Heyman and Dusty's WZW:This is what happens when u put 2 crazy fat guys together

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Cristian Cage

New Member
Nov 4, 2007
Reaction score
warZone Wrestling by:

Cristian Cage and Sharkboy3:16

Represented by Dusty Rhodes and Paul Heyman


A few weeks after Paul Haymen was fired from his WWE job he stumbled across an old friend of his from his ECW days, Dusty Rhodes. They began talking and they both realized that the WWE chairman Vince Mcmahon had screwed both of them for no particular reason, so they decided to make a stand by creating a new Wrestling Company known as WarZone Wrestling.
The two of them say it will start out little and expand into a bigger and better wrestling company then wwe/wwf has ever been. There goal is to run vince out of business and show him what it feels like!

this BTB will be written by me and sharkboy. It will be every Thursday with PPV every Month


WZW World title: Vacant

WZW TV Title; Vacant

WZW Tag Team: Vacant


Santino Marrella


Hollywood Nova



Homeless jimmy(he is more dirty looking then the pic, we made him shower for legal purposes)

Sonjay dutt

William Regal

Mick Foley

Colt Cabunny


Blue Meanie

stevie Cool


Kurt Angle

Shark Boy

The hurricane



Christian Cage

Chris sabin

alex shelley



Jeff Hardy

Rey Mysterio

CM Punk

super Crazy


Paul heyman

Dusty rhodes



Nov 3, 2007
Reaction score
if only the title alone could guarantee a good btb lol...but you have my attention and im going to wait and see where you take this

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

hmmm a lot of comedy characters. wonder how this will go

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
I don't know if interesting is the right word so I'm just going to say that your title caught my attention lol...so which of you is Heyman and which is Dusty? It's a strange combination nonetheless but I'll be checking out your show.


Im Hayman lol. thanks for your reviews, ill be happy to review any of your guys shows if you have a show...

Cristian Cage

New Member
Nov 4, 2007
Reaction score
WarZone Wrestling Episode 1

WarZone Wrestling Episode 1

Russo: Good evening ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to the first ever addition of War Zone Wrestling…

Styles: I'm here backstage with Rey Mysterio, How do you feel about not being included in the 2 #1 contenders match tonight?

Rey Mysterio: Well, I was promised that i will go up against the two losers of the matches tonight for a number 1 contenders match at our next PPV

Styles: Really, How do you feel about that match?

Mysterio: I feel very confident about the match....

Kurt Angle Comes in

Angle: Hey guys, Good thing I caught you because you know it isn't a interview with out kurt angle

Styles: Actually, I'm glad you're here, I wanted to ask you how you would feel if you lost tonight and had to go up against rey mysterio?

Angle: wait a second, you are asking me how I would feel if I lost? Ok Johnny, you see these things, They are my Olympic Gold Metals and I won them with a broken neck so beating these guys will be easy.

Mysterio: um...how long ago did you get those metals? like over 10 years ago? Nobody cares anymore

Angle: You're just jealous, You know what now I'm not gonna let you see them

Styles: As much we would like to see you metals....What if you do have to go against Rey Mysterio?

Angle: You know just for that you don't get to see my metals either. Don't cry, i will let you see them when you are ready. If somehow someone does win by cheating then I will denfinatley beat Rey and some other person. IT's TRUE, IT'S DAMN TRUE!!

Colt Cabunny comes in

Cabunny(in very high voice): Why all the hate? I think we all need a big hug

Angle: No, no hug....

Cabunny: Sweet Metal, where you buy it?

Angle: Buy it? I won these metals in the olympics with a broken neck...Yeah you impressed aren't you?

Cabunny: Not really

Angle: I don't think you heard me, I won the Olympics with a broken neck..

Cabunny: OHH...Wow thats great...

Angle: Thats Right...

Cabunny: but I've seen Better

Angle: WHATT!!!

Cabunny: Bye....

