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NCW: The Only E-Fed!


Dec 1, 2007
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Randy Orton: All of you have no idea that none of you are worthy of the NCW Title. Me and Batista are the only two to every hold the NCW World Title and I am the only one capable of defeating Batista. And I will take on anybody who thinks im wrong.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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Chris Master: Are you kidding me? You are a champion but everyone knows that you didn't really deserve it! The only guy who deserve the title has the total package. The man who have a great physique and have a powerhouse ability and a great submission called the Master Lock and that's none other then me, The Masterpiece, Chris Masters.
Well then bring it on!!! I am winning that title and there is nobody in this company that can stop me!
Masters, masters! dosent ring a bell, step in the ring with me and I will prove to all you losers why I am going to be the NCW World Heavyweight Champion!


Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score


Vince McMahon announced that the date for Thursday Night Thunder, would be changed to April 3rd 2008. Survivor Series date has been released, and is set for April 20th 2008.

Evil Austin

oh man why so much wait, but i can't complain i have my show to write and i am not finished yet. so yea i guess i have to wait a little while longer :(

CT Styles

HBK is seen backstage drawing on Vince McMahon promotional photos when he sees HHH.

Shawn: Hunter, I was thinking. When we win the NCW Tag Titles, We should spray paint 'DX' on them and drop green slime on top of Tomko & Masters. Because our slogan is.. 'We will dominate and most certainly, Humiliate'! I thought of it myself!


Active Member
Feb 8, 2008
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Stone Cold's Music Hits:

Stone Cold: Everyone you are looking at the rattlesnake.

Crowd Chant: 3:16, 3:16.

Stone Cold: Thats right I am back and tonight i raise hell.

OOC: Rosewt01 is Stone cold.

NCW is Stone Cold.

The Rated R CMStar

Batista: Rhyno, you will not be fighting for anything. Next week, I will defeat Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle, and then pick up where I left, being champion.


Active Member
Mar 28, 2008
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*Ric Flair is backstage with Todd Grisham*

Todd Grisham: Ladies and gentleman I'm here with the Nature Boy Ric Flair. Your upcoming match is a 4 way for the NCW Intercontinental Title. How do you rate your chances, Ric?

Ric: Whoo! Todd, you know the Nature Boy by now. I go into every match with my confidence sky high, stylin' and profilin' my way to victory. But in all seriousness, I have a warning for my fellow competitors in that match. It may sound a little cliched, I know it sounds a little old fashioned, but by God it's still true. To BE the man, you have to BEAT the man. And my friends, that means you'll have to beat me. AJ Styles, I respect you, you jump around like a flea, defying gravity, defying all belief. But I have a question for you: How are you gonna jump around if I break your legs with the Figure Four? And that applies to you too Helms. I've been a 16 time world champion and the IC champ once before too. You may very well go on to become a multiple-time world champion in the future punk, but after tuesday Night Thunder I WILL be a 2 time IC champion. Don't underestimate me my boy, don't underestimate me.

Todd Grisham: Thank you Ric Flair, it will be interest....
Flair (interrupts): WHOOOO!!!!!

*Camera fades out to commercial*
Todd is seen just getting done with the interview with Flair. he walks off as Y2J walks onto the camera.
Y2J: Welcome to NCW IS JERICHO! and tonight i promise to ignite you, to delight you, to excite you. and i will when i win a championship. tonight i will save you all from flab and flubber becuase you people dont want to see a title round a tubby waist. put it round my sexy waist. Jericho out.

He walks off


Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score


Grisham: Its just 7 Hours away, something we cant wait for! Samoa Joe .vs. Kurt Angle .vs. Batista for the NCW Championship!

Grisham: Also, it will be DX .vs. Tomko and Chris Masters for the NCW Tag Team Titles.

Grisham: And, we have Ric Flair .vs. Gregory Helms .vs. A.J Styles .vs. Chris Jericho for the NCW IC Title!

Grisham: Last but not least, a great match, Undertaker .vs. Randy Orton .vs. Jeff Hardy .vs. Booker T for the NCW Thunder Championship!
Rhyno: Batista! it dosen't matter if you win the title because I will be there to take it from you! everywhere you look you will see me and when the time is right I will hit you with the GORE! GORE!! GORE!!!


Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score

NCW Thunder Episode #1 LIVE Thursday April 3rd 2008

for many months
( Batista, Shawn, Triple H, Booker T are shown )
NCW has been dead
( Vince is seen handing the contract to the NCW dealer )
But now.....NCW rises again in IWF!
( Undertaker is seen rising from a casket )
JR: Oh My God NCW is Back!!!!
( A.J Styles is seen jumping off the turnbuckle )
Tonight.....NCW brings to you, its comeback show
( Thunder Logo is seen in the middle of the screen )
Tonight.....will make history in NCW!
( Tomko and Chris Masters are seen walking down a hallway )
Tonight we bring you live from IWF.....NCW Thursday Night Thunder!!!!

NCW's Thunder theme song hits ( BOOM! by P.O.D ) crowd cheers

Pyro goes off in the arena, and the camera turns to JR and King

JR: Welcome to NCW Thursday Night Thunder!
Jerry: Were in for a exciting night tonight, were going to see new champions!
JR: Im excited for our Main Event, Kurt Angle .vs. Samoa Joe .vs. Batista.
Jerry: There is so many good matches tonight, but here is our first one coming up now for the IC Title.
JR: What a great way to kick off the beginning of this show with the IC title match.

A.J Styles makes his way to the ring, wanting the IC title.

Ric Flair makes his way to the ring, with this robe, and yells WOOOOO!

Gregory Helms makes his way to the ring, staring at the 2 other men.

Chris Jericho makes his way to the ring, with his pyro going off, and he gets ready for the match.


Bell Rings:

Helms circles the ring with Jericho, but Styles runs at Flair at the start. Styles starts throwing hard punches to Flair, and then he irish whips Flair agaist the ropes, and as he runs back, Styles kicks his leg out, and knocks down Flair. Jericho and Helms lock up, and Jericho overcomes Helms, but Helms throws Jericho into Styles, and Styles flips Jericho over his shoulders, and gets him in a headlock. Helms walks over to Jericho, and starts kicking him in the ribs, and then Flair gets up, and slaps Helms hard on the chest, pushing him into the turnbuckle. Flair starts slapping Helms in the chest, and yells "WOOOO!", and the fans cheer it back. Flair then irish whips Helms, but Helms dodges it, and he bounces off the ropes, and clothslines Flair. Styles apply's more pressure to his chokehold on Jericho, but Jericho starts to break out, and Jericho flips Styles over his shoulders, and they both get up. Helms then runs at Jericho, and Jericho throws Helms into Styles, and they both fall to the ground. Flair gets back up and grabs Helms, and irish whips him, and knees him in the head. Helms falls to the ground, and Flair grabs his arm, and twists it, and kicks it to the mat. Jericho then locks onto Styles, and hits the Codebreaker on Styles, and Styles falls over the top rope, and lands on the hard floor. Flair then looks at Jericho, and Jericho runs at Flair, and nails Flair with a Codebreaker! Flair falls to the mat hurt, and Helms gets up, and hits a german suplex on Jericho, almost snapping Jericho's neck. Jericho falls out of the ring, and Styles sneeks back into the ring, and climbs the turnbuckle. Helms not noticing Styles, and Styles jumps off the turnbuckle, and hits a flying dropkick on Helms! Flair is on his knees still trying to get up, but Styles runs over, and kicks him in the ribs. The crowd boo's, and Flair gets back up. Styles then walks over to Flair again, but Jericho runs back into the ring, and trips Styles. Jericho then locks in the Walls Of Jericho on Styles, and Styles is screaming in pain. Helms runs in, and kicks Jericho in the ribs, and breaks the lock. Helms then irish whips Flair into the turnbuckle, and Helms runs at Flair and knees him in the head, and then DDT's him. Jericho then runs back, and runs to the ropes, and jumps up on them, and hits a springboard backflip on Helms! Jericho then goes to pin Helms, 1...2...Helms breaks it at 2. Styles then kicks Jericho in the side of the head, but then Styles gets clothslined by Flair! Flair then locks in the Figure 4 Lock on Styles, but Helms hits a piledriver to Jericho, and Helms goes for the pin,1....2....3! Gregory Helms pins Jericho before Flair could make Styles submit. Gregory Helms takes the NCW IC Championship!

