Weekly Ignition - Week 13 - Match Card

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The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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KFC Yum! Center in Louisville, Kentucky

Tony Eckert: Hello everyone, and thank you for joining us for the aftermath of Adrenaline Rush! It was a highly eventful night where The Syndicate nearly made off with a flawless night!
Bryce Frisco: Yeah, emphasis on 'nearly'! Who cares about the underlings' victories when the leader couldn't get the job done?!
Tony Eckert: It's great to have you back Bryce.
Bryce Frisco: Of course it is! Nobody wants to listen to you drone on and on about how great The Syndicate is when the fact is that their leader got completely stomped by the second greatest champion this industry has ever had, Luis Alvarado!
Reese MaCleod: Stomped? What are you talking about?! I like Luis and all, but Tyson Storm did not go down easily.
Bryce Frisco: Wait, what are you even doing here? Shouldn't you be limping your way around the back asking pointless questions to people who don't even like you?
Reese MaCleod: Jet appointed me to commentary due to Jake's absence. And who are you to talk about injuries? After all, you weren't even here at Adrenaline Rush because The Syndicate nearly broke your arm.
Bryce Frisco: How about I show you just how much my arm has recovered when I break your other leg!?
Tony Eckert: Jesus Christ, Bryce do you get along with anyone?
Bryce Frisco: Sure I do! We've been over this before!

Tony Eckert: And I get the feeling I don't want to go back over it, so can we just move on you two?
Reese MaCleod: Sure. I mean, we have something pretty big to talk about.

TerraNova Show

Special Guests: Ignition General Manager @Jet Starr and Assistant General Manager Marie Quinn

Tony Eckert: With that you are right, because tonight our new SPARK World Champion will be hosting the TerraNova Show where her guests will be none other than our General Manager, Jet Starr, and his assistant, Marie Quinn!
Bryce Frisco: Who cares? She weaseled her way into a title match that she didn't deserve! Now she probably just wants to rub it in my brother's face that she cheated her way to the victory!
Reese MaCleod: Can I just point out the fact that the TerraNova show was originally hosted by Terra and Jet? Man have the times changed!
Bryce Frisco: Would you take your useless facts back to the retirement home where you belong?
Tony Eckert: Back to what you were saying Bryce, though Terra may be doing a bit of gloating, she has stated on her twitter earlier today that what she has to say tonight will not only affect Mr. Starr and Ms. Quinn, but also the entirety of the Ignition Universe!
Reese MaCleod: Wow! That is one heck of a statement.
Bryce Frisco: Yeah, and it is complete bull! What could she possibly say that would have any importance to anyone? Unless...is she retiring?! Oh please tell me that she is retiring!
Tony Eckert: I guess that we'll just have to wait and find out.


One on One - Normal Match

Christina Morgan (@Fireshock) vs. Wendi (@SupaHeeroh)

Tony Eckert: Moving on from that, we have two women looking to prove themselves tonight!
Bryce Frisco: Does anyone really care about this?
Reese MaCleod: I do!
Bryce Frisco: Okay, let me rephrase that. Does anyone IMPORTANT care about this?
Tony Eckert: I can assure you that these women care. We are on the road to Viewer's Choice, and it is only a matter of time before Terra's first challenger is named.
Bryce Frisco: Really? We're going to talk about her again?
Tony Eckert: I mean with Terra now as champion, Christina must be vying for an opportunity that was taken from her at Winter Wonderland, as well as an opportunity for vengeance.
Bryce Frisco: So what?
Tony Eckert: One of these days these women are going to surprise you, and then you are going to regret giving them such a hard time.
Bryce Frisco: I really doubt that.

One on One - Normal Match

Gold Rush Winner War (@Papa Franku's ear) vs. Nightmare (@DemonHunter1257)

Tony Eckert: Okay, what about these guys? Ton-
Bryce Frisco: I don't care about these guys! We have the guy who recruited the Rejects of Ignition to assist him in winning an opportunity that he will fail at... and then we have the guy that fails to live up to his name. I mean really? Who is he giving nightmares to? Because I can assure you that I've not lost an hour of beauty sleep in months!
Reese MaCleod: Really? With a face-painted face like that, he gives me nightmares when I'm awake!
Bryce Frisco: A Dorito would give you a nightmare!
Tony Eckert: C'mon guys! War is being giving an opportunity to prove that he can in fact win one on his own-
Bryce Frisco: You mean he is proving that he can beat a guy that hasn't won a single match?
Tony Eckert: Okay, so Nightmare is being given a big opportunity by being given a match against the Gold Rush Winner.
Bryce Frisco: You mean he is being given the opportunity to face a guy that needed help to become the Gold Rush Winner?
Tony Eckert: Okay, let's just move on.

