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Brock Lesnar

Jun 22, 2010
Reaction score
Slave, is it possible for you to tackle the other two matches for me, mate?


Aug 11, 2010
Reaction score
Stoke-On-Trent, England
UWF Tuesday Night Turbulence returns from it's commercial break, ready to deliver some more action to the arena and to the homes of everyone watching.

Justin Maietta: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to Turbulence! We have such a great night ahead of us, filled with awesome matches.

Paul Koger: Speaking of great matches, we're about to witness one ourselves. It's going to be John Cena taking on Chris Jericho, right here, right now!

As soon as Paul Koger finishes up his sentence, the video package for the match begins to play, and the fans curiously look up to the screen, curious to see what's going on...


John Cena vs. Chris Jericho

In one of our main events of the night, it's going to be a war between two former rivals. Chris Jericho, a man who was once fired because of Cena, a man who despises everything that John Cena has done in his career... gets the chance to go one on one with the Chain Gang Commander.


This match, one for the ages, will prove who is the better man, and it will skyrocket two of the biggest players in the Universal Wrestling Federation. John Cena never backs down from anyone, and certainly not Chris Jericho.


This theory will be put to the test, to say the least. both men want it all, the glory, the championships, and most importantly... the victory.


Who's going to come out in the battle of the legends? Stick around to find out.
Break The Walls Down!


Chris Jericho's theme music blasts through the PA system as the fans start to boo loudly. The pyro explodes from the stage and titantron as the lights turn to a blue hue. Chris Jericho emerges from behind the curtain, with a smug look on his face, and he means all business as he is dressed to compete. Jericho pauses on the stage for a moment, as he gazes out to the fans, before he makes his way down to the ring.

Jericho makes his way down the ramp as the fans continue to boo, he ignores the fans yelling at him ramp side, as he turns the corner towards the ring. Jericho climbs up the steel steps, and enters the ring through the middle rope. Jericho then paces around, preparing for his match.


The crowd go bezerk as John Cena rushes out from the back in a spinning motion and turns to his right with a smile before doing the same to his left. Cena then walks to the center of the stage and the crowd are still going crazy.

Cena then performs his trademark Army salute as the kids in the crowd do it back to him Cena sprints down to the ring. Cena then runs to the ropes and slings one of his arm bands to a lucky fan before doing the okay motion with his hands sending the crowd wild. Cena then bounces around the ring warming up for his match.


*Ding, Ding, Ding*

Jericho immediately goes on the attack going for a quick clothesline. Cena is prepared however and ducks as Jericho bounces off the ropes and meets Cena's clothesline instead. The Chain Gang Commander goes for a early five knuckle shuffle as he turns around and goes for the ropes. Y2J is playing possum however and gets back onto his feet and as the crowd is chanting "you can't see me" Jericho nails a codebreaker onto Cena! He collapses onto the the canvas the surprise getting the better of him. He hooks the leg and awaits the ref's count...

Justin Maietta: What a move by the sneak Jericho! I don't believe this, could he beat John Cena right here?!



Kickout by John Cena!

Paul Koger: That was a close one, that's for damn sure. Jericho almost had him, man!

Cena kicks out of the pin and jumps back to his feet and fakes a quick punch which forces his opponent to back off for a moment. They both lock up arms trying to push each other depending on raw strength. Cena gets the advantage of the lock up and shoves Jericho into the corner turnbuckle as he prepares to use the momentum to deliver several right hands to the gut of Jericho. It weakens him to the point where he nearly collapses but Cena is there to scoop him up for the Attitude Adjustment. Jericho manages to squirm off of his opponent's shoulders however and pushes him into the ropes and as he bounces back off Jericho rolls him up for another pin!

Justin Maieta: What the hell? Chris Jericho is on fire early in this match!

Paul Koger: Could this be it?!



Kickout by John Cena!

Paul Koger: Damn it!

Justin Maietta: What's your deal, Paul? You have a bet on Jericho or something?

