I need an honest opinion on this situation.

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Apr 12, 2008
Reaction score
The Altar of Sacrifice
Im getting pissed at this kid for acting like a complete poser (not Blaze at all. I promise.) and he is trying to get into a fight with me over teh interwebz and probably monday at school. These a real life quotes off of my facebook. My name is there. I will not include my friends last names.

Ryan (Adam is his brother) says at 5:30 pm:
hhaa ok so adam says you want to beat the shit out of me?? Hahaha dude im not a fuckin poser and say it to my god damn face like man you pussy. Ima see u in school monday and talk bout this. How am i poser? Adams a pussy ass bitch. See u in school monday kid

I reply back with:
He deleted my post. I cant show it here. It was something about punching him in the face and shit like that.

He comes back to me randomly at me and says:
ok 1 hes not my brother. I stuck up for him ALLL his god damn life. 2 is it your life? No and im not pretending.. I dont talk to any one or anything why do you care? What am i suppose to be someone im not? And hes not even my brother i hate him to death. He hates me too i dont giva shit. Why u callin me a poser? Im not trying to act its just my personality. Damn dude chill. I dont even fit in at this god damn school. I fucking hate it

And then he says:
for real u dont know shit about me or what happned in my life or anything. Mind ur own buissness. Adams a fucking smurf

*STOP* See that disrespect he shows to his brother? His own little brother. He goes and calls him a fucking smurf when I know full well that Adam has never done anything at all to Ryan. *RESUME*

And he says again:
even if u did punch me in the face it wont do shit. Shut ur mouth and mind ur buissness adam dosent even like you kid so dont even think hes ur friend.

I say:
Nothing. Because I am mature and don't like to get into arguments.

So he decides to go check out my photos. Well, its Facebook, so I don't care. Theyre there for people to see. He decides to pick out a picture of me doing the "Sick" Nick Mondo signs. Looks like a gang sign but isnt.

He leaves a comment at 7:26 pm saying:
and ur saying im a poser? ahahhahahaahahahahahahah

So Im growing tired of this shit and respond:
Its not a gang sign you dumb fuck.

He, being slow and can;t figure out anything to come back with says:

and then says:
Adam Says " Is he aware no one likes him"

*STOP* So I'm quite fed up with this kid. First he is saying shit to me about his brother being a fag and shit, and now he is calling me a fag and telling me things that are obviously untrue (about what Adam said). I have to let you guys know, that Me and Adam are very good friends. He would never say anything to me like that, and vice-versa.*RESUME*

So I says to himz:
Why don't you just go away?

So he sayz:
Why dont you shut the fuck up and stop talking to adam like hes ur god damn friend seriously dude. Fuck up

*STOP* Fuck up? *RESUME*

So I says to the guy:
Why dont you stop talking for adam?

Now my friend Matt decides to step in and try and work this out. Doesn't work. But he does attempt to bitch out Ryan and help me. And he said:
wow, lets add people on facebook just so we can make fun of their pictures because we have no lives off the internet. P.S. Nick Mondo is the shit.

So Ryan (talking to Matt) Says:
I dont got nothing against you man, but apprently u do agaisnt me. and i have to talk for him cuz he wont himself.

*STOP* I wont talk for myself? How long have I been tlaking to you now for? *RESUME*

My friend Andrew says:
Cat fight!

Now, me and Andrew are also very good friends. He can say shit like that and get away with it.

So I said (in response to Andrew): MEOOOWWW!

Funny? No? Didn;t think so. Lets move on.

Andrew replies back and says:
Oh, and, @the pissed off dude, grammar ftw when you're trying to make a point. Make sure your point makes sense.

So me and Andrew have a side converstaion and thats none of your business.

So at 7:56, Ryan decides to leave the conversation taking place in my comments. Fair enough. Those didnt go with my photo. So he goes to my wall.

And that kid said:
Stop calling me man

I reply saying:
He deleted my post again because he is a douche-tard and doesnt want to get in trouble for fighting by his mommy. I said I wasnt calling his phone. I wasn't reffering to him as Man. I wasn't doing anythign to him.