Winner: Gregory Helms via pinfall at 14:21

After the match, Gregory is seen holding his title high in the air, and he looks down at Flair, and kicks him. Flair is in pain, and Gregory Helms is kicking him down. Jericho then runs at Helms, and hits the Codebreaker on him, making him let go of his title. Jericho picks up the title, and holds it high, as the camera goes backstage

* The Camera turns backstage to Vince McMahon's office, as DX comes into his office *

Vince: What are you doing in my office?
Shawn: Oh, were here to tell you, that were going to win tonight.
Triple H: Not only that, but we feel in the mood for some DX humiliation.
Shawn: So...since we have experimented with you in the past, lets make it present!
Vince: Hell no, you guys pull any stunts, and il....

* Fireworks go off in Vince's office, and DX is heard laufghing, as Vince hides under his desk *

Shawn: ummm, Trips, you think we should tell him about the bucket of green slime above his desk?
Triple H: Nah, let him figure it out for himself.

* DX walk out of Vince's office smiling, and Vince looks mad, when the bucket falls, and goes all over Vince *

Vince: Damn DX!!!!!

JR: Hahaha, Vince was covered in slime.
Jerry: DX always interupts Vince when he is quiet.
JR: haha, fireworks were pretty loud too, well, up next is something we have been waiting for!
Jerry: DX's match is next, so dont go away!

Dont miss NCW's third ever PPV, Survivor Series!!! LIVE Sunday April 20th 2008! Only on IWF!


JR: Welcome back to NCW Thunder!
Jerry: Thats right, Survivor Series is going to be wild!
JR: There will be a 4 on 4 match-up...but with who?
Jerry: DX is up next with Tomko and Chris Masters for the NCW Tag Team Championship.

Shawn and Triple H make their way to the ring, doing the DX chop, with pyro in the ring.

Chris Masters makes his way to the ring, but then he stands at the titantron, and waits.

Tomko comes to the stage, and walks to the ring with Masters, and they enter the ring.


Bell Rings:

Shawn and Triple H are seen talking, and Tomko decides to start in the ring first. Shawn then goes first, and Tomko and Shawn run at eachother, and lock up in the middle of the ring. Shawn overcomes Tomko, and throws him to the ground in a headlock. Tomko gets back up, with the headlock still locked on, and Tomko lifts Shawn high, and slams him to the ground. Tomko then kicks Shawn in the back, and Shawn gets back up quickly. Shawn then slaps Tomko on the chest, and Tomko reacts in a painful way. Shawn then grabs Tomko, and irish whips him agaist the ropes, but Tomko hits a hard clothsline to Shawn, knocking him full force to the canvas. Tomko then tags in Masters, and Masters runs to Shawn, and kicks him while he is down. Masters then grips Shawn in a necklock, and Shawn is screaming in pain, and Triple H cant interfiere. Triple H sticks out his hand for a tag from Shawn, but Shawn cant reach. Masters apply's more pressure, and Shawn is on the ground in pain. Tomko smiles, and the fans are boo'ing Masters. Masters then lets go of the grapple, and Shawn tries to tag in Triple H. Masters then grabs Shawn and irish whips him to Tomko's turnbuckle, but Shawn dodges it, and superkicks Masters! Masters and Shawn are down, and Shawn is crawling to Triple H, and Masters is slowly crawling to Tomko. Shawn reaches Triple H, and tags him in, but Masters doesnt reach in time, and Triple H pulls Masters away. Triple H then grabs Masters and irish whips him agaist the ropes, and as he comes back, Triple H lifts him for the spinebuster, and hits it. Triple H is getting ready to pedigree Masters, but Masters dodges it, and runs to Tomko, and tags him in. Tomko runs at Triple H, but Triple H dodges it, and he clothslines Tomko. Triple H then knees Tomko in the head, and then Triple H irish whips Tomko agaist the ropes, and as he comes back, Triple H hits the spinebuster on him. Triple H then picks up Tomko, and kicks him in the lower ribs, and then executes a Pedigree to Tomko! Triple H then decides to tag in Shawn, but Shawn then crawls up the turnbuckle, and is going to hit a elbow drop, and he hits it! Shawn is getting ready to hit the superkick, 1.....2.......3.......4.........5........6.......7....8....Shawn runs up, but Masters dodges it, and locks in the MasterLock on Shawn Michaels! Triple H runs in, but Tomko runs, and hits a strong clothsline to Triple H, knocking both out of the ring. Shawn is starting to pass out, and Shawn then gives up. Chris Masters and Tomko take the Tag Team Championships for the second time in NCW history!

