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The Rated R CMStar

BM: The main event. A clear, clear improvement from your previous matches. It was really good, with some intense action and the lenght let it tell a good story between the competitors. You should make your matches all of this lenght

WM: I am going with the Hardcore Match. You could have done more with it.

BP: Edge and Raven. I liked what you accomplished. Not sure exactly if they were in character, but they got their point across.

WP: Whatever was that between Taz and Brent Albright.

AC: Decent show. Your main event was a huge improvement, same for your opening match. The Hardcore Match was sort of a let down, but the rest was good. Edge and Raven was a good promo and a nice stepping stone for an upcoming improvement I hope in the promo department. The PPV seems good

Evil Austin

As I said last week I will try to check out this week.

Best Match The 6 Man Tag Team Main Event match, It was good had lots of action and you used everyone nicely everyone had their own spots. Best match of the night too bad others couldn't have done the same.

Worst Match I am going to have to say the Hardcore match, Tommy Dreamer and both Nick Mondo are hardcore legends and you could have used them a little bit more then end it so fast.

Best Promo Edge and Raven you built up their match nicely for the PPV. the promo seved its purpose.

Worst Promo I said this to you last time too, your promo's are very short and often out of character you would have a great matchup and then a one line promo before going into another matchup you should work on them more because it seemed like the Edge and Raven promo was the only one that actually had some back and forth talking between the two.

It was a good show, your PPV has a good card hopefuly you can deliver on it.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Okay here comes the Decimation preview. Thank you for checking it out, please leave your predictions for the PPV. To those who I owe reviews, they'll be coming soon. Now please, enjoy this action packed preview with 2 (count 'em 2) bonus matches.

Decimation Preview

Dave Prazak: Hello and welcome to the Decimation Preview. We are on the road to a huge show. Every title will be on the line and there will be three other non title matches. On of these title matches will be for the Hardcore Championship. The Hardcore Champion had something to say about his looming title defense.

Jeff Hardy: When Joey Styles announced that a wrestler was coming out of retirement to face me I thought that this would be an easy match, but then I saw my opponent. Nick Mondo can still go, he doesn’t show any ring rust. For this match I’ll have to change my style. I’ll have to take risks that I normally wouldn’t take. I might have to wrestle in a death match, but I’m not scared. Nick Mondo I’ll do whatever it takes to win.

Dave Prazak: One of the other titles being defended is the IC title. Chris Hero and Delirious have been part of a very heated feud. Now lets take a look at it.

It all started with a vicious match.
Delirious, gets up, turns around, and is hit with a Yakuza kick from Hero. The back of Delirious’ head crashes into the mat. Hero steps back and hits a running Yakuza kick on Delirious making Delirious fall lifeless to the mat. Chris Hero leaves the ring just as a stretcher comes for Delirious.
Then a return was made,
Suddenly a familiar music plays and the crowd erupts when Delirious comes down the entrance ramp. Hero looks shocked at this return. Delirious rushes the ring and Hero bails out.
A match was signed,
Match 2: Chris Hero vs. Delirious for the Intercontinental Championship
Delirious ducks it and goes for another leaping lariat. Hero uses a palm thrust to the throat. Delirious hits Shadows Over Hell. Delirious locks in the Cobra Stretch on Hero, but it was too close to the ropes. Delirious tries to drag Hero back into the ring by the hair, but Hero cracks him in the head with the chair. Hero gets into the ring, grabs Delirious, and hits the Heroes Welcome. Hero goes for the pin and gets the 3 count.

And a man was cheated out of a title, but then he was given a second chance.
Joey: You want a rematch for the IC title? You’ve got it at Decimation.
The two men could not contain their hate for each other.
Delirious charges across the ring and attacks Chris Hero. Chris Hero is in the crowd now. Delirious follows after him and hits him in the back with a chair. Delirious takes a fans hat and starts to beat Hero with it. Delirious grabs Chris and whips him into the fans chairs. Hero breaks away grabs Delirious, and hits the Heroes Welcome. Chris grabs a chair and slams it down onto Delirious. Hero continues to beat Delirious with the chair. . Hero goes for a senton off of the ladder, but Delirious rolls off of the table at the last second. Hero goes through the table, leaving both men unable to get to their feet.
Now they will meet for the Intercontinental Title and no one will walk out unscathed.

Prazak: Now we will have our first match of the Preview; Daizee Haze vs. Lacey.

Match 1: Daizee Haze vs. Lacey
The bell rings and the two women lock up. They stand in the middle of the ring because neither woman will budge. They break the tie up and Lacey uses a forearm to the face on Daizee. Haze uses a forearm of her own, sending Lacey into the ropes. Lacey bounces back and hits another hard forearm shot, sending Daizee into the ropes. Haze bounces off the ropes and hits a knife edge chop to the chest of Lacey. Lacey fires back with a chop of her own. Daizee uses a kick to the gut before hitting a stunner. Haze goes for the pin, but Lacey kicks out at 2. Daizee goes up to the top rope and waits for Lacey to stand up. Once Lacey gets to her feet Haze goes for a missile dropkick. Lacey moves out of the way, causing Daizee to land back first on the mat. Haze clutches her back in pain while Lacey points to her head and tells the crowd how smart she is. Daizee starts to stand up, but Lacey takes her back down with a double knee backbreaker. Lacey stomps on Haze before bringing her to her feet. Haze applies a hammerlock on Lacey, spins her around, and hits the heart punch. Daizee goes for the pin, but Lacey kicks out at 2. The two women get to their feet and Haze whips Lacey into the corner/ Daizee lines up Lacey and goes for the Yakuza kick. Lacey dodges it and dumps Haze over the top rope and to the floor. Daizee stands up and Lacey baseball slides under the bottom rope, kicking Haze in the face. Lacey grabs a chair from under the ring and drives it into the face of Daizee. Haze appears out on her feet before Lacey rolls her back into the ring. Lacey gets into the ring and gets Daizee standing. Lacey sets up Haze and hits the Implant DDT. Lacey goes for the pin and gets the 3 count.

The shot cuts back to Dave Prazak.

Prazak: At Decimation there will be three teams battling for the Tag Team Titles. Let’s hear what each team has to say about the match.

The shot cuts to the Motor City Machine Guns.

Chris Sabin: Now the fact that we’re going in as champs gives up an advantage, but it also puts us at a disadvantage at the same time.

Alex Shelley: So it kinda evens out. You really didn’t need to bring that up. Just being us gives us an advantage.
Sabin: Exactly. This pay-per-view title defense should be easier that the last time.

Shelley: Now we don’t have to worry about the ladders. Age of the Fall, Kings of Wrestling; at Decimation we’ll beat you, just like all the others.

The shot cuts to the Age of the Fall.

Jimmy Jacobs: At Decimation we get our second chance at victory.

Tyler Black: We’re walking in as underdogs and we’re looking to prove everybody wrong.

Jacobs: The title reign of the Machine Guns is coming to an end, just like the tyranny of this society.

Black: And as it all falls to the ground we will rise up and take what we deserve.

The shot cuts to the Kings of Wrestling.

Claudio Castagnoli: Hey! Ken Kennedy and Claudio Castagnoli here. We’re here to tell you why we deserve the Tag Team Titles.

Kennedy: We are just the better team. Claudio and I are just too good to lose this match.

Claudio: We have everything except the tag titles, but those will be ours very soon.

Kennedy: And that’s because we are the Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnngggggggggssssssss of Wrestling!

Claudio: Hey!

Kennedy: Wrestling!

The shot cuts back to Dave Prazak.

Prazak: Along with the title matches there will also be three non title matches at Decimation. Let’s take a look at those matches.

Each was started for different reasons. One was for hate...
Raven stands up, lifts Edge to his feet, and gives him a second Raven Effect onto the chair.
One was for respect...
Hart: Now no one can take the New Hart Foundation lightly. If you cross us, the same thing will happen to you.
And one was just for a fight.
Albright: Taz; I recommend that you watch your back.
While they may be for different reasons, they all end the same. One side wins, the other loses.
Sydal gets the 3 count and picks up a win for Generation Next. Shelton covers Evans and gets the 3 count.
The brutal animal will come out in every man.
Taz dodges the elbow, picks up Albright, and German Tazplexes him into the wall. Williams stands up and he is hit with a springboard Dragonrana into a pin from Matt. Edge kicks Raven in the gut, sets him up, and hits a piledriver. Raven’s head collides with the concrete. Brent picks up Taz and puts him through a table with a half nelson suplex.
These men don’t fight for titles, they fight for honor.

Prazak: In out second of two matches on this Preview Mike Quackenbush will take on Vampiro.

Match 2: Vampiro vs. Mike Quackenbush
As Quack walks to the ring Vampiro attacks him from behind with an elbow to the back of the head. Vampiro grabs Mike and whips him into the guard rail. After Quack crashes into the rail Vampiro grabs him and tries to whip him into the rail on the other side of the ring. Quackenbush reverses it sending Vampiro into the steel steps. Quack gets onto the ring apron, sees that Vampiro is standing, springboards, and hits an Asai Moonsault on Vampiro. Mike grabs Vampiro and they both get into the ring, officially starting the match. Quackenbush brings Vampiro to his feet, but it backfires on him when Vampiro hits a chinbreaker. Vampiro whips Quack into the ropes. Quack bounces back, ducks a clothesline by Vampiro, bounces off the ropes, and takes down Vampiro with a tilt-a-whirl armdrag. Vampiro gets up and this time he is taken down with a headscissors. Quack waits to Vampiro to get up before charging at him. Vampiro grabs Mike by the throat and then plants him into the mat with a chokeslam. Vampiro goes for the pin, but Quack kicks out at 2. Vampiro brings Quack to his feet, whips him into the corner, and hits a big splash. Quack is helpless in the corner as Vampiro is battering him with punch after punch. Mike fights his way out of the corner with repeated karate thrusts to the throat and palm thrusts to the chest. Quack gets out of the corner and hits a kick to the side of the head. Mike springboards, grabs Vampiro, and hits a tornado DDT. Quack goes for the pin, but Vampiro kicks out at 2. Quackenbush goes to the top rope and waits for Vampiro to get up. Vampiro stands up and Quack goes for an inverted huracanrana, but Vampiro turns the move on Quack and hits an inverted powerbomb. Vampiro brings Mike to his feet, picks him up for a scoop slam, and turns it into a sitout piledriver. Vampiro goes for the pin and gets the 3 count, ending the undefeated streak of Mike Quackenbush.

