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White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
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Tag @Jet Starr in your post
Forum Name: @Fireshock
Gamertag: ROCKERT799
Character Name: Fireshock
Face/Heel: Heel
Tag-Team Partner: None
Finisher In-Game name: Shockplex (Prefect plex), Superkick 7 (Burning lights)

*A video package pops up on the titan-tron, saying the words the following is a Fireshock production. The video starts to roll a clip of Fireshock sitting in a big leather chair with a big book in hand near a big fire place.*

Fireshock: Hello there my name is Fireshock, now I know what you are thinking right now. Fireshock where are you, what are you doing and why are you sat here in this very comfortable chair?

*Fireshock smiles*

Fireshock: Of course peasants like you would ask such questions to one such as highly respected as me, well to answer those queries in your small minds I am someone very far away from a wrestling ring. In fact well since my small absence from wrestling I am I had found something which has shaped my entire life to the very core. An inheritance, now you are properly thinking he must have got couple of hundred dollars or so. That is where you are wrong my small minded peasants, that sum is sixty million dollars.

Fireshock: That makes me one of the very few people on the planet worth a six digit value.

*Fireshock opens the book in hand to show images of himself from the past *

Fireshock: In my life I have been called many names the match shocker, a coward, a KOW member and more.

*Slams the book shut*

Fireshock: But as of now I am Ignition’s lord, master and king. What good is huge sum of money if you don’t make use for to create tools to conquer anything you put your mind to?

*Gets up out of the chair and walks towards a jacket hanging on the wall. He admires it before putting it on*

Fireshock: This jacket for example worth fifty thousand dollars, more than what most of you peasants earn in a year of low paid jobs. What even I want I conquer, with the most powerful tool I have my mind. Cause this mind is priceless as am I. So Ignition, its competitors and the peasants that surround the areas burn in my new light.

*Videos cuts*

OOC: One question I am wondering can be slighty diffrent to in ring finshers, cause I thinking the northen lights driver for the annouce table for an OMG moments in big matches ?
Welcome to the league. And the OMG Table finisher can be different, I was moreso referring to the new ringside finishers being the same as your in-ring.
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The Artiste
Apr 15, 2016
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@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @Hybrid
Gamertag: Hybrid Maniac
Character Name: Luis Alvarado
Face/Heel: Heel
Tag-Team Partner: ____
Finisher In-game name: Single Leg High Knee 1, Dragon Sleeper 2

*The camera creeps into an empty room when suddenly a figure pops out in front of the camera*

Luis Alvarado: Oh, did I scare you? Sorry, the shine of my brilliance can be a bit much sometimes.
*Luis grabs a chair, unfolds it and takes a seat*
Luis Alvarado: Anyways you're here for the interview thing aren't you?
*The camera nods up and down*
Luis Alvarado: So let me tell you about myself since I am quite interesting.
*Luis reaches into a duffel bag and pulls out a book titled "The Million accomplishments of Luis" and begins shuffling through the pages*
Luis Alvarado: Let's go to chapter 3 in my Biography. Ohh, this is a good paragraph.
*Luis puts on his reading glasses and clears his throat*
Luis Alvarado(In his best narrator voice): "And there he stood atop the broken and beaten bodies of his foes, this amazingly handsome and awesomely smart individual has risen to the top of the mountain and has became the greatest thing to ever exist in the history of existence. . . . no exceptions."
*Luis closes the book gently before putting it back in his duffel bag*
Luis Alvarado: If you want to know more about me and my many adventures, you can buy my book on sale right now for $9.99. Hurry while supplies last.
*The screen begins to fade to black before Luis stops it*
Luis Alvarado: Whoa, hold on there with your premature e-black-ulation. Before you leave I have one surprise for you all.
*Luis yells towards a figure behind a curtain in the back of the room*
Luis Alvarado: Okay, they're ready for you!
???: No, I'm not ready for this kind of thing! Can't we wait until next week.
Luis Alvarado: Stop stalling, You are ready I put my pretty face on it!
???: OK ! Okay, here goes nothing.
*The figure steps out from behind the camera*