Winner: Chris Masters and Tomko via submission at 12:00

JR: I cant belive it, Chris Masters and Tomko are 2 Time NCW Tag Team Champions!
Jerry: What a historical night for those 2 men, but DX lost.
JR: Oh oh, I see something bad thats going to happen!

Vince McMahon makes his way to the ring, where Shawn Michaels is knocked out, and Triple H is hurt outside of the ring. Vince has a mic,

Vince: Hey look, its DX! These men cant even capture the Tag Team Championship! How sad of a team, that tries to pull it together, but is forced away! You see, this is what you get, for doing that bull**** to me in my office! Now, Shawn and Triple H, im going to challenge you, to a 4 on 4 match at Survivor Series, but since you guys have no friends, that is going to be hard. You see, you will be up agaist the McMahon Elite! And your probaly going to ask the question on who is in the Elite, well, let me show you.

Rhyno comes running down the ramp, and gets into the ring, and smiles at Shawn knocked out in the middle of the ring.

Vince: Rhyno is one of them, that is in the famous McMahon Elite, but there is another 2 more people.

Shane McMahon makes his way to the ring, and he hugs Vince.

Vince: Damn right, my son Shane! And there is one last person in the McMahon Elite, and that is.....

Randy Orton makes his way to the ring, and he looks at Vince, Rhyno and Shane.

Vince: Here you have it, the McMahon Elite! Lets test shall we, so Rhyno, lets test you.

* Orton picks up Shawn, and then Rhyno goes running at Shawn, and hits the gore on him, flipping him high in the air, and knocking him out. *

Vince: Owwwww, that is going to hurt tomorrow. Randy, lets test you, grab Triple H!

* Randy then grabs Triple H from out of the ring, and slides him into the ring. Orton then picks him up, and hits a hard RKO to Triple H *

Vince: Damnit! that could of broken his neck haha. Well, good luck on finding your 2 men for Survivor Series!

the McMahon Elite leaves the ring, while the crowd boo's, and then, it goes to commercial.

STONE COLD! STONE COLD! Stone Cold makes his debut next week here live on NCW!


JR: Welcome back to NCW Thunder, and we got a good show ahead of us.
Jerry: 2 more matches tonight, and both are looking to be good.
JR: Well, we have Stone Cold debut'ing next week here live!
Jerry: I cant wait for that, but I cant wait for this match right now!

Jeff Hardy stands under the titantron, and lets off pyro, then he enters the ring.

Booker T makes his way to the ring, with pyro, and a large fan pop.

Randy Orton makes his way to the ring, with boo'ing from the fans.

Undertaker makes his way to the ring, and he looks at the 3 men, and the lights go back on.


Bell Rings:

