International Championship Wrestling

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May 26, 2008
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Backstory: In the summer of 2008, Eric Bischoff decided to create his own promotion. Eric Bischoff contacted some big name talent and persuaded them to join this new promotion. Before the promotion would launch. Eric Bischoff needed to find a televison station to brodcast the show. After some negotiations the CBS Station had signed this promotion to a 2 hour deal on Monday Nights. And a 1 hour deal on Saturday Nights.

ICW World Heavyweight Championship: VACANT
ICW United States Championship: Scott Steiner
ICW World Tag Team Championship: Team 3D
ICW Cruiserweight Championship: Jack Evans

Brodcast Teams:
Explosion Brodcast Announce Team:
Mike Tenay and Jim Cornette

Shockwave Brodcast Announce Team:
Jeremy Borash and Don West

Television Show(s):
Wednesday Night Explosion
Saturday Night Shockwave

Pay Per Views:
Sin ( June )
New Blood Rising ( July )
International Warfare ( August )
No Surrender ( September )
The Revolution ( October )
Retribution ( November )
Dessension ( December )
Anarchy ( January )
Showdown at MoTown ( Febuary )
Caged Fury ( March )
Greed ( April )
Bound For Glory ( May )

International Championship Wrestling Roster:
Kurt Angle
Jack Evans
Samoa Joe
AJ Styles
Christopher Daniels
Jushin Thunder Liger
Mark Briscoe
Jay Briscoe
Yoshirio Tajiri
Elix Skipper
Low Ki
Masoto Tanaka
Robert Roode
Giant Bernard
Brother Ray
Brother Devon
Matt Sydal
Christian Cage
Scott Steiner
Booker T
Larry Zbyszko
BG James
Kip James
Kid Kash
Juventud Gurrerra

MC Rae

Jul 13, 2007
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United kingdom
Looks like a pretty damn good roster for the most part. It might be difficult maintaining two shows at once but yeah, good luck, I'll definately check it out!

Evil Austin

its pretty good.. lol oyu might as well just do a TNA BTB with that roster....


Nov 29, 2007
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well, il put in a review for it. I am interested to see what you come up with here.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

DX_3:16 said:
its pretty good.. lol oyu might as well just do a TNA BTB with that roster....
Na, he has some indy wrestlers there (such as the Briscoes), some Japanese such as Albert/Giant bernard) and a WWE guy (Matt Sydal).

Looks pretty good, but I think we have seen you here before without posting a show.


New Member
May 26, 2008
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Yeah I tried to do this before but i never posted now i will comit to this and hopefully i will surprise you.


New Member
May 26, 2008
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The Debut of Explosion!!!

ICW Explosion

* The shows starts with the song " Boom " by POD playing with the pyro going off*

Tenay: " Welcome to the debut edition of ICW Explosion. I am joined by my lengendary announce partner, Jim Cornette ".
Cornette: " Thanks Mike, I'm excited to be here at the announce tabe once again. It looks like the boss is in the ring and he has something to say ".

* Eric Bischoff is in the ring with a microphone *

Bischoff: Thank you for tuning into the debut edition of Explosion. We are going to have a hell of a night for you guys. And before we kick off the action tonight. I want to get something off my chest. Vince McMahon you thought when you purchased WCW that you had finally gotten rid of your biggest threat. But Vince when you knocked me down, you didnt make sure I wouldnt get back up. And now McMahon I am going to sucessed at something I couldnt do with WCW. Take you and WWE out of buiness. Tonight starts your biggest nightmare. And tonight we will start the tournament for the ICW World Heavyweight Championship.


ICW Cruiserweight Championship
Low Ki (vs.) Elix Skipper (vs.) Yoshihiro Tajiri (vs.) Jack Evans

When the bell rings Elix Skipper and Low Ki start batteling outside of the ring. Yoshihiro Tajiri then attempts a drop kick unto Jack Evans. Evans then moves and does a standing shooting star press on to Tajiri. Jack Evans Picks up Tajiri. Tajiri pushes him off of him and does a combination of kicks and punches to Evans. Tajiri turns around and Elix Skipper launches off of the top rope and does a springboard DDT. Low Ki runs into the ring and starts doing knife edge chops to Skipper. Jack Evans does a drop kick to both of them. Tajiri then clotheslines Evans over the top rope. Tajiri looks at the group of wrestlers, runs to the ropes and does a flying suicide dive onto Evans, Skipper, and Low Ki. Tajiri's head hit the guard rail. The medics came running over to check on Tajiri. They signaled for them to bring out a stretcher they put Tajiri on the stretcher and took him out of the match. Jack Evans then threw Skipper into the ring and tried for a cover. But only got a 2 count. Low Ki came in and kicked Evans in the back hard. Low Ki threw Evans to the turnbuckle and set him up for the double stomp. Skipper then jumped from the top rope to Low Ki and hurricanrana out of the ring.
Evans then undone himself and went outside of the ring and threw Skipper back in and did the move Ode to Blitzkrieg for the win. WINNER: JACK EVANS