@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @Hybrid
Gamertag: Hybrid Maniac
Character Name: Vanessa York
Face/Heel: Face
Tag-Team Partner: ____
Finisher In-game name: Running Hip Attack 3,Pop-Up Meteora

Women's Division
???: Hi, My name is Vanessa York and I used to work here.
*Luis gives his chair to Vanessa*
Vanessa York: Thanks Luis.
*Vanessa sits in the chair*
Vanessa York: Like I was saying, I used to work here; I was an Interviewer and I thought I was a pretty good at my job, but apparently the new GM Jet Starr didn't think so.
*Luis can be heard in the background*
Luis Alvarado: That bastard!
Vanessa York: I was released from the company and I had no where to go, I gave up everything for that job and when I was fired I had nothing. I had to move back in with my parents. It was hard for a while but that's I got a call from Luis and he had this Idea.
Luis Alvarado: It was a great idea.
Vanessa York: He said that I was fired as an interviewer but not as a wrestler. I asked him what he meant by that and he said he would train me to become a wrestler; at first I thought he was joking but he kept insisting on it and if that if his training didn't work that he would hire the best trainers in the nation to help teach me. To tell the truth I was skeptical but at that point in my life what did I have to lose. So I took him on his offer.
Luis Alvarado: Told you it was a great idea.
Vanessa York: He would give me a place to stay while I trained and help me with any financial trouble, it was a long and arduous process but that lead me to where I am right now.
*Vanessa stands up from her chair*
Vanessa York: While I am still a bit green I am proud to say that as of today I am presenting myself to you not as a interviewer but as a wrestler.
*Luis begins clapping and cheering for Vanessa as the screen fades to black*


White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
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@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @Hybrid
Gamertag: Hybrid Maniac
Character Name: Luis Alvarado
Face/Heel: Heel
Tag-Team Partner: ____
Finisher In-game name: Single Leg High Knee 1, Dragon Sleeper 2

*The camera creeps into an empty room when suddenly a figure pops out in front of the camera*

Luis Alvarado: Oh, did I scare you? Sorry, the shine of my brilliance can be a bit much sometimes.
*Luis grabs a chair, unfolds it and takes a seat*
Luis Alvarado: Anyways you're here for the interview thing aren't you?
*The camera nods up and down*
Luis Alvarado: So let me tell you about myself since I am quite interesting.
*Luis reaches into a duffel bag and pulls out a book titled "The Million accomplishments of Luis" and begins shuffling through the pages*
Luis Alvarado: Let's go to chapter 3 in my Biography. Ohh, this is a good paragraph.
*Luis puts on his reading glasses and clears his throat*
Luis Alvarado(In his best narrator voice): "And there he stood atop the broken and beaten bodies of his foes, this amazingly handsome and awesomely smart individual has risen to the top of the mountain and has became the greatest thing to ever exist in the history of existence. . . . no exceptions."
*Luis closes the book gently before putting it back in his duffel bag*
Luis Alvarado: If you want to know more about me and my many adventures, you can buy my book on sale right now for $9.99. Hurry while supplies last.
*The screen begins to fade to black before Luis stops it*
Luis Alvarado: Whoa, hold on there with your premature e-black-ulation. Before you leave I have one surprise for you all.
*Luis yells towards a figure behind a curtain in the back of the room*
Luis Alvarado: Okay, they're ready for you!
???: No, I'm not ready for this kind of thing! Can't we wait until next week.
Luis Alvarado: Stop stalling, You are ready I put my pretty face on it!
???: OK ! Okay, here goes nothing.
*The figure steps out from behind the camera*

@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @Hybrid
Gamertag: Hybrid Maniac
Character Name: Vanessa York
Face/Heel: Face
Tag-Team Partner: ____
Finisher In-game name: Running Hip Attack 3,Pop-Up Meteora

