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THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
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Bump? :eek:

Here's my two oldest matches. Not sure which one came first, but anyways.

X-Division Championship Match
Jay Lethal vs. “Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels

In a classic X-Division bout to be remembered between two veteran’s. Both Jay, and Daniels executed their finishers through out the match, but came short. Notable spot’s in the match where when Daniels hit Jay with a cross body from the turnbuckle to the announcer table, Jay hitting the elbow drop onto the announcer table, Daniels bloodying Jay after an elbow to the forehead, and Jay hitting The Lethal Combination off the apron. The end saw both men bloody, and beat. Jay had measured for yet another elbow but Daniels countered it, and brang the two down uncomfortably. “Slick” Johnson has began counting both men out for the double count out. Daniels begins churning at 4.… Jay starts leaning up at 6... Daniels uses the rope to barely get on his feet at 8.. Lethal is up at 9.…. Both men measure each other from across the ring. They both charge at each other dodging their clotheslines. Jay turns while Daniels keeps running towards the ropes, and he rebounds back. Jay hits Daniels with a back body drop, and get’s a rush of adrenaline. He yell’s out an “Oooh Yeaah”, and picks up Daniels. He throws Daniels into the corner, and hit’s a corner splash. He picks Daniels up, and points to the crowd, he gets on the second rope, but gets a jab to the forehead from Daniels. Daniels pushes him off, and leaps for a huricaranna. He hit’s Lethal, and covers him 1.….2.… Lethal kicks out. Daniels is shocked as he gets up holding his head. He turns to Johnson, and bad mouths him. Lethal is slowly getting up. Daniels pushes the ref to the floor, and turns to kick Jay who is on his knees in the head with a roundhouse. Jay catches his leg, and drops Daniels. He makes a bridge pin 1.…….2.…… Daniels kicks out yet again. Jay rolls backwards, and mounts Daniels. He starts hitting repetitive lefts, and rights. Johnson pulls Jay away, and warns him. Jay shoves Daniels, and turns into a huge clothesline from Daniels. Daniels hooks the leg 1.…2.… Jay gets a shoulder up! Daniels covers again 1...2... Jay kicks out. Daniels gets up infuriated. He walks around to burn of some steam. Jay gets up sooner than expected but is wobbly. Daniels goes for his forearms to the head. But Jay counters it with, and trips Daniels into the turnbuckle. Jay takes the chance to capitalize, and lifts Daniels onto the turnbuckle. He leaps onto the tope rope, and hooks his arm. He leaps backwards, and hit’s the backbreaker! He stalls for dramatic effect, and hit’s the STO! The crowd pops, as Lethal covers Daniels 1.………..2.……..3.…..
Winner: Jay Lethal

1st Ever Fight for The Right Battle Royale
In the first ever Fight for The Right Battle Royal twelve men competed against one another for the bye in the first round of the tournament. The competitors where Eric Young, Petey Williams, Robert Rood, James Storm, Kaz, Junior Fatu, Alex Shelly, Chris Sabin, BG James, Kip James, Lance Hoyt, Jimmy Rave, and Sharkboy. The final three competitors where Robert Rood, Kaz, and Junior Fatu. Each men stood in a corner, all with their eye on one, another. Robert teased whom he would approach first. He eventually ran at Fatu, and began hitting him with left’s, and right’s. Fatu attempted to fight back with punches of his own to the gut, but Rood had the upper hand from the jump. Rood began getting caught up in the moment, and tried to drive Fatu into the turnbuckle, instead Fatu reversed it, and locked in an arm bar. Kaz who had been a spectator to the action climbed the turnbuckle he measured the two. Fatu saw Kaz was aiming for him, and dropped Rood. Kaz jump’s, and is caught by Fatu. Fatu immediately tosses Kaz over the ropes, and towards outside. Kaz grab’s the top rope, and almost get’s eliminated. Fatu doesn’t notice this, and turns into a clothesline from Rood. Rood laughs and begins chocking Fatu. Fatu is struggling, while Robert bad mouth’s him. Rood let’s go, and starts stomping on Fatu. He ignores the ref’s pleas, and hit’s a few elbow’s for good measure. Rood turns to the crowd, and begins telling them why he is the best. Fatu leans up, angry, and eyes set on Rood. He creeps up behind Rood. Rood turn’s, and is lifted by Junior. Junior run’s across the ring, and hit’s the Samoan Drop! The crowd cheer’s Fatu, as he bounces up, and teases his classic dancing. He strut’s around Rood, and dances over Robert. Just when James Storm comes storming in from the entrance with his beer bottle in hand. He slides in, and stares at Fatu from behind. Fatu turn’s into a ruthless beer bottle shot from James. Fatu is busted open wide, and falls over to the side. After, a half minute Rood sit’s up, and see’s James. The two give each other a hand shake, and walk over to Fatu. They bring Fatu up, and easily throw him over the ropes. Rood lift’s his hand’s in victory as he believes he has won the battle royal. Kaz is standing right behind the duo. He kick’s James in the gut, and hit’s and arm flip, on the rushing Rood. Kaz duck’s a right from James, and hit’s a knee. He goes center ring, right over the glass, and goes for a spinning neck breaker. James saves himself, and lift’s Kaz for a back suplex, but Kaz lands on his feet. He hit’s an inverted DDT! Kaz grabs the down Rood, and lift’s him at the turnbuckle. He goes for the Kazensteiner outside to the mat. Once he flips, Rood catches his legs, and hold him up, elevated. He pick’s Kaz up, and goes for a power bomb! Kaz takes the moment for an advantage, and rolls backwards landing on the apron. Kaz punches Rood in the face, shoves him off the turnbuckle!Winner: Kaz
Jun 29, 2007
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Edinburgh, Scotland
Ok this is from my new BTB im planning read and enjoy:

