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  • Hey buddy. If you ever wanna do an interview for your podcast, my skype is CWChosenOne
    Okay, your turn buddy. ;) After you're finished, I guess you can send it to EoR, 'cause there's no time in continue writing it ...
    Dude for sure, I was actually going to ask you if I could be on it soon lol
    I'm up for that tbh, I'm just now hearing the first episode and from that it seems interesting so I'm all for that if you want me on.
    Yo chase, add me on skype teh_wazzock :D!

    Also, I'll convince Michael (SBS) to a podcast with ya, 'cause it'll be awesome do a UWF Staff special ;D!
    I might start doing the same actually. I used to enjoy chatting with everyone over MSN.
    My username is "churchybrah.".
    I don't think it's enough time, when I would TT, you and BDC have no chance to get yours up, I guess.
    Yo Chase, when you TT for GAB (cause things aren't changing), use Lubs already done thread and continue on from there on in :D!
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