Prazak: At Decimation there will be a Survival of the Fittest match for the POI World Title. Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, CM Punk, Nigel McGuinness, Super Dragon, and Austin Aries will do battle in this match. Now lets take a look at what events led up to this match.

Each man had to qualify.
KENTA tries to get to the ropes, but Joe hits a suplex on KENTA while keeping the clutch applied. RVD gets up and Nigel hits the Jawbreaker lariat on him. When Hart gets to his knees Punk hits the Shining Wizard. Styles sets up for the Styles Clash and then he hits it off the second rope. Super Dragon picks up Homicide and gives him a Psycho Driver on the guard rail. Aries sets up RVD, goes to the top rope, and hits the 450.
Battle lines were drawn.
Joe locks in the Coquina Clutch on McGuinness. Aries bounces off the ropes and hits a neck snap on AJ. Dragon turns around and from out of nowhere he gets hit with a high knee lift to the face from CM Punk.
The war began.
Dragon and Styles begin to exchange punches. Aries lifts up CM, hits a shinbreaker, and follows up with a Saito suplex. Joe turns around and Nigel hits him with the Jawbreaker lariat. Aries gets up, turns around, and is hit with a trash can lid by AJ Styles. AJ and Samoa Joe are exchanging chops while Punk hits a knee lift on Nigel. Austin picks up a chair and cracks Super Dragon over the head with it. Punk gets the double underhook, sets up Nigel, and hits the Pepsi Plunge through the table.
At Decimation the war will end and one man will be left standing with the POI World Title.

Prazak: Also at Decimation the voices of POI will change as the new commentary team of Jim Ross and Shane Douglas makes its debut. The biggest pay-per-view of the year is Decimation, don’t miss it.

(end Preview)


Decimation Card

Survival of the Fittest match for the POI World Title
Samoa Joe (c) vs. CM Punk vs. Nigel McGuinness vs. AJ Styles vs. Super Dragon vs. Austin Aries

Intercontinental Title
Chris Hero (c) vs. Delirious

Triple Threat Match for the Tag Team Championships
Motor City Machine Guns (c) vs. Age of the Fall vs. Kings of Wrestling

Hardcore Title
Jeff Hardy vs. “Sick” Nick Mondo

Last Man Standing
Edge vs. Raven

Six Man Tag
Generation Next vs. New Hart Foundation

Brent Albright vs. Taz

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
I'm gonna skim through the previous shows, and get back into this comic.. Decimation looks awesome, and I can't wait. Good luck man, and I can't wait for this to pick up.

Survival of the Fittest match for the POI World Title
Samoa Joe (c) vs. CM Punk vs. Nigel McGuinness vs. AJ Styles vs. Super Dragon vs. Austin Aries

Intercontinental Title
Chris Hero (c) vs. Delirious

Triple Threat Match for the Tag Team Championships
Motor City Machine Guns (c) vs. Age of the Fall vs. Kings of Wrestling

Hardcore Title
Jeff Hardy vs. “Sick” Nick Mondo

Last Man Standing
Edge vs. Raven

Six Man Tag
Generation Next vs. New Hart Foundation

Brent Albright vs. Taz


BM: The Main Event without a doubt. It was a good lengthed match and everyone involved were great, this is one of the better matches I have seen you write. I am glad that you had Joe, Aries and Punk win as I feel they deserved it a little more and were my favourite team in this bout, good building for the PPV and it was a good way to finish off the show.

WM: Nick Mondo Vs Tommy Dreamer, for a hardcore match it was really short, I am not very interested in both men in this match which didn't help me get into it. Worst of the show but it wasn't too bad.

BP: Edge and Raven. It was the best promo I have seen you write but it was the best on this show, I saw a little improvement with Raven but there is still alot of room for more. They got their points across well and I hope to see more improvement from you.

WP: Tazz/Albright, although it wasn't a promo more of an angle but you really didn't put much effort into it, it was like the camera went and showed it, they punched a couple of times then Tazplex and it's over, I think you could have put a little more brawling action into it and more detail. The promos weren't to bad this week but they were far from great not to sound harsh, if you got a little more length in them to fully get over what they need to say it wuld be good and improve with the characters a little.

AC: Good show, the matches were quite entertaining and the promos were improved from recent weeks. The PPV is shaping up nicely and here are my predictions for it:

Survival of the Fittest match for the POI World Title
Samoa Joe (c) vs. CM Punk vs. Nigel McGuinness vs. AJ Styles vs. Super Dragon vs. Austin Aries

In what should be one of the best matches in POI history, I think Samoa Joe will retain his title making him look dominant in POI Wrestling, this should be one hell of a match!

Intercontinental Title
Chris Hero (c) vs. Delirious

This looks to be a good match, I think Chris Hero will pick up a sneaky victory here, could be a good match too.

Triple Threat Match for the Tag Team Championships
Motor City Machine Guns (c) vs. Age of the Fall vs. Kings of Wrestling

This is the match that looks best for me, I am unsure of who will win but I have a feeling Kings of Wrestling will somehow get it, not to sure though but I look forward to this.

Hardcore Title
Jeff Hardy vs. “Sick” Nick Mondo

I see Hardy hitting some crazy moves but that may cost him the title, I think Mondo will get the win and the title.

Last Man Standing
Edge vs. Raven

This should be awesome, both great and in LMS match I think Edge will get the victory, looks great.

Six Man Tag
Generation Next vs. New Hart Foundation

Not sure who will win this match either, I like Generation Next more so I am randomly choosing them...

Brent Albright vs. Tazz

With what happened on the last show Tazz has the momentum and I think he will pick up the win but Albright may be able to get the upset.

Looks awesome and I will be sure to check the PPV out, my next show will be up soon so you can check that out if you feel like it...


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Welcome to POI's third PPV; Decimation. Thank you for reading POI's biggest show ever. From here on out you should be seeing longer shows from POI. All reviews will be repped and returned.



The show opens with crowd shots and the introduction of the new commentary team.

Jim Ross: Hello and welcome to Decimation! JR, Jim Ross here.

Shane Douglas: And I’m the “Franchise” Shane Douglas.

JR: We’re in store for a great show tonight. In tonight’s main event six men will fight for the POI World Title in the Finals of the Survival of the Fittest tournament.

Shane: I can’t wait to see my old pal Raven get his *** kicked. In tonight’s first match Jeff Hardy defends the Hardcore Championship against “Sick” Nick Mondo. With Mondo’s history this could be a bloodbath.

JR: You’d love that wouldn’t you?

Shane: What’s that supposed to mean.

"Last Resort" by Papa Roach hits and Nick Mondo walks to the ring. The hardcore fans in the crowd are all behind him. "No More Words" by EndeverafteR hits and Jeff hardy comes to the ring. He gets a huge pop.

Match 1: Jeff Hardy vs. Nick Mondo for the Hardcore Championship
The bell rings and the two men begin talking in the ring. Hardy shoves Nick. Mondo hits a kick to the side of the head. Jeff pounds away on Mondo with stiff right hands. Hardy grabs Nick, whips him into the ropes, and dropkicks him in the face, knocking Nick out of the ring. Mondo gets to his feet, Jeff slingshots over the top rope, and hits a crossbody on Mondo. Hardy goes under the ring and brings out a garbage can, but it gets kicked in his face by Sick Nick. Mondo puts the garbage can over the head of Jeff and then begins to use rapid fire kicks on him. Hardy takes off the can while Nick looks under the ring for more weapons. Mondo brings out a barbed wire covered baseball bat. Nick swings it at Hardy, but Hardy ducks and kicks Nick in the gut. Jeff picks up the dropped bat and drives it into Mondo’s back. Hardy rakes the barbed wire across the forehead of Mondo. Nick is now bleeding from the back and forehead. Mondo grabs a light tube out from under the ring. At the same time Hardy runs along the top of the guard rail, towards Nick. Jeff jumps off the rail and he gets cracked in the face with the light tube. Mondo grabs another light tube and slams it down onto the back of Jeff. Hardy has been busted open. Nick grabs a table from under the ring and sets it up. Mondo turns around and he is hit with a Singapore cane by Jeff. Hardy hits Sick Nick with the cane over and over. Jeff puts Mondo on the table before going to the top rope. Nick gets off of the table and onto the ring apron. Mondo and Hardy begin to exchange punches. Nick picks up Hardy and hits a cut throat driver through the table. Mondo goes for the pin and gets the 3 count.

JR: That brutal move won Mondo the Hardcore Championship.

Shane: You don’t get action lice that anywhere else.

JR: That’s for sure. Now our nest match is Taz going up against Brent Albright. These guys are tougher than a two dollar steak.

Shane: You’d still eat that steak.

"Just Another Victim" by Cypress Hill hits and Taz walks to the ring. He doesn't even seen to notice that the fans are cheering him on. "Faint" by Linkin Park hits and Brent Albright runs to the ring. He gets booed all the way there.

