Matt Hardy Craze Over??

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Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
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New Jersey
Well After months of many people calling Matt a future world champ and the best on the roster..all of this talk has seemingly died down...Idk if it is because he isnt having 5***** matches every week or because he hasnt been on TV as much but I dont think that we should give up on Matt just yet....thoughts


Well, the fact that his SS match got canceled and he had a "boxing" match on TV, isnt really helping him. When he was kinda in the middle of nowhere come that battle royal for the WHC, I thought that would be a perfect time for him to win it. Now we will just have to wait and see, b/c who knows......

Nancy Di Loreto

Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
The craze isn't over. We were all just saying he deserved a Title Shot, and now he's feuding against the US Champ, everyone's kinda over the whole campaign for Hardy. And the Boxing and everything hasn't helped either...

The Rated R CMStar

I think that the talk of Hardy being champ came as Edge was the champion and a feud with him was always there, and Hardy putting quality matches just made it possible.

But Edge injures and Matt, in my view, can't wrestle either Batista or Khali(I know both matches would probably suck and have no sense), and he is having the top SD feud with MVP, as obviously it is more interesting than Batista/Khali.

In my view Hardy is stuck in SD midcard(as midcard is really weak and taking Hardy away can only make it more weak). The only way I see Hardy coming close to the title is becoming Money in the Bank.


Aug 4, 2007
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Richmond VA
it will never be over becuase preteen little girls are going to pop for him and the guys like him to, so he is set for life...


I dont think it that anyone gae up on him or doesnt like him anymore.A mionth ago this feud was great,his matches were great and he was getting a mad push.
We all got excited and all the excitement came out and we were makingg Hardy threads left and right and the sb everywhere were filled up with Hardy shot.Everyone was happy.
But now his push has slowed down abit because of MVP's heart thing but it will start u again for sure.I gurantee it.
I think he still will be a worl champ but just watch,once the push and ,matches start back up you will see the excitement again...

The Rated R CMStar

The midcard of SD is not bad, but is not a solid one. Chavo is a good heel, but is just booked in Eddie related storylines or being the CW useless champion.

MVP is kindda in the upper midcard right now as a feud with anyone in the midcard not named Matt Hardy would be a failure.

Kane and Mark Henry are build for a while only to be feeded to the real main eventers.

Finlay, Flair and Hardy are the only ones credible, and you can't call that solid. This is for the moment, because if they continue their work with Kane he is going to be back being credible, giving Chavo a feud with someone not named Mysterio would also make him grow. And in a while we might include Masters, Dykstra and Yang, along with all the CW division


When Edge or somebody smaller than Khali and Batista become champion, then the talk of Hardy becoming champion again will come alive. It would make no logical sense if Hardy beats somebody as big as Batista, it'll just ruin Batista's career. And he is in the second feud in SD right now, so it's not all that bad.

the dark knight

matt hardy thread #132943

he's not ready yet.
he's not that damn good.
he kinda lacks charisma atm.
his mic skills are faked.
a lot of the fans like him.
SD are so freaking short on superstars now.

he might feud with edge or kane later for the title...(not 1 on 1).
Jul 4, 2007
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I personally never wanted to see Hardy as a WHC. I can understand making him the U.S Champion but not the WHC. Well.. at least not just yet.

Hardy and MVP have something good going on and I enjoy their matches. Therefore, I would like to see Hardy kept in the U.S title picture and not move him up to the WHC yet.

Fatal 55

May 28, 2007
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Well... i haven't really voiced my opinions on the direction he's going so i will now...

IMO he should cary on this feud with MVP, it's actually very enjoyable & with the adding of Deuce & Domino in to the equation i could still see it running for the better part of the year. Once he finnaly does get the US Title then have him defend it against other credible Mid Carders/Sub Main Event.

The best way i could see him rising to The Main Event is like somebody said "Money In The Bank"... Just have him hold that for the whole year & don't have him win the title too soon. My probable dream match would be to have him defeat Edge for the title with the "MITB" contract at Mania 25 but we'll see how that goes!

It has worked in the past... Look at Edge they slowly built him up over the years & years, & finnaly when he did win the world title he didn't flop... Examples of giving the title to somebody too early is Randy Orton!... look what happened to him, it's tooken him 3 years just to get back in to the legitimate title picture & all because he got pushed too soon.

So to all you haters of Hardy, you have to realise he's getting his just deserved push due to his workrate & commitment...

& then to all you idiots who think he's a legitimate champion at the moment. Yes sure i don't like Khali as champ but putting the belt on Matt at this point in time would've been ludicrous, he would've flopped unfortunately i have to say. What they SHOULD do is build him up as a legitimate World Title contender over 2008 whilst having a few high profile feuds & hopefully holding the MITB! & then the earliest he should be considered to be champion is early 2009.

& Just before i finish, to those who think he can't be a champion because he has no "Charisma"!!! Excuse me if i'm wrong but he's allready just as over as Batista & also has better charisma & Mic skills than him! & If the E continue to let him have great matches, give him steady feuds against higher & higher classes opponents & give him a chance to improve on his Mic skills & Charisma... Just think how much better he could be in 2009! Think how special it could be when he finnaly wins it & the greatest stage of them all!

It's always a much better moment when somebody wins it after a long time of waiting! & It's highly anticipated! Tell me what would people remember more... Austin & Michaels winning the title for the first time or Triple H & Orton!... Exactly! That's why i think they should do the same to Hardy... just tease us along the line so when it finnaly comes it'll be really special!

Anyweis, i'm out! Please don't try to argue against the points i made about him not being champion ATM becuase that's the truth!


Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
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New Jersey
No one get me wrong here...I never said that he should be world champ ATM....Ive always said he should continue his fued with MVP,win the belt and let MVP go to ME....then win MITB and slowly get built up and eventually win the gold....I just said all of the hype he once had has died down


He is solid in the ring and certainly better than his brother. But i'm not sure anyone called him the best.

Its really 50/50 as to whether he will get a title run. I won't be surprised if he does and I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't. If he does, it will likely be as a transitional champ or to get someone else over.

He is over with the fans, no doubt. But he isn't as over as some of the other faces on the roster. He can thank Edge for basically being as over as he is.