners of the match: The Rock and John Cena! Man did Cena ever get his ass kicked. It was pretty awful to watch considering that Cena got almost no offense and the heel offense went on for TOO long. Some good moments but this was a flop in my books. **

Post Match: The Rock rubs the win onto Cena, then hits the Rock Bottom onto Cena.[/B][/B]
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Survivor Series 2012


Live from Indianapolis, Indiana
Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry "The King" Lawler and John "Bradshaw" Layfield
Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts

Brodus Clay, Justin Gabriel, Tyson Kidd, Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio vs Tensai, Primo & Epico and Prime Time Player

Tyson Kidd and Epico are starting off the match with a chain wrestling sequence that leads to Kidd getting Epico in a front facelock. Epic gets Kidd in an armlock but Kidd hits an armdrag to Epico. Epico punches down Kidd but Kidd knocks down Epico and goes for the Sharpshooter but Epico goes to ringside. Epico knocks down Kidd then hits a springboard senton, but Kidd knocks down Epico and Gabriel is tagged in who hits a sunset flip but only gets two. Epico hits a knee to the gut but Gabriel trips down Epico and hits a standing moonsault but only gets two. Kidd is tagged in again and hits some shots and Mysterio is tagged in, but he's brought to his corner and Darren Young is in the ring. Young throws Mysterio to the corner and Sin Cara is tagged in and they hit a double team to Young. Primo is in next and Cara hits a hurricarana onto Primo, Primo then hits a diving crossbody to Primo and Sin Cara counters the powerbomb to a sunset flip but only gets two. Tensai is in the ring and stomps onto Sin Car, then slaps him in the face. O'Neil is in the ring and carry's Sin Cara around the ring and tags in Primo into the ring who hits a legdrop but only gets two. Primo gets in a camel clutch but Cara makes it to his feet and tries to reach for his corner but Tensai is tagged in again. Tensai hits a headbutt and an elbow drop. Brodus Clay is tagged in and takes down Tensai, tehn hits the PTP with some suplexs an all hell breaks loose in the ring. Gabriel and Kidd both hit suicide dives to ringside, then Mysterio and Sin Cara hits moonsaults ringside and Tensai and Clay is left in the ring. Brodus Clay hits a Revese STO(?) onto Tensai, but Tensai is up and hits a splash onto Clay and gets the three count! Brodus Clay has been eliminated from the match!

Gabriel is in the ring but Tenai throws him around, but Gabriel slips out of the ring however Tensai shoulder blocks him to the ground. Titus O'Neil is tagged in and applies the abdominal stretch onto Justin Gabriel, but Titus takes down Gabriel with a fallaway slam! Gabriel is up and fights back but Tensai is tagged in and hits a splash onto Gabriel but only gets two! Tensai goes for another one but Gabriel gets in a crusifix pin and gets it! Tensai has been eliminated from the match!

Tensai lays down Justin Gabriel and Titus O'Neil throws Gabriel to the corner. Epico is tagged in and kicks him in the gut and hits a suplex but Gabriel kicks out at two. Epico applies a sleeper hold but Gabriel fights back and tags in Tyson Kidd! Kidd kicks down Epico and goes after Primo but Epico dropkicks him out of the ring. Kidd is slammed onto the barricade and Primo is starting the assault onto Kidd in the ring. Kidd battles back with some kids to the gut but Primo throws Kidd to the corner and tags in Titus again. Titus throws Kidd over the ropes but Kidd lands on the apron, and Kidd kicks him in the face then gets in the sunset flip onto Titus and gets the three count! Titus O'Neil has been eliminated from the match!

Darren Young takes down Kidd with a clothesline and hammers away at him, then hits a stomp to the gut and applies a chinlock while tagging in Epico. Epico beats dwon Kidd and goes for the Triple back suplex but Kidd counters the third one and hits the sharpshooter onto Epico and eliminates Epico! Epico has been eliminated from the match!

Primo is after Kidd but Kidd tries to go to his corner but Primo hits a back suplex. Primo leaps from the ropes but Kidd hits a dropkick to Primo mid-air and tags in Mysterio! Mysterio kicks Primo in the face then hits a tilt-a-whirl headscissors onto Primo. Mysterio hits Primo with another kick and Primo falls to the mat, Mysterio then hits the Senton onto Primo then sets him up for the 619 but Primo ducks it. Primo goes for the backstabber but Mysterio gets in a rollup and gets the three count! Primo has been eliminated from the match!

Young is in next and goes for a charge but Mysterio hits the 619, Sin Cara then hits the Swaton Bomb and Gabriel hits a moonsault, Kidd hits a springboard elbow drop and Mysterio hits the Splash and gets the win!

Winners and Survivors of the match: Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara, Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel

A K-Mart commercial featuring Sheamus is shown.

Kaitlyn is walking backstage and she is ambushed by some random female in a hoodie. Kaitlyn fights her off and Eve comes by and mocks Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn gets mad and shoves Eve away.

WWE Divas Championship: Kaitlyn vs Eve Torres(c)

Kaitlyn takes down Eve and they get into a catfight. Kaitlyn hammers away at Eve and Kaitly is backed away from the referee. Kaitlyn slams Eve to the corner and kicks her in the gut a couple of times, then slams her to the mat. Eve escapes to ringside but Kaitlyn slams Eve face-first onto the announcer's table, then throws her in the ring but Eve bails from the ring again and tries to escape but Kaitlyn throws her around at ringside then places her inside the ring again. Eve boots Kaitlyn in the face, then a gut and then slams her face onto the mat. Eve slaps Kaitlyn across the face then hits another slap, then chokes her out from the ropes. Eve boots Kaitlyn away and hits an elbow drop to Kaitlyn but only gets two. Eve applies a headscissors to Kaitlyn and applies the submission hold, Kaitlyn trying to escape but Eve doesn't let her. Kaitlyn makes it to the ropes but Eve slams Kaitlyn to the mat by the hair, then climbs the ropes but Kaitlyn knocks her down to ringside, then brings her back in the ring. Kaitlyn is standing over Eve and Eve pleads for forgiveness, but Kaitlyn slaps her across the face then throws her around the ring. Kaitlyn hits a shoulder block then a flapjack to Eve. Kaitlyn then hits the gutbuster to Eve but only gets two! Eve throws Kaitlyn to ringside, then assaults her there and brings her in then ring and hits the neckbreaker for the three count!