Match 2: Taz vs. Brent Albright
The bell rings and Albright drives his fist into the face of Taz. Taz shrugs it off and uses a punch of his own. Brent staggers back, springs off the ropes, and tries to take down Taz with a shoulder block. Taz doesn’t budge at all. Taz fires back with a punch to the face and Albright gives it back to him. The two men continue to exchange punches in the middle of the ring with neither man holding back. After each man receives twelve punches each, Brent uses an elbow to the face on Taz. Albright bounces off the ropes and hits a high kneelift on Taz, knocking him out of the ring. Brent showboats in the ring, waiting for Taz to get back in. Taz finally get back into the ring. Albright goes for a clothesline, but Taz ducks it, picks up Albright, and hits a German Tazplex. Both men get up fast. Brent doesn’t seem to have been effected much by the suplex. Taz goes for a second German Tazplex, but Albright elbows his way out of the wristlock, gets the go behind, and hits a German suplex of his own. Both men get to their feet. Taz quickly grabs Brent and hits a Tiger Tazplex. Taz goes for the pin, but Albright kicks out at 2. The two men begin to stand up and Taz takes down Brent with a shoulder tackle. Taz attempts to apply the Tazmission, but Albright quickly breaks the hold by reaching the ropes. Taz brings Brent to his feet, but it backfires on him when Brent hits a powerslam. Albright quickly locks in the crowbar on Taz. As Brent wrenches it in tighter Taz tries to reach the ropes. Eventually Taz is able to grab onto the bottom rope and Albright goes ballistic. Brent goes to the outside and brings a chair into the ring. Taz stands up and he gets cracked in the head with chair. Taz falls to the mat, knocked out. Albright hits Taz with the chair over and over. The referee calls for the bell to protect Taz. The ref DQ’s Albright for attacking Taz after he was knocked out. Security comes to the ring to make sure Albright stops his attack. They force Albright to the back and begin to help Taz.

JR: What Albright did was just sick. Nothing like that should ever happen in a wrestling ring.

Shane: I say do whatever it takes to win. Even though Albright didn’t pick up the win he is still better off than Taz.

JR: No matter how much I disagree with you, the show must go on. Our next match is for the POI Tag Team Titles.

"The Haunted" by Walls of Jericho hits and the Age of the Fall walks to the ring. The crowd is spilt in half between cheering and booing them. "We Are the Champions" by Queen plays and the Kings of Wrestling; Ken Kennedy and Claudio Castagnoli come to the ring, being careful not to let the fans touch them. "Beautiful Disaster" by 311 hits the the Tag Team Champions; the Motor City Machine Guns walk to the ring with nearly all of the fans behind them.

Match 3: Motor City Machine Guns vs. the Age of the Fall vs. the Kings of Wrestling for the Tag Team Titles
The bell rings and Shelly, Black, Castagnoli start the match. Alex charges at Black and hits a dropkick to the face. Shelley gets up and Claudio goes for the big boot. Alex ducks the boot and hits an enzuigiri on Claudio. Castagnoli doesn’t fall to the mat so Shelley uses repeated punches on him. Claudio takes down Shelley with a huge European uppercut. Black gets up, dropkicks Claudio in the chest, flips in midair, and hits a moonsault on Alex. Tyler goes for the pin, but Shelley kicks out at 2. Black gets to his feet and he gets his head taken off with a clothesline by Claudio. Castagnoli brings Tyler to his feet and sets up for a powerbomb. Shelley vaults over Black and hits a kick to the face on Claudio. Castagnoli falls into the Kings of Wrestling’s corner and Kennedy tags himself into the match. Ken gets into the ring and goes for the Mic Check on Shelley. Alex uses elbow to the side of the head to escape the move. Shelley grabs Ken and hits a backbreaker. Black blindsides Alex with a kick to the side of the head. Shelley falls onto the middle rope. Tyler dropkicks the back of Shelley, springs off his back, and lands on his feet. Alex gets to his feet, Black hits a kick to the head, Alex falls to the mat, Black springboards, and hits a moonsault on Alex. Tyler goes for the pin, but Kennedy breaks it up at 2.

Black gets to his feet. Kennedy picks up Black and hits a Samoan drop. Kennedy gets up and he is hit with a superkick from Shelley. Alex tags Chris Sabin into the match. Sabin comes in like a bat out of hell, hitting a dropkick on both Black and Kennedy. Chris grabs Kennedy and hits a Tiger suplex. Sabin grabs Tyler and attempts the same move, but this time Tyler lands on his feet. Black dives into his corner and tags Jimmy Jacobs into the match. Jacobs gets into the ring and hits a forearm to the face of Chris. Jimmy springs off the ropes and takes down Sabin with a headscissors. Kennedy is on then top rope. Before Jimmy can get up Kennedy hits a Kenton Bomb. Ken goes for the pin, but Sabin breaks it up at 2. Sabin and Kennedy get to their feet and begin to exchange punches. Chris appears to be getting the better of the exchange. Sabin tries to pick up Ken for the Cradle Shock, but Ken fights out of it and hits the Mic Check. Jacobs grabs Kennedy, runs up the turnbuckles, and hits the Contra Code. Black is on the top rope. Jacobs tags him in and Black hits the Phoenix Splash on Kennedy. Black goes for the pin. Claudio tries to break it up, but Jacobs cuts him off. Shelley dives into the ring, but he is one second late. The 3 is counted and new champions are crowned. Jacobs and Black grabs the belts.

JR: We’ve got new Tag Team Champions!

Shane: Well, the freaks did it.

Lacey and Vampiro come to the ring to celebrate with the new champs as the shot cuts to the back where Dave Prazak is with Samoa Joe.

Dave Prazak: I’m here with POI World Champion Samoa Joe. Joe, what are your thoughts on tonight’s match?

Samoa Joe: Tonight I am defending my title against five of the best wrestlers in the word. This has to be my hardest challenge yet. When this belt is on the line I become the best in the world. These five guys will just turn into examples that proves Joe’s gonna kill you.

The shot cuts back to the ring.

Shane: Our next match is the one that I couldn’t wait for.

JR: Edge takes on Raven in a Last Man Standing match.

Shane: Someone’s getting knocked out, ha ha.

"Metalingus" by Alter Bridge blasts through the speakers and Edge walks to the ring. The crowd lets Edge know how much they hate him. "Come Out and Play" by The Offspring hits and Raven slowly walks to the ring. He is locked in a staredown with Edge as he walks.

Match 4: Edge vs. Raven in a Last Man Standing match
The bell rings and the two men charge across the ring toward each other. They begin to trade punches. Raven gets the better of Edge and he hits a discus clothesline. Edge falls to the mat and rolls out of the ring. Raven gets out of the ring and follows after Edge. Edge kicks Raven in the gut before whipping him into the guard rail. Edge charges at Raven, but he gets back body dropped into the crowd by Raven. The ref starts the count. Edge gets up at 2. Raven gets into the crowd and throws a fans beer into Edge’s face. Edge picks up a chair and drives it into Raven’s stomach before slamming it down onto his back. Edge hits Raven in the back with the chair five times before Raven finally falls to the ground. The ref starts to count, 1, 2, Raven starts to get up, 3, 4, Raven gets to his knees, and Edge boots him in the face, breaking the count. Edge brings Raven to his feet and tries to whip him into the fans chairs, but Raven reverses it, sending Edge into the chairs. Raven sets up a chair. Edge stands up and Raven sends him face first into the chair with a drop toe hold. The ref begins to start the count, but Raven grabs Edge by the hair and begins to drag him out of the crowd. Raven takes Edge and himself over the guard rail and to ring side. Raven rolls Edge into the ring before pulling a table out from under the ring. Raven sets up the table, looks under the ring again and pulls out a bag. The bag is full of thumbtacks and they are poured all over the table

JR: Folks lets me tell you those are not fruity delicious Skittles, they are real thumbtacks.

Raven gets onto the ring apron. Edge gets a burst of energy and spears Raven off of the ring apron and through the tack covered table. The ref starts the count for Raven. 1, 2, Raven rolls off the tacks, 3, 4, Raven tries to pick the tacks out of his back. 5, 6, Raven begins to get up, 7, Raven gets to his knees, 8, 9, and Raven is on his feet. Edge leaves the ring and picks up a part of the steps. Edge tries to attacks Raven with the steps. Raven kicks Edge in the gut. Edge drops the stairs and Raven hits a Raven Effect onto the dropped stairs. The ref starts the count for Edge. 1, 2, Edge starts to stir, 3, he reaches under the ring and grabs a chair, 4, 5, Edge starts to get to his feet, 6, 7, 8, 9, and Edge is standing. Raven thought he had the match won. Raven turns around and he gets cracked in the head with a chair. Raven is down and the ref starts counting. While the count is going on Edge grabs a cinder block from under the ring and places it under Ravens head. Edge picks up the chair and hits a cinder block assisted conchairto. The ref starts the count for Raven. 1, 2, 3, 4, Raven starts to stir, 5, 6, 7, Raven rolls over, 8, 9, Edge declares victory, and 10 is counted. Edge is the Last Man Standing.

JR: What a brutal match!

Shane: Man, you said it. Good to see Raven lose though. He head got squished like a grape!

JR: *sighs* Why did they pair me with you?

The shot cuts to the back where Dave Prazak is with Nigel McGuinness.

Prazak: I’m here with Nigel McGuinness. Nigel, are you nervous at all for your match?

Nigel: Are you stupid of something Prozac? Of course I’m nervous. I am before every match. The day that I’m not nervous will be the day that I stop wrestling. At least this time I walk in with an advantage. I’ve beaten the POI World Champion twice. Joe, I’m looking to make it three times after tonight.

The shot cuts back to the ring for the six man tag.

The legendary music of Bret Hart hits and the New Hart Foundation walks down the entrance ramp. They soak in the heat. "A Victim, a Target" by Misery Signals hits and Generation Next walks to the ring. The crowd explodes when they come out.

Match 5: New Hart Foundation (Teddy Hart, Shelton Benjamin, and Petey Williams with Bret Hart) vs. Generation Next (Roderick Strong, Jack Evans, and Matt Sydal)
The bell rings and Evans and Petey start off the match. The two men lock up and Petey applies a wristlock on Evans. Jack uses a flip to get out of it before using a hammerlock on Williams. Evans whips Petey into the ropes. Petey bounces back, Evans leapfrogs Petey, Petey bounces off the ropes, Petey leapfrogs over Evans, Petey bounces off the ropes for a third time, and Evans catches him with a spinning heel kick to the face. Williams falls to the mat, holding his face in pain. Once Williams gets to his feet, Jack springboards and hits another kick to the head. Evans brings Petey to his feet. Williams catches Jack off guard with a thumb to the eye. Petey kicks Evans in the gut before going onto the ring apron. Williams slingshots himself into the ring, grabs Jack, and hits a double knee facebuster. Petey goes for the pin, but Evans kicks out at 2.