Styles: This is going to be a hell of a match

Russo: no doubt, We have 4 great high flying wrestlers against each other for the current VACANT title

Styles: to top it off, it is a Hardcore match

Russo: let's get it started

Match 1 Hardcore T.V Title match
Jeff Hardy vs Carlito vs Stevie Cool vs Cm punk

Carlito starts the match off with a clothesline on punk which knocks him out of the ring straight away. Jeff and Carlito start to double team Stevie giving him numerous punches and kicks to the head. They lift him up and slam him down onto his back with a hard double suplex. Carlito decides to turn on Jeff and knocks him right in the back of the head dropping him down to the mat. Carlito starts to stomp on the head and body of Jeff, he runs back and bounces off the ropes and does a sliding dropkick right into the mid section of Hardy who rolls out of the ring. Now its just Carlito and Stevie left in the ring, Carlito walks over to him to pick him up but Stevie pulls him down and gets him with a possum pin, 1…2…and Carlito breaks the hold. Stevie gets up and Irish whips Carlito into the turnbuckle, Stevie runs at him and gives Carlito a powerful clothesline.
He gives Carlito a few knee’s to the stomach as he sees Cm Punk crawling back into the ring with a steel chair. Punk runs at Stevie and swings but Stevie ducks and the chair goes right into the face of Carlito.
Punk turns around and gets the chair dropkicked into his face by Stevie, pin by Stevie, 1…2…but Hardy slides into the ring and breaks the cover. Punk and Carlito lie on the side of the ring as Jeff gives Stevie a couple of kicks to the stomach. Jeff then jumps up for an enziguri but Stevie ducks and Jeff falls flat on his stomach. Pin by Stevie, 1…2…and a kick out from Jeff. He picks Jeff up and Irish whips him into the rope and Stevie quickly picks up the steel chair, as Jeff runs back towards him he lifts it up to hit him but Jeff slides under Stevie’s legs. He turns around to get Jeff but is hit with a back cracker from Carlito, Jeff runs at Carlito and hits him with a spinning wheel kick knocking him off his feet. Punk is on the outside and he has set up two tables on the outside of the ring and brings another into the ring. Punk slides in only to be hit with a diving cross body and Jeff sets the table in the corner. Jeff lifts punk up and drops him with a face buster. Carlito gets back up and gives Jeff a few punches to the face, he then lifts Jeff up to the top rope for a superplex but Jeff kicks him off. Jeff then signals for the Swanton bomb but Carlito jumps back up onto the top rope, he pushes Jeff off leaving him to fall down to the outside floor through a table. Carlito turns around and gets a couple of chops to the chest from punk. Punk then Irish whips him into the table leaning up against the turnbuckle, Punk runs at Carlito but Carlito elbows him in the jaw and then pushes him into the table. Carlito then runs at Punk and punk lifts the knee up into the ribs of Carlito, Carlito turns around as punk walks to the other side of the ring and Carlito gets hit with a huge superkick by Stevie out of nowhere. Carlito slowly rolls out of the ring as Stevie starts to go after Punk, but he can’t get punk because punk flipped over the top rope and onto Jeff Hardy. Stevie slides out of the ring and lifts up Punk, he drags him over to the other table out side the ring. Stevie lifts punk up onto his shoulders and starts to climb up the steel steps, he jumps out and piledrivers punk through the table and down to the floor. Punk looks as though he is knocked out. Stevie then goes back over to Hardy who has slowly made it back up to his feet. Jeff hits Stevie a few times and then rams him into the security wall. Jeff crawls back into the ring as does Carlito, Jeff starts to build momentum giving Carlito kicks and punches and then slamming him down to the mat with a lariat clothesline, pin by Jeff, 1…2…and somehow Carlito kicks out. Jeff climbs to the top rope and dives out with a Swanton Bomb but Carlito rolls out of the way, Stevie runs back into the ring. He and Carlito start trading punches; Stevie gets the upper hand by kicking him in the lower abdomen. He gets Carlito in position for the Stevie-T but Carlito reverses his way out of it. Then Carlito goes and springboards off the ropes and hits Stevie with a reverse elbow smash which knocks Stevie to the ground, pin by Carlito, 1…2…but Jeff breaks it up with a leg drop on Carlito. He picks Carlito up and kicks him in the stomach and then hits him with a Twist of Fate. Carlito rolls out of the ring, and then Jeff goes and picks up the steel chair and slams it into the head of Stevie. He drops the chair and gives Stevie a Twist of Fate onto it, then he climbs the ropes and gives Stevie a Swanton bomb, pin by Jeff, 1…2…and 3.