Jericho is unsuccessful as "The Champ" kicks out once again however he is grounded and Jericho goes towards the ropes. He signals the Lionsault and bounces off of the middle rope and it connects leading to another pin. The lionsault attempt for the win...

Justin Maietta: WOW! A Lionsault by Chris Jericho! Jericho can't be stopped here, this is ridiculous!

Paul Koger: Come on Cena, stay down!



John Cena Kicks out again!

Justin Maietta: John Cena won't give up, he's never going to give up Paul!

Paul Koger: Shut the fuck up, you sound like a little kid! Go Jericho!

NO! Once again, against all odds Cena manages to escape the pin. Frustration begins to appear in Y2J as he begins shouting at all of the fans. As he releases his frustration he turns around and sees Cena rebounding off of one of the ropes. He goes for a diving shoulder block which nearly knocks Jericho over but Cena gets up again and does another shoulder block which causes Jericho to stumble giving Cena one last chance to do it again. Cena dives and sends Jericho into the ropes as Cena is on the ground. As he bounces off of the ropes Cena grabs the leg of Jericho and performs a drop toe hold, and locks in the STF! Jericho desperately looks for a way out and begins crawling towards the ropes until Cena lets go and Jericho makes a desperate attempt to make it to the ropes. Instead Cena drags his leg back to the middle of the ring and locks it in again. Realizing there is no hope, Jericho smacks his hand two times on the canvas and fools Cena into letting go! The referee cannot do anything because Y2J only tapped the mat twice! Cena is already celebrating but Jericho rolls him up with a small package!

Justin Maietta: Jericho gets the small package, can he win it this time?

Paul Koger: Come on, ref! Count faster!



Kickout by Cena!

Paul Koger:
You have got to be kidding me...

And again Cena taps out as he realizes he hasn't quite got the win. Jericho has a twisted smile on his face as he attempts to steal the win from the Commander. Cena is left a little dazed after the excitement he had for the win and Jericho repeatedly delivers kicks to the legs of Cena trying to bring him down. The crowd becomes noisier as Y2J crouches down like a cat ready to pounce and leaps into the air attempting a Codebreaker! Cena catches him with both hands however and lifts him up onto his shoulders and slams him onto the mat! Attitude Adjustment! Collateral press to try and capture Cena's first ever win in UWF...

Paul Koger: No, no, no, no, no!

Justin Maietta: Here it is! The most devastating move that John Cena has to offer, the Attitude Adjustment!






John Cena gets to his feet, with the UWF universe on their feet. Cena looks around him, and delivers his 'okay' signs to the audience, listening to the deafening sounds in the arena, and smiling like he's won the super bowl. The referee comes closer to John, raising his arm into the air, Cena celebrates in the ring, taking his sweatbands off of his arm, and throwing them into the crowd.

Justin Maietta: What a match, Paul! Jericho hit Cena with everything he had, and you know what? Cena kept on fighting back. He kept on giong, until he got control and hit the Attitude Adjustment!

Paul Koger: I already had to see this once, you're gonna make me relive it, Justin?

Justin Maietta: Nevertheless, this is what UWF is all about! Resiliency!

Paul Koger: Pfft... "yawn"

Cena rolls out of the ring, laughing and feeling good about his victory. He slaps five with his fans as he makes his way up the ramp. Cena gets to the stage, and delivers his marine sign again, throwing his hand enthusiastically off of his forehead. Cena disappears behind the back, as Turbulence cuts to a commercial break.

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Brock Lesnar

Jun 22, 2010
Reaction score
Tuesday Night Turbulence comes back from commercial break, with Justin Maietta and Paul Koger still sitting ringside. the camera cuts to their smiling faces.

Justin Maietta:
Welcome back ladies and gentlemen, it looks like it's time for out main event of the evening!

Paul Koger: We've been waiting all night to see this, and man... this is going to be a hell of a fight.

Justin Maietta: On one team we've got two legends in Stone Cold Steve Austin and Yokozuna, and the other Christian and CM Spunk. This is big, Paul, real big.

