ACW Adrenaline 12: Starrdom Nation v. The Bradleys

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Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Semi-Main Event: Tag Team Turmoil
Match Type: Tag
Stipulation: Rippercussions at Ringside
Time Limit: 30 Minutes (2 RP Cap)
Starrdom Nation v. The Bradleys

If you are not in this match, don't post in this thread. If you are in this match, don't spam it up with OOC talk.
TWO RP cap with all RPs due by June 23, 2012 at 11:59 P.M. (Eastern). Good luck!​


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2010
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Tensions have been high between the Bradley Boys since coming to ACW. Success has not come easily, and the harmony that the brother shared wrestling at the local VFW and living off the land in the swamps of Louisianan has been non existent since moving up to ACW and living in the bright lights of the city. The brothers haven't talked in weeks and the potential for the Bradley's to be one of the greatest tag teams in ACW may be dead before it started. Both men have gone home a week before there match at Adrenaline to gather there thoughts and see if this is something they want to continue. The scene opens at the local VFW where the boys got there start a few hours before the Monday night matches are set to begin.

Billy is first to arrive, he looks around noticing not much has changed since he started wrestling there almost 15 years ago when he was just 18. There's no bleachers just old rust metal chairs on a faded hardwood floor. The ring ropes see to me knew, but the mat has definitely see better days, as it's blood stained and coverd with patches to fix up all the wear and tear from the 1,000 of matches that have happened on it over the years. Billy looks over to the ticket counter and sees Pops Douglas the promoter for the promotion and the man that gave him and his brother his first shot all those years ago. Before he can make his way over to him Pops comes out from the ticket booth to say hello.

POPS: Look on over hyar unless mah eyes is tellyng me wrong ah reckon thass Billy Bradley.

BILLY: Nah Pops it's me Billy , jest a-comin' back t'whar it all started, reckonin' got some thinking t'do.

Pops looks up Billy from top to bottom. He notices his outfit, from his white snake skin boots, his brand new pleated black belts, belt with a huge gold buckle, along with his fancy blue silk shirt, hair filled with gel and sunglasses.

POPS: Yo' blind o' sumpin th' look of yer outfit I'd say yer. Looks like th' trimenjus city changed yo' a bit.

Billy takes off his glasses and moves closer to pops, he doesn't like to be insulted or judge.

Billy: Yo' soun' jest like Billy Pops. Af'er all them years of bein' pore we finally git some money an' ah git me some fancy thin's an' all ah git is slack fo' it fum ev'ryone aroun' hyar. ah's th' same guy jest a better vahshun.

Pops: Whut in tarnation all them fancy thin's git yo'? Yo' an' yer brother be fightin' etchother when yo' sh'd be fightin' varmints in th' rin'.

It obvious to Billy that Pops has seen Leroy earlier today, as he knows about there feud. Billy doesn't want to admit it but he misses his brother and came here tonight hoping to see him.

Billy: Yo' see Leroy today Pops?

Pops: I've done see him today, he was in her tryin' t'avoid yo' an' ah told him th' same thin' ah's about t'tell yo'. Both of yall need t'stop bein' nuckle haids an' jest git back togither. Yo' 2 is a team an' a fine one at thet, yall aint lop to be wrestlers wifout etchother.

Billy takes a second to let what Pops said sink in. He thinks back to when him and Leroy first started wrestling at the VFW as singles, Billy had a little bit of success, but along with Leroy lost most of his matches. It wasn't untill Pops suggested that they fight as a tag team that they really took off. They were best friends and brothers and it showed in the ring, they worked well together almost nowing what the other was going to do next. Billy thinks back to all the teams they beat, and back to the time that they wrestled in front of a full house here at the VFW and tore the place down winning there match and impressing the ACW scout. Billy wanted to go back to those days, back when wrestling was fun, when it wasn't all about the money. But it might be to much damage to repair and Billy and Leroy might be to stuborn to admit they where wrong. Bill was at a crossroads at was either move on to something else or get back on the saddle and keep on trying for greatness with his brother.

Pops: Hey thar knuckle haid yo' drunk o' sumpin.

Pops waves his hand in front of Billy's face has he has a glazzed looked over his face as he was just lost in thought.

Billy: Nah Pops ah's fine I've reckonin' jest got some thinkin t'do.

