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  • I realize this, and I'm trying to think of a superstar to be. I wouldn't mind being Raven but I remembered he's the guy, EOR is big on. Hmmm
    Not a problem buddy. I get off work at 4 and I plan on being on the computer for most of the night. Really need to discuss some things with you so if we can do that tonight that'd be great. And I know you weren't ignoring me buddy that isn't a problem. Skype me when you can. Thanks.
    It's cool, I won't be on tonight as I'm out with my best mate but tomorrow if you wanted to run through some stuff and finally clean a lot up, I'll be happy to.
    You can't imagine how big of a smile I had when I read that man. It's something I can work with while I sort out this problem I'm having. I really appreciate the kind words.
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