I'm Better Than You

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THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

"I'm Better Than You." MVP has the right to say that to nearly everyone on SmackDown! IMO, he is definitely in the top 5 on SmackDown!, and he is a part of the future of WWE. Yet for some reason unknown to me, MVP is just treading water, doing shit all. Instead other people are receiveing pushes. Why?

If you saw SmackDown!, you would have seen the great man open up the show with the VIP Lounge, with his guest, HHH. Normally for a youngster, they would be scared shitless having to do a good ten minute promo with HHH. Was MVP flustered? No. MVP was awesome as always, and quite simply put, he pwned. Him and HHH were great. This was MVP showing off his great mic skills yet again.

MVP is relatively unorthadox in the ring, yet is always entertaining. He is far different from the man who debuted at No Mercy 2006, beating Marty Garner. When MVP wrestles, he looks like a star, he exudes charisma. Hell, even the power ranger outfit is good, as it gives him something different, something unique. MVP can now work over a body part solidly, and he has a moveset, mainly consisting of kicks to the head amittedly, but he still does things like belly to belly suplexes, and German suplexes. His timing is right, and IMO, he is much better than everyone's little golden boy, Kennedy.

So all of this shows that MVP is better than most in the ring, and nearly all on the mic. Yet he is still stuck behind the likes of Kennedy and Matt Hardy, whilst also jostling for position with Umaga and Jeff Hardy.

So I have two questions. Why is MVP not getting his deserved push?
And how would you push MVP after the draft, assuming you would?


Aug 4, 2007
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when i saw the VIP lounge i thought that MVP would be getting into a storyline with HHH. giving him that tiltle shot. and IDK if i would say that Kennedy doesnt deserve the push more than MVP cause i think they are around the same talentness on the mic and ring. but the Hardyz shouldnt be pushed over either cause they arent nearly as good on the mic and Jeff is only a spot fest

The Rated R CMStar

I think there's a reason for the VIP Lounge to had happened last week. Either to give us MVP vs HHH in the future, or as soon as maybe at GAB, with Vickie replacing Edge with MVP.

Besides, remember what happened on SD the last few months. Michael Hayes was away, and so the substitute writter decided not to make too many changes. In fact, if you think about it, the only important thing that happen was Taker being stripped of the belt and getting banished, however those calls were made by Vince himself.

If you remember back then before Mania, MVP was getting a nice push, getting nice exchanges in the mic with Y2J for example. Now, the first week Michael Hayes is back booking, he gets a nice exchange with HHH, so I guess it is a new beginning for him.
Dec 13, 2007
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Knoxville, TN
Um, I agree that both MVP and Kennedy need to be pushed. They are the future of WWE. So...PUSH THEM TOGETHER. Have them engage in a feud with one another that goes a good while and builds both of them up to ME status.


Why am I not getting paid the big bucks? :wink_1:

Moonlight Drive

MVP >>>>>> Kennedy.

But I see they're leaning him towards a tweener, I've got no problem with that. But I hope they give him another run with the US Championship, he has so great. Matt should get ECw from Henry and drop the US to MVP, it opens up some great feuds for the belt like MVP/Kennedy or MVP/Jeff.

MVP is the future, fuck Kennedy. I don't see the buzz about him. MVP is where it's at, big things poppin, little things stoppin


Active Member
Sep 9, 2007
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Warren, Ohio
The MVP-HHH promo was absolute gold yesterday. I used to hate MVP and over the past couple months I was starting to come around on him, but now after watching last night's show I realized that he really is the future and I look foward to watching him more. I'm still not totally sold on him in the ring, I think they need to give him a good finisher. But other than that he's got the charisma and mic skills to be great for a long time.

MVP should and probably will be in the main event around next year's WM. I could see him getting a random title shot at some point before that, possibly in a fatal four way or something like that, but nothing to major. He's got a bright future and they're bringing him up nice and slowly which is a great decision in my opinion.