Pops: Wal eff'n yo' a-gonna does it hyar, yall need t'by a ticket th' showsabout t'start an' ah doesn't give no freebies.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2010
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Leroy Bradley sits in the lockeroom of the Mayfield Community center in Yonkers. He arrived a few hours before the shows, but still the majority of the roster is there getting ready for the show for the evening. Leroy is in his full ring gear, black combat boots, cut off blue jean shorts, and a red flannel with the sleeves cut off. He hasn't talked to his brother since there fight and he doesn't even know if he will be there tonight. Regardless though he's here tonight to fight and that's what he plans to do, even if he has to do it alone. The room starts to clear out a bit, to the point that Leroy is the only one left, he leans back in his chair just as the door opens and to his surprise his brother Billy, walks in.

It looks like he came ready to fight. Just like Leroy he's already dressed in his ring gear, wearing combat boots, black shorts and a black and white flannel. The brothers don't make eye contact, kind of a battle of the wits to see who if anyone is going to make the first move. Still silence as Billy sits down on the bench on the far side of the lockeroom as far away from Leroy as possible, Leroy looks up trying to make eye contact, but all he see's is his brother back. Not a word has been said but the tension in the room is high, and both men hope for someone, anyone to walk in the room to break it. A few minutes pass, and Leroy can't take it anymore, he get's up and makes his way to the door, to leave the room...but is stopped before he can make it out by his brother Billy, who reaches out and grabs his arm and meets him eye to eye. Leroy looks back not saying anything, both men just stare directly at eachother, no words where needed, they've been together almost everyday of there lives for the past 30 days and there's a deep emotional connection between the 2.

Billy let's go of his brother's arm and stands right in front of him face to face, he extends his hand to his brother, which causes Leroy to back up a few steps. Seems that Billy is trying to make peace, and Leroy is conflicted on if he should just put everything behind them and move forward. Leroy moves back towards Billy and slaps his hand away, the brothers are now chest to chest, as a look of disappointment is on Billy's face, as it seems like his subtle apology wasn't expected. Billy attempts to make some distance between him and his brother, but before he can Leroy pulls him in by wrapping his arms around him and embracing him in a hug. Billy disappointment quickly turns to happiness as the 2 men embrace. They can't see it but both men have huge smiles on there faces. The hug last for a bit longer than normal with both men, taking the manly approach with a rough hug filled with hard back puts. Billy breaks off first and steps back and grabs Leroy by the back of the head and mumbling something to his brother, in return Leroy gives a head nod and mouths something back to Billy. Both men now shake hands, followed by a double handed high five as they leave the room together and make there way to the ring.


Mar 18, 2012
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Despite the loss on Adrenaline, Robbie Starr is still in good spirits. He and Ray Price sent a message to RipperCussions by taking out both of the Bradleys, in a attack after the fatal four way match-up. Robbie is sitting in the trainers room holding a bag of ice up to his head after that high knee from Jack Ripper, Ray Price then storms into the room almost knocking the door off its hinges. He throws a t-shirt at Robbie who looks at it with a slight look of confusion despite the fact that it's a Sesame Street shirt.

Robbie: What the hell is this?! Sesame Street, I'm not a five year old kid wishing Elmo was my best friend. For fuck sake, I'm the brother of one of the biggest movie stars this planet has ever seen and you think it's funny to give me a Sesame Street shirt. Trust me Ray, you're no Chris Rock and hardly a very good Alistair Overeem rip off.

Robbie throws the shirt back in the face of Ray while he continues to hold the ice up to his head. Ray takes offence and swipes the ice out of Robbie's hand.

Ray: Are you freaking kidding me?! You love Sesame Street but now you're acting like that knee from Jack Ripper has magically turned you from Peter Pan to a man. Stop kidding yourself and get back to reality, that shit only happens in the movies so stop trying to pull this stunt, NOW! Stevie is the actor in your family, lets keep it that way.

Robbie: I don't get you Ray, I have never liked Sesame Street and you're acting like I have been a child since I first stepped into a wrestling ring. Children don't wrestle and children sure as hell don't become one half of a team that become Tag Champs. So get you steroid fill head out of your ass and back into what this sport actually means. Beating people within a inch of their worthless lives they have and yes, I might have lost but we sent everyone a message by taking out the Bradleys.

Ray then grabs Robbie's mouth with one hand and shoves him into the wall.

Ray: Listen here Robbie, you lost and I couldn't care less if we sent a message with that attack. You still lost, wrestling isn't about sending messages it's about winning and if you don't believe me, I'm pretty sure Stevie can call Charlie Sheen and prove it. So put that shirt on and start watching the Bradleys matches so you're ready for them next week. I sure as hell don't want another repeat of what happened tonight, the sooner you stop kidding yourself about not liking Sesame Street the better.

Robbie then pushes Ray off of him, standing up for himself Robbie doesn't let Ray push him about.