Here is your winner and new T.V Champion, Jeff HardyWarZone Wrestling

Styles: OH MY GOD!!! Jeff Hardy wins the TV title with a deadly, life risking Swanton bomb

russo: that was a hell of a match and this show just started

Super Crazy and Hurricane come into the ring

Crowd: Decent

Styles: these two men are high flying superstars who risk life and limb to win

Russo: thats right, It's the Super crazy hurricane...I came up with that

Shark boy and Curryman come in and Curryman does his signature dance

Crowd: dancing and pumped up

Russo: And then there is these guys

Styles: he seems to be doing some taunt type thing, no I think he is dancing

russo: Have mercy on my eyes

Match 2
Curryman & Sharkboy vs The Hurricane & Super Crazy

Curryman and Hurricane start the match. Hurricane gets Curryman in a head lock, Curryman throws him off into the ropes. As Hurricane bounces off the ropes Curryman starts to run at him and he gives him a drop kick right to the face, Hurricane makes the tag to crazy he rubs at Curryman. Curryman ducks under the arm of crazy, crazy turns around and is turned inside out from a huge clothesline from Curryman who then makes the tag to Sharkboy. Sharkboy runs into the ring and clotheslines crazy over, he then cross bodies crazy and goes for the pin, 1…2…but crazy manages to kick out. Then Sharkboy starts to stomp a mudhole in crazy, Sharkboy makes another quick tag to Curryman who rushes over to pick up Super crazy but crazy gives him a poke in the eye. Crazy dives out to make the tag to the Hurricane. Hurricane runs into the ring and knocks Curryman over and then gives him a standing leg drop. Pin by Hurricane, 1…2…and Curryman kicks out. Hurricane lifts up Curryman and gives him an atomic drop followed by an enziguri. Hurricane tags crazy back into the ring. Crazy runs over and hits Curryman with a standing moonsault. pin by crazy, 1…2…and Curryman manages to kick out. Crazy picks him up and Mexican whips him into the turnbuckle, he then runs at Curryman. He jumps up and hits him with a huge monkey flip, he then climbs the top rope and attempts his finishing moonsault but Curryman rolls out of the way and makes the tag to Sharkboy.
Sharkboy runs into the ring and lifts crazy up, he slams him straight back down with a gut buster, pin by Sharkboy, 1…2…and crazy finds a way to break the hold. Sharkboy then climbs to the top rope and waits for crazy to get to his feet, he does and Sharkboy jumps out and hits him with a diving hurricanrana which drops crazy hard onto the mat and he rolls out of the ring. Sharkboy runs and jumps over the top rope with a cross body landing on crazy, Sharkboy gets up on the outside and is smashed into the security rail by the Hurricane. Then out of nowhere curryman jumps over the ropes and smashes right into Hurricane. Every wrestler is lying outside the ring as the ref starts to count them out, 1…2…3…4…5…6…Curryman gets up first and ge lifts up Sharkboy and rolls him into the ring and gets up onto the apron. 7…8…crazy gets back up and slowly gets back into the ring only to be hit with a drop kick from Sharkboy, pin, 1…2…but crazy still kicks out. Hurricane gets back onto the apron as Sharkboy makes the tag to Curryman. Runs into the ring but gets hit with a leg sweep by Crazy who makes the tag to the Hurricane. Hurricane picks up Curryman and goes for his finishing move the Hurri chokeslam but Curryman counters it with an arm drag. Curryman tags back in Sharkboy as crazy runs back into the ring, but Curryman lifts crazy up and hits him with the Spicy drop at the same time that Sharkboy pulled The Hurricane over to the ropes and hit him with the DSD. Pin by Sharkboy, 1…2…and 3

The winners of the match, Curryman and Sharkboy as Curryman dances.[/QUOTE]

Cabunny Comes into the ring

Russo: what The Hell who is this guy?

Styles: I met him earlier, his name is Colt Cabunny...He is quite a character

Russo: what Kind of self respecting person dresses up like a bunny on National TV

Style: We will never Know

Cabunny: Hey everybody....