The show returns with Shawn Michaels and Triple H sitting in a changing room.
Triple H “ Shawn thank god you got rid of JBL’s control.â€
Shawn Michaels “ I know. I wouldn’t be hear right now if I was. I would be forced to kiss up to him.â€
Triple H “ I cant believe Brock Lesnar returned last night at the Royal Rumbleâ€
Shawn Michaels “Yes I know could you imagine him in the original DX.â€

There’s a knock at the locker room door. Triple H and Shawn Michaels look at each other and shout at the same time come Kaz, Matt Bentley, Kelly and Traci Brooks walk in with champagne in hand. Bentley goes over to cuddle Shawn Michaels, while Kaz shakes hands with Triple H.

Triple H “I hate to burst your bubble but what’s the occasion.â€
Kaz “Well we have just had a very productive meeting with Jim Cornette and he has giving us this contract which we need you to sign.â€

Triple H reads over the contract.

Triple H “So you want to use the DX name, use the DX theme song, get us to help train you and for me and Shawn to reform DX with Me, Shawn Michaels, Matt Bentley, Kelly, Traci Brooks , Kaz and someone called “the futureâ€. I want to meet the person known as the future.â€
Matt Bentley “the future, please enter.â€

The door opens and the camera focuses on “the future†, also known as Brock Lesnar.

Brock Lesnar “ You calledâ€
Triple H “You’re the future. Ok.â€
Kaz “So your going to sign on the dotted line?â€
Triple H and Shawn Michaels look at each other and say “OKâ€

Everyone signs the contract as the door swings open and The Legacy stands in front of DX. Cody Rhodes looks into the eyes of Kaz, Ted DiBiase looks into Matt Bentley’s eyes, Randy Orton looks into Triple H’s, Manu looks into Brock Lesnar’s eyes, DH Smith looks into Shawn Michaels eyes and Natalie Neidhart looks into Traci Brook’s and Kelly’s eyes.

DH Smith “Shawn I want a match against you on Friday.â€
Shawn Michaels “I acceptâ€
Ted DiBiase “ Me and Cody want to face you and Kaz this Fridayâ€
Matt Bentley “ We acceptâ€
Manu drags his arm back as if he’s going to punch Lesnar, Lesnar grabs him by the throat and throws him out the dressing room.
Randy Orton “ I want to face you Triple H but not on Raw or Smackdown but the grandest stage of them all Wrestlemania. I want to beat you like I beat you last year. I want revenge for you sidelining me for half a year.â€
Triple H “ I will accept if you manage to beat Brock Lesnar next week on RAW, Shawn Michaels the following week on RAW and the week after that you beat Matt Bentley and Kaz in a handicap match on RAW. You win those three matches then you will face me at Wrestlemania 25 lose just one of those matches and you wont face me.â€
Randy Orton “ I accept.â€

Brock Lesnar goes into a locker and Manu kicks him from behind making Lesnar bang his head. Lesnar turns around with his head cut open and his hand behind his back. Lesnar hits Manu across the shoulder with a sledge hammer. Then throws him throws him throw the wall. He then proceeds to chase the rest of The Legacy out the locker room before Matt Bentley goes into the locker and gets green spray paint. They pull down Manu’s wrestling tights and spray paints D on Manu’s left cheek and X on the other and then laugh. Shawn Michaels and Triple H just look at the two of them and try to catch up with Brock Lesnar.

They finally catch up with Lesnar when he’s beating up Randy Orton. He grabs Randy Orton and throws him into a car wheel. He puts him between his legs and powerbombs him on the car bonnet and proceeds do it again and then for a third time. He then grabs the sledgehammer and picks it above his head but before he powers it down DiBiase and Rhodes pulls Orton away and Lesnar slams the sledgehammer down where Orton’s head was before he was pulled away. Kaz Bentley, Triple H and Shawn Michaels all hold back Lesnar.


Active Member
May 23, 2007
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IDK, i for one am not good at promos.. but that promo kinda sounded Robot-Like.. there wasn't too much detail, and it seemed like the wrestlers were reading off of a script right there and then, talking to each other.

Evil Austin

you should space it out a bit more, work on emotion.

Use a break in between each person's line to express, crowd reacions or even the wrestlers reactions. And you may want to read over a few other BTB's, mine probably wouldn't be the best example I work more on matches but still you could learn from a lot of Bookres around.
Jun 29, 2007
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Edinburgh, Scotland
Since I gave a preview promo heres a preview match.

Intercontinental Championship
CM Punk vs. Shelton Benjamin

*This Fire Burns*

Jillian Hall “Introducing first, from Chicago Illinois, standing at 6ft 1 and weighing at 222lb, CM Punkâ€￾
Punk comes down giving fans high 5’s and getting a huge pop.

*Ain’t No Stoppin’ Me*

Jillian Hall “And his opponent. From Orangeburg, South Carolina, weighing at 248lb and standing at 6ft 2, Shelton Benjamin.â€￾
Benjamin comes down getting booed by his own home crowd.

