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Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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The Large House, Arizona
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ROH Final Battle 2002: Amazing Red v.s Jody Fleisch.

This just looks like something that I won't like on paper. It was also not a very long match as Fleisch aligned himself with Special K before the match and they helped him win within minutes. They got a few spots in that just looked over the top right from the get go seeing as the match didn't go anywhere anyways I guess they had to get some of their stuff in. Hell at one point Fleisch waits on the top rope for Red to follow. They are both have their backs facing the ring they hook onto each other and both do moonsaults. This didn't make any sense and just hurt both of them. What is funny is Fleisch really didn't even try to stop Red when he went to the top rope. It also took way too long to set up. After the match Special K attacked Red until Da Hit Squad came out for the save or something. I think Special K ended up getting the upperhand before the end of the segment. The announcers were calling the attack a black eye on ROH but the spot I explained during the match should leave a stain on both of these guys careers instead.


Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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The Large House, Arizona
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ROH Final Battle 2002: ROH Title Match- Xavier(c) v.s Paul London.

Not too bad for a title match. It's a solid little match as bigger matches without the championship are later in the card. Of course if Xavier wasn't champion more than likely someone worth main eventing this card would probably be champion but oh well. London hit a lot of quick moves to get nearfalls throughout the entire match making it look like he was on his way to the title with the crowd behind him 100%. Xavier used heel tactics to keep in it and some really impressive neck work that led to the end of the match itself. London hit a sick Shooting Star Press to the outside the ring off the post. Usually I don't care about dives but it was set up nicely. A little later he misses the SSP in the ring and almost gets rolled up. However London came back with his devastating DDT but Xavier was able to get his foot on the bottom rope. It was shortly after this that London seems to lose focus thinking he had won for split second and Xavier was able to hit a huge head drop and followed by a vicious neckbreack to seal the win for him.

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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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WWE No Way Out 2007 - The Boogeyman & Little Boogeyman vs Finlay & Little Bastard

The fuck was that shit?


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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WWF No Way Out 2001 - 3 Stages of Hell: Steve Austin vs Triple H :y::y::y::y::y::y::y::y::y::y::y::y::y::y::y::y::y::y:
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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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WWF Monday Night RAW 09/08/1997 - Bret Hart vs. Vader

Before the match Bret has the mic and calls Cincinnati a bunch of idiots. He grins and wants to know what it is like to be from a city where the only claim to fame is to have a street named after a disgraced hero: Pete Rose. He calls Vader excrement and will take pleasure in kicking his ass right in front of all the American fans.

Vader rolls in and is clocked with the belt a few times: No Holds Barred match. Vader is whipped into the corner but gets his boot up. He clotheslines Bret and then grabs the WWF belt and belts him on the back with it. He has the Canadian flag, and breaks it, then he smashes it on the back of Bret's back. Vader whips him into the corner and runs him over. Bret rolls to the floor and the exchange blows, Bret flings him into the steel steps and Bret picks them up and slams them not once but twice on Vader. Vader fights back, rakes the eyes and Davey is at the top of the ramp. Bret is thrown down. Back from a commercial and Vader is battering Bret, knocking him down with big blows. He boxes him in the corner but gets kicked in the nuts. Bret stomps on him, and drops the head on the sternum. He pulls him up and keeps up the pressure with hits and headbutts. Bret suplexes him, he starts to untie the buckle, stops and goes back to hammer Bret. They do a series of reversals where Bret runs into Vader, and is then whipped sternum first into the corner. Vader powerbombs him and heads up but Davey runs down, Bret had rolled out of the way. Davey gets suplexed into the ring; he knocks Bret down but he is overwhelmed and stomped into the mat. The Patriot comes down and unloads on the Foundation. Owen runs down and he attacks the Patriot but he fights back. Bret has the chair and starts using it on both Vader and the Patriot. They go to piledrive the Patriot and here comes Austin and he takes down all three. He drags a reluctant Owen to the middle of the ring; Owen goes for the enzuguri but misses and Austin has the chair and the Foundation run to the back. *3/4 I would of liked it to have gotten more time before all the run in's.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF WrestleMania 16 - WWF Tag Team Titles, Triangle Ladder Match: The Dudley Boyz vs. Edge & Christian vs. The Hardy Boys