Cabunny: Welcome to you to...as you can see I am the most hardcore wrestler in this company

Russo: The most hardcore?...he is a fricken bunny

Cabunny: It's Colt cabunny

Styles: That explain so much....the the bunny is just as crazy as the person inside...Colt Cabanna

Enter the Sandman hits

Crowd goes nuts!!!

Styles: Oh no...Cabunny!!! Run away as fast as you can


After he does his signature bear bash and cane raise he comes into the ring and wastes no time to Cane the crap out of cabunny.

Styles: Run away..Take the next flight to Mexico

Russo: yes and never come back

Cabunny: Big Hug...

Sandman continues to cane Cabunny until he gets out of the ring.

william regal comes into the Ring with Mick Foley

Regal: Stop This mindless hitting. You are not even in a wrestling match, you should be ashamed of yourself. Why don't you showcase clean wrestling in the spirit of friendly competition?

Russo: what the hell? Get him outta hear

Styles: if you are looking for Clean wrestling you gone to the wrong place

Regal: I noticed you people here like to see people get hurt. that is not right. Me and Mick foley will make sure that violence and course language will be eliminated from this promotion

Russo: like that will work.

bWo theme hits and Stevie cool, Blue Meanie and Hollywood Nova comes into the ring

Crowd goes crazy

Russo: oh no...please that them out of national television

Styles: The crowd loves them...

Stevie: FINALLY BWO HAS COME BACK...to wrestling

Russo: Who is he, The Rock...

Stevie: Wow, Meanie you looking fat and bald, thought you were Brittney Spears for a second there

Styles: I sense some law suits coming

Meanie: Let me Finish this chicken wing

He finishes it and throughs it in the fashion of Scott Hall

Styles: Thats a great collectors Item for one lucky fan

Russo: All thats worth is the chicken left in it

Nova: Hey brothers, Ive been sitting home watchin American Gladiadors Brother and I tried to get a spot at wrestlemania but that went to hell so here I am brother

Stevie: anyway...Whats up with you meanie

Meanie: I got fat, shaved my head and my sister Jamie is pregnant at the age of 15

Stevie: Anyway...To get straight to the point, We are here to take this place over...

Nova: So Watcha gonna do when Novamania runs wild on You!!!

Stevie: well we just got 3 words for ya, WERE TAKING OVER!!!

Russo: A fat guy, a preck and a guy looks like a washed up 50 year old is gonna take over WZW, the last thing we need is another TNA

Match 3 Tornado 8-man tag match
MCMG & LAX vs BWO & Deuce n domino

Both the MCMG start off giving Deuce N Domino kicks to the legs and mid section as the BWO start trading punches with LAX. Both BWO members knock Homicide over the top rope to the outside floor and then both start to double team Hernandez. The MCMG both give Deuce N Domino drop kicks which knock them through the ropes on the other side of the ring. They come up behind the BWO and start to help Hernandez out by kicking them in the legs making them turn around. Sabin bounces off the ropes and goes to clip the legs of Hollywood Nova as Shelley gives him a dropkick right in the face which knocks him to the mat and he rolls out of the ring just leaving the blue meanie in there. The MCMG run at him but they both get knocked over at the same time. The Blue meanie and Hernandez start trading blows, the blue mean gives him a clothesline which makes him lean on the rope, he runs at him again but Hernandez runs out and gives him a much harder clothesline. Deuce N Domino start to get up on the outside but the MCMG run and flip over the top rope and land right on top of them knocking them both back down to the ground. Homicide and Hollywood Nova start to go at it on the outside of the ring. Nova grabs his head and slams it down on the steel steps which makes Homicide drop to the hard ground. Hernandez rolls out of the ring and starts to chase Nova but Nova slides back into the ring and runs and bounces off the ropes, Hernandez gets up to the apron and jumps into the ring with a huge shoulder block knocking Nova to the ground, pin, 1…2…but Nova kicks out while on the outside Deuce N Domino clothesline both members of the MCMG over. Deuce N Domino slide back into the ring and start to attack Hernandez from behind, then Nova gets up and starts throwing punches at him too. They all stomp on Hernandez trying to were him out. On the outside Blue meanie runs at Homicide but Homicide trips him and he goes head first into the steel steps. Homicide jumps up onto the apron and then onto the top rope. Deuce N Domino both turn around and get hammered with a double cross body from the top rope. Then both of the MCMG get onto the top rope and give Nova a double missile drop kick from the top rope.
Homicide picks him up and hits Nova with the Gringo killer, pin by Homicide, 1…2…and 3.