The match starts up with a elbow collar tie up, Benjamin pushes Punk into the corner the ref splits them up Benjamin pushed the ref then kicks Punk in the stomach before clothes lining him into the opposite corner, Benjamin locks in a Sleeper Hold, Punks trying to get free, he grabs Benjamin’s neck and drops down. Benjamin stumbles, Punk takes His hand and irish whips him into the ropes, Benjamin comes off the rope, Drop Kick by Punk. Punk picks up Benjamin, puts him in the corner, Punk backs off to the other corner, Punk runs high knee strike followed by a bulldog. Cover 1...2.kick out. Punk looks disbelieved. MVP and Elijah Burke walk down to the ring and sit at the announcers table both giving CM Punk a stare down. Punk turns around , and Benjamin puts his arms around his neck, neck breaker. Punk stumbles and Benjamin bulldogs Punk. Punk gets on top of Benjamin and starts to lay in the punches before ref breaks it up, Burke comes over and puts his wrist over Punk restricting the air available to Punk. Burke lets go as the ref turns around. MVP and Burke start circling the ring. Benjamin picks up Punk, Benjamin puts Punks on his shoulders and suspends Punk in mid-air and holds him up for a further 20 seconds before dropping him down, Benjamin starts to pose on the top rope gaining heat from the fans. Benjamin jumps out the ring and kisses the Intercontinental Title and posing with it in his hand. Punk goes to the top rope with out Benjamin noticing, Benjamin turns around, flying cross body by Punk. Punk gets Benjamin and hits his head against the announcers table. Punk irish whips Benjamin into the steel steps. Punk throws Benjamin into the ring and while the ref checks him Burke confronts Punk and Punk punches him and ducks a punch from Burke. R-Truth comes running down and starts to fight MVP on the outside before doing a DDT on the entrance ramp knocking MVP out. Punk goes back in the ring and Benjamin starts to stomp on Punks. Benjamin springs him off the rope hip toss. Benjamin starts to stomp on Punk’s shoulder. R-Truth is fighting Burke on the outside while the ref rolls out to try and break that up, Benjamin rolls out the other side goes under the ring and takes a Singapore cane out from under the ring. Benjamin picks up Punk, he goes to swing and misses as Punk ducked it. Punk delivers a roundhouse kick to Benjamin making him fall on his ass. Punk picks up the cane looks around the arena as the crowd go crazy, Punk smacks Benjamin clean in the head. Punk irish whips Benjamin into the corner, followed by high running knees, followed by a bulldog, Punk throws the Singapore cane outside hitting MVP in the head as he starts to get up and knocks him back out and the crowd start to laugh as Punk has an innocent look on his face. Punk tells the ref to get back in the ring as security brakes up Burke and R-Truth. Punk puts Benjamin on his shoulder. GTS cover by Punk 1...2...3. Your Winner and new Intercontinental Champion CM Punk.
R-Truth jumps to the announce table and asks for a microphone.
R-Truth “Boys you are a bunch of idiots you tried to gang up on a former World Heavyweight Champion, a former World Tag Team Champion and a two time Intercontinental Champion. So I’m going to throw you an open challenge this Friday on Smackdown it will be MVP, Elijah Burke and Shelton Benjamin vs. CM Punk and me how about that boys.
Elijah Burke gets a microphone.
Elijah Burke “We accept but what ever person in my team gets the pin gets a shot at the Intercontinental Championship next Monday in the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York.â€￾

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
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I'm not going to bother reading in the match. I just got through reading a show, and don't feel like it tbh.

The promo: I'll tell you where you messed up imo. You were completly not in character. Kaz, Traci Brooks, Brock Lesnar, HBK, HHH, and Matt Bently as the new DX? Hah, lol I can tell you just got into this. On a serious note, research what makes sense. The DX you made was completly ridiculous imo, so come on. Add more realistic aspects, and try to get into character with the stars. Giving up the rights to DX is something tremendous, and the two would definitly need to talk it over. Honestly, thats about it.


Apr 2, 2007
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Live Monday 13 April from Atlanta, Georgia

"Voices" plays and Legacy (Randy Orton, Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes appear and stand on the top of the stage.
Orton has a mic in his hand.

Randy Orton:
Last night, what you people witnessed was a travesty when Triple H attackted me Randy Orton with a Sledgehammer.
*Crowd cheers*
Randy Orton: When he waited until the referee was down to illegally hit me with it.
*Crowd Cheers*
Randy Orton: And the fact he wasnt disqualifed meant he remained WWE Champion.
*Crowd cheers*
Randy Orton: How honestly can you discusting inbreeds even respect and condem that. Triple H is nothing but a lying cheating piece of shit.
*Crowd boos*
Randy Orton: It seems to me that Hunter knows he cant beat me, Hunter knows 1 verus 1 he cannot defeat the legend killer.
*Crowd boos*
Randy Orton: You people discust me
*Crowd boo's heavily*
Randy Orton: The thing is with Triple H, he see's me, Ted and Cody and feels jealousy. Jealously at the fact he is not a second generation superstar.
*Crowd's heat is loud.*
Randy Orton: Jealously at the fact, he's not a naturally gifted athelete and that he had to sleep with the onwers daughter to get to where he is today.
Randy Orton: So Hunter, i'll leave the thoughts with you but right now Ted, Cody prove to these talentless scumbag why we are indeed the present and future of the WWE.