Winner and STILL Divas Champion: Eve Torres! Meh, it was pretty medicore. Crowd didn't give a fuck about this. *

Team Foley is being hyped up for tonight and a clip happens from the preshow where Team Ziggler gets into an arguement. Team Orton is getting into an argument live, except for Randy Orton who's just chilling on the bench. Mick Foley breaks up the fighting and says that he picked all 5 of them for a reason (except for The Miz, who the WWE Universe picked apparently). He says that they're fighting 5 of the most devesating forces in the WWE :lmao. Foley asks his everyone is randy, including Randy but Randy says that he hates Foley. Foley says that means that Randy is ready. Least motivated SSeries Team ever. :lmao

United States Championship: Antonio Cesaro(c) vs R-Truth

Cesaro cuts an anti-American promo before the match happens, and R-Truth didn't do his rap, what the hell!? R-Truth and Cesaro gets into a lockup but Truth gets in a rollup but only gets two. R-Truth does some flips and dodges an attack from Cesara and gets in another rollup. Truth grabs the leg of Cesara and punches him, but Cesaro headbutts him and hits a clothesline! Truth is thrown to the corner and beaten down from the US Champion, and then applies an armlock to R-Truth. Truth is up and punches Cesaro but Truth is thrown in the corner again, hits a clothesline then a body slam but only gets two. Cesar applies a waistlock to R-Truth, Truth makes it to his feet and elbows Cesaro in the face but Cesaro hits a knee in the gut and applies another waistlock to R-Truth. God Michael Cole and JBL are annoying with their talk about Cesaro playing Rugby! Cesaro hits a wrestling slam onto Truth, Truth is up and hits a sunset flip to Cesaro but only gets two. Cesaro hits an uppercut and trips over R-Truth, going for the cover but only gets two! 'USA' chants are happening as Truth is up and kicks his Cesaro in the face, then hits some clotheslines to the US Champ! Truth hits a corkscrew forearm smash then goes for a charge but Ceasro boots him in the face, Truth though hits a jumping heel kick to the face but only gets two! The commentators are already running out of things to talk about in this match :lmao. Truth misses a Scissors Kick and Cesaro hits the Uppercut to Truth, then hits the Neutralizer to Truth and gets the three count!

Winner and STILL US Champion: Antonio Cesaro! Eh, it was average. Not the biggest fan of Cesaro (sue me) but this was a decent mid-card matchup. **

David Otunga Lawyer promo hyping TLC. :lmao

The Rock wrestling at the Royal Rumble is hyped, and WWE asks the WWE Universe to vote on see who they want to win tonight.

A recap of the 'AJ Lee/John Cena scandal' is played featuring Vickie and Dolph Ziggler. We see a tweet from AJ that say that he has evidence from this whole scandal and AJ comes down to the ring. She says that he's annoyed that Vickie has tried to make her life a living hell because she's nothing but a sad, lonley witch. Vickie then walks down the ring and is angry at AJ. A badly photoshopped photo is shown with Vickie and Ricardo Rodriquez, then another one with her and Jim Ross. Vickie asks if this is funny while screetching at AJ and the fans. Another badly-photoshopped picture of Vickie and Brodus Clay is shown dancing. :lmao. AJ says that she wants to bring reality back and slap Vickie across the face. AJ says that they can't hit each other or else they lose their jobs, but Tamina attacks AJ Lee with a Samoan Drop and a Superfly Splash onto AJ. Vickie is seen laughing in the ring and walks up the ramp.

WWE Attitude Era DVD is plugged.

Josh Matthews is with Paul Heyman backstage who talks about how Punk doesn't have any tricks, because he has worked hard to become the 8th longest WWE Champion at the time. He says that he's beaten down Cena and Ryback before, and he is clearly the Best In The World.

Theme Song of this years Survivor Series is shown. The video package for the World Heavyweight Champion is played.

World Heavyweight Championship Match: Sheamus vs The Big Show(c):

Sheamus starts with some strikes to THe Big SHow, Big Show fighting back and takes down with Sheamus. Sheamus brings Show to the corner and hits some body shots but Big Show takes down Sheamus with a clothesline! Big Show hits a hard chop to the chest, then hits another one to the chest. Big Show hits a body avalanche then goes for a spear but Sheamus hits a chop block to Big Show! Sheamus traps Big Show on the ropes then clubs the chest of Big Show 10 times! Sheamus then goes for the Brogue Kick but Big Show escapes the ring, then they brawl at ringside. Sheamus is on the top rope and goes for a dive but Big Show hits Sheamus with a spear inside the ring! Big Show and Sheamus are outside the ring again and slams him on the steel steps! Sheamus is thrown back inside the ring and hits a body slam, then walks around him as Sheamus gets to his feet, Big Show headbutts Sheamus in the face and a knee. Big Show hits some elbows to the back of the head, then rams him to the corner hard. Big Show then steps over Sheamus and hammers away at Sheamus some more. Sheamus hits a punch to the gut but falls over again as Big Show hammers the back of Sheamus. Big Show hits a headbutt to the face of Sheamus then steps over him again, then chokes him on the ropes. Sheamus hits a shoulder thrust and goes for a charge but Big Show hits a side kick to Sheamus, then hits a running elbow drop onto Sheamus but only gets two! Big Show applies an armlock to Sheamus but Sheamus gets up and punches him in the face but Big Show hits the sidewalk slam onto Sheamus but still only gets two! Big Show places his face onto Sheamus, then takes him down as Sheamus tries to fight back. Big Show goes for a charge but Sheamus boots him in the face and gets a sleeper hold onto Big Show, Big Show ends up throw him over his shoulder. Sheamus punches Big Show and goes for a charge but Sheamus gets rammed to the steel post and hits the Final Cut onto Sheamus but only gets two! Big Show climbs the ropes but Sheamus gets Big Show on his shoulders and hits the eletric chair onto Big Show but only gets a two count! Big SHow and Sheamus both exhange blows and Sheamus rams Big SHow to the corner and hits the high knee to Big Show, then hits a forearm smash to Big Show, then another one! Sheamus goes for the Brogue Kick but Big Show goes for the Chokeslam, Sheamus slips out and hits the White Noise but only gets two! Sheamus signals for the Brogue Kick but hits the referee instead! A bunch of people come down to check on the referee and Big Show is behind Sheamus and hits the KO punch onto Sheamus! The other referee then counts the cover and wins the match!

Winner and STILL World Heavyweight Champion: The Big Show This was actually pretty good. Typical Big Show Match, but Sheamus looked real good here! ***

A different referee tells the announcer that Big Show actually has been disqualifed, so Sheamus actually wins the match, but Big Show still keeps the title regardless. Sheamus is pissed and lays down Big Show with multiple chair shots to the back and leg. The fans keep chanting 'one more time' as Sheamus throws the chair away but hits the Brogue Kick to Big Show!