Paul Koger: You know it, I know it, every one of these people knows it. UWF's first main event is going to be off the charts, and we're lucky to be able to be calling it live right here.

The camera cuts from the announcers and begins to roll the video package, hyping the fans in the arena up for the inevitable showdown of the two tag teams....



CM Spunk and Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Yokozuna and Christian

In UWF's first ever Tag Team match, four men will put their bodies on the line against people they don't know, and with people they don't know. Unfamiliarity could pose a threat to the gelling of these teams, as nobody knows how it's going to turn out.

This will be an exciting bout, as captain charisma himself will team up with the legend Yokozuna...


...as they take on the team of Stone Cold Steve Austin and CM Spunk. Spunk, unheard of, is said to be out of his league with his ridiculued personality, and teaming up with the rattlesnake can't do good for his nerves.


Who will prevail, which team of the unlikelys reign supreme this coming Tuesday?




Find out soon only on wrestlingsmarks.com!

The match preview ends and the camera cuts to the scanning of the UWF crowd. They're on their feet, screaming for the prospects of seeing the main event of this company's first ever show...


The fans don't give a shit about CM Spunk who is already in the ring, standing around jerking off and shit. He totally sucks, and only gets a few sentences about his arrival, because like I said... nobody gives a shit. He doesn't get music or nothing, just a mention of his name being CM Spunk, to crickets from the audience.


The glass breaks and Stone Cold marches through the curtains, to the thunderous ovation of the crowd. The crowd cheers the hell out of him, as he makes his way down the ramp. Stone Cold has his middle fingers in the air, as he struts his way down to the ring.


He gets into the ring, and he gets to the top turnbuckles, flipping off the crowd. He calls for the beers, and gets them thrown to him one at a time, catching it and yelling to the crowd. He pops them both open, and drowns himself with the beer. Stone Cold steps down, and waits for the opponents.


Just Close Your Eyes is heard playing as Christian comes from behind the curtain to an amazing ovation, the crowd cheers heavily as Christian takes a few steps forward before placing his right hand above his eyes as he pretends to search for someone in the crowd looking for his peeps.


Christian then walks down the entrance ramp as he walks up the steel steps, he takes another look at his "peeps" before entering the ring via the second ropes.


The calming sound of "Sumo" begins to emanate from the speakers of the PA system and play throughout the arena as the fans begin to cheer and show their support. Yokozuna makes his way onto the stage as the cheers increase, dressed in a black and white checkered robe. He stops on the stage and bows to the crowd in a Japanese greeting, then makes his way down the ramp. He slaps hands with a few fans on the way, then makes his way up the steel steps gradually. He walks along the apron and steps through the ropes, posing for the crowd. He removes his robe to reveal his traditional red and black tights as the referee hands it off to a ringside official.


Yokozuna prepares for his opponent with great anticipation.



*Ding, Ding, Ding*

Both teams start to discuss which member of there tag team will start the match as the legal man. They've both decided that Christian and CM Spunk will start the match off again one another. CM Spunk and Christian lock up in the center of the ring, as CM Spunk gets a quick side head lock take-down. Christian struggles to break free from the submission hold thats being applied. Christian manages to break free and get to his feet as he kicks CM Spunk in the mid-section and suplex's him to the canvas. Christian quickly applies a chin lock, as CM Spunk starts to struggle to break free. Spunk eventually makes it to a knee and starts to elbow Christian in the abdominals, ad he breaks free. CM Spunk runs and bounces off the ropes and nails a swinging neckbreaker.

Justin Maietta: What a move from Spunk early in this match up.

Paul Koger: He's swigning for the fences here early, hope he doesn't run out of gas.