"Priceless" plays and Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes head to the ring to start our opening contest.
"Ain't No Make Beleive" plays and representing ECW is "The Shaman of Sexy" John Morrison and " The Chick Magnet" The Miz. "Cool" plays and the Unified WWE Tag Team champions are out representing Smackdown. The Colon's Carlito and Primo walk down the ramp with alot of championship gold between them.

Match One
Team Pricless v John Morrison & Miz v The Colons
Winner gets 2 draft picks

In a fairly even contest between the 3 teams, it's mostly Primo getting the beatdown from Priceless and the Miz & Morrison. The match gets to a faster pace near the end and Carlito and Miz are the legal men, Morrison does a suicide dive out from the top rope to take out Rhodes and Primo, whilst Ted DiBiase is lying on the apron Carlito whips Miz off the ropes, DiBaise hits a blind tag on Miz that Carlito doesnt see. Miz goes for the clothesline duked by Carlito who spins Miz round and hits the BackStabber but then out of nowhere its DiBiase from behind and he hits Carlito with DREAM STREET and roll's the Caribbean superstar over for the count... 1...2...3.. This one is over.

Your winners Representing RAW! - Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase

The screen with the all the superstars starts to randomize around to make to picks, its goes by MVP, Triple H and Undertaker to name a few before eventually landed on - Carlito and Primo.

Unified Tag Team Champions Primo and Carlito are drafted to RAW!



Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
Here's something I wrote awhile back for my Trio's Tournament.

The Organizer walks to the ring.

Organizer: Thank you to all of you who came out to see the show. We only had three matches planned, but we’ve got a little something extra here for you. I have ten men in the back ready to fight it out all for your enjoyment. These ten men will compete in a battle royal. There will be no DQ’s, no holds barred, and no rules except throw out your opponent to beat them. Please enjoy the rest of the show.

Ten man Battle Royal
Gregory Helms vs. Tyler Black vs. John Cena vs. Nick Mondo vs. Jay Briscoe vs. Alex Shelley vs. Nigel McGuinness vs. Chris Hero vs. Teddy Hart vs. Rhyno
In this match two men will start out and every two minutes another man will come to the ring. To be eliminated you must be thrown over the top rope. When it comes down to the final two a pinfall will decide the winner.
The match starts off with Tyler Black and Nigel McGuinness in the ring. They lock up and Nigel powers Black into the corner. Nigel breaks the collar and elbow tie up and dumps Tyler over the top rope. Black’s feet almost touch the floor, but he pulls himself onto the ring apron. Nigel celebrates, thinking that he eliminated Black. McGuinness turns around; Black springboards into the ring and hits a spin kick to the face. Nigel staggers back and he is hit with repeated kicks to the knees by Tyler. McGuinness fights back by going for a lariat. Black ducks it and hits a dropkick to the back. The buzzer sounds and Rhyno comes to the ring. The Merchants of Destruction member still looks pissed off about losing in the first round. He grabs Black and drives punch after punch into Black’s face. Rhyno whips Black into the corner and begins to focus on McGuinness. Rhyno puts the boots to the gut of Nigel. He lifts Nigel to his feet and plants him into the mat with a spinebuster. Rhyno gets in a mounted position on McGuinness and pummels him with hard forearms to the face. Tyler Black charges at Rhyno and hits big boot to the face.

The buzzer sounds and Gregory Helms runs into the ring. As Rhyno tries to stand up he is hit with a Shining Wizard by Helms. Nigel tries to get up and Helms hits him with a swinging neckbreaker. Helms faces Black and hits a stiff superkick. Helms has just taken down all three other men in the ring. Helms gets Rhyno to his feet and brings him towards the ropes. Helms gets Rhyno in a cravate and tries to use a variation of a snapmare to throw him out of the ring. Rhyno fights back with elbows to the gut. The buzzer sounds and John Cena rushes to the ring. Cena kicks Helm in the gut and picks him up in a fireman’s carry. Helms struggles to get out of it, but he can’t. Cena FU’s Gregory out of the ring and to the floor, eliminating him. Before Cena has a chance to celebrate Rhyno tries to dump him out of the ring. John manages to stay in the ring, but he is slammed to the mat with a belly to belly suplex by Rhyno. On the other side of the ring Nigel and Black exchange punches. Nigel grabs the arm of Black and gets him in a hammerlock. The buzzer sounds and Teddy Hart gets into the ring just as McGuinness drives Black’s head into the mat with a hammerlock DDT. Hart surprises Nigel by grabbing him and hitting a cradle DDT. While this is going on Cena and Rhyno are trading hard punches. Neither man is backing down. After about ten punches from each man they start to get a little wobbly on their feet. Cena charges at Rhyno and takes him off his feet with a powerful shoulder block. Teddy Hart charges across the ring at Cena and hits a dropkick to the face.