Orton looks at Taker, and Orton runs at Taker, but Taker throws Orton agaist the ropes, and Taker throws him to the ground. Booker T and Hardy collide with a grapple, but Booker T overcomes Jeff, and he throws Jeff into the turnbuckle. Booker T then starts stomping him in the turnbuckle, while Taker grabs Orton, and lifts him, and hits a bodyslam on him. Booker T then throws Hardy into Taker, and Taker grabs Hardy by the throat. Taker then tries to chokeslam him, but Hardy dodges it, and hits a DDT on the deadman. Hardy gets up, but Orton uppercuts him, and Hardy falls to the ground hurt. Orton then climbs the turnbuckle, but Booker T runs, and pushes him off, making Orton fly out of the ring, and onto the hard floor. Booker T smiles, but as he turns around, Hardy kicks him in the gut, and hits the Twist of Fate to Booker T! Jeff then begins to climb the turnbuckle, but Taker gets up, and chokes him. Taker then chokeslams Hardy off the turnbuckle, to the hard floor on Orton. Taker then grabs Booker T's hand, and twists it, and climbs the turnbuckle and is going to hit old skool on him, but Booker throws Taker off the turnbuckle, and he lands on Orton and Hardy. Booker then smiles, and he awaits someone to come into the ring. Orton is first to get up completely, and Orton enters the ring. Booker and Orton throw a few punches back and forth, but then Orton grabs Booker T's head, and Orton knees Booker T in the face, making Booker's nose bleed. Orton then goes to pin Booker, 1...2...Taker grabs Orton's leg, and pushes him away from Booker T. Taker then swings his leg, and his leg hits the steel on the turnbuckle. Orton screams in pain, but then Hardy runs off of Taker, and he dropkicks Orton's leg into the hard steel on the post. Orton's leg is injured, and Taker and Hardy enter the ring, and start stomping on him. Taker then all of a sudden, hits a legdrop on Booker T, and goes for the pin, 1...Hardy breaks it at 1 for Booker. Taker gets back up pissed, and Taker chokes Hardy. Hardy then kicks Taker in the gut, and hits the Twist of Fate on Taker! Hardy then climbs the turnbuckle, and is going to hit the Swanton Bomb, but Orton gets up slowly, and as Hardy jumps, he hits the Swanton Bomb on Taker, but when Hardy turns around, Orton hits the RKO on Hardy! Booker T then gets up, and Booker kicks Orton in the gut, and he bounces off the ropes, and is going to hit his scissors kick, but Orton dodges it, and hits a RKO on Booker T! Orton then goes for the pin, and tells the ref to hurry up, 1....2...Taker breaks it! Orton is suprised, and Taker chokes Orton, and Taker hits the Chokeslam on Orton! Taker then grabs Booker T, and he lifts him for the Tombstone Pile Driver, and he hits it on Booker T! Hardy then climbs the turnbuckle, and he jumps off in a legdrop position, but Taker catches him, and Last Rides him! Orton gets up quickly somehow after the chokeslam from Taker, and he RKO's Taker! Orton then lays top of Hardy for the pin, 1....2....3! Randy Orton takes the NCW Thunder Title!

Winner: Randy Orton via pinfall at 15:56

After the match, Orton holds his title high, and he laufghs at Taker, Hardy and Booker T. Orton continues walking out, and it goes to backstage.

* Todd Grisham is backstage with Batista, Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle *

Grisham: Hey ladies and gentlmen, im here with 3 competitors, who have in mind, taking gold home tonight.
Batista: Oh yeah, thats right, when NCW died a few months ago, I was still NCW Champion, I dint even lose it.
Grisham: What do you have to say about that Samoa Joe?
Samoa Joe: Batista, you lost it, and deal with it, I never lost my NCW Thunder Championship aswell!
Grisham: Last, Kurt Angle.
Kurt: Guys, im telling you now, im going to become the new NCW Champion tonight, its true, ITS DAMN TRUE!
Samoa Joe: Kurt, im going to get you first, when were in the ring.
Batista: Yeah, thats a good plan, and after, il take out whoever is standing, and become champion, thanks guys.

* Batista walks out smiling, and Samoa Joe and Kurt look mad *

JR: Its next live here on Thunder, we cant wait.
Jerry: Thats right, the main event is next, something we have been all waiting for!
JR: I wonder whats going to happen with the McMahon Elite now, that one of their members is Champion?
Jerry: Its going to be wild, the McMahon Elite will take on DX, and 2 other men, who will they be?
JR: When we return, its the main event, for the NCW Championship!

* Kurt, Joe and Batista are seen walking backstage in seperate screens, and "Next" appears in the bottom of the screen *

Dont miss next week's episode of Thunder, what will happen, after the McMahon Elite was born?? what will DX do?


JR: Welcome back to NCW Thunder.
Jerry: Its been a crazy night, and we all cant wait for this match.
JR: Well, here it is, the lights are dimming down!

Samoa Joe enters the ring, with pyro, and he lays on the turnbuckle awaiting the other 2.

Kurt Angle comes at the ramp, and his pyro goes off, and he makes his way to the ring.

Batista makes his way to the ring, with loud pyro, and he enters the ring, as the bell is rung.