CM Spunk tags in Stone Cold into the match, as Christian goes onto the offensive against Stone Cold. Christian lifts Stone Cold up and lifts him to his feet and fireman carry, gutbuster combination, as Christian drives his knee into the mid-section of Stone Cold. Christian waits for Stone Cold to get to his feet, as Christian attempts to hit a Killswitch, as Stone Cold counters the Killswitch and directs Christian into the turnbuckle, Austin then signals for the Stone Cole Stunner but Christian counters and pushes Austin to the turn buckle, Chirstian then makes the tag to Yokozuna who steps over the third rope, as Austin proceeds to climb the turnbuckle, as he jumps off the turn buckle and nails Yokozuna with a shoulder block from the second rope, as Yokozuna is almost unaffected by the attack. Austin quickly tags in CM Spunk, as Spunk starts precisely starts kicking Yokozuna in the back of the Popliteal Fossa, as Yokozuna starts to stumble around the ring. CM Spunk runs and bounces off the ropes and chop blocks the Popliteal Fossa which, brings Yokozuna down to a knee. CM Spunk once again precisely kicks Yokozuna in the side of the head bring Yokozuna down the the canvas, as CM Spunk goes for the cover.

Paul Koger: Spunk going for the cover here, can he get it?!




Yokozuna forces out of the pinfall!

Justin Maietta: Whoa! What force from the big guy to escape from that pinfall!

Yokozuna powers out of the pinning predicament and throws CM Spunk into the air with little to no effort. CM Spunk starts rapidly stomping down on the sternum of Yokozuna, as Yokozuna starts getting to his feet and looks unaffected by CM Spunks offensive attacks. Yokozuna throws CM Spunk into the turnbuckle, as Yokozuna makes the legalized tag to Christian. Christian now runs to the ropes and gives Spunk a huge clothesline that send him down to the mat! He throws him towards the turn buckle and Christian then delivers a dropkick while Spunk falls to the mat. As Christian poses for the fans CM Spunk starts pulling himself up by the ropes, as Christian turns around and sets his targets and bolts towards CM Spunk. Christian attempts a clothesline, as Spunk kicks Christian in the face, as CM Spunk grabs Christian by the head and drills Christians face first into the turnbuckle padding, as Spunk backs up away from the turnbuckle and turn and Shining Wizard's Christian in the jaw and bulldogs him to face first to the canvas. CM Spunk gets to his feet and starts to get pumped up, as he waits patiently for Christian to get to his feet, as he goes for the Go 2 Sleep. Christian starts struggling to get the go behind and pushes Spunk from behind into his partners corner, as Stone Cold makes the legalized tag and steps into the ring.

Justin Maietta:
Stone Cold, it's Stone Cold! Can he save the match right here?

Paul Koger: Shut up, Justin, Stone Cold isn't going to do a damn thing if yokozuna gets in this ring.

Austin enters the ring and stalks Christian, as Christian somehow manages to turn around and kick Austin in the abdominals, as Christian attempts the Kill Switch Austin then counters, by tossing Christian to the turnbuckle as Christian’s head hit’s the top turnbuckle! While groggy Christian turns around, as Austin starts to unload with lefts and right that can be heard throughout the entire arena, Christian then counters by grabbing one of the Arms of Austin and tosses him to the ropes Stone Cold bounces off the ropes and back, as Christian tries to connect with a clotheslines, as Stone Cold ducks underneath and bounces back off the ropes. Stone Cold jumps up high into the air and Thesz press Christian down to the canvas, and follows through with multiple left and right fists. Stone Cold turns around and yells towards the fans, as Christian quickly gets to his feet and makes the tag to Yokozuna. Austin then turns around and sees Yokozuna and then makes the tag to CM Spunk.

Justin Maietta: And the tag is made! Can CM Spunk match up with the tough Yokozuna?

Paul Koger: I don't think a hurricane can match up with Yokozuna, Justin...