The buzzer sounds and Nick Mondo walks to the ring dragging a garbage can full of weapons with him. He chucks all the weapons into the ring while the wrestlers pick up the plunder. Mondo gets in and drives the garbage can into Teddy Hart’s skull. Then he hits Rhyno with the can. Cena picks up a kendo stick and breaks it across the back of Sick Nick. Mondo drops to the mat. Black charges across the ring and hits a standing shooting star press on Mondo. Tyler gets to his feet and Cena tries to his him with the remaining half of the kendo stick. Black ducks it, causing Cena to nail Teddy Hart in the face. The buzzer sounds and Alex Shelley runs into the ring. Shelley picks up the out on his feet Teddy Hart and hits the Air Raid Crash onto the dented garbage can. Alex gets up and brings Hart to his feet before throwing him out of the ring. Cena gets hit with an enzuigiri by Tyler Black. Black gets to his feet and he gets face to face with Shelley. Suddenly they are hit with a double jawbreaker lariat by Nigel McGuinness. Nigel turns around and he hits Cena with a European uppercut. Nigel turns around and he is hit with a double foot stomp to the head by Nick Mondo. The buzzer sounds and Chris Hero walks to the ring. He walks around the outside for awhile and surveys the contents of it. Hero keeps walking around until he hops over the guard rail and goes into the crowd. Chris finds an empty chair and sits down. Back in the ring Nigel is on the ring apron and he is trading punches with Nick Mondo who is trying to push him off. Nigel hits a stiff lariat on Mondo, grabs him, and drags him out of the ring and to the floor, eliminating him. Rhyno comes from out of nowhere and GORES!!!!!!!! McGuinness off the ring apron and to the floor, eliminating him as well.

The buzzer sounds and Jay Briscoe runs into the crowd and sprints toward Chris Hero. Hero sees this and runs for his life. The two men run around the arena until Hero hops the guard rail and dives into the ring. Rhyno attempts to gore Hero, but Hero dodges it. Rhyno turns to face Hero and he is hit with a roaring elbow to the face, knocking him out of the ring and to the floor. Rhyno has just been eliminated. On the other side of the ring Ales Shelley grabs John Cena and hits the Shellshock, a swinging STO. Shelley gets up and hits a standing senton on Cena. Hero gets in on the fun and hits a standing senton of his own on Cena. Shelley gets to his feet and Black kicks him in the gut. Tyler picks him up and hits God’s Last Gift. Black picks up Alex and tosses him over the top rope and to the floor, eliminating him. Jay Briscoe comes out of nowhere, picks up Black, and hits a Jay Driller. To protect himself from elimination Black rolls out of the ring. On the other side of the ring Cena lifts up Hero and hits the FU. John brings Chris to his feet and tries to throw him out of the ring, but Hero holds onto the ropes as if they’ll save his life. Briscoe grabs Hero and helps Cena throw him out of the ring. Chris Hero has been eliminated. At this point in the match all of the weapons have been thrown knocked out of the ring. Black grabs a chair from the outside and brings it into the ring. He drives the chair into Cena’s gut and then slams it over his back. Black cracks the chair over Briscoe’s head before throwing it to the mat. Tyler picks up Jay and hits God’s Last Gift onto the chair! Black brings Briscoe to his feet and throws him out of the ring, eliminating him.

It’s come down to John Cena and Tyler Black. Both men are tired. Cena charges at Black and hits a Thesz Press and follows up with a barrage of punches. Cena gets up and waits for Tyler to stand up. Tyler gets to his feet and Cena picks him up for a FU. Black manages to slip out of it, pick up Cena in a fireman’s carry of his own, and hits a spinning fireman’s carry facebuster. Black stands up and takes a risk by going to the top rope. Tyler jumps off and hits the Phoenix Splash on Cena. Black goes for the pin, but Cena somehow gets the shoulder up at 2. Tyler is in disbelief. He stands up and waits for Cena. John struggles to get to his feet. Black grabs Cena, but Cena surprises him be lifting him up into a fireman’s carry and hitting the FU. John Cena goes for the pin, but Tyler Black gets the shoulder up at 2 and 7/8ths. Cena can’t believe that he didn’t win. He goes to the outside. John looks under the ring and pulls a table out before sliding it into the ring. He sets it up and brings Black to his feet. Black gets a burst of energy, leaps into the air, and hits a stiff enzuigiri to the side of the head on Cena. Tyler grabs Cena and gets them both onto the table. Black picks up Cena and hits the GOD’S LAST GIFT THROUGH THE TABLE!!!!!! Tyler Black reaches an arm over Cena and goes for the pin. Black gets the 3 count and wins the match. The crowd is on their feet for both of these men’s efforts.


New Member
Feb 14, 2009
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Here's a match I wrote a while ago.

Bret 'The Hitman' Hart vs. 'The Heartbreak Kid' Shawn Michaels
Street Fight

-The crowd noise is defyning, both men standing nose-to-nose, neither man moving an inch, just coldly staring into the others eyes. For several moments, there is no movement, but both men then trade right hands...Michaels winning that battle as he backs Hart ito the ropes, irish whipping him across. As he comes back HBK delivers a Back-Body Drop, that sends Hart HIGH into the air. Both men pause, eyeing each other as the crowd cheers loudly at Michaels getting the early offense. Both men adjust their attire, before quickly tying up, Hart hooking in a side-headlock, before tugging him over and down to the canvas...keeping it synched in. As Michaels tries to scoot away, The Hitman immedietly begin landing stiff and furious closed-fists into the forehead of HBK! Once Hart is back to his feet, he continues his assault, delivering several boots to the head and ribcage of Michaels, before dropping down with repeated elbow drops! HBK has no answer, trying to cover up as best as possible, allowing Hart to climb onto his back, digging his knee deep into HBK's spine, tugging back onto his chin for a submission hold. The crowd rallies behind HBK, Hart trying to target the much-talked-about weakened back on the Heartbreak Kid. Bret finally releases the hold, standing back up to regroup for a moment...this allowing HBK to crawl to the ring ropes, collapsing to the outside protection mats. Pain is clearly visible on the face of Shawn as he crawls along the mats, using the announce table to get back to his feet. However, once he does, Hart is right there to land more right hands to his forehead, before suddenly irish-whipping spine-first into the steel steps!-

[Michael Cole] "The Hitman is sowing exactly why he is called the Excellence of Execution Mick. He is targeting the back of Shawn Michaels relentlessly."