Williams goes up to the top rope and waits for Jack to stand up. Once Evans gets to his feet, Petey jumps off the top rope and hits a huracanrana. Jack uses the momentum from the huracanrana to roll into the Generation Next corner. Evans tags Matt Sydal into the match. Sydal goes up to the top rope and hits a missile dropkick on Petey. Matt gets up fast and hits a standing moonsault on Williams. Sydal gets Petey standing. Williams takes down Matt with a Russian leg sweep. Petey goes to the New Hart Foundation corner and tags in Shelton Benjamin. Shelton gets into the ring and hits a leg lariat on Sydal. Matt tries to get up, but Benjamin clips his legs out from under him. Shelton gets up and begins to stomp on Sydal’s knees. Benjamin goes up to the second rope before dropping an elbow on Matt’s right knee. Shelton ties up the legs of Matt with an Indian deathlock. Benjamin leans over to his team’s corner and tags in Teddy Hart. Teddy springboards and hits a leg drop on the back of the head and neck of Sydal while the Indian deathlock is still applied. Hart goes for the pin and Matt kicks out at the count of 2.

Teddy brings Sydal to his feet before setting him up for a DDT. From out of nowhere Matt reverses the move into a Northern Lights suplex. Sydal crawls into his team’s corner and tags in Roderick Strong. Roderick lifts up Hart and hits a half nelson backbreaker. Strong goes to the NHF corner and takes Benjamin and Williams off of the ring apron with hard chops. Roderick turns around and hits a big boot to the face of Hart. Strong bounces off the ropes, vaults over the other set of ropes, and lands on Petey and Shelton. Roderick turns around and Bret Hart breaks a Canadian flag staff over his head. Evans and Sydal go to ring side to protect Strong from further attack. Evans and Sydal brawl on the outside with Petey and Shelton while Bret puts Strong into the ring. Teddy goes up to the top rope and hits Open Hart Surgery on Roderick. Hart goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. On the outside Jack Evans is on the announce table. Benjamin picks up Sydal and hits the T-Bone suplex, slamming him onto Evans and putting them both through the table.

JR: That was just uncalled for.

Shane: I’ll say, they spilled my soda!

JR: You don’t care at all that there are two men knocked out in front of you?

Shane: Of course I do, Sydal’s hair is soaking up my soda.

JR: Could someone help these guys? Let’s send it to the back.

The shot cuts to the back where Dave Prazak is with Austin Aries.

Prazak: I’m here with Austin Aries. Austin, you have been called the underdog of this match. What are your thoughts on this?

Aries: I lost my first chance to get into this match. Then I beat five other men to take the sixth and final spot in the match. Tonight I’m going to pull a repeat performance and beat five men again. That World Title is as good as mine.

AJ Styles walks up to the two men.

AJ: Really? You really think that you can win the belt tonight> Do you remember who it was that beat you in your first try to get into this match? It was me!

Aries: That was in the past, this is the present. What happened then has nothing to do with what will happen tonight.

AJ: It has everything to do with what will happen tonight. I’m in your head and you know you can’t beat me, because I am simply phenomenal.

The shot cuts back to the ring.

JR: Ladies and gentlemen, while you were seeing the backstage interview the New Hart Foundation set up a table and Petey Williams put Roderick Strong through it with a Canadian Destroyer.

Shane: It was awesome!

JR: There’s something wrong with you. Our sixth match of the night is for the IC title.

"Hybrid Stigmata" by Dimmu Borgir hits and Delirious explodes from the entrance ramp. He runs around the ring slapping hands with the fans. "Kryptonite" by 3 Doors Down hits and Chris Hero walks to the ring. He gets the most heel heat of the night thus far.

Match 6: Chris Hero vs. Delirious for the Intercontinental Championship
The bell rings and Delirious explodes, screaming and running around the ring. Delirious gets into Hero’s face and yells at him. Chris yells back before punching Delirious in the face. Delirious backs up and then tackles Hero to the mat before unloading punch after punch on him. Chris gets Delirious off of him before standing up and going for a boot to the face. Delirious ducks the boot and takes Hero off his feet with a leg sweep. Delirious quickly gets up and drives a knee into the chest of Hero. Chris clutches his chest in pain and rolls to the outside of the ring. Delirious climbs to the top turnbuckle and waits for Hero to stand up. Chris gets to his feet and he is hit with a crossbody block from Delirious. The challenger brings the champion to his feet before trying to whip him into the guard rail. Hero reverses it, sending Delirious back first into the rail. Chris charges at Delirious and hits a Yakuza kick to the face. Delirious collapses to the ground and his body goes limp. Hero grabs Delirious and drags him into the ring. Hero goes for the pin, but Delirious kicks out at 2. Chris stands up, springs off the ropes, and hits a standing senton. Hero covers Delirious again and Delirious kicks out at 2. Hero tries to bring Delirious to his feet. Delirious hits a headbut to the stomach. Delirious gets to his feet and hits a cutter on Chris. Both men are down. They start to get to their feet. Delirious grabs Hero and whips him into the corner. Chris slumps down and gets in a seated position. Delirious charges at Hero and hits the Panic Attack. Delirious goes for the pin, but Chris gets his shoulder up at 2. Delirious goes up to the top rope, Hero gets on his hands and knees, and Delirious goes for Shadows Over Hell. Chris moves out of the way making Delirious smack into the mat. Hero brings Delirious to his feet, sets him up, and hits the Heroes Welcome. Chris goes for the pin and Delirious gets his shoulder up right before the ref counts 3. Hero is in disbelief. Chris brings Delirious to his feet and sets him up for a second Heroes Welcome. Delirious slips out of it, gets the go behind, sets him up, and hits the Chemical Imbalance II. Delirious pins Hero and gets the 3 count. Delirious wins the IC title.

JR: He did it! Delirious finally wins the Intercontinental Championship.

Shane: I think this should worry Samoa Joe. No champion has retained their title tonight. That trend might continue in our main event.

JR: How do you make such good points like that when you usually say some of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard?

Shane: Everything I say is a good point.

JR: Right. Well now we have our main event; the Survival of the Fittest match. Here are the rules: To be eliminated from the match the wrestler must be pinned or they must submit.

Shane: There is no disqualification.

JR: There are only two legal men allowed in the ring.

Shane: To eliminate someone or to be eliminated you must be one of the legal men.

JR: The winner of the fifth and final fall will be the POI World Champion.

Shane: Let’s get the wrestlers out here, its main event time.

"Epic" by Faith No More Hits and Super Dragon walks to the ring. He gets a modest pop from the fans.

Prazak: He weighs in at 200 pounds and hails from Orange County, California. He is Super Dragon.

"Personal Jesus" by Marilyn Manson hits and Austin Aries walks to the ring. Aries slaps hands with the fans before getting into the ring.

Prazak: He weighs in at 205 pounds and hails from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He is Austin Aries.

"This Fire Burns" by Killswitch Engage hits and CM Punk walks to the ring. The crowd is split between cheers and boos for Punk.

Prazak: He weighs in at 222 pounds and hails from Chicago, Illinois. He is CM Punk.

"I Fought the Law" by The Clash hits and Nigel McGuinness walks to the ring. Nigel gets a huge amount of heat.

Prazak: He weights in at 220 pounds and hails from London, England. He is Nigel McGuinness.

"I Am" by Dale Oliver hits and AJ Styles walks to the ring. AJ gets as much heat as Nigel got.

Prazak: He weighs in at 215 pounds and hails from Canton, North Carolina. He is AJ Styles.

"The Champ is Here" hits and Samoa Joe walks to the ring. He gets the loudest reaction of the night.

Prazak: He weighs in at 290 and hails from Huntington Beach, California. He is Samoa Joe.

Match 7: Samoa Joe vs. Super Dragon vs. Austin Aries vs. CM Punk vs. Nigel McGuinness vs. AJ Styles in a Survival of the Fittest match for the POI World Championship
The bell rings and CM Punk and AJ Styles start off the match. The two men lock up. AJ overpowers Punk and shoves him to the mat. Punk gets up fast and the two men tie up again. This time CM overpowers Styles, shoving him to the mat. Punk gets up fast and the two men tie up again. AJ gets up and yet again the two men lock up. Styles and Punk struggle to win the battle. Eventually Styles wins and throws CM to the mat. Before Punk gets the chance to stand back up AJ boots him in the face. Styles taunts the crowd by doing his phenomenal pose. Punk tries to catch AJ off guard by attacking him from behind. Before Punk can get to AJ, Styles goes for the Pele kick. CM manages to dodge the Pele. Styles stands up and he gets rocked with a spinning back fist to the face. CM doesn’t let up hitting Styles with a barrage of punches and slaps. Punk goes for a heel kick to the stomach, but AJ catches the boot and takes him down with a dragon screw leg whip. Styles stomps on the leg of Punk. Styles goes to the ring apron and waits for CM to stand up. Punk stands up and AJ goes for the springboard flying forearm. CM is able to dodge Styles at the last second. AJ lands on his feet and then gets his head taken off with a kick from Punk. Before Styles can fall to the mat CM grabs him, gets the double underhook, picks him up, and hits the Welcome to Chicago backbreaker. Punk goes for the pin, but AJ kicks out at 2. CM quickly applies the anaconda vice to Styles. They are in the middle of the ring, Styles has no where to go. Just as AJ is about to tap out the lights go out. A red light starts flashing, the Kill Bill theme hits, and Homicide walks onto the entrance ramp. He starts to walk to the ring and Punk stands read to face him. Styles schoolboys Punk and gets the 3 count.

JR: AJ Styles just eliminated CM Punk with the help of the distraction from Homicide.