Here are your winners, MCMG & LAX

Sercirity Guard goes up to Heyman and Dusty

Guard: Sir, There is a dirty homeless man outside claims you hired him

Heyman: finally he is here, I gotta give him this money after we are done

Guard: Oh, sir I didnt`t know you were that way, but you have a wife and kids. Think of them before you make this desicision

Heyman: HE IS A WRESTLER!!!!

Guard: Ohhhh...ok I will send him in

Dusty: You really hired a homeless person

Heyman: he is hardcore...he embodies the style of WZW

Dusty: But how will we look if we have a homeless as a wrestler

Heyman: you wanna wrestle...

Homeless Jimmy meets with Dusty and Heyman

Heyman: how does it feel to be a wrestler in WZW

Jimmy: spare change

Heyman: I got some...here’s 2 dollars

Jimmy: you mind if I got get some beer...

Heyman: Sure...

Jimmy Leaves

Heyman: so..he is interesting

Dusty: I will get the papers....

Styles: Here comes the war machine Rhyno against christian Cage

Russo: Rhyno will kill Christian if he doesnt find away to counter his crazy hardcore style

COLOR="Black"] Match 4 number 1 contender qualifier
Christian Cage vs Rhino

Rhino gets things started by giving Cage a few punches to the head; he then gives him an Irish whip into the turnbuckle. Then Rhino runs at Cage and gives him a huge clothesline. Rhino picks Cage up and slams his head against the turnbuckle a couple of times and then scoop slams him down to the mat, pin, 1…2…and a kick out by Cage. Cage gets up and gets a punch to the head from Rhino, and then Rhino throws him off into the ropes. As Cage came bouncing back he ducked under the arm of Rhino, then Rhino turns around and Cage hits him with a diving cross body. Rhino gets up and gets knocked straight back down with a drop kick from Christian. He crawls over for the pin, 1…2…and Rhino kicks out. Cage picks him up and gives him a few chops to the chest. Cage then lifts Rhino up and atomic drops him and then clotheslines him over, he then lifts him up onto the turnbuckle and goes for a superplex but Rhino kicks him off. Cage gets up and Rhino his him with a huge diving spear, pin by Rhino, 1…2…and Cage manages to kick out. Rhino picks up Cage and gives him a couple of knee’s to the mid section and then lifts him up and slams him down with a shoulder buster. Cage rolls out of the ring followed by Rhino, he gets right up behind Cage but Cage punches him in the head and then gets his head slammed right down on the steel steps, Cage does that twice more and then tosses him into the security barricade. The ref begins to count as Christian slides back into the ring. 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…8…Rhino slowly makes it to his feet and he crawls into the ring. Cage goes right at him stomping on his back; he lifts up Rhino and gives him a huge back drop. Cage then climbs to the top rope, he goes for the frog splash and hits it, Cage goes for the pin, 1…2…and somehow Rhino kicked out. Cage is frustrated, he picks up Rhino and gets him in position for the unpretier but Rhino pushes him off into the ropes. Cage bounces back and is turned inside out by a lariat clothesline from Rhino. Cage gets up and is slammed back down to the mat from a thunderous powerbomb by the War machine Rhino. He gets Cage on the ground and just starts hammering away at his face. Rhino goes for the pin on Cage, 1…2…and Cage finds a way to break the cover.
Cage gets up and is tossed into the turnbuckle by the man beast, rhino starts to smash his shoulder into the ribs of Christian Cage. Cage falls to the ground and leans up against the bottom rope, then Rhino runs and shoves his foot right into Cage’s face, he does it again and then pulls Cage out into the middle of the ring. Pin by Rhino, 1…2…and Cage manages to get the shoulder up. Rhino then sets up in the corner preparing for the gore. Cage gets up to his feet and Rhino charges at him, Cage quickly drops to the ground and rolls out of the ring just before Rhino could get to him. The ref starts to count down, 1…2…3…4…Cage crawls back into the ring and Rhino runs at him again but Christian ducks under his arm and gives him a few hard shots in the head. Cage then runs at Rhino and gives him a spear of his own. Pin by Cage, 1…2…and Rhino kicks out. Rhino gets up dazed on the ropes and Christian runs and cross bodies Rhino and himself over the top rope. The ref starts to count them both out, 1…2…3…4…Rhino and Cage both get up. Cage starts to slam Rhino’s head on the steel steps again busting him wide open, then Rhino pushes Cage off and hits him with a huge Gore. Both men lay on the outside injured. 5…6…7…8…9…and both men just make it onto the apron in time. Then the ref starts to count them out( for being knocked out in the ring to long). 1…2…3…4…5…6…both superstars make it to there feet. Rhino quickly rushes at Christian again for another Gore but Cage ducks it and turns it into an Unpretier, he hits it right in the middle of the ring. Pin by Christian Cage, 1…2…and 3.