Women's Division
???: Hi, My name is Vanessa York and I used to work here.
*Luis gives his chair to Vanessa*
Vanessa York: Thanks Luis.
*Vanessa sits in the chair*
Vanessa York: Like I was saying, I used to work here; I was an Interviewer and I thought I was a pretty good at my job, but apparently the new GM Jet Starr didn't think so.
*Luis can be heard in the background*
Luis Alvarado: That bastard!
Vanessa York: I was released from the company and I had no where to go, I gave up everything for that job and when I was fired I had nothing. I had to move back in with my parents. It was hard for a while but that's I got a call from Luis and he had this Idea.
Luis Alvarado: It was a great idea.
Vanessa York: He said that I was fired as an interviewer but not as a wrestler. I asked him what he meant by that and he said he would train me to become a wrestler; at first I thought he was joking but he kept insisting on it and if that if his training didn't work that he would hire the best trainers in the nation to help teach me. To tell the truth I was skeptical but at that point in my life what did I have to lose. So I took him on his offer.
Luis Alvarado: Told you it was a great idea.
Vanessa York: He would give me a place to stay while I trained and help me with any financial trouble, it was a long and arduous process but that lead me to where I am right now.
*Vanessa stands up from her chair*
Vanessa York: While I am still a bit green I am proud to say that as of today I am presenting myself to you not as a interviewer but as a wrestler.
*Luis begins clapping and cheering for Vanessa as the screen fades to black*
Welcome to the league.


The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @Emo
Gamertag: EmoForLlVE
Character: Emerson Zayne
Allignment: Face
Tag-Team Partner: ____
Finishers: Springboard Swanton Bomb (Hope's Peak), S.O.S. (The Lucky Break)

*We come to a scene with Faith Brewer conversing with a strange new individual*
Faith Brewer: I'm sorry, we were actually looking for Mr. Frisco to talk about his new position with the company.
Emerson Zayne: I understand completely, you have a job to do, and you are just hoping to get the big scoop on one of Ignition's biggest signings. And that is just amazing of you!
Faith Brewer: Huh?
Emerson Zayne: I can see the hope in your eyes, and it just brings me so much happiness!
*Emerson clasps his arms around his torso, as if hugging himself. Meanwhile, Faith looks baffled*
Emerson Zayne: It's just so great! Who knows, maybe you could be the Ultimate Hope that I've been searching for. And if that is the case, I will have no problem being the stepping stone in order for you to achieve that status!
Faith Brewer: Sir, I-
Emerson Zayne: I guess only time will tell though...
*With a sigh, Emerson scratches the back of his head with a sorta relaxing smile forming on his face*
Emerson Zayne: Speaking of which, I've taken up enough of your time. Good luck with your scoop!
*With a slight wave, Emerson leaves the area. Faith turns her attention to the camera man, a bewildered expression upon her*
Faith Brewer: What just happened?

Women's Division
Forum Name: @Emo
Gamertag: EmoForLlVE
Character Terra Hayze
Allignment: Heel
Tag-Team Partner: ____
Finishers: Leg Drop DDT, Arm Trapped Cross-Face

Jet: Are you sure about this?
*In his new office, Jet is sitting at his desk with what looks like a contract in hand. And sitting opposite of Jet is a very familiar face*
Terra: I have no desire to lose my position within this company, so if signing a part-time wrestling contract is what it takes to do that, then fine.
*Reluctantly, Jet places the contract down on the desk in front of Terra, then handing her a pen. As she begins signing, Jet adds-*
Jet: I hope that this means that we will be able to put aside any bad blood.
Terra: I don't see any reason why we would have-
Jet: It's just that I know you weren't too happy about the fact that I beat you out to become the new General Manager of this place, so I wanted to make sure that we would be able to put that behind us and work together in a civil manner.
*Terra glances up a Jet, plastering a forced smile on her face as she finishes signing. She then pushes the contract across the desk, forcing it slightly into Jet's chest, as she rises to her feet*
Terra: Of course.
*Terra then makes her way out of the office, slamming the door shut behind her on her way out*
Jet: Well, that went better than I was expecting...
Last edited:
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White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
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@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @Emo
Gamertag: EmoForLlVE
Character: Emerson Zayne
Allignment: Face
Tag-Team Partner: none at the moment
Finishers: Springboard Swanton Bomb (Hope's Peak), Torture Rack Bomb (The Lucky Break)