Robbie: I don't were you got this Sesame Street bull crap from but I'm not David Spade, I'm not a short ass you can push about whenever you want. Last time I checked we where both six foot five and you're only thirteen pounds heavier than me. I don't know if that thirteen pounds is muscle or because of that massive head of yours. If you want to push people about, go back to be a bodyguard and let the real men wrestle, the men who don't use performance enhancement drugs.

Ray is taken over by a white rage and takes a swing at Robbie who luckily ducks out of the way. Angry at not knocking Robbie's head off, Ray flips over the the trainers treatment table.

Robbie: It looks like I have struck a nerve and you missed, my head is here not over there. It seems like the time bomb has finally gone off in that head of yours, that's what this team needs. It needs a pissed off Ray Price, you're a Mixed Martial Artist and you could destroy anyone if you stay in this mind set forever. We would walk through the competition this company has to offer and that includes RipperCussions. But don't go as hard on Jack Ripper, we don't want that gay rights on our back.

Robbie then pats Ray on the shoulder but is quickly shrugged off, Robbie then picks up the Sesame Street and puts it on much to the annoyance of Ray.

Robbie: Oh yeah, I was joking about not liking Sesame Street it was all an act to get you fired up like this, up top.

Robbie puts his hand up for a high five but Ray storms out slamming the door on his way, then a thud can be heard.

Robbie: I'm going to need that ice again.


Mar 18, 2012
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One week after Robbie Starr was pinned by Jack Ripper in a fatal four way, he and Ray Price are set to face the Bradleys in a tag team match. After the four way last week, Robbie and Ray took out their frustration on the Bradleys and won't be looking to take it easy on them tonight. Also last week, Robbie managed to get Ray into a unstoppable rage which Ray doesn't seem to have snapped out of. As they prepared to be interviewed by Christopher Martello, Ray is punching the air as Robbie seems to be daydreaming. The daydreaming is stopped when the cameraman starts to countdown.

Cameraman: Three.. two.. one and we are on air!

Christopher: Ladies and gentlemen, my guests at this time are Ray Price and Robbie Starr. Better known as Starrdom Nation. Robbie can you please explain why you attacked the Bradleys last week?

Robbie: Well at school we all get told not to let bullies get away with it, you seen that one of them rednecks went to hit me. Ray was acting as my self defence and by taking the other guy out, we stopped him from trying to do the same thing. We won't let anyone push us around here, we are the team that takes no shit from anyone. Not only that we have Hollywood backing us up, no other team can say that.

Christopher looks at Ray, who is still punching the air, but Robbie shakes his head indicating him not to ask him anything.

Robbie: Ray isn't up for getting interviewed as for me, I'm still waiting for my invitation to be on Sesame Street and if that wasn't dropping a hint, I don't what is.

Robbie then signals for the makers of Sesame Street to call him.

Christopher: Do you not think being on Sesame Street would distract you?

Robbie: Of course not, I have a wrecking machine standing right next to me. No one in their right mind would want to get in his way, hell I could even sit out of this tag match and let Ray destroy them both by himself but we are a team and we will win together. Trust me when I say this, I will not let anyone stop the train that is Ray from speeding down the tracks of destruction. As a vivid fan of Sesame Street and the Muppets, I shouldn't be like this but Elmo or Kermit can't stop me. That is unless this company becomes more about entertainment than wrestling, which quite frankly is beyond stupidity.

Christopher: So you're saying that entertainment doesn't belong in wrestling?

Robbie: Well you have to have some entertainment but my brother is all the entertainment this company needs. We don't need so called celebrities showing up every week to run the show, this company is what wrestling should be like. Of course we have also got Morgan Freeman to guest in our entrance music, just proves that Hollywood knows who to back.

Robbie smiles in a gloating manner and he has a bit of right to.

Christopher: How did you get Morgan Freeman to agree to it?

Robbie: Where you not listening to me? With Stevie as my brother and having him here as well, we could get anything we wanted. Hell we could probably bring Elvis back from the dead and get Weezer a place in Beverly Hills like they have always wanted.

Christopher: Ray could I have a word?

Ray suddenly turns around, making Christopher jump and without warning Ray pins him up against the wall.

Ray: Listen here, I don't answer to anyone. All I'm here to do is to fight and when I fight, I leave carnage. To quote Morgan Freeman, as the mask of deception falls off the face of humanity, unveiling the grim reality of duality in which everyone is a casualty, no one will be exempt. EveryONE is a casualty.

Ray then shoves Christopher to the floor and walks away as the match is about to start.

Robbie: I always knew the Hulk was real, just a shame he isn't green.