Here is your winner, Christian Cage

Angle enters Colt Cabanas locker room

Angle: Hey look, Here is a video...Its me winning the olympic gold Metal with a broken neck, You should watch it so you see what kind of wrestler I am. If you want more it will be 25 dollars each.

Colt Cobanna: Thanks but why are you giving me this

Angle: Because, earlier you didnt seem respectful about my metals

Cobanna: When was that...

Angle: When we were talking before the show

Cobanna: OHHH...no I dont remember

Angle: you were in your bunny suit...

Cobanna: woah woah woah...What Bunny Suit

Angle: Um...the one you were wearing when you were talking to me and got caned the crap out of by Sandman

Cobanna: Dude I just got here...

Angle: Dont play mind games...dont pull some undertaker crap on my...I WILL NOT REST IN PEACE. Just Admit you were wearing a bunny suit

Cobanna: but I wasnt

Angle: Yes You were

Cobanna: No I wasnt

Angle: Yes You were

Cobana: No I wasnt

Angle: Yes you were

Director: Angle your on in 5

Angle: this isnt over!

Main Event number 1 contender qualifier
Kurt Angle vs Edge

Both superstars start the match off binding up. Angle pulls Edge down into a headlock, and then Angle swings Edge over slamming him down on the mat. Edge pulls himself up off the mat and Irish whips Angle into the ropes, he then runs at Angle and knee’s him right in the mid section. He then hits Angle with a swinging neck breaker and goes for the pin, 1…2…and a kick out by Angle. Edge starts to stomp on Angle and gives him a hard elbow drop, he then lifts up Angle up and throws him into the turnbuckle. Edge lifts Kurt up onto the top rope and gives him a hard superplex off the top, Angle rolls around in pain as Edge crawls over for the pin, 1…2…and Angle kicks out. Kurt and Edge both get up, Edge punches Angle a couple of times and then lifts him a for a suplex but Angle counters, he jumps down behind Edge and hits him with a German suplex. Edge slowly gets up and Angle runs at him and knocks him over with a huge clothesline. Angle picks him up and hits him with a devastating belly to belly suplex, he crawls over to Edge and hooks the leg, 1…2…and Edge somehow manages to kick out. Kurt Irish whips Edge into the turnbuckle, Edge bounces out right into the arms of Kurt Angle who hits Edge with a fishermen suplex, pin by Angle, 1…2…and once again Edge finds a way to kick out. Angle picks up Edge and slaps him across the face; he then pushes him into the turnbuckle. Angle runs at Edge and attempts to clothesline him but Edge moves and Kurt’s head goes straight into the steel part of the turnbuckle which drops Kurt down onto the mat. Edge lifts up Angle and hits him with an Edge-o-Matic, pin by Edge, 1…2…and Angle kicks out. Edge picks up Angle and gives him an atomic drop, he then goes and clotheslines himself and Kurt over the top rope down to the outside ground. The ref starts to count them out as they both get up and start trading punches with one another, 1…2…3…4…Edge drop kicks Angle and quickly slides back into the ring. 5…6…7…Angle slowly gets to his feet and crawls back into the ring. Angle gets up and ducks a clothesline from Edge, he then hip tosses Edge over to the other side of the ring. Edge comes back for more but is tossed over the back of Kurt. Angle then quickly grabs Edge by the ankle and gets him in the Angle lock. Edge screams in pain as he tries to make it to the ropes, he slowly gets closer and closer, Edge makes it but Angle drags him back into the center of the ring. Edge counters by flipping over which throws Kurt off into the ropes, he bounces back and jumps over Edge, Edge gets to his feet and hops towards Angle. He gets to Kurt and hits him with a spinning wheel kick kicking him with his good leg.