*We come to a scene with Faith Brewer conversing with a strange new individual*
Faith Brewer: I'm sorry, we were actually looking for Mr. Frisco to talk about his new position with the company.
Emerson Zayne: I understand completely, you have a job to do, and you are just hoping to get the big scoop on one of Ignition's biggest signings. And that is just amazing of you!
Faith Brewer: Huh?
Emerson Zayne: I can see the hope in your eyes, and it just brings me so much happiness!
*Emerson clasps his arms around his torso, as if hugging himself. Meanwhile, Faith looks baffled*
Emerson Zayne: It's just so great! Who knows, maybe you could be the Ultimate Hope that I've been searching for. And if that is the case, I will have no problem being the stepping stone in order for you to achieve that status!
Faith Brewer: Sir, I-
Emerson Zayne: I guess only time will tell though...
*With a sigh, Emerson scratches the back of his head with a sorta relaxing smile forming on his face*
Emerson Zayne: Speaking of which, I've taken up enough of your time. Good luck with your scoop!
*With a slight wave, Emerson leaves the area. Faith turns her attention to the camera man, a bewildered expression upon her*
Faith Brewer: What just happened?

(OOC: I have yet to decide if I will be bringing Terra Hayze back for just the TerraNova show, or if she will be competing in the women's division as well. I guess if I do decide to make her a competitor, then I'll just sign up again lol)
Welcome to the league, and you totally should compete with her as well.


The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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Welcome to the league, and you totally should compete with her as well.
I likely will. I just need to make her. I'm fine making CAWs and entrances, but I hate making movesets xD

Ellis Sullivan

The Artiste
Apr 15, 2016
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The Popes Cupboard
@Jet Starr
Name: @Ellis Sullivan
Gamer tag: Ellis1825
Character name: Ellis Klein
Alignment: Heel
Allies: N/A
Finishers: 1. Impaler DDT 2. I haven't decided yet as I haven't got the game, I'll be doing promos just not matches till Christmas

The camera cuts to a dark, abandoned room. A candle sits in the middle of the room, the camera pans to the right to see a dark figure sitting on a chair, he is wearing a leather jacket and Adidas black tracksuit bottoms, he appears to be holding a baseball bat.

???: The names Klein, Ellis Klein. And this *points to the baseball bat* this is Isabella, she'll break you in half if your not careful, and I'll do the same.

Ellis pauses, waits for his message to sink in a and continues

Ellis Klein: I've been around the block, you name it I've been there. And I've made it hardcore, because that's what I do.

Ellis looks down at Isabella for a while, he then looks back up to the camera.

Ellis Klein: There will be some superstars on this roster who will bring fans, there will be some who bring high flying into the equation, but myself? I'm am a brawler, and a hardcore one at that, I can promise you one thing ignition, shit is about to get hardcore, Klein style!

Ellis stands up and blows out the candle, leaving the room in pure darkness, the camera fades and cuts to an add break.

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Tag @Jet Starr
Forum Name: @impactking
Gamertag: iMPACT KING 09
Character Name: Chris Young
Face/Heel: Heel
Tag-Team Partner: None
Finisher In-Game name: Osaka Street Cutter, Final Cut 1

*The video package starts with Chris Young inside of an empty ring lit by a lone spotlight as Chris is running the ropes.
He Stops right in front of the camera and wipes hot face.*

Chris Young: So you want to know who I am? Well, I'm the show I am primetime.
I Am the future and this place will never be the same again.All It will take is one match to show you all why Chris Young is a name not to forget anytime soon. I don't believe in luck I only believe in hard work and I will make anyone feel defeat with a dream crusher. I'm am Chris Young!

*Chris Rolls out of the ring as the camera follows him and as he walks he continues to speak.*

Chris Young: Every Time, you think that I'm done I come right back I will fight 'til there's nothing left 'til my will is gone.That's why I keep wrestling and why I out wrestle any guy put in front of me and make that match primetime TV.
I don't care who are, but if I was a betting man, oh yeah, if I loved gambling, I would bet on Chris Young. and this is the future of pro wrestling.