[Mick Foley] "Without question Michael, the hatred between these two is well-documented, and Hart...atleast in the early going, is showing that he does not want to be remembered as anything less, than the winner of this feud."

-Shawn arches his back, lying face first on the mats, the crowd watching on in disappointment as Bret walks over...ushering Howard Finkel and Lillian Garcia to move as he grabs one of the steel chairs, folding it up. He stares around at the fans nearby while he walks back toward his opponent, but Michaels suddenly fires three kidney-shots which stops Hart dead in his tracks. Shawn then buys himself more times, firing forward with a violent clothesline that sends both men collapsing to the mats! Cheers and claps fill the stadium, the crowd trying to get HBK back into this contest, it working as Shawn grabs the steel chair as he climbs back to his feet. Still showing signs from the assault on his back, he quickly swings the chair...cracking it off the spine of Hart as he begins to get up! Shawn pumps himself up, smacking the chair off the ground, begging Bret to get up. The Hitman obliges, sitting up on his knees, only to have the chair smashed directly off his cranium by Shawn! The first pinfall is attempted, Shawn slowly covering Hart; One...Two, but Bret manages to roll a shoulder up. HBK then mounts The Hitman, quickly driving repeated right hands directly into his forehead, the previous charishot busting Bret open. Michaels slowly climbs off of Bret, heading over and taing apart the Mayhem announce table. Once he heads back over and drags a wobbly Bret to his feet, he pulls him over to the announce table, rolling him onto the table. Shawn then climbs up moments later, lifting Hart up and inbetween his legs, going for a piledriver. However, Bret manages to counter, back-dropping Shawn over..the table collapsing as Shawn slams through it, sending both men to the floor in the debris!-

[Mick Foley] "Just when it seemed liked Shawn had it under control, Bret uses his great, natural instincts to counter that attempted piledriver by Shawn."

[Michael Cole] "Both of these men have already taken some serious shots, how much more could we possibly see?"

[Mick Foley] "Well these two men hate each I would exect to see them try to enflict as much damage as humanly possible on one another."

-The crowd watches on, neither man climbing to their feet in a fast manner, but eventually it is The Hitman who gets up first. He drops back down to one knee, clutching one of the monitors, and once Shawn gets to his feet he is nearly decapitated as Bret swings it and smashes it directly off his forehead! Replays are shown several times, meanwhile Bret as dragged Michaels along the protective mats, pulling him down the aisleway. Bret slams Michaels several times into the barricade on either side, continuing to drag Shawn until they get onto the staging area. Bret goes to irish-whip him, but Shawn reverses..pulling him back and connecting with a vicious spinebuster onto the steel stage! Shawn lays right beside Bret, both men bleeding noticably, the referee checking on both. Michaels then climbs to his feet, landing repeated stomps onto Hart, causing him to roll down the rampway and into the aisleway. Shawn continues to land little stomps as Hart crawls back toward the ring...before being grabbed by his feet. Hart tries desperatly to counter, only to be stomped in the groin for his troubles, before being hooked and slinged-shot directly into the steel ringpost! Shawn clutches his back as he gets back to a vertical base, suddenly reaching down and yanking the protective mat away, exposing the concrete flooring underneath!-

[Michael Cole] "Wait a minute...Shawn, Shawn don't do this! He's already proven his point, there's no need for this. I understand the hatred he has for Bret Hart...but c'mon."

[Mick Foley] "You do whatever it takes it pick-up the victory Michael..."

-Shawn continues on, getting adrenaline from the crowd's response as he pulls Hart up to his feet. He then hooks his head, tossing Hart's arm over...trying for a suplex. He pulls him up, but Bret manages to land back down. Shawn tries this a couple more times, but Hart manages to block it each time, before spinning around their position, Bret then snap-suplexing HBK directly onto the exposed concrete! Bret slowly rolls over, making a pin-attempt; One...Two...Th, but Shawn kicks-out. Bret then quickly goes to work on Michael's back, driving several knees deep into his spine, mauling and assaulting HBK as the mean streak is coming out. Bret then slowly drags Shawn back up, rolling him into the ring. Hart then enters, climbing up to the middle-rope, but when he goes for a move off the middle-rope, Michaels puts his boot up, Bret landing jaw-first into it! Hart collapses to all fours, Shawn managing to get back to his feet, groaning at the pain in his back...before stepping into the corner and beginning to 'tune up the band'! Bret quickly gets to his feet, spinning around, Shawn shufling forward but getting his boot caught by Bret! The Hitman then trips HBK to the canvas, stepping through, criss-crossing his legs and turning him over; synching in the Sharpshooter! Michaels arches up, reaching frantically for the ropes, not being anywhere Hart squats down in the center of the ring!-

[Michael Cole] "Sharpshooter! Sharpshooter! Bret Hart countered the Sweet Chin Music into a Sharpshooter!"

