Rate Smackdown Live 01/17/2017

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Rate today's episode of Smackdown Live!

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Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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Rate this week's episode of Smackdown Live and let us know what you thought of the show


Shane McMahon announced that the WWE Championship would be defended in the Elimination Chamber next month. AJ Styles came and complained about having to defend his belt in the chamber. Shane insisted that he would have to retain the belt in the Rumble first. Shane called AJ "phenomenal" but insulted his attitude. AJ threatened to take the belt back to Japan.

John Cena then came out. AJ told him to shut up since the only way he got the WWE title match was that Daniel Bryan was his brother in law. After that, the Miz then came out. He then claimed he would win the title and main event WrestleMania, also winning his IC title back. AJ told Miz the best thing he could do is stay away from the Elimination Chamber match. Miz then bragged about beating John Cena at WrestleMania and bring importance back to the IC title.

John Cena interjected, saying that the Miz is saying that he is better than AJ Styles. AJ then mentioned that he beat up Miz last time they were together and he was surprised that Miz doesn't perform "with a limp," but then asked Maryse if he did.

Shane then made a match between AJ and Miz.

AJ Styles vs Miz

No winner was announced as an altercation broke out between AJ, Miz and Cena at ringside. However, Cena hit both guys with an AA.

Nikki Bella Promo

Nikki came to the ring and invited Natalya to come to ringside. Natalya, instead, was up in the crowd and told Nikki there was something she should see on the tron. She then showed herself walking to a souvenir stand and destroying Nikki Bella merchandise. She blamed Nikki for turning her family against her and then began throwing away Nikki merchandise. Then Nikki attacked her.

Dean Ambrose vs Randy Orton

Dean Ambrose defeated Randy Orton by pin fall. During the match, Dean Ambrose did a suicide dive on Harper and Harper got into the ring as Orton was preparing for the RKO. Bray Wyatt removed Harper from the ring and Ambrose used the distraction to pin Orton. After the match, Orton and Harper confronted each other. Bray Wyatt ended up hitting Harper deliberately before turning to face Orton. The crowd chanting for Orton to RKO Wyatt, but he didn't. Harper left the ring.

The King's Court with Dolph Ziggler

Lawler tried to interview Ziggler about his new attitude, but Ziggler ignored him for the most part... until Lawler egged him on. Finally Ziggler talked and showed footage of the match where Ziggler dropped several elbows on Lawler minutes before his heart attack. He also told Lawler that Lawler was right to blame him for the heart attack. Ziggler than claimed if Lawler didn't stop asking him questions about his attitude, he would finish what he started four years ago. Lawler said it was too bad, because he had one more question for him. Lawler asked him how it feels that no matter how many times Ziggler has changed his attitude, he would always be a loser. Ziggler kicked Lawler and left the ring as JBL came into the ring to help Lawler. Lawler screamed at Ziggler to get back in the ring as Ziggler walked away.

Smackdown Women's Championship: Champion Alexa Bliss vs Becky Lynch

Thanks to interference by La Luchadora, Alexa Bliss retained the championship. Then they both began beating Lynch until Lynch fought back and pulled the mask off, revealing (to no one's surprise) that La Luchadora was Mickie James. The show ended with Becky laying in the ring.
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The Lunatic Fringe
Mar 29, 2015
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Ontario, Canada
I gave it an 8 this week.

I'm officially 2 weeks into watching only smackdown. And I gotta say it's kind of nice. 2 hours that fly by. I enjoy everything that I see. No more trying to cram 5+ hours every week...just to be somewhat bored from raw.
I hadn't seen SDLive through the Xmas break so I missed a couple shows there, but I'm back and loving it.

Anyways time to recap the show.

The opening segment was good. It's always fun seeing Shane o mac.

Good match to open the show.
I still have a funny feeling that Daniel Bryan is going to get involved at some point. The miz mocks him way too much to not have him do something.

The nikki/natalya was Meh..... and then natalya busted out a line I wasn't expecting. You and my uncle will both die alone. Damn.

Ambrose vs orton was nice. Predictable finish though. Should be interesting to see who wins their match next week.

The kings court was interesting. The whole time I was thinking... what's this about even? It's so random. And then I saw footage I hadn't previously seen. I didn't watch in 2012 so I had no idea about that. That segment turned cold as fuck. But I liked it!

The steel cage match was fucking sick. Nice action. And then we finally found out the identity of la luchadora!

My favourite part of this episode though?

The mother. Fucking. Kurt. Angle. Induction announcement.

He's finally back home mother fuckers

Grievous 3D

Is Currently In Stasis
Sep 30, 2016
Reaction score
Townsville, Queensland, Australia
~ Okay...its time for the A-Show...SmackDown Live...Lets see what Stories they want to tell...