The Rolling Stones concert PPV is plugged.

Team Ziggler (Alberto Del Rio, Damien Sandow, David Otunga, Wade Barrett and Dolph Ziggler) vs Team Foley (WWE Tag Team Champions Team Hell No, WWE Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston, The Miz and Randy Orton)

David Ontunga is starting off the match with Kofi Kingston, who gets Otunga in a rollup but only gets two! Kingston kicks Otunga down to the mat, Otunga then bails from the ring but Kofi springboards to the outside, hitting Otunga! Kingston enters the ring and goes for the cover but Otunga kicks out. Bryan is tagged in and Bryan hits some shots to the face, Otunga though counters a shot with a god awful powerslam but only gets two. Sandow is in next and hits a Russian leg sweep, then hits the Elbow of Distain. Sandow applies a sleeper hold to sandow but Bryan gets up and clotheslines Sandow, then hits a dropkick to the corner. Bryan hits the kicks to the chest, then goes to kick his face in but Sandow moves bails from the ring, then tries to leave the match but Kane grabs him by the head and shoves him back inside the ring, Bryan then kicks Sandow in the face and Kane is tagged in and Chokeslams Sandow, getting the three count! Damien Sandow has been eliminated from the match!

Kane and Daniel Bryan argue in the ring, Bryan then shoves Kane twice. Kane then shoves Bryan out of the ring and Ziggler takes advantage of that and hits the Zig Zag onto Kane, getting the three count! Kane has been eliminated from the match!

Orton and Miz are now arguing in the ring. Poor Foley. Orton catches the ambush from Ziggler and unleashes hell onto him, hitting a european uppercut to the chin. Orton slingshots Ziggler off the ropes with a suplex but only gets two for that. Kingston is in the ring next and strikes Ziggler down, then hits a monkey flip with Ziggler flipping nearly 270 degrees in the air. :lmao. Kingston brings up Ziggler and tags in Bryan in the match, Bryan striking Ziggler with some uppercuts. Wade Barrett is in next and brings Bryan to the corner and hits some body shots, Bryan hitting a drop toe hold to Wade and goes for a corner dropkick but Barrett dodges the attack. Barrett hits some knees to Bryan, Del Rio hitting a really shitty superkick (like real shitty) and Bryan falls out to ringside. Barrett brings him back in and tags in Otunga into the match. Otunga hits an awful clothesline, then goes for the cover but Bryan counters to the YES/NO lock and David Otunga taps out! David Otunga has been eliminated from the match!

Alberto Del Rio is in the match next and kicks Bryan in the back, then hammers away at the face of Bryan. Del Rio applies a sleeper hold but Bryan escapes it, then goes for a charge but Del Rio counters to the tilt-a-whirl backbreaker! Del Rio goes for a charge but Bryan dumps Del Rio out to ringisde. Kingston is tagged back in and jumps all over Del Rio in the ring, and hit the Boom Drop! Ziggler interferes but Ziggler gets taken out, Kingston then hits the diving crossbody onto Del Rio but only gets two. Wade Barrett comes in and hits the Spinning Side Slam onto Kingston, then goes for the Bullhammer and eliminates Kingston! Kofi Kingston has been elimated from the match!

Randy Orton gets into the ring and dropkicks Barrett down to the ground. Barrett boots Orton in the ring and goes for a suplex but Orton counters with his own, then hits a jumping knee drop to Barrett. Orton goes for the tag to Miz but Miz didn't tag, instead Bryan tags in. Bryan kicks Barrett at the corner then hits the missile dropkick but only gets two. Bryan kicks Wade Barrett in the gut but Barrett clotheslines Bryan out to ringside, Del Rio is in next and throws Bryan out to ringside. Bryan tries to go for the YES Lock but Del Rio fights out of it and kicks Bryan in the back, then an enziguri to the face! Del Rio then hits the Cross armbar to Bryan and Bryan taps out! Daniel Bryan has been elimianted from the match!

Miz and Orton are left, Miz hits an elbow to the face of Del Rio. Orton tags into the match and kicks Del Rio in the gut, then hits a European Uppercut to Del Rio. Orton beats down Del Rio, Del Rio though kicks Orton in the elbow while laying down then shoots to his feet. Del Rio then hits the double knee armbreaker onto Orton then tags in Ziggler into the match. Ziggler stomps onto Orton then hits the legdrop to Orton, then applies a sleeper hold to Orton. Orton gets up but ends up dropping down Ziggler with a flapjack, then the hot tag happens and Miz and Barrett is in the ring! Miz hammers away at Barett then hits a running clothesline to Barrett, then boots Ziggler in the face and hits the double axe handle onto Barrett. Barrett is back up and hits a back kick. Barrett then goes for a pump handle slam but Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale onto Barrett then gets the three count! Wade Barrett has been eliminated from the match!

The Miz comes in and hits a DDT to Del Rio, then hits a side slam but only gets a two count. Del Rio dodges a charge from Miz, then goes to climb the ropes but Miz knock Del Rio off the ropes. Miz goes for another charge but Miz crashes onto the corner, then Del Rio hits a enziguri to the head and gets the three count! The Miz has been eliminated from the match!

Randy Orton is left alone with Del Rio and Dolph Ziggler. Del Rio and Orton duke it out in the ring, Orton knocks off Ziggler off the ropes but Del Rio kicks Orton in the face, then corners Orton and tags in Ziggler. Ziggler hits a neckbreaker onto Orton and tags in Del Rio again, Del Rio hitting a double stomp onto Orton. Del Rio climbs the ropes and goes for a jump but Orton dropkicks him to the ground, then clothslines Del Rio to the ground. Del Rio gets powerslammed to the mat then Orton goes for the rope hung DDT to Ricardo, Del Rio though htis the enziguri to the face of Orton but only gets two. Foley then gets Mr. Socko onto Rodriguez's mouth (completely forgot Foley was there). Meanwhile Orton is about to get creamed by Orton but Ziggler dropkicks Del Rio to the ground, Orton then throws Ziggler out to ringside and hits the RKO onto Del Rio! Dolph Ziggler has been eliminated from the match!

Randy Orton and Dolph Ziggler are left standing. Orton signals for the RKO onto Ziggler but Ziggler drops Orton onto the ground, then hits the Zig Zag onto Orton but Orton kicks out after a near fall! Both men are down as the ref counts then both down, Ziggler is up first and goes for another Zig Zag but Orton hits the rope hung DDT onto Ziggler. Orton is bleeding from his mouth as he looks down at Ziggler, Orton not doing anything then backs away from the knocked out Ziggler. Ziggler gets to his knees as Orton goes for the Punt but Ziggler hits the Superkick to Orton and gets the three count! Oh shit!