[Mick Foley] "This move is extremely painful, but it's even worse when your back has been worked on as much as Shawn's has. I don't know if he'll be able to get out of this Michael."

-Shawn covers his head, doinganything he can to block out the pain. Every so often inching closer to the ropes. Bret glances side to side...keeping the Sharpshooter locked in, the crowd getting behind Shawn, trying to urge him to the ropes. Michaels continues to crawl, blood pouring down his face, giving everything he has as he finally manages to grab the bottom rope! Bret collapses off, looking dejected that he did not get the submission, befre rolling to the outside mats and grabbing a steel chair. Bret is seething as he returns to the squared circle, and once Shawn pulls himself back to his feet he is cold-cocked by Hart with the steel chair! Michaels lies motionless, face-first on the canvas, Bret then suddenly driving the end of the chair repeatidly into the weakened spine of Shawn. The crowd boo's loudly, Hart then squatting down and re-applying the Sharpshooter! The referee slides down, checking on Michaels who is still motionless, the referee immedietly calling for the bell as Shawn is unable to continue!-
Winner - Bret Hart


I wrote this match for my Backlash PPV in my last BTB, WWE 2009- Fast Forward to Future. I feel it never really got appreciated.

Grudge Match
Batista v John Cena
(Last Man Standing)

The match begins with the two competitors staring each other down. John Cena goes to lock up but Batista pushes him away into the ropes. Cena tries again to grapple but Batista doesn’t want to and instead he grabs Cena and hits him with some punches to the chest. He backs Cena into the corner and continues striking, and because of the rules the referee can’t do anything about it. However, Cena manages to push the Animal away and deliver some right hands of his own. Cena begins to attack Batista with punches himself, but then Batista connects with a haymaker that knocks Cena to his knees. Cena gets up but Batista puts him into a side headlock and wrenches his neck. Cena doesn’t allow himself to be worn down though and he spins himself out of the hold. Both men are face to face once again and glaring at each other, with sweat dripping off their foreheads and both panting heavily.

They lock up and Batista gets Cena in another side headlock, before whipping him into the ropes. Cena comes flying back and Batista goes for a clothesline but Cena moves out of the way and keep running. He then rebounds off the opposite ropes and hits Tista with a flying shoulder block. Batista is down and Cena motions for the 5 Knuckle Shuffle but when he runs to the ropes for the move, Batista rolls away and out of the ring, to catch his breath. Cena follows and rolls out of the ring, before walking over to Batista, who is resting on the apron. Cena catches him with a right hand to the jaw and goes to grab him, but then Batista boots Cena in the gut. He grabs the Chain Gang Commander and rams him into the ring apron, making him hold his back in pain. Batista grabs him again and drives him back into the side of the ring once more. Batista pulls Cena away and then pushes him into the apron a final time, and after this third blow, Cena slumps to the floor, holding his back in pain.

The referee begins to count but Cena uses the ring apron to pick himself up off the ground. Cena staggers away from Batista but the Animal follows and whips Cena into the ring post back first, crushing his spine in the process. Batista then picks up Cena and drags him over to the announcing tables. He goes to drive Cena into the table’s edge, but Cena connects with a knee to the gut. He then kicks Batista in the stomach before Irish whipping him into the table. Batista hits the announce table front first and his momentum sends him rolling across the table and onto the floor on the other side, making the announcer’s scatter from the area. The referee counts,





Cena walks over to Batista and picks him up. He punches him in the gut before throwing him into the barricade behind him. Cena boots Batista in the gut over and over again. The referee pleads with him to stop but Cena refuses and keeps kicking away at Batista, to a very loud mixed reaction from the crowd.

Cena then throws Batista back over the announce table, and he is sent rolling over it, before hitting the floor on the other side of it. Cena gets up onto the announce table and waits for Batista to start getting up. Batista gets to his feet slowly and bends over to catch his breath, and this is when Cena strikes. He jumps for the Diving Fame Asser but Batista instinctively moves, as if he knew the move would be coming. Batista catches his breath as Cena painfully uses the announce table to pull himself back to a standing basis. Batista goes over to Cena and clubs him with a forearm but Cena responds with a punch to the gut. Cena then hits a hard uppercut before climbing onto the announce table. Batista soon follows and the two trade punches on top of the table. Cena eventually gets an upper hand before raking the eyes of Batista to boos from the crowd and lifting him on his shoulders. Cena goes for the FU but Batista struggles his way back down, before nailing Cena with a Spinebuster, taking him through the table.

The table lies broken on the ground with both Batista and Cena lying in its wreckage. The referee begins counting to go with the Last Man Standing rules of the match.





Batista manages to get up and shake off the blow.



Cena begins to move,


Cena starts to get up



John Cena makes it back to his feet and the match continues.

Batista connects with another punch to Cena’s jaw and then goes and looks under the ring for a weapon. Batista pulls out a chair and throws it to the side, before searching even further and pulling out a trash can. Batista turns around, having found what he wanted, but then sees John Cena standing up behind him with the steel chair in his hand. Cena whacks Tista across the side of the head with the chair and the Animal falls to the ground. Cena wails on Batista with the chair, hitting him in the back a number of times. The referee counts as Batista is down, 1...2...3...4...5...6... Batista’s perseverance allows him to get back up to his feet using the ring apron to pull himself up.