~ And we open with Shane McMahon...not the best of starts...and like me Shane is already
thinkingabout the Elimination Chamber...(Book a women's chamber match Shane!) and now
out comesthe champ who runs the camp A.J. Styles...wait...their not really building to a
Styles/Shane match for Wrestlemania right? I hope not. And now enter Nikki Bella's Boyfriend...
lets see here...blah,blah, blah...I destroyed the Nexus...Blah, Blah, Blah...I've killed more
careers than Triple H...Yeah...whatever...Oh Hey...its that guy I'm suppose to hate but I can't
because he's the best (male) heel in the entire company...The Miz...with the lovely Maryse...


May-be everyone hates the Miz because he gets to give Maryse carpet burn...I don't know...but
the guy has been on another level since the brand split...and to be fair...he deserves another
World title run.

I can't believe I just said that...

And we get the Miz vs. Styles...up next...Nice!

~ So...Dean is in the Chamber match...Good...hey...wait a minute...won't Dean be defending the
Intercontinental title at the EC pay per view? Just asking...and I guess no Dean vs. Shane at
Wrestlemania either...which is good...I don't want Shane on the Wrestlemania card.

And now Dean vs. The Viper for tonight as well? Damn...this SmackDown is turning into a mini
pay per view!

~ And Styles vs. Miz was a good match...shame the ending was more like a RAW match...
And Nikki Bella's Boyfriend did some stuff I guess...I don't care...

~ Speaking of Nikki Bella...there she is...Just...Wow...and I'm guessing its now time for
some hot Nikki on Nattie action...and its a "good old-fashioned Memphis concessions
brawl, folks!" Keep this up ladies...eventually Shane & Daniel will have no choice but to
stick you inside the Chamber to settle this.

~ Everyone Shut Up!!! Alexa "My" Bliss in on the television!!! And once again a great interview.
I hope nothing happens to Alexa in that cage tonight...I wouldn't want her lovely face...or her
6 star rated backside to be permanently damaged.

See David...I can forget how numbers work to...

~ Kurt Angle in the Hall of Fame...Its True! Its True!

~ Jesus...I wish they'd piss these commercials off!

~ The Fringe vs. The Viper...and Ambrose gets the win as the Wyatts continue to fall apart...
Damn...this is actually kind of depressing to watch...Next segment!

~ And we get an interview with Becky "the" Lynch...and you know what...and I can't believe I'm
saying this...but for my Elimination Chamber booking idea to work...I need Becky to win tonight.

Why is every single woman on the WWE roster just...so amazing?

~ And Jerry Lawler/Dolph Ziggler segment...and let's cut to the chase...Jesus...he superkicked
the King? Well...at least he didn't set him on fire...remember when Kane did that to J.R? I don't

Oh..sorry...that still happens sometimes...anyway...next segment.

~ And its my brother Bray Wyatt...and Oh God...Orton vs. Harper next week...guys...may-be you
could work through this without having a match? May-be go fishing and just talk it out? No?

Fuck it...Next Segment!


~ And here it is...the main event cage match for the Smackdown Women's Championship...
Champion Alexa Kiss vs. Challenger Becky Lunch...lets take a look at the tale of the tape:

Five Feet of Fury Alexa Bliss:
Bitchiness, Cute Facial Expressions, Beautiful Eye Make Up,
Tight & Tiny Shorts, An Incredibly Petite Backside...
Weaknesses: Lack of In-Ring Experience, Prone to Taunting and Tantrums,
Too Short for Theme Park Rides?
Strongest Moves: Twisted Bliss, Snap DDT, Insault to Injury...
Fun Fact: Has double jointed elbows...

Irish Lass Kicker Becky Lynch:
Technical Ring Skills, Amazing Hair, Wicked Puns,
Steampunk style, Sexy Accent, Beautiful White Thighs...
Weaknesses: Easily Distracted, Betrayed every second Week, Terrible Puns,
Tins of Pineapple, Former Potato Farmer?
Strongest Moves: Dis-Arm-Her, Exploder Suplex, Dublin Jam...
Fun Fact: Was a stunt woman on the show "Vikings"

So this is it...the moment I've been waiting for...for an entire week...I have my lotion ready...
because I have dry skin...and I'm prepared for just about anything...And here we go...

*Watches Match*

And well...what do you know...La Luchadora is here...and now she's in the cage door...
and I thought some useless waste of oxygen wouldn't admit to me that this could happen.
So much for the cage stopping anyone getting involved...

And...Dis-Arm-her!!! Wait...Becky are you mad?! There is someone who has attacked
you repeatedly standing 5 meters away!!1 Oh...what a shock...she kicked you in the
face! God dammit...why do they book Becky to look so freaking stupid?! And DDT for
the win!1! Alexa retains the title...but I'm sure Becky will get another shot...(In the
Chamber *Fingers Crossed*) and now the double team but Becky fights back and the
mask is off...and...