Winner and Sole Survivor of the match: Dolph Ziggler! A decent Survivor Series matchup. A bit of an unexpected ending with Ziggler coming out on top. The aftermatch of the match was cut pretty much after the win which I didn't like. I have to say though Kingston looked like a complete boss in this match, meanwhile Otunga should've fucked off from the start. **2/3

The Day from WWE Studios is plugged.

People from the WWE Universe give their opinion on who should face the Rock at the Royal Rumble. The WWE Championship Promo video package is played.

WWE Championship Match:

John Cena vs CM Punk(c) w/ Paul Heyman vs Ryback

So CM Punk has been the WWE Champion ever since last Survivor Series after beating Del Rio (the exact same title reign I should add). 3 way staredown happens and Punk bails from the ring, Cena tries to chase him. Punk enters the ring and Ryback now chases Punk, Cena and Ryback both beat down Punk. Cena and Ryback argues and Punk shoves Ryback to Cena, then punches down Ryback but Ryback hits a big boot to the face of Cena. Ryback chokes Punk and Cena then bulldogs Punk down, Punk then gets thrown to ringside. Ryback and Cena both stare at each other and a lockup happens, Ryback throws Cena down but Cena goes for the AA, Ryback though slips away and beats down Cena at the corner. Punk enters and kicks Ryback in the leg and suplex Ryback down but Ryback gets up and hits a fallaway slam onto Punk. Cena enters the ring and hits a belly to belly suplex onto Ryback then applies a sleeper hold to Ryback. Punk hits a double axe handle to the duo then drops Cena to ringside, then hits another double axe handle to Ryback, then goes for yet another one but Ryback throws Punk to the corner. Punk clotehslines Ryback down but Cena goes for a rollup but only gets two. Punk gets up and hits a DDT to Cena but only gets two. Punk applies a choke to Cena but Ryback hits a powerslam onto Punk, Cena then hits the protoplex onto Ryback but Ryback gets back up and punches Cena. Cena hits a shoulder block to Ryback, Punk then pulls Cena to ringside and sends him to the steel steps. Punk then springs Ryback off the ropes then hits a diving clothesline onto Ryback, then applies a chinlock onto Ryback. The fans are being Ryback and Ryback hits a clothesline to Punk then a back body drop followed by a body slam. Ryback then signals for the Meat Hook and hits it! Ryback then goes for the Shell Shock but Cena knocks down Ryback and applies the STF onto Ryback! CMm Punk climbs the ropes and hits the diving elbow onto the back of Cena! Cena lets go of the STF as all three men are down now. CM Punk then sigals for the GTS, lifting up Cena but Cena kicks Punk in the leg. They exchange blows now, Ryback hitting a double clothesline onto the duo, then sends both men over the top rope! We want tables chant happening :lmao. Punk and Cena both beat down Ryback at ringside, Punk takes apart the (English) Announcer's table then double suplexs Ryback through the table! Cena and Punk are back in the ring and Cena goes for the 5 Moves of Doom, then goes for the AA but Punk counters to the GTS but only gets two! Punk looks shocked, Cena springs up and hits the Attitude Adjustment but only gets two for that! Punk is up and gets in some kicks, but misses one and Cena goes for the STF but Punk shoves cena away. Punk hits the running high knee to the corner then goes for the running bulldog but Cena applies the STF to Punk! Ryback pulls Cena to ringside and clotheslines him to the ground. Ryback goes for the Meat Hook and hits it again, then picks up Punk and hits the Shell Shocked onto Punk but Cena comes in and breaks the cover! Cena goes for the AA but Ryback hits the Shell Shocked then goes for the cover but three random guys dressed in all black (Oh shit the debut of The Shield! :mark: they aknowleged Reigns and Ambrose but not Rollins so fail on that) comes in and attacks Ryback and Cena, sending Ryback through the announcer's table with the Triple Powerbomb! Ah there goes the Spanish Announcer's table. Punk then gets the pin on Cena!

Winner and STILL WWE Champion: CM Punk! An alright Triple Threat match. Surprised to see how over Ryback was back then, he even got some nice offense onto Punk and Cena. Something about this match didn't really click and I couldn't get into it 100%, probably because Punk/Ryback has zero chemistry imo. Gotta say though The Shield made a pretty big impact, and I'm glad they got rid of those god awful sweaters that made then look like shitty rent-a-cops. **1/4[/B]


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Survivor Series 2013


Live from Boston Massesschutes
Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry "The King" Lawler and John "Bradshaw" Layfield
Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts/Lillian Garcia

The show starts off with Triple H and Stephanie McMahon standing on the stage. No opening pyro. Stephanie McMahon welcomes the crowd to Survivor Series, Triple H then states that there's going to be no physical interfere what so ever during the night, and says that we're starting off with the 5 on 5. He then asks Boston 'Are You Ready'. Oh now they play the opening video package and have the pyro go off. The commetators then introduce the viewers to Survivor Series.

Rey Mysterio, The Usos and WWE Tag Team Champions Rhodes Brotherhood vs The Real Americans w/Zeb Colter and The Shield (US Champion Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins)

Zeb Colter cuts a promo about the Boston Tea Party and says that nobody will ever know what that is because they all they know about is twerking (and he does a mini-twerk :lmao) and twitter. The Shield makes their entrance and the match starts with Ambrose and Cody Rhodes. Some chain wrestling happens and Ambrose shoulder blocks Rhodes to the ground. They change waistlocks, Rhodes then punches Ambrose to the ground. Ambrose brings Rhodes to the corner but Rhodes clotheslines Ambrose to the ground, then hits a knee to the gut. Ambrose stomps onto Rhodes at the corner, then gets into an arguement with the referee which allows Rhodes to get the rollup onto Ambrose, and the three count. Seriously, the team's only champion goes out first? :lmao Ambrose has been eliminated from the match! Dean Ambrose has been eliminated from the match!

