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  • How was my first Angle TT in a title match o_O?

    I feel bad I can't do mega lengths, been told people used to do silly size "bombs", stuff which was above two thousand words D=. Reading through your reminiscencing with Killz, the good old days sound crazy... I wonder if I can whoop SBS's ass and bring some of that excitement to this place.
    I really like it, it's tasty but your Batista is angry, greedy and an overall asshole; tunnel vision ideals about himself and everyone else is second fiddle, for someone I feel Batista would be abit more sweary/ raw but that's my only 'criticism' of your Batista, just feels like it needs a bit more rawness with the words but you got the whole concept of Batista's heel promos down. I'll have a much better idea by the end of the session.
    Maybe we just look at it through rose-tinted glasses and won't be totally satisfied until V and Justin come back to run shows haha FNME and WZ days were genuinely the sickest times. Innovative matches, cool drafts, interpromotional stuff, it all clicked. Those TT lenghts in our thread are fine for weekly matches. Between 500 and 1k total inc. entrance and no more required imo. Haha yeah right? It was face to face with Aries and AA could barely believe what he'd done. Still think that was Kendrick half assing it though and its not reflective of his actual ability
    Yeah I think the 'time' was different in a way. Because there's a sort of bloodline that runs from ETW all the way to know i.e. there's still familiar faces I sort of consider this time like modern day WWE where a lot of stuff is just coasting and more about the drama within the feds than ETW/UCW days where it was more like the monday night wars where feds (and even brands within feds) were really going tooth and nail to be the best. It made the shows better and the characters mean more which is crazy considering how short some of the matches and TT's were! Tells the whole story. Thing that always sticks out with kendrick is him calling the x-div title meaningless when he was champ cause it was a "possession" haha way to bury the title..
    Yeah ETW will always be the holy grail for me even though UCW was 'bigger' and UWF is giving it a hell of a go. Haha you weren't the only one who couldn't beat, or get a match with, Vita :p I think what I loved about those days were the way hbkfan and Vita used their characters in the story and really gave people the rub (even in losses). It all seemed so perfect at the time. Face Batista is totally 1 dimensional. if anyone could do it well it's a vet like yourself but I'drather see you have a hell of a long run with this heel character. wish TNA had given Kendrick that same kind of gimmick and didnt do his ridiculous hippy gimmick. Still works a hell of a match wherever though.
    Ah no way bro! But maybe I remember it fondly and differently just because it was ETW, my spiritual home haha. Your Batista is a pretty spot-on going for that last heel run formula of what he deserves/where he should be/who he cares about kind of thing. It's totally working. I love Kendrick myself, wish his THE gimmick hadn't been cut short in WWE but it was his own fault I guess. His TNA work, even though short, was good and I don't even think he was going near 100% there haha. Working on a response now, we'll see what I can come up with
    Haha no way man, I was the one who was the third wheel in the match! Both story wise and quality wise if I recall. Still, I miss those days of a few guys getting together and going all out. I've let people down by not showing up to the big dance in this fed so if i get the chance again I'd love to fall into that groove. I figure we'll get there, just need a few matches to get into the swing of things. Pretty good starts I think, loved your promo on SD and that TT bro.
    It sure did and we had a nice little go of it then but we always show a bit more promise than we deliver. Don't think we've really delivered A-game material since Steiner/Orton/Dinero(Burke?) for the title in ETW maybe? I'd fear for tag division we were in man, we'd be all over it. Let's hope it's not too long till we get that chance. That or just fighting over the world title, either/or ;)
    It's been a looooooooooooooooong time. Wouldn't want to get it done with anyone else brother.
    Yeah, your Batista was great, I enjoyed it and Grimlock said when you want to be, you can be the best TTer in the fed. It was his recommendation that you and Dresden go at it at Pay-Per-View for the next shot at the title :D.
    I'm good bro, things are calming down on my end right now. Trying to keep it that way
    Well you are welcome back anytime, and I know how you feel. I never want to trash talk again to be honest.
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