* Jack Evans celebrates the win as new ICW Cruiserweight Champion *


Street Fight
Masato Tanaka (vs.) Raven

Raven throws a trash can in the ring. Masoto picks it up and launches it at Tanaka. He gets Tanaka's head and rams it against the turnbuckle. Tanaka starts bleeding. Tanaka then gets up and kicks Raven in the stomach. He powerbombs Raven onto the trash can. He goes out of the ring and gets a barbed wire baseball bat. He then grinds the bat against Raven's Head. Raven then low blows Tanaka and DDT's Tanaka on the barbed wire baseball bat for the win. WINNER: RAVEN

* Raven celebrates bloody in the ring*

* Jeremy Borash hosts a backstage interview with Championship Tournamet contestant Sting *
Borash: Sting, you have had championships everywhere you have been. You are a legend in our buisness. But Sting do you have one more championship reign left in you.
Sting: JB, I have had world championship in every promotion I have been in. I am feeling pretty good and Tomko. You better look out because, Its Show Time!


ICW World Tag Team Championship / Tables Match
Team 3D (vs.) LAX (vs.) The Briscoe Brothers

Brother Ray and Homicide start the match off. Brother Ray grabs Homicide and throws him off of him. He then starts running towards Homicide, Homicide then trips Brother Ray who trips and falls out of the ring. Homicide then jumps out of the ring towards Brother Ray. Then Brother Devon clotheslines Homicide. Hernandez then attacks Devon. The Briscoes Brothers then did a crossbodys from the top rope on too the teams. The Briscoes then picked up Brother Ray. But Brother Ray punched Mark in the face and threw Jay onto his stomach on the gaurd rail. Hernandez then throws Devon onto the announce table. Jay Briscoe then does a drop kick off of the top turnbuckle onto Hernandez. Brother Ray then gets a table from under the ring and sets it up. He tried to but Mark Briscoe on the table but Mark kicks Brother Ray in the groin. He puts Brother Ray on the table. Mark Briscoe gets on the top turnbuckle, then out of no where Brother Runt comes out and hits Mark over the head with a singapore cane. Brother Ray then gets to the top turnbuckle and powebombs Mark of the top turnbuckle threw the table for the win. WINNERS: TEAM 3D

* Team 3D celebrates with the ICW World Tag Team Championship *

Mike Tenay: Congratulations to Team 3D on that controversial win. But up next is a match in the tournament to crown a new ICW World Heavyweight Champion.
Cornette: It is the " Monster " Abyss (vs.) Booker T

ICW World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Match
Abyss (vs.) Booker T

Booker T and Abyss lock up then Booker T turns it to a side face lock. Abyss then slams Booker T on his back. Booker T gets up and looks around. Then it looked like the two would lock up again. But Booker ducked under it and does a side kick to Abyss back. Abyss falls to the mat. Booker then picks Abyss up and launches him to the ropes. Abyss ducks Booker Ts clothesline and gets Booker into a torture rack. Booker then elbows Abyss in the jaw. Which Abyss droped Booker to the mat. Booker then school boys Abyss. But only gets a 2 1/2 count. Abyss gets back up launching Booker into the rope and tries to do a Black Hole Slam. But Booker reverses it and goes for a Scissors Kick then Abyss reverses it and does a black hole slam for the win. WINNER: ABYSS

* Abyss gets up and holds his neck and Rhino comes out and gores Abyss and gets out of the ring *
Tenay: Well Jim, tonight has been big and we still have one more match for our great fans.
Cornette: Yes we do Mike, The Main Event, Sting vs Tomko winner goes on in the tournament to crown the first ever ICW World Champion.
Tenay: Your right Jim and that match will be right after this word from our sponsors.