Punk leaves the ring and attacks Homicide. The two of them exchange punches and battle to the back. AJ gets to his feet and challenges someone to come fight him. Super Dragon steps into the ring and charges at AJ. Styles turns to face him and he gets hit with a huge forearm shot to the face. AJ fires back with a forearm of his own. Dragon hits a headbut, grabs Styles, and whips him into the ropes. AJ springboards, goes for an Asai moonsault, and transitions into inverted DDT. Styles goes for the pin, but Dragon kicks out at 2. AJ gets to his feet and gets Dragon standing as well. Styles tries to whips Dragon into the corner, but Dragon reverses it sending Styles into the corner of Nigel McGuinness. AJ crashes into Nigel, knocking Nigel to the floor. The ref says that when AJ crashed into Nigel it counted as a tag. McGuinness stands up on the outside. Super Dragon dives through the top and middle ropes and hits a suicide dive on Nigel. Dragon lifts Nigel to his feet and rolls him into the ring. Dragon gets into the ring and he has his head taken off with a lariat by McGuinness. Nigel goes for the pin, but Dragon kicks out at 2. McGuinness whips Dragon into the corner, charges at him, and hits a European uppercut. Nigel picks up Super Dragon and slams him down stomach first onto the top rope. Then McGuinness hits the Tower of London, a rope hung cutter. Nigel gets cocky and he begins to taunt the POI World Champ, Samoa Joe. The two yell at each other until McGuinness is lifted into the air by Super Dragon. Dragon hits the Psycho Driver on Nigel. Dragon goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. Nigel McGuinness has been eliminated.

Shane: That was just Nigel’s fault. He took he eye off of Super Dragon and he paid for it.

AJ Styles quickly enters the ring and rolls up Super Dragon. Dragon kicks out at the count of 2. Dragon tries to get up, but he gets hit with a dropkick to the face by Styles. Dragon rolls out of the ring to try and get some rest. When Dragon gets to his feet AJ springboards and hits a shooting star press on Dragon. Styles gets to his feet and rolls Super Dragon back into the ring. Super Dragon gets up and quickly tags in Samoa Joe. Styles gets into the ring and he has his face planted into the mat with a STO from Joe. Samoa Joe lifts AJ to his feet before whipping him into an empty corner. Joe hits chop after chop to the chest of Styles. Samoa Joe picks up AJ and places him on the top turnbuckle. Joe tries to set up Styles for the Muscle Buster, but AJ gets out of it and boots Joe in the face. Joe staggers back and then gets hit with a missile dropkick to the face by Styles. Joe backs up and Austin Aries slaps his back, tagging himself into the match. Aries gets into the ring and hits a bulldog on AJ. Austin gets onto the ring apron, slingshots himself back into the ring, and hits a senton on Styles. Aries brings AJ to his feet and sets him up for the brainbuster. Styles blocks it, lifts up Austin, and hits a vertical suplex. AJ stands up, gets on the ring apron, sees Aries stand up, springboards, and hits a flying forearm to the face on Aries. Styles drops a knee on the head of Austin. AJ sets up Aries on the mat before climbing to the top rope. Styles goes for the Spiral Tap, but at the last second Austin moves out of the way, causing Styles to crash into the mat. Aries lifts up AJ and drives him headfirst into the mat with a brainbuster. Austin picks up Styles and hits a second brainbuster. Aries goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. AJ Styles has been eliminated.

JR: Austin Aries just eliminated his rival AJ Styles!

Shane: AJ isn’t gonna be happy when he wakes up.

Super Dragon grabs a chair from the outside before getting into the ring. Dragon jabs the chair into Aries gut and then slams it down on his back. Dragon surprises Samoa Joe, who is on the ring apron with a chair shot to the head. Joe falls off the ring apron and goes through the announce table.

JR: Oh my god!

Shane: Not again! There goes my soda, someone get me a new one.

Dragon turns to face Austin before getting his legs taken out from under him with a dropkick to the knees. Aries collapses on the mat from exhaustion. Dragon gets up and slams the chair on the back of Austin over and over. The ref can’t do anything to stop it because there are no disqualifications. Samoa Joe gets into the ring, blood dripping down his face. Joe grabs Dragon from behind and applies the Coquina Clutch. Dragon tries to fight out of it, but he’s right in the middle of the ring. Dragon passes out, but it doesn’t matter because Joe isn’t the legal man. After the ref tells him that Joe breaks the hold, grabs Aries, drags him into the corner, gets onto the ring apron, and tags himself into the match. Joe quickly grabs Dragon and locks in the Clutch again. The ref raises the hand of Super Dragon and it falls to the mat. The ref does it again and yet again. Dragon’s hand hits the mat. The ref lifts it up one more time and it falls to the mat for the third and final time. Super Dragon is eliminated.

JR: Samoa Joe just choked out Super Dragon.

Shane: The jerk deserved it. Now we’re down to two men.

JR: This is where things get serious; a new POI World Champion could be crowned.

Joe and Aries get to their feet and shake hands. Joe holds onto the handshake and tries to whip Aries into the corner, but Aries reverses it sending Joe into the corner. Austin gets onto the ring apron, slingshots himself into the corner, and drives his elbow into the face of Joe. Aries backs up and charges at Joe. Samoa Joe picks up Austin and slams him to the mat. Joe bounces off the ropes and hits a standing senton on Aries. Joe goes for the pin, but Austin kicks out at 2. Joe lifts Aries to his feet and goes for a release German suplex. Austin lands on his feet and takes Joe’s legs out from under him with a dropkick. Joe gets to a seated position. Aries bounces off the ropes, grabs Joe’s head, and hits a neck snap. Austin gets up, bounces off the ropes, and hits a dropkick to the face of the seated Joe. Aries goes for the pin, but Joe kicks out at 2. Before Austin can stand up Joe grabs him and locks in the Coquina Clutch. Aries begins to struggle to get out of the hold. They are in the middle of the ring; Austin can’t reach any of the ropes. Aries rolls over so that Joe’s shoulders are pinned to the mat. Joe breaks the hold at the count of 2. The two men get to their feet. Austin picks up Joe, hits a shinbreaker, and follows up with a Saito suplex. Aries gets up and hits a pendulum elbow drop on Joe. Aries gets up, goes to the top rope and hits the 450 splash on Joe. Austin goes for the pin, but somehow Joe gets his shoulder up before 3. Aries spares no time bringing Joe to his feet. Austin chops away at the chest of Joe. Samoa Joe fires back with chops of his own. Joe backs Aries into the corner and continues to hit chop after chop. Joe lifts up Austin, seats him on the top turnbuckle, sets him up, and hits the Muscle Buster. Joe goes for the pin, but Aries gets the shoulder up at 2. Joe quickly locks in the Coquina Clutch on Austin. The already weakened Aries passes out. The ref lifts up his hand twice and both times it hits the mat. The ref picks it up again and it falls to the mat for the third time. The ref calls for the bell.

JR: He’s done it! Samoa Joe retained the POI World Championship!

Shane: No matter how beaten, bloody, and tired he is it doesn’t matter. He’s still the champ.

JR: What a slobberknocker!
*Disposable Teens by Marilyn Manson plays* What’s going on?

As Joe celebrates the Church of Daniels (Christopher Daniels, Rob Van Dam, and Low Ki) walks to the ring. Christopher Daniels grabs a microphone.

Daniels: Congratulations Joe. Good to see that you’re still championship. I’m sure you’re wondering why I’m here. It’s because of this. *pulls out a contract* This is something that I fought hard for. This is a shot at the title that you just retained. In fact this contract allows me to choose when I get my shot. I could challenge you right now, but I won’t because I am a man of honor. Joe I’m on a crusade to destroy POI. To do that I have to beat you and take that title. You always need to be ready now because whenever I want, that title could be mine. POI is coming to an end, my disciples and I are sure of that. And that was the gospel according to the Fallen Angel.

Daniels, Rob Van Dam, and Low Ki leave the ring.

JR: Well a challenger for the POI World Title has already stepped up.

Shane: What does he mean POI is coming to an end?

JR: Your guess is as good as mine. I think there’s something wrong with Daniels. Ladies and gentlemen thank you for watching Decimation. For Shane Douglas, I’m JR; Jim Ross. Good night everybody.

(end Decimation)

Chuck Taylor's Grenade

Decimation Review

Hardcore Title Match Jeff Hardy vs. Nick Mondo-Nice hardcore opener. Didn't stay in the ring for very long and basically never got back in the ring once both men left it. The light tube counter to the Hardy guardrail run dive thing he does was sick. Interesting choice with Mondo going over.

Taz vs. Brent Albright-Could have been a little longer. Was for the most part a battle of who would crack first. Albright going ballistic made sense but in a way it also kind of didn't because it happened too soon. If Taz would have kept kicking out of what Albright was doing or was constantly reaching the ropes with each submission attempt it would have made more sense.

Tag Title Match MCMG vs. AOTF vs. Kings of Wrestling-Nice action to open it up. Each team was showcased quite nicely. In the end this was mostly a spotfest with each team hitting their signature offensive moves. New champs-yay. They're the AOTF-double yay.

Samoa Joe Promo-Short and to the point which is how Joe's promo's should be since he does his talking in the ring.

Last man standing Edge vs. Raven-A brawl, pure and simple. Much better than the first hardcore match of the night. Finish was sick.

Nigel Promo-Good for what it was. Nigel has the champion's number.

New Hart Foundation vs. Generation Next-Excellent match. These two stables went to war. Hart foundation gets the cheap win after the interference from Bret Hart which leaves the door open for more matches.

Austin Aries and AJ Styles Promo-Best of the show. Really sets up a possible storyline for the main event.

Delirious vs. Chris Hero-Really good match. Nice half brawl half counter-wrestling match. Delirious wins which also sets an interesting precedent as the first three title matches ended with new champions putting a lot more pressure on Joe in the main event.

Survival of the Fittest-This may be your best match ever. The first two eliminations were quite quick and little surprising (I expected Nigel to go a little further). This match almost broke down into a clusterfuck in the middle but you quickly reeled it in. After that things really heated up with Dragon going bonkers with a steel chair. Aries and Joe were the perfect choice for the final two. Lots of close calls. Aries came very close to taking the title.

Daniels Promo-POI is coming to an end. Oh noes. Although if he was on a crusade to destroy POI he should have challenged for the title right then and there. How could someone be a man of honor and want to destroy a company at the same time?