CM Spunk circles around the ring, as Yokozuna attempts to corner CM Spunk into one of the turnbuckles. Yokozuna charges towards CM Punk and crashes into the corner, as CM Spunk starts kicking precisely into Yokozuna's Sternum and abdominal, as you can see blood vessel in Yokozuna's chest start to burts. Yokozuna backs up into the ring ropes, as CM Spunk attempts to hammer throw Yokozuna across the ring, as Yokozuna reverses and hammer throws CM Spunk off the ropes. CM Punk bounces off the ropes, as Yokozuna lifts CM Spunk up high into the air and elevates him up high into the air and slams him down to the canvas below with a thunderous Samoan Drop, as CM Spunk hits the canvas hard and starts to have trouble with oxygen entering his body, as he starts breathing heavily, gasping for air. Yokozuna grabs CM Spunk over to the turnbuckle by dragging him to the closest turnbuckle by his wrist. Yokozuna starts to climb the ropes, as he starts to bounce up and down and jumps from the second rope and hits the Banzai Drop landing on the sternum of CM Spunk, as Yokozuna sits their patiently awaiting for the referee checks to see if the shoulders are off the canvas, as the referee starts counting.

Paul Koger: Oh god, this is just terrible! Is this over?!



Stone Cold breaks the pin up!

Justin Maieta: Stone Cold gets there for the save!

Stone Cold enters to break up the pin but then Christian enters the ring and all hell breaks loose inside the ring. Spunk now groggy is on his feet deliver a few shots the legs on Yokozuna as Yokozuna walks around in pain. On the other end Stone Cold Steve Austin goes down with the Kill Switch as Christian raises his hand up! Just as he turns around Spunk delivers the GTS and Christian rolls out the ring. But Spunk turns around and Yokozuna grabs him to deliver a huge belly to belly suplex. Yokozuna tosses Spunk to the ropes and drops him for another Samoan Drop! He drags Spunk over and climbs to second rope he looks up to the fans and yells BANZAI!!!!!!!!!!!!! Before he Falls from the second rope and lands on Spunk. Before he goes for the pin. He sees Stone Cold trying to make his way back in the ring. He hits him off the ringside and Stone falls and hit’s the guard wall! He walks over to Spunk climbs the second rope again and yells BANZAI!!!!!! And drops on Spunks sternum again as the referee goes down for the pin.

Justin Maietta: Another one from Yokozuna! This has got to be it, nobody can get up from something like this!




Paul Koger: And that's it, it's over!

Winners: Christian & Yokozuna


Yokozuna gets to his feet, staring at the competition on the mat below him. Christian gets to his feet, as well. The referee grabs both of their hands, and raises them as the fans claps and boos, both men in the ring. Christian leaves the ring first, the faster one of the unlikely opponents. With their job done, the civil tones are much less heightened. Yokozuna celebrates in the ring, in his weird fashion, getting up on the turnbuckles and giving a scowl to everyone that looks around at him.

Justin Maietta:
In victory, Yokozuna still remains to be an odd character, I must admit.

Paul Koger:
He came here for the victory, and he got it... what more can you ask from the guy?

Yokozuna jumps down, and the referee leaves sight as well. As Yokozuna is the final man in the ring, the announcers do their final call before the show turns to black.

Justin Maietta:
Thank you, ladies and gentlemen for tuning in tonight. It's been a blast.

Paul Koger:
Join us next time, in two weeks right here on Turbulence... only in UWF. This is one for the ages, ladies and gentlemen. Goodnight!

UWF Turbulence turns to a black screen, before showing the logo that started this all.


---------- End of Show ----------

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May 11, 2010
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One thing I didn't get was the shots at CM Spunk.

The fans don't give a shit about CM Spunk who is already in the ring, standing around jerking off and shit. He totally sucks, and only gets a few sentences about his arrival, because like I said... nobody gives a shit. He doesn't get music or nothing, just a mention of his name being CM Spunk, to crickets from the audience.

I know it is a comedy character but I don't like the idea of characters being talked down like that. That is taking it too far in my opinion and hope that next time it gets a proper entrance and is treated the same as the other CAW's.


Aug 11, 2010
Reaction score
Stoke-On-Trent, England
Alright, this space is reserved for the Cena match. I'll take another one on top of that, then Jay can do the other two. Sound good? This match needs all the other stuff adding in but this is the main part so I'm gonna have it ready.