ICW World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Match
Sting (vs.) Tomko/w Giant Bernard

Sting locks up with Tomko at the begining of the match. Tomko then kicks Sting in the stomach with his boot. Tomko then delievers some thunderous forearms to Sting's back. He throws Sting to the turnbuckle and chokes Sting with his boot. Tomko gets to a 4 count and is worn by the referee. Tomko then picks him up and Sting comes back with punches to Tomko's stomach. He then throws Tomko to the ropes and throws Tomko over his sholder. Tomko gets up to only get knocked back down with a clothesline. Giant Bernard then gets on the ring apron and distracts the referee. While the referee is being distracted Tomko ran in and tried to hit Sting with a steel chair but he missed it. Sting then kicked Tomko in the stomach and did a Scorpian Death Drop onto the chair for the win. WINNER: STING

* Sting celebrates the win with a small blood from the top of his eye *

* Eric Bischoff then comes out with a microphone ready to talk *

Eric Bischoff: Congratulations, Sting on winning the match to advance in the tournament. And winning the main event of the debut edition of Explosion. And next week the main event will be Christian Cage (vs.) Samoa Joe in a ICW World Championship Tournament Match. Also it will be inside a steel cage.

* ICW Logo goes across the screen and the show goes off the air. *
ICW Cruiserweight Championship
Jack Evans def. Yoshihiro Tajiri vs Elix Skipper vs Low Ki

Street Fight
Raven def. Masato Tanaka

ICW World Tag Team Championship / Tables Match
Team 3D def. LAX vs The Briscoe Brothers

ICW World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Match
Abyss def. Booker T

ICW World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Match
Sting def. Tomko/w Giant Bernard
Yoshihiro Tajiri has suffered a cucusion and is advised by doctors to not compete in action from 2-3 weeks.

Jackie Moore has been released from the ICW. We wish Jackie the best in her future indeavors.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Alright, I am just going to run through some pointers for you, and hopefully you will not ignore them.

- Please use colours, it makes it easier to read.

- Post your news seperate from your show, say half way in between each show.

- Try to increase the size of your matches, unless you are aiming to do it in recap form.

- Have more promos throughout the show.

- Try to make the promos longer. With Sting's, try to make him lead up to it, have him make something of it.

Anyway, I'll have another look next time to see how you're going.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
BM: The opening match. A lot of action made it my favorite
WM: Tanaka vs. Raven-seemed way too short.
BP: Bichoff's opening promo- it was the most in character.
WP: The Sting promo- it was too short.
AC: This BTB has a lot of potential. You have a lot of room to improve, and I think that you will. Good luck, use bkb's tips, and I will continue to read.
Plug: I welcome you to check out my BTB POI Wrestling.


New Member
May 26, 2008
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ICW has signed " The Living Legend " Larry Zbyszko as a backstage interviewer for both Explosion and Shockwave.


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May 26, 2008
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ICW Shockwave June 21, 2008

* Shockwave theme song " Adrenaline Rush " plays over the speaker with the pyro going off.*

Jeremy Borash: Welcome to the debut edition of Shockwave. This Monday we saw a historic night. We crowned a new World Tag Team Champions and a new Cruiserweight Champion.

Don West: JB I am so excited for tonight. We are going to have a triple threat match to crown a new United States Champion. Between Christopher Daniels vs. Scott Steiner vs. Rhino. It is going to be one great show.

( Matches will be written in quick result form )

Matt Sydal (vs.) Jushin Thunder Liger

Liger and Sydal lock up. Liger throws Sydal to the rope. Liger tries to throw Sydal over his shoulder but Sydal reverses it into a back breaker. He goes for a cover but only gets a 2 count. Sydal picks up Liger and Liger kicks him Sydal in the stomach and high knee kick to Sydal's head. He then runs to the rope and does a neckbreaker. Liger gets on the top rope but Sydal jumps up onto the top turnbuckle and does a hurricanrana. Sydal then from the top rope goes for the shooting star press but Liger moves out of the way. Liger picks up Sydal and he does the Liger Bomb but then only gets a 2 count. Liger picks Sydal up then out of no where Sydal throws Liger to the rope puts him on the top turnbuckle and does the move Cyclorama which is a Moonsault Slam for the win. WINNER: MATT SYDAL

* After the match Jack Evans comes out with the cruiserweight championship he holds it up and Sydal and Evans are having a stare down *

* Backstage Interview with Larry Zybysko and Rhino *

Larry: Rhino last monday night you attacked Abyss after his match. Why did you do it?

Rhino: Why did I do it? Abyss and I have always had hatred between each other. And the next time I see him he will feel the same thing he felt on Monday. Gore Gore Gore.

Backstage Brawl between Abyss and Rhino
Abyss hits Rhino in the back with a steel chair during the interview with Larry Zbyszko. He then grabs Rhino's head and rams it against the wall. He then blackhole slams Rhino onto the cement floor. The security gaurds try to hold back Abyss with Rhino bleeding on the floor with medics looking at him.