Overall-One of your best shows. Not alot going on as far as promos other than the ones hyping the main event and Daniels post match promo issuing the challenge to Joe. Still the matches were a vast improvement over the three sentence matches of POI past. Three new champions should lead to new and exciting feuds. Good show.
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
Knoxville, TN
BM: Wow...without a doubt, your best match ever written on this forum, the Survival of the Fittest. Well done! Surprises, turns, twists, and Samoa retaining the title! Very good flow and a great ending IMHO. Exactly what I was hoping for from this match. Well done, and Congratulations.

WM: Uh...I guess if I have to pick then I choose Hero vs. Delirious. But nothing was bad so I can't really say much.

BP: Tough call here. I have to go with Aries and AJ though. It was mostly in character and did what you were trying to do. I have to complement you here as multiple people have told you for months that your promos are your weakest segments. This PPV is a step in the right direction and I hope you maintain this level in every show form here on out. I also like the interjections from the commentators throughout the matches. It wasn't so much as to distract from the match, but it was enough to break up the monotony of really long paragraphs and to add a little flair to the match.

WP: Probably the Daniels promo. I wish he would have thrown some fists. Other than that, it was good and your definately improving.

AC: Best POI yet.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Thanks to those who reviewed Decimation thus far. I'm hoping to get a lot more reviews.

I don't have a normal review written up for POI Episode 40 so here's a list of things for you to expect.

- Samoa Joe will speak on what happened after the Survival of the Fittest match
- Nick Mondo vs. Rhino for the Hardcore Championship
- A special anouncement by Nigel McGuinness
- New Hart Foundation (Shelton Benjamin and Teddy Hart) vs. the Motor City Machine Guns in a #1 Contender Match for the POI Tag Team Championships
- And much much more.

Moonlight Drive

BM: Bravo Comic, bravo. I would like to commend you for that Main Event, the best match you have ever written imo. The LMS match and Generation Next vs Hart Foundation were others that stood out for me.

WM: You're writing has improved in leaps and bounds since last time I read POI. Worst Match for me is the Opener between Mondo & Hardy, just didn't really think it was that great. It seemed rather bland, just move. move. move. move. move. end.

BP: Now here's the downside. Your promos need a lot more effort. Two sentence promos really aren't good, as they are as integral as the matches themselves. You're writing is a lot better, now you have to focus on improving promos, both in quantity and quality. My favourite was probabaly Daniels, since it started an interesting storyline and the others were all very, very short. AJ & Aries is a close second.

WP: Every other one. It's quite bland just to have an interviewer say something, the wrestler say a line, then it's done.

AC: Your best show ever (At least from what I have seen). Your writing is a lot better and the ME was your best match to date. Your promos however need a lot of work like I said, both in quantity and quality.


Hardcore title match: It was an alright wat to open the PPV, some good Hardcore spots but for a opening PPV match I think it could have been longer. Nick Mondo winning is good since he is probably more Hardcore and it was a good start to Decimation.

Brent Albright Vs Tazz: Again I feel this could have went on a little longer having Albright really get worked up and pissed off and then going crazy, you had a good idea here but you could have delivered it better. Tazz winning by DQ should mean these to continue feuding.

3-Way tag titles match: From the very start of the match it was quick paced, the opening to the match was nice and gave the readers an idea of what would be going on and it kept at a good standard throughout the match. Alot going on and AOTF getting the belts is pretty cool, I think this would have been a better opening match to the PPV tbh...

Samoa Joe interview: Good short promo, you got to the point fast which is good and ended well. Good little hype up for the Champ here.

Edge Vs Raven in LMS: This was a good match. Both men are hardcore so they suited this match, it was an alright length but for this sort of a match you would think it would get much more time. Some brutal moves throughout this match, the ending was good with Edge getting the win and I enjoyed it but there was still something missing here I feel.

Nigel interview: Another alright little build up for the main event here, also ended well with Nigel telling him he's gonna get a third win over Joe.

New Hart Foundation Vs Generation Next: This could very well be match of the night so far, it was a good length and alot of action in this match. Good to see the New Hart Foundation get the win and that T-Bone after the match would have been sick to see! Good stuff here and this has got me hyped for the rest of the PPV.

AJ/Aries confrontation: I liked this, could build for a feud and helps hype up the Main Event even more. Best promo and most interesting of this PPV, well done.

IC title match: Alright match, could have been better but for what it was it was decent and flowed nicely. Delirious winning is interesting and could be for the best...

Main Event: Best match you have ever written! This was awesome, it was the perfect length, alot of great spots in this and the eliminations were very unexpected for me. Austin Aries and AJ Styles should continue from here, Homicide and Punk could be good for what happened and Samoa Joe retaining is good from a booker perspective, great stuff. Awesome match, everything was set nicely!

AC: Great PPV, some good matches and promos and the Main Event was great! I will definitely check out your next couple of shows :y:

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
Hardy vs Mondo: I know you only joined IWF as you where writing this but I may as well give you the tips I would anyway. This match, didn't flow very well at all. You had too many full stops in the match and it felt as you chopped and changed between every part. As in, if somebody said something, then stopped when they where not meant to if that made sense. You added the hardcore aspect well and took it out of the early which is a good sign to me but as Hardcore matches go, they usually re-enter the ring but that may be the POI psychology.

Star Rating: *

Brent Albright vs Taz: Why did he go ballistic over a rope break? That part of the match confused me but there were other nitpicks I have with the match. What was with them no selling the Germans and then going straight into the selling of other moves, it just seemed weird to me. The match was decent but nothing special.

Star Rating: *1/2

Tag Team Titles: Best match of the show so far. The lack of tags bought it down but it was still worthy of a good match by me. It flowed well and was one of your better matches that I have seen. This is probably the best length that I like but yet the lack of tags and double teaming was weird to me. It seemed as though you tried to have a Tweener Team, Heel and Face teams which was weird.

Star Rating: **

Samoa Joe: Short... not much in it but hype.

Star Rating: *

Last Man Standing: This was good and flowed better than the opening two matches but had it's not so good moments. The table and the tacks, could of just sat there till later in the match building anticipation and the selling was awefull from what was described. Tacks in the back would be awesome but we didn't know that so yeah, a decent match in its own.

Star Rating: **

Nigel: See Samoa Joe, I don't know Nigel promos

Star Rating: *

6 Man Tag: I enjoyed this match despite the lack of tags once again. The match flowed and hada good variety of moves used so that is good. The match was well written except for the no expressions during the matches which puts matchs together for me.

Star Rating: **

Aries/AJ: This seemed like two heels to me. Aries go two lines in before AJ came in which is not good and I would of liked you to write up a stare off between the two.

Star Rating: *1/2

Star Rating: **

Hero vs Delirious: This match flowed well but the selling by both competitiors was awful. Both seemed to get upquite quickly throughout the match and only showed small signs of selling in the writing. My other gripe is that it lacked ring psychology, again it might just be the POI psychology but I feel it lacked in areas.

Star Rating: *1/2

Survival of the Fittest: The match lost me a little but I got through it. Again the selling was awful but it was better the others. Joe getting up that quick after going through the announce table is wrong. You really need the tables to stop breaking, I hope POI is buying them in bulk(hehe). Anyway, your flow was off as was the transitioning but the psychology was quite good, it was the best match of the night I guess. The aftermatch promo was pretty good too.

Star Rating: ***

Additional Comments: Yes I was quite harsh with my stars but I know your next shows will be better. I explained what could be better but most of that is just my opinion. More promos would have been nice but they need to be longer and better quality as others have said. One last thing, this was a good promo and I know you will be able to do better. Continue with the work you have been doing.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Here comes the new episode of POI. Thank you to all who reviewed Decimation. Looking back this episode is nothing to speak of in terms of matches, it's more of a storybuilding show. I think this episode has the first women's match on a main card. So enjoy the show, leave a review (they'll get repped and returned), and thanks for reading.

POI Wrestling Episode 40

The show opens with an introduction from the commentary team.

Jim Ross: Hell everybody and welcome to POI. I am JR; Jim Ross.

Shane Douglas: And I’m the Franchise Shane Douglas. We’re coming off the heels of Decimation and the landscape of POI has been changed.

JR: But one thing has not changed; Samoa Joe is still the POI World Champion.

“The Champ is Here†hits and Samoa Joe walks to the ring with the POI World Title over his shoulder.

Joe: Well, well look who’s still champ. I beat the odds and I beat five of the best wrestlers in this business. They’re good, but not as good as me. Once I won, I didn’t even get my time to celebrate. That punk Christopher Daniels came to the ring and told me to watch my back. He says he can challenge me for my belt whenever he wants. Daniels, go ahead. Try to take this belt away from me and see what happens to you. You say that the end is near for POI, you are sadly mistaken my friend. As long as this belt is with me POI will never die. Now before I get my hands on Daniels I want to take out his church. So I want tonight’s main event to be myself taking on Low Ki. Ki, tonight I’ll prove that Joe’s gonna kill you.

Joe drops the mic and heads to the back.

JR: A huge challenge made by Samoa Joe and I have just received word and it is official, Joe will meet Low Ki in tonight’s main event.

Shane: That’s going to be one hard hitting match. In tonight’s first match the new Hardcore Champion Nick Mondo will defend his belt against Rhino.