This is essentially the precursor to the TLC matches. E&C make their way to the ring first followed by the Hardys, with Jeff running under the ladders in the aisle and the Dudleys come out last and pose on one of the ladders. E&C get things started by jumping the Hardys, getting even for Matt and Jeff attacking them earlier on Heat. E&C then go out to meet the Dudleys with the Hardys right behind them and we have all six men going at it. Matt throws Chrstian in the ring and goes for a whip but Christian reverses and comes back with a dropkick. Matt and Christian head out to the floor to duke it out while D’Von throws Edge in the ring to take their turn. D’Von whips Edge but Edge hits a spinning heel kick and he and D’Von roll out while Bubba rolls Jeff in the ring and chops him. Bubba whips Jeff into a corner but Jeff runs up the turnbuckles and connects with the Whisper in the Wind. Jeff goes for a whip but Bubba reverses into a backdrop then hits the Full Nelson bomb before heading out to the floor. Christian slides a ladder in the ring and sets it up then starts climbing for the belts but Matt pulls him off. Matt starts climbing the ladder himself but Christian pulls him off as D’Von slides another ladder in the ring. The Dudleys come in but Edge and Christian work D’Von over in a corner while Matt takes care of Bubba. Matt takes a ladder and throws it onto Bubba in a corner while Edge does the same to D’Von on the other side. Matt then drops to the mat and Jeff launches off him for the Poetry in Motion, smashing Bubba with the ladder. Edge drops to the mat while Christian goes for the crossboy on D’Von but D’Von blocks him with the ladder. Matt slams D’Von onto a ladder and Jeff holds him while Matt hops to the middle rope and hits an elbowdrop. Jeff turns toward Bubba and dodges a shot then drills Bubba with a DDT and places him on another ladder. Jeff climbs to the top rope and goes for a 450 splash but Bubba avoids it while Jeff crashes on the ladder. Bubba slams Jeff and covers him with the ladder then climbs to the middle rope and hits a senton on it! Christian lays out Matt with the Slop Drop then covers him with a ladder while Edge climbs to the top rope. Christian hands Edge another ladder and Edge rides it down onto the ladder covering Matt! D’Von slams Edge and covers him with a ladder then climbs up to the top rope and hits a legdrop smashing Edge underneath the ladder! Bubba places a ladder on his shoulder and swings it around taking out the Hardys, Edge and Christian with it. Bubba holds up the ladder when E&C dropkick it onto him but D’Von comes back in and stomps Christian down. Edge props a ladder in a corner then E&C whip D’Von and flapjack him onto the ladder! Matt and Bubba are fighting on the floor when E&C set a ladder up nearby and Christian climbs up and leaps off with a pescado on both Matt and Bubba. Jeff tries his luck climbing up the ladder but Edge climbs to the top rope and spears Jeff off the ladder!! Edge sets up another ladder and starts climbing but Matt pulls him off into a Splash Mountain! Matt starts climbing up but D’Von throws him off to the mat. D’Von takes his turn but Christian knocks him off with another ladder. Christian climbs the ladder while Bubba sets up two more ladders on either side and climbs up one of the and pulls Christian off with a Diamond Cutter. The Hardys move two of the ladders into corners then throw Christian through the ropes then climb a ladder in either corner and connects with the Event Omega on Bubba! Christian comes in and throws Jeff through the ropes to the floor then climbs a ladder in a corner with D’Von coming up the other side. Edge sets up another ladder right beside them and climbs that and E&C then suplex D’Von from the ladder to the mat! Matt throws Bubba into the steps then goes in and he and Jeff set up a pair of ladders under the belts. The Hardys each climb a ladder but E&C also climb up on the other side and they start going at it. Christian pulls Jeff off the ladder with a facebuster while Edge takes Matt off with a Russian legsweep. Everyone is back going at it and soon all six men pair off and tries climbing a ladder and battling. During the fracas sne of the ladders gets tipped over sending Jeff and Christian crashing to the floor. Bubba hops down and shoves Matt and Edge’s ladder over, sending them onto the top rope!! The Dudleys fold up two of the ladders and sandwich Christian in-between them and Edge goes for a whip but D’Von reverses it and the Dudleys hit the 3D. The Dudleys then go out and start pulling a bunch of tables from under the ring. D’Von slides a pair of tables in the ring as Bubba sets up a pair of ladders near the belts. D’von brings in a third table and the Dudleys place it on top of the ladders, forming a makeshift platform. The Dudleys start climbing up when the Hardys come in and pull them off the ladders. Each Dudley sets up one of the other two tables under the platform. Bubba takes Matt out of the ring and throws him into the steps then sets up yet another table next to the announcers. Bubba throws Matt onto the Spanish announce table then powerbombs him through the table at ringside!! In the ring D’von sets up a third ladder and places Jeff onto one of the two tables then climbs up the ladder and goes for a splash but Jeff rolls off and D’Von crashes through the table! Bubba pulls the ladder out of the ring and holds it for something as Jeff runs across the barricade but Bubba throws the ladder into him in mid-air!! Bubba then brings out a tall ladder and sets it up in the aisle then pulls out a fifth table and sets it up next to the tall ladder. Bubba places Jeff on the table but Chrstian comes over and clocks Bubba with the ringbell. Jeff throws Christian into the guardrail then climbs up the tall ladder and leaps off the top hitting a Swanton Bomb on Bubba through the table!!! Both men are down as D’Von takes out Christian with a suplex in the ring. D’Von starts climbing up to the platform when Matt pulls him off and takes him out with the Twist of Fate. Matt climbs up to the platform on one end while Christian climbs up the other end and the two of them exchange shots. Matt reaches for the belts and touches them but Edge comes up from behind and shoves Matt off the platform through the table below!! Edge and Christian pull down the belts for the win and their first tag team championship!! E&C celebrate with the belts on the platform then leave the ring through the crowd. And thus the legend is born. **** Revolutionary, insane, and a forerunner to what TLC matches would become. The scary thing is that they would improve on this match just a few months ladder, and then do it again a year later. There were a few slow spots where the TLC matches were non-stop action from the opening bell, but that takes nothing away from this match. Much like Shawn/Razor newer fans may think this looks a little tame compared to what came later, but what these six men did here was steal the show at WrestleMania.


