Jericho Fired

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Moonlight Drive

Vince has to be a heel. He's the greatest heel of all time imo, and he just does it so well. And how the fuck would Steph be involved with Jericho, Y2J has been the one happy about Vinces return and she fired him ffs. This isn't TNA folks.


Did anyone ever think.....BOTH COULD BE HEELS.

And honestly there is no sure deal that Jericho will remain in this feud till the end. He could just be the shock factor that gets it going. Or perhaps it could be the beginning glimmer of face turn for Jericho. We all know how priceless it can be when Steph and Jericho are pitted against each other.

Moonlight Drive

1 - Heel vs Heel feuds suck and draw no money. Vince knows this. Fans know this. You should know this. The feud would be epic fail if they were both heels/

2 - Jericho turning face would be incredibly stupid. Then Raw has two ME heels, Orton and JBL. And Bradshaw sucks.


I know, I know...just throwing it out there. What I mean is Vince doesn't have to return as a face. If he and Steph start feuding one of them will obvious "out-heel" the other. It's not like it's two low card heels facing off...this is the McMahons. It'll only take the slightest action for the fans to side with one or the other.


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Dec 9, 2008
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Def agree that both MAC's would draw sinister heat and could be cool if used correctly. as long as vince is NOT wrestling at Wrestlemania. Even last night Jericho was again a god on the mic.


Guest epic clash where everyone is just hoping the lesser of two evils will win out.
And yeah... I don't think Jericho called anyone a hypocrite or a sycophant last


No... I still don't quite understand the "firing" that took place to be in all honestly. Where is the WWE going with this?


I guess we'll just have to wait and see now won't we Mr. Impatient

I would imagine as we've all been saying that it's simply to either built heat on Steph or is simply being used as a swerve for when Vince returns. If Jericho is going to be involved in this angle then he's obviously going to side with one McMahon at some point. At this point we've got a heel Jericho....a tweener Steph and an undetermined Vince.

Beer Money Army

so when Y2J wants a title shot. he get's fired..

but when batista demands one.. he gets it...

pretty one sided logic there


Active Member
Jul 13, 2008
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Easton, Maryland
And besides, the Steph-Jericho aliiance wouldn't work out. Lets go with what you said. Steph is scared of Vince, so her a Jericho made an agreement, if Jericho attacks Vince, he gets a title shot. Vince wont see the attack coming by Jericho. And then it's reveal Steph and Jericho were working together. It's a dumb storyline to me but anyway.

There's the matter on when Jericho would get his shot. Wont be at the Rumble because that's already set as Cena/JBL. So so then theirs NWO, it could happen there, but as you said, Steph and Vince would have someone rep. them at Mania. So they would need a build up toward their match. Meaning no title match at NWO. He wouldn't get his title match at Mania because he'd be repping Steph in the match. So the only way he'd get his title match is if he wins at Mania. And if he wins, then that means Steph is the (on-air) owner. Two in a half months is not nearly enough time for a build-up of a match like that, where complete control and ownership changes hands. And wouldn't when Jericho attacks Vince, wouldn't she want him to take him out, injure him, break his ankle, do something so that he doesn't return? The storyline wouldn't work. And when has Mr. McMahon been a face and not suck besides the Invasion storyline?

That's why I say Steph goes as a face, Vince comes back as a heel, he reinstates Jericho, Steph is mad that he does that and that he's trying to take "her show" from her, that she challenges him to a Battle of the Billionaire II. She get's her rep, Jericho is Vince's rep, sounds logical to me.

The Rated R CMStar

After rewatching the segment I am more sure. Jericho and Steph are in cahoots.

BTW Bonez, it doesn't matter how bad is the attack, obviously it will be in attempt to take out Vince again, but it will obviously fail. As for the title match, I never said anything about a title PROGRAM or FEUD, they can give us Cena vs Y2J on Raw, with Y2J losing due to interference of Vince's rep.

Anyways, I see Vince indeed reinstating Y2J next week. Steph gets mad at him for doing so.

The turn of Jericho can happen right there or it can happen the following weeks, but in the end it will be revealed Jericho was fired to show Steph's control on Raw, and that are in an alliance to take out Vince, with Jericho getting a title match out of this.


So... I wasn't sure what thread to post this one in because it kinda pertains to this one...the HBK/JBL/Cena thread and the McMahon thread. But hell, I'll post it in this one.
I saw something interesting on last night which I really meant to post but never quite got around to. They're currently running a poll on Vince and what you'de like to see him do when he returns next Monday. The choices are....
a)Unseat Steph
c) Rehire Jericho
d) become WHC

Anyone smell amazing storyline somewhere in there? I really don't even think I need to go into detail.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2008
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Easton, Maryland
I didn't see the segment, so I'm just going off of what I read what happened.

And how is that "obviously" its suppose to take him out? Just because you attack someone doesn't mean your purpose is to take them out. Unless you state afterwards or make it known that you're intension is to take them out. You said nothing about Jericho taking out Vince. You said Steph fired him so that Vince wouldn't see the attack coming. Then when you posted again you changed attack to take out so obviously you saw that just saying attack wasn't enough that you added take out. There are many different levels of attack, I'm just suppose to assume what you're talking about. It could be Mike Knox type attack on Mysterio or a MEM attack. A simple stunner was considered an attack when Austin did it to Vince. Slapping someone is considered an attack.

And it doesn't have a be a program or feud for the title, but as you said they would have someone rep them at WM so wouldn't they need to build-up to their match with their rep? As I've said before, would would need a lot of build-up if you're planning on a full (on-air) take over. So Jericho will need to be in this program with Vince's rep sooner rather than later. And when Steph and Jericho made their deal, I think Jericho would be smart enough to make a deal in which nobody can interfer, get in the way, or make him lose the match, some type of stipulation where the odds are in his favor.