Match 1: Nick Mondo vs. Rhino for the Hardcore Championship
As Nick walks through the backstage area to get to the ring Rhino attacks him from behind. Rhino picks up a garbage can and drives it into the back of Mondo’s head. Rhino continues to drive the can into Nick’s back before going for the pin. Mondo quickly kicks out at the count of 1. Rhino brings Nick to his feet and tries to whip him into the wall. Mondo reverses it, sending Rhino into the wall. Nick charges at Rhino, who picks up a chair and drives it into Nick’s gut. Mondo backs up and then hits a kick to the head on Rhino. Nick hits a second kick to the head. Rhino fires back with some huge punches to the face. Rhino picks an empty food tray off of a table and cracks it over Mondo’s head. Fragments of shattered tray fall everywhere. Nick falls to the ground as well. Rhino picks up the fragments and places them on Mondo’s back before stomping them into his skin. Nick is bleeding from the back. Rhino brings Mondo to his feet and attempts to ram him into the wall. Nick puts on the breaks and sends Rhino face first into the wall. Mondo whips Rhino into a stack of crates, making them topple down onto him. Nick goes for the pin, but Rhino manages to kick out at 2. Mondo picks up a chair, but it gets booted into his face. Rhino picks up one of the crates and drops it into Nick. Rhino picks up a table and sets it up against the wall. Rhino brings Mondo to his feet and sets him up against the table. Rhino goes for the gore, bit at the last second Nick moves out of the way. Rhino crashes through the table. Mondo sets up a second table, lifts up Rhino, and slumps him over it. Nick climbs onto another table, jumps off of it, and hits a double foot stomp to the head on Rhino, putting him through the table face first. Mondo goes for the pin and gets the 3 count in a match that never made it to the ring.

Shane: That match was the definition of Hardcore.

JR: And that’s why “Sick†Nick Mondo is our Hardcore Champion.

“I Fought the Law†hits and Nigel McGuinness walks to the ring carrying a bag.

Nigel: At Decimation that wanker Samoa Joe kept the POI World Title. Even though I lost that match it helped me realize two things. One; I need to get back to doing what I do the best. Two; I am a champion. In fact I am the best damn champion to ever hold this belt, that’s why I have this. *Nigel pulls a title belt out of his bag* This is the ROH Pure Title and I’m bringing it out of retirement. I am the worlds best pure wrestler. I don’t care if POI recognizes the belt or not. I will defend it. Now it’s time for me to show you people what I can do.

Paul London begins to walk to the ring. Brian Kendrick runs through the crowd and attacks London. Kendrick uses a flurry of punches and kicks on London before whipping him headfirst into the ring steps. Kendrick grabs London, runs up the ring apron, and hits Sliced Bread #2 on London. Kendrick brings London to his feet and rolls him into the ring.

Match 2: Nigel McGuinness vs. Paul London for the ROH Pure Title
London gets to his feet and McGuinness hits a jawbreaker lariat. Nigel goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. Nigel grabs his belt and heads up the ramp.

Shane: Nigel dominated in this match. Pure wresting at it’s finest.

JR: You don’t know what you’re talking about. I just want to know why Brian Kendrick attacked Paul London and it looks like we’re going to find out. Kendrick’s got a mic.

Kendrick: I bet you’re all wondering why I; The Brian Kendrick did this. Why did The Brian Kendrick attack his friend Paul London? It is because the legacy that I will leave behind. The Brian Kendrick does not always want to be associated with the tag team of Paul London and Brian Kendrick. Paul was always announced first. The Brian Kendrick deserves to be announced first and he will be. London you may get the recognition, but I’m about to change that.

Kendrick begins to head to the back.

Shane: I like him.

JR: You would, you’re both obsessed with yourselves. We’re going to go to the back where CM Punk has asked for some time to speak.

CM Punk: At Decimation you all saw how I was screwed out of the POI World Title by Homicide. I thought that I got rid of Homicide, but I guess I was wrong. Now I’ll have to make sure that I eradicate this parasite from POI. Homicide you’re nothing but a worthless sack of crap to me. Some people might be scared of you, but not me. All I see is another drinker or another druggie and that makes me sick. In the end, Homicide you will learn that Straightedge means I’m better than you.

Suddenly Punk is attacked from behind by Homicide. ‘Cide rains down blows on Punk. CM hits some shots to the stomach and the two of them begin exchanging punches with Homicide getting the better of Punk. CM fires back with a spinning back fist to Homicide's face. Security runs in and manages to break up the brawl. The shot cuts back to ringside.

JR: Those two are ready to tear each other apart.

Shane: I love it, ha-ha.

JR: Our next match tonight is a number one contender match for the tag team titles.

Match 3: New Hart Foundation (Shelton Benjamin and Teddy Hart) vs. the Motor City Machine Guns in a #1 Contender Match for the POI Tag Team Championships
Hart and Sabin start off the match. They lock up and Hart gets Sabin in a wristlock before shooting him into the ropes. Sabin bounces back, leapfrogs over Teddy, bounces off the ropes again, and takes Teddy down with an armbar. As Hart gets to his knees, Chris tries to take his head off with a kick. Teddy ducks the kick and sweeps Sabin’s legs out from under him. Hart stands up and hits a standing moonsault on Chris. Teddy goes for the pin and Sabin quickly kicks out at 2. Hart gets Chris standing and unloads on him with punch after punch. Teddy tries to whip Sabin into a corner, but Sabin reverses it. Hart slams into the turnbuckles before getting hit with a dropkick to the face by Chris. Sabin grabs Teddy and goes for a release German suplex. Hart lands on his feet and catches Chris off guard with a tornado DDT. Teddy stomps on Sabin before tagging Shelton Benjamin into the match. Shelton waits on the ring apron for Sabin to get to his feet. Chris stands up and Benjamin goes for a springboard clothesline. Sabin takes Shelton out of the air with a dropkick to the face. Chris crawls over to his corner and manages to tag in Alex Shelley. Alex comes in like a house of fire and hits a kick to the side of the head on Benjamin before knocking Hart off the ring apron with an elbow to the face. Shelton gets to his knees and Shelley hits a Shining Wizard. Alex goes for the pin and Benjamin kicks out at 2.

Shelley gets up and hits a dropkick to the back of the head before going back to the ring apron. Shelton lifts up Shelley and powerbombs him onto the top turnbuckle. Benjamin backs up before hitting a splash in the corner on Alex. Shelton grabs Shelley and sets him up on the mat before heading up to the top rope. Benjamin attempts the 450 splash, but Alex rolls away at the last second. Shelley grabs Shelton, applies an Indian deathlock, bridges back, and hooks in a chinlock, synching in the Shelley Stretch. Hart climbs to the top turnbuckle and goes for Open Hart Surgery on Shelley. Alex unhooks the chinlock and moves out of the way causing Hart to land on Benjamin. Hart clutches his stomach and rolls to the outside. Sabin gets into the ring and he and Sabin wait for Shelton to stand up. Once Benjamin gets to his feet Sabin hits a spinning heel kick. Shelley follows up with a superkick. Then at the same time Sabin hits a jumping enzuigiri and Shelley hits a second superkick. Benjamin falls to the mat. Alex goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. The Motor City Machine Guns are the number 1 contenders to Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black’s Tag Team Championships.

JR: What an exciting match we just saw.

Shane: Benjamin head must be spinning. Wait a minute! It’s Generation Next.

Roderick Strong, Jack Evans, and Matt Sydal run towards the ring and attack Hart and Benjamin. Strong picks up Hart and slams him to the mat with a Gibson Driver. Evans and Sydal bring two tables into the ring and set them up. Strong places Hart on a table while Sydal climbs to the top rope. Sydal hits the shooting star press on Hart, putting him through the table. Strong picks up Benjamin and puts him through a table with an Evans dropkick assisted powerbomb. Generation Next leaves the ring after dominating the New Hart Foundation just as they had been at Decimation.

Shane: Well that was just sick.

JR: That’s not what you thought at Decimation

Shane: That’s because what happened at Decimation was justified.

JR: You are so full of it. Let’s send it to the back where someone wants to issue a challenge.

The shot cuts to the back where Mike Quackenbush has a mic.

Quack: Tonight a new title was introduced into this company; the ROH Pure Championship. Now that windbag Nigel McGuinness may think that he is the best pure wrestler in the world, but he has never had a match with me. Nigel, next week I want a match for the Pure Title. Then we’ll prove who the best pure wrestler really is.

The shot cuts back to the ring where Daizee Haze is waiting for her opponent. Lacey walks onto the entrance ramp with a mic.

Lacey: So Daizee I beat you on POI Previews and you still want more. That’s fine with me, but to get another match with me you’ll have to beat someone that I choose for you. Your opponent will be my fellow Age of the Fall member MsChif.

Match 4: Daizee Haze vs. MsChif
The bell rings and MsChif screams at Haze. Daizee responds with a forearm to the face. MsChif staggers back and goes for a spinning back fist. Haze ducks the fist and tries for a heartpunch. MsChif catches the fist and applies a wristlock before whipping Daizee into the corner. Haze bounces back and got hit with a crossbody block by MsChif. MsChif goes for the pin, but Daizee kicks out at 2. MsChif pulls Haze to her feet by her hair before whipping her into a corner. MsChif charges into the corner, but Daizee moves out of the way and rolls up MsChif for a 2 count. Both women get to their feet; Haze kicks MsChif in the stomach, and hits a facebuster. Daizee goes for a Yakuza kick on MsChif. MsChif ducks the kick, grabs Haze, and takes her down with a Russian legsweep. MsChif gets up and hits a springboard moonsault. She goes for the pin, but Daizee kicks out at 2. MsChif grabs Haze and locks in the camel clutch. Daizee struggles to get out of the hold. Haze begins to claw at the mat and she eventually reaches the ropes, breaking the hold. MsChif gets up and begins to stomp on Daizee. MsChif goes for a standing moonsault. Haze gets her knees up, causing MsChif to crash into them. Both women get to their feet. Daizee grabs MsChif and hits a stunner. Haze sets up MsChif before going to the top rope. Daizee attempts a moonsault, but MsChif rolls out of the way, making Haze crash into the mat. They get to their feet and MsChif shoots green mist out of her mouth at Haze. Daizee ducks the mist, grabs MsChif, and hits a heartpunch. Haze grabs MsChif and drives her face first into the mat with the Mind Trip. Daizee goes for the pin and gets the 3 count.

JR: I guarantee that you will not find better women’s wrestling anywhere.

Shane: Who cares, it’s boring.

JR: You’re a jackass.

Daizee grabs a microphone.

Haze: Lacey, you said that I had to beat MsChif to get another shot at you and I just did. In our last match you used a chair to beat me. In our next match I’ll do much worse than that because I want our match to be a street fight. So what do you say?

A look of shock comes over Lacey. She quickly walks to the back without giving an answer.