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Dec 6, 2010
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Los Ice Creams vs The Throwbacks - CHIKARA: Cibernetico Increible

Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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The Large House, Arizona
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ROH Final Battle 2002: Steve Corino v.s Samoa Joe v.s Low Ki v.s Bryan Danielson.

This match was for a future title shot at Xavier. So why not have four guys that make Xavier look like a chump instead of a champ? This match was much better than Xavier's title defense earlier in the night anyways. However, I never felt it really climaxed and we had tons of great exchanges from all 4 men and some really odd exchanges. I think at one point Samoa Joe was confused having not been in a match like this before to my knowledge. It was about 30 minutes into the 45 minute time limit. Low Ki was the star of this match at one point I swear he took blows from the other 3 guys repeatably for about 5 minutes as they just kept tagging in and out. This was until Low Ki tripped up Corino and hit some stiff kicks to the chest followed by a brutal kick to the head. It was like he was just fuckin' fed up with everyone it was great. Corino however in this match was cold and calculated as he tried to earn his chance at Xavier. Well one thing that should be noted is that Homicide was scheduled to be in the match until Corino attacked him with a fork and 3 piledrivers as Joe, Ki and Danielson all made their entrances respectively. The entire match was about the same pace, it kind of escalated near the end but it was just a steady flow. There was a lot of stiff, hard hitting action and rugged mat work that I enjoyed immensely. I just think with the pace they could have turned it up a notch at certain points with some bigger moves and more nearfalls. Some nice submission attempts were seen throughout, though. Hell in the end Low Ki had Steve Corino in the Dragon Sleeper and he ended up tapping as the bell sounds. Most ROH time limit draws end like this. So all in all a great match but I was expecting a bit more.

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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF WrestleMania 16 - Euro-Continental title match: Kurt Angle © vs. Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit

This match has two falls and the IC Title is up for grabs in this first fall. Jericho comes out first and gets on the mic, talking about waiting his whole life to be on Wrestlemania. Jericho says he can’t guarantee to walk out with either or both titles but does guarantee that “Kirk Angel” and “Mr. Roboto” will get the beating of a lifetime. The other two men come out and Benoit attacks Angle on the floor as he tries to remove his two belts and throws him in the ring. Jericho goes for a whip and Angle reverses it but Jericho hits clotheslines on both Angle and Benoit. Jericho chops Angle and whips him into a clothesline then kicks Benoit in a corner. Angle nails Jericho from behind and goes for a whip but Jericho reverses and hits an elbow. Benoit chops Jericho in a corner then whips him into a corner. Benoit goes for a suplex but Jericho flips out of it and dropkicks him into the ringpost. Angle goes for a whip but Jericho reverses and hits a dropkick and sends him out to the apron. Jericho goes for the springboard dropkick but Benoit trips him from the floor then goes in and elbowdrops him. Benoit then goes out after Angle on the apron and works him over when Jerihco hits the springboard dropkick on both men! Jericho hits a baseball slide on Benoit and goes out but Angle flapjacks him into the ringsteps! Angle throws Jericho back in the ring and hits a belly-to-belly suplex but Benoit breaks up the pin. Benoit whips Angle and hits a clothesline but Jericho breaks up his cover. Jericho chops Benoit in a corner and Benoit fires back but Jericho knees him in the chest. Jericho turns and hits a butterfly backbreaker on Angle then climbs to the top rope but Benoit shoves him off right into the announce table! Benoit hits a snap suplex for a two count then hits another suplex for another two count. Benoit chops Angle but Jericho catches him with a dropkick. Jericho goes for a whip, Angle reverses him into a corner and charges but eats a boot and Jericho hops to the middle rope and connects with a missile dropkick but Benoit breaks up the pin. Benoit hits a backbreaker but Angle makes the save and clubs Benoit in the back then hits a snap suplex but only gets a two count. Jericho whips Angle then comes off the ropes with the bulldog for a near fall. Benoit and Jericho exchange shots and Benoit gets the advanatge with chops. Angle suplexes Benoit but Jericho makes the save with an axehandle off the ropes and Angle rolls to the floor. Jericho puts Benoit in a modified Camel Clutch but sees Angle coming and lets go of Benoit to greet Angle with a right hand. Jericho hits Angle with a vertical suplex and Benoit tries to steal the pin but Jericho breaks it up. Jericho lays the boots to Benoit but Angle works him over and whips him into a corner but eats a boot. Jericho goes for a suplex but Angle counters it into a belly-to-belly suplex for a near fall. Benoit hammers Angle and goes for a whip but Angle reverses him right into Jericho. Jericho lifts himself over Benoit into a Sunset Flip but Benoit counters into a rollup and Angle breaks it up with a dropkick and Benoit rolls out to the floor while Angle whips Jericho and Jericho reverses it and goes for a backbreaker but Angle counters into the Crossface Chickenwing! Jericho looks ready to submit and the referee checks the arm but Benoit makes the save with a dropkick! Benoit throws Angle through the ropes then goes out and throws him into the crowd. Benoit climbs up to the top rope and hits the diving headbutt on Jericho and gets the three to take the IC title.