*Ding, Ding, Ding*

Spunk looks into the face of Cena and takes a few steps forward to pressure him. He responds by sidestepping the Straight Edge Sexiah as they both tap hands as they circle eachother. Just little taps connecting hands until Spunk clenches his hands and gets a grip on Cena's hands. He increases the force and Cena kneels down trying to get out of the grip. He throws his body weight back to flip Spunk over him onto the mat. He wraps his arm around him for a headlock. The referee asks him if he's gonna tap out and shouts the words "NO!" before he begins flailing his legs around to get back up to his feet and deliver several elbows to the gut of Cena. He trys to capitalise and rolls him up...



"The Champ" is quick enough not to get caught out and gets back on his feet quickly sending Spunk to the ground with a clothesline. He then begins stomping on the stomach of him trying to take the air out of him and weaken him. He succeeds and waves his hand in front of him and bounces off the ropes, pulling off his signature move the five knuckle shuffle by sending his fist flying into the face of his opponent. He hooks the leg of Spunk and does a pin of his own as the ref drops to the ground.


He immediately kicks out but appears to have slowed down allowing the Chain Gang Commander to pick him up by his neck and irish whip him into the ropes. He comes off and Cena lowers his body to elevate the Straight Edge Sexiah onto his shoulders ready for the Attitude Adjustment. The crowd is on their feet to see if he can land his finisher but Spunk manages to squirm off of him and does the same thing raising John onto his shoulders! The fans stay on their feet this time and watches as he shouts the words "GOT TO CUM!" at the top of his voice. He throws Cena off of his shoulders and extends his knee as the two make contact with eachother. Cena crashes on onto the floor arms spread out across the floor as he recieves a collaterall press sending the ref to the floor one again...



Cena rolls the shoulder up and seems increasingly tired showing signs of fatigue. Spunk looks slightly tired as well but is on his feet delivering right hands to the side of Cena's face with increased force. His shots rock John's head side to side before he shifts back into gear and grabs Spunk's leg sending him to the ground. Maintaining his grip he locks in the STF as Spunk goes crazy! He flails about using up all of his energy in order to get to the ring ropes, so the ref can break the hold. He gets to his feet as Cena tries to whip him in the ropes but he reverses it and sends Cena into the ropes. He is clever enough to wrap his arms around them so that he doesn't crash into his opponent. Spunk still has his head down anticipating Cena but instead he gets picked up for the Attitude Adjustment, the crowd goes nuts! He's thrown onto the canvas as the viewers go wild!


Cena goes for the cover!




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Aug 11, 2010
Reaction score
Stoke-On-Trent, England
*Ding, Ding, Ding*

The heavyweights of UWF begin circling the ring staring one another down. The slightly smaller Slim is the first to make a move delivering a quick right hands onto Yokozuna's face rocking him slightly buy it's not enough to give Slim enough time to follow up. Slim loses a little balance when Yokozuna steps forward and pays for it dearly when his gigantic opponent wraps his arms around his waist locking in a submission hold. Slim squirms around but just as he finds a gap in Yokozuna's arms he tightens the hold causing Slim to let out a slight whine as the intensity increases. The hold is loosened however when "The Icon" forces his arm backwards and elbows his opponent winding him slightly giving him a chance to escape the hold. Slim follows up on this by sweeping the legs of Yokozuna dropping him to the ground giving him the chance for a pinfall.



The colossal giant manages to roll his shoulder up with a little grunt and awkwardly gets up to his feet, Slim showing respect and letting him get up before delivering a flurry of right kicks to Yokozuna's legs trying to bring him down. He then uses his left leg to deliver some more kicks trying to bring him down but Yokozuna stands tall not wanting to give into the pain. All of a sudden he uses his long range to grab hold of Slim's head and pull it towards him allowing him to lean back and deliver a vicious headbutt. It rocks both men as Slim seems to have taken the worst of the damage. Looking at both competitiors who have dropped onto the floor, the referee begins the ten count.




