Kross Rhodes
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  • we have 3 brooks in pwf. what should we do? a family storyline where they find out their all related and some great grandfather dies and leaves them to share all his wealth? lmao
    WOO HOO! Thanks a lot, Bro Pesci.

    Now how do I do that exactly so I know for next time? Sorry if that's a fairly n00b question.
    Alright, so I finished watching Lockdown again. I thought it was a little bit better than the first time I saw it but I still thought it was missing something. I don't know what it was, but it was a bit mediocre. Probably my least favorite Lockdown PPV.

    Sacrifice was 10x better, though :lol:
    Yeah, I can see why you'd be pissed. What a shit decision. Oh well.

    I'm gonna DL it now, actually. I wanna see what you were watching :lol:
    I totally agree.

    And TBF, I should rewatch LD as well to see why I thought it was so bad (I actually think it was the crowd that helped my hate) but Garret winning the opening match really turned me off of the show, I think.
    Did you think Lockdown was better than Extreme Rules, though?

    I'm asking here because I don't wanna raid the LD with stuff about WWE.
    I have a question. I have 2 rps I can do. Can I post them back to back or do I have to wait until Madison posts one? I know some feds don't like the same person's rps going one right after another. How many characters have yet to rp? I was trying to keep track, but a lot of people have rped.
    No love for my WCW Tournament dawg? C'mon... Scott Hall is actually tied for first place in nominations! Nash too!!
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