Benoit immediately covers Jericho while he’s down but Angle breaks up the pin. Angle hammers Benoit then hits a suplex but only gets a two count. Angle slams Benoit to the mat then climbs to the top but Jericho causes him to straddle the turnbuckle. Jericho climbs up for a superplex but Benoit causes him to straddle the rope. Benoit goes up and hits a back superplex on Jericho and both men are down. Angle is still on the top rope and goes for a moonsault but misses and hits the mat! Angle manages to drape an arm over Benoit but only gets two and Jericho tries covering Angle but he only gets two as well. Jericho goes for the Walls of Jericho on Angle but Benoit interuptes him with a clothesline. Benoit whips Angle into a knee then stomps him down in a corner. Angle nails Benoit from behind and slams him to the mat then works over Jericho. Angle whips Jericho into a corner, Benoit charges but Jericho sidesteps him and clotheslines Angle then hits a spinning heel kick on Benoit. Jericho whips Angle and hits a powerbomb but holds on and hits a second powerbomb! Jericho starts to go for the cover but sees Benoit coming and charges at him but runs into a German suplex. Benoit holds on for a second German suplex then still holds on and hits a bridge suplex but Angle barely breaks it up. Benoit hits a Dragon suplex on Angle and gets a two count, even though Angle’s shoulders weren’t down. Jericho chops Benoit and goes for a whip but Benoit reverses it and Jericho goes for a forearm. However Benoit ducks and Jericho takes out the referee when Benoit slaps the Crossface on Jericho. Jericho taps but the referee is out and doesn’t see it. Benoit goes to revive the referee when Jericho puts him in the Walls of Jericho. Angle comes in with the European belt and clocks Jericho in the head with it then covers him but Benoit pulls Jericho out of the ring. Benoit goes in and exchanges punches with Angle then suplexes him and climbs to the top rope. Benoit goes for the headbutt again but Angle rolls out of the way. Jericho quickly comes in and hits the Lionsault on Benoit then covers him and gets the 1..2..3 for the second fall and the European Title. ***1/2 Okay Angle loses both his titles without being pinned in either fall and complains to the referee about this while Benoit celebrates with the Intercontinential belt and Jericho takes the European belt. They relied on the toss one man out so the other two can fight a little too much, but what they did was pretty sweet. For a two fall match it was a little short, but in the end they accomplished a lot as they set up Jericho vs. Benoit for the summer, and got Angle to another level on his way to the Main Event.


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Vin Gerard vs Ryuichi Kawakami - CHIKARA: Cibernetico Increible


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La Malcriada & Sara Del Rey vs Bullfight Sora & Daizee Haze - CHIKARA: Cibernetico Increible


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Sal Rinauro vs Claudio Castagnoli - CHIKARA: Cibernetico Increible


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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WWE Raw 1/12/04 - Matt Hardy vs Goldberg


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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WWE Raw 1/12/04 - Batista vs D-Von Dudley


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Dec 6, 2010
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Colin Delaney & Icarus & Crossbones vs Stigma & UltraMantis Black & Chuck Taylor - CHIKARA: Cibernetico Increible