He goes for the pin by Edge, 1…2…and a kick out by Angle.
Edge throws Angle into the turnbuckle and Edge runs at him but is elbowed in the face and then Kurt throws Edge backwards knocking the ref over which means anything is legal until the ref revives. Kurt quickly jumps outside the ring and brings in a steel chair; Angle cracks the chair right on the dome of Edge. Angle goes and wakes the ref and then drags him over, Kurt goes for the pin, 1…2…and oh my god, Edge kicked out.
Kurt slides the ref away to the outside of the ring and the ref is in too much pain to do anything. Kurt picks up Edge and starts to hammer away at his face, he lifts Edge up and attempts to DDT him onto the steel chair but Edge reverses and knee’s Angle in the stomach followed by a neck breaker. Edge then picks up Angle and places him sitting in the corner of a turnbuckle, Edge picks up a chair and runs and drop kicks it into the face of Kurt. It busts Angle wide open, then Edge clothesline Angle over the top rope and to the outside floor with Edge following. Edge throws Kurt onto the announcers table and then Edge gets up onto it. He lifts Angle up and smashes him down with a huge powerbomb through the announcers table leaving them both lying there in pain for a lot of time.
After lying there in pain for a lot of time they both slowly get up and crawl back into the ring, Edge moves the chair over into the middle of the ring and grabs Angle by the head. He attempts the edgecution but Angle reverses by pushing Edge off into the ropes, when Edge bounces back he goes for a quick edgecution and nails it right on the chair, Edge goes for the pin and then realises that the ref is still hurt on the outside. Edge goes and picks the ref up and throws him back into the ring, he goes for the pin on Kurt, 1…2…and a kick out by Angle. Kurt slowly makes his way to his feet, he gets up fully and turns around only to be hit with a thunderous spear by the Rated R Superstar, pin by Edge, 1…2…and 3 its over.

Here is your winner, Edge

Styles: wow, what a match. Join us next week on war zone wrestling.


man this sucks!, made quite a good hype, made a pretty good first show and not even one single review...

KroniK 4-2-0

Jan 31, 2008
Reaction score
BM - Christian Cage/Rhino. I got into this more than the others, and really liked it.

WM - Curry Man & SharkBoy vs. Hurricane & Super Crazy. I'm not a fan of any of the guys, unless Curryman is Daniels, or Hurricane is Helms. It wasn't written badly, jus not a big fan of 'em.

BP - Russo & BWO

WP - Can't think of one

Additional Feedback - I liked the show. And I'm getting into this BTB. Keep it up guys, don't quit early cause of the lack of comments, it's still good. I almost quit cause of that, but I kept coming back, lol.


Active Member
Aug 12, 2007
Reaction score
Solid first show, my favourite match was probably Rhino and Christian Cage. In all honesty there wasn't really a bad match. 6/10


thanks guys, yeah I thought it was a decent show to and was wondering why we wernt getting reviews. anyway thanks and if you guys ever want reviews me and cristian will give you a review for review lol


Feb 18, 2008
Reaction score
BM- Christian/Rhino
WM- N/A all were written well
BP- Russo & BWO

Pretty good show. 7/10. Keep up the good work!


BM- Christian vs. Rhino-it was the main match of the evening for me
WM- Curry Man and Sharkboy vs. Hurricane and Super Crazy-id not get in the mood of the match
BP- Russo & BWO