JR: A street fight?

Shane: That might not be boring.

After Daizee leaves Delirious walks to the ring with the Intercontinental Championship.

Delirious: IfIcouldbeseriousforamoment. Iwonthebelt! Iwonthebelt! Iwonthebelt! NowthatI’mdonewiththat. Ihavesomethingelsetosay. Iwanttomakeaninternationalchallenge. IwantsomeonenotfromPOIortheUStofaceme. Sowhoeverwantstocome,Idon’tknowwho,comenextweek.

Delirious starts to walk to the back.

Shane: What the hell did he say?

JR: Something about an international challenge.

Shane: Well it really doesn’t matter because it’s main event time.

"Disposable Teens" hits and Low Ki walks to the ring.

Prazak: He weighs in at 180 and hails from Brooklyn, New York. He is Low Ki.

"The Champ is Here" hits and Samoa Joe walks to the ring.

Prazak: He weighs in at 290 and hails from Huntington Beach, California. He is Samoa Joe.

Match 5: Low Ki vs. Samoa Joe (non-title match)
The bell rings and the two men stand face to face in the middle of the ring. Low Ki shows no respect to Joe by slapping the taste out of his mouth. Joe smiles at Ki before hitting a spinning back fist. Joe grabs Ki and whips him into the ropes. Ki bounces back, ducks a clothesline by Joe, bounces back again, and hits a kick to the stomach. Low Ki uses kicks to bring Joe to his knees. Ki uses a spinning heel kick to the head on Joe, knocking him to the mat, Low Ki sets up Joe on the mat before heading up to the top rope. Ki goes for the kill early on in the match by attempting the double foot stomp to the head. Joe reveals that he was playing possum by quickly moving out of the way of Ki’s feet. Joe gets up, grabs Ki, and hits a German suplex. Joe holds the bridge for a pin and Low Ki kicks out at 2. Joe keeps Ki on the mat by stomping on his knees. Joe springs off the ropes and drops a knee on the skull of Low Ki. Joe brings Ki to his feet and tries to whip him into the corner. Low Ki reverses it, sending Joe hard into the corner. Ki charges at Joe and hits a dropkick to the face. Ki gets up fast and charges at Joe again. Joe grabs Ki with one arm and slams him to the mat.

Joe springs off the ropes and goes for a standing senton. Ki gets his knees up making Joe crash back first into them. Ki grabs Joe and quickly locks in the dragon sleeper. As Joe feels the blood stop flowing to his head he begins to drag himself and Low Ki toward the ropes. Joe grabs onto the bottom rope, but Ki refuses to break the hold. The ref tries to break it up himself, but he can’t. The ref calls for the bell and disqualifies Low Ki. Ki breaks the hold and begins to leave the ring. Joe gets to his feet and yells at the ref to restart the match. The ref gives into Joe’s demands and rings the bell. Joe quickly attacks Low Ki with a flurry of punches and slaps. Joe picks up Ki and hits a Samoan drop, but Ki turns it into a crucifix pin. Joe kicks out at 2. The men get to their feet and Ki tries to take Joe’s head off with a kick. Joe ducks the kick, grabs Low Ki, and hits an STO. Joe lifts Ki to his feet and whips him into the corner. Joe charges at Ki and hits an elbow to the face. Joe lifts up Ki and seats him on the top rope. Joe picks up Ki and hits the Muscle Buster. Joe covers Low Ki and gets the 3 count.

Before Joe can get the chance to celebrate he is suddenly attacked by Rob Van Dam and Christopher Daniels. RVD goes to town on Joe with stiff kicks. Daniels grabs Joe, gets the double underhook, and hits the Angel’s Wings. Daniels, Rob, and Ki each goes to the top rope in three different corners. Daniels hits the BME on Joe. Then RVD hits the Five Star Frog Splash. Finally Low Ki hits a double foot stomp to the head. Daniels grabs the POI World Title before spitting on it and draping it over Joe.

JR: This is just sick! Nobody deserves this.

The show ends as the Church of Daniels stands tall over Samoa Joe.

(end episode 40)

The Rated R CMStar

Decimation Review:

Hardy vs Mondo: Interesting match up. I like Hardy in this role and I hope you don't FFWD to main event just because he is so in real life. The match was good, nothing too fancy, could have been longer to have more bumps.

Taz vs Albright: Dissapointed. I expected more of this match. The psycology was wrong, as it started with Tazz being written as a huge monster, not being taken down by a simple shoulder block. The ending was bad as well as easily Brent could have gone for the maneuver again.

Tag Title Match: Eventhought it wa short, shockingly all teams got to showcase their abilities and moves. I liked this match.

Joe promo: Good for what it was. Hyped his match.

Last Man STanding: Expected a longer match than this. However, you were able to crap a lot of brutal spots in this match. Edge winning and the way he did so was brutal. JR sucked in commentary during the entire thing. Match was good for what it was, but it could have gone longer. In fact, thanks to the build up you gave it, should have gone longer.

Nigel promo: Dont like he fact that he says he gets nervous before every match.

Stables Match: Lol at Shelton. Meh, anyways, great match. Show picked up from here, great exchange and again, you crammed up good spots and moments in this match.

Confrontation backstage: A little too generic, but in the end it send the message across and finished up nicely.

IC Title Match: Didn't like it. Seem to chopped, and the ending didnt help. Hero was a better choice.

Main Event: Your best match, I have to agree with everyone who said this. Not only did the action was amazing, but you created feuds for all your superstars out of this. Joe in the end seems like the dominant champion in a nice match. Great work in this one.

BTW Nitro has been posted.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Any reviews for POI Episode 40 would be appreciated. They will all be repped and returned. Thanks for reading.

POI Wrestling Episode 41 Preview

Dave Prazak: Hello and welcome to POI Previews. This week on the show we have some visitors from Chikara, but more on that later. In next weeks main event it will be the second defense of the ROH Pure Title in POI. Nigel McGuinness will defend his belt against “Lightning†Mike Quackenbush. This match has the makings of a technical masterpiece. Also next week one half of the Motor City Machine Guns; Chris Sabin will take on one half of the POI Tag Team Champions; Tyler Black. Now speaking of the Age of the Fall that have asked for some time to speak on this edition of POI Previews.

The shot cuts to the Age of the Fall somewhere in the POI Production studio.

Jimmy Jacobs: Here we are in the basement because we are shunned by the rest of society. Shunned because we look differently and because we think differently, but that’s fine with me, I don’t enjoy spending time with the ignorant.

Tyler Black: Now that we hold these titles we hold the power. Now the Age of the Fall cannot be ignored. It looks like our friends the Motor City machine Guns won a shot at our belts. We’ve best them before, we can do it again.

Jimmy: We’ll destroy the Guns one by one and then beat them as a team, we’ll show them that they aren’t the best team in POI. These belts aren’t going anywhere.

The shot cuts back to Dave Prazak.

Prazak: Next week the Brian Kendrick will be in his debut match for POI. We’ll also see how Paul London will react to being attacked by his former tag partner. Now in this weeks bonus match two members of the Colony; Fire Ant and Soldier Ant will take on Mr. Kennedy and Claudio Castagnoli of the Kings of Wrestling.

The shot cuts to the ring where the Kings are standing.

Kennedy: At Decimation we, uh, kinda lost but that doesn’t matter now. Claudio and I, we’re getting right back on the horse. We are the Kings of Wrestling, we are the best that this sport has to offer. We told POI Management to give us any tag team that they want. They decided to give up two people who think they’re ants. Oh well they’ll be fun to squish.

Match 1: Ken Kennedy and Claudio Castagnoli vs. Fire Ant and Soldier Ant
The bell rings and Kennedy and Fire Ant start off the match. The two men lock up. The bigger, stronger Kennedy backs Fire Ant into the corner. The ref calls for a clean break, but instead Ken uses an elbow to the face on Fire Ant. Fire Ant retaliates with a forearm to the face on Kennedy. Fire Ant challenges Ken to a test of strength and the two men get into a Greco-Roman knuckle lock. Kennedy takes the advantage and pushed Fire Ant to the mat. Fire Ant bridges so that he is not pinned. Fire Ant fights to his feet and pushes Ken to the mat. Fire Ant breaks the knuckle lock and hits a double foot stomp to the gut on Kennedy. Fire Ant tags in Soldier Ant who gets into the ring and hits a saluting headbut on Ken. Soldier Ant goes for the pin, but Kennedy kicks out at 2. Soldier Ant brings Ken to his feet and shoots him into the ropes. Kennedy bounces back and knocks down Soldier Ant with a shoulder block. Soldier Ant gets to his knees and Ken drives his head into the mat with a snap DDT. Kennedy goes for the pin and Soldier Ant kicks out at 2. Ken stomps on Soldier Ant before tagging in Claudio Castagnoli. Claudio gets into the ring and hits Soldier Ant with a European uppercut. Soldier Ant bounces off the ropes, jumps, and hits a flying forearm on Castagnoli. Soldier Ant uses repeated forearm shots on Claudio. Soldier Ant picks up Castagnoli and tries for a snap suplex. Soldier Ant isn’t able to lift him up. Soldier Ant releases Claudio. Castagnoli bounces off the ropes and hits a bicycle kick on Soldier Ant. Before Soldier Ant can fall to the mat Fire Ant reaches out and tags himself into the match. Fire Ant springboards and hits a senton onto the standing Claudio. When Castagnoli gets to his feet both of the Ants lift up Claudio and slam him to the mat with a vertical suplex. Kennedy gets into the ring and charges at Soldier Ant, who takes him down with a drop toe hold causing him to headbut Claudio in the stomach. Fire Ant goes to the top rope. Castagnoli begins to stand up and he is hit with a flying blockbuster by Fire Ant. The Ant goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. As the Colony celebrates Kennedy throws a temper tantrum. The shot cuts back to Dave Prazak.

Prazak: Along with the matches already announced Delirious will defend the IC title against an international challenger. I have been told that the challenger is Go Shiozaki from the NOAH promotion in Japan. You can see all this and more on POI Wrestling Episode 41.