Injury Update


Emerson Zayne (@Emo)

Reese MaCleod: How about we talk about this? After being attacked by The Syndicate AGAIN at Adrenaline Rush, Emerson will be coming out later tonight to let us know how long the doctors are expecting him to be out of action.
Bryce Frisco: How about we don't talk about this? I didn't get an injury update, so why should I care about his?
Tony Eckert: Maybe because he was injured by the same people who injured you.
Bryce Frisco: Yeah, and I'm back here. Meanwhile this freak is trying to draw all of the tears with his pathetic sob story.

Tony Eckert: Having listened to this guy talk for months, I can say with certainty that he probably would rather people not shed any tears for him.
Reese MaCleod: And by back here, you mean sitting at the commentary table?
Bryce Frisco: At least I can make it to the commentary table without nearly falling over like you and that freakshow!

Tag Team - Normal Match

The Syndicate [Tyson Storm (@Frosty) & Lord @Fireshock] vs. Ignition World Champion Luis Alvarado (@Hybrid) & William McCoy (@Finniis)

Tony Eckert:
Okay, so maybe we can talk about this match without you two being at each other's throats.
Bryce Frisco: At each other's throats? We are merely having a simple conversation. I think you are just blowing it out of proportion as usu- wait, is that Luis I see in this match?! Heck yeah, let's talk about this match! Luis wins again!
Reese MaCleod: Are you sure about that one? Tyson Storm and Lord Fireshock are forces to be reckoned with, and they are already on the same page. Meanwhile, I don't think our World Champion even knows who William McCoy is.
Bryce Frisco: And he doesn't need to! It's not like he's going to need to tag him in anyways! Luis is going to stomp The Syndicate like he did Tyson Storm at Adrenaline Rush! William McCoy just needs to bring a notepad with him so he can take notes on the second greatest man to ever enter a wrestling ring!
Tony Eckert: Gee, I wonder who the first is...
Bryce Frisco: It's me of course! Do we need to go over this again, Tony?
Tony Eckert: I'd rather not.

Intercontinental Championship
One on One - Special Guest Enforcer Match

Intercontinental Champion Todd McKay (@MintMidget69) vs. Chris Young (@impactking)

Special Guest Enforcer: Minho (@SupaHeeroh)

Tony Eckert: Instead we can talk about tonight's main event. Due to controversy surrounding their match at Adrenaline Rush, tonight Todd Mc-
Bryce Frisco: McMutton Chops.
Tony Eckert: But he doesn't have them anymore?
Bryce Frisco: Doesn't matter.
Tony Eckert: Okay, back to what I was saying. Due the controversy surrounding the match at Adrenaline Rush, Mr. Mc-
Bryce Frisco: -Mutton Chops.
Tony Eckert: *sigh* and Mr. Young will be having a rematch for the Intercontinental Championship here tonight!
Bryce Frisco: Hey, don't forget to mention the best part!
Reese MaCleod: Yeah, because tonight-
Bryce Frisco: Oh, not you! Let me say it. The third greatest man in wrestling history will be the special guest enforcer for this match to make sure that there is no more interference by The Rejects of Wrestling!
Reese MaCleod Better known as The Syndicate...
Bryce Frisco: Nope. As far as I'm concerned, they are The Rejects of Wrestling.
Tony Eckert: Okay. On a side note by Mr. Starr regarding this match, whoever wins will not have to defend the championship at the Viewer's Choice pay-per-view!
Bryce Frisco: Jeez, I don't want to have to cheer for Chris Young. Can't they just add Minho to the match?
Tony Eckert: Alright... Well guys, tonight is set to be action packed. But it seems like they are finishing setting up the ring. So everyone, we will be right back with the third installment of the TerraNova Show! So don't change the channel!
Bryce Frisco: No, change the channel. Tune back in in an hour or so. Actually, just follow me on twitter! I'll tweet out when Luis, Minho or I are on the show!
*Reese and Tony just facepalm as we go to commercial*


May 13, 2013
Reaction score
Very nice card, a match with Yellow and a very intresting tag match for the Syndicate hmm :)
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