He then said:
because you think people like u n shit. I know i dont have much frineds at all but im not pretending. Shut the fuck up before i get real pissed off.

I say:
He deleted my post again. It was something about me knowing I have friends and non-friends and me not expressing that to him in any possible.

He says:
Ok 1 dude i didnt have shit against you. You have shit agaisnt me for what? what i do to you? Explain your self before u go sayin shit. For real dude stop bein a little bitch callin ppl posers. Wat u call Ryan Michaud a poser too? See where that gets you. Fucking pussy

*STOP* Michaud. HAHA! *RESUME*

So he deleted my post but the gist of it was WHO THE FUCK IS RYAN MICHAUD?

He says to me:
Hes sum kid that you would call a poser. Dresses like that. For real. Stop runnin ur mouth.

So What I told him, because I cant post the exact thing here, is that I am not currently running my mouth, and that I have no clue what he is trying to get out of this.

So I asked him and he said:
Nothing. I just dont like ppl sayin shit about me when they dont know the first thing about me.

*STOP* What A dipshit way to end this. *END CONVERSATION*

So I need an opinion of you guys. What should I do with this kid? Should I even bother with him at all? Should I kick his ass? What should I do?

Solid Stinger the Big Boss

If you are confident that you can kick his ass while avoiding major trouble, go for it.

I'd beat his ass up in a heartbeat.

Edit: But I was raised around fighting, so my advice might not be the best.


New Member
Jan 21, 2009
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i must (seriously) agree with my fellow joke account


If he's your age, kick his ass.
If he's older than you, hire someone to kick his ass.

Fight him. What's the worst that can happen? Trouble wise, you would only get suspended. Injury wise, I'm sure there will be people around so if anythink gets outta control, it can be broken up.

Moonlight Drive

I couldn't get through all of it, but from what I gathered.

He's a douchebag. If he keeps going with you or tries to start anything with you at school, swing. Don't wait for him, because that gives him the advantage. Beat the fuck out of him.
Dec 14, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Stop whinging and break his leg with a golf club.

You need all the stories you can tell over a few suds at the local pub one day ...


I hope he beats the shit out of you just for you being a douchebag. It just sounds like he is being an ass just to annoy you because he's immature and you fell for it.

He wins.
Apr 12, 2008
Reaction score
The Altar of Sacrifice
You just hate me because I banned you.

See guys, I don't wanna fight because I really don't like it, unless im just playing around. But, if I have to kick his ass, I will, but im not gonna go searching for it.


Lol, ever thought about if he is telling the truth with no one liking you.......

Jokes. Imo, it's your own fault for calling someone a poser. Nice job. Just kick his ass.

CT Styles

Haywood Whatever said:
See guys, I don't wanna fight because I really don't like it, unless im just playing around. But, if I have to kick his ass, I will, but im not gonna go searching for it.
Don't like fighting, or can't fight? I think you're a bit scared tbh. Generally people don't like things they're bad at.

Anyway, considering I read next to none of it and you seem annoyed at the guy..

The Rated R CMStar

I didn't read it all, but I just needed to see this:

hhaa ok so adam says you want to beat the shit out of me?? Hahaha dude im not a fuckin poser and say it to my god damn face like man you pussy. Ima see u in school monday and talk bout this. How am i poser? Adams a pussy ass bitch. See u in school monday kid

It seems like it was you the one who started all this shit. Sure, the guy is a douchebag, may be a poser and treats his brother like crap, but that sir, is nothing of your business.


You just hate me because I banned you.

See guys, I don't wanna fight because I really don't like it, unless im just playing around. But, if I have to kick his ass, I will, but im not gonna go searching for it.

Uh, no, I asked you to delete me from your forum so why would I be angry at a ban? Was it lame? Yeah, but so was your forum so it didn't bother me. If I wanted to be a part of your forum, I would have waited the month and not asked to be deleted, moron.

My comments stemmed from you being a general arrogant cunt. You deserve to get your ass kicked by someone to shut your smurf jewish mouth. This kid is clearly not the one who will do it. You can tell by this convo that he was just acting dumb to irritate you and it worked.

Funny how you call him a poser yet you take pictures of yourself with smurf gang signs.