Cena drops the chair and goes over to the trash can that Batista retrieved from under the ring. He takes the lid off and inside the trash can it is revealed that there is a Singapore Cane. Cena picks up the cane and walks back to Batista. He swings it at the Animal but Tista ducks. John tries again to hit him with the cane but this time Batista bats it out of his hand before he can hit him. Batista then suddenly regains all him energy and out of nowhere nails John Cena with a Spear! John Cena rolls around on the ground holding his stomach as Batista picks up the cane. He strikes Cena with it in the stomach and chest and then pulls it across his arm and hits a standing elbow drop to the throat, with the cane choking Cena. Batista picks up Cena and throws him into the ring apron, before rolling him into the ring. Tista then slides the chair, the cane and the trash can into the ring, before going back under the ring to search for more. Batista takes out a spool of barbed wire from under the ring and then pulls out a large table. He slides these into the ring before rolling in himself.

Batista places the table in the corner of the ring and then grabs the spool of barbed wire. He also takes the cane and then wraps the wire around the cane, making it an even more dangerous weapon. Batista takes this dangerous cane and goes to hit Cena with it, but before he does, Cena realises the danger and rolls out of the ring to the outside. Batista follows him with the cane and Cena runs around the outside of the ring, picking up the trash can lid on his way. Cena runs up the ramp with Batista in hot pursuit. Batista runs after Cena up the ramp and onto the stage. Referees come out and state that Cena must remain in the ring area or he loses. Cena turns around and swings the trash can lid at Batista, but it is knocked away by the cane. Batista then strikes Cena in the chest with the barbed wire cane. Cena falls to the ground and Batista scrapes the cane across his back, busting him open. Batista rubs some of Cena’s blood onto John’s own face and stomps on his fallen body.
Batista takes John and strikes him once more in the back with the cane, before picking him up. Batista gives John the thumbs down and then picks him up. He brings John down with a huge Batista Bomb right onto the stage.





Cena is not stirring,




Cena begins to move his body,


Cena crawls up to his knees,


Cena manages to get to his feet and avoid losing.

Batista takes Cena and Irish whips him down the ramp, but Cena has lost so much energy and just collapses half way down to the ring. Batista picks up the trash can lid and walks over to Cena. He slams the lid onto Cena and then picks him up, hitting him with a powerslam right onto the lid. Batista then takes Cena and puts him in a sleeper hold. In the submission, he drags John all the way back to the ring. He eventually releases the hold and rolls Cena into the ring. Batista then goes back up the ramp to grab the cane and throws it into the ring.
Batista slides into the ring himself and immediately picks up the steel chair upon entry he hits Cena a few times with the steel chair and then places it on the ground. He puts Cena on the chair and stomps on him, before hitting a knee drop. Batista then picks Cena up and lifts him onto his shoulders in position for the Batista Bomb, but Cena falls forward and drops back a bit, hitting a falling Lou Thesz press on Batista. Cena struggles with the ropes to get to his feet but Batista is fresher and in already up. Tista takes the steel chair again and quickly whacks Cena across the face with it, sending him slumping back down to the canvas, with his face busted open. Batista grabs the spool of barbed wire and uses the last of it by wrapping it around the table set up in the corner, so that anyone who goes through it experiences even more pain. Cena uses the ropes to get himself up but then Batista nails him with a big boot, before dragging him to the corner and placing him against the table.

Batista runs at Cena from the opposite corner and goes for a Spear, but at the last second Cena falls to the side and Batista flies head first through the barbed wire table, breaking it in half and leaving Tista busted open at the skull. Batista rolls around in pain and neither man is moving after a while.







Cena begins to move and crawl,



Cena uses the ropes to get to his feet as Batista begins to stir as well.



Batista finally gets to his feet just as the word ‘ten’ is coming out of the referee’s mouth.
Cena takes Batista and kicks him in the gut. He lifts him up for the FU, but Batista floats over and gets back to his feet. He lifts Cena up for the Batista Bomb, but Cena moves his feet away and grabs Batista’s head, before coming down in position for the STFU. Cena has the submission locked in and Batista taps, though it is of no use in this type of match. Cena keeps the hold applied for a long time and Batista looks to almost be completely out. However, Cena then grabs the cane from next to him on the mat and slips it under Batista chin, applying the STFU with the barbed wire cane, increasing the pain by a huge amount. After some more suffering, Cena eventually breaks the hold and Batista looks to almost be out cold. Cen picks him up onto his shoulders, and in one last burst of energy, he puts all of his passion into a huge FU that sends Batista right through the trash can!






John gets to his feet and looks over Batista’s fallen body,




Batista begins to move slightly, and he realises the drastic-ness of the situation,


Batista begins to crawl and manages to get to his knees,


Batista falls back through exhaustion and realises he has no energy left whatsoever,


John Cena wins and is the Last Man Standing in this epic feud. Cena’s music plays and he stands over Batista, with both men bleeding and barely alive. Cena pulls Batista to his feet and Tista nods to Cena, before extending his hand. Cena shakes it as the crowd cheers and the match comes to a close.

WINNER- John Cena by PINFALL in 21:21


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
^^^ I agree with you on that. I fucking loved that match. It had two wrestlers who I don't like, but you still made it awesome. There were some crazy spots in it too, that I could never truly see Cena or Batista doing.

On the topic of under appreciated... How bout the match I posted a couple posts up.