Bell Rings:

Batista looks at Kurt, and Joe backs away. Batista runs at Kurt, but Kurt dodges it, and throws 4 punches to Batista, but then Batista throws a hard punch back to Kurt. Joe runs in, and clothslines Batista, but Kurt then grabs Joe, and irish whips him agaist the ropes, and as he comes back, Kurt flips him over, and gets him in a armlock. Joe is screaming in pain, but Batista kicks Kurt, and Kurt lets go. Batista then grabs Kurt, and irish whips him agaist the ropes, but as Batista is running to Kurt, Kurt throws him over the top rope, and Batista goes crashing to the hard floor. Batista holds his arm, cause he landed on it, while crashing down. Joe then grabs Kurt, and hits a powerful bodyslam to him. Joe then climbs out of the ring, and grabs Batista by the head, and throws Batista into the steel steps. Joe looks mad, and Joe picks up the steel steps, and he is going to throw them onto Batista, but Kurt springboards over the top rope, and lands on Joe. Kurt then puts the steel steps behind him, and he grabs Joe, and German Suplex's him onto the steel steps, denting the steel. Batista then lifts his leg high, and big boots Kurt, and Kurt falls to the floor hard. Batista then irish whips Kurt into the barricade, and Batista runs at Kurt, but Kurt then Angleslams Batista over the barricade, and into the audience. Batista isnt moving, and their is a audience member, forcing him up, and cheering him on. Joe is injured from the steel steps, and Kurt walks over to Joe. Kurt then grabs Joe, and he smashes his face into the steel post on the turnbuckle. Joe then quickly gets back up, and he grabs Kurt, and throws him onto the announcer tables with JR and King. Joe then grabs Kurt, and is going to Samoan Drop him, but Kurt dodges it, and Angleslams him threw the announcer table! Batista is slowly climbing his way out of the audience, and over the barricade, and he hops over. Batista looks mad, and he walks over and picks up Kurt. Batista then spinebusters Kurt to the hard floor, and Kurt screams in pain. Batista then stomps on Kurt, and the crowd is cheering. Batista picks up Kurt, and Batista backs up, but then he quickly runs forward, and hits a powerful clothsline. Batista then throws Kurt in the ring, and goes for the pin, but Joe is in the ring already. 1...2...Joe breaks it for Kurt at 2, and Batista gets up mad. Batista and Joe go face to face, and then Batista picks up Joe and spinebusters him to the canvas. Batista then hits his taunt, and he turns around, and he kicks Joe in the gut, and he gets Joe in the position for the Batista Bomb. Batista then lifts Joe, and hits the Batista Bomb on him! Batista then gets a loud pop from the crowd, but then Kurt sneeks Batista's leg, and he Anklelocks him! Batista is screaming in pain, and he is reaching for the nearest rope. Batista is then kicked in the head by Joe, and Joe breaks the anklelock. Batista falls out of the ring in pain, and Kurt grabs Joe, and gets him in the anklelock, and Joe wants to tap. Batista runs back in before he taps, but Kurt apply's more pressure to Joe, and Joe taps. Batista then kicks Kurt in the ribs, and Batista starts pounding on Kurt.

Winner: Kurt Angle via submission at 16:00

After the match, Batista is attacking Kurt, and Batista hits a hard spinebuster to the mat. Batista then hits his Batista Bomb on Kurt Angle, and Batista walks out. Batista grabs the NCW Title and holds it high, and then he throws it in with Kurt, but as Batista is walking on the ramp....

The Rock walks out of stage, and he stands under the titantron with a mic,

Rock: Batista, you stay right where you are.....also, you 3 monkey asses are lame at wrestling for the grandest prize in sports entertainment. Let me tell you 3 something, and the rest of these fans, that THE ROCK HAS COME BACK TO N...C...W! And what this means, is that at Survivor Series, a NCW PPV, The Rock will capture the NCW Championship from this roid freak Kurt Angle, and I will take out anybody.......And I said anybody that wants to get in the Rock's way! IF YA SMELLL...l.l.l.l.l.l.l.ll.l What the Rock???? IS.........Cooking!

JR: The Rock is back in NCW, I cant belive it!
Jerry: Kurt Angle is the new NCW Champion!
JR: Thank you for attending NCW Thunder tonight ladies and gentlmen.
Jerry: We will see you next week, for anothet spectacular episode of NCW Thunder!
JR: Good Night!

* The camera points to Kurt Angle and The Rock, as the show goes off air *
bm: the opener and m/e were good
wm: n/a, all were good
bp: batista/kurt/joe
wp: they were all quite good
af: good show, cant wait to see who joins the 4 vs 4 tag match