Yokozuna begins resting on the bottom rope trying to use it as leverage to answer the ref's count. Slim however is fast asleep on the canvas.




Slim's opponent is back up to his feet and awaits the ref to make it to 10.


He has a change of plan however and charges towards the turnbuckle where "The Icon" is located and performs his signature Banzai Drop! Yokozuna goes for the pin but he hears no hand tapping on the canvas and instead he looks up at the referee who looks a little confused, because he could continue with the ten count. He begins shotuing at the referee who feels forced to drop down for the pinfall.


Slim has fully recovered however because of how much time the referee took to respond and manages to kick out straight away. His opponent does not look happy at all and confronts the referee who begins pointing at the referee badge and reminding him he could disqualify him. Put off by the threat he turns around to meet Slim who irish whips him into the turnbuckle and raising all the strength within him grabs Yokozuna and throws him over with a German Suplex! The 600 pound giant goes flying over Slim's head and catches the ref knocking him out straight away! Slim is exhausted from the suplex and although the referee stopped Yokozuna's fall he begins to feel the fatigue as well after rolling off of the referee. The fans begin clapping for both of the competitors as they rest, no ref available for the ten count. All of a sudden out of the blue, walking down the ramp is a wrestler. It's Edge and he looks pissed off and gets into the ring as fast as he can looking straight at Slim. He crouches down in the turnbuckle awaiting Slim to get up, looking for the Spear!


Slim isn't aware of Edge's presence and gets up to see Edge charging straight for him and too tired to respond gets hit with the Spear sending him straight back to the ground. Edge has a twisted grin on his face and drags Yokozuna on top of Slim and as the referee brings himself together Edge hightails it out of the ring and listens for the count...






As he celebrates he looks towards Edge who is making his way up the ramp suddenly realizing how he won. He looks towards Slim feeling slightly sympathetic but tries not to show it as he celebrates with the fans leaving the ref to take "The Icon" to the back.

Brock Lesnar

Jun 22, 2010
Reaction score

*Ding, Ding, Ding*

Stone Cold Steve Austin looks at all three men, as he takes the time to lock up with Chris Jericho and Christian and Edge lock up in the ring. Stone Cold backs Jericho up into the turnbuckle, as Jericho reverses and places Stone Cold into the Turnbuckle. Edge and Christian are still fighting for an advantage over one another. Chris Jericho starts kicking Stone Cold in the mid-section with hard right kicks. Edge quickly locks in a side headlock submission, as he applies pressure, as Christian struggles to escpae. Jericho irish whips Steve Austin into the opposite turnbuckle, as Austin counters the irish whip and sends Chris Jericho sternum first into the turnbuckle. Christian backs up into the ropes, and attempts to thorw Edge off the ropes, as Christian falls down to the canvas, as Edge refuses to release the submission hold. Stone Cold walks over towards Edge and kicks him in the face, as Edge releases the rope and Christian rolls under the bottom rope and takes a small little breather. Stone Cold starts stomping down across the back of Edge, as Chris Jericho manages to get to his feet. Chris Jericho walks up behind Stone Cold and grabs him by the shoulder and goes for a quick, hard right hand. Stone Cold ducks under the right hand an elavates Jericho up high from behind and drops Jericho on the back of his head.

Christian rolls back into the ring, as Stone Cold taunts the crowd. Christian comes up from behind and clotheslines Stone Cold to the canvas. Edge crawls over towards the turnbuckle and pulls himself up by the ring ropes, as Christian was over and nails Edge between the eyes with hard right hands. Christian irish whips Edge towards the opposite corner, as Edge is sent across the ring. Chistian starts running towards Edge, when Chris Jericho comes out of nowhere and intersepts Christian with a flying forearm smash. Jericho quickly gets to his feet, as he runs towards Edge and jumps off the second rope and missle dropkicks Edge. Edge slowly walks out of the turnbuckle, as he falls face first to the canvas. Jericho starts to climb the turnbuckle, as Stone Cold gets to his feet, Jericho jumps off the ropes and goes for a missile dropkick, as Stone Cold moves out of the way, as Jericho lands hard on the canvas. Stone Cold starts looking around the ring, as he sets his sights on Christian and waits for Christian to get to his feet. Christian slowly gets to his feet, as he turns around. Stone Cold kicks Christian in the mid-section and gives him a Stone Cold Stunner, as Austin goes for the cover. The referee quickly makes sure that the shoulders are on the canvas and starts to count.


