The story ran by me was that a land bridge called Beringia was crossed from Eurasia to present day Alaska.
The genetic records say we're basically of Asian heritage, specifically Siberia.
The term Indians came from that stupid mark Christopher Columbus. It's the same term applied to the Caribbean Islands known as the West Indies. It was the Europeans way of saying, "Fuck you guys, we own you now."
It isn't the names themselves, the Natives are butt hurt about. They hate Europeans for bringing disease, their ideals and their grubby food to America.
The Europeans r*ped the Natives of their territory, killed them and pushed them into sh*tty pockets of the present day U.S.
The greed and everything wrong with America, the tribes basically trace back to the day the "whites" first set foot on the continent.
Long winded, but that's the gist of what my family has told me over the years.