Goldust punches Ambrose in the face as The Usos attacks the Shield, then clotheslines The Real Americans out of the ring, then jumps onto Shield and The real Americans out at ringside! Back in the ring Rollins and Rhodes are in the ring, Goldust is tagged in and strikes down Rollins, hitting a back body drop. Swagger is tagged in and shoulder blocks Goldust to the ground, then ram him to the corner. Cesaro is in the ring next and they hit a double clothesline onto Rhodes but only gets two. Cesaro catapults Goldust to Swagger, who hits a belly to belly suplex then tags in Cesaro into the match. Cesaro applies a chinlock onto Goldust as Goldust hits an elbow then a backslide pin but only gets two, Goldut then hits a DDT as both of them are down. Goldust goes for a tag but Cesaro tosses Goldust acrosss the ring. Goldust then takes out everyone and hits the sunset flip powerbomb (fucking LOVE that move), then counters an attack from Swagger and Mysterio is tagged in! Mysterio hits a sitting senton on Swagger, then hits a bulldog on Swagger but Swagger goes for the gutwretch powerbomb, Mysterio counters to the hurricana then a 619, Jimmy is tagged in and hits the Superkick, Jey then hit the Splash and gets the three count! Jack Swagger has been eliminated from the match!

Cesaro is back in the ring and hits the Uppercut to Jey but only gets a two count. Cesaro then gets in a giant swing onto Jey Uso, then gets another one into Jimmy. Rhodes is tagged in and gets in the sunset flip onto Antonio and gets the three count! Antonio Cesaro has been elimianted from the match!

It's 5 on 2 now with The Shield left standing for their team. Rhodes holds onto Reigns as the Usos are holding onto Reigns, Reigns though hits a nasty elbow to the face of Jey. Seth Rollins is in and punches down Jey, but only gets two. Reigns is tagged in next and brings Jimmy down, applying an armbar onto Jey. Rollins is in next and dives onto Jey, hitting a back body drop onto Seth Rollins. Rollins clubs Jey onto the back and Reigns is tagged in, Rollins gets dropped out to ringside and Jey tags in Jimmy Uso into the match! Jimmy superkicks Reigns into the gut then hits the Samoan Drop onto Reign, then hits the running butt slam onto Reigns but only gets two! Jimmy climbs the ropes and goes for a dive but Reigns strikes back and climbs the ropes, Jimmy though fights back and headbutts Reigns off the ropes and goes for a Splasn but lands on Reign's knees, Reigns then Spears Jimmy to the ground and gets the three count! Jimmy Uso has been eliminated from the match!

Cody Rhodes takes out Roman Reigns with a missile dropkick, then Seth Rollins with some nice strikes and Rhodes goes for a sunset flip but only gets two, then hits the uppercut. Rhodes then hits the moonsault but only gets two for that. Rhodesgoes for the Disaster Kick but Rollins catches him! Rhodes escapes Rollin's grip and hits the CrossRhodes, but Reigns blind tags in and Spears Rhodes down, securing the pin! Cody Rhodes has been eliminated from the match!

Jey Uso is in the playing field next as he clotheslines Reigns out to ringside, then slams him onto the barricade at ringside. Jey is kicking the crap out of Reign at ringside then climbs the ropes and goes for the crossbody but misses it, Rollins is in next and hits the Blackout onto Jey and gets the three count! Jey Uso has been eliminated from the match!

It's 2 on 2 now with The Shield left standing against Goldust and Rey Mysterio. Interesting. Rollins and Rey are in the ring as Rollins stomps down little Rey, Rey dodges a sunset flip and kicks Rollins in the face. Rey climbs the ropes but Rollins trips him, Rey in the tree of woe position as Rollin dropkicks Rey. Reigns is tagged in next and sends Rey out to ringside, Goldust checking up on Rey as Rey is getting counted out. Rey is back in as Reigns goes for a Spear but misses, Rollins is tagged in and takes out Goldust before he can get tagged in. Rey gets in the sunset flip and gets the pin over Rollins! Seth Rollin has been eliminated from the match!

Roman Reigns looks on at Goldust as he abuses the crap out of Rey Mysterio at the corner, Rey trying to fight back but Reigns prevents the tag still. Rey brings down Reigns with a drop toe hold as Goldust is finally tagged in and hits an uppercut to Reigns, then a Spinebuster but only gets two! Goldust then gets in the 10 punches to Reigns, then hits the powerslam onto Reigns but only gets two for that. Goldust brings up Reigns but Reigns rams Goldust to the corner, Goldust though hits the elbow to Reigns and hits a crossbody to Reigns but still only gets two. Goldust gets the crowd pumped and goes for a running bulldog, Reigns though gets out of the way, ducks a clothesline and hits the Spear onto Goldust and gets the three count! Goldust has been eliminated from the match!

Rey is in and hit a hurricana onto Reigns, bringing him to the middle rope. Rey then goes for the 619 but Roman Reigns ends up Spearing the poor lil' bastard to the ground and secures the match!

Winner and Sole Survivor of the match: Roman Reigns! Hot damn what an opener! Probably the best opener ever to happen at Survivor Series imo. I find it funny that the heel team's only champion was taken out like 1 minute into the match. No wonder people don't take the title seriously. Jey going batshit crazy on Reigns at ringside was hilarious. I wanted to see a bigger Rey/Rollins segment 'cuz they had good chemistry here. They did an amazing job of making Reigns look like an absolute beast in this match, even if it was at the expense of the Real Americans getting very little ring time. ***1/4

WWE2K14 is plugged. Meh

The Authority is backstage with Randy Orton, Orton wanted to make sure that he's getting the respect that he deserves. Triple H is confused as to what he wants, Stephanie McMahon then tells him that he's the face of the company, and go prove it.

Survivor Series theme by Flo-Rida is plugged.

Intercontinental Championship: Curtis Axel vs Big E Langston(c)

Despite having a generic theme song, Curtis Axel has one of the better standard theme songs (love the guitar riff on it), meanwhile Big E needs a more badass theme song. Lockup happens and Axel gets in a headlock to Big E, then appleis a waistlock to Big E but Big E brings down Axel. Axel hammers away at the arm of Big E, then gets in a hammerlock but Big E takes down Curtis Axel to the mat. Big E hits a shoulder block to Axel, then a corner shoulder thrust to Axel. Big E hits a flapjack to Axel, then a big clothesline which causes Axel to retreat to ringside. Big E strikes down Axel and shoves him back in the ring, Axel though hits a forearm smash and throws down Big E back to the ground. Axel hits a clothesline from the apron then throws Big E back in the ring. Axel knees Big E in the gut then hits a snapmere, then a snapback but only gets two. Axel applies a chinlock to Big E and holds him down, Big E getting to his feet and lifts Axel up, Axel goes for the neckbreaker but Big E hits the belly to belly suplex instead! Big E then hits a running splash to the back of Axel, then removes the shoulder straps but Axel refuses to get back up. Axel hits the Perfectplex but only gets two, big misses a clotesline to the corner. Axel goes for the Neckbreaker but Big E counters that to the Big Ending and gets the three count!