*Chris Gives a smirk to the camera.*

Chris Young: It's Time to rock the world like a hurricane and shock the world at the same time.
It's going to be amazing and you can only see it when Primetime is in the ring.

*Chris walks offs ending the video*

Women's Division
Character Name: Lilith Young
Face/Heel: Heel
Tag-Team Partner: None
Finisher In-Game name: Hell's Gate 2, Swinging Jawbreaker

*The video starts with a fade in on Lilith Young who is looking into the camera like as if an interview is going om. She leans back into the chair she begins to speak.*

Lillith Young: Who is Lilith Young? I’m the girl who will beat the living hell out anyone in my way.
I Did not spend all those years training to be just a bit on the radar and I’m one hell of an ass kicker. I came from almost nothing and now look at me I’m on the top stage and ready to show the world what the Dark Rose can do in that ring, I'm The chick who will show I will not be scared of anyone in this match and go in with all my heart and soul no one is taking this shot from me. Why did I come here?, To be the best and to show I’m more than a face behind Chris and to show that I can hang with the best of them.

*She stands up and kicks down the chair behind her.*

Lilith Young: It’s like a dream and a nightmare at the same time...something I love about fighting and wrestling and that is any dream can become a nightmare. Like a rose, it can be beautiful and dangerous at the same time like me.
One match just one match is all I need to show that this rose has many painful thorns. I want to show everyone that I’m more that I’m ready to fight that I’m not just a cute face looking for stardom. This is my dream since I was a kid and now this is my time and this is my shot and no one is taking this from me not again. I Have this fire inside of me that sitting at ringside can't feed anymore.

*She starts to have a devilish smile and looks dead on into the camera and grabs the lens.*

Lilith Young: I'm as good as they say I am and I’m as dangerous as they say I am as my eyes are seeing’ red double vision from the blood I’ve shed. The Nightmare is just starting and it will end with the Last Goodbye.
Ignition, This is the start of a nightmare you can't run from.

*The video ends*


White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
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Tag @Jet Starr
Forum Name: @impactking
Gamertag: iMPACT KING 09
Character Name: Chris Young
Face/Heel: Heel
Tag-Team Partner: None
Finisher In-Game name: Osaka Street Cutter, Final Cut 1

*The video package starts with Chris Young inside of an empty ring lit by a lone spotlight as Chris is running the ropes.
He Stops right in front of the camera and wipes hot face.*

Chris Young: So you want to know who I am? Well, I'm the show I am primetime.
I Am the future and this place will never be the same again.All It will take is one match to show you all why Chris Young is a name not to forget anytime soon. I don't believe in luck I only believe in hard work and I will make anyone feel defeat with a dream crusher. I'm am Chris Young!

*Chris Rolls out of the ring as the camera follows him and as he walks he continues to speak.*

Chris Young: Every Time, you think that I'm done I come right back I will fight 'til there's nothing left 'til my will is gone.That's why I keep wrestling and why I out wrestle any guy put in front of me and make that match primetime TV.
I don't care who are, but if I was a betting man, oh yeah, if I loved gambling, I would bet on Chris Young. and this is the future of pro wrestling.

*Chris Gives a smirk to the camera.*

Chris Young: It's Time to rock the world like a hurricane and shock the world at the same time.
It's going to be amazing and you can only see it when Primetime is in the ring.

*Chris walks offs ending the video*

Women's Division
Character Name: Lilith Young
Face/Heel: Heel
Tag-Team Partner: None
Finisher In-Game name: Hell's Gate 2, Swinging Jawbreaker

*The video starts with a fade in on Lilith Young who is looking into the camera like as if an interview is going om. She leans back into the chair she begins to speak.*

Lillith Young: Who is Lilith Young? I’m the girl who will beat the living hell out anyone in my way.
I Did not spend all those years training to be just a bit on the radar and I’m one hell of an ass kicker. I came from almost nothing and now look at me I’m on the top stage and ready to show the world what the Dark Rose can do in that ring, I'm The chick who will show I will not be scared of anyone in this match and go in with all my heart and soul no one is taking this shot from me. Why did I come here?, To be the best and to show I’m more than a face behind Chris and to show that I can hang with the best of them.