As far as what to do post draft I'd put him in a high profile non-title feud of some sort. I don't know how they'd do that at this point because there really isn't anyone left to do that with on SD!. Personally I'd like to see a Kennedy-MVP feud with a match at SummerSlam. I think it'd be an interesting way to see how these two young stars work with one another. It would also probably help get Kennedy over as more of a face and MVP as more of a heel.
Jun 27, 2008
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yeah i really got to agree with what most people are saying so sorry for not being original but i think there will be a Kennedy, MVP feud. I think somewhere down the line there will be fatal foru way for the title MVP, KENNEDY, HHH, EDGE and Kennedy will eliminate MVP just as MVP was putting the finishing touches on one of the other two superstars. This would lead to a bitter feud trying to find which is better and then the winner of that feud will get pushed for the title.


MVP is underrated. They can do a lot with him and yet they've done nothing but waste him. The guy has potential to get far in the WWE but they instead have him do a dumb MVP segment. Fuck that shit, give the guy a title already. The Matt/MVP feud was crap, IMO.


Jul 8, 2008
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Top 5 on SMACKDOWN!???????????????????

I think MVP has the potential and the gimmick to be one of the best on SMACKDOWN but at this moment in time he has done very little since his pre Mania programme with Batista or his finale to his feud with Matt Hardy to prove he merits such positioning, then again apart from Edge HHH, Hardy and Umaga who does, Mr Kennedy has done very little, Benjamin and Carlito done very little although Benjamin for his work in ECW has done more than MVP Carlito and Ken in the last 6 months, Big Show could also be considered in amoung the other top four!


Feb 24, 2008
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Ottawa, Canada
I definitely agree with you BKB. I watch the guy on Smackdown! and I keep going to myself "why is he stuck in this position." You know, let me tell you a little something, when he lost the United States Championship to Matt Hardy, I was getting ready for his move up in to the main event. He was in a rematch on Smackdown! with Matt Hardy, lost, OK - main event time. Instead, what the hell happens? The guy goes in to Kennedy mode when he was on Raw. He had what, two, three Smackdown! matches and one PPV match in that time.

It's like LadyHotrod said, he's underrated! He's talent. He's got it ALL. Charisma, mic skills, wrestling ability, talent, etc... he's the total package. And yet, WWE is using him like a nobody.

The way I would push him is to start with his promo that took place on Friday Night Smackdown! with Triple H. That promo was pure gold and you could see he had no nervousness going in to that promo with a veteran, one of the best wrestling today, Triple H. Pure gold and, IMO, it showed MVP could hang with the big dogs. Now what I want, is for MVP to keep getting in to verbal altercations with Triple H backstage and in the ring, eventually, after The Great American Bash, MVP attacks Triple H in a match on Smackdown! which would set up a match for SummerSlam. Either a WWE Title match if Triple H retains at The Bash, or a non-title match just to simply get MVP over to prove he can hang with the big dogs. Sort of like what Mr. Kennedy/Undertaker had in 2006.


MVP is great, he is a good wrestler and he is gold on the mic. I have no idea why MVP hasn't gotten a major push yet, but hopefully he gets one soon. If I were to push him, I'd make him number 1 contender for the WWE Title and have him start a feud with Trips for a while. MVP probably won't end up with the Title, but at least he'll be main eventing. Also, you could have MVP get a non-title win and a few beat downs just to keep it even.


MVP is definately one of the best things that WWE has going for them right now. I was absolutely shocked when we didn't see him move over to RAW during the draft. I don't know if he's quite ready yet to be moved up to the main event on Smackdown. Honestly I think that Smackdown has more than enough main event talent for the time being. It's the midcard that needs some shining stars at the moment. I think that the smartest thing to do for MVP right now would be to have him get the US title back from Matt. The US title has absolutely no purpose over on ECW. It would set up for a nice feud with either Jeff or Kennedy. I would say that by early next year MVP should have a nice spot in the WWE title picture. He's definately a talent that WWE cannot afford to lose.


Jul 8, 2008
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WWEFantatic316 has nailed it on the nose my man. Kennedy and MVP way more talented on the mic. Jeff and Matt Hardy our just way under skilled on the mic.

The Rated R CMStar

But like Jeff proved, you can carry a main event feud without having to be a top talker. I look back at the Orton vs Hardy feud and I have fun memories of it