Winner and STILL Intercontinental Champion: Big E Langston! An alright mid-card title match. Crowd wasn't into Curtis Axel at all which is a bit of a shame (don't really care for him myself but he's not bad). **1/4

Post Match: Renee Young interviews Big E in the ring, Big E name dropping Boston twice which gets some cheap pops from the crowd. Even JBL is mocking Big E for it. :lmao

Backstage, AJ Lee and Tamina are seeing as AJ is acting like a complete pyscho bitch, which reveals that he's talking to the rest of the Divas backstage. Ah crap forgot about this match. The ladies feel offended after AJ Lee says the word 'inferior'. Kaitlyn then goes off on AJ. If you need to know more about what happened here then you should probably get your priorities straight.

Total Divas (The Bella Twins, Natalya, Naomi, Cameron, Jojo and Eva Marie) vs Divas Champion AJ Lee, Tamina Snuka, Summer Rae, Roas Mendes, Alicia Fox, Askana and Kaitlyn

What could be worse then a 5 on 5 Divas match... oh I know fuckin' 7 on 7! Well hold on let's give this a shot first. Naomi and Alishia Fox are at it as Fox is throwing around Naomi like a rag doll, then hits that nice tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Naomi then knocks down Fox and hits the Split-Legged Moonsault and gets the three count! Alicia Fox has been eliminated from the match!

Cameron is in next and attacks Rosa Mendes in the ring by throwing her onto the turnbuckes, but gets planted at the corner. Rosa then knocks down Cameron and gets the three count. Cameron has been eliminated from the match!

Nikki Bella plants Rosa down to the ring and gets the three count on her. Oh thank God for these fast eliminations. Rosa Mendas has been eliminated from the match!

Summer Rae enters the ring next and dances for the crowd, Nikki then does the worm and that pisses off Summer Rae for some reason. Nikki Bella then dropkicks Rae down to the ground and gets the three count on that! Summer Rae has been eliminated from the match!

Eva Marie and Kaitlyn are in the ring now, Kaitlyn hits a gutbuster and gets the pin to Eva Marie! Eva Marie has been eliminated from the match! Naomi then falls to the exact same move and gets eliminated as well!

Brie Bella climbs the ropes and hits a missile dropkick onto Kaitlyn, and gets the three count! Kaitlyn has been eliminated from the match!

Aksana is in the ring and brings down Bride Bella and gets the three count. Jesus Christ. Brie Bella has been eliminated from the match! Arksana has been eliminated from the match as well!

We got a 'We Want JoJo' chant :lmao as JoJo makes her way in the ring with Tamina. Tamina tosses her around the ring, then slams her onto the canvas hard. JoJo boots Tamina in the face, Tamina then brings up JoJo but JoJo counters with a rollup but only gets two! JoJo gets back up but gets clotheslined down to the mat, Tamina then hits the Samoan Drop onto JoJo, and AJ Lee is in the match and gets the pin right there. JoJo has been eliminated from the match!

Natalya is left standing for the Total Divas, Tamina rams Natalya to the corner then hits a running butt slam to the face. Tamina brings up Natalya then hits a body slam, Tamina then climbs the ropes but misses a splash! Natalya then gets in the Sharpshooter and Tamina apparently taps out. Tamina has been eliminated from the match!

AJ Lee tries to go for the rollup but Natalya counters to the Sharpshooter and gets the win!

Winner and Survivors of the match: Natalya and Nikki Bella(?)

Not sure if Nikki Bella was eliminated or not, but I guess it doesn't matter as this match was pretty crap. Even for the diva's standards for this era of WWE. 1/2*

Backstage Randy Orton meets up with referee Charles Robinson and tries to use their friendship card to sweet talk him into 'calling it down the middle'. Robinson replies by saying he's going to do what the Authority says and leaves Orton hanging :lmao. Robinson is so getting Punted.

Josh Matthews is in a Hall of Famer's Panel with Mick Foley, Booker T and Bret Hart. Josh Matthews is about to ask them a question about Survivor Series but Ryback comes out to the stage and starts to talk trash to the fans and the legends. Fuck that one fan who's chanting Goldberg shit. Mark Henry then makes his way down to the ring which he gets a nice pop from the crowd. And a match is happening.

Ryback vs Mark Henry

Mark Henry shoves Henry to the corner and holds him down, but Henry brings Ryback down to the canvas. Ryback hammers away at the back of Ryback, but Henry hits a shoulder block to Ryback. Ryback is up and brings down Henry with a chop block and hits a nice suplex to Herny. FUCK THOSE GOLDBERG CHANTS. Ryback goes for a spear but rams himself to the steel post then falls down to ringside. Ryback enters the ring again but henry headbutts Ryback a couple of times, Henry then hits another headbutt. Ryback is back up and hits a chop block to the back of the knee again, Ryback then applies a sleeper hold onto Henry but Henry is back up and hits more headbutts then some clotheslines. Henry then hits a big powerslam but only gets two for that. Henry waits for Ryback to get up and goes for the World Strongest Slam but Ryback counters out and hits the Spinebuster to Henry! Ryback goes for a Meat Hook clothesline but Henry hits crossbody, then hits the World's Strongest Slam and gets the three count.

Winner of the match: Mark Henry! Short but somewhat sweet match. Started off real slow but ended pretty nicely. Probably one of the better Henry matches I've seen going against another big guy tbh.**

K-Mart commerical featuring The Miz plays

Back at the Expert Panel with Josh Matthews and the Hall of Fame. They talk about Del Rio and Cena's match tonight, they don't give predictions but rather what could possibly go down (if that makes sense). The video package for the World Heavyweight Championship plays.

World Heavyweight Championship Match: Alberto Del Rio vs John Cena(c)