Explosion Recap Video

Tomko & Giant Bernard (vs.) LAX

Tomko starts the match off with Homicide. They lock up and Tomko kicks Homicide in the knee. Homicide then falls to the mat. Tomko tags in Giant Bernard then Bernard throws Homicide the ropes and flapjacks him. Bernard then goes over to Hernandez and slaps him. Hernandez tries to come in but the referee stops him. Tomko comes in and Bernard and Tomko start to attack Homicide. They do a double suplex. Tomko stays in the ring and tells the referee that he tagged Bernard. Tomko then gets Homicide in a head lock. The fans start to claping to try to get Homicide to get out. Homicide then powers out and starts to hit Tomko in the stomach. Tomko then kicks Homicide in the stomach and tries to powerbomb him. Homicide slides out of the powerbomb attempt and tags in Hernandez. Hernandez then comes in and clotheslines Tomko. He then goes over and slaps Bernard. Bernard tries to get in the ring but Homicide then drop kicks Bernard who falls to the ground. Hernadez does a Border Toss to Tomko for the win.WINNER: LAX

* LAX celebrates the win in the ring *

( The Camera goes backstage and views Rhino getting stiches from the doctor )

Robert Roode (vs.) Low Ki
Low Ki and Roode starts the match off with a lock up. Low Ki then breaks away and starts to do a knife edge chop. Roode then throws Low Ki to the turnbuckle and starts hitting him in the face with closed putches. Low Ki pushes him away and gets on the top turnbuckle and raps Roodes head with his legs and throws him over the top rope. Low Ki then gets to the top rope and did a slice bread #2 on to Robert Roode. Low Ki rolls Roode in the ring. Low Ki then tries to get into the ring but roode grabs Low Ki and puts him on the top rope and does a neckbreaker for the win. WINNER: ROBERT ROODE

* Larry Zbyszko talks is doing a backstage interview with the doctor of Rhino if he can wrestle tonight *

Larry: Earlier tonight Abyss attacked Rhino and hurt him pretty bad. Can he still compete in the triple threat for the United States Championship?

Doctor: Well Rhino suffered a pretty bad laceration over the eye. But Rhino is cleared to compete tonight.

Larry: Well there you go folks the triple threat match tonight will still take place.


ICW United States Championship
Rhino (vs.) Christopher Daniels (vs.) Scott Steiner

Daniels and Steiner both double team Rhino. Daniels held Rhino's head behind his back and Steiner started punching Rhino in the stomach. They throw Rhino into the ringpost shoulder first. Daniels then tried to high five Steiner. But then Scott Steiner then clotheslined Daniels. He then picked him up and did a belly to belly suplex to him. Steiner then picked up Daniels but Daniels kicked Steiner in the ribs. He then went to the top rope and did a leg drop to the back of Scott Steiner's neck. He then tried to do a launch off of the top rope but Rhino ran up and pushed him off the top rope he fell onto he back on the ground. Rhino is holding his shoulder and he is signaling for the gore. He runs towards Steiner but Scott then reverses it and Rhino hits the turnbuckle. Scott Steiner then does a neckbreaker. Rhino is on the ground and Scott Steiner does the SteinerRecliner to Rhino. Rhino is starting to fade. Then Daniels does a flying forearm to the back of Steiners head. Daniels picks up Rhino but Rhino pushs him off of him and gores Christopher Daniels. Steiner gets up and he also gets gored by Rhino. Rhino stands up then the lights go off. When the lights come back on Rhino is laying in the middle of the ring a bloody mess. Abyss is holding a barbed wire baseball bat above him. Abyss then lays Steiner over the top of Rhino and Steiner wins. WINNER: SCOTT STEINER

* Scott Steiner is celebrating the win also possing as the United States Champion *

* ICW Logo goes across the screen and the show goes off the air *
Matt Sydal def. Jushin Thunder Liger
LAX def. Giant Bernard & Tomko
Robert Roode def. Low Ki
ICW United States Championship
Scott Steiner def. Rhino vs. Christopher Daniels


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
BM: Sydal vs. Liger- this was a favorite match, IMO it was just written the best.
WM: Low Ki vs. Roode- Ki does not use the Sliced bread #2 and you used the move in the wrong context.
BP: You really need to work on your promos
WP: Rhino's- I'm sorry, but it was just bad.
AC: More feuds need to be built... I think that you should try to make more of a reason for Rhino and Abyss to feud... It seemed odd for Christopher Daniels to want to high five Stiener.
Plug: Please drop a review for my BTB POI Wrestling.