Christian manages to get his shoulder off the canvas, as Stone Cold doesn't seem to pleased with the referee's offical decision and starts to yell at the referee. Edge slowly makes it to his feet, as Stone Cold realizes that the match is still underway and starts nailing Edge with hard right hands. Edge is slowly falling down the turnbuckle and ends up sitting down on the canvas sitting up against the turnbuckle. Stone Cold starts a mud hole stomp, as Jericho a grabs Austin from behind and starts nailing Austin with right hands of his own, as Austin is leaning up against the ropes. Chris Jericho clotheslines Austin over the third rope, sending Austin to the outside. Jericho can be heard yelling "I am the best at what I do" outloud, as the fans start letting Chris Jericho have it, as boo's erupt thoughout the arena. Christian sloly makes it to his feet, as Crish Jericho slowly turns around and sees Christian, as Chris Jericho kicks Christian in the mid-section and goes for a suplex. Jericho applies a grounded sleeper hold, as Christian sceams out in pain, as the referee starts asking Christian whether or not he wants to quit.

Christian slowly makes it to a knee, as Jericho start to apply more pressure. Christian slowly makes it to both knees an in no time his feet. Christian starts elbowing Jericho in the abdominals, as Jericho releases the hold, as Christian runs off the ropes. Christian goes for a clothesline, as Jericho ducks underneath. Stone Cold grabs Christian from behind and pulls him out of the ring. Austin nails Christian with a hard right hand bringing Christian onto the protective padding out the outside, as Austin starts an illegal choke on the outside which the referee doesn't see. Chis Jericho turns around, an is suddenly speared by Edge, as Edge goes for the quick cover. The refere quickly makes sure the shoulders are on the canvas, as he starts to count.


Just before the count of three Stone Cold slid under the bottom rope and drags Edge off the cover. Stone Cold picks Edge up off the canvas, as he irish whips Edge. Edge is sent across the ring, as he bounces off the ropes. Edge ducks underneath Stone Colds clothesline attempt and bounces back off the ropes and goes for a clothesline of his very own. Austin ducks under the attempt and jumps up high into the air and threz presses Edge down to the canvas and unloads with lefts and rights. Christian slowly walks up the steel steps and walks onto the ring apron, as Stone Cold goes for a right hand. Christian counters the right hand, as Christian grabs Stone Cold by the head and jumps off the ring apron. Stone Cold gets caught off gaurd, as his entire body bounces off the third rope. Stone Cold turns around and is brought to the canvas by a Codebreaker by Chris Jericho. Christian slides under the bottom rope and turns Jericho around, as Christian and Jericho start exchanging words in the center of the ring, as both men are out cold in opposite corners of the ring.Christian and Jericho start exchanging lefts and right, as Jericho seems to get the advantage and kicks Christian in the mid-section. Chris Jericho runs off the ropes, as Christian hits a flapjack out of nowhere. Edge walks over towards Christian, as the discuss a plan where they should team up.

Stone Cold starts getting to his feet, as Edge lifts Stone Cold up wish a sidewalk slam, as Christian sets up the reverse DDT, as they bring Stone Cold down to the canvas. Edge quickly gets to his feet, as he runs off the ropes, as Christian slowly works his way to his feet as he turns around. Edge goes for a spear, as Christian jumps over Edge. Edge hits the ropes, as he bounces off the ropes. Christian goes for the Killswitch and drives Edge face first into the canvas and goes for the cover. The referee quickly checks to see if Edge's shoulders are on the canvas, as the referee starts to count.


Here's your winner: Christian.