Woah...its Mickie James...and that smile she gave Becky was fucking terrifying...I'm
sure she gave Trish a few of those...and the show ends with Alexa & Mickie standing tall...
end scene and end show...


Well...another great SmackDown with the arrival of Mickie James being the icing on
the blue cake...but I do have one problem...No Baron Corbin. Don't tell me his push is
being stalled again. I knew him being defeated by Nikki Bella's boyfriend was bad news.

Also on another note...no Carmella & Ellsworth and still no Eva Marie or Naomi...
although I heard Naomi returned at some house shows recently.

Well...Thank you again SmackDown and I think I'll leave you all with this song...

Last edited:


The Lunatic Fringe
Mar 29, 2015
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Ontario, Canada
@Grievous I think instead of just putting nikki and natty inside the elimination chamber, they should make the womens match a bra and panties elimination chamber...ehhh? You're eliminated when your bra is removed. Now THAT is a ppv idea!
  • Haha
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Grievous 3D

Is Currently In Stasis
Sep 30, 2016
Reaction score
Townsville, Queensland, Australia
@Grievous I think instead of just putting nikki and natty inside the elimination chamber, they should make the women's match a bra and panties elimination chamber...ehhh? You're eliminated when your bra is removed. Now THAT is a ppv idea!
No see that doesn't work...if they are eliminated when their topless...then its
a simple case of them raising their arms and hiding the goods as they run full
speed out of the chamber.

Plus if I'm being honest...I'm more of a legs and ass man myself...so what
I'd like to see will still be covered...there are huge flaws in your idea.

Wait...I mean...Oh Shit...I mean...

@Gman003 don't be so immature!!! They are beautiful, intelligent athletes
who deserve our respect...not to be thought of like porn stars...

Apart from Eva Marie...

Brazzers offers Eva Marie a job

Although with the porn I watch...those women would still be better "in the ring"
than Eva...

Huh Huh..."In the ring"

I'm so not funny...


The Artiste
Oct 25, 2016
Reaction score
London, United Kingdom
I thought the Styles vs The Miz, and Orton vs Ambrose were both entertaining. Speaking of entertaining, the opening segment was just that. Good mic work by everyone involved.

The Kings Court was something else. It was funny that Lawler spoke to Ziggler about whats right and wrong, considering he abandoned his son, and still doesn't give a rats ass about him.

I give the overall show an 8.5


The Lunatic Fringe
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
No see that doesn't work...if they are eliminated when their topless...then its
a simple case of them raising their arms and hiding the goods as they run full
speed out of the chamber.

Plus if I'm being honest...I'm more of a legs and ass man myself...so what
I'd like to see will still be covered...there are huge flaws in your idea.

Wait...I mean...Oh Shit...I mean...

@Gman003 don't be so immature!!! They are beautiful, intelligent athletes
who deserve our respect...not to be thought of like porn stars...

Apart from Eva Marie...

Brazzers offers Eva Marie a job

Although with the porn I watch...those women would still be better "in the ring"
than Eva...

Huh Huh..."In the ring"

I'm so not funny...

I am with ya there but I just figured having their top ripped off would be a little more pg than exposing their vag and what not. But yeah i am an ass man aswell

Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
Reaction score
It was a good and easy to watch episode. 7/10

- The opening segment with Shane-O Mac, Styles, Cena and The Miz was good. They announced and set up the EC, they hyped up the Rumble and overall, everyone was on point with their mic work. Oh, and The Miz mocking Styles about beating up Cena and Cena playing instigator was hilarious.

- Styles vs The Miz was good. The non-finish with Cena getting involved worked perfectly well here since neither man can afford a loss, as SmackDown continues to build towards the Rumble and EC.

- Ambrose vs Orton was good, even though it lacked an invested crowd. The post-match stuff was even better, though. We got to see more of the Wyatts dissension, which set up a match for next week. So, no complaints.

- The King's Court with Ziggler was solid, but Idk, it just didn't connect all that well. On a side note: Ziggler should be given a new theme or maybe go back to using this.

- Bliss vs Lynch was a decent ME. I really don't like cage matches, but I love that Becky and Alexa got the ME spot. The match was a bit disappointing, tbh. However, there's a bright side, as far as storyline goes, the match was useful since it was revealed at the end that La Luchadora, to the surprise of no one, is Mickie James.

- That Nikki/Nattie segment was so bad.

ShaRpY HaRdY

Main Event Mafia
Jan 7, 2014
Reaction score
Columbus, OH
7/10, nothing crazy good or crazy bad about the episode. But definitely put on some quality segments enough to earn it a 7..