*She stands up and kicks down the chair behind her.*

Lilith Young: It’s like a dream and a nightmare at the same time...something I love about fighting and wrestling and that is any dream can become a nightmare. Like a rose, it can be beautiful and dangerous at the same time like me.
One match just one match is all I need to show that this rose has many painful thorns. I want to show everyone that I’m more that I’m ready to fight that I’m not just a cute face looking for stardom. This is my dream since I was a kid and now this is my time and this is my shot and no one is taking this from me not again. I Have this fire inside of me that sitting at ringside can't feed anymore.

*She starts to have a devilish smile and looks dead on into the camera and grabs the lens.*

Lilith Young: I'm as good as they say I am and I’m as dangerous as they say I am as my eyes are seeing’ red double vision from the blood I’ve shed. The Nightmare is just starting and it will end with the Last Goodbye.
Ignition, This is the start of a nightmare you can't run from.

*The video ends*
Welcome to the league.

@Jet Starr
Name: @Ellis Sullivan
Gamer tag: Ellis1825
Character name: Ellis Klein
Alignment: Heel
Allies: N/A
Finishers: 1. Impaler DDT 2. I haven't decided yet as I haven't got the game, I'll be doing promos just not matches till Christmas

The camera cuts to a dark, abandoned room. A candle sits in the middle of the room, the camera pans to the right to see a dark figure sitting on a chair, he is wearing a leather jacket and Adidas black tracksuit bottoms, he appears to be holding a baseball bat.

???: The names Klein, Ellis Klein. And this *points to the baseball bat* this is Isabella, she'll break you in half if your not careful, and I'll do the same.

Ellis pauses, waits for his message to sink in a and continues

Ellis Klein: I've been around the block, WWE, TNA, ROH, you name it I've been there. And I've made it hardcore, because that's what I do.

Ellis looks down at Isabella for a while, he then looks back up to the camera.

Ellis Klein: There will be some superstars on this roster who will bring fans, there will be some who bring high flying into the equation, but myself? I'm am a brawler, and a hardcore one at that, I can promise you one thing ignition, shit is about to get hardcore, Klein style!

Ellis stands up and blows out the candle, leaving the room in pure darkness, the camera fades and cuts to an add break.
  • Mentioning real world companies is allowed, within reason
  • Your CAW cannot have ever worked for any major real world wrestling promotion (WWE, WCW, TNA, ROH, NJPW, etc.) as your CAW does not exist in real life, so do not promo as if that CAW has.
Under those rules, you are currently not accepted into the league. You didn't read the rules as that is within the first thing you see in them.


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  • Mentioning real world companies is allowed, within reason
  • Your CAW cannot have ever worked for any major real world wrestling promotion (WWE, WCW, TNA, ROH, NJPW, etc.) as your CAW does not exist in real life, so do not promo as if that CAW has.
OOC: What would be considered "within reason"? since one of the fictional feds in my backstory is a fictional NJPW(N-JPW).


White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
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OOC: What would be considered "within reason"? since one of the fictional feds in my backstory is a fictional NJPW(N-JPW).
I'm not a fan of that N-JPW thing tbh. Like, they can be mentioned in real time, but you can't say that your guy has had any affiliation with any major real world company. Especially since it's not going to have any effect on your booking. If you say your guy came from a notorious company and then you're not on top here, it'll be such shit.

Ellis Sullivan

The Artiste
Apr 15, 2016
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The Popes Cupboard
I'm not a fan of that N-JPW thing tbh. Like, they can be mentioned in real time, but you can't say that your guy has had any affiliation with any major real world company. Especially since it's not going to have any effect on your booking. If you say your guy came from a notorious company and then you're not on top here, it'll be such shit.
Edited! Sorry about that bro, I wrote my draft promo when I was very tired, didn't realise the rules said not allowed. My bad lol

Blizzard Boi

Al F'N Blizzard
Apr 15, 2016
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England, United Kingdom
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I'd recommend changing the name of your finisher since the One and Only is an actual wrestling move done by Billy Gunn. Change that and you're good.
By the way I have changed its name, I'm not on the roster that's why I am saying this!


White Rabbit
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