They start with a lockup and Del Rio gets in a waistlock to Cena, Cena fights out of it and applies a headlock to Del Rio, Del Rio throws Cena to the ropes then shoulder blocks him to the ground. Oh yeah forgot to mention that Cena is not wearing his arm band that was bracing his repaired tricep. Del Rio brings down Cena into a a headlock, Cena rising to his feet but Del Rio shoulder blocks Cena again. Cena rises up but Del Rio kicks Cena in the back of the leg then hits a suplex but only gets two. Del Rio applies another headlock but Cena goes for a Fireman's Carry but Del Rio slips out and hits a clothesline to Cena. Cena then gets kicked in the back and then Del Rio applies pressure to Cena's arm. Del Rio then jumps off the turnbuckle and lands on Cena's arm, then tosses Cena out to ringside. They brawl to ringside where Del Rio slams Cena onto the steel steps then they go back inside the ring, Del Rio going for the cover but only gets two. Del Rio jumps off the ropes again and lands on Cena's arm again then goes for the cover but only gets two. Del Rio applies an armlock to Cena but Cena gets back up and punches Del Rio in the face, then goes for a charge but ends up crashing onto the turnbuckles, then Del Rio kicks Cena in the arm. Cena is down and Del Rio taunts Cena, then punches him down to the mat. Cena hits a clothesline, then goes for the flying forearm smash but Del Rio ducks and Cena flys out of the ring. Del Rio follows him and rams him onto the security barrier at ringside, tehn poses for the crowd which causes some heavy boos. Cena enters the ring but runs into a clothesline but only gets a two count for that. Del Rio goes for an arlock but Cena goes for the AA, but Del Rio slips out. Cena goes for the 5 Moves of Doom but Del Rio counters the Protoplex to the Backstabber but only gets two. Del Rio then climbs the ropes and goes for the same dive but Cena dropkicks him mid-air! Cena is getting pumped up as he reaches for Del Rio but Del Rio kicks Cena in the face then hits the DDT, almost getting a three count! Del Rio pulls Cena's arm on the ropes again then goes for a charge but Cena moves out of the way, Del Rio goes flying out of the ring. Del Rio enters the ring but Cena hits the protoplex then the 5 knuckle shuffle, then goes for the AA but Del Rio counters to briding german suplex but only gets two. Del Rio misses an enzurigi and Cena goes for the STF but Del Rio kicks away, Cena then hits the tornado DDT then gets a close three. Cena looks shocked then climbs the ropes, Del Rio though catches Cena with an enziguri to the face but only gets two! Del Rio is looking agitated then places Cena in the tree of Woe position then places his foot on his face, then goes for a turnbuckle thrust but Cena dodges the attack, then hit the legdrop bulldog from the top rope but only gets two! Cena goes for a charge but Del Rio hits the tilt-a-whirl backbreaker but only gets two! The 'Si' chants happens and Del Rio goes for the Cross Armbar but Del Rio instead gets placed into the STF instead, but Del Rio manages to grab onto the ropes! Cena runs up to Del Rio kicks Cena in the gut, then side kicks him in the face but still only gets two. Del Rio is looking frustrated as Cena slowly gets to his feet, Del Rio going for the Cross Armbreaker but Cena counters nicely to a neckbreaker but only gets two! That was pretty sweet! Cena is on the top rope and goes for the crossbody, but Cena gets placed into the Cross Armbreaker! Cena is strugglling to get out of it, lifts up Cena all Rampage style and slams him to the ground! Cena goes for the AA, Del Rio goes for the Cross Armbreaker but Del Rio gets hit with the Attitude Adjustment and gets the pin!

Winner and STILL World Heavyweight Champion: John Cena! Damn this was pretty good! It started off in a slow pace, which wasn't neccessary a bad thing considering Del rio was targetting the arm of Cena. Things picked up pretty quickly and the both of them put on a pretty good match. ***

Michael Stratham was plugged as the Special Guest host of Monday Night RAW the next night.

Michael Cole corrects the divas match result, saying that Nikki Bella was actually a survivor with Natalya. :lmao. The Tag Team Rivarly video hype is played. Such a unique video package, I like it.

CM Punk & Daniel Bryan vs The Wyatt Family w/Bray Wyatt

Bray Wyatt is sitting on his chair on the ramp as the Wyatts are standing in he ring. Erik Rowan and Daniel Bryan are both starting off the match. Rowan goes for a punch but Bryan counters it and kicks Rowan in the leg, then does it again until Rowan shoves Bryan down. Rowan has Bryan cornered and hammers at the back, then shoves him down to the ground. Rowan headbutts Bryan but Bryan kicks Rowan in the lets, then rams him to the corner and Punk is tagged in. Rowan shoves down Punk but Punk gets up and trips Rowan down. Rowan is back up and hammers away at Punk then rams him to the corner, Harper is then in next. Harper brings down Punk then goes for a charge but Punk boots Harper in the face then hits a crossbody from the top rope. Punk is placed at the ropes then is chopped in the chest, Rowan is tagged in next and applies a bearhug to Punk. Punk escapes and fights back against Rowan, Rowan going for a suplex but Punk escapes and tags in Bryan, Bryan and Punk goes for a double suplex but Rowan suplexs them both instead. Rowan is getting pumped as he beats up Bryan, but Bryan hits a drop toe hold to Rowan at the corner. Bryan and Punk beats down Rowan at the corner, Bryan and Punk keep tagging each other in and hits a double back suplex onto Rowan but Rowan kicks out! Rowan body slams Punk down and tags in Harper into the match. Harper misses a discus punch and Bryan is tagged back in, then they double dropkick Bryan down. Bryan kicks Harper in the chest then him and Punk does a spinebuster/clothesline combo! Punk then runs up to Harper but Harper hits a big boot to Punk, then tags in Rowan into the match. Rowan does a jaw wretcher submission hold but Punk gets back up, Rowan though lands a backbreaker onto Punk! Harper tags himself in and they stomp onto the face of Punk. Harper hits a sweet uppercut to CM Punk then gets in the gator roll onto Punk then applies a headlock. Punk escapes and chops Harper in the chest but Harper catches a foot and hits a sitout body slam to Punk. Rowan comes in and Punk goes for a tag but Rowan rams Punk to the corner instead, Punk though boots Rowan in the face then hits a tornado DDT onto Rowan! The hot tag happens and Harper and Bryan are in the match! Bryan hits some strikes to Harper, Harper gets dumped to ringside and Bryan hits a suicide dive onto Harper. Bryan is on the top rope next and hits the missile dropkick onto Harper but only gets two! Bryan kicks Harper in the chest, then goes for a face kick but Harper lifts him up for a powerbomb, Bryan though counters with a hurricarana! Bryan then hits a corner dropkick and goes for a hurricarana off the top rope but Harper stops it and hits a sitout powerbomb from the second rope! :mark: CM Punk breaks up the cover! Awesome! Rowan dumps Punk out of the ring, then is tagged into the match. Rowan hits the running splash onto Bryan (the fans chanting 'This is Awesome!'), then hits three body slams onto Bryan but only gets two! Rowan knees Punk in the face and turns his attention back to Bryan, Harper is tagged back into the match. Harper hits a body avalanche onto Bryan then catapults him to the ropes. Bryan gets up and attacks both of the Wyatt Family but Harper hits the sleeper suplex onto Bryan, Harper goes for a cheap shot to Punk but Punk knocks him back down! Punk is tagged in and hits a springboard clothesline to Harper, then takes down both Rowan and Harper. Punk climbs the ropes and goes to dive on Harper but jumps to Rowan and Wyatt at ringside! Punk enters the ring, ducks a clothesline and hits a neckbreaker to Harper! Punk then hits the elbow drop onto Harper but only gets two! Nice! Punk then signals for the GTS but Rowan saves Harper but Bryan hits Rowan instead! Harper goes for the discus punch but Punk hits the GTS and gets the pin!

Winners of the match: Daniel Bryan and CM Punk! Excellent tag matchup! Surprised to see the lack of Bray Wyatt interferance in this match to be honest. Plenty of action in this match, and fuck everyone for saying that Rowan is terrible in the ring. No he's not the best worker but he looks better then some of the other guys out there imo. **3/4

Christmas Bounty starring The Miz is plugged. God, Miz in a Christmas Movie? Just what I always wanted. :lmao

John Cena is being checked out by the trainer with The Authority present. Oh look there's Randy Orton. Orton looks at Cena as Cena leaves, Orton asks what Cena was doing there, they don't answer and leaves the room. The WWE Championship Match video package is played.

WWE Championship Match: Big Show vs Randy Orton(c)

Randy Orton bails from the ring as Big Show advances towards him, Orton not wanting to be in the ring with the big man. He slides in the ring and strikes Big Show, but Show pushes Orton away. Orton then bails from the ring again but he gets hung on the bottom rope :lmao. Orton enters the ring again but Show finally gets his hands on Orton and beats him down, then places his foot on his chin. Orton goes out to ringside but Show pulls up Orton and strikes him down. Fuck these Bryan smarks! Big show chops the chest of Orton, the fans now chanting 'One More Time' and Big Show does it again :lmao. Orton gets hit with an elbow as Big Show goes for a body avalance but Orton dropkicks Big Show down to the ground. Orton then stomps onto Big Show furiously. Orton then hits a running knee drop to Big Show but only gets a two count. Orton then applies a front headlock to Big Show, Big Show gets up and lifts Orton up but Orton catches a sleeper hold onto Big Show while Show is still standing. Now 'Boring' chants are happening. Big Show knocks down Orton, then hits some clotheslines onto the Viper, then hits a butt slam to the corner then hits a shoulder block. Orton bails from the ring as Big Show signals for the Chokeslam. Big Show exits the ring and slams Orton onto the steel steps a couple of times then throws him back in the ring. Big Show then climbs the ropes but Orton boots him in the face a couple of times, Orton then goes for the rope hung DDT but Show's feet fall off the ropes. Crowd going 'aww' made me lol. Orton goes for the RKO but Big Show hits the Chokeslam but only gets two. Big Show looks saddened, d'aww. Big Show then preps for the KO Punch but Orton bails from the ring, Big Show then exits the ring and throws Orton onto the apron, knocking down referee Charles Robinson. Orton then slams Big Show onto the steel post and goes for a chair shot but Big Show stops it and throws Orton into the crowd, slaps him in the chest then they return to ringside, Orton goes for a barricade-hung DDT but Big Show hits the KO Punch onto Orton! Orton is KO'd and Orton is thrown back in the ring. Show enters the ring but Triple H's music and The Authority comes out. Orton then hits the RKO onto Big Show while he's distracted. Orton then hits the Punt onto Big Show and gets the pin! The random Punt would've been more markworthy if the camera angle wasn't God awful.

Winner and STILL World Heavyweight Champion: Randy Orton: Typical Big Show match. Nothing much really happened and it was quite uneventful. It had it's moments but both men had better matches at Survivor Series. And it goes without saying that the WHC was a much better match then tonight. Didn't like the random ending either. *3/4

Post match: John Cena makes an apperance and enters the ring holding up the World Heavyweight Championship, orton hugging the WWE Champion. Both men hold up their World Titles while starting at each other. Gee I wonder what this is going to lead to?[/B][/B]
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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
Reaction score
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Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
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Favorite Sports Team
Favorite Sports Team
Favorite Sports Team
About time you finished, jobber.


WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
Reaction score
Nice job on this. When I get a chance I will look over it properly and match up my thoughts with how you ranked it. Look forward to your next project.


WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
Reaction score
87 - The opening match and Ladies were both very good and the main event decent also, good flow to the show and the concept was sold well. ****

88 - Ten Tag Elimination is one of my all time favorites and the storytelling in the main event was first class. The rest was filler, but at least served a purpose. ***1/2

89 - Not seen for awhile, would say it was decent but a bit of a step down from 87 and 88.

90 - Agree with you on it being rushed and the concept of the main event never quite worked. **

91 - Strange show. Apart from the main event (that being Hogan-Taker) this felt like a Television taping with more focus on storyline development than action. Would agree again than it was about average. **1/2

92 - The double main event saved it, but there was just too much cartoonish/filler crap elsewhere which dragged it down. ***

93 - Mostly agree on this one, would say it took a nose dive after the first couple of matches. **

94 - Hit and miss, the opener was easily my best match. **1/2

95 - No match dropped below average, the wild card match and main event were very good. ****

96 - HBK's performance in the headliner was nothing short of a miracle and Hart/Austin had to be a contender for match of the year (such a unique finish too). The elimination matches were hit and miss, but mostly a good card. ***1/2

97 - Been ages, but this mostly looks weak. Actually would say than Mankind/Kane might have been the best match. **

98 - A event of its time, which has dated pretty badly, if you take it in context its not too bad, and the double twist was pretty impressive. **1/2

99 - Awful. Hated the stuff with Austin (although at the time as a 19 year old it was pretty shocking), and the Big Show, putting the belt on him at the time most go down as one of WWF's worse ever calls, plus the storyline just added to how bad it was. Angle's debut was fun, but there was a lot of dire talent elsewhere on the card. *

2000 - Again its been awhile, pretty stacked looking show.

2001 - A great end to the Alliance/WWF feud and a consistently good set of matches involving top talent. ****

2002 - They went overboard with the title changes, besides that this was pretty much perfect. The verity of the show is what sold it to me. The women's match was one of the best ever, and the concept of that being hardcore and of the debut elimination Chamber really gave this event a uniqe feel. The crusierweight, and WWE Title matches both delivered also. The flaws you mentioned weren't enough to drag it down too much. *****

2003 - Need to re-watch. Taker/Vince was overbooked and the main event rushed, don't remember too much else.

2004 - Good start, poor middle, strong main event. ***

2005 - Strong show, enjoyed the James/Trish storyline, thought they sold the SD VS. Raw stuff well, even Flair/HHH was pretty good, Angle did a master job with Cena and the main event was good too. ****

2006 - Looks poor. This is the one where Punk got a bigger pop than DX right?

2007-2013 I have not seen.